Author Topic: DC/MD: Point Concerns after 4/28/2022 and 5/2/2022 Trips  (Read 3742 times)

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Offline Markkos1992

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DC/MD: Point Concerns after 4/28/2022 and 5/2/2022 Trips
« on: May 04, 2022, 01:09:14 pm »
MD 4:  Consider replacing the shaping point east of DC/MD with a visible point.

MD 5: Should a point be added at Woods Way?

MD 6:  BaltNewRd should be edited.

MD 12:  AyrLn should be AyrLaneRd (or AyrLnRd?).
MD 103: This route should be flipped.

MD 104: This route should be flipped.

MD 218:  This route should be flipped.

MD 337:  SuiPkwy should be SuiPkwy_W.

MD 349:  Consider replacing the shaping point north of MD352_S with a visible point.

MD 361:  A no-build for JonFacRd seems fine though the eastern intersection makes more sense. 

MD 362:  Consider replacing the shaping point west of US 13 with a visible point at Black Rd (BlaRd).

MD 363:
1.  Consider replacing the shaping points north of End with visible points. 
2.  RolParkRd should be RolParRd.

MD 365:  PubLanWRd needs to be shortened.

MD 366: 
1.  KlegGraRd should be KlejGraRd.
2.  WardRd should be BirdHillRd.

MD 371: CedHallWRd needs to be shortened.

MD 374:  Consider replacing the shaping point east of BobKelRd with a visible point at Ninepin Branch Rd.

MD 381:  AquRd should be AquFarmRd.

MD 460:  Should ByrdRd be renamed?  The HLR indicates that Byrd Rd does not begin until state maintenance ends.

MD 627:  It looks like the shaping point at Locust Point Rd should be made visible.

MD 640:  The HLR indicates the PriRd should maybe be END (and maybe moved west slightly).

MD 667:
1.  I think that ChaCanRd should be TulCorRd.
2.  StPetCRd and OWesMarRd need to be shortened. 
3.  Consider replacing the shaping point south of OveRd with a visible point.

Suitland Pkwy:  Are the SE label suffixes essential?  I would definitely say that SCapSt has an essential prefix.

(Post will be heavily edited)

EDIT (5-5-2022 at 5:02 PM):  Done with post.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2022, 05:03:14 pm by Markkos1992 »

Offline froggie

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Re: DC/MD: Point Concerns after 4/28/2022 and 5/2/2022 Trips
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2022, 12:51:00 pm »
MD 4:  Consider replacing the shaping point east of DC/MD with a visible point.

Speaking from experience (I was stationed in Suitland), because MD 4 there is limited-access there aren't very many places to put a visible point to begin with, and certainly none that a typical traveler would need or use.

MD 5: Should a point be added at Woods Way?

I'd have put one at Auth Way but that isn't where they put the half-interchange.  One could also arguably put a point at Auth Rd (which used to be a more major junction) which would technically cover Woods Way under 1PPI.  Though Auth Rd itself technically could fall under 1PPI with the Beltway interchange.

MD 218:  This route should be flipped.

218 used to be signed north-south (certainly was when I worked there)...which would have coincided with when Tim developed the MD route lists.

MD 337:  SuiPkwy should be SuiPkwy_W.

I see this as one of those "optional" things.

Suitland Pkwy:  Are the SE label suffixes essential?  I would definitely say that SCapSt has an essential prefix.

Again, speaking from experience, I would argue yes.  The DC quadrants are very much part of the street name.

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Re: DC/MD: Point Concerns after 4/28/2022 and 5/2/2022 Trips
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2022, 03:18:47 pm »
MD 5: Should a point be added at Woods Way?

I'd have put one at Auth Way but that isn't where they put the half-interchange.  One could also arguably put a point at Auth Rd (which used to be a more major junction) which would technically cover Woods Way under 1PPI.  Though Auth Rd itself technically could fall under 1PPI with the Beltway interchange.

Yeah it's a bleh of a situation but I'm putting a point at Woods Way since that is where a distinct interchange is located.  Auth Road is 1PPI with the beltway interchange.

Suitland Pkwy:  Are the SE label suffixes essential?  I would definitely say that SCapSt has an essential prefix.

Again, speaking from experience, I would argue yes.  The DC quadrants are very much part of the street name.

So, this is not something specific to Suitland Parkway, actually... as things stand, it's implemented inconsistently. usanp uses the quadrant suffixes, but usadc, usaus, and usausb do not (usai has no labels where such would belong).

One way or the other, it should be consistent across systems. Not doing anything with this yet, need to mull.