Author Topic: updates.csv: "reentered"?  (Read 14714 times)

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updates.csv: "reentered"?
« on: February 14, 2022, 05:29:40 pm »
Code: [Select]
2021-06-09;Andorra;CG3A;and.cg003a;Route reentered
2016-01-12;Belgium;E420;bel.e420;Route reentered between exit 27 of the N54 and the N576
2020-12-21;(Denmark) Faroe Islands;Lv15;fro.lv015;Route reentered (old route now parts of Lv10 and Lv67, new route new build and part of Lv65)
2019-11-08;(France) Bourgogne-Franche-Comté;N19;frabfc.n019;Re-entered route (swapped with GES file to be in correct regions)
2019-11-08;(France) Grand-Est;N19;frages.n019;Re-entered route (swapped with BFC file to be in correct regions)
2015-09-10;(Germany) North Rhine-Westphalia;A544;deunw.a544;Route re-entered
2015-09-10;(Germany) North Rhine-Westphalia;A562;deunw.a562;Route re-entered
2017-02-24;Greece;A5 (Arta);grc.a005art;Reentered Route
2018-12-21;Indonesia;Jalan Tol Sragen - Ngawi;idn.jtsn;Route reentered
2021-04-16;Ireland;R870;irl.r870;Route reentered
2020-09-15;Kyrgyzstan;EM02;kgz.em02;Route reentered. Old route now EM04 and EM05. New route formerly EM01 and EM07.
2020-09-15;Kyrgyzstan;EM03;kgz.em03;Route reentered. Old route now EM06. New route formerly EM01.
2020-09-15;Kyrgyzstan;EM04;kgz.em04;Route reentered. Old route now EM07. New route formerly EM02.
2020-09-15;Kyrgyzstan;EM05;kgz.em05;Route reentered. Old route now EM08 and EM09. New route formerly EM02.
2020-09-15;Kyrgyzstan;EM06;kgz.em06;Route reentered. Old route now EM10. New route formerly EM03.
2020-09-15;Kyrgyzstan;EM07;kgz.em07;Route reentered. Old route now EM11. New route formerly EM04.
2020-09-15;Kyrgyzstan;EM09;kgz.em09;Route reentered. Old route now EM14. New route formerly EM05.
2020-09-15;Kyrgyzstan;EM11;kgz.em11;Route reentered. Old route now EM15. New route formerly EM07.
2020-09-15;Kyrgyzstan;EM13;kgz.em13;Route reentered. Old route now EM16.
2020-09-15;Kyrgyzstan;EM14;kgz.em14;Route reentered. Old route now EM17. New route formerly EM09.
2020-09-15;Kyrgyzstan;EM16;kgz.em16;Route reentered. Old route now EM18. New route formerly EM13.
2020-03-29;Moldova;M2;mda.m002;Route reentered
2018-01-05;Montenegro;Magistralni Put;mnem;Re-entered all routes
2021-10-29;Poland;DW238;pol.dw238;Route reentered
2021-10-29;Poland;DW239;pol.dw239;Route reentered
2021-04-16;Poland;DW363;pol.dw363;Route reentered (old route now mostly DW382, new route was DK3)
2021-04-16;Poland;DW660;pol.dw660;Route reentered
2017-12-07;Poland;DK11 (Sroda Wielkopolska);pol.dk011sro;Route re-entered
2015-10-17;Poland;S7 (Warsaw);pol.s007war;Route reentered
2019-12-30;Serbia;B11;srb.b011;Re-entered route
2020-12-16;(Spain) Andulucia;GR30;espan.gr030;Route rentered (old route now part of A44, new route former A44). Briefly assumed to be called A44a.
2021-11-04;(Spain) Castilla-La Mancha;A32;espcm.a032;Route reentered
2016-12-30;Spain;BU30;esp.bu030;Route re-entered as road completed
2015-08-25;Spain;A15 (Soria);esp.a015sor;Reentered Route
2018-02-04;(UK) England;A1038;eng.a1038;Route reentered
2021-03-15;(UK) Scotland;B983;sct.b0983;Route re-entered
2021-03-15;(UK) Scotland;B985;sct.b0985;Route re-entered
2021-03-15;(UK) Scotland;B990;sct.b0990;Route re-entered
2021-03-15;(UK) Scotland;B991;sct.b0991;Route re-entered
2021-07-05;(USA) Wisconsin;US 45;wi.us045;Re-entered route with exit numbers along I-41, I-894, US 10, WI 29. Re-entered all waypoint locations along I-894.
2021-07-05;(USA) Wisconsin;US 51;wi.us051;Re-entered route with exit numbers between WI 29 and US 8. Re-entered exit numbers along I-39, treating I-39's exit numbers as US 51's. Removed from North Towne Road between WI 19 and Route V and relocated onto parallel freeway. Closed points CRDV_Dan and CRH_Lin.
2015-07-15;Uzbekistan;E004;uzb.e004;Reentered route
2015-07-15;Uzbekistan;E60;uzb.e60;Reentered route
What does "reentered" mean? How does this help a traveler know what parts of the route to look at in their travels, what to change & how?
Sri Syadasti Syadavaktavya Syadasti Syannasti Syadasti Cavaktavyasca Syadasti Syannasti Syadavatavyasca Syadasti Syannasti Syadavaktavyasca

Offline Markkos1992

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Re: updates.csv: "reentered"?
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2022, 06:02:37 pm »
I (or Jim) may have copied the Wisconsin ones from Highway63.

Offline si404

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Re: updates.csv: "reentered"?
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2022, 08:15:52 pm »
Reentered means the basic dictionary definition of 'put in again'.

Would you have preferred two different entries for the same route on the same day "route added" and " route deleted". I'd say that would be more cluttery, more confusing, and no more helpful.

What part does it effect? All of it - it's been re-entered!

Often there's a further explanation helping the user work out what they need to do to fix it.

I did draft updates for those Kyrgyzstan ones (where the entire country was renumbered) using the "renumbered" format, but I found it impossible to understand of when written down like that, even though I had made the changes and written the updates. And so used the "re-entered" with what the current use of that number was before and what the previous route of that number is now.

Offline yakra

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Re: updates.csv: "reentered"?
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2022, 09:20:24 pm »
Reentered means the basic dictionary definition of 'put in again'.
Right, but what that means in a TM context isn't very straightforward.

Would you have preferred two different entries for the same route on the same day "route added" and " route deleted". I'd say that would be more cluttery, more confusing, and no more helpful.
Nah. I do agree about the clutter & confusion; that's why even if I had trouble finding the other UT 85 entry I didn't suggest adding another one. I've done similar, e.g. one entry for 2019-10-12;(USA) New York;I-895;ny.ny895;Renamed NY 895. IIRC I followed your lead with that one, listing the old route name but linking the root column to the new redesignated route. Clever.

I did draft updates for those Kyrgyzstan ones (where the entire country was renumbered) using the "renumbered" format, but I found it impossible to understand of when written down like that, even though I had made the changes and written the updates. And so used the "re-entered" with what the current use of that number was before and what the previous route of that number is now.
Yes, the Kyrgyzstan examples are among the better ones in the search results; they give a more clear picture of what's happened there.

Maybe "Route renumbered" or "redesignated on all-new location" or somesuch is the ticket, with a brief explanation like in the KGZ examples without getting too wordy.
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Re: updates.csv: "reentered"?
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2022, 09:38:31 pm »
I (or Jim) may have copied the Wisconsin ones from Highway63.

The Updates entries for those changes could have been something like this (for US 101 in California, to reflect new exit numbers for most of the route):

Most waypoints renamed for new exit numbers (labels in use kept)

Offline si404

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Re: updates.csv: "reentered"?
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2022, 06:31:36 am »
Maybe "Route renumbered"
As I said, I tried that with Kyrgyzstan and it ended up as a mess.
"redesignated on all-new location"
That seems reasonable.

Looking, the ones without explanation were because it affected no users and so I did a bare minimum.

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Re: updates.csv: "reentered"?
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2022, 11:52:15 am »
What does "reentered" mean? How does this help a traveler know what parts of the route to look at in their travels, what to change & how?

There are some entries for my regions but they were si-land back then. So, if I don't miss anything, only si404 and Highway63 ever used the term.