labels that have moved from one location to another:60 59 58 57 49 46 45 44 38 37 36 33 31 29 26 25 21 17 12 7 6 4
Indirectly broken labels: These old labels were not needed at a new location, but were intentionally broken because everybody using them in a .list file paired them with one of the broken points above. Rather than create bad stats & maps for everyone, I opted to just break these .list lines & thus include notes in the .log files that they need attention.
19A 35 40 50
All travelers with broken .lists:1 1995hoo a3 afarina andrepoiy_total angelsfreeek atsiatas barefoot_driver baugh17 Beerman ben114 bhemphill brendan clark1mt clong crosboro7 dcharlie dfilpus dgolub dlsterner epzik8 eth finnedude flroads georgiaroadgeek gman2337 gpw harvey highplainstrvlr hoss6884 hsford hurricanehink imgoph intheam jackgaynor JamesMD jayhawkco jjbers jonsamuels jpinyan jt2020 julmac justjake keithcavey lamsalfl M3200 mapmikey marnen martindelaware mikeandkristie mojavenc mwasleski navigator njroadhorse noelbotevera nrm1221 oldduck osu_lsu paulthemapguy pbryan pnrrth presidentman rebelgtp regoarrarr RMA58 roadguy2 scott_stieglitz shiggins skatcher sneezy squatchis ssgtcrusty stoneyrds tag42481 thing342 ua747sp vespertine w9tam whopperman wphiii
Those who update via GitHub (TM usernames):afarina andrepoiy_total atsiatas Beerman ben114 clark1mt dgolub dlsterner eth finnedude harvey hoss6884 jackgaynor jayhawkco jjbers jonsamuels keithcavey mapmikey marnen martindelaware mojavenc mwasleski navigator njroadhorse oldduck pbryan pnrrth rebelgtp roadguy2 thing342 ua747sp wphiii
GitHub usernames:@ajfarina @andrepoiy @atsiatas @bswift119 @benchase1 @clark1mt @dgolub @dlsterner @tmharley @FinneDude @yakra @Hoss6884 @yakra @chrislwillers @jjbers @JonSamuels @keithcavey @mapmikey @marnen @martindelaware @NickCPDX @mwasleski @measuren @njroadhorse @bhoward @pbryan7 @pnrrth @rebelgtp @roadguy2 @Thing342 @ua747sp @wphackney
Those left over who update by email:1 1995hoo a3 angelsfreeek barefoot_driver baugh17 bhemphill brendan clong crosboro7 dcharlie dfilpus epzik8 flroads georgiaroadgeek gman2337 gpw highplainstrvlr hsford hurricanehink imgoph intheam JamesMD jpinyan jt2020 julmac justjake lamsalfl M3200 mikeandkristie noelbotevera nrm1221 osu_lsu paulthemapguy presidentman regoarrarr RMA58 scott_stieglitz shiggins skatcher sneezy squatchis ssgtcrusty stoneyrds tag42481 vespertine w9tam whopperman
MA128Broken labels:45(95) 44(95) 38(95) 37(95) 31(95) 29(95) 26(95)
Indirectly broken labels:24(95) 32B(95)
All travelers with broken .lists:a3 ben114 bobcobb brendan dantheman froggie highway63 hoss6884 htm_duke imgoph jimvette jonsamuels jstalica jwood martindelaware master_son mefailenglish mikeandkristie navigator okroads pahighways paulthemapguy presidentman roadgeek_adam scott_stieglitz sneezy synkdorbit terminal_moraine tikester ua747sp
Those who update via GitHub (TM usernames):ben114 froggie hoss6884 jonsamuels martindelaware master_son navigator terminal_moraine ua747sp
GitHub usernames:@benchase1 @ajfroggie @Hoss6884 @JonSamuels @martindelaware @ssoworld @measuren @mbeller2016 @ua747sp
Those left over who update by email:a3 bobcobb brendan dantheman highway63 htm_duke imgoph jimvette jstalica jwood mefailenglish mikeandkristie okroads pahighways paulthemapguy presidentman roadgeek_adam scott_stieglitz sneezy synkdorbit tikester