Author Topic: cogn: Congo Routes Nationale  (Read 4596 times)

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Offline michih

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cogn: Congo Routes Nationale
« on: July 07, 2022, 12:35:56 pm »
The preview system has 6 routes for about 1,116 miles. No TM user has any travel so far.
Please report issues here!
« Last Edit: July 07, 2022, 12:39:47 pm by michih »

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Re: cogn: Congo Routes Nationale
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2022, 02:06:29 pm »
I found a road list and will peer-review the system down the road.

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Re: cogn: Congo Routes Nationale
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2022, 02:44:41 pm »
Mad_W is off
Loul -> P21 (GM) or Lom for Lombolo
BraByp -> P22 (GM)
+X933655 is off
Exceeds limits b/n +X352823 and +X101541
Mat -> Gam for Gambari
I don't see any name for "San". Change to Mad or Madi for Madibou?
Add wp at for Ave Fulbert Youlou (East)
Add wp at for Avenue Savorgnan de Brazza

Add wp at for Rue Mbochi
Replace +X402476 by visible wp for Avenue William
Ioni -> Ion
Adzi_S -> Olo for Olono
Adzi_N -> NgoII for Ngo II
Remove +X611850
Add wp for Gamboma Airport? The other airports usually have a wp
Nts -> Nti
Ong is off
Ong -> Mos for Mossende

Tch -> Loub for Loubetsi
Move Kib to more important junction to the north (secondary highway)
Lou -> Louv because of Loub
Is P2 at the right location? OSM has it at the next roundabout to the north
Route begins at N1 according to Chris

Tch -> AveTerJau
Does it extend at north end to where our N5 end currently is, as indicated on GM?

Is south end correct? OSM and GM have the same end in front of the bridge over River Tchicondo

Has a totally different routing according to from 2014 though, confirmed by GM but not OSM. I thought that we usually go with wegenwiki. German wikipedia has a similar road length. I couldn't find an English article. Is there any other source confirming our routing?
Bou -> Man (on the "wrong" route)

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Re: cogn: Congo Routes Nationale
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2023, 02:11:36 am »
A recent research found a route list having N1 to N15:

Not all roads exist in reality (especially in the northeast and to Gabon) and some do exist, but are dirt roads.

wegenwiki is updated.

Thus... Rework of the system required :(