I'm going to continue, and won't bother with the border points, on the assumption that they will be investigated.
M50, M50Tou, M50D, M50E, M54 - all fine
M57 - does it extend east along M66 to D57?
M57Ore - fine
M59 - M14_E/W -> M14_N/S ?
M59A, M59B, M59E, M61 - all fine
M63 - M2_W/E -> M2_N/S ?
M63A, M63B, M63E, M63G, M63H, M63J, M63W, M63WTou - all fine
M64, M64Aus, M64Bal, M64C, M64D, M64F, M65, M65B, M66, M66D, M66H, M68 - all fine
M70, M70A, M70B, M70E, M70G, M70W, M77, M77Bea, M77A, M77C, M77F, M77G - all fine
M82, M82C, M94, M112, M113 - all fine
M113A - the eastern end is a complex junction. Does the M113A reach the A61? Does the M916 reach the A620? The current situation of mapping both M roads ending at a roundabout with ramps from both Autoroutes (and labelling it on both as the M road, not the higher status A road they haven't had a junction with) seems poor.
M113AToW, M120 - both fine
M120A - M923/D980 -> M923/M980
M120N, M126, M188, M632, M632W, M820, M824, M826, M888, M901, M902 - all fine
M904B - add point for Rue Leon Jounaux to match point on M63W
M914 - fine
- M113A -> A620 and move? (see M113A)
- add point for GSJ with Rue des Cosmonautes
M923 - fine
M924 - N124 -> N224
M924A, M964, M980 - all fine