labels that have moved from one location to another:29 27 21 19 18 14 9
All travelers with broken .lists:a3 ajgrigg91 baugh17 bejacob ben114 bhemphill crosboro7 cvoight dantheman dy670 flroads Ib3kii imgoph jjbers jonsamuels jt2022 lakewy17 navigator neroute2 noelbotevera nrm1221 NWI_Irish96 pnrrth rebelgtp regoarrarr RMA58 scott_stieglitz sipes23 skoutr1 sneezy tikester whopperman
Those who update via GitHub (TM usernames):bejacob ben114 dy670 flroads jjbers jonsamuels navigator neroute2 pnrrth rebelgtp sipes23
GitHub usernames:@bejacob @eliotchase @TNT670 @flroads @jjbers @JonSamuels @measuren @neroute2 @pnrrth @rebelgtp @sipes23
Those left over who update by email:a3 ajgrigg91 baugh17 bhemphill crosboro7 cvoight dantheman Ib3kii imgoph jt2022 lakewy17 noelbotevera nrm1221 NWI_Irish96 regoarrarr RMA58 scott_stieglitz skoutr1 sneezy tikester whopperman