I-277: StoSt should be relabeled (also affects US 74 and NC 27)
US 21: 1. CatAve>-CatAve_E
2. Consider replacing BraPlDr with Oates Rd (OatRd) to the south.
3. MurSt>-MurRd
4. A point should be added at
Amity Hill Rd. (signed access to I-77)
5. US64>-US64_E
6. CouClubRd>-CouClubDr
7. NC1910>-CenChuRd_S. CenChuRd>-CenChuRd_N.
8. DoeRun should probably be replaced. DavDr probably is best left as-is.
US 21 BUS (Elkin): ValRd>-
ValDrUS 29: NC49_E>-NC49_N
US 64: 1. NC90>-NC90_Tay??
2. US21>-US21_N
US 421: NC16>-NC16_N
US 421 BUS (Wilkesboro): At minimum, I recommend the following:
1. Add a point at Speedway Rd for access to North Wilkesboro Speedway. (also affects NC 115)
2. Make the shaping point north of NC18/268_S visible and label it DSt_E or 6thSt_N.
3. Add a point at CBD Loop for where NC 18 SB/NC 268 WB leaves US 421 BUS NB.
NC 3: 1. Consider replacing shaping points with visible points.
2. WakeDr should be replaced by WinRd (Windy Rd) nearby.
3. Consider adding a point at Roxie St (direct connection from I-85 Exit 60 SB offramp) (CouClubDr covers Copperfield Blvd IMO).
NC 10: The NC16Bus points should be S and N instead of W and E.
NC 16:1. Consider replacing shaping points with visible points.
2. IntWay>-IntDr
3. I think a point should be added at Charlottetowne Ave.
4. IdaDrv>-IdaDr
5. A point should be added at the south end of the
NC 16 freeway. (access to NC 273)
6. A point should be added at Rock Barn Rd. (direct connection to I-40)
7. WayChuRd should be slightly relocated.
8. AspDamRd>-
AlsDamRd9. Consider replacing WalLn with a nearby point.
10. US421_E>-US421(286A)
11. NC268>-US421(286B)
12. US421BusWil>-US421Bus (optional IMO)
13. US421_W>-US421_N
NC 16 BUS (Lucia): 1. Consider replacing shaping points with visible points.
2. FaiForRd>-WebRd
NC 16 BUS (Conover): 7thSt>-7thStPl (I think)
NC 18: I recommend moving the CBDLoop to the CBDLoop/Wilkesboro Blvd intersection where the directions split. (also affects NC 268 obviously)
NC 49: 1. Consider replacing the shaping point north of SC/NC with a visible point.
2. NC160>-NC160_S
3. MooSt_E>-MorSt_E
4. GraSt>-GraSt_N (also affects US 29)
5. TrySt>-TrySt_S (also affects US 29)
NC 75: The shaping point east of NC 16 is unnecessary. The one east of OldProRd should probably be made visible somewhere.
NC 84: 1. WedBroDr and the shaping point east of there probably have viable replacement places for a point.
2. GSV indicates that
KeeRd has been destroyed by subdivision development.
NC 115: 1. Should a point be added at Verhoeff Dr? (maybe add to US 21 as well)
2. Maybe add a point at Mount Holly-Huntersville Rd (MHHunRd). (direct access to interchange at US 21)
3. I would change US421Bus_N to NC18/268. Technically fine as-is though.
NC 163: Consider replacing shaping points with visible points.
NC 268: StiMeaRd>-StiMeaLn
NC 268 BUS (Elkin): The US21Bus_S and US21Bus_N labels should be switched.
NC 273: 1. KeeBlvd>-KeeBlvd_W
2. Consider replacing shaping points with visible points.
3. I think that MainSt should be replaced with TucRd to the south.
4. Should CarAve be removed or replaced?