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Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
« Reply #840 on: November 29, 2022, 08:41:28 am »
There was also construction further west that had MD 193 four-lane undivided over a bridge.  I think this was east of MD 212.

Probably related to the Purple Line, which will run along University/193 from Piney Branch Rd (MD 320) to Campus Dr.

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Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
« Reply #841 on: December 02, 2022, 01:45:35 pm »
Added just over 100 miles of AL State Highways this week on a quick day trip to Auburn.

New mileage:
AL22 between I-65 and US280
AL14 added the connection between AL147 and AL14 in west Auburn
AL49 from US280 to the AL22/49 split north of New Site
Another AL22 segment from the AL22/49 split north of New Site back to US280
AL115 clinch
AL9 from the southern end of AL115 to US280

This made some substantial progress for me in East Central Alabama (south of I-20, east of I-65, north of I-85).
Leaves about 70 miles north of US280 and about 75 miles south of US280.
This also put me within about 50 miles of the halfway point for Alabama State Highway mileage overall.

Offline Markkos1992

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Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
« Reply #842 on: December 11, 2022, 07:42:06 pm »
I did a trip yesterday mainly to go see the new Exit 163 on I-80.  Before that portion of the trip though, I went to I-86 and back basically.

I started by taking US 22/US 322 WB to US 11/US 15 NB.  Then it was PA 147 NB to I-180 WB to US 220 NB (to finish clinching US 220 in PA).  After a quick loop to clinch PA 199 (one of those roads that you can tell which parts have been recently improved and which have not), I took I-86 WB to NY 427 WB (with a quick clinch of NY 367) to PA/NY 328 WB.  I did head north to US 15 via PA 287 NB and PA 49 WB before doing a full clinch of PA 287 SB down to US 220 near Jersey Shore.

From there, it was lunch at Sheetz before checking out the new I-80 Exit 163.  After looping back and forth to see that, I took PA 150 SB through Bellefonte to see where the wall had recently collapsed.  Then it was PA 26 SB into State College, but I bypassed downtown via University Blvd and Whitehall Rd.  Once I got back to PA 26 on the southeast side of town, I took PA 26 SB to see the new signal at the recently improved intersection at the north end of the PA 45 concurrency.  From there it was just PA 45 EB to US 322 BUS (State College) EB to US 322 EB back to Harrisburg.

Besides clinching US 220 in PA (which gives me a full clinch of US 220 north of VA 419 in Roanoke, VA), I also finally clinched Bradford County, PA, which was the final county I need to clinch in PA.

Clinched: US 220 (PA), PA 199, NY 427, NY 367, PA/NY 328, PA 287
New Mileage: PA 87, *I-86 (NY), *NY 17, **NY 34, NY 14, PA 49, US 6 (PA), PA 660, PA 414

*Includes portion in PA maintained by NYSDOT
**Counting because of 1PPI with the PA/NY border craziness there

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Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
« Reply #843 on: December 27, 2022, 01:17:17 pm »
With no new travels expected before the year is out, I was looking at my jt2022 stats to see how things went for the year.  I traveled on a little over 10,000 miles of TM-clinchable routes in 25 states plus DC.  No international travel this year.

Overall, a few trips to central NY and two into PA gave me the chance to pick up some coverage relatively close to home.  The big gains on the year were on the summer Yellowstone trip.  I added over 4000 miles to my active+preview total.

Significant gains by system:

usai: almost 1000 new miles, 5 new clinches (I-80, I-25, I-270 OH, I-135 KS, I-235 KS), but I lost my southern I-35 clinch
usaus: about 1200 new miles, but no first-ever travels on any route or new complete clinches
usany: about 850 new miles, first travels on 28 routes, 15 new clinches
usapa: almost 200 new miles, first travels on 15 routes, 5 new clinches

By region:

NY: over 900 new miles
PA: about 275 new miles
NE: almost 350 new miles
WY: about 600 new miles
ID: about 325 new miles
KS: over 200 new miles

Offline Markkos1992

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Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
« Reply #844 on: December 27, 2022, 02:12:57 pm »
Tuesday, December 20th, was the Smithfield's Chicken-N-BBQ with my mom.  I need to be mindful of her freaking out at me night driving moving forward.   ;D

Anyway, the main focus of this trip was taking US 460 EB to Suffolk and then VA/NC 32 SB to Washington, NC, (going all the way east to Belhaven to get that dreaded section of US 264 I missed back in April), then it was NC 33 to Greenville before looping around to clinch US 264 ALT and NC 11 BYP.  Then it was generally rerouted US 264 WB (I clinched I-587 back in April when it was not signed yet) to US 264 ALT WB in Wilson (where we finally stopped at the restaurant) before continuing on US 264 ALT WB to NC 39.  From there, it was old US 264 (which may be rerouted to end in Zebulon when all is said and done) to NC 97 WB to NC 96 NB to US 401 NB (both directions are on their final alignments in one lane each direction right now) to NC 56 EB (because I confused NC 581 and NC 561) to NC 58 NB to NC 561 EB to NC/VA 35 NB back into VA.  Once in Courtland, it was SR 616 EB to US 460 WB in Ivor and went back to my parents' house from there.

Clinched: NC/VA 32, US 17 BUS (Edenton, NC), US 264 (NC), NC 306 (Bayview), NC 92, US 264 ALT (Greenville, NC), NC 11 BYP (Greenville), US 258 BUS (Farmville, NC), NC 581 TRUCK (Bailey), NC/VA 35
New Mileage: NC 37, NC 94, US 17 (NC), US 64 (NC), NC 45, NC 99, US 17 BUS (Washington, NC), NC 33, NC 43, US 13 (NC), NC 11, US 258 (NC), NC 121, NC 91, NC 58, NC 581, NC 561, NC 305

The main accomplishment here beyond finally clinching US 264 was that I believe that clinching VA 32 and VA 35 gives me all TM mileage in VA east of I-95.  Once I finally update my list file, you can clarify via the map.   ;)

I was off of work for the Christmas holiday yesterday so I did more work in WV, but the roads (especially higher elevations) were icier than expected.  All was fine at the end of the day other than the TPMS light on my parents' Toyota being more annoying than my Honda that I am begging to drive again.

The main accomplishments yesterday were clinching US 250 in VA, fully clinching WV 28, and clinching my leftover signed western MD routes of MD 38 and MD 956.

Clinched:  VA 6, VA 6Y (may be unsigned...), US 250 (VA), WV 28, WV 66, WV/VA 84, WV 42, MD 38, MD/WV 956
New Mileage:  VA 20, VA 151, US 250 (WV), WV 39, WV 55
« Last Edit: January 17, 2023, 02:27:01 pm by Markkos1992 »

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Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
« Reply #845 on: December 28, 2022, 03:44:38 am »
I drove to my sister's place near Chambersburg in south-central Pennsylvania, for Christmas Eve, returning home on Christmas day. While I was at it, I clinched many of the Pennsylvania state routes in the I-81 corridor south of the Pennsylvania Turnpike.

My new route clinches included PA 16, PA 163, PA 233, PA 433, PA 533, PA 643, PA 696, PA 914, and PA 997. I also traveled new segments of PA 174, PA 274, PA 641, and PA 850.

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Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
« Reply #846 on: December 29, 2022, 01:13:23 am »
I spent the day finishing off several small pieces of US Highways in AL (and spilled over into MS in the process).

Added a small piece of AL14 from I-20/59 to US11 in Eutaw.
Clinched US11 in AL by getting the section from Eutaw to the MS line and continued to I-20/59 back North to AL Exit 1 and back to US80.
Clinched US80 in AL by getting the section from there to US43 in Demopolis.
Added about half of the 111 miles I was missing on US43 in AL getting the section from Demopolis to Grove Hill.
Added the biggest of the 4 remaining sections on US84 in AL getting the section from Grove Hill to the MS line and continuing on to Waynesboro.
Added about 50 miles on US45 in MS from Waynesboro to I-20/59.
Continued North on US45 and US45Alt in MS until I reached Clay County, MS - previously the closest county to home I hadn't entered. Chickasaw County, MS now holds that honor.

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Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
« Reply #847 on: December 31, 2022, 03:00:06 am »
2022 was a good year in terms of TM mileage :) I got additional 11,394 miles*

My year end stats, total mileage active+preview systems:

Code: [Select]
End of 2013:   9,615 mi
End of 2014:  16,818 mi = + 7,203 mi
End of 2015:  19,169 mi = + 2,351 mi
End of 2016:  36,983 mi = +17,814 mi (~5,500mi deub system added)
End of 2017:  58,190 mi = +21,207 mi (~2,500mi deubyst, deubwl, deuhel, deunwl, deurpl, deusll systems added)
End of 2018:  70,811 mi = +12,621 mi (~400mi remaining deuxxl systems added)
End of 2019:  84,520 mi = +13,709 mi
End of 2020:  92,967 mi = + 8,447 mi
End of 2021: 101,111 mi = + 8,144 mi
End of 2022: 112,505 mi = +11,394 mi

*A not yet processed update for Poland's DK8 due to a S61 opening should (temporarily) steal some miles though - the future DW-number is still unknown.

2022 was also a very good year in terms of the "missing number challenge".

Missing numbers 0-999:
Code: [Select]
767 780 781 900 960 965 976 996
I think about a 2023 travel to Dijon for catching 3 or 4 of them.

Missing numbers 1000-1185 (end of the game for Europe, since there is no European 1186 route in TM right now):
Code: [Select]
1000 1018 1065 1067 1069 1094 1109 1139 1146 1166 1167 1169 1174 1176 1178
My 2022 travels to Thuringia removed a lot of numbers from the list :)
3 routes are in France (1000, 1018, 1109), the rest calls for a trip to England (London, Peterborough, Norwich).

Last but not least, my stats by country (Top 10):

Code: [Select]
1. DEU 44257.62 mi
2. FRA 12181.41 mi
3. ESP  5733.01 mi
4. ITA  5165.52 mi
5. GBR  4987.89 mi
6. SWE  4255.68 mi
7. POL  3391.17 mi
8. FIN  2732.99 mi
9. DNK  2606.70 mi
10. CHE  2394.03 mi

Germany got most in 2022 due to a lot of day trips and weekend trips. Poland(!), France and Switzerland of the Top10 also got mileage in 2022.
Turkey and Cyprus got first mileage - including first miles in Asia :)

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Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
« Reply #848 on: December 31, 2022, 02:14:24 pm »
With no new travels expected before the year is out, I was looking at my jt2022 stats to see how things went for the year.  I traveled on a little over 10,000 miles of TM-clinchable routes in 25 states plus DC.  No international travel this year.

Interesting! I was thinking about doing the same. How do you pull your stats for a single year? I have my .list file organized by date so I could copy everything from 2022 to a separate .list file and and submit that to be uploaded, but I wasn't sure if that was the easiest way to do it.

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Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
« Reply #849 on: December 31, 2022, 05:09:29 pm »
With no new travels expected before the year is out, I was looking at my jt2022 stats to see how things went for the year.  I traveled on a little over 10,000 miles of TM-clinchable routes in 25 states plus DC.  No international travel this year.

Interesting! I was thinking about doing the same. How do you pull your stats for a single year? I have my .list file organized by date so I could copy everything from 2022 to a separate .list file and and submit that to be uploaded, but I wasn't sure if that was the easiest way to do it.

I've been starting a new list each year, updating it as I travel all year.  I've now got jt2020, jt2021, and jt2022, soon to be joined by jt2023.

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Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
« Reply #850 on: January 02, 2023, 07:22:38 pm »
Despite missing out on a trip last week, I had a decent 2022, gaining a little over 20,750 miles (to a bit more than 325,000) and a net increase of 775 clinched routes (8,559).

Once Canada eased border crossings, I made its roads a priority for this year. Between April and December, I crossed the border on 7 different trips, finishing off the 400 routes and other Ontario expressways and increasing my TCH mileage by almost 50% (and Canadian mileage overall by over 3200 miles, or almost 40%). I also gained mileage in Manitoba (more than doubling it) and Saskatchewan for the first time in 14 years. I'm hoping to visit a few more provinces this year.

In the States, I added miles in 32 jurisdictions. Biggest gains were in Texas (+5,000 miles/244 clinched routes), South Dakota (over 1700 and 39), North Dakota (almost 1200 and 36), and Georgia (over 1000 and 46). A few trips to regions with lots of short routes padded my clinch totals, with Louisiana, Maryland, and Virginia each responsible for more than 50 new routes. By system, I added more routes in usausb (142) than in any other. Coincidentally, I'm also 142 routes away from clinching that set.

Over the past week, lots of radio stations have been playing "Best of 2022" countdowns, which got me thinking about the top highways I happened to drive on this year. These aren't all new clinches, or even roads that currently exist in TM, but of all the roads I was on this year, these are the most memorable.
  • AZ 82 west of AZ 90, which was not new, just a reminder that I like the parts of Arizona that look like Arizona, but I like the parts that don't look like Arizona even more
  • CO 82 over Independence Pass, which was thrilling at the end of May during a snowstorm
  • KS Wallace County Rd 3, mainly because of the way it tested my shocks/built up the anticipation for Mapkitten as I dragged her to Mount Sunflower
  • ON 17/TCH between Thunder Bay & Sault Ste Marie as fall colors were peaking
  • ON SH 587 which I clinched during a short, intense sunrise on a cloudy morning at the lake shore
  • SD 1804 (Charles Mix North segment), which has unexpectedly nice views of the Missouri River
  • TX 99, much of which was new to TM at the time I drove it from end to end
  • TX Park Road 1836, mainly because the number is cool (may as well add NM 6563 and TX Spur 1966 to the list for the same reason)
  • VA 252, just one of many scenic drives through the most attractive part of rural Virginia
  • VA 341, which, at 0.04 miles long, is the shortest new clinch of the year
Back to the best of 2022 music-wise, multiple stations I listen to included this song about what we do in their top 10.

Total 2022 new mileage: 20,751.24 mi. Besides the four states listed above with 1000+ mile increases, I also picked up almost 2900 miles in Ontario.
New interstates clinched: 2 (the two new ones in North Carolina)
Old interstates declinched: 1 (the extended I-780)
New US highways clinched: 22, for a new total of 200. 83, 84, 59, and 52 were the longest (all over 1900 miles) and the peculiar US67 (Brashear) was the shortest (less than 2 miles). My US Highway mileage is 100% in 41 states.

Stats for previous years:

2021: +31,159.46 mi / +1,458 clinches
2020: +14,604.58 mi / +1,681
2019: +15,887.33 mi / +778
2018: +21,284.12 mi / +653
2017: +19,547.92 mi / +582
2016: +17,101.26 mi / +514
2015: +28,363.75 mi / +553 (mostly due to new systems being added when CHM transitioned to TM)
2014: +13,046.83 mi / +380
2013: +14,214.20 mi / +412 (I joined CHM in 2012)
« Last Edit: January 02, 2024, 01:30:14 pm by mapcat »

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Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
« Reply #851 on: January 04, 2023, 10:02:40 pm »
A long weekend trip to Charleston over New Year's allowed the opportunity to get some additional miles (though not as many as I would have liked, due to time constraints).

The outbound route from Jacksonville FL was I-95, GA 251, GA 57, I-95, US 17, GA 119, GA 38 Conn (Hinesville), GA 196, US 17, I-95, GA 17, GA 21 Alt (Port Wentworth), GA 307, GA 25, SC 170, SC 46, US 17, I-95, SC 68, US 17 Alt (Summerville), SC 64, US 17, SC 174, SC 164, SC 162, US 17, and I-526. All routes listed gained at least some new mileage except US 17 (GA), I-95 (GA & SC), and I-526.

While in Charleston, I was able to finish US 52 and US 78 inside I-526 as well as a piece of SC 642. Other than a 1/4 mile piece of SC 700 (clinched on the way home) and a little of SC 61 (between SC 461 and I-526), I have all of the routes inside I-526.

On the return trip, I had even more time constraints, so limited my clinches to SC 700 (between US 17 and SC 171) and US 21 (between US 17 and Beaufort); the latter was to avoid the awful traffic on I-95 between ~Yemassee and the state line, though an accident on SC 46 near Pritchardville slowed us down a bit.

I also finally took credit for an October trip to a wedding in Missouri, getting a small part of I-44 Bus (Pacific).

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Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
« Reply #852 on: January 11, 2023, 04:57:00 pm »
On Saturday, I did a trip focusing on Berwick and Hazleton to work on clinching PA 339 for the lowest route clinched game.  I also determined that PA 93 is my new favorite route to drive in PA.

On the way back, I stopped in Lehighton to check out the new PA 902 Bridge, and then I did a drive on US 222 to check out the construction at PA 863 and the completed widening at PA 73.

Snow was a minor inconvenience throughout the trip even though I thought it was not in the forecast at all.

Clinched: PA 487, PA 239, PA 93, PA 339
New Mileage: PA 118, PA 87

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Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
« Reply #853 on: January 15, 2023, 02:42:23 am »
I only recently registered here (hello!)... but just because my list file hadn't been updated for seven years doesn't mean I didn't do any traveling! Depending on the trip, my routing approach is not necessarily centered around clinching, but at the very least, new mileage is on my mind when on the road. I can't possibly cover them all, so here are highlights of some of my more notable and/or recent travels. (I live in the western Chicago suburbs, grew up in northwestern Illinois and my parents still live there.)

- September 2015: After leaving an annoying gap for many years from a previous county-counting excursion, I finally got the southern end of IL1 and took the ferry across the Ohio River while on a road trip to Nashville.

- March 2016: Added interstate mileage on a road trip from Phoenix through Flagstaff to Albuquerque (clinched I-17). Petrified Forest National Park is a lifelong memory. Also drove to the end of LA1 in Grand Isle while visiting New Orleans, something I'd wanted to do for a while.

- September 2017: 10-day road trip to Texas. Clinched the last of I-45 on a day trip from Houston to Galveston. Added as much mileage as I could around Houston, considering this was only days after Hurricane Harvey and many roads remained flooded. Spent many miles on US67 from Little Rock to southeast Missouri. (This one always feels within reach to me until I realize I still haven't driven any of it in Texas, despite having seen the northern terminus in Iowa and clinching the Illinois section recently.)

- July 2019: Northwest Angle, Minnesota! This was a fun one, right up there with Hyder, Alaska for me. Tacked on some TCH mileage back to Winnipeg, and added all of ND I-29.

- August 2019: 11-day road trip to Idaho via IA/NE/WY/CO/UT, and back to IL via MT/ND/MN/WI. Added a lot of I-94, including the western terminus (still need a small section around Detroit to clinch it). Craters of the Moon National Monument was an unexpected treat. Added about 200 miles on US20 in ID and clinched a state highway without paying attention.

- May 2021: I finally set out to finish my remaining stretch of US52, from Wytheville, Virginia to the end in Charleston. This was a longtime goal for me; I grew up with US52 out my front door, and this was one I'd traced on atlases as a kid. I got NW Illinois to the Twin Cities in 2003, the Twin Cities to Portal, ND (and across the Canadian border) in 2007, and Indianapolis to Wytheville in 2011. Having scouted out the southern (eastern?) terminus on GMSV, I was prepared for the lack of an END shield but was a tad disappointed that I couldn't get a photo. (South Carolina was also my 50th state, which I still think is pretty good for being 39 at the time.)

- August/September 2022: After my Corolla died in May with 348K miles on it, I decided it was time to break in the new-to-me Subaru Impreza with a 13-day road trip to New England, plus a few days in Ontario and Quebec, and returning via New York City. Added interstate mileage in OH/VT/CT/NY/MD (including the eastern terminus of I-70), some Toronto-area highways, and ON401 between Toronto and Montreal. Clinched I-97, the Saw Mill River Parkway, and the nagging 1.5-mile I-189 I'd missed on a previous trip to Burlington, Vermont.

- December 2022: Road trip to Annapolis, Maryland to see my alma mater win their second NCAA Division III football championship. Overnighted in Pittsburgh on the way out, Columbus on the way back. Clinched I-376 on the way out, I-68 on the way back, and filled in some gaps in I-70 and I-79. It was after this trip that I finally submitted an update to TM for the first time in over seven years. I spent a lot of time in mid-December resolving years of log errors and route changes.

- Late 2022/early 2023: While reviewing my travels on the TM site over the holiday break, I realized just how few Illinois state highways I'd clinched, and just how many were within reach (nearby, or with minimal miles remaining, or both). Winter has been mild thus far and my schedule has allowed, so I have taken several trips since Christmas to clinch a couple dozen more IL routes. Among them: IL7, IL19, IL25, IL29, IL31, IL53, IL71, IL178, IL351. I have also closed some gaps in US routes in the Chicago area and northwest IL. I aim to have everything in the northern third of Illinois clinched by early summer... then I'll see about the rest.

I have been fast and furious with submitting updates via GitHub recently, and I appreciate Jim's quick merges of my list file. Thanks again to all who spend time maintaining the site!

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Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
« Reply #854 on: January 15, 2023, 09:38:28 am »

- May 2021: I finally set out to finish my remaining stretch of US52, from Wytheville, Virginia to the end in Charleston. This was a longtime goal for me; I grew up with US52 out my front door, and this was one I'd traced on atlases as a kid. I got NW Illinois to the Twin Cities in 2003, the Twin Cities to Portal, ND (and across the Canadian border) in 2007, and Indianapolis to Wytheville in 2011. Having scouted out the southern (eastern?) terminus on GMSV, I was prepared for the lack of an END shield but was a tad disappointed that I couldn't get a photo. (South Carolina was also my 50th state, which I still think is pretty good for being 39 at the time.)

I also have US 52 as the route I obsessed about as a child, having grown up in the Charleston area.  I have driven all of it except the Dubuque bypass (not quite finished when I was there) and a segment under 10 miles west off I-39 (closed for bridge repair).