WV-46: Fixed.
WV-90: Fixed.
WV-230: Fixed.
WV-115:1. I think that's why I had it that way. Guess I could change it to 'WV9_Key' instead for Key's Gap (would have considered just plain 'WV9', but that's still in-use under 'CR9/1'). And figures about the signage. I have no idea what's wrong with WVDOH. They have it even on the official state map showing this as part of WV-115...... (see 4 below)
2. Fixed.
3. You're right, it's incorrect. It's really
CR9/26 instead. Corrected.
4. While looking at StreetView for 1, I noticed that they have FINALLY updated it along 'WV-115' in July '21. So, I took a quick spot look in a few places where I would think that there would be signage. At Mission Road, I discovered this pair of 'TO WV-9' shields instead of what should have been WV-115 ones....
https://goo.gl/maps/5SvfoVGRbHwNW2nK9 And nothing else beyond this
one SB WV-115 shield just after the US-340 interchange. So, what to do here.......... Do we just keep it as-is (as shown on the official WV map), or shorten it to just beyond the US-340 interchange? If we want to go with the shorten option, where then? This is so annoying for sure.......
All of these fixes have been submitted, except for of course, 'WV-115 #4', as that requires some discussion. So, leaving this thread un-solved at the moment.