110: move 25 south to the over/underpass?
110: separate point for 26A?
110: 30A at Marmion Way is missing; 30A -> 30
111: I don't understand the placement of End. The border crossing has been moved west to Chavez Boulevard, and southbound traffic on 111 can (as of May 2019) only go to the
duty free shop parking without having to U-turn and go the wrong way on a one-way street. Has anyone been here since then?
111: x11 is unnecessary
111: SaltCrkPL ->
SaltCrkBch111pal: VisChi -> VisChi_E
111pal: TraBlvd -> TraRd? or just Tra? I can't find any signs with a suffix
111pal: I-10 is at the wrong interchange (looks like I-10's points are mislabeled)
112: CA61/185 -> CA185 since you can't turn onto 61 here - though, with only
one sign for 112 existing, should we treat this as an error? There are at least three 61 shields on this route:
1 2 3113: HaslRd -> HasRd
113: RioDixRd -> CookLn
113: shift AdaSt south?
113: CHE* -> CRE*
113: CHE10 -> CRE10/E11? signage here sucks, but southbound on 113 there are signs for both
113: EveAve -> EveRd
115: move EvanHewHwy_E south
115: CHS* -> CRS*
115: CHS32_N -> HoltAve, CHS32_S -> CedAve? I can't find any shields here
115: PalmAve -> PalmAve_N
115: RutRd -> CRS26
116: x5 -> CazHwy (slightly moved)
116: ChuSt ->
BohHwy116: RivRd -> RivRd_E
116: LakHwy_S ->
LakRd_S116: OldAdoRd ->
AdoRd116: ArnDr -> ArnDr_N
118: 26 -> 27
118: 45 -> 44C, 46A -> 45, 46B -> 46
119: OldRivRd -> OldRivRd_S?