A pending update will fix the out-of-order points for CA 49 in Angels Camp, spotted by mapcat. Also, CA 56 will be truncated back to I-15 -- the freeway extends a little east of I-15, but not as a state highway. The long CA 20 should be in final form, hopefully removing one of the broken concurrencies with an active route that showed up as an active-routes Datacheck error.
One question about CA 49, which I'm still finalizing (but a partial update is pending) -- there is a lot of confusion about its routing in the I-80 area, especially in Mapnik/OSM. The pending update has CA 49 intersecting I-80 only at exit 119B, with no concurrency to exit 119C, as indicated by Caltrans' April 2017 bridge log for I-80. Those of you familiar with the area, please comment on whether I got the routing right. EDIT: The CA 49 update in the I-80 area is in the HB. As I finished work on the rest of the file, I made another change to CA 49s routing in the I-80, which includes a short multiplex with I-80 between exits 119B and 119C. That revision will be in my next pull request, as well as the rest of my edits to the northern part of CA 49.
Also, a note on the next update, which will affect the west end of CA 178's Shoshone segment, for the four users (besides me) who've clinched the route. The west endpoint is currently labeled DeaValNP. The next update will relabel that point End, and add a new DeaValNP point at the park boundary. This is a case where the state highway was there first, then the park expanded, including part of the state highway but not taking it away from Caltrans.
EDIT: One more -- the CA 168 route file will have relabels at both its west and east ends, some other exit numbers near its west end, and some intermediate waypoints. Online mapping is particularly confusing on road names, so I had to use GMSV to sort out name conflicts. That updated route file is also in my queue, for later today.