I-190:1. Consider adding a shaping point between 9 and 11 to keep the line west of NY 266.
2. 14B>-NY266?
I-490: Should 11 be split into two points?
US 9W:1. It looks like UlsSt should be UlsSt_S.
2. NY443>-NY443_W
US 219: 1. Consider replacing the shaping point north of NY417_E with a visible point at what OSM shows as CR49.
2. Consider replacing the shaping point between NY98 and NY242_W with a visible point.
3. Consider replacing the shaping point south of LinRd with a visible point at CotRd (Cotter Rd).
4. Consider replacing the shaping point north of LinRd with a visible point.
5. Consider replacing the shaping point north of CR53 with a visible point.
6. MilRd>-
CR1007. PetRd>-
CR101NY 5:1. Should the MohDr labels be switched?
2. It looks like ChaDr should be MainSt_E.
3. I would love to request a point at Glen Ave/Schonowe Ave by Jumpin Jack’s, but that is not justified even to myself.
NY 5S: 1. Should a point be added at Turner St?
2. Consider making adjustments to I-90 east of 30, west of 29, east of 29, etc., to keep the line north or south of NY 5S as applicable. (and maybe replace visible points with shaping points along NY 5S if possible)
3. Should ShrRd be a visible point?
4. Consider replacing the shaping points east of ThaRd with visible point(s).
NY 7: Should ValRd be VlyRd?
NY 17A: The NY 94 labels should be
W and E instead of S and N.
NY 30: I could use a point at Northampton Rd north of NY67_E as part of the roadmeet last weekend. (though someone else may need Van Dyke Ave as my vehicle missed that turn)
NY 31: 1. NY93_S>-NY93_E
2. I did not see a shield for CR35.
3. I think the shaping point east of NY237 may be best left alone.
4. I am unsure if WestAve is technically correct.
5. A point should maybe be added at Manitou Rd (direct connection to NY 531). There are other direct connections to I-490 that should arguably have points as well.
6. LyeAve>-LyeAve_E
7. Consider replacing the shaping point east of NY21_N with a visible point.
8. AtwSt>-
CR7 (I think)
9. Should CouHouRd be marked as closed?
10. It looks like SunRd should be relocated.
11. Consider replacing the shaping point east of NY90 with a visible point.
12. Consider replacing the shaping point east of NY38_S with a visible point (maybe Maple Ave).
13. Should the prefixes be removed for the BruSt labels?
14. RivRd (and many other points) could use a slight relocation.
15. Consider replacing the shaping point east of NY 31 with visible points.
16. Consider replacing the shaping point east of NY 298 with a visible point.
17. Consider replacing the shaping point east of CR3 with a visible point.
NY 32: AlbAve>-AlbAve_N
NY 61/NY 104: US62BusNia>-US62Bus
NY 69: A point should be added at River St. (direct connection to NY 49)
NY 85A: 1. I think that the NY85 labels should be W and E instead of S and N. (also this route should be flipped) (also affects labels on NY 85)
2. Consider replacing the shaping point west of SwiRd with a visible point at Martin Rd.
3. Consider replacing the shaping point east of NY 155 with a visible point.
NY 89: ArmRd>-WilRd (so no suffix debate)
NY 94: Consider replacing the shaping point east of NY208 with a visible point.
NY 155: 1. Consider replacing the shaping point north of NY 85A with a visible point.
2. WatShaRd>-VlyRd
NY 213:1. CowHouRd>-
DasRd2. Consider replacing the shaping point south of CR28 with visible points.
3. AbeSt>-AbeSt_E?
NY 214: MainSt>-MainSt_E?
NY 233: 1. The I-90 label could arguably be changed.
2. Consider replacing the shaping point south of CR840 with a visible point.
NY 242: Should WBBucRRd be shortened?
NY 260: Consider replacing the shaping points with visible points.
NY 300: 1. This route should probably be flipped.
2. Is the shaping point north of NY32/94 needed?
3. Should I-87 be marked as closed?
4. Consider replacing the shaping points west of NY32 with visible points.
NY 317: Is ValDr a useful point?NY 370: NY31>-NY31_E
NY 383:1. I did not see shields for CR174 and CR176.
2. FordSt>-FordSt_W
NY 384: 1. RaiBlvd>-RaiBlvd_W
2. NiaSt>-NiaSt_E
NY 386: I did not see shields for CR172 (should be slightly relocated) and CR119.
NY 414: 1. NY 31 and NY 414 have a brief concurrency on Glasgow St between Park St and Genesee St.
2. Consider replacing the shaping point between NY31 and NY104 with a visible point.
NY 429: 1. OliSt>-OliSt_S
2. WardRd>-WardRd_S
3. The NY31 labels should be W and E instead of S and N.
NY 443: US9W>-US9W_S
NY 531: 1. I did not see a shield for CR208.
2. A graph connection is missing with I-490.
NY 631: 1. WilPkwy>-WilPkwy_N
Signage shows it concurrent with NY 48 west to NY 690. (will also affect labels on NY 48)
NY 890: Should this route be flipped (and converted to exit numbers minus NY5)?