Author Topic: São Paulo state highways are live! (brasp,braspa,braspi)  (Read 11489 times)

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São Paulo state highways are live! (brasp,braspa,braspi)
« on: September 08, 2023, 12:02:59 am »,braspa,braspi
Brasil's best-signed state system is an interesting network of radials (even numbers 008-360) and laterals (odd numbers 019-613). SPA and SPI routes are similar to Texas's spurs and loops, but are numbered based on the km post where they touch the parent.
More info can be seen at

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Re: São Paulo state highways are live! (brasp,braspa,braspi)
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2023, 09:12:21 am »
Thanks for these!

I am re-running the site update now with the BRA-XX regions added so we should see the proper region fields on the new routes in a few minutes.

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Re: São Paulo state highways are live! (brasp,braspa,braspi)
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2023, 04:09:22 pm »
Showroute doesn't like the hyphen in the root, and refuses to, well... show the route.
Parameter r=brasp.spi084-066 is invalid.
I see that the route data have a slash, consistent with how they're signed.
Depending on how feasible/simple a solution for showroute is or is not, the best solution may be to just change all the roots to use an underscore or something instead.

FWIW, the French D road systems dispense with a delimiter altogether, smushing the department digits right up against the route designation digits. Not a big fan of that approach personally; makes things less readable IMO.

Edit: Same problem is also showing up in indnh & indwb:
Looks like that the split alignments of NH 44, 48, and WB 1 are throwing invalid parameter errors when attempting to directly view the routes; they do show if loaded as part of the connected route.
(e.g, NH 44-W and 44-E). I'm assuming the hyphen in either the filename or as the route name in the .csv is causing the error, whereas the _con.csv doesn't have much issue with it.
­·WB 1-E loads as part of the WB 1, 1-E, 1bar complex. Does not show on its own. WB 1-W is not accessible.
·Among the errors surrounding NH 44, both 44-W and 44-E in Nagpur (Maharashtra), Seoni and Dabra (Mahdya Pradesh), and Agra (Uttar Pradesh) load in as part of the Connected Route.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2023, 04:37:31 pm by yakra »
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