Starting on a review:
1: GolLanSt should be moved north one block, since Del Prado is signed as SR 1 Alternate (
southbound). Maybe also add points at both ends of this alternate route?
1: does
IrvCoveDr count as a GSJ? Or no, because it's private?
1: move AlaSt to the connector road intersection?
1: GSJ at 96thSt, just north of LAX
1: GSJ at CulBlvd, south of CA90
1: move OceAve to the connector road overpass?
1: recenter ChaBlvd
1: CHN1 -> CRN1, CHN9 -> CRN9
1: move WesBeaRd west to the GSJ at ZumaBea? Or is the construction removing that?
1: MuguRock appears to have its own parking area just to the east. The waypoint as we have it is
1: SBAccRd ->
1: SolBeaDr is practically a
gated driveway. A point is unnecessary here.
1: HobCouPark -> HobPark
per signs1: DelSt is a
gated dirt track with no signs. Move south to
1: CA246_S -> CA246_E, CA246_N -> CA246_W
1: SanAntRd -> SanAntRd_W, add SanAntRd_E (signed as a cutoff to SR 135 towards Los Alamos)
1: WilRd_S -> WilRd or WilRd_E, WilRd_N ->
SanMarRef (shifted east to the next driveway)
1: move OceViewAve two blocks north to HinAve to line up with the US 101 interchange
1: FroRd ->
1: move SanSimSP north to
the main entrance at SSCreRd
1: PtPieBla ->
PieBlaLig?1: ViaPieBla is on an old alignment
1: CouLineRd is a
gated trail1: LosBurRd ->
WilCreRd (see the sign photo near the end)
1: LimBeaSP ->
LimSP1: RanBarRd is a
private driveway1: JohnLitSNR is a
gated driveway1: TanOakTr ->
TanBarkTr1: CHG16 -> CRG16
1: HillRd
appears to be a driveway (note the address number matches SR 1)
1: 19thAve -> 19thAve_S?
1: FraDraBlvd_S -> FraDraBlvd_E, FraDraBlvd_N -> FraDraBlvd_W?
1: MarPetRd needs to move south a bit
1: SaltPtStPark -> SaltPtSP, or probably better as WooCam since there are multiple Salt Point SP turnoffs
1: StePtRd -> SkaSprRd since you're at Stewarts Point?
1: RusGulSP has no access; move north to BreRd (or is this PtCabDr? I can't find any signs for the former)
1: CasPtRd ->
CasRd1: MacParkRd ->
MillCrkDr1: CampTwoRd is a
gated driveway; move just north to
1: CanMtnRd[sic] has no sign; move west to HilTer?
1: Rd207 is a
forest trail blocked by either a gate or a fallen tree
1: WesRd doesn't seem to exist
2: WilBlvd needs to move west to the intersection; BevBlvd is also a bit off
2: Why WestHolLim? if this is for a future truncation, should it be hidden like a shaping point?
2: 12A -> 12
2: is UBTujRd an appropriate abbreviation for Upper Big Tujunga Canyon Road? It seems to be a mix of first letters and dropping extra words.
2: PacMouRd -> SCDivRd
2: PacCreTr seems like a bad name, given that the trail parallels 2 for a while and crosses multiple times; maybe IslSad? or shift west as OldCA39?
2: BigPinHwy -> CRN4
2: FlaCanDr -> FluCanDr
2: move x72 north to DesFroRd?
3: OldCA36 -> RatRd
3: CarrCrkRd is a
gated dirt road that dead-ends. East of Carr Creek is a dirt road with no signs.
3: MaxCrkRd is an
unsigned dirt road. Move west to
3 goes out of tolerance south of CA299_E.
3/299: IndPkwy -> IndParkWay
3: NorRanRd intersects
farther northeast3: CarLp -> CarLpRd? (signed as such only at the south end)
3: PineLn -> CofCrkRd (the more important road here)
3: BearCrkLp needs to move north
3: IPRd ->
ParCrkRd3: HolAve -> ColWay
3: McAdaRd -> McACrkRd? McaCrkRd?
3: KinRd is
blocked off3: AirWay -> MonAirRd
4: 1B -> 1C, 2 -> 1
4 is missing a point at 3
4: 4 -> BarHillRd (and shift west a bit)
4: shift 13 west to the Solano Way bridge
4: 14 -> 15A, 15 -> 15B4: 27A -> 27, delete 27B
4 is missing 35 (Balfour Road)
4: WasRd -> VasRd
4: CHJ4 -> CRJ4, CHJ2 -> CRJ2 (the latter needs to shift east)
4: x5 -> WhiSloRd
4: add a point at PortStoExpwy to connect to the new freeway extension
4: 65C is not currently on SR 4
4: 68 -> 68A, 69 -> 68B, delete CA99(253)
4: FarAve -> FarRd_W and shift it west a bit
4: CHJ5 -> CRJ5, CHJ6 -> CRJ6
4: MilRd -> CRJ14; goes out of tolerance east of here
4: HorLn -> HorDr and fix position
4: MainSt_Cop -> CRE15
4: ParFerRd -> CRE18
4: FolRd is a
private gated road with no sign.
4: ForMeaRd -> ForMeaDr?
4: BigTrePkwy -> CalSP?
4: WolfCreRd -> WolfCrkRd? also needs to move east
7: NinaLeeRd -> CarrRd
9: MillSt -> GlenArbRd (more important)
11: CA125/905 -> 1A?
12: AguCalRd -> AguaCalRd
12: NapaSt -> NapaSt_W, Bro_N -> NapaSt_E
12: FreDr is just westbound 12, so these waypoints should be deleted
12: CA121 -> CA121_S
12: CA29 -> CA29_S
12: I-80(40A) has been moved east
12: PotRd -> GlaRd; shift west to the overpass?
12: CHJ* -> CRJ*
12: CA26_S -> CA26_W, CA26_N -> CA26_E
13: should 1B be added? it's not exactly the same interchange as 1A
13: I-80 -> I-80/580
14: CA14Trk -> I-5Trk; ca.ca014trknew is an I-5 truck route
14: CA178_S -> CA178_W, CA178_N -> CA178_E
16: RayRd -> Rd40
16 needs shaping points between ForAve and Rd79
16: YoloAve_N -> Rd87, YoloAve_S -> Rd21A
16: WildWinDr -> WilDr
16wil: FolBlvd -> FolBlvd_W, JacRd -> FolBlvd_E
16wil: VanVleRd doesn't exist
17 is missing a point at El Rancho Drive/La Madrona Drive (the underpass south of the ramps connects them).