October 2022Re-clinched the Tappan Zee (even if I de-clinched it wrong & it never showed in my stats) & Wittpenn bridges.
Patched that annoying gap in I-87 between exit 2 &
entrance 2 NB. LOL 1PPI anyone?
Newly traveled: NJ4, NJ15
Met up with Jim at Siena College!
Newly traveled AND clinched: NH NH202A
Ticked up 0.01% on overall mileage, both active & a+p. Yeeeee-haw!
> 50% of NY interstates
> 30% of usanh
usai > 1/6 done
2024-07-24Clinched: ME ME137BusWat
New mileage on 6 other ME routes, including filling in gaps on 126, 137, 137Bus & 139. More travels with fewer .list lines is always nice.
September 2024Picked up a Dell PowerEdge R620 in Manhattan. This baby oughtta generate graphs like nobody's business.
Confirmed new milepost exit numbers on CT8 & 25.
Filled in gaps on: CT2, NH111
Newly traveled: CT22*, CT34, CT127, CT111, MA57*, NH119, MA119**, NH101A, NH88*
*via a short overlap with another route I spent more time on
**had previously driven a short bit in Pepperell, but not enough to .list one segment.Clinched: CT17, NY I-287, CT8, NH111
Both: MA63, MA66, MA US20HisHun (1st usaush & 1st preview mileage), NH130
Yee-Ha: Up 0.02% active & 0.01% a+p mileage.
> 30% of CT
> 25% of MA
First few entries on yakra.rlist
Either way, I really like this "employer-sponsored clinching" thing.
A clinch of ME124 followed by the southern 31% of ME140.
A clinch of ME183 by necessity, with a quick side trip to clinch ME185 on the way back.
My original section of ME156, W of US2.
A clinch of ME188, with some of 155 to get there.
I had to interview hikers (and boaters on that last one) about their impressions of the visual impact of proposed wind power developments on otherwise fairly natural-looking viewsheds.
All after myself hiking to some grawlixin' beautiful locations. A pretty good gig overall, except that...
Be careful if you hike Mount Blue. Stay hydrated & don't let your electrolytes get out of whack; hyponatremia is no joke. Don't wanna end up vomiting in every municipality between Weld & Portland,
beside every route number classification. Thankfully a coworker was along for that trip, and we'd decided to carpool, him driving.
Took I-190 and re-clinched a piece of NY 324 around exit 20, since I drove it EB and TM only recognizes the WB direction here.
whaaat? Hey now, that simply ain't so!
It's a fallacy to assume TM only represents exactly what's directly underneath the polyline.
If that were the case, no real segments of any interstate would be represented at all, as there's no roadway directly under the centerline in the median when we split the difference between carriageways.
This isn't wrong, indicating some fictitious path half a km away from the highway. It's just an approximation of the true path of I-295, somewhere off to the side within tolerance.
The polyline is understood to not be precise, not be gospel; it merely represents a connection between 2 adjacent points, however it is this connection may be made by real roads in the real world. In either direction.
We split the difference between carriageways of freeways. Between both directions of at-grade expressways or boulevards or other dual-carriageway routes.
And similarly, between both directions when couplets of surface streets are involved (with the occasional exception of course).
It's pretty obvious what's going on
here. Or
here. Or
Here's a more blatantly wacky example. It should still be pretty apparent what's going on though.
Taking this "cut from one end of the couplet to the other" approach, looks can sometimes be deceiving...
ME22 follows Congress & Saint John. The polyline in the HB
looks like it "only" follows the WB alignment, perfectly overlaying Park Ave, but really, it does the same thing as NY12, cutting straight across from one end of the couplet to the other. Only in this example, the couplet is more lopsided. One half is way off to the side like I-295 in Topsham, while the other half coincidentally falls right under the polyline.
Just as either NY12 N or S will get you TM's fictitious diagonal, as either direction works up
here, "
NY NY324 I-190(20A) LongRd" is just as valid a clinch as "
ME I-295 I-295 StJohnSt".
Both directions pass through the points at either end, after all.