US 17 BUS (Myrtle Beach): 1. A point could arguably be added at Harrelson Blvd for access to the airport though it is somewhat close to 17th Ave S already.
2. A point should be added at
3rd Ave S. (connects to US 501) (US 501 also has a reference to access
US 17 BUS SB at its intersection with 3rd Ave S though this is quite close to Grissom Pkwy.)
US 278: 1. I-520(17)>-I-520 (I think.....only one interchange in SC, does this affect the 6 line format?)
2. I-95(8 )>-I-95
US 378: 3rdAve>-3rdAve_W (or consider removal)
US 501 BUS (Conway): Should SC544Con be changed to FreColRd (French Collins Rd)?
SC 90: Consider replacing the shaping point east of US501Bus with a visible point.
SC 170: LimHouRd>-LimeHouRd