How many times have our 290 .list files been updated, including the initial commit?as of d9478ee682bf87d4eed0b99778242cec4a2372f4Arithmetic mean: 43.3
Median: 17
Standard Deviation: 73.3
michih.list has the most updates, at 630, which is 8 standard deviations above mean.
cl94 is in 2nd place at 372, 4.5 standard deviations above mean.
32 files (11%) have had only one commit ever.
How often is the average .list file updated?Geometric mean: 31.9 days
Median: 34.5 days
LOL, I don't know what measure of central tendency this is: 4.61 days
Most frequently updated is riiga.list at 0.0016 days between its two commits.
Not exactly statistically significant, is it?
Second place is vsaharan1897.list at 1.0847 days between its two commits.
Least frequently updated
(among those that can be calculated, with >1 commit of course) is noelbotevera.list at 1290.0176 days between its two commits.
michih updates every 3.1352 days.
# This will work on Linux, but not FreeBSD. :(
cd $HOME/TravelMapping/UserData/list_files
for u in *; do
newstr=$(git log -n 1 $u | grep '^Date:' | sed -r 's~^Date: +~~')
newest=$(date +%s --date="$(echo $newstr | sed -r 's~ [+\-][0-9]{4}$~~')")
newest=$(echo $newest $(echo $newstr | sed -r 's~.* (.*)..$~\1~') '*' 3600 | bc)
oldstr=$(git log --follow $u | grep '^Date:' | tail -n 1 | sed -r 's~^Date: +~~')
oldest=$(date +%s --date="$(echo $oldstr | sed -r 's~ [+\-][0-9]{4}$~~')")
oldest=$(echo $oldest $(echo $oldstr | sed -r 's~.* (.*)..$~\1~') '*' 3600 | bc)
updqty=$(git log --follow $u | grep '^Date:' | wc -l)
if [ $updqty -gt 1 ]; then
echo -en "$u\t$updqty\t"
echo "scale=4; ($newest - $oldest) / ($updqty - 1) / 86400" | bc