77 - South Colorado St (Opened sometime between Jan '13 & Feb '16.)
82 - East Monahans Pkwy (Opened sometime between Jan '13 & Jul '14.)
154 -> needs recentered. They reconfigured this interchange completely. I-20BLSta will also need to be updated.
NEW -> 412 - Frontage Rd (opened sometime between Jun '19 & Dec '19)
137 -> 137A
138 -> 137B
138A -> 138 (might make this area's numbering better)
Of course 138 is in use.
This was signed as 138 from both directions in
the past, which IMO is better, as it's operationally one thing, a "double half interchange". But whatcha gonna do. TM's exit numbering should reflect what's out there in the field, for better or worse.
This is one thing I don't like about TX. With the density of interchanges in more urban areas combined with the way frontage roads and their ramps are often laid out, a small reconfiguration like this can result in renumberings that though minor can break .list files.
Arguably a minor break; everyone gets 0.21 mi more on either I-20 or its frontage roads they'd intentionally excluded here.
I-20 affects: 25or6to4
TX158 affects: bejacob dharwood Ib3kii jonfmorse justjake keithcavey markkos1992 rlee
GitHub users have been pinged.
226A -> *226A (Closed between Jan '19 & Jul '19.)
Heh. Pretty obviously permanently closed.
But still signed in July '19 if you back up 8 clicks.And 226B is still 226B as of July '23, even if there's no longer a corresponding 226A. *Shrug.*
Marked closed.
452 -> BarRd (no exit number posted)
C'mon, guys! It's a proper exit, with signs and everything! How hard is it to slap an exit number on it?
*Ahem.* Changed. 🤮