SC 63-SC 71 were completed in my previous post.
Submission Comments: (finalized 9/29/2019 at 8:30 AM)
SC 28: 1. The SC20Trk label should have been changed to SC20Trk_W. (from what I saw on GitHub before it went in the HB)
2. I still think that US76/123_W should be US76/123 based on the manual (see below).
At splits where two concurrent routes leave, usually no suffix is needed. So if US 90 joins US 25, then US 80 joins, and then US 80/US 90 splits off together, the US80/90 point needs no suffix.
SC 28 TRUCK (Anderson): SC28_E needs to be synced with SC 28, SC 28 BUS (Anderson), and US 76.
SC 34 TRUCK (Camden)/US 1 TRUCK (Camden): YorkSt should be YorkSt_E. (This was done on US 521 TRUCK (East Camden)).
US 521 TRUCK (Camden): CheFerRd should be
SC 39: My Savannah River Site (SRS) label comment for it being lengthened from SC 64 applies to this route as well presuming that you edited SC 39 before I looked at SC 64.
SC 917: US76 should be US76_W.
US 76 CONN (Columbia): Should this have been deleted from the HB? (US 21 CONN was.)
I will restart with SC 72 below.
SC 72:1. Noting here so it is not forgotten later, but
SC 203 TRUCK (Abbeville) nearby is signed from the SC 20/SC 72 intersection.
2. OldFaiRd should be for
Cambridge St Ext.
3. The SC254 point needs to be synced with SC 254, US 25, and US 178.
4. RidRd needs to be relocated to the correct intersection.
5. US176/121_S should be US176/121. (Note that SC72_S on SC 121 should be SC72_W.)
6. US176_N should be US176_W. (correct on SC 121, the label on US 176 should be SC72/121)
7. A point should be added at
State Park Dr (StaParkDr) for Chester State Park. (also affects SC 121)
8. The SC9_S point needs to be synced with SC 97.
9. +X007 should be replaced with a visible point at
Hall Rd. (also affects SC 121)
SC 72 BUS (Greenwood):1. CamAve should be
SC 72 BUS (Clinton):1. The SC56Bus points should be E and W instead of S and N.
SC 75:1. +X006(US521) could be replaced with a visible point at
Steel Hill Rd (SteHillRd). (loses .07 miles in mileage for only an 8 mile route) (change would also affect US 521)
SC 75 TRUCK (Van Wyck):1. The SC 75 points should be S and N instead of W and E. (I did not see any directional banners though.)
2. SC5_E should be SC5_S.
3. A point should be added for
Andrew Jackson Park Rd at the entrance to Andrew Jackson State Park. (also affects US 521)
SC 80:1. I am noting this
SC 101 TRUCK shield as a reminder to check this out later.
2. SC80 on SC 290 TRUCK (Greer) should be US29/80.
SC 81:1. SC28_S should be SC28_E.
2. RusDamOveRd needs to be shortened.
3. +X002 could be replaced by a visible point at
Millwood Ramp Rd (MilRampRd). (loses .06 miles of mileage)
4. A point should be added at
Calhoun Falls State Park Rd for Calhoun Falls State Park.
5. SC 413 seems to be signed along
SC 184 west to
SC 81.
6. FreDeaRd should be FredDeanRd.
7. FlaRd should be
8. Based on what you did with SC 20, I presume that you are maybe truncating SC 81 at SC 124.
SC 88:1. EQueSt should be QueSt_E.
2. I believe EigMilRd should be 18MileRd.
SC 90:1. ECoxFerRd should be CoxFerRd.
2. The
IntDr (International Dr) point needs to be relocated.
3. +X002 should be replaced by a visible point at
Live Oak Rd.
4. The SCDOT Street Finder tells me WamRd should be Hwy57.
5. RobEdgPky should be RobEdgePkwy.
6. A point should be added at
Sea Mountain Hwy just west of US 17/SC 9. I arguably could recommend a point on SC 9 at Sea Mountain Hwy as well.
7. There also seems to be a SC90Con just north of Sea Mountain Hwy at OldeHwy17.
SC 92:1. +X001 should be replaced with a visible point at
Browning Rd (BroRd).
SC 93:1. The SCDOT Street Finder shows it ending at US 76/SC 28 east of downtown Clemson though it is posted at
US 76/US 123/SC 28 northwest of downtown. It seems to be fully posted through Clemson so it should stay IMO.
2. OldSC133 (if kept) should be
College Ave (ColAve).
3. +X002 could be replaced with a point at
B St. US 123 should have a point added at
B St as well.
SC 97:1. NeaSwiRd should be NealSwiRd.
2. SC200_N should be
3. US21/200_S should be US21/200.
4. I would consider adding a point at
Brown Rd (BroRd) and then a hidden shaping point west of there for shaping purposes.
5. The SC9_S point needs to be synced with SC 9, SC 9 BUS (Chester), SC 72, and SC 121. (may have been done via SC 72)
6. SC72/121_N should be SC72/121.
7. OldYorRd should be OldYorkRd.
8. I would consider adding a point at Grant Rd (verified via SCDOT Street Finder) as the route is close to going out of tolerance here.
9. SuzBolRd should be SuzyBoleRd. (verified via SCDOT Street Finder)
10. The SC 211 points should be
N and S instead of W and E.
11. I would consider adding a point at
McKnight Rd as the route is close to going out of tolerance here.
12. EMaiSt should be
NimRd (Nimitz Rd).
13. WMaiSt should be
LegRd (Legion Rd).
14. The SC5 point should be
S-11-687. The new SC5 point should be at the relocated SC 5/SC 97 intersection (mentioned on SC 5.)
SC 101:1. DixChuRd should be DiaChuRd (Dials Church Rd) (verified via SCDOT Street Finder).
2. NMaiSt should be MainSt_N.
3. SC14_S should be SC14_E.
4. I would add a point at
Edwards St for shaping purposes.
5. I would add a point at Old Woodruff Rd (verified via SCDOT Street Finder) between I-85 and BroMcCRd as the out almost goes out of tolerance here.
6. The SC 101 TRUCK route I mentioned on SC 80 has a beginning point there based on
2008 GSV. This sign is not there in January 2019 GSV.
7. SLinSt should be
SnowSt and slightly relocated.
8. SC14_N should be SC14_W.
9. I would add points at
Fews Chapel Rd (FewChaRd) and
Jordan Rd (JorRd) for better shaping.
SC 102: (probably needs to be flipped)
1. I am not sure offhand what this
US 15 TRUCK (on US 15 BUS) may be about. I see no reason to include it if it just follows US 15 BUS from SC 102 to US 15.
2. EOldCamRd should be OldCamRd.
3. PatSocHilRd needs to be shortened.
4. S-13-716 should be Turnage Rd (TurRd) due to the old GSV from 2008. (verified via SCDOT Street Finder)
5. The SC9 point should be slightly recentered.
SC 105:1. WalFarRd should be WalFarmRd. (also affects SC 211)
2. SmiForRd should be SmiFordRd and recentered.
3. I would put a point at
Brick House Rd (BriHouRd) for better shaping.
4. Is there a SC 105 CONN on the southwest connector road near SC 329?
5. The SC 18 points should be
W and E instead of S and N and synced with it.
6. The SC 150 points should be
E and W instead of N and S.
SC 107:1. OcoStPk should be OcoSP or
State Park Rd (StaParkRd).
2. A point should be added for the
Cherry Hill Recreational Area.
3. FisHatRd should have been FishHatRd.
4. The SC/NC could could arguably be relocated. (also affects NC 107)
SC 109:1. BoMelLp should be for Woodward Mill Rd (WooMillRd). (verified via SCDOT Street Finder)
2. SC9_E should be SC9_S.
SC 110: (should be flipped from
west to east)
1. A point should be added on his route and US 29 at
Moore St. (practically a CONN route)
2. I should have suggested a point at the
Cowpens National Battlefield entrance on SC 11 just east of the US 221 ALT/SC 11/SC 110 intersection.
SC 113: 1. The SC 302 points should probably be W and E instead of S and N.
SC 114:1. The SC 18 points should be W and E instead of S and N.
2. I would add a point at Tump Smith Rd (TumpSmiRd) (verified via SCDOT Street Finder) as the route is dangerously close to going out of tolerance here. (also it would add some distance to a short route)
SC 116:1. Is there a better label at the western end than just End?
SC 118:1. Note that SC 19 TRUCK (Aiken) should be completely concurrent with this route. Ultimately the only part of SC 19 TRUCK (Aiken) that is not part of SC 118 seems to be the southeast quadrant that is SC 302 from SC 19 (south of Aiken) to US 78 (east of Aiken).
2. SC302 should be SC302_W.
3. The ArbCt point should become a hidden point just like on SC 19 TRUCK (Aiken). (also affects US 1 TRUCK (Aiken) and US 78 TRUCK (Aiken).
4. It is posted from
SC 19 pointing west.
SC 120:1. I would add a point at
Cox Rd as the route id close to going out of tolerance nearby.
2. I would add a point at
McCrays Mill Rd(McCMillRd) as the route id close to going out of tolerance nearby.
3. The SC 763 points should be
S and N instead of W and E.
4. A point should be added on US 521 at
Alice Dr (AliDr) due to the connection to SC 120.
SC 121:1. The SCDOT Street Finder shows two SC 125 CONNs here. (affects US 25 and potentially US 1, US 78, and US 278)
SC 230 is posted at the SC 125 intersection. I think this may be a "MISSING TO" situation. (also affects US 25, SC 125, and SC 125 TRUCK (North Augusta))
3. If SC 230 is extended, SC230 will need to be SC230_W. (also affects US 25 and maybe SC 125 TRUCK)
4. The SCDOT Street Finder shows I-520Con as US25Con. (also affects US 25)
5. It looks like S-19-29 should be relocated and maybe be renamed Greenhouse Rd (GreRd). Note that it looks like US 25/SC 121 is being widened to four lanes (I did not check a source) from a few miles north of I-20 almost to SC 19. I would relook at this section very closely. (also obviously affects US 25)
6. I would add a point at
McCreight St (McCSt) for shaping purposes.
7. FruHilRd should be FruHillRd.
8. NJenSt should be JenSt.
9. ColSt should be ColSt_S. (clarified via SCDOT Street Finder)
10. SC72_S should be SC72_W.
11. See numbers 7-9 on SC 72.
12. US21_S needs to be relocated and synced with it. (also affects US 21)
SC 122:1. WJohSt should be
2. MaiSt should be MainSt.
3. It looks like OakAve should be replaced with
AnnLn (Annie Ln). Oakland Ave has an overpass over SC 122 without an interchange.
SC 124:1. LoiAve should be LoisAve.
2. Based on what you did with SC 20, I presume that you are maybe truncating SC 81 at SC 124.