I see this was pulled in.
However, since it isn't opened yet to US-95 (between exits 14 & 15), I don't think that part should be shown yet. Plus, somebody has it marked as 'clinched' already which shouldn't be even possible.
If we aren't going to remove that section, US-93 & US-95's files need be updated to have the 'new' location for '15' (which should really be '15B'). Also, US-95 should have the point for exit 14 added as well.
As for I-11's file itself, we'll need to add '15A' for the Railroad Pass Casino Road interchange. Why you may ask? Well, it's simple. '15A' is a complete interchange, while '15B' isn't. '15A' fills in the missing movements from '15B', plus we have US-93/95 leaving I-11 (well, for now) @ '15A'. (on a side note, US-93 'Business' & US-95 would also need the companion part too for Railroad Pass Casino Road.