As some of you are aware, I use our project's data to create graphs (the mathematical/data structure with vertices and edges) that I use in academic projects. My efforts this week have been to generate those within the Python site update program rather than as a post-processing step, and I've made a lot of progress. Anyway, I now have a graph of all of our active and preview that has 329,559 vertices and 357,536 edges. Each vertex represents one or more colocated waypoints (the colocated waypoints of intersecting or concurrent routes are collapsed to a single vertex) and each edge represents a pair of waypoints that are connected by one or more routes. Again, concurrent routes are represented by a single edge. By comparison, when I last generated these graphs a few years ago from CHM data, there were 263,705 vertices and 288,298 edges.
I've also been able to generate graphs for each region, and the following lists each region that has at least one active or preview route in TM with the number of vertices and number of edges in that region's graph. The variety of sizes here is one of the great values of this data to my academic project. Students can use the small graphs for initial implementation and testing, then move on to larger graphs for more extensive testing and empirical analysis of algorithm complexity.
AB (2812,2932)
ABW (27,36)
AFG (686,686)
AK (1464,1460)
AL (3075,3170)
ALA (63,59)
ALB (617,616)
AND (48,46)
AR (1991,2014)
ARM (508,515)
AUT (971,977)
AZ (2139,2197)
AZE (440,438)
BC (4443,4485)
BEL (986,1009)
BGD (323,323)
BGR (940,967)
BIH (306,303)
BLR (665,671)
BRB (86,105)
BRN (44,42)
BTN (167,166)
CA (2648,2710)
CHE (735,736)
CHN-AH (389,393)
CHN-BJ (229,232)
CHN-CQ (396,403)
CHN-FJ (546,554)
CHN-GD (691,703)
CHN-GS (521,517)
CHN-GX (435,441)
CHN-GZ (500,502)
CHN-HA (454,459)
CHN-HB (566,572)
CHN-HE (630,632)
CHN-HI (100,100)
CHN-HN (543,546)
CHN-HL (571,570)
CHN-JL (346,348)
CHN-JS (432,440)
CHN-JX (469,472)
CHN-LN (577,586)
CHN-NM (665,662)
CHN-NX (161,162)
CHN-QH (399,398)
CHN-SC (662,667)
CHN-SD (536,548)
CHN-SH (111,111)
CHN-SN (843,856)
CHN-SX (439,443)
CHN-TJ (92,91)
CHN-XJ (779,777)
CHN-XZ (324,323)
CHN-YN (812,808)
CHN-ZJ (489,498)
CO (3210,3435)
CRM (117,116)
CT (1942,2416)
CYP (290,303)
CZE (984,990)
DC (63,58)
DE (652,650)
DEU (4377,4318)
DNK (1183,1263)
ENG (12969,15611)
ESP (5769,5807)
EST (500,510)
FIN (4173,4298)
FL (2563,2706)
FRA (6449,6609)
FRH (198,210)
GA (3158,3370)
GEO (381,384)
GLP (115,121)
GRC (1215,1210)
GU (124,148)
GUF (98,98)
HI (554,577)
HKG (190,201)
HRV (439,437)
HUN (590,595)
IA (3429,3759)
ID (2029,2104)
IDN (254,250)
IL (4439,5218)
IMN (141,169)
IN (3207,3853)
IND-AP (192,190)
IND-AS (49,48)
IND-BR (97,95)
IND-CT (49,48)
IND-DL (33,30)
IND-GJ (14,13)
IND-HR (60,56)
IND-JH (38,36)
IND-KA (163,162)
IND-MH (346,344)
IND-ML (37,36)
IND-MN (45,44)
IND-MP (195,192)
IND-NL (31,30)
IND-OR (149,147)
IND-PB (56,54)
IND-RJ (22,19)
IND-TG (115,112)
IND-TN (173,172)
IND-UP (189,185)
IND-UT (15,14)
IND-WB (133,131)
IRL (1647,1707)
IRN (1862,1863)
ISR (110,109)
ITA (2983,2976)
JAM (232,238)
JEY (49,53)
KAZ (2280,2289)
KGZ (361,359)
KHM (250,249)
KOR (1087,1124)
KS (3632,3932)
KY (13272,16963)
LA (1430,1503)
LAO (507,506)
LKA (115,113)
LTU (423,436)
LUX (841,925)
LVA (447,455)
MA (2280,2762)
MAF (7,6)
MAR (287,283)
MB (216,217)
MD (3681,3284)
MDA (351,353)
ME (3919,4296)
MEX-BC (69,67)
MEX-BCS (7,6)
MEX-CHIH (81,73)
MEX-CHIS (47,43)
MEX-COAH (25,20)
MEX-COL (16,14)
MEX-DF (21,18)
MEX-DGO (72,70)
MEX-GRO (71,65)
MEX-GTO (38,35)
MEX-HGO (46,36)
MEX-JAL (83,80)
MEX-MICH (100,93)
MEX-MOR (46,41)
MEX-NAY (47,43)
MEX-NL (48,43)
MEX-OAX (30,28)
MEX-PUE (109,95)
MEX-QRO (26,24)
MEX-QROO (6,5)
MEX-SIN (79,74)
MEX-SLP (48,43)
MEX-SON (59,56)
MEX-TAB (5,4)
MEX-TAM (12,10)
MEX-TLAX (34,25)
MEX-VER (100,91)
MEX-YUC (11,10)
MEX-ZAC (22,19)
MKD (234,235)
MI (3950,4270)
MLT (173,197)
MMR (580,578)
MN (4910,5320)
MNE (353,356)
MO (6466,7072)
MP (190,237)
MS (1705,1738)
MT (4115,4320)
MTQ (85,91)
MYS (783,789)
MYT (42,40)
NB (2840,3077)
NC (5964,7130)
NCL (157,156)
ND (1936,2100)
NE (3415,3758)
NH (2400,2664)
NIR (1012,1121)
NJ (2154,2385)
NL (265,264)
NLD (1343,1395)
NM (3452,3750)
NOR (4263,4291)
NPL (306,305)
NS (1711,1861)
NT (543,539)
NV (1798,1833)
NY (8110,9261)
NZL (112,105)
OH (11088,12932)
OK (3924,4468)
ON (3931,3999)
OR (4407,4584)
PA (9140,9123)
PAK (929,932)
PE (1114,1507)
PHL (92,89)
POL (1457,1458)
PR (241,240)
PRK (145,142)
PRT (1094,1108)
PYF (237,242)
QC (995,982)
REU (122,128)
RI (539,687)
RKS (191,195)
ROU (4571,4775)
RUS (5520,5526)
SC (3800,4763)
SCT (3995,4337)
SD (2048,2235)
SGP (117,124)
SK (264,260)
SPM (12,10)
SRB (466,461)
SVK (487,489)
SVN (553,562)
SWE (2203,2208)
THA (948,952)
TJK (594,597)
TKM (406,404)
TN (2436,2615)
TUN (64,61)
TUR (2203,2185)
TWN (259,263)
TX (13333,15049)
UKR (1682,1700)
UT (2423,2534)
UZB (638,642)
VA (4963,5812)
VI (237,325)
VNM (621,620)
VT (1367,1525)
WA (3315,3514)
WI (4881,5533)
WLF (42,48)
WLS (1682,1836)
WV (3234,3382)
WY (2351,2466)
YT (1186,1181)