Author Topic: usaca: California State Highways  (Read 321435 times)

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Re: usaca (California State Highways), preview system
« Reply #255 on: October 16, 2019, 05:13:46 pm »
127: OldSTHwy -> OldSpaTr
127: AshMeaRd -> StaLineRd
128: move WenSt to (at left)
128: GwsRd -> GscRd
128: ConnCrkRd -> ConnCrkRd_S
128: KnoRd -> BerKnoRd
128: OldSKRd doesn't exist
128: PleValRd -> Rd86? (guide signs posted before the intersection do say Pleasants Valley Rd)
129: MainSt -> CRG12
129: BriSt -> BlaSt
129: CarRd has been realigned to the west; don't know if any usable source has the new location

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Re: usaca (California State Highways), preview system
« Reply #256 on: October 16, 2019, 07:13:39 pm »
130: MtHamRd -> AlumRockAve_E
130: ManTr doesn't make it to 130; move slightly west to SmiCrkFS?
130: MtHam -> LickObs?
132: move CA33 east to the connector?
132: CHJ* -> CRJ*
132: move RusRd west to ParRd, a more important intersection
132: CA99/108 -> CA99 (108 begins on an overlap with 132)
132: CA99Bus_N and CA108_E are the same intersection
132: move LasPalWay north to MerFalRd
132: GraDelRd -> GraSprRd
133: CHS18 -> CRS18
133: LagCanRd -> LagCanRd_N
134: 11A -> 11
137: WauAve -> WauAve_W, CurRd -> CurRd_S, Ave199 -> Ave199_W, Rd36 -> Rd36_S
137: InyoAve -> Ave228_W
137: CHJ25 -> Rd68
137: MSt -> MSt_S, TulAve -> TulAve_W
137: CHJ15_N -> Rd140, CHJ15_S -> Rd152, CHJ23 -> Rd168
138: RidRouRd -> CRN2
138: PalBlvd -> PalBlvd_E
138: 47thStE -> 47thStE_S
138: add CRN6
138: CA18_N -> CA18_W, CA18_S -> CA18_E? not sure if the directions of 18 or 138 should be used
138: DyerPulpRd (Fulp?) barely exists and serves what appears to be an abandoned lot
138: FR3N44 is not on the highway anymore; move west to FR3N45 (which is old US 66)
139: SprRidRd -> SprRidDr
139: CHA* -> CRA*
139: shift CleRd north
139: HorCampRd is fenced off on both sides; where does the name come from?
139: AdaRd -> CR87
139: move RonFlatRd north to CR198
139: Rd85 -> CR85
139: LooHacRd -> CR91
139: TicRd barely exists
139: CleLakeRd -> CR136, move south
139: OldAltHwy -> CR114

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Re: usaca (California State Highways), preview system
« Reply #257 on: October 16, 2019, 08:05:43 pm »
139: Rd85 -> CR85

No blue pentagon markers at that intersection, and the California Highways site's list of routes in the County Sign Route program doesn't have it. I'm reserving the CR (formerly CH) abbreviation for CSR or other county routes with pentagon route markers visible from state routes. This would include some roads with newly-added blue pentagon route markers which haven't yet been added to the California Highways list or necessarily formally added to the CSR system, like CRS450 on CA 89 (you noted above this needs to be corrected to CR450),  CR103A on CA 139 in Tulelake, and others (especially in northeastern California).

Other county roads marked only with street blades or other non-route marker sign (which often don't have "county" or "CO" in the sign, even if online maps mark them as "county road"), I have been using "Rd" as the abbreviation. I plan to keep that abbreviation, to distinguish County Sign Routes for which I had used the CH abbreviation, or other blue-pentagoned routes, from lesser county-maintained roads.

I've added or plan to add to the HB at some point, intersections with the new blue-pentagoned county routes identified over at the forum and/or the California Highways site or you stumble across them in your peer review, as I find out about them. Activation need not wait for that project to be completed, since even the routes in the County Sign Route program are not mandatory waypoints (as we've sometimes omitted some blue-pentagoned county roads in New Mexico and perhaps other states).

138: RidRouRd -> CRN2
138: add CRN6

These intersecting roads are in the CSR program, as suggested by the N prefix used for CSRs in Los Angeles County. I'll add or rename them accordingly (perhaps after a crosscheck to confirm blue pentagon signage, though the California Highways site says at least N2 is signed from CA 138).

137: CHJ25 -> Rd68
137: CHJ15_N -> Rd140, CHJ15_S -> Rd152, CHJ23 -> Rd168

Sounds right. I've heard over on the AARoads forum that blue pentagons have been disappearing in Tulare County, even if the county routes remain on the books of the CSR program.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2019, 08:45:25 pm by oscar »

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Re: usaca (California State Highways), preview system
« Reply #258 on: October 16, 2019, 10:19:52 pm »
140: why does MasSt get a point?
140: CA59_N and CA99(188) are the same interchange
140: OldHwyRd -> OldHwy
140: CHJ16 -> HorRd
140: BullCrkRd -> MerRivRA? BriInfCtr?
140: IncRd_W and IncRd_E are fenced off (though I understand why they're there, with the detour
140: HitCoveRd -> HiteCoveTr?
142: CarCanRd -> LamRd
142: ChiHilPkwy -> ChiHilPkwy_W
145: MadAve -> McMulGrd_E (or McMGrd_E?)
146: EastSt -> FroSt_N
146: MetzRd_W -> NorSt
146: MetzRd_E -> CRG15? (not signed here, but is signed farther south)
147: AlaLakeDr -> IndHilRd
147: CHA* -> CRA*

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Re: usaca (California State Highways), preview system
« Reply #259 on: October 16, 2019, 11:01:39 pm »
140: CA59_N and CA99(188) are the same interchange

Within the same interchange. But while CA99(188) is the correct point for the overall interchange, CA59_N is the point within the interchange where CA 59 and CA 140 split. This, IMO, warrants a fudge to the normal practice of "one point per interchange". It's somewhat similar to QC 104, where we have (and will keep. as discussed in the canqc peer review thread) separate A-30 and QC217 waypoints, even though the latter is within the footprint of the Autoroute 30/QC 104 interchange.

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Re: usaca (California State Highways), preview system
« Reply #260 on: October 17, 2019, 12:02:17 am »
140: CA59_N and CA99(188) are the same interchange

Within the same interchange. But while CA99(188) is the correct point for the overall interchange, CA59_N is the point within the interchange where CA 59 and CA 140 split. This, IMO, warrants a fudge to the normal practice of "one point per interchange". It's somewhat similar to QC 104, where we have (and will keep. as discussed in the canqc peer review thread) separate A-30 and QC217 waypoints, even though the latter is within the footprint of the Autoroute 30/QC 104 interchange.

So you take SR 99 south into Merced, get off at exit 188, and turn right on SR 140. Your list file now has 99 north of 188, but the line for 140 doesn't start at CA99(188), because you haven't entered 140 until the CA59_N point. This makes less sense than Chewbacca.

The Quebec example is very different, since 217's centerline stays east of A-30.

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Re: usaca (California State Highways), preview system
« Reply #261 on: October 17, 2019, 01:00:22 am »
150: there is no FR 4N10. The dirt track probably has no name. x38 can be moved to CasSta and FR4N10 deleted.
150: NogAve doesn't exist
150: MisRd -> StePark
151: CHA18 -> CRA18
152: BeaSt -> MainSt_S
152: BlaCanRd -> SprDayArea
152: WatRd -> CRG8
152: CHG9 -> CRG9
152: KaiAetRdf -> KaiAetRd (assuming that's the correct name)
153: ColdSprRd -> ColdSprRd_S
154: LakDr -> CacLakeRA?
155: CarRanRd appears to be a driveway
155: WhtRivRd[sic] is a gated driveway
155: WofBlvd -> WofBlvd_N
156: CHG1 -> CRG1
156: CA156Bus_S -> CA156Bus_W, CA156Bus_N -> CA156Bus_E
158: GraLakeCamp -> GraLakeMar?

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Re: usaca (California State Highways), preview system
« Reply #262 on: October 17, 2019, 11:52:40 am »
160: add onramp from TriRd?
160: move 48 to the same place as I-80BL, since 48 is just a slip ramp to I-80BL exit 9B
160rio: VicHwy_S -> Sherman Island Cross Road, however is best to abbreviate that
160rio: move SheIslRd north to the main intersection
160rio: CH* -> CR*
160rio: RivRd -> RivRd_S
160rio: CHE9_N -> FreBrg, CHE9_S -> CRE9 (as signed, E9 continues north along the west levee)
160rio: ConRivBlvd -> CosRivBlvd
162: FordSt doesn't exist
162: CR326_W -> DosRiosRd?, move east
162: CR326_E -> PooRd
162: CR327C -> EastLn
162: CR336 -> MinaRd
162: why is CR343 a point?
162: state maintenance and signage continues east to BauDreRd
162oro: maintenance and signage continues west to the next intersection with Rd307, signed for Rattlesnake Fire Overlook
162oro: FH7/306 -> Rd306_N
162oro: TomMcALn -> TomMcCLn
162oro: RicSouHwy -> Mid
162oro: LinSt -> LinBlvd
162oro: CHB2 -> CRB2 or CanDr? I can't find any B2 signage here
162oro: LoaCreRd -> LoaCrkRd?
163: AshSt is also 1A, and 1A is 1B southbound, but then there are 1B and 1C northbound, which don't fit with the way we make up exit numbers for disambiguation if we make AshSt 1A
165: SanFeDr -> SanFeGrd
165: GreValSP is a gated track; move south to SanLuisNWR
165: CHJ18* -> CRJ18*
« Last Edit: October 18, 2019, 12:14:28 pm by neroute2 »

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Re: usaca (California State Highways), preview system
« Reply #263 on: October 18, 2019, 07:00:01 pm »
168: SheAve_E needs realigning
168: RockCrkRd -> TamTr?
169: KlaMillRd -> KlaBlvd
169: TerRifRd -> StaRd (this leg has a stop sign)
169wei: CapRd -> LowKepRd
169wei: BaldHilRd -> MarFerBr?
172: CA36 -> CA36_W
173lak: NorBayRd -> NBayRd
175: GeoRd -> MatRd
175: RedHillRd -> RedHilRd
175: why CA29_S but E/W for BotRockRd?
177: add KaiRd (it's CR R2 but doesn't appear to be signed)
177: DesCenAir -> ChuValRac
178: 3A -> 3, 3B -> 4, 4 -> 5, 5 -> 6, 6 -> 7
178: CA184 is realigned
178: DemRd is closed
178: McCrayBlvd -> McCrayRd
178: TroRd -> TroRd_S
178sho: End should be at the pavement change at
178sho: DeaValNP does not have any identifying marks on the ground. Possibly replace with FurCrkRd
« Last Edit: October 19, 2019, 07:30:26 pm by neroute2 »

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Re: usaca (California State Highways), preview system
« Reply #264 on: October 20, 2019, 12:04:03 am »
180: JarRd -> JamRd
180: move 57B east half a block?
180: move WakAve east to CoveRd, a much more important road
180: MelRd -> MilRd
180: FR13597 -> SeqLake (FR13S97 doesn't make it that far south)
180: FR14S45 -> FR14S46
180ced: HumeRd -> HumeLakeRd?
180ced: BoyCave -> BoyCav
184: KernCanRd -> NilSt
185: CA61/112 -> CA61? 112 isn't signed here
186: AndRd_S -> QueParLot (and move south)
186: AndRd_N is blocked off
189: PineCreRd -> PinRd
189: OldTollRd -> GraValRd
189: BlueJayCto -> BlueJayCut?
189: NorBayRd -> NBayRd
189: ArrWoodDr -> GreDr

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Re: usaca (California State Highways), preview system
« Reply #265 on: October 20, 2019, 11:11:00 am »
190: WesRd -> WesDr
190: CHJ29 -> MainSt
190: CHJ42 -> Rd284
190: PleOakDr -> PleOaksDr
190: CHJ28 -> Rd320
190: CHJ37 -> BalParkRd
190: WasDr -> WisDr?
190dea: LavaLakeRd doesn't exist; move west to BarWay
190dea: OlaDarRd -> DarRd
190dea: PanSprAir doesn't seem to be in use; move east to PanSprRes?
190dea: CotCanRd -> StoWelCam?
190dea: NorHwy -> NHwy
190dea: AirRd -> FurCrkVC?
190dea: SlabCamp appears to be abandoned
192: MtnDr -> MtnDr_E
192: ValRd -> SycCanRd_E
192: CasPassRd -> CasPassRd_W
193geo: no signs at SweTr; move west one street to CraRd
193geo: SecLakeTr -> PilCt
193geo: MainSt -> GreRd
193geo: MarRd -> MainSt or LowMainSt
193geo: CamLn -> CaiLn

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Re: usaca (California State Highways), preview system
« Reply #266 on: October 20, 2019, 09:48:10 pm »
198: move 87A west to Redington Street?
198: Old3RRd -> Old3RDr
198: NorForkDr -> NForkDr
198: KahRivRd -> DinDr
198: the end of maintenance is at ; this sign is missing the END plate (which was there in 2007)
201: CHJ31 -> Rd56
201: CHJ19 -> Rd80 or AltaAve (both are signed at the intersection)
201: CHJ23 -> Rd156
201: Ave376 -> PieDr
202: TucRd -> TucRd_S or ValBlvd_E
202: CA58Bus -> CA58Bus_E (or just TehBlvd, since 58 Bus. isn't signed here)
203: Mad/Mon -> MinVis
203: ManSkiArea -> MamMtnInn
204/99Bus: GSJ at TruAve
204/99Bus: GolStaAve -> UniAve_N
204/99Bus: GSJ at CheAve
204/99Bus: AirDr -> 6
207: MtRebaSA -> BearValSA

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Re: usaca (California State Highways), preview system
« Reply #267 on: October 21, 2019, 09:10:36 am »
210: new exit 72
210: move 75B west to 259; there are no ramps to/from E Street
216: HouAve -> HouAve_W
216: CHJ23_S -> Rd158
216: CHJ23/J34 -> Ave328_W
216: CHJ27 -> MilDr_E
216: CHJ21 -> DryCrkDr
217: the west end is at (UCSB or HenGate)
218: GJMBlvd -> JimMooBlvd?
220rye: RyerRd -> RyerERd
221: GSJ at SyarIndInc
227: SouSt -> BroSt_N
227: HigSt -> HigSt_N, MadRd -> HigSt_S
229: RockCanRd -> RocCanRd

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Re: usaca (California State Highways), preview system
« Reply #268 on: October 21, 2019, 09:59:06 pm »
233: Ave25 -> WasRd
236: ChiGraRd_S -> ChiGra_S, ChiGraRd_N -> ChiGra_N
236: NorEscRd -> NEscRd
236: ViaPal is an unmarked driveway; Google Maps shows Via Paloma doesn't make it to 236 and OSM is all borked in that area
237: 9 -> 8
238: SteRd -> SteBlvd
238cas: 14 -> I-238/580 (14 is only an exit number on I-238, not SR 238)
241: 33 -> 32, new 33 at Santiago Canyon Road?
242: I-680 -> 1A
242: 1A -> 1, move south to Clayton Road
243: move LakeFulPA west to the parking entrance?
243: LinSt -> LinSt_E, 8thSt -> LinSt_W
245: Ave364 -> Ave364_E or Rd204_N
245: CHJ27 -> MilDr_S
245: CHJ21 -> DryCrkDr
247: BarRd -> BarRd_S
247: FernRd -> HayRd
247: move DunRd north to LucValCut
253: remove StaSt_N due to one point per interchange? in any case the two labels are flipped from how they should be

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Re: usaca (California State Highways), preview system
« Reply #269 on: October 22, 2019, 07:29:18 am »
254: OakSt doesn't make it to 254; move north to SchRd
254: WillRd (the north one) doesn't exist; move north to EelRivHQ
254: LumSt -> NewRd
254: move ToUS101(663) north to the center of the interchange at BullCrkRd
254: HumRedSP -> HighRockCamp
254: EngRd doesn't exist
254: ToUS101(667A) -> US101(667A)
255: move StaDr north to the underpass
255: NavyBaseRd -> NavyBaseRd_S
260 is not signed
262 is missing a GSJ at KatoRd
266: PowLineTr -> PowLineRd?
267: SpeSt -> SpeAve