I'm dropping a load of Asian regions where I don't have time or interest to deal with these anymore.
AFG, ARE, BHR, BGD, CHN (all regions), IRN, IRQ, JOR, KWT, LBN, OMN, PAK, PHL, PRK, QAT, SAU, SYR, YEM si404 -> no specific maintainer -- anybody/everybody/nobody
That's Afghanistan, UAE, Bahrain, Bangladesh, (mainland) China, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Pakistan, Philippines, North Korea, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Yemen.
The Philippines Expressways system is the only active one in these regions with any travels on them - while there's some active routes in Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and some parts of China, no one has any travels on them. Everything else is preview or devel (and mostly untravelled).
I'm also dropping several Balkan regions (though have kept hold of the more difficult ones that need work as it seems unfair to dump popular regions while they are a mess) just to lighten my load a little.
ALB, BGR, GRC, MKD, MNE, RKS - si404 -> no specific maintainer -- anybody/everybody/nobody