But usually, if there's an exit number for the route with it's mileage, that should take priority.
Which way is it supposed to be here?
If the route has it's own exit numbers, they gain priority at interchanges like this if they're posted.
Look @
NC I-840 for an example. It has it's own exit numbering scheme, but also shares a segment of roadway with I-73. On that shared segment, it uses I-73's numbering. Going NB, it sees I-73's Exit #107, but we use I-840's exit number for that interchange, which is #3, since it's posted going 'SB'. If they had instead used I-73's number for the exit that's going SB on I-840, then we would have used the '107(73)' label instead.
We pretty much do that everywhere when another route joins another via freeway connections.