Author Topic: usaush: United States Historic US Routes  (Read 230163 times)

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Re: usaush: United States Historic US Routes
« Reply #285 on: September 01, 2021, 11:32:21 pm »
FWIW, I am aware of the signing of Historic US 20 across the state. It is now an auto trail. I met with Bryan Farr on one of his trips across the state this year. He was wrapping up talks with (I think?) Black Hawk County and that was the last one he had to talk to.

I don't have a full cross-state list yet. I might be able to get to that this weekend.

Offline SSOWorld

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Re: usaush: United States Historic US Routes
« Reply #286 on: September 02, 2021, 07:19:15 am »
I noticed on my way back from Cleveland that US20 Hist signs were present in Ohio too.  Mapcat might want to investigate that?
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Offline Markkos1992

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Re: usaush: United States Historic US Routes
« Reply #287 on: September 02, 2021, 07:54:52 am »
I noticed on my way back from Cleveland that US20 Hist signs were present in Ohio too.  Mapcat might want to investigate that?

Are you referring to any other section besides the Norwalk one (which is already in the HB)?

Offline si404

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Re: usaush: United States Historic US Routes
« Reply #288 on: September 02, 2021, 08:56:02 am »
You are sure quick to assume that I play games, I do not.
Then why do you care enough about game concepts like 'completion' on a site for mapping road travels to want to deny others the ability to map travels on roads which you aren't personally interested in as it ruins that game concept for you?

Game-style scorekeeping is something that the travel statistics can easily provide, and so "gotta clinch 'em all" is a natural thing to want to do. I have zero problem with people treating elements of this site as games to win, and I do so myself. However, the idea that usaush shouldn't be mappable because it mucks up your 'score' is an illegitimate argument that the negative connotations often associated with playing games (petty, childish, frivolously fun-focussed) aptly apply. There's legit issues with the system (oft-patchy signage, lack of official route mapping, etc), but the statistics one isn't one.

It's not difficult to ignore (though that doesn't mean it shouldn't be easier to do so - especially as its a popular feature request) 'side quests' like usaush if you don't care about them - nothing is 'essential to completion' as you make up the rules of the game you want to play, but that doesn't mean that others should be denied from mapping their travels along such routes if they want to.

Offline osu-lsu

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Re: usaush: United States Historic US Routes
« Reply #289 on: September 02, 2021, 10:41:49 am »
I noticed on my way back from Cleveland that US20 Hist signs were present in Ohio too.  Mapcat might want to investigate that?
He already has. Did you see some brown US 20 signs outside of Lake County and/or Norwalk to Monroeville?

Offline bejacob

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Re: usaush: United States Historic US Routes
« Reply #290 on: September 02, 2021, 11:00:43 am »
Then why do you care enough about game concepts like 'completion' on a site for mapping road travels to want to deny others the ability to map travels on roads which you aren't personally interested in as it ruins that game concept for you?

Why do you immediately attack anyone who you deem to be questioning route systems akin to usaush?

I've all but stopped offering opinions on this forum and limit my comments to point request and corrections because every time I posted an opinion that doesn't agree with your concept of this site, I got verbally excoriated by you. I offer no further opinions on usaush or the like, nor about concepts like 'completion' of systems or regions. I do request you moderate your tone when others state ideas that don't fully align with yours.

Offline mapcat

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Re: usaush: United States Historic US Routes
« Reply #291 on: September 02, 2021, 12:40:39 pm »
I noticed on my way back from Cleveland that US20 Hist signs were present in Ohio too.  Mapcat might want to investigate that?
I'm headed to some places not especially far from US 20 this weekend, so if you have a general idea where these signs are present on segments not currently in the HB, let me know so I can confirm.

Offline si404

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Re: usaush: United States Historic US Routes
« Reply #292 on: September 02, 2021, 01:19:56 pm »
Why do you immediately attack anyone who you deem to be questioning route systems akin to usaush?
I don't always - I only do it when faced with this rude argument that I see as an attack.

I'm fine with people disagreeing with me about what the site is about, and have no intent to stop them using it the way they want. What I'm not fine with is people pushing for conformity to the way they want in ways that stop me from using the site the way I want, as they can't be bothered to simply ignore what they want to ignore.

Personally, I couldn't care less about interstate business routes. Am I asking for their removal due to my personal lack of interest? No. Because that would be immensely rude to those who made and maintained the routes, and those who care about mapping their travels on them. You don't want to use this work that I was interested in and so spent weeks of effort on? Fine, just ignore it - it really isn't hard! But if you want to stop me, anyone else who wants to use it, from using it, then you better have a good reason (and there have been some made wrt usaush) or I'll view it as an attack and go into defence-mode. Personal disinterest is not a good reason - it's an arrogant argument that should be called out for what it is every time it's made.

AFAICS, the worst I'd attacked SSOWorld with is saying they are playing a game. Apparently that was beyond the pale! ::) OK, I've called out the childishness and selfishness of the "I don't want it, so no one should have it" argument that was being made, but that was about the argument, not the person.

I do request you moderate your tone when others state ideas that don't fully align with yours.
I'll moderate my tone to be less rude, when the ideas being made are less rude!

Offline SSOWorld

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Re: usaush: United States Historic US Routes
« Reply #293 on: September 02, 2021, 05:58:08 pm »
I noticed on my way back from Cleveland that US20 Hist signs were present in Ohio too.  Mapcat might want to investigate that?
I'm headed to some places not especially far from US 20 this weekend, so if you have a general idea where these signs are present on segments not currently in the HB, let me know so I can confirm.
It was Norwalk, so thanks for pointing that out.
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Offline Markkos1992

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Re: usaush: United States Historic US Routes
« Reply #294 on: September 22, 2021, 05:39:17 pm »
On US30HisCol in Oregon, should the HistColRivHwy label be shortened?

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Re: usaush: United States Historic US Routes
« Reply #295 on: September 23, 2021, 10:29:02 am »
ColRivHwy, HisCRHwy, etc.
Sri Syadasti Syadavaktavya Syadasti Syannasti Syadasti Cavaktavyasca Syadasti Syannasti Syadavatavyasca Syadasti Syannasti Syadavaktavyasca

Offline Bickendan

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Re: usaush: United States Historic US Routes
« Reply #296 on: September 25, 2021, 12:11:28 am »
It needs to be rerouted from exit 18 to the exit 17 complex. That will, by default, resolve that long tag.

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Re: usaush: United States Historic US Routes
« Reply #297 on: September 25, 2021, 12:15:37 am »
Fixed locally.

Offline osu-lsu

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Re: usaush: United States Historic US Routes
« Reply #298 on: December 04, 2021, 09:07:28 pm »
I noticed on my way back from Cleveland that US20 Hist signs were present in Ohio too.  Mapcat might want to investigate that?
He already has. Did you see some brown US 20 signs outside of Lake County and/or Norwalk to Monroeville?

To answer my own question, from 3 months ago, yes.  ;D
Actually on the west side of Wakeman (and ironically, initially addressed on Page 3 of this thread, 4 years ago) there are several Historic US 20 shields for a older narrower turn coming off Oh 303 along Hyde St. Add to that, there is a 'Historic US 20' Shield attached to the Wakeman City Limit sign for WB traffic of US 20 (east edge of Wakeman).

Offline Markkos1992

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Re: usaush: United States Historic US Routes
« Reply #299 on: December 05, 2021, 08:15:09 am »
I noticed on my way back from Cleveland that US20 Hist signs were present in Ohio too.  Mapcat might want to investigate that?
He already has. Did you see some brown US 20 signs outside of Lake County and/or Norwalk to Monroeville?

To answer my own question, from 3 months ago, yes.  ;D
Actually on the west side of Wakeman (and ironically, initially addressed on Page 3 of this thread, 4 years ago) there are several Historic US 20 shields for a older narrower turn coming off Oh 303 along Hyde St. Add to that, there is a 'Historic US 20' Shield attached to the Wakeman City Limit sign for WB traffic of US 20 (east edge of Wakeman).

Are you referring to this post (

I did not see much about Wakeman beyond a mere mention.