Signage in Lampasas shows the elimination of US 281 Truck, with mainline US 281 being routed over the former truck route, and the creation of a new US 281 Business on the former alignment of US 281. Signage is updated to reflect these changes at all three intersections of the "triangle." See the diagram below for a Before/After.
I went and pulled footage from my dashcam as well.
Heading NORTH on US 183/190/281 (formerly US183/190 and US 281 Truck):
Looking NORTH at the northern intersection of US 183/190/281 and US 281 Business:
Heading SOUTH on the new US 281 Business (former alignment of US 281):
Heading EAST on the new US 281 mainline (former US 281 Truck), approaching the intersection where it joins US 183/190 to head north: