Several double-bannered routes exist in usausb:
usausb;SC;US17;AltTrk;Sum;Summerville, SC;sc.us017alttrksum;
usausb;NC;US17;BusTrk;Eli;Elizabeth City, NC;nc.us017bustrkeli;
usausb;TN;US31;AltBus;Lew;Lewisburg, TN;tn.us031altbuslew;
usausb;TN;US41;AltByp;Cla;Clarksville, TN;tn.us041altbypcla;
usausb;TN;US70;AltByp;Hum;Humboldt, TN;tn.us070altbyphum;
usausb;VA;US258;BusAlt;Smi;Smithfield, VA;va.us258busaltsmi;(Three for mapmikey; three for mapcat.)
I have not checked to see whether any exist in other systems.
If it's not possible to have 6-character banners, I suggest changing the second one to us017trkeli.
Seconded. To clarify, I agree with the whole statement, as a conditional.
A broader solution may be required.
Perhaps changing the name to US17ATrkEli and US17ATrkSum would work? Nomenclature is similar to NY9PTrkSar.
I read this as, include the 'A' or 'B' as part of "route" field, and use just a 3-character banner.
The nationwide convention for
usausb has always been to use Alt/Bus/Byp/etc. banners instead of A/B/etc. suffixes, even if they're signed the latter way in a given state. State systems are a different beast, and letter suffixes have been allowed.
A workaround that would avoid breaking with this convention, and keep the intended .list names in place, would be to just include the whole first banner in the route field:
usausb;SC;US17Alt;Trk;Sum;Summerville, SC;sc.us017alttrksum;
usausb;NC;US17Bus;Trk;Eli;Elizabeth City, NC;nc.us017bustrkeli;
usausb;TN;US31Alt;Bus;Lew;Lewisburg, TN;tn.us031altbuslew;
usausb;TN;US41Alt;Byp;Cla;Clarksville, TN;tn.us041altbypcla;
usausb;TN;US70Alt;Byp;Hum;Humboldt, TN;tn.us070altbyphum;
usausb;VA;US258Bus;Alt;Smi;Smithfield, VA;va.us258busaltsmi;...But I also downvote this, as it would break the
View Associated Routes feature.
Both the banner and abbrev fields are truncated to 3 characters in the DB.
I should add a datacheck for this. I even already have a GitHub issue about the problem, so this is a good reminder for me to try to implement this before the semester rush hits.
I favor allowing 6-character banners. CHM had support for this (check out the shield images).
Currently, the TM shield generator doesn't do banners for
usausb, just a single letter suffix. Whether/when/how to change this is a topic for the
Clinched Routes Highway Shields thread, but I think 6-character banners would be a Good Thing if we decided to move toward a more CHM-style presentation using the banner field in the future.
2-character banners: at least
usaok &
usaga use "Lp", and
usaib has "BL" & "BS".
I'm unaware of any of these in a double-bannered route, but still think distinguishing between 2+3 (EG, "LpBus") & 3+2 (EG, "BusLp") banner values is a good idea.
How to split a 4+ character
banner string into multiple single-banner enumerators? Can't just have a capital letter begin a new one, due to "BL" & "BS". Maybe when a capital letter is followed by lower case... Such a solution would not require changes to existing system CSV files.
Another idea is to have comma-separated values in the
banner field, akin to how the
AltRouteNames field is implemented now. This would require changes to system CSVs.
Just tossing ideas around; don't know how either of these would impact existing PHP/scripts/code in the Web/ repository.
I think the 6-character banner idea would be more of its own separate GitHub issue than the existing
Edit: Web
#191 fits the bill.