Author Topic: cannss: Nova Scotia Scenic Travelways  (Read 48151 times)

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cannss: Nova Scotia Scenic Travelways
« on: February 02, 2016, 03:46:53 am »
Nova Scotia has a system of Scenic Travelways, marked using a distinctive "ocean waves" shield design. They can be seen in this PDF.

They generally follow existing CANNSF/CANNST/CANNSC corridors, sometimes piggybacking off of the existing routes and sometimes breaking off to follow more coastal, unnumbered (I won't say "local", as in the shapefiles I frequently see that ROADJURIS = N.S. Transportation.) routes.

The most notable route is the Cabot Trail, which is also unsigned Trunk 30.

Signage can range from good to spotty to confusing to very bad.
As such, without much official info to go on, it's often a devil to pin down routings and termini.

This is very much a work in progress.

ua747sp's MapView
 • "Scenic Travelway Signs" index on page 3
« Last Edit: February 20, 2016, 11:57:55 am by yakra »
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Re: cannss
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2016, 03:47:13 am »
Quick Index:

Canonical routes:
Bras d'Or Lakes Scenic Drive READY
Cabot Trail READY
Ceilidh Trail READY
Evangeline Trail READY
Fleur-de-lis Trail READY
Glooscap Trail READY
Lighthouse Route READY
Marconi Trail READY
Marine Drive READY
Sunrise Trail READY save for one potential Scenic Diversion

Odd bits:
(Odd bits)
« Last Edit: February 23, 2016, 01:37:28 pm by yakra »
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Re: cannss
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2016, 03:49:30 am »
Bras d'Or Lakes Scenic Drive (PDF 282)

Two segments. Still sussing out what to include in what, and what is/isn't signed, etc. Going primarily by what's highlighted yellow in the PDFs...

1.) BrasDOrDr Main perimeter loop:
• No signage on NS223Abe or at NS105(6). My current thinking is NS223Abe and the ferry aren't included. (Highlighted yellow on the PDFs, but unsigned. So NERR!) Goes straight thru on NS105.
• NS NS105 6 4
End? END?! Are you shitting me? The wiseacre in me wants to declare that it ends, and immediately begins again. Maybe I'll make this the endpoint in my route file. :P

• unnumbered roads along western shore
• signage at Dundee; disappears at West Bay. :( Nothing N to NS105

• NS NS4 PepSt NS216
Right turn from NS216 onto NS4 west.
• NS NS216 NS4 NS223
• NS NS223 NS216 ... (?)

Unnumbered roads along eastern shore of Little Bras d'Or Lake
(Can't find ANY signage)
• PDF, lo-res & imprecise as it is, suggests Scotch Lake Rd
• 12.0 Shapefiles have L_STNAME_C as "Bras d'Or Lakes Scenic Drive Trail" along Long Island Rd
(The fact that both the E-W St Columbia Rd in Grass Cove, and Gillis Point & Washabuck Rds are tagged as "Bras d'Or Lakes Drive" hurts the shapefiles' credibility, though... )
• Going with the Long Island Rd routing: historic GMSV suggests it to be the earlier improved (paved) route, and it's closer to the water, keeping with the theme of the Scenic Travelways.
• Georges River Rd, Church Rd

• NS NS105 18 HilBouRd (HilBouRd doesn't exist; would be just east of exit 17)
Left onto HilBouRd
• Hillside Boularderie Rd, Kempt Head Rd 1 2, Steels Crossing Rd 1 2, Kempt Head Rd
At NS105(13), it takes the corner. Boom.
• NS NS105 13 11

1A.) Bonus ext:
Highlighted yellow on Scenic Travelways map. (Cabot Trail?) Not highlighted on p.282 of the flipbook. There's been ample signage where I've looked in GMSV, e.g. NS205 in Baddeck.
• NS NS105 11 10
• Signage to and from NS205 at NS105(10). (W of NS105(10) imagery from 2009.)
• Signage to and from NS205 at NS105(8).
• NS NS105 8 7
2009 and 2012 GMSV imagery shows Bras d'Or Dr going both directions
• check signage W of there

2.) BrasDOrDrIon Iona "Scenic Diversion":
• NS NS223 NS216 LitNarFry
• No signage at E end
• Signage at StColRd, and heading west
• NS NS223 LitNarFry StColRd via Little Narrows Rd, St Columbia Rd, Washabuck Rd, Gillis Point Rd, and St Columbia Rd?
Ambiguous signage where route ends and loops back onto itself.

1.) Segment west of NS105(7).
2.) NS105 7 11 overlap (CabTrl?)...
3.) Route from NS105(18) to NS223_E.
4.) Lack of signage from Dundee (BlaRivRd) to NS105; END sign approaching NS105(4).
1.) Signed (historically, at least) going W from Exit 7. That, and the END sign implies it's still a route in progress, so hey.
2.) Consistently signed. I have no problem including it.
3.) Choosing Long Island Rd routing, because GIS, GMSV/pavement, and water.
4.) Segments are labeled as "Bras d'Or Lakes Scenic Drive" in the shapefiles, FWIW. But it's a hell of a long segment with no signage, and the END sign at NS105(4) does concern me.
Check mainline GISplunge results
• IslCoveLn mismatches NS216 by epsilon
• MidCapeRd: gross mismatch from NS4. Road not in 9.0 shapefiles. Splunge from 12.0 instead. SegDump: 108073-190
• +X657788 mismatches NS4 by epsilon
resync TCHMai with NS105
« Last Edit: February 23, 2016, 01:38:02 pm by yakra »
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Re: cannss
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2016, 03:50:15 am »
Cabot Trail (PDF 251)

• "The scenic travelway known as the "Cabot Trail" includes all of Trunk 30, as well as the portion of Highway 105 between exits 7 and 11." GMSV: No such signage at Exit 11, but yes at Exit 7 (only to be immediately forgotten).
• Nothing at Baddeck / NS205.
Decision: Calling it as Trunk 30.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2016, 01:47:46 am by yakra »
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Re: cannss
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2016, 03:51:02 am »
Ceilidh Trail (PDF 238)

CeiTrl, 100% redundant with NS19 & NS219.
This one's actually simple enough.
• Marked on overhead BGSs on WB Trunk 4
« Last Edit: February 17, 2016, 01:47:56 am by yakra »
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Re: cannss
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2016, 03:51:23 am »
Evangeline Trail (PDF 125 & 145)

• East end: PDFs, most visibly the flipbook on page 45, show concurrent with NS1, at NS2.
• West end: For lack of a better option, I'll have it overlap NS1 to NS1's end.
Oaklawn Farm Zoo = indirect

NS1/2: reposition junction
« Last Edit: February 24, 2016, 02:42:52 pm by yakra »
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Re: cannss
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2016, 03:51:40 am »
Fleur-de-lis Trail (PDF 294)

• Port Hastings Rotary 1 2
NS NS4 IndParkRd
• NS4/320 1 2 3
• NS104_E 1 2 3 4
• NS4/247 1 2 3 4 5
• PtMicRd: Is this a trick of perspective? Because this looks about right. 2009 imagery matches my expectations. Signage on Point Michaud Rd itself makes sense. Shapefiles list St Peters Fourchu Rd as Fleur-de-Lis Trail.
• Soldiers Cove Rd 1 2 (Use instead of LochLomRd?)
Two Rivers Wildlife Park = wrong side of river; wikipedia being liberal

• SPFRdExt 1 2 3
• GMGabRd 1 2
• NS327_S 1 2 3
• NS327_N 1 2 3 4
Mira River PP = indirect / Wikipedia being liberal
• "West" at these assemblies looks dubious. Not shown in either PDF. No "West" for NS22 North here.
E terminus? Louisbourg?
Caveat: Signage seems to disappear after MainDieuRd_S / Marconi Trail. Where's the terminus?
Decision: For lack of a better option, I'll have it overlap NS22 to NS22's end.

FleTrlAri Arichat, 100% redundant with NS206 & NS320
Scenic Diversion (Heh)

NS320: Add RocBayRd

FleTrlCap Cap La Ronde "Scenic Diversion" (Grandchild Route)
• 12.0 shapefiles: Fleur-de-Lis Trail not listed on either Bona Rd or Pettipas Rd. It *is* listed on DEscousse-Cap La Ronde Road, from D'Escousse/Poirierville line, all the way east, to the dead-end. 1.) Dead end! 2.) How would it reconnect? Mauger Rd? That shit's unpaved! 3.) Shapefiles have been dubious elsewhere; I'm calling this dubious & non-canon too.
• Choosing Bona Rd over Pettipas Rd:
   - Shown as the more major road on OSM & Bing (Google makes no distinction)
   - Bona is the thru route at the Pettipas junction
   - Satellite: Bona is paved; Pettipas is not
« Last Edit: February 25, 2016, 12:27:30 pm by yakra »
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Re: cannss
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2016, 03:52:20 am »
Glooscap Trail (PDF 145)

GloTrl, 100% redundant with trunks & collectors.
Wolfville terminus? EvaTrl overlap?
• BenJacCon: Signage for EvaTrl only
• WilSt: Signage for EvaTrl only
• BluRd: Signage for EvaTrl only
• NS101(8): Both. No arrows.
• NS101(7): Both trails
• NS14_W: Signage for EvaTrl only
• NS1: Signage for EvaTrl only

• NS236: Which way? Why not both?
• NS215_E 1 2
• NS104(12): Just the bloody smegging Ecotour
• NS4_W: bloody smegging Ecotour
• Great Village Lornevale Rd: NS2 only
• MainSt 1 2 3
• NS209: Both ways on NS2. No signage toward or on NS209. This too, NB.
• NS302_S: Provincial route signage only
• NS321: Provincial route signage only
• NS302_N:
   - Oh, bloody hell.
   - What's covered up here? Glooscap Trail?
   - NS302 shield only; no GloTrl
   - This looks more sensible.
• NS104(4) 1 2 3 4 5
• NS204 in 2009: OK, this looks to not be a trick of perspective, but genuinely mounted facing the wrong direction. Hey man, at least it's something.
• NS6 plex in 2009: 1 2 3 leaving
• LaPSt in 2009
• NS104(1) TO, eh?

Goddam Cape Chignecto diversion (Ecotour?)
• The one lone Glooscap shield is at NS302_N (see above) and is likely a partially-fixed erroneous thing.
• Everything else is for Ecotour, and even that is sparse.
242 ENDS
• Incomplete signage to/from at NS209.
• Leaving this out.

1.) North end?
2.) South end?
1.) I'm choosing to view the sign removal in Amherst as significant, more than just the usual sloppy signage that can be seen in cities. Combined with the PDF not highlighting anything farther west than central Amherst, and the TO signage at TCH104, I'm gonna make the call that GloTrl ends at NS6/SunTrl.
2.) Wiki[citation needed]pedia says "The route connects Wolfville ... with Amherst ... at the interprovincial boundary with New Brunswick." But we know what I think of Wiki[citation needed]pedia. The flipbook PDF is no help here, as the Glooscap and Evangeline Trails are shown on the same page; there's no means of separating them out in the event of a concurrency. While there is signage at NS101(7) & NS101(8), that just seems like a senseless, Completely Goddam Random place to end the Glooscap Trail (on a useless multiplex, no less)... I just can't fathom it. If there's one thing that I've learned from GMSVing around putting this route set together, it's that sloppy signage ABOUNDS in Nova Scotia. This could be another example of such. The only other multiplex of Scenic Travelways is Fleur-de-Lis Trail / Bras d'Or Lakes Scenic Drive in St. Peter's, which at least makes sense considering where both routes have to go on either end of it. So HAY KNOW WAT? Signage where GloTrl joins NS1/EvaTrl -- at that point -- is in no way indicative of a GloTrl/EvaTrl overlap. Drivers trying to follow it to the end will see EvaTrl & not GloTrl, decide that's the end of it, and call it good. And maybe turn around. Yeah, that's it! So I'm going to make an Executive Decision and make the call as NS1/EvaTrl.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2016, 01:33:10 am by yakra »
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Re: cannss
« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2016, 03:52:58 am »
Lighthouse Route (PDF 82 & 125)

East end
• E end: no signage @ or leaving Armdale Rotary, with 1st NS3 shield. Nothing at AlbWalDr.
Left turn at NS3_Hal, but no right.
• Yellow highlight on PDF suggests route ends at NS3, and does not continue E to Armdale Rotary.

• NS103(17): 1 2 3

Diversion #1, NS103(17A), Mill River to NS3Liv & Brooklyn Shore Rd, Brooklyn
• NS103(17A): Left turn but no right.
This seems to direct travelers from EB NS103 to turn left toward Mill Village. There's a lot of screwy signage in the area, incl. vestigial Trunk 3 signs to nowhere, and a dubious extension of NS331. Calling this dubious. Non-canon.
• No signage at NS3Liv EasShoRd. To be expected.
• Brooklyn Shore Rd, W of EasShoRd: clear consistent signage. Boom!

Diversion #2, NS3Loc & West Sable Rd, Sable River to NS3Loc & Little Harbour Rd, Allendale
• NS3_Sab: clear signage onto West Sable Rd from both directions, but signage coming off it points in the wrong direction. WTF?
• NS3_All: clear signage onto Little Harbour Rd from both directions, and this. No corresponding LigRte marker with NS3 East shield, which is good. No signage for traffic coming off Little Harbour Rd.

Wikipedia sez BriRd, and East Green Harbour Road
No, yeah.
• Nothing going ahead on BriRd.
• Nothing @ NS3 / EastGHRd junction.
• Nothing @ BriRd & EastGHRd.
• Nothing in PDFs.
• Okay, like, whatever, NS Trans!

Diversion #3, NS103 & Jordan Branch Rd, Jordan Falls to NS3She, downtown Shelburne
• NS103_Jor: clear consistent signage for once.
NS3She JorBraRd: Wait, this shouldn't be right... (Missing TO?)
shield but no arrow approaching WatSt, EB

Diversion #4, NS3She & Shore Rd, Birchtown to NS309 & Shore Rd, Port Clyde
• Shore Rd, SW of HarPtRd: clear consistent signage
• NS309_N: no imagery
CUT THE SHIT. (Missing TO? Last 2, especially...)

Toward the west end...
• NS330: This is all I found. (No straight ahead...)
No signage at NS1

LigRteCla spur, 100% redundant with NS330?
Other than the left turn onto NS330, linked above, I see no signage on this route.
• Check historic GMSV? There is none!

1.) Uncertain about NS3_She reconnection at Hammond St.
2.) NS330 spur Damn Thing.
1.) Calling NS3_She reconnection as Hammond St; seems the most sensible thing, in light of very poor signage.
2.) Leaving out NS330 spur as unsigned; writing off spotty signage as another case of same-direction continuing route on a multiplex not being signed.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2016, 10:57:39 am by yakra »
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Re: cannss
« Reply #9 on: February 02, 2016, 03:53:12 am »
Marconi Trail (PDF 294)

• "The Marconi Trail measures approximately 70 km in length along Route 255." WOT?
• Poor signage at N end. Last I could find is at Dominion St. Calling the north end NS4/28 as the PDF suggests, rather than the Historic Site as claimed by Wikipedia.
• Donkin Highway 1A 1B 2
Long Beach Rd
• No signage at NS22/255 jct. To be expected.
Continues south from NS255 MiraBayDr
• Going by signage, S terminus is at NS22 / FleTrl.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2016, 01:50:34 am by yakra »
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Re: cannss
« Reply #10 on: February 02, 2016, 03:53:44 am »
Marine Drive (PDF 311)

Chopped into two segments due to ferry on NS211.

• W end at NS111 Boom bam POW!
McCormick's Beach = indirect
• East of CalRd 1 2
• CowBayRd 1 2
• NS207 BisRd: both ways, eh? Calling it dubious & non-canon.
This looks more normal.
Porters Lake PP = indirect
• NS7/207 1 2
Martinique Beach PP & Clam Harbour Beach PP = indirect
• Confirmed thru 7/211 jct, rather then via Sonora Rd

MarDrGuy, 100% redundant with NS16 & collectors.
• NS211/316 1 2 3
Salsman PP & Tor Bay PP = indirect
• NS16/316 1 2 3 4
• NS16/344 1 2 3 4
• NS104/344 1 2 3

MarDrCan Canso spur
Yeah man.
Caveat: Signage disappears
Decision: For lack of a better option, I'll have it overlap NS16 to NS16's end.

NS322: Add CowBayRd_W
« Last Edit: February 24, 2016, 01:32:56 pm by yakra »
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Re: cannss
« Reply #11 on: February 02, 2016, 03:54:00 am »
Sunrise Trail (PDF 206)

SunTrlAmh Amherst, western mainline, 100% redundant with NS6
• Not the beginning TO TO
• True beginning 1 2 3 4
• no signage beyond END NS6 1 2 3 4
PDF shows route via Abercrombie into New Glasgow. And then NS4. Can't find any signage.
STATUS: copy, paste, add points iff SunTrlMal added

Caribou/Munroes Island Provincial Park: no PDF, no (Scenic Diversion) signage

Melmerby Beach PP & Powells Point PP = Wikipedia being liberal

SunTrlTid Tidnish "Coastal Route", 100% redundant with NS366.
• NS366_W 1 2 3 4 Coastal Route
• NS366_E 1 2 3 4 Coastal Route

SunTrlPug Pugwash "Scenic Diversion" (no PDF)
• ChuSt EB WB Scenic Diversion
• FerRd 1 2

SunTrlMal Malagash "Scenic Diversion" (no PDF)
• No signage @ NS6 & North Shore Rd
• Smith Rd 1 2 Uh-oh
STATUS: Get more info / have a think about it

SunTrlAnt Antigonish, eastern mainline, 100% redundant
• Signage reappears at NS104(27) 1 2 3 4
• Approaching via NS4, first signage is at southern roundabout
• NS4/245: Old GMSV from before the NS104 twinning/relocation reconfigured this junction, but I get the point.
NS245 east
• NS245/337 1 2 3 4
• Signage disappears at NS4/337. :(
• ...but what's all this then!
STATUS: Extend E along old NS4?

False starts east of there...
• No signage at NS104(34) or (35)
Pomquet Beach PP = Wikipedia being liberal
• NS104(36): this EB Scenic Diversion, but nothing from the other 3 approaches.
• NS104(36A): Just the one angle. No SunTrl signage going back west.
• No signage at NS104(37), NS16, FraRd, CapeJackRd, PelRd
• NS104(39): Marine Freaking Drive?

SunTrlBay Bayfield "Scenic Diversion" (no PDF)
• Approach via NS104(36) (See above)
Begin. (So is it the mainline then? :P)
I can't find ANY other signage.
STATUS: Meh. Leaving this one for now...
Bayfield Beach Provincial Park

TCH104: Add Exit 35B. Then check GMSV for all angles.

Route ordering in CSV: consider CANTCH as an example. (Considered. Abandoned.)
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Re: cannss: Nova Scotia Scenic Travelways
« Reply #12 on: February 02, 2016, 03:26:11 pm »
Odd Bits
To investigate and either include or not...

Colliery Route (No PDF)
1 2 3 4 5 6
Stumbled across this in GMSV. No article in Wikipedia. No mention in either of the two PDFs in the OP. "Developed in 2002 by a local community group". Although this PDF does mention it on page 3, it folds it into "the Metropolitan Cape Breton route which includes The Marconi Trail and the Colliery Route." The index listing is for "Marconi Trail  pg 38", and the actual description later in the brochure is under the "Marconi Trail" heading. Clearly consigned to second-rate status; not a canonical route in its own right. Also: notably different shield style. Leaving this one out.

Fundy Shore Ecotour (No PDF)
No mention in the PDFs. Completely different shield style. Leaving this one out.

Halifax/Dartmouth (PDF 45)
This is a weird one. It's obviously a tourism region they're trying to drum up interest in. The Halifax/Dartmouth shield is included in both PDFs, and it's listed on the Travelway index on page 3 of the flipbook. The map on page 45 of the flipbook PDF has an inset of the Halifax metro area, but no specific route highlighted: instead we see travelways already accounted for: Evangeline Trail, Lighthouse Route, Marine Drive, and... this mysterious highlight on NS2 from Enfield to Truro (which is also visible on the main overview map PDF). This last one, I scoped out in GMSV, and couldn't find any specific Scenic Travelway signage for, so I'm leaving it alone. Checking out the heart of the city and the approaches to the Macdonald Bridge depicted in the shield, I did find these three shields, labeled "Macdonald Bridge" rather than "Halifax Dartmouth" or "Halifax Metro", and using a different, brown-and-white, color scheme from the canonical Scenic Travelway shields. So this seems to not be a Travelway in its own right, but just more of a fuzzy category for Stuff Around the Halifax/Dartmouth Area. I'm going to leave this out too.

Digby Neck and Islands Scenic Dr (No PDF)
1 2 3 4 5 217 ENDS
This shield is displayed in the overview map PDF, but the route has no mention whatsoever in the flipbook. It has a brown-black-white color scheme as opposed to the canonical routes' blue-black-white, and a slightly different visual style. (Why the brown? `Cuz it dead-ends or something? I dunno man I didn't do it...) It's 100% redundant with NS217, which itself may or may not need its west end sorted. All of this combined leads me to rule (just barely) in favor of leaving it out.

Kejimkujik Scenic Dr (No PDF)
AKA NS8 per Wiki[citation needed]pedia. Another weird one. The shield is shown in the overview map PDF, and on both pages 82 & 145 of the flipbook. However, none of these maps have the route highlighted in yellow as they do for the other "canonical" Scenic Travelways. The flipbook doesn't list this in the index on page 3, or anywhere else save for the aforementioned shield images. Nonetheless, there's a smattering of signage for it, in the standard Scenic Travelway style. It's even one of two routes I've found signed ENDS for. What the hey, I'm leaning in favor of including it.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2016, 02:09:52 am by yakra »
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Re: cannss: Nova Scotia Scenic Travelways
« Reply #13 on: February 04, 2016, 02:05:36 am »
Exit 35 coords changed between 9.0 & 12.0 shapefiles. Recenter. SegDump: 97425-1
Add Exit 35B

add HilBouRd
Check out exit 5 area:
• +x06 point off centerline

• extraneous shaping point
• convert (1 waypoint + 1 shaping point) -> 1 shaping point?

Meh. Leaving this as is.

Recenter NS104(35)
Add NS104(35B)
ZOINKS! The NS105 concurrency is was totally b0rked, and has been since the CHM days!

NS1: reposition NS2
NS2: reposition NS1
NS320: Add RocBayRd
NS322: Add CowBayRd_W

LigRte named roads

Check for lists of Provincial Parks and the like
BrasdOrDr CabTrl CeiTrl EvaTrl FleTrl GloTrl KejSceDr LigRte MarDr MarTrl SunTrl

Each route file, including/especially children: Is it shown on PDF?

Bras d'Or Lakes Scenic Drive naming nitty-gritty
« Last Edit: March 02, 2016, 12:53:59 am by yakra »
Sri Syadasti Syadavaktavya Syadasti Syannasti Syadasti Cavaktavyasca Syadasti Syannasti Syadavatavyasca Syadasti Syannasti Syadavaktavyasca

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Re: cannss: Nova Scotia Scenic Travelways
« Reply #14 on: February 15, 2016, 01:12:58 pm »
I'm forgetting for the moment why I wanted to put a placeholder here, but here it is. :P

PDF stuff not included in system:

Bras d'Or Lakes Scenic Dr:
   NS223Abe (west of LitNarFry)
Sunrise Trail:
   Abercrombie, New Glasgow, NS4
   NS104/4, Antigonish to Canso Causeway
Glooscap Trail:
   Cape Chignecto
Halifax Metro:
   Enfield to Truro
Lighthouse Route:
« Last Edit: February 25, 2016, 01:52:20 pm by yakra »
Sri Syadasti Syadavaktavya Syadasti Syannasti Syadasti Cavaktavyasca Syadasti Syannasti Syadavatavyasca Syadasti Syannasti Syadavaktavyasca