I just got back home from my two-and-a-half month long mega-cross-country road trip. I decided to spend this weekend on the Jersey Shore for some beach time with friends before completing the trip home, because I didn't want my only "beach experience" for this summer to be a bear killing a deer on a cold gravel beach, less than a hundred yards from the lodge where I was staying. I had no trouble improving on that, this weekend.
My road trip covered almost 25,000 miles, in most states and three Mexican estados. Including previous trips, the only states I haven't been to this year are Colorado, Kansas, Minnesota, Michigan, Vermont, and Florida. All those miles included, in addition to the "interesting" El Paso breakdown I mentioned upthread, one of my wheels separating from its hub on I-80 near Sacramento after most of the lug nuts worked loose, and a bad fuel pump that stranded me in Bozeman, Montana (believe me, it really sucks to limp along at 35mph on an Interstate with an 80mph speed limit, due to poor fuel flow into my engine).
I spent a lot of time finishing off US routes. In addition to the ones I previously mentioned, I finished off US 12 (including the new Baraboo Bypass in Wisconsin, and a minor route tweak in Illinois), US 20, US 26, US 30, and US 310.
Now that I'm back home, I'll have a day scrambling to do a lot of grocery shopping and other chores, ahead of eye surgery Tuesday morning to be followed by several weeks of recovery and reduced (but non-zero) work on TM. That will give me time to decide to do with the old breakdown-prone and high-mileage (over 180K miles) pickup truck I drove on my summer road trip.