I think
LADOTD GIS is a good source for where routes end (per the RouteID field).
1: LA3151_W -> LA3151_S, LA3151_E -> LA3151_N (the direction it's signed leaving the route you're on is only used if there's an overlap; otherwise "The direction letter refers to the relative position of the intersection along the route whose file is being made.")
1: Bri ->
Bur and move a bit southeast
1: ToOldLA1 ->
OldLA1_S, OldLA1 -> OldLA1_N
1: GalBrg -> GalBr or CoteBlaBr -> CoteBlaBrg
1: why a point at 48thSt, a minor dead end not necessary for shaping?
1: PontOr ->
CutOffBrg or CutOffBr
1: ValBri -> ValBr or ValBrg (or change other bridges to Bri?)
1: BolBr -> BolBrg?
1: per both GIS and RTP maps, LA655 and LA655Spr are gone (the former truncated to the bridge). But they were still signed in November 2018, so this needs field checking. If they are truly gone: LA655 -> MainSt, LA655Spr -> VacSt
1: StChaByp ->
SCBPRd1: add a point at CanBlvd in Thibodaux (still a major road, despite LA 20 bypassing it)
1: LA20_N -> LA20_E, LA20_S ->
LA20_W1: missing GSJ at PortBatRou (just south of I-10)
1: add AveG just north of I-10 (Great River Road turns east here)
1: LA987-2 ->
FayeAve per GIS, RTP, and June 2019 GSV
1/US 190: move ToLA415 west as LA415, since this is a GSJ with a separate south/eastbound onramp
1: LA451_W -> LA451_N
1: per GIS and RTP, LA107_S -> CocRd, but it was still signed in May 2018 so needs field checking; if this is changed also LA107 -> LA107_S
1: add a point at
PowRd, which is unsigned 498 Spur
1: ToLA8 -> LA8Spr (it's
signed as LA 8 and inventoried as LA 8 Spur per GIS)
1: LA495_N -> LA491/495 (both are signed at this end, and GIS and RTP show 491 only)
1: LA493_S ->
LA493_W1: BayPieCut ->
1: US371/177 -> LA177
3191: extend south with 1 Business to