Looking, it's 1PPIing the ramp between CA110 and N San Fernando Road with the pre-existing exit 26A point on CA110.
Came in here to point this out and yeah I think this is a case where we need to break the graph connection since keeping it makes the route trace for US99HisLos way too janky.
Relatedly, I think we need to break this route up into separate Los Angeles and San Fernando segments. Here's why:
- in Burbank, just north of MagBlvd, the old US 99 alignment no longer exists since a shopping mall has been built on top of it. There are no signs directing traffic around. Indeed... there are no historic US 99 signs anywhere in Burbank at all. The signs disappear after the Los Angeles/Glendale City line, which is at Tyburn Street a few blocks south of the GleBlvd point. So, US99HisLos should end there.
- there is another discontinuity in the route at the I-5(147) point where following it would require jumping up onto (northbound) or down off of (southbound) an overpass with no ramps connecting it to the road underneath. There are no historic US 99 signs between the two discontinuities. The next place they appear north of Burbank is at the Van Nuys Blvd intersection, so that (or the next point south depending on how you wish to interpret it) is where the south end of the San Fernando section should be.