Author Topic: usaar: Arkansas state highways  (Read 81175 times)

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Re: usaar: Arkansas state highways
« Reply #30 on: November 14, 2019, 10:39:52 am »
101 is mileposted from north to south; should it be reversed?
101: US62 -> US62/412
101fli: US62 -> US62/412
102: I-49 -> I-49/62?
103: Where does the CR1800 name come from? There's a street sign that might say George Rd.
103cla: RivRd -> RivPoiRd
103cla: CR3350 -> CR3350/3361
105 is mileposted from north to south; should it be reversed?
107: are there any signs between PerBlvd and I-40?
107: ArnDr -> LitRockAFB?
107: add a point at CR89
107heb: AR25_N -> AR16/25
108: CR345 -> CR153/345
108S: AR41 -> AR32/41
109: OldAR109 -> OldSH109?
« Last Edit: November 15, 2019, 12:42:19 pm by neroute2 »

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Re: usaar: Arkansas state highways
« Reply #31 on: November 17, 2019, 02:23:46 pm »
110: AR25_N -> AR25B_N
111 is mileposted from north to south; should it be reversed?
112S: I-49 -> I-49/16?
113mor is signed north-south and needs to be reversed; also US64_W -> US64_N
114 has a brief overlap with US 63
11B overlaps 114 at its north end, so extend its file and 114: AR11B -> AR11B_S, also maybe 11: US425/114 -> US425/11B
115 is mileposted from north to south; should it be reversed?
115: CR134 -> CR134/214
117: US63/412_W -> US412_W, US63/412_E -> US412_E? (since 63 is north-south)
118 is mileposted from north to south; should it be reversed?
118/US 64: OldUS64 -> OldHwy64
118/US 64: SprRd -> SprHillRd
118: CR1116 -> CRW1116? (as with other routes in the county)
118: CR495 -> CRS495? The nearby CR 495 is signed as CR S495
119: CRS447 -> CRS447_S
119mar is inventoried as two sections, both ending at US 61. The west piece (section 0) is signed north-south (from 14 to US 61), while I can't find any directional signs on the east piece (section 1). Suggest separating and reversing the east piece as 119But.
120: CRN759_N -> CRE474/N759?
121 is mileposted from north to south; should it be reversed?
121lon is signed north-south and should definitely be reversed
123 is mileposted from north to south; should it be reversed?
123: LurLp -> ToAR7_N
123: CR3551 -> CR3510
124: OldAR124 -> OldHwy124
124: ForRd -> CR32?
124: GraCutRd -> CR33?
125: MarDr -> Hwy125Park
126: WhiBufTr -> CR641?
126: CR57 -> CR57/59?
127 is signed north-south, so reverse the direction of the main segment and AR12_W -> AR12_N, AR12_E -> AR12_S
127los has no signed direction, but is inventoried from south to north, so reverse direction
127s: MarRd -> LosBriPark? (there is a street sign but it looks too long for Marina Road)
128fou is mileposted from east to west; should it be reversed?
128spa is mileposted from east to west; should it be reversed?
128spa: move CR263 east to CR205?
129 is signed to continue north with 275 to US 82
129law: CR185 -> CR55/185?
« Last Edit: November 17, 2019, 03:58:10 pm by neroute2 »

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Re: usaar: Arkansas state highways
« Reply #32 on: November 17, 2019, 05:39:09 pm »
130: AR1/1B -> AR1 (1B ends concurrent, so you can't turn onto 1B)
131edm: EubRd -> MudRd, move east
133: AR133T -> AR133T_S
133T: US82/133 -> AR133_N
combine 135 and 135par
135: OakSt -> OakSt_W
139: US62_E -> US62/1, US49 -> US49/1?
139mon: move AR18_W north to the new bypass
140: the piece east of US 61 doesn't make much sense as part of the same segment, and it's mileposted from south to north, with signs both north (south end) and east (north end); maybe split as 140Osc
141: remove UniSt (it's unsigned south of AR91)
141: CR652 -> CR652/654
143: move PigCoopRd west to CR219_S?
143: CR219 -> CR219/226
144: US65/278_N -> US65_N? (since 278 is east-west)
144gil: FurRd -> FarRd
145 is mileposted from north to south; should it be reversed?
145: CR675 -> CR42/679??
145: CR635 -> CR626/635
145bla: move CR33 northwest
145lit: CR56 -> CR36?
148 is mileposted from east to west; should it be reversed?
148cle: CRE328 -> CRE328/E330
« Last Edit: November 17, 2019, 06:35:35 pm by neroute2 »

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Re: usaar: Arkansas state highways
« Reply #33 on: November 17, 2019, 08:28:17 pm »
151: TX/AR -> StaLineAve?
154 is mileposted from east to west; should it be reversed?
155 is mileposted from north to south; should it (all segments but 155dar) be reversed?
156fay: MorDr -> End
157: US67/167 -> US64/67?
157dia may be mileposted from north to south
157dia: AR18 -> AR17/18
158 is mileposted from east to west; should it (all segments but 158otw) be reversed?
158: CRN49 -> CRN49/W522
158: US61_S -> US61_W, US61_N -> US61_E
158bay: MainSt_S -> CR623?
159: US65 -> US65/8?
159dum: OldUS65 -> MainSt_N?
159lak: JenRd -> JenCutRd
159lak: US65/82_N -> US65_N, US65/82_S -> US65_S? (82 is east-west)

Offline neroute2

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Re: usaar: Arkansas state highways
« Reply #34 on: November 19, 2019, 04:39:29 pm »
161 is mileposted from north to south; should it be reversed?
161nor: move TraRd north to the intersection
162: the intersections near the east end appear to be a bit off; extend west and north to I-40/US 71 (this isn't a remnant sign; it's still inventoried that way; note that 11.023 is too high to be the US 64 intersection)
163: AR158_S -> AR158_W, AR158_N -> AR158_E
169: move ThuRd south
169: MillRd -> HanRd_N? (since sources disagree on the former name)
170 (main segment) is mileposted from east to west; should it be reversed?
170far: SunLn -> CR256
171gif is signed north-south, but it's mileposted from north to south
175 is mileposted from north to south; should it be reversed?
177: JorRd -> CR64/70?
179 is mileposted from north to south; should it be reversed?
181 is mileposted from "north" (US61) to "south" (I-55); should it be reversed?
183: 4thSt -> MilParkRd?
185mar is mileposted from north to south; should it be reversed?
185mar: CR230 -> CR216/230
186: extend south to NorRd
187: BeaParkRd -> DamLakeCamp?
189 is mileposted from north to south; should it be reversed?
189: PraRd has a county road number on the sign, but I can't make it out
189ham: HamLim -> CR17?
189ham: US82/425_W -> US425_S, US82/425_E -> US425_N?
190: End -> ComCorCen?
190: I-530(46) -> I-530/65?
190tul is mileposted from east to west; should it be reversed?
190pra is signed east-west and should definitely be reversed
195/US 371: CR261 (262 per Google?) is gated
195: AR26 -> AR19/26
197boo and 197new are mileposted from north to south; should they be reversed?
198: CR623 -> CRS623
« Last Edit: November 19, 2019, 07:01:11 pm by neroute2 »

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Re: usaar: Arkansas state highways
« Reply #35 on: November 23, 2019, 10:44:23 pm »
200: US371 -> US278/371
201: we need to determine whether it still overlaps US 62B through Mountain Home after the recent deletion inside the bypass.
201sal: ShiFryRd -> CR61?
201sal: OldMilRd -> CR55?
201sal: US62 -> US62/412
202yel: US62 -> US62/412
203 is signed north-south so should definitely be reversed
203: the AR274* labels seem wrong, but I don't know what would work better. AR274_Cam, AR274_W, AR274_E?
205 is signed north-south so should definitely be reversed (mainline and 205shu)
205for is mileposted from north to south; should it be reversed?
205for: End -> CR83?
208: BelCutOff -> BelCutRd
208hal: LevRd -> CR55?
209 (main segment) is mileposted from north to south; should it be reversed?

The west piece of 210 (210heb?) is missing:

211: CR108 -> CR108/111
215: CR5261 -> CR5440 and move a bit east
215mul: where does the ShoLakeRd name come from?
215ves: where does the NolRd name come from?
216: AR9 -> AR9/10
217: AR116_N -> AR116

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Re: usaar: Arkansas state highways
« Reply #36 on: November 24, 2019, 12:17:22 pm »
220: CamRd -> CheHilTr
223: CroRds -> CR17 or Cro?
223: move WildCheRd north to Wildberry Road? The former is a little dirt track
224 is mileposted from east to west; should it be reversed?
224: move CR615 southwest

the south part of 224 (224Ing?) is missing, including its junction with 14 just east of US67:

225cro: CroRds -> Cro
226: *OldUS49_N -> *OldUS49_S
there's a 226B at Cash, but it's unsigned, so no change
228min: End -> CR534?
229: US67 -> US67_S
229: SouSt -> SouSt_E or I-30(116)
230cav: WilRd -> WildCatRd?
231 (main segment) is mileposted from east to west (and may be signed north-south to match the other segments; I can't make out what the signs say); should it be reversed?
233bat: US167/25 -> US167_S? 25 isn't signed at this intersection
233bat: move MilCreRd northeast
234: US71_S -> US59/71_S, US71_N -> US59/71_N
235 is mileposted from north to south; should it be reversed?
235: CR5010 -> CR4030/5010
237 is mileposted from north to south; should it be reversed?
237: CR152 -> CR151/152
238: US70 -> US49/70
238: PleValRd_W -> PleValRd (the other one is a different road)
239: AR18/151 -> AR18_E? 151 isn't signed here
239osc: PauSt -> End
« Last Edit: November 26, 2019, 07:32:25 am by neroute2 »

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Re: usaar: Arkansas state highways
« Reply #37 on: November 27, 2019, 02:22:53 pm »
240 is mileposted from east to west; should it be reversed?
242 is mileposted from east to west; should it be reversed?
242: add a point at CR217, which is unsigned 242S
242: AR185_N -> AR185Wes, AR185_S -> AR185Hel
243: move CR144 northeast to the other leg where the shield is?
243: AR121_S <-> AR121_N
243: CR337 -> CR328/337
246: CR639 is gated; move just east to CR402

A piece of 247 (247Mor?) is missing:

247pon is mileposted from north to south; should it be reversed?
248 is mileposted from east to west; should it be reversed?
251: GlaRd -> OldBurrRd?
252/US 71: why the point at BroSt?
252: OldAR10 -> OldHwy10?
253 is mileposted from north to south; should it be reversed?
253: AR252 -> AR45 (252 isn't signed here)
253lav: CR279 -> CroRd
254: where do the names for the streets come from?
255/US 71B: ZeroSt -> ZeroSt_E?? three junctions makes it hard
255: US64/71Bus_E -> US64/71Bus (no other 64/71B junction)
258 is mileposted from east to west; should it be reversed?

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Re: usaar: Arkansas state highways
« Reply #38 on: November 27, 2019, 04:12:48 pm »
260: CR668 -> 3ForRd?
260: CR311 -> CR646?
263: OldBreRd -> CR201?
263: SunFoxRd -> RossRd?
264 (west of US71B) is mileposted from east to west; should it be split and reversed?
264: HigAve -> HigAve_S
264: AirBlvd -> NWARegAir?
264sil needs to be reversed
265: CR26 -> CR217
265: JudCumRd -> CR200?
267bee is signed north-south and should be reversed
269 is mileposted from north to south; should it be reversed?
272 is mileposted from east to west; should it be reversed?
272ric: AR59/270 -> US59/270
273iva needs a shaping point
274: CR75 -> CR79
274: AR203_W -> AR203_Cam, AR203_E -> AR203_N, AR203 -> AR203_S?
275: AR129 -> AR129_S (there's an overlap)
276 is mileposted from north to south; should it be reversed?

rename 276 to 276Stu; there's a much longer missing segment:

and missing 276S:

277 (main segment) is mileposted from north to south; should it be reversed?

Offline neroute2

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Re: usaar: Arkansas state highways
« Reply #39 on: November 27, 2019, 05:52:32 pm »
280 is mileposted from north/east to south/west; should it be reversed?
281 is signed to use the cutoff north of 14
282/US 71: LakeFortRd -> LakeSmiRd
283fri is mileposted from north to south; should it be reversed?
284: US64Bus/1 -> AR1_N since 64B begins along 284
285: US65/124 -> US65_N (124 isn't signed here)

285 is missing a segment (285Woo?):

286: US65/65Bus -> I-40; extend west overlapping US 65B to US65Bus/60 (signs are inconsistent)
289zio: BonRd -> BanRd (or CR61?)
291: AR190_S -> AR190Pra, AR190_N -> AR190Tul
293 is mileposted from north to south; should it be reversed?
294: JPWriLp -> JPWLoopRd
295com: CR 5451 -> CR5445/5451
Should 295com and 295cro be joined?
297 (main segment) is mileposted from north to south; should it be reversed?

A piece of 298 (298Sim?) is missing:

299 is signed south from both ends. Mileposts are from I-30 to 24, so it should be reversed (that would make it west to east).
« Last Edit: January 03, 2020, 06:49:09 pm by neroute2 »

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Re: usaar: Arkansas state highways
« Reply #40 on: November 27, 2019, 07:51:00 pm »
300: RossHolRd -> Hwy300Spur
300: AR10 -> AR10_E
300lit is mileposted from east to west; should it be reversed?
I can't find any directional plates on 301, and it's mileposted from west to east, so it should be reversed
304: US67/90 -> US67 (90 isn't signed here)
304: AR90_E -> AR34/90
304N is east-west, so reverse it
304N: US67/90 -> US67 (90 isn't signed here)
304N: move PaceRd_E east to the main intersection
305aus: US67 -> US67/167
306bea -> 306bec
306gle -> 306gie
308: McDDr -> McDSt?
309: AR22/109 -> AR22? 109 isn't signed here except south with 309
309: AuxArcPark -> AuxArcParkRd
310 is mileposted from east to west; should it be reversed?
310eno ends a bit northwest of BayRd, maybe far enough for a separate End point
310eno: AR110 -> AR107
311 continues south from US 62 on Tyson Avenue, but that's unsigned, so no change (except adding a TysAve point on US 62?)
311: CR814 -> CR812/814

312bly -> 312Num(ber Nine) and add a new 312bly:

314 is mileposted from east to west; should it be reversed?
316: A1/39 -> AR1/39
316: US49/1_S -> US49_N, US49/1_N -> US49_S (the two overlap in opposite directions so there's no way to be correct with both)
318 is mileposted from north to south and east to west; should it be reversed?
318: CR470 -> CR470/607
319con is signed north-south so should be reversed

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Re: usaar: Arkansas state highways
« Reply #41 on: November 27, 2019, 10:29:58 pm »
323des is mileposted from north to south; should it be reversed?
323des: where does the LetRd name come from?
323Y is unsigned. so no change
324 is mileposted from north to south (or east to west according to the signs at the north end of the main segment and 324lak); should it be reversed (all but 324rus)?
324rus: +X337905 -> MacAve and shift slightly
326 (main segment) is mileposted from north to south; should it be reversed?
327 is mileposted from north to south; should it be reversed?
327: CR8404 -> CR8403/8404
331: OldAR247 -> Hwy247 or RivRd?
333: BapRd -> BapDr
333gil is mileposted from east to west (and has no directional plates); should it be reversed?
336 is mileposted from east to west; should it (main segment) be reversed?
336: AR9_S -> AR9_W (336 is signed east-west)
336: US65/9 -> US65? (9 isn't signed here)
336hig: AR16/92 -> AR16? (92 isn't signed here)
337: LoboRd -> LoboLan? (and shift east a bit)
337sug: SugLoafPk -> SugLoafRA?
339 is mileposted from north to south; should it be reversed?

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Re: usaar: Arkansas state highways
« Reply #42 on: November 28, 2019, 10:19:47 am »
341: CR52 -> CR52/53
342: AR5/341 -> AR5? (341 isn't signed here)
342har is mileposted from east to west; should it be reversed?
343slo: where does the SarKonRd name come from?
345: KirSt -> HouAve (that's the one that continues to 345)
346 has no directional signs and is mileposted from south to north, so it should be reversed
349cac is signed north-south so should definitely be reversed

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Re: usaar: Arkansas state highways
« Reply #43 on: November 30, 2019, 10:37:39 pm »
350 is signed east-west everywhere but at US 64, and is mileposted from west to east, so should definitely be reversed
351: CR754 -> CR754/766
352: AR164_N -> AR164_E, AR164_S -> AR164_W (signed east-west at both ends)
352: CR2201 -> CR2171/2201
353: CR2 -> CR2/15
355 is mileposted from north to south (and is sometimes signed east-west); should it be reversed?
355: CR2 -> CR128
357: CR535 -> CR535/542
358 is mileposted from east to west; should it be reversed?
358: AR141/168 -> AR141? 168 isn't signed here
359: US64_E -> US64_S, US64_W -> US64_N

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Re: usaar: Arkansas state highways
« Reply #44 on: December 02, 2019, 04:26:34 pm »
81S may be one of the only unsigned sub-400 routes :(

It is not unsigned anymore. Per field check November 2019, short little AR81S is now signed. Mappit!

Also, re: AR36 - should be split in two. ADOT maps and GMSV show AR36 going to US64/67/167 (near unsigned 367Y), so a concurrency can't be implied on AR367.

« Last Edit: December 03, 2019, 04:28:34 pm by vespertine »