Please check routings through Tasnad (DN1F, DJ191, DJ109P, DJ108L). OSM, GM and GSV show different routings.
DJ191:New wp @ independent of DJ191 routing to the north or to the east
DC38 is off
DJ191A:Move DN19E between the branches
DJ191D is off
How are DN1F and E81 routed through Zalau?
2018 GSV indicates E81 routed like it's on OSM and in HB. The sign didn't exist in
2012. E81 is also signed on the eastern route as you can see on a sign in the
south (was already there in 2012). Thus I'd suggest:
- DN1F -> DN1F_N
- DN1F, E60 and DJ191A need a new wp @ the signs do only indicate E81, not DN1F. I assume that E routes are always concurrent to DN routes but I don't know for sure. Maybe DN1F is on the western route through Zalau as it's indicated on OSM? What do official sources say?
DJ191D:DN1H/19B is off
DJ191F:+X2 is off
DJ193:DN1C is off
DJ193A:DJ195 is off
DJ193F:I'd move Soc wp to the next junction within the village - as it's also indicated on OSM
DJ194:BulICBra -> BlvdICB or BlvdIonBra or BlvdConBra, also for concurrent DN19A
See question in a previous post about both names in label. If you prefer both:
- DN19_S -> DN19/19A_S
- DN19_N -> DN19/19A_N
DJ194B:New wp for DC64 in Pelisor
+X1 is off
DJ194D:BabNov -> BabaNov
DJ195Ard:Rename file and route short name to DJ195 (keep Ardud in city field though), ask if procedure is not clear
DJ195B:DC141 is off
+X1 is off
DJ195C:Exceeds limits b/n Dom and DN19_N, please add wp(s) so that it's clear whether it's the western or the eastern route (GM indicates east, OSM both). If both, make a circle.
DC51 is off
DN1F_S is off
DN1F_N is off
DJ195Pot:DN1C is off
DJ196:DJ196A is off
DC9A is off
DJ196B:DJ196C location looks odd. OSM and GM have a different route to the south
DN19_S is off
DN19_N is off
DJ197:D19_W is off
36.62% of the routes done!