NY 7: 1. Is UndDr a viable point?
2. BelRd should be
BeiRd (if a viable point).
3. Is FonAve a viable point? (also affects NY 23)
4. CheSt should be CheSt_E or MainSt_S. (also affects NY 23)
5. NY23_S should be NY23_E.
NY 23:1. Maybe making WestSt
CR15A will allow WestSt_One to be suffixless.
2. See 3-4 under NY 7.
3. NY28 should be NY28_S.
NY 28:1. MerDavRd should be
2. NY23 should be NY23_E.
3. Is TheCir a viable point?
NY 80: 1. Maybe make NY28/205 NY28_N.
2. LakeSt should be LakeSt_E.
NY 205: Maybe add points in Laurens and Hartwick due to the distances between points on this route.