Sorry for the delay. My notes for the routes through 50 are below, but first some general questions.
How accurate should we be at placing the waypoints exactly on an intersection? Many of these are slightly off (meaning over one road but not the other) or further away (not over pavement at all) according to both Google satellite data and OSM. I began compiling lists of these for each route I looked at, but after a while lost interest since there were so many.
How important are implied concurrencies? A few routes (CO7, CO17, CO52) seem to stop and restart after joining another route, per GMSV signage.
Routes should always be plotted west-to-east and south-to-north, correct? CDOT plots some in different directions, and some of the Colorado routes follow CDOT's plot rather than TM convention. Please let me know if there are exceptions to this (besides obvious judgment calls such as diagonal routes).
CDOT source I used: CR58 -> CR58_E, US287 -> US287/14
CO2: SmiRd doesn't intersect CO2. 40thAve is the closest intersection to this point, but is it necessary? It's less than half a mile from I-70.
CO5: reverse order
CO7: Does it actually follow US36, or does it exist as 2 separate routes? There's an end sign at Lyons.
GobCasRd -> PreDr
Bus7_W (&E) -> CO7Bus_W (&E)?
SprDr appears to be a private driveway. Is this point needed?
CO7Bus (Allenspark) is signed and listed in CDOT's inventory
CO8: BearCreRd -> BearCreBlvd
CO9: It's unclear why some waypoints are county road numbers and others are county road names, even for numbered routes.
DepSt -> 7thSt or RaiAve (point is not on any intersection so it's hard to tell which road it refers to, but Depot St does not intersect CO9)
SheTraRd -> GatDr
DotRd -> WhiPinLn & move slightly
TosRd does not intersect CO9
CurCrePass isn't at an intersection or at the pass summit, which apparently is unheralded on CO9.
ElkMouRd appears to be a private driveway.
CO10: PitLineRd -> PipRd
CO12: BasOsoRd -> BosOsoRd
What does StoGap represent?
CR11 does not intersect CO12 at CR11_E
FR415 -> CR46
AspAve -> AspRd & move to intersection
EchoCanRd -> EchoCynRd (or is "Cyn" not recognized as a standard abbreviation here?)
CO13: CDOT says the S end is at 7th St/Airport Rd
N end should be on road
CoalMineRd does not intersect CO13 (bridge)
CR20 is probably CR185
CO14: StoParRd -> StoPraRd or CR27; other named roads could be CR's as well
CR54 -> CR54G_W
Add point at CR54G_E (east end of former business loop through Laporte)
CR55 -> CR65
CO15: reverse order
CR8 -> CR8S
CR6 -> CR12S
CO17: Appears to be 2 separate routes; not signed along US285 or US160
CR-D5 -> CRD.5
CR-F -> CRF (or is the "-" necessary for CR's that begin with a letter?)
RusSt -> CRT
Move S end to state line
CO21: reverse order
CO23: MilAve -> MalAve & move slightly
CO30: 6th/HavSt -> 6thAve_W?
CO35: 53rdPla -> 53rdPl
CO39: S end seems to be CO52 (which ends there rather than continuing on to I-76)
CO40: CDOT agrees with you that CO40 and CO40Bye are separate routes, but GMSV shows signage uniting the two
CO40Aga: CDOT agrees with your route, but GMSV shows signage north to I-70 exit 336
CO44: reverse order
CO45: CDOT shows the N end at Bahama Dr/Capri Cir and the S end at Greenhorn Dr
22ndSt does not intersect CO45, but 24thSt isn't far away
CO46: the E end should be on the county line
CR57 -> CraGulRd? I couldn't find any reference to CR57 besides OSM. The Gilpin County GIS doesn't show county road numbers.
CO47: US50 -> US50_E
WilWhiBlvd -> PeteJimPkwy
I'll review the rest as time permits over the next 2 weeks.