Travel Mapping

User Discussions => Other Discussion => Topic started by: Jim on August 21, 2016, 11:01:13 pm

Title: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on August 21, 2016, 11:01:13 pm
Starting this thread as a place where we can discuss our own travels and stats.  Many of you put little notes about your travels when you send me .list updates.  Put those things here so everyone can see!

The promotion of autb to preview status brought my overall active+preview percentage just below 10%.  Fortunately, I have just enough travels on that system that's not concurrent with eure that I should get back over 10% on the next site update.  At least until more systems in places I've never been move up to preview.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on September 05, 2016, 05:18:46 pm
Just finished what was supposed to be an 8-day pre-back-to-school trip in August that turned into a 2-part odyssey due to a self-inflicted SNAFU right from the beginning.

Original plan: random mileage in Wisconsin & Michigan on the way to cross the border at Sault Ste Marie, then the TCH to Ottawa and Montreal and the Maritimes, back through New England and a bit more Quebec, and then a return via southern NY. Intended clinches included 11 interstates, 2 US routes, and a few Canadian freeways.

The SNAFU made itself apparent when I was about 1 hour from the motel on the first day: my passport was still at home in Ohio. So rather than a border crossing the next day, it was back to my house. I was determined to clinch the western-U.P. routes I had planned, so the trip home took a bit more than 16 hours. Almost ran into a bear in the dark. The starry pre-dawn sky over Lake Superior was gorgeous.

So the third day involved another haul toward my original night 3 destination west of Montreal. Going back to the Soo was out of the question (not in the mood for another 16+ hour drive) so I made a slightly more direct route that afforded the opportunity to clinch the 401, 402, the 403 in Ontario in addition to the 416, which was part of the original plan. Stopped for the night in a charming independent 50s-style roadside motel I'd visited on a prior trip and slept great.

The fourth day was supposed to take me to Shediac, NB, via a few autoroutes in the Montreal area and a more-or-less straight shot the rest of the way. I seemed to be making great time, so I diverted to pick up a few more autoroutes (mostly in Quebec city) and still looked to be only an hour off schedule when I arrived at a poutinerie in Riviere-du-Loup for lunch. A successful combination of noises and gestures resulted in a poutine and a Pogo, and as I took my seat I remembered the time change coming my way, meaning that if I was lucky I'd make it to the motel just before dark. So I sped off, determined to make up time so I could get a selfie at the giant lobster before the sun set.

First impressions of New Brunswick, which (along with PEI and Nova Scotia) was entirely new to me: lovely country, but who the hell designs/maintains the roads there? NB 108 looked to be the shortest way to the Acadian coast, but it appeared it was paved (where it was paved) by some fellow tossing shovelfuls of asphalt at potholes whenever they appeared or whenever he had asphalt. A bumpy patchwork of materials and mixes that didn't always get on well together. 80 km/hr was a dream, not a speed to be exceeded. My reward at the other end, after reaching supposedly-major NB 8: a one-lane bridge. Not a construction zone: a completely finished bridge crossing a river that had one lane, and traffic lights at either end to regulate the backed-up traffic. At least NB 11 was mostly smooth, although additional passing lanes would have helped. My return trip through the province on the TCH was more swift, although it introduced me to the hilarity that is a railroad crossing, gates and all, on a 110 km/hr freeway. Twice.

Shediac by moonlight was nice, and offered some good seafood in the one restaurant that was still open, but the next morning was a bit more harried as I had an appointment to keep with the PEI-to-Nova Scotia ferry at 9:30. And given that I was not in PEI yet, I needed to get going nice and early. Crossing the Confederation Bridge at sunrise was pleasant, and the island itself was delightful, but I could only make a mental note to plan a more involved trip here in the future. As it was I had some time to see the (outside of the) Province House and got out to a scenic lighthouse, but was unable to make it to the CBC offices where the radio announcers were passing out free Frisbees to anyone willing to share their favorite Olympic moment on the air.

There were no delays getting to the ferry, which departed on schedule, and upon debarking in Caribou, I was able to reach Halifax in time to snag a donair and take it to a scenic spot overlooking the bay for lunch. After that I added in a short jaunt into the interior to check out a few small towns, and headed back to NB for the evening, this time in Fredericton. At the University. To overnight in a dorm. Because in Canada, evidently that's a thing. School was not in session, and the price couldn't be beat (less than US$30). I had the entire building to myself.

The trip to the border and beyond was uneventful. Found a wonderful lobster roll at a place on US 1 north of I-195. Chatted with a homeless woman in a parking lot in Portland, because it seems to be a popular place to be homeless. Headed up a S L O W US 302 to Littleton NH and eventually crossed the border for the third time on the trip. Some of Canada's finest and politest were in the mood to stand on guard for thee, so I experienced my first thorough search in possibly 20 years (just my car, fortunately). Finding nothing but my suitcase and a couple bottles of ketchup, they sent me on my way to an unimpressive cheap motel north of Sherbrooke, where I got yelled at in at least two (probably three) languages by the proprietor. For moving the refrigerator in my room to an outlet that had power.

Day 7 started as early as possible, so I could get away from that place and cross the border, again, without much of a wait. No wait at all, in fact, although Our Man in Highgate Springs wouldn't let me go until he'd circled the car, peering inside slowly doing the squint-n-stroke-your-chin thing. Last crossing made, I made a bee line for the NH-MA border, finishing off two more interstates in the process. Bypassing Boston on 495 didn't completely insulate me from Summer Saturday traffic, but I endured and got to Plymouth to pick up the east end of US 44 and get photos with which to tease my daughter, the most anti-Plymouth American I've ever met. Took that west to the Connecticut Valley, and settled in to my last night's accommodations, a boarding house masquerading as a motel.

The trip home was uneventful aside of the clinching and some nasty weather, but the quiet drive gave me time to contemplate What Could Have Been, and so with my family's blessing, I began planning the make-up trip that would lead me back to the original route through northern Ontario to Ottawa and back via Cottage Country. The length of time needed was the sticking point: doing it in two days would be murder, but there really wasn't much to justify three days and the extra cost. So I worked out a compromise involving a motel in a cheaper location the first night, and an Airbnb the second. I hadn't tried Airbnb before, but to save $75+, I was willing to take my life in my hands. Canada doesn't allow guns across the border, right? How unsafe could it be?

So this holiday weekend worked out perfectly: the weather looked great, I'd have a day at the end to recover, and I still had some data left on the international phone plan I'd bought for the August trip which would expire soon*. I headed north this past Friday and, upon crossing the border, turned east for the Ottawa Valley. Discovered that First Nations in Ontario make something called "bannock" that tastes almost exactly like Navajo fry bread. I arrived early (for me) at the hotel, went out to explore the town, and came back to a nice long sleep. Given the opportunity to do this as a 3-day trip naturally tempted me to cram in as much driving as possible, so in addition to picking up the mileage lost to my mindlessness when the initial trip began, I extended the footprint of the sequel to include a few more western Quebec autoroutes and the remainder of the Toronto-area freeway network. Saturday morning, more than a few Montrealers were heading north to the mountains, so I bypassed the gridlock on the A-15 Nord by taking QC 117 instead, which somehow turned out to be even slower. Nonetheless, the rest of the province's traffic was "fluide" according to the VMSes, so I managed to get back to Ontario only 2 hours later than I'd planned. From Ottawa to my destination near Oshawa, I chose the Central Ontario Route of the TCH, since I'd already gone the fast way and this looked shorter. Maybe it would have been, if the speed limit was higher than 80. Who came up with that idea? Fortunately, my Airbnb host wasn't inconvenienced by me getting there after 9. Also fortunately, he didn't kill me.

I sneaked out at 5:30 Sunday morning, after discovering a highly rated donut place that opened at 4 am. And here was a first--a donut place that didn't have donuts. Not until 7:30, they told me matter-of-factly, as if this is entirely why were they open? Actually, it was a second: the day before, I also stopped at an unremarkable small-town donut place at about 8:00, and they had none and weren't planning on making any. Guess I expected more from the land of Tim Horton's, but being the land of Tim Horton's at least meant that there was a Timmy's less than a mile away (true anywhere in the country) and so I satisfied my craving with serviceable pastries (and spent my last $5.50 Canadian).

Toronto's freeways and not-free-ways were satisfyingly devoid of traffic. It was eerie: I figured Saturday and Monday would be the big driving days, but certainly someone would be on the road besides me. However, I was brought back to reality on the QEW heading back south, which evidently was what everyone else was doing, too. Stop-and-go through Oakville, and on into Hamilton, and most of the way to the 406, where I finally exited, dreading the back-up at the border sure to await me in the afternoon. Await me twice, actually, since I was planning on clinching both the 405 and the QEW. I'd driven part of the 405 before an old exit was closed, so I planned on going to the last turnaround before customs, but with all the traffic I knew it could take a while even if I didn't cross. Taking back roads from the 406 to the 405, I was pleasantly surprised that the traffic had been headed somewhere else; I drove at speed to the turnaround, did a U-turn without drawing any attention, and got back to the QEW to head for the Peace Bridge. Again, the traffic was gone. Maybe everyone I'd encountered earlier was heading to some event in St Catharines, since the QEW was nearly empty. Even across the Peace Bridge, the only vehicles I saw were headed the other way. On the other side, I lined up in one of the TEN! open gates behind one other vehicle, and when I got to the booth, our conversation lasted about ten seconds. Easiest crossing ever. Back in the States for good, I celebrated with two Buffalo institutions, Ted's Hot Dogs and Anderson's Custard, which are fortunately adjacent to each other on US 62. From there I followed 62 across Buffalo to the Thruway, which clinched the route east of the Mississippi.

All told, the trip that started out badly ended really well. Almost 4500 miles, 77 newly clinched routes (including I-75, I-89, I-91, I-93, and I-95, seven 3dis, US 44 & US 302, and a bunch of Canadian freeways), and three new provinces.

* Long AT&T story: At least, I thought I had some data left; calling AT&T, I couldn't actually find someone who knew for sure. The best they could do was say they were pretty sure I'd used about 60MB of the 300 purchase. Friday afternoon when I got to my hotel, I noticed that my data usage for the day had barely increased. So I headed out to get some pictures of the town, and upon turning on cellular data, got the warning message that I'd already burned through 80% of my data. So, somehow, just using Google Maps in the car and checking something in Safari while waiting at a construction site, I'd gone from 20% to 80%. I checked the usage again on my phone, and it hadn't changed at all. I called AT&T; they couldn't decipher it either and assured me it was an error. So I shut it off until I left in the morning. Within minutes I got the message that my data was gone, and now I was on some pay-as-you-go plan, which wasn't great since I had about 30 hours left in Canada. This time my call to AT&T was answered by a more confident-sounding employee, who said that, although she had no idea how much data I'd used, she was sure that I'd used it all, but now I was eligible for a once-in-a-lifetime offer to pay them a lot more and get some more data. I managed to negotiate her down to pay nothing more and get even more data, but I was still irritated that (1) they can't tell me how much data I used, and (2) they don't see why that's a problem. Even now, over a day after leaving Canada, my phone still says I used less than 300MB over the entire month.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: froggie on September 06, 2016, 03:07:32 pm
although Our Man in Highgate Springs

FYI, we simply call that Highgate.

And I think I know why the border crossing agents "liked" you.  You were out of state.  Because I'm not, I have yet to have a border crossing between QC and NY/VT/NH last longer than 45 seconds.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on September 06, 2016, 04:05:34 pm
FYI, we simply call that Highgate.
OK, I was just going by what CBP called it.

And I think I know why the border crossing agents "liked" you.  You were out of state.  Because I'm not, I have yet to have a border crossing between QC and NY/VT/NH last longer than 45 seconds.
Mostly I get the same treatment, and the only delay is the queue. Of the eight crossings I've made so far this year (all at different ports), I've been waved through after about three questions and 30 seconds six times.

Honestly, I expected to be questioned a lot more than I was since I was making so many crossings within days, sometimes hours, of each other.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on September 06, 2016, 07:09:14 pm
Impressive numbers for @mapcat, now at 31.4% of our active mileage.  Wow.

Meanwhile, new additions have pushed me back under 10% for active+preview, with no travel imminent to bring me back up.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: si404 on September 07, 2016, 02:24:30 am
Meanwhile, new additions have pushed me back under 10% for active+preview, with no travel imminent to bring me back up.
It was going to happen anyway, but I'm pretty sure michih put a system to preview a couple of days before finishing the system just because of this thread's OP and putting an end to your 10+% figure ASAP.

I'm somewhat hoping there will be some traffic/incidents tomorrow, allowing me to persuade my lift home to take roads I've not travelled. The issue is that I've done most of the possible diversions already. I might plan some more 'extreme' London walks that grab me some more mileage (though, again, killing two birds with one stone and doing it usefully is getting harder to do as I cover more routes to destinations and take out more roads en route), but it looks like I'm stuck well outside the top 100. I have maybe 2 miles of Thai route 11, and perhaps a few bits of espn, but I've sort of run out. usaca and usafl to preview will increase my tally, but only by a couple of hundred miles, which isn't enough. Adding ~10 miles of London A road a few more times before the end of the year won't help my rankings enough either.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on September 07, 2016, 03:06:03 pm
Meanwhile, new additions have pushed me back under 10% for active+preview, with no travel imminent to bring me back up.
It was going to happen anyway, but I'm pretty sure michih put a system to preview a couple of days before finishing the system just because of this thread's OP and putting an end to your 10+% figure ASAP.

No, I was just kidding. The pull request title "czei to preview" was wrong. Czei finally went to preview when it was completed.

I fight for 4% but I will go on a 2-week-travel soon :) I thought about Belgium* but I guess I'll avoid that country for any reason...
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on September 07, 2016, 03:25:07 pm
Impressive numbers for @mapcat, now at 31.4% of our active mileage.  Wow.

I was surprised that a guy who only drove in USA and Canada (mapcat has driven 1,500mi in other countries, oscar about 500mi) can clinch such a hugh milage. I've calculated preview+active mileage and about 57% (472,000 mi) are in USA and Canada. mapcat has clinched 192,000mi, oscar 201,000mi. That's just less than 50% of USA+CAN, less than 25% in total... ;)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: si404 on September 07, 2016, 03:39:19 pm
Here's the 100k club. Active mileage is more North American-centric.
Code: [Select]
Rank Username ActiveMiles Active% PreviewMiles Preview%
1 mapcat 193715.29 31.44% 197206.58 23.91%
2 oscar 189021.63 30.68% 201423.44 24.42%
3 vespertine 168141.30 27.29% 171585.30 20.80%
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on September 07, 2016, 04:15:38 pm
Here's the 100k club. Active mileage is more North American-centric.

I don't think that your table proves your assumption. I've also clinched 4.12% in active but 3.78% in preview+active systems only. Your stats is 1.39% compared to 1.07%.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: si404 on September 07, 2016, 04:50:54 pm
I don't think that your table proves your assumption. I've also clinched 4.12% in active but 3.78% in preview+active systems only. Your stats is 1.39% compared to 1.07%.
More North American-centric doesn't mean a lack of routes in Europe. And while there's a large amount of preview-level routes in Central Europe, they are outweighed by routes further east - China has over 50,000 miles worth just on its own.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: si404 on September 09, 2016, 02:29:44 pm
I fight for 4% but I will go on a 2-week-travel soon :) I thought about Belgium* but I guess I'll avoid that country for any reason...
There's a country that's nice and cheap at the moment, and has a big dense network that you've not started on (
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on September 09, 2016, 03:28:42 pm
I fight for 4% but I will go on a 2-week-travel soon :) I thought about Belgium* but I guess I'll avoid that country for any reason...
There's a country that's nice and cheap at the moment, and has a big dense network that you've not started on (

It's just a region in a country outside of Europe... ;)
I'm only familar with European roads and don't wanna drive in exotic regions :D

I've started detailed planning today. I'll start around LUX and I'll go to FRA and CHE... Maybe I can clinch another 4,000mi and reach 4.2%...
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: si404 on September 10, 2016, 06:35:42 am
outside of Europe
I'm only familar with European roads and don't wanna drive in exotic regions :D
I'll go to CHE...
Might be a bit more believeable without the driving in non-EU Switzerland. ;)

Also weren't you in Norway earlier this summer? ;)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on September 10, 2016, 06:46:32 am
But it's continental Europe ;)

To be honest, I've no experience with left-hand driving and a new car. I don't need this adventure now. Maybe in 2018 because I have already plans for 2017: a 2-week-trip to ESP/PRT in May and a 2-or-3-week Baltic Sea trip (POL-LTU-LVA-EST-FIN-SWE) in July. Driving along the coast but skipping RUS :)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: bejacob on September 10, 2016, 09:00:21 am
Here's the 100k club. Active mileage is more North American-centric.
Code: [Select]
Rank Username ActiveMiles Active% PreviewMiles Preview%
1 mapcat 193715.29 31.44% 197206.58 23.91%
2 oscar 189021.63 30.68% 201423.44 24.42%
3 vespertine 168141.30 27.29% 171585.30 20.80%

It will take another year or two, but I hope to crack 100k before long. 90K will happen this year. Admittedly, it is much easier in North America. :)

Trips in TX; VT & NH; ID,OR, UT & NV; and TN & GA all within the next couple months. I like being able to check what I need to drive before I go. It doesn't mean I'll cover every route, but it helps identify routes I might otherwise bypass.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on October 10, 2016, 05:08:02 am
I've started detailed planning today. I'll start around LUX and I'll go to FRA and CHE... Maybe I can clinch another 4,000mi and reach 4.2%...

I'm back from a 2-week-travel. I had planned traveling about 9,300km (5,800mi) but I ended up having driven 12,300km (7,600mi). On average, I drove about 880km/day (540mi/day) instead of 660km/day (410mi/day).

I thought I would clinch another 4,000mi which I had not yet traveled but it was about 5,500mi :)
I've reached 4,48% now.

By region:

FRA +3,400mi
DEU +770mi
BEL +500mi
CHE +300mi
LUX +250mi
AUT +90mi
NLD +60mi

I've clinched luxa and luxb systems :)

I have some comments on French TM highway data I'll report soon.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on November 26, 2016, 09:54:39 pm
On Friday I took a short trip intended to clinch all Indiana State Roads...only to discover that IN 340 existed when I got home and updated my .list. It's so close to US 40 that I didn't notice it on the map when I planned my route.

Weather was nice, wildlife stayed out of my way, and I made good time. The 1056-mile trip (net TM increase ~400 miles) took a little more than 19 1/2 hours.

I clinched 26 highways, including 14 I'd never driven on before. The IN 441 bridge across the Wabash River is being reconstructed and closed to traffic, and the detour would have taken me way out of the way, so I decided to clinch it by foot. The highway ends mid-bridge (at the state line) so it didn't take long to walk out and back, and was a good opportunity to stretch before the final 6 hours of driving.

The final segment of IN 641 is still under construction, but appears ready to open soon. When I go back to western Indiana in a few weeks to re-clinch that one, I should be able to get IN 340 on the way.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: bejacob on December 01, 2016, 10:30:02 am
I'm off to Youngstown and Cleveland this weekend to clinch the last 16 miles of Interstates in Ohio (about half of I-680 and several miles of I-80). Undoubtedly will drive some new mileage on both US and OH routes in the process. It won't be enough to push me past 50% of the clinchable mileage in the state, but I'll be a little closer.

Still striving to pass 100,000 miles. That's a ways off yet.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: bejacob on December 05, 2016, 01:11:00 pm
I'm off to Youngstown and Cleveland this weekend to clinch the last 16 miles of Interstates in Ohio ...

Completed that plus a bit more. Added just shy of 400 new miles. Not bad for a weekend. Some US routes, some state routes. Still a couple percentage points below 50% for the entire state.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on December 11, 2016, 08:35:15 am
I noticed a new user Yasubee_Horibe is (I believe) our first to mark mileage as clinched in North Korea.  I didn't realize one of the Asian preview systems passed through North Korea, nor do I know how any user who has access to this site would be able to travel there.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on December 11, 2016, 09:13:00 am
I noticed a new user Yasubee_Horibe is (I believe) our first to mark mileage as clinched in North Korea.

The user has even clinched 100% of our routes drafted in North and South Korea:
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: bejacob on January 28, 2017, 06:11:57 pm
Off to greater Los Angeles in early February. Just a weekend trip which will span 8 counties (Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, Los Angeles, Ventura, Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, and Kern).

Expect to complete clinches of I-110, I-405, I-710. Also plan on clinching I-105, I-210, I-605 for which I don't  have any posted mileage (I know I've driven I-105 between CA1 and I-405, but for some reason I haven't included it in my list ???). Additional mileage on I-5, I-10, I-15, US101, and a few CA state routes are on my agenda as well. I'll still have a gap in I-5 between San Ysidro and Irving, but from there to the Canadian border will be complete.

Lots of driving, but hopefully the weekend traffic won't be too bad.  :)

Then it's off to Kauai and Oahu in March where I hope to clinch the remaining routes on both islands. I'm treating myself with a trip to the 50th state for my 50th birthday.  ;)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Ib3kii on January 28, 2017, 07:29:44 pm
I have a quick, 2-day trip planned for the Twin Cities sometime in the near future, here is the route:
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Ib3kii on January 29, 2017, 01:35:41 pm
nor do I know how any user who has access to this site would be able to travel there.
I found an article stating that in January of 2010, North Korea changed its policy to allow U.S. travelers to visit on official guided tours any time of the year.

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on February 09, 2017, 09:38:04 pm
Just returned from a 10 day trip to Florida...picked up about 500 new primary miles during my brief stop in Melbourne followed by a week in St Petersburg.

Got 2 national clinches: I-4 and US 92

Plus: I-175, I-375, Fut I-795/FL 9B, US 19 ALT, FL 54 (western section), FL 501, FL 507,  FL 594, FL 595, FL 679, FL 682, FL 687, FL 688, FL 694

Also clinched these unsigned routes: FL 93A, FL 592, FL 599, FL 600

Almost got these: FL 618 (didn't get express lane east of I-75); FL 699 (didn't get CR 694 to FL 688)

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: bejacob on March 06, 2017, 12:10:45 pm
Currently in Hawaii. Completed clinches of HI state routes on Kauai. HI5600 is still not signed other than small white "5600" placards attached to the mile markers. No route shields anywhere along the route.

Kauai is bit confusing as several county highways 520, 530, 543, 552, and 581 (think that's all of them) use the same route shield as the state highways. I drove all but 543 and 581. Didn't see any reason to go out of my way for these two, despite their relatively short mileage. The others just happened to be route I needed to get from place to place.  :)

Over to Oahu in a couple days. Plan to clinch the remaining mileage on the island. That will leave me with a few routes on the Big Island, about half of Maui, and all of Molokai and Lanai left if I want to complete the state. I'll have to decide how important that is. For now, it's not at the top of my wish list.   ;)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: bejacob on March 09, 2017, 11:11:35 pm
Currently in Oahu, with just a few segments left to clinch on the island. 

I had one moment of confusion as I tried to complete my clinch of HI92 at the entrance to Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam. I had planned to drive as close to the gate as possible without entering, but the way the traffic cones were arranged, I had no choice but to go through the gate. Luckily, I work for the DoD and had my government ID on me, so I showed it to the guard and drove right in. Having no reason to be on an active military base, I quickly found a place to turn around and leave. On the plus side, I can safely say I clinched the entire route.  ;D

On a separate note, I flew over to Kalaupapa on Molokai. Didn't collect any routes there, but I can now say I've visited Kalaweo County. County collectors will understand.  :)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on March 09, 2017, 11:41:28 pm
I had one moment of confusion as I tried to complete my clinch of HI92 at the entrance to Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam. I had planned to drive as close to the gate as possible without entering, but the way the traffic cones were arranged, I had no choice but to go through the gate. Luckily, I work for the DoD and had my government ID on me, so I showed it to the guard and drove right in. Having no reason to be on an active military base, I quickly found a place to turn around and leave. On the plus side, I can safely say I clinched the entire route.  ;D

I was similarly trapped into going through the gate, without an ID. Fortunately, that was pre-9/11 and there was no heightened security, so the sentry was pleasant enough about getting me turned around just after the gate. The signage on the freeway then had "Pearl Harbor" as the destination for HI 92 westbound, which misled tourists into going to the base entrance when they wanted to go to the Arizona Memorial. The signs have been fixed to replace "Pearl Harbor" with "Naval Base", so the sentries might now be less understanding about lost tourists without DoD IDs.

On a separate note, I flew over to Kalaupapa on Molokai. Didn't collect any routes there, but I can now say I've visited Kalaweo County. County collectors will understand.  :)

Excellent! Who's leading the tours there? Gloria Marks took over after her husband (who led the tour I took in 1999) passed away. I hope she is still alive and well, and still able to lead the tours.

Also, any photos of the "unwelcome" sign exiting the airport, warning it is against the law to visit Kalaupapa without a state permit? My webpage on Kalawao County ( has a quarter-century-old photo of the airport exit sign.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: bejacob on March 10, 2017, 01:11:01 pm
Excellent! Who's leading the tours there? Gloria Marks took over after her husband (who led the tour I took in 1999) passed away. I hope she is still alive and well, and still able to lead the tours.

Also, any photos of the "unwelcome" sign exiting the airport, warning it is against the law to visit Kalaupapa without a state permit? My webpage on Kalawao County ( has a quarter-century-old photo of the airport exit sign.

I didn't take any pictures of the "unwelcome" sign. There are posted notices indicating that that permits are needed to enter the area. Luckily the company I toured with took care of all that. I flew in with ( after booking their "Damien" tour. I opted for the fly-in, fly-out version, so did not ride the mules or hike the trail. On the way back to HNL, I did have to make a brief stop at the Topside airport, so I did add two new airports to my list of places visited (LUP and MKK). Check out the airport at LUP.

I figured I needed to collect this county and this visit to Hawaii turned out to be the right time to do so.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: bejacob on March 19, 2017, 05:23:03 pm
Also, any photos of the "unwelcome" sign exiting the airport, warning it is against the law to visit Kalaupapa without a state permit? My webpage on Kalawao County ( has a quarter-century-old photo of the airport exit sign.

Turns out I did photograph the sign, though only in the context of a larger view of the area. It's probably too small to read, but the white sign on the right side of the road says

HRS 326-39
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on March 19, 2017, 06:21:22 pm
Also, any photos of the "unwelcome" sign exiting the airport, warning it is against the law to visit Kalaupapa without a state permit? My webpage on Kalawao County ( has a quarter-century-old photo of the airport exit sign.

Turns out I did photograph the sign, though only in the context of a larger view of the area. It's probably too small to read, but the white sign on the right side of the road says

HRS 326-39

That text is exactly as it was a quarter-century ago. I'll have to note that on my Kalawao County page.

BTW, I took the mule ride. While I didn't have to dodge all the "mule apples" on the trail, mt jeans were so smelly afterwards that I just left them behind on Molokai before flying off to the next island.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: compdude787 on April 01, 2017, 01:04:23 pm
So, I took my first trip to Hawaii this past week, traveling on the roads of Maui. That's what made me most excited to go there, lol. ;D Anyway, we made a complete loop around the west part of the island, including on Hwy 340, which is much sharper and narrower than the famous road to Hana. We did that as a spur of the moment type of thing, after having tried to go see the Iao Needle, only to discover that the road to it was closed from flooding. So we decided to head back to our condo near Napili via Hwy 340 around the northern part of the island, on a route that is far more curvy, far narrower (it was the width of a driveway at one point), but far more scenic than the road to Hana since it hugged the coastline more. (of course, that freaked my mom out more being on the edge of the cliff) Unfortunately, since most of that highway is just a county road and not a state highway (makes sense, right?), it's not going to show up as a complete loop on the map here.

We also went up Haleakala, and did many of the other touristy things, including the road to Hana, as well as snorkeling and going on a zipline (fun!).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on April 01, 2017, 02:51:38 pm
So we decided to head back to our condo near Napili via Hwy 340 around the northern part of the island, on a route that is far more curvy, far narrower (it was the width of a driveway at one point), but far more scenic than the road to Hana since it hugged the coastline more. (of course, that freaked my mom out more being on the edge of the cliff) Unfortunately, since most of that highway is just a county road and not a state highway (makes sense, right?), it's not going to show up as a complete loop on the map here.

I drove 340 in January, as well as on earlier trips to Maui. Believe it or not, it used to be worse. At least most of it now has edge stripes. A few short stretches are wide enough to get a center stripe. There is a reason why, when in the late 1960s the state split up the combined state/county highway network into separate state and county networks, the state fobbed off that short piece of the northwest Maui loop on Maui County. But the state did keep part of the loop in HI 30, and also in HI 340 on the other side.

I liked how, on a busy Saturday morning, a teenage girl was directing traffic at a sharp one-lane turn (with no pavement striping at all) into Kahakuloa village, to get one direction of traffic over as far to the right edge of pavement as possible, so a line of traffic going the other way could squeeze by.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on April 28, 2017, 09:36:26 am
I noticed a new user Yasubee_Horibe is (I believe) our first to mark mileage as clinched in North Korea.

The user has even clinched 100% of our routes drafted in North and South Korea:

This same user has now clinched all highways in Morocco.  I do not believe any other user has any highways marked as clinched in Morocco.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: bejacob on April 28, 2017, 10:03:53 am
Upcoming driving this weekend in UT, WY, and ID. Not sure it it will enough to put me over 100,000 in the "active and preview systems" column. Looks like I'm 851.46 miles short going into this trip. I'm expecting to drive over 1,000 miles, but some of it will be on already clinched mileage. I guess I'll have to see how close I get.

Still have quite a bit more to go on just the active systems to reach that mark.

I feel like it's a noteworthy "mile"stone.  :D
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: si404 on April 28, 2017, 12:30:35 pm
This same user has now clinched all highways in Morocco.  I do not believe any other user has any highways marked as clinched in Morocco.
And Senegal, Tunisia and Gabon.

These African travels make some sense - smallish networks and easily enough clinchable on a vacation. And one can argue 100% in baja california fits the pattern. The Chinese travels look alright - one trip.

The confusing thing is 100% of both Koreas. South Korea has a large expressway network that you can't do in just a holiday, and North Korea wouldn't let you in if you spent a period of time in the South.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: yakra on April 28, 2017, 03:12:30 pm
North Korea happened first, perhaps?
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Bickendan on April 28, 2017, 08:40:44 pm
I snagged the remainders of OR 38, 36 and 200 a few days ago, 100% completing the Willamette Valley routes. 200, of course, is still unsigned.

This leaves 42S, 241, 255, and 542 for the Coastal routes, 66, 99 (south of Yoncalla), 138 (east of Roseburg), 140 (west of White City), 227, 229, 234, and 273 for the Rogue Valley/Southern Cascades routes.

Next trip will be finishing off US 26, picking up OR 380, 27, 370, 361, portions of US 97 and all of 197.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on April 29, 2017, 10:33:17 am
Wow, we have a traveler who has clinched Mexico. Just by one vacation?!
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: 7/8 on April 29, 2017, 12:36:28 pm
I'm pretty well done my "Prairies Trip", and I'll be flying home from Saskatoon this evening. This was my first time in SK and MB, so I knocked off two more provinces!

My university friend is from Saskatoon, and his parents offered to have me stay with them, and for my friend and I to borrow their car for the week (which is a big deal since renting a car when you're under 25 is ridiculously expense). We ended up driving to Regina by SK 11 on the first day and spent the day visiting some museums. The next day, we drove to Winnipeg by TCH 1 with a detour up SK 10 to Fort Qu'Appelle and back down SK 56. My friend was impressed by the big hills, which he didn't think existed in Saskatchewan :).

We then spent the day in Winnipeg before driving out to Portage la Prairie to stay the night. The next morning, we clinched the short TCH 1A and headed up to Wasagaming to do some hiking. We accidently took MB 262 north out of Minnedosa, we lost me the other 16A clinch (darn). Clear Lake was still frozen, and the wind blowing off the lake was quite cold! After some photos, we did the Arrowhead trail which was warmer. We then drove MB 10 south to MB 45 (which I am the only one here to have driven and clinched) :). We followed TCH 16 west to Yorkton to stay the night. Finally, we took 16A through Yorkton (another short clinch) out of town and headed up 16 west to Saskatoon. We made a quick stop at the Quill Lakes for some pictures.

Unfortunately, I messed up my list file with some extra spaces, but my route should be fixed after the next update. I'm hoping someone is working on developing the SK system :)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: compdude787 on April 29, 2017, 05:43:24 pm
Wow, we have a traveler who has clinched Mexico. Just by one vacation?!

Perhaps they have done many travels in Mexico over the years, and they just found this website and are inputting them all.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: si404 on April 29, 2017, 07:11:04 pm
Or they live there. It's also not like it's a totally un-updated with two fairly small-sized systems that isn't too onerous to cover.,mexed

It's Mr 'clinched Korea' (though not any more) - I'm sure there wasn't all those Mexican states done earlier in the week. I guess it is filling in the log file piecemeal and then perhaps purging as Korea has been stripped back.,mara,sena,gaba,PRK,CHN-JL,CHN-HL,CHN-LN <-notice fixed Korea
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on April 30, 2017, 12:53:12 pm
This guy often removes and adds lines (
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on May 02, 2017, 01:37:25 am
Not sure it it will enough to put me over 100,000 in the "active and preview systems" column.

99993.87 :)

However, you're log file still indicates 4 errors (and an "Incorrect format line: ")
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: bejacob on May 02, 2017, 08:09:29 am
Not sure it it will enough to put me over 100,000 in the "active and preview systems" column.

99993.87 :)

However, you're log file still indicates 4 errors (and an "Incorrect format line: ")

Once I correct the last couple errors from my most recent trip, I will cross the 100,000 mile mark on the active and preview systems.  :)

As for that "Incorrect format line: ," I've got a hidden character that I can't figure out how to remove.  ??? I've left it as a blank line at the beginning of my file. At least that that way it doesn't mess up anything else in my list.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on May 02, 2017, 08:43:47 am
Once I correct the last couple errors from my most recent trip, I will cross the 100,000 mile mark on the active and preview systems.  :)

As for that "Incorrect format line: ," I've got a hidden character that I can't figure out how to remove.  ??? I've left it as a blank line at the beginning of my file. At least that that way it doesn't mess up anything else in my list.

Congratulations in advance!

For the hidden character, how do you maintain your .list? It shouldn't be that difficult to remove.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: bejacob on May 02, 2017, 09:04:05 am
Once I correct the last couple errors from my most recent trip, I will cross the 100,000 mile mark on the active and preview systems.  :)

As for that "Incorrect format line: ," I've got a hidden character that I can't figure out how to remove.  ??? I've left it as a blank line at the beginning of my file. At least that that way it doesn't mess up anything else in my list.

Congratulations in advance!

For the hidden character, how do you maintain your .list? It shouldn't be that difficult to remove.


I maintain my list in a MS Word (2013) file. Ever since I found a workaround for the hidden character issue, I haven't worried about fixing the problem. I suppose I should deal with it at some point. Maybe now is the time.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on May 02, 2017, 09:48:46 am
@bejacob, I'll email you a completely plain-text version of your file you can use as a baseline for future updates.  I'd recommend editing in something like Notepad++ instead of Word.  Yours was one of the few list files in the repository that wasn't plain ascii, but fortunately didn't contain any characters that caused the site update process to choke.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: bejacob on May 02, 2017, 10:16:19 am
@bejacob, I'll email you a completely plain-text version of your file you can use as a baseline for future updates.  I'd recommend editing in something like Notepad++ instead of Word.  Yours was one of the few list files in the repository that wasn't plain ascii, but fortunately didn't contain any characters that caused the site update process to choke.

Thanks. I'll use that to fix the issue.

I'm technically savvy enough to get myself out of trouble much of the time, but not always. It's always good to know one's limitations.  ;)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: bejacob on May 02, 2017, 10:01:48 pm
@bejacob, I'll email you a completely plain-text version of your file you can use as a baseline for future updates.  I'd recommend editing in something like Notepad++ instead of Word.  Yours was one of the few list files in the repository that wasn't plain ascii, but fortunately didn't contain any characters that caused the site update process to choke.

Thanks. I'll use that to fix the issue.

Looks like the plain-text file worked perfectly. The hidden character is gone and I've now passed 100,000 miles.
Still not quite there in the active systems. I guess that can be my next goal.  :)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on May 10, 2017, 10:59:11 am
I'm back from a road trip to France, Andorra, Spain and Portugal. I drove 15,000km in 16 days and could clinch 12,000km TM mileage :)

I've clinched more than 80% of Autoroutes in France, more than 50% of Autovia in Spain and almost 50% of Autoestrada in Portugal now. It was my first time in Portugal :)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Highway63 on May 12, 2017, 03:51:52 pm
August 2016: Great Plains trip. First visit to Wyoming since 2000.

October 2016: Big South Trip. First visit to Alabama since 1994 and Louisiana since 2001.

April 2017: Colorado and US 56
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: sipes23 on May 13, 2017, 05:44:39 pm
to I-35 south of Olathe; first TM user to clinch US 56

Congratulations on that accomplishment (especially since I don't think I've clinched a single US highway).

My plans for summer travel are the following:

I hope to run up the county numbers and road mileage on those trips. I wouldn't be surprised to see if I cross the 40% threshold US Interstates and Wyoming State Highways this summer. I'd also not be surprised to see 25% on Wisconsin State Highways.

Edit: I might even take the number one spot in Wyoming now that I see I'm only about 280 miles behind Oscar, which would put me at over 50% of total Wyoming miles.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: 7/8 on May 15, 2017, 05:58:12 pm
I decided to go on a three-hour drive this afternoon and clinch ON 23 and ON7Wat (the first user for both of these). The weather was to good to pass up the opportunity :)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: yakra on May 15, 2017, 11:58:26 pm
I decided to go on a three-hour drive this afternoon and clinch ON 23 and ON7Wat (the first user for both of these). The weather was to good to pass up the opportunity :)
Your post reminded me to check and see that I'm the only driver for ME188. :)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on May 16, 2017, 12:36:43 am
Your post reminded me to check and see that I'm the only driver for ME188. :)
Think we need a new topic for routes for which we're the only driver? I've got a few of those too. ;)

In any case, I think we need to come up with a term for it.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on May 16, 2017, 08:41:30 am
Your post reminded me to check and see that I'm the only driver for ME188. :)
Think we need a new topic for routes for which we're the only driver? I've got a few of those too. ;)

In any case, I think we need to come up with a term for it.

Not only that ("TM Pioneer?" - we can do better than that) but it's an idea for a page, and maybe rank the users by how many routes for which that traveler is the only driver and/or the only one to have it 100% clinched.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on May 16, 2017, 01:14:43 pm
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: sipes23 on May 17, 2017, 02:06:00 am
I decided to go on a three-hour drive this afternoon and clinch ON 23 and ON7Wat (the first user for both of these). The weather was to good to pass up the opportunity :)
Your post reminded me to check and see that I'm the only driver for ME188. :)

I've got a couple of those lurking in Wyoming. WYO 77 and WYO 196.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Eth on May 17, 2017, 08:41:32 am
I decided to go on a three-hour drive this afternoon and clinch ON 23 and ON7Wat (the first user for both of these). The weather was to good to pass up the opportunity :)
Your post reminded me to check and see that I'm the only driver for ME188. :)

I've got a couple of those lurking in Wyoming. WYO 77 and WYO 196.

Now that I've finally added in my GA state collection, I have a few too - not counting various short auxiliary routes, I'm the only driver for GA84 and the only one to have clinched GA142 and (naturally) GA155.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: rickmastfan67 on May 18, 2017, 11:49:52 pm
I maintain my list in a MS Word (2013) file. Ever since I found a workaround for the hidden character issue, I haven't worried about fixing the problem. I suppose I should deal with it at some point. Maybe now is the time.

Try Notepad++ (  That's what I use to edit my list file and wpt while I'm working with them offline.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: froggie on May 19, 2017, 09:32:46 am
I just use regular Notepad.  Much simpler.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on May 19, 2017, 01:40:33 pm
I just use regular Notepad.  Much simpler.

You cannot view hidden characters like bejacob had 

Notepad++ is MUCH better than Notepad. Undo with more than 1 step, compare, duplicate,...

However, Notepad should usually be good enough for editing list files.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on May 20, 2017, 01:34:53 am
I limped home Thursday evening from a week-and-a-half long road trip, on a sidewinding route through most of the southeastern states. Major route clinches included US 72, US 78, and US 301 (had been missing a very short segment long closed for interchange reconstruction), as well as the entire Natchez Trace Parkway from near Nashville to southwestern Mississippi (not yet mappable in TM, it's in an in-dev national parks roads system).

Some other objectives of the trip were to gauge whether I've recovered enough from my eye surgery in February to do road trips this summer before I go in for more surgery in the autumn, and also whether my car had recovered enough from last summer's breakdowns to be trusted for travel outside my local area. The first objective was met, and it was looking good on the second through day 8. Bur car problems on days 9 and 10 (including apparent recurrence of one of last summer's problems) leave the second an open question. I'll wait until the mechanics are done fixing my car, before planning additional travels for this year.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on May 20, 2017, 08:05:26 am
Bur car problems on days 9 and 10 (including apparent recurrence of one of last summer's problems) leave the second an open question. I'll wait until the mechanics are done fixing my car, before planning additional travels for this year.
Rent one!

Good to know your vision has recovered.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on May 21, 2017, 03:00:28 am
Bur car problems on days 9 and 10 (including apparent recurrence of one of last summer's problems) leave the second an open question. I'll wait until the mechanics are done fixing my car, before planning additional travels for this year.
Rent one!

I hate dealing with rental car agencies, about as much as I hate air travel. Besides, I have another vehicle, just that it's a gas hog pickup truck I'd rather not use for long trips.

I got my Prius back from the mechanic yesterday. It seems its problem was one of the more unusual ones, that it has two water pumps, and the second one (for the separate hybrid inverter cooling system) was emitting impending failure codes. Now that's been replaced, I feel comfortable trying at least one more road trip in the Prius.

Good to know your vision has recovered.

Thanks! To be clear, the non-operated eye still is weak for reading vision, so it'll need its own cataract removal surgery, after summer travel season is over.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: 7/8 on May 28, 2017, 02:37:07 pm
I did a drive this morning/early afternoon to finish clinching ON 24. I also got a large portion of ON 3 (from Simcoe to New Sarum).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: bejacob on June 02, 2017, 05:08:02 pm
Heading to Aruba for a few days. At the moment, I'm one of only 3 users to have any mileage logged in the region, though currently 3rd out of 3. If all goes well, I will clinch all the routes on the island.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: JJBers on June 04, 2017, 11:59:30 pm
I went to southern New Hampshire yesterday, allowing me to fully clinch I-91 in Mass.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on June 06, 2017, 03:43:58 pm
Took a ride on Saturday...1035 miles and 18.5 hrs:

Drove to Norwalk CT, Bennington VT, Oneonta NY, Harrisburg PA

Clinches: NJ 4, I-95 (NY), US 7 (CT,MA), VA 279, I-787, NY 7B

Picked up new mileage: I-95 (CT - from NY to US 7), US 7 (VT - from MA to VT 9), NY 7 (Troy to NY 22)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on June 06, 2017, 06:14:59 pm
I was on the road for a week and a half, ending yesterday. I went to eastern Canada via Niagara Falls (new mileage in OH/PA/NY), and returning by ferry (Bay Ferries' "the CAT") then picking up new highway mileage in ME, MA, RI, CT, and eastern NY and PA. My travels in Canada included parts of ON, QC, NB, and NS, skipping past PEI.

I finished off the remaining QC and NS gaps in my coverage of the Trans-Canada Highway system (got the hardest part, BC TCHYel Haida Gwaii, last year). Also re-completed my total coverage of the ON, NS, and QC freeway systems, though the last may be undone later this year by a planned extension of A-70. While QC roads funding has tightened lately, it remains a happening place for road construction, and so still like the Interstate system a bit of a moving target. Also clinched all of US 44; US 62 in PA and NY; and with those completed my coverage of primary (non-bannered) US routes in PA, NY, and RI.

I'm still catching up on things, including adding the new canqc preview system to my list file (still a lot of work to reconstruct my travels there), and working on some more travel before I go in for more eye surgery in September.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: bejacob on June 08, 2017, 04:34:27 pm
Heading to Aruba for a few days. At the moment, I'm one of only 3 users to have any mileage logged in the region, though currently 3rd out of 3. If all goes well, I will clinch all the routes on the island.

Well, I didn't quite clinch all 7 routes on the island. I completed 6 of them. Actual route signage on the route itself is almost non-existent on Aruba. Generally speaking, the only places where routes are signed is at the roundabouts where they intersect with other major roads.

It was fairly easy to follow Rt1A and Rt1B from end to end as they were probably the best marked routes, probably because they are the main ones used by tourists. Routes 2, 3, and 4 weren't bad either, though a few times I found myself wondering if I was still on the proper road. I saw no signage at all for routes 6 and 7, in fact part of route 7 (between Rt1B and Rt4) seemed to be signed at Route 5 (it's easier to see on OSM vs. Google Maps). The rest of the route (to Arikok NP) had no route signage at all. I think what's in the HB is probably right, but the lack of consistent route markings makes it difficult to be sure.

I did move up from 3rd to 1st for routes driven and clinched on the island. Perhaps when I get back to Aruba, I can pick up the other ~5 miles I need to complete the last section. 
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: froggie on June 08, 2017, 07:31:21 pm
FYI, you'll be back to 2nd once I update my lists.  Didn't realize we had Aruba now, and I've been on all of it...😊
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: bejacob on June 08, 2017, 08:49:56 pm
Guess I'll savor this while it lasts.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Ib3kii on June 15, 2017, 11:15:42 pm
I just got back from a trip to Yellowstone, picking up over 3,000 new miles! On the way back to Milwaukee, I became the first user to clinch US18! I was surprised to see that no one had clinched US18 in South Dakota yet, and as of right now, I am the only user that has clinched the longest highway in South Dakota, US18 (
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on June 24, 2017, 08:38:56 am
Looking for a new (to me) and traffic-avoiding way from Ashburn, Virginia, to I-81 south yesterday, I ended up taking a variety of roads to Warrenton (avoiding accidents and other backups on US 15) then took US 211 end-to-end across to I-81.  Definitely not faster than other options, but a whole lot more scenic, and it will give me just my third US highway clinched in its entirety, following US 163 and US 199.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: the_spui_ninja on June 24, 2017, 11:19:13 am
I just got back from a trip to Yellowstone, picking up over 3,000 new miles! On the way back to Milwaukee, I became the first user to clinch US18! I was surprised to see that no one had clinched US18 in South Dakota yet, and as of right now, I am the only user that has clinched the longest highway in South Dakota, US18. (
Dang it! Oh well, I'll get it sometime.

How was Pine Ridge and surroundings (Oglala Lakota, Bennett, and Todd counties)? Despite being from the area, I've never had a reason to go that way. That area might be the reason no one had clinched 18 yet (just speculating as a local).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: the_spui_ninja on June 24, 2017, 11:21:06 am
After a trip to the Star Valley (Afton, WY area), I am now number 1 in mileage in both Wyoming and South Dakota.

I haven't done any real big trips in a while; I tend to clinch things in short weekend trips.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Ib3kii on June 24, 2017, 12:45:17 pm
How was Pine Ridge and surroundings (Oglala Lakota, Bennett, and Todd counties)? Despite being from the area, I've never had a reason to go that way. That area might be the reason no one had clinched 18 yet (just speculating as a local).
I was going to put this in my trip log, but I decided not to. I will tell you anyway. Driving through the Pine Ridge area(and clinching SD407), we got a lot of looks from the locals. I am just a little glad our car did not break down. US18 was under road construction from Big Foot Trail to SD391, and because of the lack of signage, I missed the turn for SD391 and was unable to clinch it(I'll clinch it eventually). After Batesland, there were almost no cars on the road until Winner. Another thing I would like to point out is when you are heading south on US385 and SD79, and east on US18, you will eventually turn off of the four-line highway going east onto a road, and the road was basically empty. I saw maybe one or two cars from Oelrichs to Pine Ridge. It is so empty out there.

As you can tell, I love being in South Dakota. Something about the friendliness of the locals and the wide open areas just makes me feel like I want to be there. I try to convince my parents all the time to drive out to South Dakota, and in March of this year I convinced them to drive to Sioux City and then up to Sioux Falls. A side trip allowed me to clinch SD42, SD17, and parts of SD44 and SD37.

Although I live 483 miles away in Milwaukee, South Dakota is by far my favorite state in the U.S.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: the_spui_ninja on June 24, 2017, 08:44:33 pm
How was Pine Ridge and surroundings (Oglala Lakota, Bennett, and Todd counties)? Despite being from the area, I've never had a reason to go that way. That area might be the reason no one had clinched 18 yet (just speculating as a local).
I was going to put this in my trip log, but I decided not to. I will tell you anyway. Driving through the Pine Ridge area(and clinching SD407), we got a lot of looks from the locals. I am just a little glad our car did not break down.
So it is sketchy!

As you can tell, I love being in South Dakota. Something about the friendliness of the locals and the wide open areas just makes me feel like I want to be there. I try to convince my parents all the time to drive out to South Dakota, and in March of this year I convinced them to drive to Sioux City and then up to Sioux Falls. A side trip allowed me to clinch SD42, SD17, and parts of SD44 and SD37.
West River (mainly the Black Hills) is the best side. If you haven't been to Rapid or Spearfish yet, you really should.

After Batesland, there were almost no cars on the road until Winner.
That's normal. Traffic where I live is having to wait at a stop sign.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Ib3kii on June 25, 2017, 12:28:16 am
West River (mainly the Black Hills) is the best side. If you haven't been to Rapid or Spearfish yet, you really should.
I have been to that side of South Dakota twice. Once in 2015 to go see Mount Rushmore and Crazy Horse, and in 2016 I slept in Spearfish on the way to Missoula, Montana. I love the Black Hills(even though I have never been south of Crazy Horse), and with the 80 mph speed limits, South Dakota is definitely my state of choice when it comes to driving across the Great Plains.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: yakra on June 25, 2017, 01:57:54 am
80 MPH? Is this relatively recent? I clinched SD I-90 back in September 2013.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Ib3kii on June 25, 2017, 02:08:09 am
80 MPH? Is this relatively recent? I clinched SD I-90 back in September 2013.
Yes (, South Dakota became the furthest east state with a 80 mph freeway speed in March of 2015.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on June 25, 2017, 03:19:34 am
80MPH? That's so damn slow.... :D
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: froggie on June 25, 2017, 08:03:38 am
^ You don't want anything faster with American drivers.  Trust me.

Quote from: Jim
Looking for a new (to me) and traffic-avoiding way from Ashburn, Virginia, to I-81 south yesterday, I ended up taking a variety of roads to Warrenton (avoiding accidents and other backups on US 15) then took US 211 end-to-end across to I-81.  Definitely not faster than other options, but a whole lot more scenic, and it will give me just my third US highway clinched in its entirety, following US 163 and US 199.

SR 601 from the US 15/VA 234 junction to The Plains is also quite scenic.  And quiet.

Instead of your route, when I typically headed out to Luray or points beyond, I'd take I-66 to the west end of Marshall, then take SR 647 to SR 635 to US 522 and down to US 211.  There are some great views along SR 635.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on June 25, 2017, 08:47:56 am
SR 601 from the US 15/VA 234 junction to The Plains is also quite scenic.  And quiet.

Instead of your route, when I typically headed out to Luray or points beyond, I'd take I-66 to the west end of Marshall, then take SR 647 to SR 635 to US 522 and down to US 211.  There are some great views along SR 635.

601 to The Plains is exactly what we did.  Very pleasant and quiet ride.  I'll keep your other route in mind if we do this again in the future.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: the_spui_ninja on June 25, 2017, 03:33:29 pm
80MPH? That's so damn slow.... :D
I go 80 and routinely get passed so...

We still don't have 70 MPH two-lane roads like the Mountain West, but hopefully they do that West River at some point.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on July 03, 2017, 12:55:25 pm
I'm still in the middle of a road trip, but so far managed to clinch (counting previous travels) US 85 and US 412, plus as reported here I-49 with its latest extension north of Shreveport LA. More US route clinches likely on my long trip back home from California.

The US 85 clinch proved costly. For me, to clinch a border-crossing highway, you need to drive the route across the border (others are less fussy than me), so that meant a short foray into Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. On the way back, my pickup truck overheated in heavy stop-and-go traffic on a one-way bridge over the Rio Grande, which drove the outside temperature to at least 130F since I was surrounded by other cars with hot engines. After shutting down my engine, I wasn't able to restart it. I was able to coast most of the way downhill from the crest of the bridge to U.S. customs (without help from power brakes or power steering), but Customs personnel had to push my truck the rest of the way to the booth, and then once I was cleared, push it out of the customs area to a place a tow truck could reach.  No permanent damage, but it cost me several hundred dollars and threw me off schedule by a day.

I hope Jim's car troubles on his latest trip were less interesting and expensive.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: froggie on July 03, 2017, 02:25:49 pm
For me, to clinch a border-crossing highway, you need to drive the route across the border

I'm the same way...both with this and with routes approaching military base gates.  Fortunately in my case, I have an EDL for the former and a Retired Military ID for the latter.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: yakra on July 03, 2017, 03:19:31 pm
I'm not Jim, but...
On my last trip, I narrowly avoided breaking down at the worst possible place. A long stretch of ME US1 in Thomaston was restricted to alternating one-way traffic due to reconstruction, which meant idling for about 10 minutes. After the end of the construction zone, where traffic was just beginning to get back to speed, my engine started sputtering & misfiring, and shortly went dead. I was able to coast onto the shoulder at the north end of Main St Mall, and allow enough room for traffic to pass. I quickly diagnosed the problem as a broken rear timing belt (luckily, that's the one that controls the fuel pump, and not the valve timing). No cell service, but the Thomaston Police Dept. was about two blocks away. No officers on duty there, but a phone in the vestibule/waiting area connects to a regional dispatch, who helped me find a cab. Thus I clinched ME ME131 US1_N ME73 and ME ME73 ME131 ClaIslRd by taxi, and arrived at a cookout in memory of Steve Seekins, a Volvo Club of America co-founder. My father was attending, so at least someone could represent the Dark Blue 1986 Turbodiesel Wagon contingent. :) After an hour or two of eating, schmoozing with fellow Volvo nuts, and digging on some nice 140 series, a 164, a few P1800s and a P210 Duett, I drove his car back to mine. $100/150 of the tow truck to his garage in Wiscasset was covered by Volvo Roadside Advantage. We replaced the timing belt with one he had in stock. At the end of the operation, however, he put the jumper wire back in a custom-made starter relay wrong, which ended up MELTING my starter solenoid during/after the test drive. So we called it a night. Mm, nothing like the acrid smell of fried electrical bits in the garage, even the next day. After replacing the starter, on the road again.

Don't know if this last bit pushes my car troubles into "more interesting" territory or not, but thankfully the inconvenience and expense were minimal.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on July 03, 2017, 04:06:57 pm
Fortunately ours wasn't so bad.  We broke down on I-75 south of Atlanta but were able to get off the highway and to a convenience store parking lot.  AAA towed us to a local shop, but it was Sunday morning so there was no one to look at the car until the next morning.  The day was spent arranging a car rental (helped by my first ever Uber trip) and checking into a hotel for the night.  On Monday morning, the shop was able to get the parts we needed (a snapped belt and needed a pulley also) and had us on our way by early afternoon.  In the end, it cost a few extra hundred dollars for the repair, rental car, and room.  The AAA person on the phone said as an AAA Plus member my hotel and rental car should be reimbursed, something I'll check into when I get home.  The delay was about 28 hours and cost us one of our three days in Jupiter, Florida, which meant a planned side trip to Key Largo didn't happen.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on July 03, 2017, 04:09:47 pm
Hmm, I just had a puncture once... Just back in Germany from a trip to Spain but still 250km away from home. It happened at 200km/h in a curve downhill and I needed the whole width of the road to stop the car on the emergency lane. Luckily, the road was very empty. It's not a big deal to change the tire on the Autobahn but it was left rear and traffic would pass about 1 meter next to me. I stood about 100...200 meter behind the end of the on-ramp of an interchange. The next interchange ahead was more than 10km. I decided to drive backwards and to pray that no vehicle will enter the Autobahn and crash into me. I think I drove about 20 meter and saw a car entering the Autobahn. I immediately stopped my car again and saw that it's police. Well... The policeman was nice. He told me that he drove the Autobahn in the opposite direction when he saw a car trying to stop in a way which is not normal "using the whole width of the road" and he wanted to see what happened, if help is required etc.
That was the moment I realized that I really had luck... However, I asked the policeman what I should do and he said that I should change the tire right here on the Autobahn. I said that it's dangerous but he just answered that he protectes the location with his car (lights on etc.) which was parking just behind my car. I changed the tire, thanked the policeman and drove home with the spare tire which is allowed to be driven with a maximum speed of 80km/h only. I was overtaken by trucks etc., one of the most painful drives I ever had... Nevertheless, back home I was happy that I didn't crashed into anything when the puncture happened...
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on July 03, 2017, 05:47:10 pm
This summer seems to have been brutal to cars. My most recent trip, 2 weeks ago, was just a quick drive over into West Virginia & back. About 8 hours into the trip, I noticed a vibrating noise when I was accelerating, and it was frequent enough that I decided to call my mechanic and see what he thought. This proved difficult, as the hills of WV aren't conducive to mobile coverage, so it took about 3 partial calls to him to determine that it was probably just a loose part that he could check out when I got back to Ohio. Since no lights on the dash came on and the gauges showed everything in the normal range, I kept going, but after another 6-7 hours it was getting more frequent and louder. I pulled off the side of the road and immediately the engine died as I coasted to a stop. Only then did the dashboard light up. Still without a signal, I saw a gentleman outside his house and asked him if I could use his landline call a tow truck, which, luckily, he allowed me to do. The driver arrived about 45 minutes later, and the first thing he checked was the oil, which was completely empty. I'd just had the car in for service a couple weeks before, and had never been told that it was leaking oil, so this was a bit of a surprise. I was still 4 hours from home, and there was nowhere nearby to rent a car, so I was stuck in WV for a night. My dealer sent a truck over to WV to get my car, and they're just starting to look at it, so I have no idea how much all of this is going to cost altogether, but the hotel, rental, 30-mile tow, and change of clothes I had to buy has already set me back close to $500. If there's a silver lining, it's that I got to spend the night in WV for the first time ever, which means I've stayed overnight in all 50 states now.

Other than this, the only unexpected delays/expenses I've had to deal with on roadtrips were a blowout on a gravel road in Montana, and hitting a deer at full speed (if it hadn't been a new car, it probably would have been totaled by the insurer). Only the deer caused me to pull the plug on a trip; the blowout, even though it led me to a tire shop that insisted I needed 4 new tires, which they needed to call in from another shop, only delayed me about 4-5 hours.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: rickmastfan67 on July 04, 2017, 08:40:11 pm
Back in the early '90s, my family was driving back home from Canada, along I-90 WB in Erie, PA and our timing belt let go on our MB while we were in the fast lane with no warning.  By a stroke of good luck, there was NO traffic around us that we were able to coast to a stop on the right side shoulder just after the on-ramp from the PA-97 on-ramp.  Just amazing luck, as that could have been deadly if we had been rammed from behind or the right lane would have been clogged not allowing us to get over safely.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: 7/8 on July 04, 2017, 11:21:08 pm
Thankfully I didn't have any car troubles on my trip to Indianapolis this past weekend! :)

New roads I got:
A short stretch of BL I-69 in Port Huron
I-94 from I-69 in Port Huron to I-696
I-696 from I-94 to I-275 (so close to a clinch!)
I-275/96 from I-696 to M-14
Clinch of M-14
I-94 from M-14 to I-69
I-69 from I-94 to I-469 south interchange (I've now clinched the original I-69)
I-465 from I-69 to I-70
I-65 from West St to the south I-70 split (Indy)
I-70 from West St to I-75 (I've now clinched I-70 IN)
I-475 from I-75 to US 24 (another clinch)
M-10 south of I-75

I also added 5 counties in MI, 4 in IN, and 1 in OH.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on July 05, 2017, 11:38:12 pm
Always fun to discover missing mileage from the past.  When looking for an I-210 for one of the photo threads on AARoads, I noticed that I hadn't credited myself with any of I-210 in Louisiana, despite having a picture showing an I-210 shield from 2003.  On further investigation, I can add about 30 miles of US 90 and a good chunk of I-210 to my list for the next site update based on where I must have taken a few of my pictures from that day.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: JJBers on July 09, 2017, 02:48:05 pm
Going to be clinching I-84 and traveling on massive chunks of I-81, along with smaller sections of I-75, I-26, and I-40.
aka going from Atlanta to Connecticut
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mvak36 on July 10, 2017, 12:44:57 pm
Going to Chicago for a baseball game in early August. Right now the plan is to clinch most of the rest of the Illinois interstates (I will only have I-74, I-474, and I-57 left once I'm done with this trip). I do have some other things planned during the trip so I won't have too much time to take some newer routes (at least on the way there).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Eth on August 15, 2017, 08:09:55 am
Just got back from a vacation trip to Iceland, granting me my first mileage (all by bus) outside the USA! Even got a route clinch (ISL TH365) out of it.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on August 16, 2017, 02:48:49 pm
On the next site update, my Ohio gap in I-75 will be filled in, and I'll have all of it from Detroit to Miami.  Still a few holes in Michigan.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on August 16, 2017, 11:35:50 pm
On the next site update, my Ohio gap in I-75 will be filled in, and I'll have all of it from Detroit to Miami.  Still a few holes in Michigan.

That plus I-264 in KY today puts me over 80% in usai.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: 7/8 on August 17, 2017, 12:02:51 am
I just got back from spending a few days at my friend's cottage in Haliburton County, ON. I added 7A, 9(Orangeville), and 118 to my list of clinched routes. I also added some mileage to 7(Main), 12, 28, and the 427. I'm now over 50% complete in Ontario :)

I'm also heading on a trip to Orlando in a few days which will add a lot more US mileage, mainly on interstates.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on August 23, 2017, 08:28:18 am
Took a 20-hr ride last Saturday criss-crossing West Virginia.  Picked up over 300 new miles of US routings, clinching US 33, US 52, US 60, and US 119.  This now gives me all mainline US route mileage in West Virginia except US 30's 3-mile clipping...

There are still I-73/74 corridor signs on US 52 near Kenova and there is also a quite outdate sign referencing WV 65S northwest of Williamson...
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: bejacob on August 24, 2017, 09:20:29 pm
New travels this week in IA, NE, and SD along with the promotion from "preview" to "active" of usatn has pushed my active mileage over 100,000.  :)
Looks like I have a few log errors to fix, but I'm pleased to have crossed a major milestone (pun intended).  ;D
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on August 24, 2017, 10:27:38 pm
@bejacob: Welcome to the club!
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: bejacob on August 29, 2017, 10:22:38 am
@bejacob: Welcome to the club!

Thanks. Still lots more routes to drive.  :)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on August 30, 2017, 03:54:47 pm
A partial update on my still-ongoing cross-country road trip, while I'm stuck in Bozeman MT waiting for a new fuel pump for my truck.

I'll soon submit a cumulative update to my list file, once I finish reviewing my Florida state route entries (I think I have almost everything in south Florida) now that set's gone into preview. But I spent a lot more time traveling throughout northern California, increasing my coverage of the California state routes to about 95%. The remaining mileage is mainly in Los Angeles County, the San Francisco Bay Area, and the coastal counties in-between.

Once I left California for good, I started concentrating on completing my clinches of US routes. So far, I've done that for US 2, US 89, US 95, and US 191 (in addition to US 85 and US 412, during an earlier phase of this trip). More US route clinches to follow, assuming no more breakdowns, and also I may have to do some prioritizing to make sure I get back home in time for the eye surgery scheduled in about two weeks.

The trip has added about 20,000 miles to my truck, which was already long in the tooth. I'll have to decide what to do with it once I get home.

BTW, I set out to avoid the crowds watching the eclipse in eastern Oregon and southern Idaho, through which I had to pass to finish off the westernmost parts of US 20, US 26, and US 30. Eclipse-avoidance proved to be almost as much of a pain in the ass as eclipse-attendance. I might try to make the next one, in 2024.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: yakra on August 31, 2017, 01:08:06 pm
Wow. That's about 20 months' worth of travel for me. What's your oil change interval? (I use Mobil 1 5W-30, changed every 25k.)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on August 31, 2017, 03:31:17 pm
Wow. That's about 20 months' worth of travel for me. What's your oil change interval? (I use Mobil 1 5W-30, changed every 25k.)

5K max with conventional oil, often less if the truck needs other work in the meantime (as has happened three times on my current trip -- it's eleven years old, and approaching 180,000 miles).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Bickendan on August 31, 2017, 06:15:48 pm
My car just hit 201k, and outside of the AC dying, it's running fine. Debating whether I'll have time to clinch the new US 20 bypass on Saturday though.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on August 31, 2017, 07:21:38 pm
My car just hit 201k, and outside of the AC dying, it's running fine. Debating whether I'll have time to clinch the new US 20 bypass on Saturday though.

Which one? Eddyville (which I covered next month)? If not, that throws a wrench into my plans to finish off US 20 on my way back home.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Bickendan on August 31, 2017, 07:43:02 pm
Yeah,  Eddyville.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: 7/8 on September 06, 2017, 09:01:31 pm
I got back from a 16-day road trip on Sunday, which included seeing Diamond Caverns in KY, seeing the eclipse in Nashville, seeing Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta, visiting Disney World and Universal Studios in Orlando, and touring Washington DC.

I added lots of new mileage on TM. Highlights...
- Clinched BL I-94 in Port Huron, MI
- Added my first mileage in KY and TN
- Almost clinched I-75 in GA (only missing the section around Macon)
- Clinched I-475 in GA
- Clinched FL 417
- Clinched FL 9B
- Clinched I-95 in SC
- Clinched SC 38
- Travelled US 29 from Greensboro, NC to I-66 in VA
- Added some MD state highways around Bethesda
- Clinched I-270 in MD
- Clinched US 15 in PA
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: dave1693 on September 10, 2017, 06:20:57 pm
Optical issues (oscar, I totally sympathize) kept me from adding much to my TM mileage in the past year. Once I was able to drive again, I wasn't able to go all that far from the DC FedroSplat -- NYC and western PA were as far as I got. Added pieces of a few new routes, added new pieces of some routes I already had other pieces of. Clinched PA 164, PA 913, PA 16, MD 910.

I'm now working on trying to figure out (from long memory) routes in systems that have gone to preview (and in some cases, to active!) since the last time I thought to check. I think I've gotten all my TN state routes, though I need to double-check again. (I haven't done a ton of travel in TN.) Still need to re-check FL, GA, CA, and a couple of others.

I'm also trying to flog my memory for routes traveled in my two trips to Europe, both of which were more than 30 years ago.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on September 10, 2017, 11:07:43 pm
I just got back home from my two-and-a-half month long mega-cross-country road trip. I decided to spend this weekend on the Jersey Shore for some beach time with friends before completing the trip home, because I didn't want my only "beach experience" for this summer to be a bear killing a deer on a cold gravel beach, less than a hundred yards from the lodge where I was staying. I had no trouble improving on that, this weekend.

My road trip covered almost 25,000 miles, in most states and three Mexican estados. Including previous trips, the only states I haven't been to this year are Colorado, Kansas, Minnesota, Michigan, Vermont, and Florida. All those miles included, in addition to the "interesting" El Paso breakdown I mentioned upthread, one of my wheels separating from its hub on I-80 near Sacramento after most of the lug nuts worked loose, and a bad fuel pump that stranded me in Bozeman, Montana (believe me, it really sucks to limp along at 35mph on an Interstate with an 80mph speed limit, due to poor fuel flow into my engine).

I spent a lot of time finishing off US routes. In addition to the ones I previously mentioned, I finished off US 12 (including the new Baraboo Bypass in Wisconsin, and a minor route tweak in Illinois), US 20, US 26, US 30, and US 310.

Now that I'm back home, I'll have a day scrambling to do a lot of grocery shopping and other chores, ahead of eye surgery Tuesday morning to be followed by several weeks of recovery and reduced (but non-zero) work on TM. That will give me time to decide to do with the old breakdown-prone and high-mileage (over 180K miles) pickup truck I drove on my summer road trip.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on September 17, 2017, 10:38:39 pm
My weekend trip for a meeting in New Hampshire gave me an opportunity to pick up about 60 miles of TM-clinchable routes.  The most significant was a short piece of I-93 near Manchester that completed all of I-93 for me as well as all of the interstate system in New Hampshire.  It becomes my 8th state with 100% of usai.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on September 19, 2017, 02:31:47 pm
With my latest travel I've clinched 2 motorway systems in Europe: nlda and bela :)

It's not yet confirmed but it seems that a new Belgian motorway section will be opened in Mid October. The project was called N5 Couvin bypass but there are motorway signs. I guess it will be called A5.

nlda (1,500mi) and bela (1,000mi) are motorway systems no. 3 and 4 I've clinched. I had completed deua (8,100mi) and luxa (93mi) in 2016. However, new deua sections will also be opened "soon" - to be traveled in 2018 :))
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: bejacob on September 20, 2017, 05:56:47 am
Just back from a trip to Wales. Went from zero to about 20% of the clinchable mileage. As this was a family vacation, I made almost no attempt to clinch additional mileage, so covered only slightly more than was absolutely necessary while touring the countryside. Added a little mileage in England as well. Always fun driving a manual transmission on a right-hand drive vehicle. Come to think of it, the last time I drove a stick was in the UK about 4 years ago.  8)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Ib3kii on September 23, 2017, 09:05:57 pm
I may be going to a wedding in Pakistan next year, slight possibility I may be the first member to clinch roads in Pakistan.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: si404 on September 24, 2017, 09:13:36 am
As this was a family vacation, I made almost no attempt to clinch additional mileage, so covered only slightly more than was absolutely necessary while touring the countryside.
You didn't do the tiny little bit to visit Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch station? You went through Llanfair PG (as it is on road signs), but didn't clinch the bit of A5 next to the station.

At least you did Pont Grog y Borth - the supreme roadgeek feature of the area (and possibly the country, given the Severn Bridge is wholly in England).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: bejacob on September 24, 2017, 09:51:07 pm
At least you did Pont Grog y Borth - the supreme roadgeek feature of the area (and possibly the country, given the Severn Bridge is wholly in England).

I figured that if I was going to Anglesey, I might as well take one bridge on the way (A55) and the other on the way back (A5). Part of the point of visiting the island was because my elderly mother wanted to see the neolithic monuments. That's why I ended up clinching the A5025 and almost completing A4080, but missed out on most of the A5 and AS5 on Anglesey. Oh well, something do next time. On the plus side, I did get to visit about half a dozen castles.

It was a great trip and had I been there by myself, I probably would have driven more and seen less.  ;) Sound familiar to anyone?
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: yakra on September 25, 2017, 03:31:27 am
It was a great trip and had I been there by myself, I probably would have driven more and seen less.  ;) Sound familiar to anyone?
"OH NO NO NEVER!" -Eric Idle
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on October 04, 2017, 09:20:48 pm
Just returned from a trip to Cuba via Tampa...

New Clinches for me:  I-485 (NC); SC 225, SC 10, GA 243, I-75 (FL)

I would've gotten GA 43 but a detour prevented it and I got nearly all of GA 220 instead...

Also picked up significant mileage on GA 17, I-75 (GA), and US 301 (FL).

Only got to do a small amount of riding on Cuba's roads...essentially through the tunnel under the Canal de Entrada was as far east as I got and the other direction not quite out to the airport.  Per Google maps I did not make it to any numbered routes and I saw no signage directing a motorist to the closest ones...
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Hoss6884 on October 12, 2017, 08:37:42 am
My buddy (justjake) and I took advantage of the unseasonably warm weather on Saturday and ventured down to Corridor H from Southwestern PA via convertible.  It was an odd feeling seeing a lot of colors on the leaves but having the top down and high temperatures in the mid-80s.  For me, I was able to add about 250 miles and clinch 12 new routes as well as all clinchable roads in Fayette County, PA.

Route Part 1 ( | Route Part 2 ( | Route Part 3 ( | Route Part 4 (

New Clinches
MD 42, MD 135, MD 560, US 250 Truck (Philippi, WV), WV 24, WV 32, WV 38, WV 42, WV 76, WV 90, WV 93, WV 131

New Miles on Previously Traveled Roads
PA 281, US 19 (WV), US 33 (WV), US 119 (WV), US 219 (WV), US 220 (WV), US 250 (WV), WV 7, WV 28, WV 55, WV 72, WV 92

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on November 04, 2017, 10:46:41 pm
Big additions to my stats are coming with tonight's update, which I hope will complete with this hotel's network.  I drove primarily I-35 to Laredo then US 83 to Brownsville.  This finishes off all of "unlettered" I-35 for me, now missing only some of the Fort Worth I-35W.  Along the way, I had my first travels on each of the new Rio Grande Valley interstates, clinching the little I-69W in Laredo (at least I'm claiming it, though part was only on the frontage road to make sure I didn't end up on the bridge to Mexico), clinching I-2 for sure, traveling just a little piece of I-69C so I could say I did, and picking up my first miles on I-69E from Harlingen to here in Brownsville.  I should be able to finish off I-69E's current segment on my way up to Austin tomorrow.  I saw no mention of I-169 from I-69E.  I suppose it's a hidden designation, but I can't get it anyway without racking up fees by activating my rental car's TxTag.

Today should get me up around 87,000 miles in the active+preview routes.  And 1781 counties with today's 8 new.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on November 04, 2017, 11:04:53 pm
As I mentioned in some of the Quebec threads, last month I took a week-long road trip to and from the Lac St. Jean/Saguenay region of Quebec, to get that in before it started snowing up there. That trip restored my 100% clinch of the Autoroute system. I'm expecting it'll be awhile before Transports Quebec adds more km-age to that system, so that clinch might hold for a few years.

On the way up and back, I also clinched US 3 and US 5. That gives me all the non-bannered US routes in New England, though I'm missing some business and alternate US routes.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on November 06, 2017, 05:49:08 pm
Some highlights from yesterday's ride from Brownsville to Austin via Corpus Christi.  I finished up I-69E and also drove Business US 77 in Brownsville.  Interesting that I-69E ends at the last intersection but US 77 and US 83 continue to the Mexican border.  Signs and TM agree on this.  In the Corpus Christi area, I decided to check out Port Aransas a bit and saw lots of Harvey damage.  I took US 181 back up to San Antonio, taking me from 0% to 100% in a single ride and giving me my 4th US highway clinch.  Shortly after I passed by Floresville, I first heard about the horrible church shooting when I was only about 20 miles from the site.  At San Antonio, I decided I could afford to take US 281 to US 290 and see a little Hill Country.  The scenery was great, but the traffic and construction just north of Loop 1604 was a mess.

Overall in 2 days I went from from 86,687 miles to 87,454 on active+preview, traveled routes up from 2283 to 2403, and clinched routes up from 659 to 668.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: yakra on November 07, 2017, 02:47:30 am
I clinched ME207.

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Ib3kii on November 07, 2017, 10:01:28 am
I recently clinched WI35 again, since the route was rerouted around WI64.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on November 11, 2017, 09:41:08 pm
Took an all day Maryland drive today...

New clinches:
MD 25, MD 27, MD 30, MD 75, MD 76, MD 84, MD 86, MD 88, MD 91, MD 97, MD 119, MD 121, MD 128, MD 144 (new market), MD 151, MD 158, MD 200, MD 407, MD 800, MD 832, MD 833, MD 852, MD 877 (unsigned)
PA 97 (gettysburg), PA 134

Also got about 50% of MD 77 and 80% of MD 140 which were new...
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Hoss6884 on November 14, 2017, 08:56:44 am
My wife and I took a five-day vacation down to Anna Maria Island, FL (first one without kids) - luckily we got out of Pittsburgh before the record low temps hit.  I picked up some new miles on I-4, I-75, I-275, US 19, US 41, US 301, FL 64 and FL 618 (Selmon Expressway) as well as clinched US 41 Business in Bradenton, FL 684 and FL 789.  I also added Hillsborough and Pinellas Counties.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: 7/8 on November 20, 2017, 07:01:14 pm
I went on a trip from Thursday morning and got back late Sunday night. My brother and I drove up to Winnipeg through the U.P. He's moving to Manitoba for work, and I wanted to tag along for the trip :). Google says it was around 1300 miles / 2100 km one way (I flew home since my brother needs to keep his car).

I added three new states (WI, MN, and ND) and 26 new counties (24 US and 2 Canadian). I clinched M-123, the WI and MN portions of US 2, and MB 75. I also drove I-475 (MI), M-68, M-28, WI 13, and I-29 for the first time.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: dave1693 on November 21, 2017, 01:35:12 am
I just finished a trip to Connecticut in which i drove I-384 for the first time (and clinched it), and added pieces of some US and CT highways (clinching one of the latter) as well as another piece of NY 9A because bus travel is weird. I'm not back home yet (visiting family for Thanksgiving) but don't expect to be adding any more new mileage on the rest of this trip.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Eth on December 24, 2017, 08:49:51 am
Some family Christmas travel (a few days early) gave me a bunch of mileage in southwest Georgia and allowed me to pick up 7 new counties, leaving me with only 6 remaining in the western half of the state. It also boosted me up over the 25% mileage mark in the state (including preview systems) and gave me three new route clinches: the trivial GA 39 Spur and AL 208 (though I can't mark AL 208 on here yet), as well as the 21-mile GA 55 (which for some reason I thought was much longer and didn't even realize was a clinch at the time).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on December 29, 2017, 08:01:11 pm
I achieved some clinching milestones on a ride through Connecticut and Rhode Island today.  I filled in my last two I-95 gaps, so that's all done (and still will be after the upcoming PA and NJ renumberings, since I've traveled all of the roads involved).  Also, I drove the southern part of the RI/MA I-295 that I was missing, so I've clinched all current I-295 instances.  Other than those, I just picked up a couple short segments of CT state routes and a tiny new piece of US 1 in Groton.

Edit: This also clinches the Interstates in Rhode Island for me, joining Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and New Jersey in having all Interstate mileage clinched.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Highway63 on January 15, 2018, 02:52:01 am
Because I'm very bad at getting trip reports on time, a whirlwind version:

29 states, 10/18/16-10/17/17 (
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: dave1693 on January 16, 2018, 12:59:23 am
2017-18 Solstice-holiday-period travels mostly completed now, and while most of it was on familiar roads, I did add a few new segments:

- a new piece of VA55, connecting two already-diven pieces

- two new pieces of PA73, which when added to two already-completed pieces makes one much longer piece (but I still haven't clinched the route, and my traveled portions are in three or four pieces)

- extended pieces of NJ53 and US322 in NJ

- one new piece of US9: the Edison Bridge over the Raritan River, which I *probably* crossed as a baby, but it's certainly possible we used the Garden State Parkway every time back then so I hadn't claimed it. This time we missed the GSP exit for the NJ Turnpike, and the person driving chose to go south on the GSP to the first exit south of the Raritan, which allows you to go back over the river but only via the US9 bridge.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: froggie on January 16, 2018, 10:06:51 am
Took a trip down to DC two weekends ago to attend a pre-TRBAM event.  The previous Thursday's big snowstorm limited things on the way down, and freezing rain in Philly put a crimp in the return trip, but I did manage to complete (for now) Delaware's entire system.  At least until the new US 301 tollway opens.

Also got around this past weekend to adding all the Virginia mileage I hadn't yet put on my list.  Enough to get me back to #2 (sorry, Oscar).  Still got about 1700 miles left to finish, mostly west of US 29.

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on January 16, 2018, 10:49:01 pm
12 Clinches of Christmas

When I planned to head to the Carolinas for a few days at the end of December, I anticipated a chance to enjoy some warm weather. It turned out to be at or below freezing almost every day, but I fortunately avoided weather every day except one. On the 18th I headed to Tennessee first and collected a few missing links of US 321 & US 421, and spent the night in Boone. The next morning I headed east and picked up some more miles of US 601, 158, and 15 plus a new stretch of I-840, clinching US 15 in Virginia and discovering Alt 15 in Farmville in the process. Then I headed home for a few days, resuming the trip on the 26th.

The 26th was the longest driving day of the trip (17 hours; the others were typically 12-14), and it netted me the first US clinch: US 158, whose final miles were collected near Murfreesboro, NC. The bypass of Murfreesboro seemed fairly recent, so I drove it as well as the business route since I'm not certain which route I had driven when I went through the area the first time about 15 years ago. Besides that, I collected some miles on US 258 and nabbed a few business US routes and Virginia state highways before aiming towards Rocky Mount, my stop for the night, which included the nicest AirBnb I've ever experienced as well as my first visit to a Lidl, which only began operating in the US in a handful of states last year.

The next day I headed south to Wilmington, clinching US 421 on the way. Once there I drove the final segment of I-140 that had opened the previous week as well as the expected new routing of US 17 through the city; I wasn't planning a US 17 clinch this time, but wanted to have that part complete since I don't anticipate another trip to the area anytime soon. Next I headed north and clinched US 258 near Snow Hill, and headed back southwest to pick up the new-ish segment of NC-295 between US 401 and the All American Freeway. Which makes me wonder: why isn't the All American Freeway included in usasf?

From there I took US 401 and US 52 south to Florence and my next night. Early the next morning I headed west to Sumter via US 401, making that my fourth US clinch of the trip. Then I headed back north via 15 and 52 to US 1, taking that southwest to 601, which I followed to its south end at US 321, taking that in turn to its south end at 17. From there I made my way over to US 21 and headed through Beaufort and down to its south end before turning around and following it back north to its junction with US 321 just south of Columbia, and thence back southeast to Charleston on US 176. While in Charleston I completed every US route in and around the city, again with the expectation that I wouldn't be nearby for a while.

Waking up to the sound of freezing rain in the morning, I checked the news and discovered that the US 17/Arthur Ravenel bridge had been closed indefinitely due to ice. Fortunately I was in Mount Pleasant and heading northeast on 17, so I wasn't affected. The donut place where I stopped at 6 was somewhat more concerned, since a truck full of their supplies was stuck on the wrong side, and they were running out. But they assured me that there weren't any similar bridges between there and Georgetown, so I headed out anticipating an uneventful trip. The temperatures were hovering just below freezing, but since the previous day had been fairly warm, I doubted that ice would be much trouble on the roads, and I never noticed any slick spots. However, once I got to Georgetown, traffic stopped. I checked Google Maps on my phone and saw the dreaded "do not enter" symbol stamped on the bridge. This was frustrating for two reasons: the closed bridge was the only way into Georgetown that didn't involve a 30-minute detour, and I had never driven this stretch of 17. But with the temperatures showing no movement and sunrise at least half an hour off, I knew that it would be hours before the bridge reopened, so I turned around and took the detour. On the way back around to Georgetown, I had an idea, and so I made my way to the bridge approach on the opposite bank. It was still closed, of course, and dozens of vehicles waited. Holding them back were a car and truck from the police and fire departments. I walked up to the one from fire department, and approached his window to ask about the bridge. He pointed out that not only was it icy, but also there was a wreck, and it wouldn't reopen anytime soon; no emergency vehicles had arrived yet. I asked if it was closed to pedestrians, and he thought for a moment, and replied, "I would assume that it is not." I thanked him, and headed over to the police car to make sure. As I approached, I noticed the officer was asleep, and took that as a tacit approval. So I turned around and began to walk the bridge (,-79.2954848,3a,75y,150.17h,90.91t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sOvC0qq9rTH_BzWAW8k9pSQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656).

There was no sidewalk, as the bridge was designed for highway speeds. As soon as I reached the end of the north approach, the surface turned from wet to ice-coated as the air below the roadway insulated it from any remaining heat in the ground. Fortunately, there was also a significant amount of road debris--pebbles, mud, tread pieces, some litter--that I could walk on to avoid slipping. Eventually, the debris thinned out and I could only use friction with the concrete outside rail to keep my feet from sliding out from under me as I ascended. Going up was a challenge, but coming down the other side proved even more so, as finding my footing on ice sloping away from me led me to settle on shuffling along the rail until I managed to reach the south bank approach. Of course, if I was going to mark this segment clinched, I needed to continue on to the Kangaroo station where I had turned my car around, so I proceeded an additional half mile to its driveway, turned around, and headed back to the bridge. The crossing took about 45 minutes.

I was pretty confident that I'd make it back across without incident, but I did need to get past some first responders on this side before I could. I chose to cross back on the same southbound lanes I'd used on the way over, since it would take me further from them. The return trip was just as icy, but seemed to go a little faster, since I already knew what to expect. At the top, I got a better look at the crash in the northbound lanes; it involved 3 cars all spun out in different directions as well as a logging truck. The ice would prevent any wrecker from reaching them for a while. A new truck had appeared in the southbound lanes, stopped at the north approach: it was spreading sand for traction (coastal SC has no salt spreaders, which is why any of this even happened), and it was stuck on the ice.

As I made my way back from the bridge to my car, I passed many people who were anxious about the closure, had seen me crossing, and wondered if I knew anything. I told them it would likely be closed for at least another hour, explained the accident, and showed them the detour. The whole process had set me back two hours, but at least I'd not been left with a tiny segment of US 17 a hundred miles from anything else I'd ever want to drive.

The rest of the day went surprisingly well: Alt 17 to US 15 (US clinch #5 at Sumter) to US 378 to US 701 (#6 at US 74), some already clinched freeways to Columbia, and US 378 from there to its clinch point just across the border in Georgia. I made it to my AirBnb less than 10 minutes after the kickoff of the OSU-USC bowl game, and slept great.

The next day took me west along US 178 (clinched at US 64) and east along US 176 to Columbia, then north along US 321 and back south again to Columbia along US 21. While in Columbia I clinched US 176 and 321 simultaneously at the I-26 interchange, and finished most of the rest of the US route mileage within the metro area.

The last day brought me home, via US 1, 601, and 21, the latter two of which I clinched in North Carolina. On the way I took a side trip to the new I-785 extension east of Greensboro and finished adding mileage by adding the remainder of US 52 in Virginia. Once back in Ohio the evening of the 31st I finally got a taste of the single digits (°F) I'd missed out on.

Overall numbers:

2966 miles added (including 17 miles of interstate and almost 2500 miles of US Routes)
89 clinched highways, including 12 new US Routes (158, 421, 258, 401, 15, 701, 378, 178, 176, 321, 21, 601), bringing my total to 123 of 219. I also reclinched US 501 by finally driving the new alignment north of Roxboro, NC.
3 visits to Zaxby's, 3 to Bojangles, 2 to Cookout, 2 to some locally famous BBQ places, and 2 to a couple of Cambodian donut shops, all of which are lacking in my part of the world

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on January 23, 2018, 02:58:24 pm
Took a cruise to Cozumel, Belize, and Roatan (Honduras) which required driving from Virginia to Galveston:

New clinches:
I-275 (TN); I-759 (AL); US 11 (GA); US 82 (MS); TX 3; TN 38; GA 58; TX 73; TX 225; TX 275

Picked up significant mileage:
US 11 (65 miles south from GA line); US 82 (MS line to I-20/59); US 90 (TX line to US 165); US 165 from US 90 to Monroe; LA 17 (I-20 to AR); TX 146 from I-45 to I-10

an ALDOT project to clear the tree line on I-59 had the side effect of them dropping a tree onto open lanes of the interstate while digging nearby.  Fortunately it did not hit anyone and we were able to get stopped without running into one another.

There is an error US 87 shield on Galveston Island.

TX 73 is a terrific alternative to I-10 to go around Beaumont.  Speed limit was 75 for over half of it (speed limit on I-10 is only 65 for some reason). and there was next to no traffic.  Just 1 stop light in Port Arthur and a few in Bridges City.

Belize has just 4 highways (no numbering) and our excursion to Xunantunich Ruins near the Guatemalan border drove 95% of one of them (Western Highway).  Hopefully these 4 highways will be put into TM someday.

Also got a significant portion of Highway C-1 on Cozumel.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on February 28, 2018, 10:32:50 pm
While procrastinating on a bunch of things, I took a series of one- or two-day trips to the Delmarva Peninsula. The latest trip to Virginia's Eastern Shore (of the Chesapeake Bay) earlier this week finished off all of the Peninsula's routes in active systems, as well as all active-system routes in the rest of Maryland and Delaware.

My latest trip also took me to Farmville VA, to snag the Alt US 15 route there that was recently added to the HB, as well as a little more state route mileage in the general vicinity.

Next trip planned (unless a jury duty summons for next week unexpectedly results in my serving on a long trial) will take me southwest to Texas and back later this month.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Eth on March 02, 2018, 03:50:58 pm
I've been continuing to work on filling in some of the gaps I still have in metro Atlanta. January and February have given me clinches of GA 324, 13, 154, 360, and the short 6 Spur in Lithia Springs, as well as adding significant mileage on 53, 92, and 280 (the last of those serving as a reminder of how much I hate driving in Cobb County, which is probably why I'm still missing so much mileage there). I tend to do these things as short (about 3-4 hours) day trips, at least as long as I still have this low-hanging fruit.

Next trip I have planned outside the area is to North Carolina in April. What, if anything, I'm able to add will probably depend on who's driving (it's a group trip).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: bejacob on March 16, 2018, 03:46:30 pm
Recently returned from a weekend trip in Missouri. Completed clinches of I-170, I-255, and I-270 in and around St. Louis. Also completed the western end of I-64 (just need to about 10 miles in Virginia for the entire route). Spent some time driving around Kansas City where I finished off I-435 and I-635 (I-470 was already clinched). I had been missing a small segment of I-70 between I-670 in KS and I-35 in MO which has been bothering me since I first missed it back in 2006. My plans for this past weekend were  to drive that segment westbound, but the bridge across the Kansas River was closed in that direction. Luckily the eastbound routing was open so I was able to clinch it going the other way. That leaves just 30 miles in MD to complete the entire 2,185 mile route. I plan to do that later this year.

Added a good bit of mileage on US24 and US50 along with some of the associated business routes.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: ntallyn on March 16, 2018, 06:06:09 pm
Picked up a couple hundred kilometers of A- and B- routes in South Australia (and a little bit of M-2) in the last few weeks. Looking forward to the time I can claim them here. :) Might have a km or two in NSW, as well.

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on March 24, 2018, 07:39:59 pm
Next trip planned (unless a jury duty summons for next week unexpectedly results in my serving on a long trial) will take me southwest to Texas and back later this month.

Got off the hook for jury duty, so it was off to Texas on a two-week road trip. I got back home earlier this week.

I clinched all the Interstates I hadn't yet covered, except one of the newest I-11 segments in Nevada. Anyway, there will be more new and widely-scattered Interstate mileage later this year, so trying to stay at 100% would be a game of whack-a-mole.

Also, I clinched US 79 and the short and obscure US 175, as well as the Texas segments of US 87, US 287, and US 385. The only parts of those routes I haven't yet covered are all north of I-80, and I might take care of those this summer.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: dave1693 on March 30, 2018, 11:22:31 pm
Trips in March only added a bit of new mileage: a small bit of PA 216, a small bit of PA 24, and most of PA 624. Life circumstances will probably keep me from adding any more new clinched mileage until May at the earliest.

I am discovering old trips that went over routes I hadn't yet listed, so those will get added in the near future.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Eth on April 23, 2018, 08:03:31 pm
Next trip I have planned outside the area is to North Carolina in April. What, if anything, I'm able to add will probably depend on who's driving (it's a group trip).

Results of that trip: clinched the I-85 business routes in Spartanburg and Greensboro, picked up the portions of I-40 between Greensboro and Raleigh not concurrent with I-85 (already had that part), and grabbed various short-to-moderate segments of US 15, 64, 70, 401, and 501, Interstates 440 and 540, and part of the NC 147 freeway.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Bickendan on April 24, 2018, 03:24:19 am
Just got back from a long day trip to the center of Oregon.
Finally got my 100% clinch of US 26 in Oregon (was only missing ORH 360 Madras-Prineville Hwy), and clinched ORH 370 (O'Neill Hwy), OR 380 (Paulina Hwy), OR 27 (ORH 14 Crooked River Hwy) and the northern segment of ORH 4 (The Dalles-California Hwy), giving me 100% on US 197 and more of US 97 under my belt. I did not pick up ORH 361 (Culver Hwy) at all to poor advance signage for the Culver turn off from US 97.

Of note: ORH 361 is not signed in the field, as far as I can tell. It's possible it's signed once you leave US 97.
ORH 370 is not signed at all.
OR 380 is signed, but there are no signs for the route from US 26 in Prineville. First reassurance shield is near milepost 2; it's fairly well signed thereafter all the way to Paulina.
OR 27 is not fun to drive once the pavement ends and becomes a gravel road. It is well graded and maintained, but that really should be paved. Surprisingly, I saw a good number of bikers.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on April 28, 2018, 11:09:55 am
I took a two-week road trip to Florida earlier this month. Then I took a much shorter trip to Greensboro this week, to tie up some loose ends from the first trip, including the new I-840 segment whose opening was delayed a week, foiling my original plan to snag it on my way back from Florida.

The two trips added clinches of two short US routes, intrastate US 158, and US 401 which doesn't leave the Carolinas. In Florida, I think I've snagged all the 8xx and higher state routes, and the other routes in south Florida.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on May 09, 2018, 10:16:59 pm
A little 2-day baseball trip to see games at my 49th and 50th minor league parks in Trenton and Allentown also gave me a chance to add some new mileage to my TM stats.  Yesterday, I got just a few very short pieces: NJ 31 inside I-295, a tiny piece of NJ 29 in Trenton, and US 1 from NJ 29 just across the river to last night's hotel off the first exit on the PA side.  Today's plan to get up to Allentown starting on US 1 and then mostly PA 309 was scrapped because of nasty morning traffic problems.  Instead, I avoided an accident on US 1 by going down US 13 to the Turnpike, then stuck with that and I-476 up to Allentown to be on time for a 10:30 AM game.  After the game, I decided to take some new routes through New Jersey.  I drove NJ 57 end to end, which was horrendous with slow trucks and long construction delays.  Then clinched tiny NJ 182 to get up to US 46.  The last of the new mileage was all of US 206 north of I-80 and a little piece of US 6 west from Milford to I-84.  About 75 miles new altogether.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: yakra on May 10, 2018, 01:39:08 pm
I drove NJ 57 end to end, ...  Then clinched tiny NJ 182
Wh-- ...Why does this exist?
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on May 10, 2018, 03:26:29 pm
I drove NJ 57 end to end, ...  Then clinched tiny NJ 182
Wh-- ...Why does this exist?

Exactly my thoughts driving through.  I didn't pay close attention and assumed 57 just ended at US 46.  But no, it changes numbers.

In that area, it looks like many people use East Ave as a cutoff between 182 and US 46 East.  Might be worth adding points to each route for that.  I'll add those points if there's no objection.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on May 11, 2018, 10:47:59 am
It's because NJ 182 used to be part of current NJ 24.  There is still a NJ 24 shield leaving this intersection SB.

That said, when they decided to take NJ 24 out of the primary system out to this area, have 57 just be extended to US 46 would've made the most sense...
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: yakra on May 11, 2018, 01:22:12 pm

182 is a short route connecting US 46 to 57 and old 24. In the 1927 numbering, 24 went from Phillipsburg to Newark via Morristown. The alignment near Hackettstown used the old Washington Turnpike via Pleasant Grove. S24 split from 24 at Penwell and went to Hackettstown. When the routes were renumbered in 1953, NJDOT abandoned the idea of ever building 24 via Pleasant Grove, and rerouted 24 via S24 to the south edge of Hackettstown, and then south to Schooleys Mountain on the originally planned route. The bit of S24 north of what was now 24 became 57.
On 10/9/1969, the routes were renumbered again. 24 was truncated to only go east of Hackettstown on county roads, and 57 was reassigned to state-maintained 24 west of Hackettstown. The road that had been 57 became 182, since 57 was planned to continue east as a bypass of Hackettstown. That bypass has died, but the 182 number remains. The entire route is multiplexed with CR 517.
57 runs east-northeast from Phillipsburg, and contains the first stretch of concrete pavement in the Western hemisphere (one mile of it in Warren County, built in 1912). Pre-GR, it was 24 west of Penwell and S24 east of Penwell. At the GR, this all became part of 24, and 57 used what is now 182 (formerly S24). On 10/9/1969, former 57 became 182 and 57 was designated along its current alignment. 57 does not extend along 182 because it was planned to extend east on a Hackettstown bypass to US 46, which is a divided highway for that very reason.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on May 11, 2018, 05:08:56 pm
Well that makes it even sillier than my incorrect assumption...
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: yakra on May 12, 2018, 01:01:44 am
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: dave1693 on May 12, 2018, 01:30:35 am
In short, when NJDOT "officially" truncated the west end of NJ 24 to Morristown, and changed the Phillipsburg-South Hackettstown leg from 24 to 57, they continued the 57 number along a proposed bypass... but when the bypass plans were scrapped, they didn't change 182 back to being the eastern end of 57. Either someone in NJDOT was being wildly overoptimistic that the bypass would be resurrected, or just stupid in the extreme.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: froggie on May 12, 2018, 01:18:04 pm
^^ More like...

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: 7/8 on May 17, 2018, 10:02:01 pm
I just got back from my three-week long graduation trip to the Rockies. The majority of the trip was on new roads, which meant I added LOTS of mileage to my TM profile. We started by taking I-96 to get Livingston and Ingham counties in MI, then a short detour on M-78 and M-66 to get Barry County (MI). After Chicago, it was all new territory for a long time. We took I-80 then I-76 to Denver. We visited Breckenridge, backtracked to Colorado Springs, and headed back up to Denver to drop one of my brothers at the airport (he needed to get home for work). We then drove I-70 and UT 128 (both were incredibly scenic) to Moab, UT. My family got to do a UTV tour which was a lot of fun! We then drove up US 6/191 to Midway, UT to spend a few days in the area. We then went up I-15 and US 20 to stay in West Yellowstone, MT while visiting the park. All the geysers were fascinating to see, and the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone was very impressive. We drove down to see the Tetons before crossing Wyoming by US 26, I-25, and US 18. We visited Mt. Rushmore and then the Badlands in SD. After that, it was lots of driving on I-90 to Chicago. For the last day, we started the morning in Mishawaka (near South Bend, IN) and I convinced the family to take US 12 up to Ypsilanti, MI to get Cass, St. Joseph, Hillsdale, and Lenawee counties in southern MI. I also added I-96 between I-275 and I-94 in Detroit. All in all, it was a very successful trip and I'm thankful that I got the chance to see the Western US before starting my full-time job and that my family was willing to take some detours for me to add counties and road mileage :).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Eth on May 21, 2018, 11:06:52 am
Last week's vacation officially puts me on the board in Hawaii, which makes its debut for me at #7 in active and preview mileage with 12.05%. The mileage, all on Oahu, includes clinches of Interstates H2 and H201 (but not H1, of which I missed a two-mile segment in east Honolulu) and state routes 72, 80, 8930 (why a four-digit number? it seems like Oahu has plenty of two- and three-digit ones available), and 93. I probably would have clinched 95 if I'd known it was there (I drove part of it and don't remember it being signed) and was close enough to the end of 930 that I should have finished it off too. Oh well.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on May 21, 2018, 11:32:47 am
Last week's vacation officially puts me on the board in Hawaii, which makes its debut for me at #7 in active and preview mileage with 12.05%. The mileage, all on Oahu, includes clinches of Interstates H2 and H201 (but not H1, of which I missed a two-mile segment in east Honolulu) and state routes 72, 80, 8930 (why a four-digit number? it seems like Oahu has plenty of two- and three-digit ones available), and 93. I probably would have clinched 95 if I'd known it was there (I drove part of it and don't remember it being signed) and was close enough to the end of 930 that I should have finished it off too. Oh well.

95 has long given me heartburn, as a primary route (access to a secondary commercial harbor) with no route markers.

As for 8930, four-digit route number assignments are typical for new urban routes, though it's also fairly common to leave them unsigned. If 8930 doesn't feel urban now, it will soon, with rapid growth in the Kapolei "second city" area. In any case, I'm pretty sure no new 2-digit routes have been designated this century, and probably none since the last major round of renumbering in 1968. Nor have any new 3-digit state routes, except perhaps some short unsigned ones on the outer islands, and a network of unevenly-signed county routes in central Maui set up in the mid-1970s. A new rural secondary highway on Maui has been assigned 374, if it ever gets built.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Eth on May 21, 2018, 12:08:33 pm
If 8930 doesn't feel urban now, it will soon, with rapid growth in the Kapolei "second city" area.

Yeah, it very much had the feel of "this is all going to be developed within the next 2-3 years", especially with the elevated rail(?) construction that was also going on there. I stopped at the mall at the south end of the route for lunch on Thursday, which is apparently new enough that it doesn't even show up on Google's satellite imagery.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: vdeane on May 27, 2018, 12:45:26 pm
My recent big update was from a trip to Florida.  Report on the AARoads forum (
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on May 27, 2018, 06:24:13 pm
I just finished a trip that clinched all the Illinois state routes (I'll deal with Historic US66 later), all the US routes in Wisconsin, and enough Michigan routes that I should be able to clinch what's left in that state in a day trip. US10 and US53 are done now as well.

Apparently I missed the opening of the bypass around Macomb, Illinois, by a few days, so I will lose my system-wide clinch soon. Its opening has been pushed back several times over the past few months. I spoke with a state trooper while there to test his opinion on sneaking past the barriers, and he suggested calling IDOT, since they had let some people on it already. Unfortunately the project managers had left for the day when I called, and no one in the office was authorized to let me drive it, so I went on my way. If another trip in the early planning stages happens later this year, Macomb won't be all that far out of the way.

Weather was beautiful except for about an hour of rain one day. That hour coincided with my visit to Mackinac Island, and my clinch of M-185 on a rented bike. It started out light, but was a full-on thunderstorm within 15 minutes. So I managed to race around the island in less than an hour and turn in my bike with time to make the ferry back to St Ignace; I was soaked, so browsing the shops on the island no longer seemed worthwhile. The rain stopped by the time I got off the ferry.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: dave1693 on May 28, 2018, 05:46:53 pm
I've filled in a few more "historic" trips from the 90s and oughts, plus I recently got back from a long weekend trip from the FedroSplat to Connecticut and back. Drove the clinching pieces of PA194 and NJ53 on the way up, as well as driving all of NY304, though that last was not intentional; I'd intended to take the PIP north of the Thruway but it was blocked due to downed trees in a couple of spots after the recent storms. So I ended up driving the north half of NY304 and a new-to-me segment of US9W (with part of the latter also being a new-to-me segment of US202). Also extended my mileage on NY301 before passing into CT.

In CT and on the return trip, I drive new segments of quite a few CT routes, US5, and US44, but only one newly clinched route (CT194), and a piece of NY303. I did add a couple of weirdnesses due to that storm though. CT37 does *not* have a waypoint at Haviland Hollow Rd (though the other end of that road *is* a waypoint on NY22), so after driving north from that road up to New Milford on a past trip, I had listed my south end as Beaver Bog Rd, the closest waypoint, about 3/4 mile south. So on this most recent trip I planned to drive CT37 from I-84 north to Haviland Hollow Rd. I made it north of Beaver Bog Rd, but about 3/8 mile short of my intended turn I hit a "Road Closed" sign, and highway workers telling me that CT37 was impassable due to downed trees and poiwer lines. I was directed onto a side road, which was barely passable (only one car wide in a lot of spots after they'd cut parts of the downed trees out of the way), and the other end of which was at a road I later determined was CT39... but I had no data signal and ended up making a wrong turn, went east, and found myself 1/2 mile west of CT37 before turning around and going back west toward NYS. I did eventually  make it to my destination, but now I have a couple of ALMOST-clinched segments up in CT that I'll have to finish doing the next time I'm solo driving up that way.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on May 29, 2018, 11:41:06 pm
Who else is using the Highwayapp (first mentioned here ( on clinch trips? On my last trip it correctly identified almost all the routes I encountered (drove on or crossed) and it was fun hearing the counter increase every time my score went up. I picked up about 3900 points. If you travel in the US or Canada and have an Apple or Android device, check it out.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: CharlotteAllisonCDTG on May 30, 2018, 12:34:31 am
I use it, however it doesn't register new highways until after I arrive at my destination.  I just recently drove from Jacksonville, FL to my home in Grovetown, GA (about five hours).  I have been trying to take different routes nearly every time I have driven between both cities.  When I got home, it kept dinging at me, over and over and over.  I'm at 585 and 56 (don't know which icon and number) means what.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on May 30, 2018, 05:02:17 pm
I use it, however it doesn't register new highways until after I arrive at my destination.  I just recently drove from Jacksonville, FL to my home in Grovetown, GA (about five hours).  I have been trying to take different routes nearly every time I have driven between both cities.  When I got home, it kept dinging at me, over and over and over.  I'm at 585 and 56 (don't know which icon and number) means what.
If you leave it running while you drive, your score should increase within a few seconds of reaching a new route, unless your phone loses its signal.

The 56 means you encountered 56 unique highways. You get 10 points for every new highway in your score, so 585 means that you've received 560 for the 56 unique highways, plus 25 bonus points for driving on one or more of those highways in multiple counties.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: CharlotteAllisonCDTG on May 30, 2018, 08:16:31 pm
There really needs to be some kind of manual for the app.  At first, I couldn't figure it out.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: dave1693 on June 13, 2018, 05:37:30 pm
This past weekend I drove to (and back from) a conference in western PA. The PA turnpike is something I clinched years ago, and the section from Breezewood to New Stanton decades ago; and the Turnpike's getting expensive, so I've been trying various different routes to get out there. This time, I hit new sections of PA 819, PA 286, PA 380, and PA 56/PA 56 Truck to get to Old Route 28, then most of PA 910 (but took a detour because a bridge is out) to get to the Pittsburgh North Hills. My return trip involved finally clinching PA 228, half of PA 128, new segments of PA 28 and US 219, the western half of PA 869, and a clinch of MD 56.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: the_spui_ninja on June 14, 2018, 12:58:00 pm
Recently got back from the Alabama Gulf Coast; got about half of I-55 on that trip alone and 5 new states (TN, MS, LA, AL, FL). Yes, I haven't really been to the eastern part of the country at all.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on June 17, 2018, 04:31:44 am
From some day trips and occasional overnight trips over the past few months, my mileage on Virginia routes in TM has crept over 85%, slipping past froggie for the #2 spot (but no threat to Mapmikey, who's close to 100%). I think I now have everything in the area north of I-64 and west of I-95, and almost everything west of I-81 and east of I-77 (missed an obscure short primary state route in Wytheville when I was out there this month). Southwestern and Southside Virginia remain weak spots for me.

Now my travel focus shifts elsewhere, with return trips to Colorado, Canada, and California/Nevada/Hawaii in the works for later this year.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: ntallyn on June 18, 2018, 09:58:32 pm
Added a few KM of CA-1 (no, not the Pacific Coast Highway) in Guatemala. Clarified a couple of KM from a previous trip around Guatemala City, as well. And about 10 KM of some new RN routes. Hopefully, I'll get to claim all of it at some point.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: froggie on June 19, 2018, 10:31:37 am
^^ You'll probably stay ahead of me on that for the forseeable future, too.  Not sure when I'll get back down into the Mid-Atlantic again, especially now that I've begun a new job (and have basically zero vacation time).

In the meantime, I've utilized the past 4 years to become #1 in Vermont....I've only got 5 border crossings and one route in Franklin County left to fully clinch.

I've also been in a race with DTP to be the first to clinch New Hampshire.  He will probably beat me...he's only got 30-some miles left, while I still have close to 200.  That said, on a trip I took this weekend I did make a good dent into what I had left.  Two good pushes might do it for me, as with 4 exceptions everything I have left is concentrated south of NH 9 and west of I-93.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: SSOWorld on June 19, 2018, 08:08:29 pm
You speak of travels out of context? How about Florida?  Also in the works is entry into state #47 (South Carolina - which means I have to go Vermonting, Island Hopping, and Dalton driving.n  Oh and I get Interstates too.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on June 24, 2018, 12:29:20 pm
My Spring 2018 summary

I've clinched the region of Berlin (150mi) and I've reached 99.90% of German Autobahns (deua = 8120mi) again. I would only need to travel two recently opened Autobahn sections in NW (A33+A44) but there are more openings announced for the coming months (another A33 and another A44 section and a A448 section in NW). I've also clinched B6 in ST which is approved to be rededicated to A36 (~50mi). It will likely be implemented in 2019.

I'm now back from a 3-week-vacation to the beautiful islands of Ireland and Great Britain. I've clinched the Irish motorway system (irlm = 602mi) and all motorways in Northern Ireland (nirm = 69mi and niram = 1mi). I've also clinched all Scotish motorways (gbnm = 214mi and gbnam = 50mi) and all Welsh motorways (gbnm = 81mi and gbnam = 2mi). I've traveled 83% of the English motorways (gbnm = 1642mi and gbnam = 176mi). It was very warm on Ireland and I had no rain (only a 5 minutes shower which helped cleaning my windshield). There was almost no rain in Scotland (about 20 minutes while driving and once in the evening so that I decided to go to the restaurant of the hotel only) and once a few minutes in England.

On my way to Ireland and back from England, I've passed France and have now clinched 86% of the French Autoroutes (fraa = 7205mi). I've also re-clinched luxb system but it has a lengths of 6.18mi only.

Note: All mileage figures are system lenghts.

In total, I have exceeded 100,000km and have more than 65,000mi now. I think that I might reach 70,000mi by the end of the year (I had 58,000mi on January 1st).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Highway63 on June 26, 2018, 10:19:50 pm
Four-day trip got me the rest of the counties in Wisconsin. Clinched the entire routes of US 8 and US 141. Also, in what was a horribly ill-advised late decision, clinched US 12 in Illinois. Had half of it done by slogging on US 20, thought "how bad could 40 miles be?" I regret the entire last day.

Related: Ban FIBs.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: yakra on June 26, 2018, 11:26:13 pm
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: SSOWorld on June 26, 2018, 11:41:59 pm
Derogatory term for Northern Illinois.  "Fucking Illinois Bastards".  Stereotyped as maniac driver and road rage.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: yakra on June 27, 2018, 12:37:22 am
I considered Urban Dictionary, but just had to go with Wikipedia instead...
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: julmac on July 10, 2018, 02:40:01 am
Just finished my first single-journey completion of a major US route. Drove US 75 from end to end on my way to a seminar at the University of North Texas. Took US 83 for much of the way back. Also my longest solo trip to date. Highlights along the route included Pipestone National Monument (MN), the Little House on the Prairie (KS), Monument Rocks (KS), and Nebraska sandhills. My wife and kids were sad that they didn't get to see the Little House on the Prairie, but quite happy not having to sit through eight days of driving the prairies to see it.

Will now focus on getting my log file up-to-date (it's severely backlogged with new preview systems), and ongoing system reviews before a more usual trip to the west coast with the family next month.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: SSOWorld on July 17, 2018, 07:07:00 pm
Completion of a two-week trip through the southeast (KY, TN, AL, FL, GA, SC, NC - Also IN).  Brings Florida into my personal top 10 (with the state routes included).  Fell short of finishing the FL Interstates by 8.46 (I-10 E of Lake City and the Jacksonville belt).  also got the routes along the Keys (US1 and FLA1A).  Also did a little Disney World roadgeeking (on and off the road  ;) ). TN was also heavily covered with new route travels with I-24, I-40, I-65, I-440 and I-840 added to the "Done" list.  I only need 26, 75, 81, 124 and the piece of 269 that got built after 2015.  IL also has only a portion of I-70 remaining (E of IL 4) and it's done.  This also included my first entry into South Carolina (I only have to island hop (self-explanatory), drive the frontier, and go Vermonting).

Off of this trip - I now have seen where some of the "other ends" of routes that I use regularly (in state) are with my own eyes.  US-45 in Mobile and US-41 in Miami (wherever the route ends I made sure - can't believe between my own eyes or the FL GIS data).

After tomorrow and over 5000 miles of driving, my car wants to rest and lick its wounds (only bug splats 8) )
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on July 18, 2018, 10:02:28 am
I picked up a few hundred new miles on a quick swing down to the Carolinas and back.  I cracked 85,000 miles on active systems, 88,000 on active+preview.  I clinched my 600th active route, likely when I traveled the new I-73 section near Greensboro.  I got my first-ever mileage on US 123, meaning I have driven on at least one segment of 191 of the 219 routes in the usaus system, and my first-ever mileage on I-385, for 285 of 365 traveled (184 clinched) in usai.

Along the way, I discovered that US 209/PA 325/PA 225/US 22-322 is a nice alternative to avoid the always-bad traffic on I-81 between Harrisburg and I-78, and that US 220 from Roanoke to the I-73 segment north of Greensboro still needs some work before it's a great option.  Also, that I really like the ride on US 178 over the mountains between NC and SC (though I don't think I've ever found a bad route through any of the mountains down that way).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on July 19, 2018, 08:40:50 pm
I just got back from a few weeks on the road, taking a sidewinding southern route out to Colorado then a more direct northern route on the return. Part of the plan was to clinch several US routes, plus the long TX 114 across Texas. I was able to clinch US 601 and TX 114, plus re-clinch US 33 after its recent relocation in Goshen IN, and re-clinch in advance US 29 in Lawrenceville GA once its pending relocation is implemented (not yet). I wasn't quite able to finish off US 501, US 80, and US 138 due to mid-route construction closures, so I'll have to go back and finish off the missing route segments once those projects are completed.

Between the outbound and return trips, I spent several days soaking at a favorite hot springs resort in southern Colorado, a mountain location with limited cellphone or Internet access. I did some light travel around Colorado before returning home, including becoming the only user so far to clinch CO 65, CO 92, and CO 330 east of Grand Junction, and CO 17 and CO 136 in the Alamosa area.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on July 25, 2018, 06:44:48 am
After 3 rainouts I finally got to take a trip this year which added clinchable mileage.

I went to Columbus OH, Cleveland and indianapolis:

Corridor H and Corridor D to Athens OH, then nearly everything after this back to Portsmouth OH was new mileage:
US 33 through Columbus to the top side of their beltway.  Note there are two US 33 cutouts just after leaving US 23 but they looked quite recent to me (though GMSV shows they were there by 2007).  Here is one of them -

Went to Cleveland via I-71, I-76 and OH 8.  While in Cleveland a few days, I was able to get all the US route mileage within the city limits plus rode US 6 west all the way to Vermilion to see the lovely lakeshore it traverses.

To get to Indianapolis I used I-71 and US 224 across Ohio.  The plan was to follow 224 to US 24 then US 31.  However, Indiana has US 224 completely closed just west of IN 1, so I had to abandon my plan to be able to Nationally Clinch US 224.  Used IN 1, IN 124, IN 5, I-69 to Indy instead.  While in Indy got some mileage on US 136 and US 421 plus IN 39 and IN 32.

Coming back to Virginia, I used US 52 to Huntington WV except I used I-275 around the north of Cincinnati.  Then I-64 back to central Virginia.  I-64 in West Virginia is under construction in numerous places and was annoying as hell.

New Clinches:  WV 32, I-277 (OH), OH 8
Significant new mileage: I-71 Columbus to Cleveland; US 224 from IN 1 to Akron; US 52 Indy to Portsmouth OH (minus inside I-275)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: froggie on July 25, 2018, 05:30:22 pm
Something I was pondering I the "most traveled" member who's married?  I know Oscar isn't married but I was curious about the others who have more mileage than me.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: bejacob on July 25, 2018, 07:11:46 pm
Something I was pondering I the "most traveled" member who's married?  I know Oscar isn't married but I was curious about the others who have more mileage than me.

I'm just above you in the list and while I'm not married, my partner and I have been cohabiting for a decade now. She encourages me go off alone to collect highway mileage, counties, frequent flyer miles, and hotel points. Those last two come in handy when we vacation together several times a year.

In early September we're taking our first trip to Alaska (the 50th state for me) and she already knows I will be collecting some routes while there. Sadly, I'll have to tone it down a bit for her sake. Still, I'm looking forward to finally having some highway mileage in all 50 states. Maybe I can even clinch a route or two. :D  I-A3 looks like a possibility. Already booked the 12-hour bus tour for Denali, so maybe ParkRd as well. Can't wait.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on July 25, 2018, 07:44:19 pm
Already booked the 12-hour bus tour for Denali, so maybe ParkRd as well. Can't wait.

You'll be ahead of me. I only took the short version of the bus tour ... and that was only because there was exactly one space left on the next departing bus (one of the few times when traveling solo worked to my advantage).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: bejacob on July 25, 2018, 07:50:55 pm
Already booked the 12-hour bus tour for Denali, so maybe ParkRd as well. Can't wait.

You'll be ahead of me.

On one route out of thousands.  ;D LOL.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on July 31, 2018, 01:01:49 pm
I'm just wrapping up a trip to Nebraska (4th year in a row, amazingly enough, visiting friends there for various events).  Primarily on the ride home, I was able to find a lot of new ways that added up to about 650 new miles for my TM stats and 19 new counties on mob-rule.  Mainly this was accomplished by taking US 34 across southern Iowa (nice and reasonably fast!), a little I-74 I hadn't done before, and US 24 across from I-55 to Toledo, with an exception of a dip down to Lafayette to have some food options for lunch.  It was a welcome change to I-80.  As far as TM-specific stats, I have cracked 86,000 miles in active routes and 89,000 in active+preview.  I only completed a clinch of 2 routes but added my first travels on 12.  The vast majority was new miles on US highways I had traveled in part previously.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: ntallyn on August 01, 2018, 10:00:14 pm
I had 3 hours to kill between leaving my wife with her sisters in Layton, UT and having to be at the SLC airport, so I picked up quite a bit of new state route mileage in the area. Clinched UT 60, 105, 106, 109, 225, 227, 232 (the signed portion), and 273.

Then a round-trip from MCI to Abilene got more new mileage, clinching I-635, K-10, K-30, K-43, K-114, K-138, K-185, and completing the KS portion of I-35 and US 40.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: yakra on August 01, 2018, 11:40:28 pm
Today I clinched Old (pre-1940) US1 in Waldoboro. Maine doesn't do historic US route signage, so this isn't eligible for USAUSH, but it's concurrent with ME220 for a whopping 0.39 miles, which I hadn't previously traveled. Traveling West Main St yesterday, I was able to go north on ME32 to rejoin US1 at a handy protected left signal, for 0.47 new miles on ME32.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: sipes23 on August 02, 2018, 04:47:49 pm
I'm going to Alaska Sunday, so I'll be adding mileage in a new region for the first time in a few years. It will probably put me super close to 50,000 miles in active systems without pushing me over that line. Also, I have a couple more clinches in Wyoming to add to ensure that I stay at first place there.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on August 02, 2018, 09:31:36 pm
Picked up some "new" travels today without leaving the house.  I noticed a segment of FL 121 I know I'd driven was not on my map.  Got out an old highlighted RMcN from 2006 to verify which parts I'd driven and found a whole trip's worth that showed a handful of segments that I missed when putting in my usafl and usaga routes.  Over 2500 active+preview routes traveled now!
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Eth on August 03, 2018, 10:53:53 am
This was a couple weeks ago, but my work on clinching the state highway system in metro Atlanta continued with a short ~2 hour run up to Marietta that gave me a new clinch of GA 139 and some mileage on GA 5, which I now have uninterrupted from Douglasville to Blue Ridge. Not too much more mileage left to finish Cobb County, but a lot of it is in the form of annoying little short segments in Marietta.

Thinking about possibly heading down to Florida again later this month and maybe looking at picking up I-75 south of the Turnpike, which I don't have yet.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: froggie on August 12, 2018, 08:51:10 pm
If my calculations are correct....after a marathon 16-hour trip today, I've fully completed New Hamsphire.  Beat DTP to the punch (unless he snuck in a list update in the past day-and-a-half).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on August 12, 2018, 09:01:02 pm
If my calculations are correct....after a marathon 16-hour trip today, I've fully completed New Hamsphire.  Beat DTP to the punch (unless he snuck in a list update in the past day-and-a-half).

Looking at your current NH stats, I see you would have needed to spend some time criss-crossing southern NH.  I'm curious how you figured out a reasonably efficient way to hit those missing segments and what route that ended up being.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: froggie on August 12, 2018, 09:33:30 pm
To (over)simplify, down the 89 corridor, then east of Manchester, then down 28A/128, back up to Windham, then Salem-Lowell MA-Nashua-Manchester-Derry-Winfield-Nashua, then everything west of Nashua in two loops with the inner and outer loops intersecting in Francestown and ~New Ipswich.  The "outer loop" also netted me the rest of MA 13.  Returned back to Nashua and finished off 101A and 122 in Amherst.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: yakra on August 13, 2018, 12:17:24 am
Good show old chap!
Maybe one of these days I'll finish off Cumberland or York county...
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on August 13, 2018, 07:40:51 am
Congrats on being the first to get there for NH.  I am running an extra morning site update now, so you should see your 100% (or be able to fix any errors) in a bit.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on August 17, 2018, 05:47:18 pm
Got back Wednesday night from a 11-day 10,000 mile journey. Highlights include getting stuck in mud in Kansas for 5 hours, clinching 5 mainline interstates and 4 US highways (briefly putting me ahead of Oscar in interstate mileage :) ), and lots of exploration (mainly border crossings) related to a political geography class that starts next week. Just over half the mileage was new.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on August 18, 2018, 12:36:38 am
I'm on the road in Alberta, heading north (way north, as in Canada's Arctic coast). But before I crossed into Canada from Montana, I clinched four additional US routes: US 16, US 87 including the broken segments near Sheridan WY, US 287, and US 385. On my way back home, I plan to re-clinch the Trans-Canada Highway system (there was a de-clinching reroute of TCH 16 east of Saskatoon), and probably also take care of US 10.

On my way out, I followed Jim's suggestion to take US 34 across Iowa, as an alternative to I-80. By now, that part of I-80 bores me to tears, so US 34 was a good change-of-pace option.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on August 18, 2018, 03:23:09 am
Borders only exist in people's mind!

I don't care much about region/state borders but I orientate myself with motorways on maps. I have finally clinched my first "motorway regions" :) It's the region where I live between German A3, A7, A66 and A45. It has a perimeter of 285km. and consists of routes from deua, eure, deub, deubwl, deubyl and deuhel systems.

Unfortunately, we don't have stats for it ;) I need to select three "traditional" regions to show it on a map (,DEU-BY,DEU-HE). You can see the next four "regions" to be clinched just south of the first region. They are limited by A3, A5, A7 and A8 with a total perimeter of 580km. They are split into four "regions" by A6 and A81 :)

I have almost re-clinched deua being at 99.92% now. 6mi of A33 are missing but the neighboring section is announced to be opened later this year and another Autobahn section will be opened within the next 2-3 weeks.

Next mission scheduled for September: clinching auta and maybe svnh. I wanna get more mileage in AUT, SVN and visit SVK, HRV and BIH for the first time.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on August 20, 2018, 09:49:15 pm
School starts tomorrow, so I spent today returning from Illinois via all the segments of Historic US 66 in the state I hadn't claimed yet, including the pedestrian-only Chain of Rocks Bridge segment. Have to say the bridge was somewhat of a disappointment, being barely signed, and not featuring much in the way of Route 66-themed displays so common along the rest of the route. Or even any interesting graffiti. As far as I could tell, the state line was not marked, so I went all the way to the Missouri end and turned back. Otherwise the route was signed well (even in Chicago, surprisingly) and interesting. Lots of the small towns have invested heavily in their connection to the historic road.

Illinois is finally 100%.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Eth on August 25, 2018, 07:26:05 am
Thinking about possibly heading down to Florida again later this month and maybe looking at picking up I-75 south of the Turnpike, which I don't have yet.

I indeed did go back to south Florida this week, though I ended up opting to fly into FLL instead of driving. Did still pick up just under 100 new miles (active+preview), including a full clinch in both directions of I-595, which I hadn't driven at all before; the very end of I-195 past FL 907 that I forgot last time; more of US 1, including filling in a couple gaps I previously had; clinches of FL 856 and the eastern segment of 842; and some mileage on several other state roads, including most of 826.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: dave1693 on August 26, 2018, 04:15:39 pm
My recently completed trip from northern VA to western PA and then to eastern PA involved a few new segments of routes: I-376, US11, US15, US220, US224, US322, US422, MD144, PA18, PA68, PA144, PA150, PA208, PA258, and PA551.

More trips will be happening in the very near future that I expect to cover new segments in both PA and MD.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: ntallyn on September 06, 2018, 07:04:25 pm
Clinched US 36 in CO and CO157 over the holiday weekend. Also added a few miles on CO 66 and CO 119.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: SSOWorld on September 07, 2018, 10:52:32 pm
Did I not say that I have Wisconsin's numbered routes 100% completed?
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on September 09, 2018, 07:04:37 pm
I just returned from a road trip of about four weeks and 10,000 miles to western Canada. This included a clinch of the new NT 10 to Tuktoyaktuk on the Arctic coast, which re-clinches for me the numbered Northwest Territories highway system. (The windchills in Tuk were subfreezing the day I visited, so neither I nor any of the other tourists on the Arctic beachfront went into the water.) But 14km of new all-season highway is being built in Norman Wells (I spent two nights there, and checked out one end of the construction site), which at some point might be added to NT 1, so the NT highway system is still a bit of a moving target.

I re-clinched the TCH system, traveling a newly-relocated segment east of Saskatoon. I also now have everything in TM for British Columbia north of TCH 16, and clinched some significant provincial routes (AB 58, SK 5, MB 83).

I tried to complete my coverage of U.S. 10, including a trip across Lake Michigan on the S.S. Badger auto ferry to get from the Wisconsin to Michigan segments. But I'm still missing a short segment in Wisconsin near Appleton, which was closed for reconstruction. That's happened to me a few other times this year (U.S. 80 in Louisiana, U.S. 138 in Colorado), adding to my list of not-quite-clinched U.S. routes.

While I didn't go out of my way to re-clinch counties, since my July 2016 completion of Canada's counties I've revisited more than a quarter of those counties, including all five in the Northwest Territories on this trip (plus its sixth census division, which has a native regional government based in Behchokǫ̀, and may someday become a new NT county equivalent). I'm still going back through my records to compile the number of U.S. counties revisited since I completed the U.S. in July 2010. But my incomplete count so far is over 1000 (including many on this trip), almost one-third of the total.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: dave1693 on September 09, 2018, 09:09:26 pm
Travel over the last couple of weeks added new segments of MD 25, MD 45, PA 851, PA 851 Truck, PA 24, PA 624, PA 124, PA 462, PA 324, PA 741, PA 340, PA 897, US 322 in PA, and US 422 Business in Reading PA; and added PA 625 in its entirety.

Also added pieces of PA 472, PA 10, PA 18, and US 40 Scenic in MD, reflecting either previous inadvertent omissions r an updating of the waypoints in the database.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Highway63 on September 10, 2018, 12:23:46 am
But 14km of new all-season highway is being built in Norman Wells (I spent two nights there, and checked out one end of the construction site), which at some point might be added to NT 1, so the NT highway system is still a bit of a moving target.
And here we are (or at least I am) worrying about clinches frustrated by detours and de-clinches from bypasses hundreds of miles away from home. :P :o
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: bejacob on September 10, 2018, 08:45:53 am
Just back from Alaska. I have now driven/traveled highway segments in all 50 states (plus a few other countries).

Added just over 500 miles including the entirety of Park Road in Denali NP. Twelve hours for a RT clinch of about 90 miles, but I made it to the end of the road.  :) Covered part of AK1 and and AK3. Clinched I-A3 in the process. Good first visit to the state.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on September 10, 2018, 09:08:34 am
Just back from Alaska. I have now driven/traveled highway segments in all 50 states (plus a few other countries).

Added just over 500 miles including the entirety of Park Road in Denali NP. Twelve hours for a RT clinch of about 90 miles, but I made it to the end of the road.  :) Covered part of AK1 and and AK3. Clinched I-A3 in the process. Good first visit to the state.
Congrats! How many counties boroughs?
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: bejacob on September 10, 2018, 03:06:52 pm
Congrats! How many counties boroughs?

I got to 4 boroughs (Anchorage, Kenai Peninsula, Matanuska-Susitna, and Denali) visiting the borough seat in each, plus crossed into the Valdez-Cordova census area on the train to Whittier where I picked up a 4-hour glacier cruise.

There will be a few more "easy" ones. Then I need to figure out how to get the really remote places.  ;D
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: bejacob on September 10, 2018, 09:11:21 pm
One last thing. Here's a picture proving I made it all the way to the end of the road. I realize one way to get this photo would be to fly in with Kantishna Air Taxi, though that's not how we did it. We endured the bus ride both way, all 12 hours of it. It made for a long day, but the scenery and wildlife made it worth it, even with an overcast, sometimes rainy day.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on September 15, 2018, 11:13:28 pm
Unrushed rides to and from a business meeting this weekend in West Haven, Connecticut, gave me a chance to find some new ways to get back and forth from that area.  Here are my highlights:

I totaled about 150 new miles in active systems.

By finishing up I-395, Connecticut becomes by 10th state where I've clinched the state's entire Interstate highway system.

I picked up a few new chunks of US 1 and US 6 in Connecticut.

I added 62 miles of usact routes:
   new mileage on 4 previously traveled routes
   first travels on 8 routes, 3 of which I clinched entirely

In usany, I finished off NY 9H, clinched previously untraveled NY 344, and closed one of my gaps in NY 22.  With NY 344 counting as two separate routes in TM because of its weird configuration, this puts me at 100 usany routes clinched.

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: yakra on September 19, 2018, 06:08:15 pm
On Monday and Tuesday, I went to Limerick, Naples, Norway, Paris, and Leeds, among other places.
I stayed just outside Wales and Poland.

I clinched ME99, all but its shortest segment previously untraveled. Then, on to my first segment of ME109 west of the ME9 overlap; an overlap with ME4ASan enabled me to clinch the latter. Then, I closed two gaps in ME11 & one gap in ME5, making all my travels on both routes continuous. (Still unclinched though; at their north ends I have a little of ME5 and a LOT of ME11 to do.)
This puts me in spitting distance of clinching York County; I'd estimate finishing it off to be about a 4½ hour trip, including leaving from and returning to home in Portland.

Wondering how much of Cumberland County I had left, I discovered I only needed about 3½ miles of ME117, north of ME35. As good an excuse as any to keep going and clinch the rest (~1/3, or 29 mi) of the route. All in all, a really lovely trip into the southwestern foothills, with plenty of nice ponds and lakes and mountains (,-70.218445,3a,15.2y,314.22h,92.58t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sXwyXmet88D1si81T8iZL0A!2e0!!9m2!1b1!2i41!5m1!1e4), and decent grades that my D24T enthusiastically gobbled up at low RPMs. From there, I headed east to fill in some more mileage on ME219 & ME133, then home via ME100 as darkness began to fall.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: compdude787 on September 21, 2018, 05:57:26 pm
On Monday and Tuesday, I went to Limerick, Naples, Norway, Paris, and Leeds, among other places.
I stayed just outside Wales and Poland.

So, those are all towns in Maine?
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: yakra on September 22, 2018, 12:36:36 am
Ayuh. We're a bit famous for it.
There are at least two of these, one in (appropriately) China and another in/near, IIRC, Lovell.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on September 22, 2018, 03:14:41 am
My Summer 2018 summary

I'm now back from a 2-week-vacation to the southeast. I've clinched the Austrian motorway system (auta = 1080mi) and the Slovenian expressway system (svnh = 47mi). I only miss 0.3mi (0.11%) of the Austrian expressway system (auts = 302mi) and 5mi (1.61%) of the Slovenian motorway system (svna = 333mi).

I also gathered first mileage in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Slovakia, and I've been to the Republic of San Marino (not covered by TM). :)

In total, I have clinched nine systems (nlda, auta, bela, irlm, luxa, nirm, svnh, luxb, niram) and have more than 98% (missing less than 7mi) of another three systems (deua, auts, svna).
In addition, I've passed some stats milestones: More than 1,000 "active" and more than 1,500 a+p routes clinched. More than 2,000 "active" and more than 3,500 a+p routes traveled (according to how we count routes) and more than 100 systems traveled.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: CharlotteAllisonCDTG on September 22, 2018, 06:22:03 am
This isn't "new" travels, but this is a link to the highways I have traveled on, whether driving or just riding: (
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: froggie on September 22, 2018, 08:14:18 am
Quote from: yakra
There are at least two of these, one in (appropriately) China and another in/near, IIRC, Lovell.

It's at the 5/35 junction south of Bethel (technically South Oxford?).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: yakra on September 22, 2018, 11:47:21 pm
Albany Township. Part of "South Oxford", yes, but we don't have much use for such designations (is that a creation of the Census Bureau?) here.
...Had a feeling I wasn't quite exact on that. Had the route 5 corridor right, at least. I'll let that count as "near Lovell", a short hop over two town lines.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on October 07, 2018, 11:49:53 pm
Clinched Michigan on weekend trip to/from Chicago. Not sure what state should be next.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Highway63 on October 08, 2018, 02:02:08 am

yes it was I-30 let me have this

Also traveled I-35E in Dallas, which gives me every root and branch of I-35 from Laredo to Duluth.

Further details when I update my list.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: SSOWorld on October 08, 2018, 08:44:56 pm
Clinched Michigan on weekend trip to/from Chicago. Not sure what state should be next.
How about Wisconsin.  It's lonely at the top :P (like you with Iowa)


yes it was I-30 let me have this

Also traveled I-35E in Dallas, which gives me every root and branch of I-35 from Laredo to Duluth.

Further details when I update my list.
30 is certainly the easiest X0 to finish.  I did it near end-to-end earlier this year.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: compdude787 on October 08, 2018, 08:46:25 pm
I just clinched all of WA 20, the longest highway in WA, this past weekend. I'm now the first person on TM to have clinched this highway. I really enjoyed it, especially going over the North Cascades. The rest of it was not quite as interesting, but still pretty fun. The north central and northeast part of WA truly is pretty desolate with nothing but a bunch of pine trees everywhere lol. I also clinched the North Spokane Freeway (Future US 395), and I thought it was a very well-designed freeway with really smooth, gentle curves throughout.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on October 08, 2018, 10:30:37 pm
How about Wisconsin.  It's lonely at the top :P (like you with Iowa)
Wisconsin's definitely on the radar. Not too far away, decent roads, attractive scenery, and almost 50% done already.

I'm not on top in Iowa, but that might be worth shooting for at some point.

Others I'm considering are West Virginia (I've suffered through 84% of it already), Kentucky (it's close and if I want to concentrate on one state for a decade, maybe I can do it), Kansas (went there for grad school and loved it), and maybe New York or Virginia. Texas would be fun, but assuming Eric eventually drops all those FM roads on us, there's no way.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Highway63 on October 08, 2018, 11:21:30 pm
How about Wisconsin.  It's lonely at the top :P (like you with Iowa)
I'm not on top in Iowa, but that might be worth shooting for at some point.
*clears throat loudly*


Wisconsin would have a lot of winding roads in it. I can't even push myself to go for closing US 12, which aside from part of US 45 is my only US route left south of a La Crosse-Sheboygan line.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: yakra on October 09, 2018, 07:15:10 pm
On the 25th, I finished off York County, clinching ME 101, 103, 236, and 109 in the process.
I crossed into Oxford County on ME160, then headed home on ME25 -- completely forgetting that I still needed ME ME160 ME25_E ME5/113 :( And it only would have taken an extra 22 minutes!
This leaves me 13.44 mi behind @deathtopumpkins for the top mileage rank for active systems in Maine; if I'd remembered to clinch ME160, I'd be 1.66 mi short.
Still though, I'm within striking distance. Next time I'm up in Wiscasset, I can make that my home base for a few days; there's quite a bit of stuff in the Augusta-Belfast-Saint George triangle I can "color in".
Looking at usame alone, I still have 190.94 mi to go. This shortfall is largely offset, statewide, by more mileage (by 154.87 mi) on usaus.
Edit: DTP has more mileage on US(B)/ME concurrencies than I do, and thus "loses" more mileage (376.47 mi compared to my 346.72 mi) when each highway segment is only counted once toward the regional total. This makes the overall regional mileage gap easier for me to close.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: dave1693 on October 11, 2018, 01:08:46 am
Trip to New England over the past month yielded a few new segments traveled, though I didn't drive any routes in their entirety; I did drive the final segments of a couple of PA highways...
MA: US5, MA57, MA187
CT: I-291, CT9, CT10, CT30, CT69, CT74, CT140, CT175, CT191
NY: NY45
PA: truncated I-276 (still clinched), added I-295 (clinched), because this was my first edit since the renumbering...
PA: US322, PA272, PA441, PA501 (now clinched), PA516 (now clinched), PA772, PA851
MD: MD25, MD26, MD129, MD144Bal

Who knows what will come up between now and Thanksgiving.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: bejacob on October 11, 2018, 09:34:24 pm
How about Wisconsin.  It's lonely at the top :P (like you with Iowa)
Wisconsin's definitely on the radar. Not too far away, decent roads, attractive scenery, and almost 50% done already.

I'm not on top in Iowa, but that might be worth shooting for at some point.

Others I'm considering are West Virginia (I've suffered through 84% of it already), Kentucky (it's close and if I want to concentrate on one state for a decade, maybe I can do it), Kansas (went there for grad school and loved it), and maybe New York or Virginia. Texas would be fun, but assuming Eric eventually drops all those FM roads on us, there's no way.

My first thought was WV (neighboring state without the difficulties of KY).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Highway63 on October 12, 2018, 02:07:23 am
Four days in June, four days in July (which I may already have mentioned) and a week in fall (waking up Oct. 1 in Texarkana):

Edit AND Followup: Between the second Michigan trip and the DFW trip, I touched I-20, I-30, I-40, I-70, I-80, and I-90 in less than a 3-month span (in fact, four discrete days).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: si404 on October 12, 2018, 03:22:35 pm
As it had been a long time since I last did it, yesterday I decided to do a lengthy London walk (,-0.2237291/51.5012194,-0.0933308/@51.4906191,-0.1700072,13.5z/data=!4m39!4m38!1m35!3m4!1m2!1d-0.21284!2d51.4670952!3s0x48760f0c9850ec25:0x5408136f29ed418c!3m4!1m2!1d-0.2005785!2d51.4606726!3s0x48760f6f95977909:0x433b21393afbde7b!3m4!1m2!1d-0.1289366!2d51.4789413!3s0x487604f0a8095061:0x60336353de7eb6e0!3m4!1m2!1d-0.1189863!2d51.4858006!3s0x487604ed1f31d19d:0x9c9a8d5b95d05ad2!3m4!1m2!1d-0.1129286!2d51.4823612!3s0x4876048d930ddc13:0x7ade754ed4cd29ab!3m4!1m2!1d-0.1120965!2d51.4978156!3s0x487604be99179c37:0x5d79e246c04bc5d1!3m4!1m2!1d-0.1038896!2d51.5037084!3s0x487604a56fcfc53f:0x809fce571bc368f5!1m0!3e2) to clinch roads. Three and a half hours, just over ten miles. Mostly roads I'd not been on, and areas I'd never been to either. Got to do some rail-related stuff too - getting to the start point, at the end point, and a little bit en-route (though construction hoardings around underground building sites doesn't make for much interest, seeing the community where a new station will be was informative).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on October 17, 2018, 11:11:04 pm
Here are some of my TM accomplishments on the NM/AZ driving tour, which was planned around my talk in Socorro last Saturday.

Overall, it was a big loop, Albuquerque, down to Socorro, over to the VLA, down to T or C, then Las Cruces, Deming, Silver City, US 180/US 191 up to I-40 in Arizona, Gallup, then back to Albuquerque.  I was able to do some extra mini or not so mini detours to grab some routes in Albuquerque, near Socorro, near T or C, and near Deming, primarily.

The biggest single item was traveling I-10 between Las Cruces and Deming, which completed the New Mexico interstates for me, my 11th state completed in that system.

I picked up a little over 600 miles in active+preview systems, putting me within 13 miles of 90,000 total.

I added about 330 miles to usaus.  Mostly on US 180 and US 191.

I added almost 275 miles to usanm.  I traveled 24 usanm routes for the first time ever (traveled count increased from 32 to 56), and clinched 14 (clinched count increased from 17 to 31).

I am now the only TM user to claim any mileage on NM 36 (had before this trip), NM 59, NM 107, NM 124, NM 163, NM 169, NM 177, NM 400, NM 412, NM 568, and NM 606.

New Mexico remains my 4th most-traveled region, now much further ahead of the next few (California, Virginia, North Carolina) but still well behind 3rd-place Texas.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: ntallyn on October 18, 2018, 08:30:50 pm
Lots of new highways (and counties) on my just-finished trip to New England. Very few clinched highways, however, as the purpose was to grab counties and visit capitals. I'm not adding concurrencies to my list below; just the major routing.

New highways:
CT: I-84, US 1, CT 8, CT 15, CT 27, CT 83, CT 89, CT 190, Milford Parkway
MA: I-495
ME: I-295, US 2, US 202, US 1A, ME 3, ME 6, ME 69, ME 102, ME 104, ME 150, ME 157, ME 197, ME 198, ME 220
NH: I-93, I-293, US 2, US 3, US 4, US 202, US 302, NH 12, NH 123, NH 175
RI: US 6, US 44, RI 3
VT: I-89, I-91, US 2, US 5, US 7, US 302, VT 2A, VT 14, VT 15, VT 103, VT 104, VT 107, VT 116

New mileage:
CT: I-95
MA: I-195, US 3
ME: I-95
RI: US 1, RI 114, RI 138

MA: I-91, MA 83
ME: I-395, ME 168, ME 233
NH: I-393, NH 25B, NH 115, Everett Parkway
RI: I-195, RI 138A
VT: VT 63, VT 104A, VT 123

I probably missed a few on the list here.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: bejacob on November 05, 2018, 01:41:46 pm
Just back from a trip to Baltimore. Clinched the last segment of I-70, which at over 2,000 miles becomes my longest clinched highway. Also completed all usai routes in MD and DE bringing to 7 the number of state with 100% of Interstates clinched. Total progress on usai is now just over 70%.

Also added significant mileage on US40 and US1 in MD, as well as US60 in WV. Filled in a few gaps in some routes (I-66, I-81, US11 all in VA), though ended up covering some previously driven routes in order to cut down the travel time when necessary.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Bickendan on November 19, 2018, 04:15:05 am
Had an opportunity to do some (after dark) clinching after a concert of mine and seized it :)

Oregon Symphonic Band had a concert up in Clatskanie, so after the typical drive up I-205, I-5, and over on WA 432, back into Oregon via WA 433/Lewis and Clark Bridge, then over on US 30, I headed out to Astoria, crossed back into Washington, then clinched WA 401, jaunted back over to US 101 via WA 4, drove up to Raymond, then grabbed WA 105 and 105 Spur, detoured to nab 107 and US 12's western fringe, a little of 101 west over there, then back down to Raymond, and all of WA 6. I could have grabbed WA 505's western end, or my missing segments of WA 411 and Bus I-5 (Castle Rock), but getting back into Portland before exhaustion set in was more important. I can grab them on my US 101 clean up.

US 101: Los Angeles to Aberdeen (I intend to redo LA to Crescent City at some point to iron out realignments etc).
Alt 101: Clinched on first pass (two years ago)
WA 100: Clinched on first pass
Spur 100: Clinched on first pass
WA 103: Clinched on first pass
WA 105: Clinched tonight
Spur 105: Clinched tonight
WA 107: Clinched tonight
WA 4: Clinched on first pass
WA 409: Clinched on first pass
WA 411: WA 432 to Lexington Bridge - clinched on first pass
WA 432: Clinched on first pass
WA 433/Lewis and Clark Bridge (OR): Clinched long time ago

Clean up plans: -I-5/205
-Lexington Bridge
WA 411
Bus I-5
WA 505
US 12
US 101
WA 109
WA 115
Spur 109
US 101
WA 110
US 101
WA 112
WA 113
US 101
WA 119
US 101
WA 102
US 101
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: dave1693 on November 19, 2018, 11:00:55 pm
Multiple trips between PA and VA this month. Got a few new state highway clinches among many new segments driven.

Clinches: MD 75, MD 84, PA 29 (Phoenixville), PA 94, PA 343, PA 372. MD 84 was the only one I'd never been on before, drove that all in one go.

New segments not listed above:
US 30 Business (Downingtown), US 30 Business Truck (Downingtown), US 322 Truck (Downingtown), PA 23, PA 72, PA 73, PA 82, PA 113, PA 741, PA 772.

Next trips involving new roads won't be until at least December, I'm pretty sure.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on November 22, 2018, 11:29:17 am
Picked up the last few miles of US 13 & US 40 last weekend, and clinched a few short routes in NJ & MD along the way. Added about 500 miles of new road to reach 240,000 miles (active + preview). 132 of 219 US routes clinched now, 3742 total.

Edit: Just did a quick check, and saw that this makes US 40 my longest clinched US route. Including US 24 & US 36, my three longest US routes were clinched this year.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on December 09, 2018, 01:59:36 am
I got back home Friday from a week-long road trip, basically northern Virginia-Indianapolis-Memphis-Charlotte and back. This included clinches of the newest segments of the Interstate system (along with I-11, covered in an October trip to Las Vegas). I'm for now back up to 100% of the Interstate system -- let's see how long that lasts, before new Interstate mileage opens and restarts the game of Whack-a-Mole.

This trip also filled in all my gaps in US 70 in Tennessee and North Carolina, so now I've clinched all of that route east of the Mississippi River. I still have significant gaps from New Mexico to Arkansas.

This almost certainly will be my last significant road trip of 2018. The most likely minor exception is a day trip to Delaware, depending on when the new US 301 toll road there opens, either this month or next.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: CharlotteAllisonCDTG on December 09, 2018, 06:54:57 pm
Yesterday, I traveled from my home in Grovetown, Georgia (just west of Augusta) to Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, to visit someone. I traveled on US 278 from I-520 in North Augusta to the interchange with US 278 Business. I have now clinched all of US 278 along that path.

On the way back today, I took Georgia SR 73 through Sylvania. I now have all of SR 73 clinched.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Eth on December 10, 2018, 07:53:08 am
Made a jaunt over to Huntsville, AL for the weekend, picking up a bit of new mileage in both GA and AL. Got new clinches of GA 48, AL 40, and possibly I-565 (I have it marked as such, but that's based on fuzzy recollection of another trip about 20 years ago; if I'm missing any part, it's from exits 15 to 19A), as well as some new mileage on GA 140, US 27, AL 117, AL 35, US 72, and possibly US 431 (I couldn't remember if the Anniston bypass existed yet last time I'd been through there, so I hadn't counted it yet).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: dave1693 on December 18, 2018, 05:55:40 pm
A couple more trips between eastern PA and the FedroSplat, one trip out to SE Ohio, and one trip to Long Island later (the latter not entered into TM yet):

Now clinched:
- The Virginia section of US48.
- All of US50 in Maryland, including the southwestern corner of Garrett County on the western edge of the state.
- MD60 and MD62.
- WV43.
- NY BeltPkwy.
- NY GraCenPkwy.
- NJ US1TrkJer and US9TrkJer (same road).
- PA174, PA297, and PA316.

Also driven, new pieces of: Cross Island Pkwy and Northern State Pkwy in NY, US11 in PA, PA43, PA262, PA281, PA382, PA533, PA696, PA743, PA857,  I-77 in northern WV and SE Ohio, US22 and US40 near Cambridge OH, OH7, OH26, OH60, OH209, US40Alt in western MD, MD495, WV2, WV14, WV42, WV55, WV68, WV93, WV95, WV618, US48 in WV, and US50 in WV.

About that last: Having now driven US50 between Clarksburg and the western WV/MD line, I hope I never have to drive it again. The surface isn't in great shape, and the climbs down into and back out of the creek bottoms on that stretch are something I wouldn't dare attempt in anything larger than the minivan I was driving.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on December 19, 2018, 10:55:08 pm
I had a chance to grab a little low-hanging fruit today on a ride to and from Catamount Ski Area on the New York/Massachusetts border.  On the way there, I took a very short side trip to finish off the small piece of New York 295 east of the Taconic.  On the way back, I took a more roundabout way to clinch New York 217, which I'd never traveled at all before, and then finished up New York 66, of which I was missing everything south of about Chatham Center.  This gets me to 105 usany routes clinched, and pushes me over 100 to 102 excluding the annoying truck routes.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Eth on December 20, 2018, 11:52:34 am
My weekend trip to Disney World a few days ago was good for perhaps the lowest new-mileage-to-total-mileage ratio I've had in a good while. I got a new clinch of the very short FL 536, plus a couple miles each on I-4 and US 192, and about a dozen miles of FL 429. Otherwise just hundreds of miles of I-75 and the Turnpike that I'd already covered. Sadly, neither the handful of county roads I ditched I-75 for to avoid an accident nor the various freeways on Disney property were mappable.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on December 20, 2018, 03:02:13 pm
End of year is near and it's time to look back.

And I've added more than 12,000 mi this year.

My progress since I've joined TM (CHM) 5 years ago:
End of 2013 mileage:   9,615 mi   
End of 2014 mileage:  16,818 mi ; + 7,203 mi
End of 2015 mileage:  19,169 mi ; + 2,351 mi
End of 2016 mileage:  36,983 mi ; +17,814 mi (~5,500mi added due to new deub system)
End of 2017 mileage:  58,190 mi ; +21,207 mi (~2,500mi added due to new deubyst, deubwl, deuhel, deunwl, deurpl, deusll systems)
End of 2018 mileage:  70,811 mi ; +12,621 mi (~400mi added due to new remaining deuxxl systems)

I think about traveling to some regions next year where I've never been before. I guess I might add minimum 10,000mi, maybe even more than 15,000mi in 2019. I don't expect getting noteworthy mileage due to new systems but by traveling only.

I should join the the 100,000mi club in late 2020 or in 2021 at the latest :)
Will Jim reach the milestone earlier?

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: dave1693 on January 19, 2019, 12:17:35 am
Spent the holidays between Virginia and New Jersey. Got a few chances for more new mileage along the way...

New clinches in no particular order: MD624, PA741, PA181, PA262, PA382, PA722, NJ15 (except the old southern pigtail that's cut off from the rest and not in the database). Most of these were just filling in the last piece(s) of a route I'd partially traveled before.

New segments of: MD165, PA72, PA611, US206.

Pretty sure my next chance for any significant new mileage will be next month.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on January 30, 2019, 10:06:00 pm
Just returned from a road trip Virginia to San Diego (via Austin TX one direction) and back...

New clinches:

Louisiana: US 90
Texas: I-40, TX 105, TX 183A, TX 290 toll
New Mexico: I-10, I-40
Arizona: I-8, I-40
California: I-8, I-40, I-805, CA 15 (postmiles begin at I-5?), CA 75
Oklahoma: I-40
Arkansas: I-40
Tennessee: I-840

This resulted in national clinches of I-8 and I-40.

Also picked up appreciable mileage:
Mississippi: US 11 (Laurel to Meridian)
Texas: I-10 (I-20 to US 83/377); US 377 (I-10 to Mason); TX 29 (Mason to US 183)
Arizona: I-10 (I-8 to NM)
California: I-5 (border to Solana Bch); I-15 (San Diego to Barstow)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on January 31, 2019, 01:56:13 am
Just returned from a road trip Virginia to San Diego (via Austin TX one direction) and back...
Nice! Does this put you over 100K miles?
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on January 31, 2019, 08:49:43 am
California: I-8, I-40, I-805, CA 15 (postmiles begin at I-5?), CA 75

According to Caltrans' Postmile Query Tool, CA 15 continues past I-5 to at least Main Street. The Cal-NExUS official exit list also places route 15's first exit at Main Street. The HB has it going a little farther south, to 32nd St., but I'm unsure that's correct.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on January 31, 2019, 04:29:22 pm
Just returned from a road trip Virginia to San Diego (via Austin TX one direction) and back...
Nice! Does this put you over 100K miles?

I believe it will...

Kinda sad since I have driven over 1.1 M miles. Regrettably my commute over the last 20+ years accounts for over 40% of it.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: CharlotteAllisonCDTG on February 01, 2019, 11:58:18 pm
I live in a suburb of Augusta, Georgia. This morning (2/1/2019), while on an extended lunch, I decided to drive down to Wrens, GA and then to Thomson.  There was no new mileage added, but I was able to confirm that GA 540 is indeed signed on US 1/GA 4 from Augusta to the southern part of Wrens, with lots of confirming signage added in Wrens itself for the GA 80 and GA 17 concurrencies, as well.  At the eastern terminus of GA 540, on US 1/GA 4, at their interchange with I-520, there is an "END" sign eastbound and a "JCT" sign and a GA 540 sign with an arrow pointing straight ahead westbound.  In Thomson, I confirmed that US 78/GA 10 do indeed still follow GA 17 Byp. east of the main part of the city.  On my way back, I drove on Harrison Road in the city, which I heard might be an older path of US 78/GA 10.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Highway63 on February 08, 2019, 02:10:54 am
Because I'm bad at posting my reports, here's my results from a week in the Pacific Northwest:

EDIT/UPDATE: When were the Yellowstone segments pulled back out of the US routes? It nearly wiped out my Montana mileage and splitting up US 20 cramped my tracking. :o Back to the spreadsheet I go.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on February 27, 2019, 10:18:30 pm
I have to be in Burlington for a meeting tomorrow, and it's break week, so I was able to take most of today to have an interesting ride.

I added about 190 new miles.

In NY, I just filled in one of my small gaps on NY 22.

In the Vermont State Routes I added 118 miles.  I went from 0 to clinched on VT 129, VT 153, VT 146, and VT 314, I got my first mileage on VT 36 and VT 78, and added mileage to VT 30, VT 73, VT 116, and VT 125.  VT 116 is a little annoying since I didn't notice the little piece between VT 125 and US 7.  It's complete otherwise.

For US highways, I added 63 miles.  I finished up all of US 2 and US 7 north and west of Burlington, and in the process clinched all of US 7 north of I-84.

I also recorded my first (known) segment of the Alt/Business US 7 in Burlington.

Tomorrow, I'll pick up only a couple small segments near Burlington.  I'll ski on the way home Friday but I'm sure I'll grab a few new segments between Burlington and Mad River Glen, and then from the mountain back home.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on March 01, 2019, 11:35:51 pm
I picked up a bit more on my day in Burlington yesterday and on today's ride home.  I went from 0 to clinched on VT 289 (odd road, that is), VT 100B, VT 144.  Picked up new mileage on VT 15, VT 2A, VT 117, VT 116 (grabbed that tiny piece I missed on Wednesday), VT 73, and US 2.

The whole trip got me about 225 new miles, mostly in Vermont, and about 150 of that in usavt.  usavt traveled count up from 45 to 55, and clinched count up from 16 to 24.

And a great day of skiing today at Mad River Glen!
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: CharlotteAllisonCDTG on March 03, 2019, 01:41:51 am
Last night, I decided to get some dinner and drive around my area.  I'm close to clinching all of the numbered highways in this area.  I live in Grovetown, Georgia, a suburb of Augusta (about 15 miles west of downtown Augusta).  I took GA 104 from Evans to Pollards Corner, GA 150 in Pollards Corner, GA 47 from Pollards Corner to Lincolnton, and US 378/GA 43 from Lincolnton to northeast of Lincolnton (none was new mileage).  I drove on the entire length of GA 220 (never been on it before), which is a southern bypass of Lincolnton (DON'T drive on it at night if you have night blindness or problems with fog and bright headlights!  I learned the hard way.).  I then took US 378/GA 47 from south-southwest of Lincolnton to Lincolnton (no new mileage).  Then, I drove on GA 47 and then GA 43 from Lincolnton to north of Thomson (entire length of this portion of GA 43 is new mileage for me).  Then, I took US 78/GA 10/GA 17 north of Thomson, US 78/GA 10/GA 17 Byp. from north of Thomson to east of Thomson, and GA 223 from east of Thomson to Grovetown (none was new mileage).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: dave1693 on March 04, 2019, 09:14:28 pm
A couple of trips in the past month and a half have yielded new mileage in NY, PA, DE, and MD.

New clinches:
NY695, US6Bus near Carbondale PA, PA314, PA252, PA491, US301 in DE (re-clinched), DE3, DE37, DE92.

New segments:
I-690 in NY, US11 in NY, US20 in NY, NY5, NY7, NY173, NY175, NY290, NY363, NY635, US11 in PA, US30 in PA, PA29, PA115, PA307, PA423, PA492, PA507, PA611, PA641, PA715, PA724, PA940, PA946, US13Bus near Wilmington DE, DE7, DE15, MD450.

In addition, with GA state highways moving into preview, I revisited old trips from the 80s and 90s, and added some mileage in and around Atlanta.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on March 09, 2019, 04:20:19 pm
I'm out in Minnesota, waiting out a snowstorm. At least it held off until my uncle's memorial service was over.

On my four-day drive out here, I finished off US 8 and US 10 in Wisconsin and overall, reclinched US 53 (for a recent reroute east of Virginia MN, which is in the HB), clinched MN 210 (east end had a frustratingly long closure due to flood damage), and clinched US 23 in Ohio.

As a result of the US 8 and US 10 clinches, I've clinched all the US routes from 1 to 13 (including both halves of US 2, US 6N, US 9W, and both the west and east branches of US 11). My coverage of all mainline US routes (not including business and other bannered US routes) is now over 75.5%.

While I'm stuck here (at least until tomorrow morning), I'll work out the trip back home, starting with heading south to someplace less cold.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on March 16, 2019, 11:10:50 pm
I just got back home from Minnesota. The snowstorm that hit just after my uncle's memorial service wasn't too awful, but I was nervous about road conditions south of the Twin Cities, so I hung out there for an extra day.

I could deal with cold and sometimes sub-zero weather on my way to the Twin Cities. But on my way back, I made a beeline south to warmer climes, where I could finally resume my usual road trip attire of T-shirt, shorts, and flip-flops. That took me down to Nashville, then over to Knoxville and north to Lexington, then east to complete the trip home.

Along the way, I clinched US 70N and US 70S, and came close to also clinching US 218 (foiled by about three miles west of Cedar Rapids IA, closed for reconstruction).

I also re-clinched US 60, in Kentucky and overall, for a short segment in downtown Lexington relocated last year. The new alignment is well-signed, but there was enough remnant signage on the old alignment (still shown in OSM and other online mapping) to throw me off briefly. The old alignment went between Rupp Arena (home of University of Kentucky basketball) and some of its parking lots, which made the US 60 relocation north of the arena look like a good idea. And I re-clinched US 19 in West Virginia, but I'm still missing much of that route (including its 19W and 19E branches) in Georgia, North Carolina, and Tennessee.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: clong on April 02, 2019, 04:59:37 pm
Took 2 trips over spring break last week.

1st was to Asheville, NC from Birmingham, AL via I-59, I-24, I-75 and I-40. Clinched I-240 and pieces of US25, US64 and US276 in the area. Made my way home via US74 and did 2 quick out and backs to get all the counties in the western panhandle of NC west of I-26 and south of I-40.

2nd trip was to Cincinnati from Birmingham. Got some US60 mileage in Louisville and the future section of I-265 between I-65 and I-71. Also got a full clinch of I-71 in KY. Drove all the interstates inside and including I-275 in Cincy and added the short section of I-74 outside I-275 to the first IN exit.

20 new counties and 350-400 new Interstate and US Hwy miles is definitely better than my average week.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on April 04, 2019, 03:20:49 pm
I had a couple hours I decided I could spare in the Boston area, so I took a ride up to Gloucester and back.  MA 107 up through Revere and Lynn to Salem was painful.  I think I'd previously been on MA 128 north of I-95, but wasn't sure, so I (thought I) drove all of that.  Now that I put it in, it looks like MA 128 extends past MA 127 to MA 127A, despite no signage directing MA 128 traffic to continue straight.  It's annoying that I'll be missing that little piece for a long time I'm sure.  That's what I get for not looking at the TM trace ahead of time.  I took MA 28 from I-93 back into Boston, all new mileage as far as I know.  That was a decent ride.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: bejacob on April 09, 2019, 08:18:51 am
Just back from a weekend in Seattle and beyond. Filled in some gaps in routes as well as clinching some new ones. Drove the new WA99 tunnel to reclinch that route. Figured it made sense to drive it before the electronic tolling starts later this year.

Completed clinches: WA3, WA99, WA166, WA509
New routes clinched: I-5BLCas, WA19, WA20Por, WA116, WA117, WA121, WA160, WA302, WA302SprPur, WA401, WA409, WA411
Additional mileage on: US101, WA4, WA432
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: yakra on April 09, 2019, 02:39:24 pm
I regret not going that tiny bit out of my way to clinch WA518 when I was there in 2013...
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: bejacob on April 09, 2019, 02:48:39 pm
I regret not going that tiny bit out of my way to clinch WA518 when I was there in 2013...

I have similar regrets on most of my trips. With limited time and conflicting goals (visiting county seats versus clinching routes) it's impossible to cover everything. I try to clinch as many routes as possible without going tooooo far out of my way. There always seem to be a few more routes I want to do, but just don't have quite enough time.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: froggie on April 10, 2019, 08:29:13 am
^ Given your stated mileage, looks like you have far more time than most of the rest of us...😌
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: bejacob on April 10, 2019, 09:19:08 pm
My mileage goes back to 1977.

I'm glad I kept my old Rand McNally road atlases in which I marked which routes I drove. It would have been impossible to do from memory. There are some routes I've been on prior to 1977, but I don't know for sure all of them, so I they are not part of my totals. I remember going on a family trip between SF and LA in the early 70s. I know we visited San Luis Obispo and Hearst Castle, but beyond that I don't have enough details to be sure of which routes we traveled. Obviously CA1, but from which waypoints I'm not certain.

I'm glad this site exists because it's a lot easier to track things than with pen and ink in road atlases. Every few years, I needed to buy a new one and copy all my traveled routes into the new book. I still keep the most current version update (I think the one I have is from 2015 so it might be time to get a a new one ;D). When mapcat and I met for lunch a couple months back, I brought it along as I thought he might find it interesting.

I will admit to having a fair bit of time to add new travels. Not as much as I'd like, but certainly quite a lot more than many.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on April 14, 2019, 10:37:50 am
On my trip to New Haven and back to attend a conference (where I presented work on the METAL project) and a couple round trips between there and my hotel in Southington, I was able to take some creative routes and picked up a variety of mileage.  I avoided the Mass Pike across the Berkshires, allowing me to fill in my last missing segments of MA 23 and MA 57.  I took MA 168 and CT 168 for the first time, picked up a new chunk of CT 75 then a new chunk of CT 9, and finally some new mileage on CT 322.  In the New Haven area, I finished off CT 122 and got a few new miles on US 1.  I picked up my first miles on CT 114 and CT 313.  Yesterday, I was able to add a little to CT 15, a tiny piece of US 1, a small missing piece of the Milford Connector, some CT 121, some CT 33, a chunk of US 7 to get myself to I-84.  Into New York, I added my first miles on NY 313, filled in a gap in NY 55, finished off NY 9G, and made what was apparently my first trip across the Kingston-Rhinecliff Bridge to pick up a segment of NY 199.  So several new routes, a few new clinches, and probably 100+ new miles.  Not bad for staying relatively close to home and really not adding all that much to my travel times.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on April 14, 2019, 12:48:35 pm
On my trip to New Haven and back to attend a conference (where I presented work on the METAL project) and a couple round trips between there and my hotel in Southington, I was able to take some creative routes and picked up a variety of mileage.  I avoided the Mass Pike across the Berkshires, allowing me to fill in my last missing segments of MA 23 and MA 57.  I took MA 168 and CT 168 for the first time, picked up a new chunk of CT 75 then a new chunk of CT 9, and finally some new mileage on CT 322.  In the New Haven area, I finished off CT 122 and got a few new miles on US 1.  I picked up my first miles on CT 114 and CT 313.  Yesterday, I was able to add a little to CT 15, a tiny piece of US 1, a small missing piece of the Milford Connector, some CT 121, some CT 33, a chunk of US 7 to get myself to I-84.  Into New York, I added my first miles on NY 313, filled in a gap in NY 55, finished off NY 9G, and made what was apparently my first trip across the Kingston-Rhinecliff Bridge to pick up a segment of NY 199.  So several new routes, a few new clinches, and probably 100+ new miles.  Not bad for staying relatively close to home and really not adding all that much to my travel times.

I never thought I would have clinched NY 9G before you (about two weeks ago heading up to Schroon Lake for a retreat at Word of Life), but that was just how it happened. 
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on April 18, 2019, 11:46:58 pm
On my way to and from last Saturday's road meet in Memphis, my travels were largely on US routes rather than Interstates. Outbound, I clinched US 25W in both Kentucky and Tennessee. Post-meet, I clinched US 70 in Arkansas, adding to my previous clinches of that route in Tennessee and North Carolina. Later this year, I might finish off the rest of US 70 (missing parts in New Mexico, Texas, and Oklahoma). Then heading back from southeastern Oklahoma, I clinched US 64 in Arkansas and Tennessee (still missing parts in every other state it passes through, from Arizona to North Carolina). I also finished off US 25E, and added some mileage on US 45 as well as a few US business routes.

I now have over 75% of the U.S. routes systems, with primary and bannered (business, alternate, etc.) routes combined. It's over 76% just on the primary routes.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Bickendan on April 30, 2019, 02:54:00 am
Non TM tracked clinches: Got the final segment of Cornell Rd in the Portland area clinched tonight (Brookwood Pkwy-Century Blvd), putting me one step closer to clinch all the arteries in the region.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on May 04, 2019, 10:05:20 am
Earlier this week, I took a four-day road trip to South Carolina. While there, I clinched (overall) US 15, US 21, US 521, and the Alt US 17 bypass of Charleston. I also finished off the long NC 24, and my last US route in Virginia (US 258 Smithfield), as well as lots of short Virginia state routes on the peninsulas between West Point and Hampton.

UPDATE: After followup day trips to the Lynchburg, Hampton Roads and Richmond areas, I've covered almost everything TM maps in Virginia that's north of the James River (missing, I think, only VA 151 north of Lynchburg), as well as everything else west of I-81 and east of I-77, and everything on the Eastern Shore. Still lots I haven't covered in SW and Southside Virginia, and the Norfolk/Virginia Beach area, which leaves me well behind mapmikey and one other user in Virginia.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mikeandkristie on May 05, 2019, 12:20:15 am
I've enjoyed reading this thread so I decided to take a crack at it.  We've had three trips in the last month where we picked up some new mileage.

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: SSOWorld on May 06, 2019, 10:08:06 pm
Last weekend's city meet in Providence netted me a completion of the Interstates in Massachusetts and some significant mileage of US 6 and US 44 as well as more Connecticut Interstate mileage.  It also netted me my first miles of routing in Vermont.  Nothing in between. I cheated by flying.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: dave1693 on May 06, 2019, 10:35:24 pm
March and April saw me making multiple trips between eastern PA and the DC FedroSplat (some via Hagerstown MD), plus one trip from DC out into the wilds of West Virginia. There's a lot of Nowhere in a 30 mile radius of Charleston. And US 119 north of I-79 is a tiny little two-lane squiggle following a creek, mostly with no shoulders. Not the most fun trip to take in a 30-foot RV.

Clinched routes:
PA29 (southern half), PA616, PA851 Truck near Shrewsbury, PA897, MD24, MD91, MD129, MD152, MD372, MD439, MD562, MD646, MD833, MD851.

New segments:
US11 in PA, PA23, PA24, PA74, PA82, PA233, PA401, PA425, PA465, PA851 (two new segments), PA896, PA999, US40 in Baltimore MD, MD23, MD136, MD144 in Baltimore, MD147, I-79 in WV, US119 in WV.

More trips to come in May, including the one I've already taken but still need to write down.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on May 21, 2019, 03:39:45 pm
Took a 3-day trip this past weekend and finished off the US Highways (specifically 11, 2, 9, 20, 4, 6, 202, and 1) in NY. I waved to Jim as I passed Siena. Since I was there anyway, I took care of another 300+ miles of that set in VT, MA, and CT as well, bringing me up to 74.72% of usaus overall. Weather was beautiful and the two border crossings (Rouses Point & Alburg) were uneventful. Traffic was manageable, except in The Bronx where a Sunday morning bike race closed several roads (including the lower level of the GWB).

Total new mileage: 1072, which included a handful of NJ and PA clinches on the way home. 4071 clinched routes (increase of 28).

Total states/DC with 100% of US Highways clinched: 13, including 4 others this year: PA (finished the previous week), and NJ, DE, & MD (finished in March).

Clinched US highways: 139 (11 & 9 are new).

Even though I'm no longer deliberately visiting new counties, I noticed that my total since completing the US 6+ years ago is an even 2200 now, or 70%.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on May 21, 2019, 06:37:25 pm
Even though I'm no longer deliberately visiting new counties, I noticed that my total since completing the US 6+ years ago is an even 2200 now, or 70%.

I'm also reconstructing the counties I've revisited since I completed the U.S. counties in 2010. Like you, I'm not going out of my way to fill in holes in my "round 2" map, or otherwise jack up that count. But my normal travels including many of the U.S. routes are taking me back to many counties. Many of them I've "been to" the county seat (sometimes driving by the courthouse, sometimes just driving past the city limits line, which is probably a less stringent standard than you've been using), something I wasn't tracking during my "round 1" of county-snagging. 

My "round 2" count so far is 1867 (almost 60%), including 1306 "been to" county seats. Both will go up somewhat, as I come across old trips I've not yet included in my totals.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on May 21, 2019, 06:56:53 pm
I had a "see the courthouse" standard the first time, but this time I just check the map overlay at mob-rule and add anything new that I happened to drive through. Occasionally I'll notice that I missed a county by half a mile but it doesn't bother me. I won't finish a second time, because there are so many counties I have no reason to visit again. But it wouldn't surprise me if I eventually get 3000.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: dave1693 on May 23, 2019, 05:13:59 pm
Two more trips between eastern PA, Hagerstown MD, and the FedroSplat so far this month. (I also updated my CA travels -- all of one trip -- after finally noticing that usaca was in preview.)

Clinched routes:
US11 in WV, PA345, PA465, PA724, PA772, PA999, MD26, MD140, MD144Bal, MD216

New segments of:
US11 in PA, US322 in PA, PA23, PA74, PA233, PA441, PA533 (entire concurrency with US11), PA641, PA696

The next update after this will cover two more such trips, plus anything new covered in PA on Memorial Day weekend.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: osu-lsu on May 23, 2019, 10:49:35 pm
Two more trips between eastern PA, Hagerstown MD, and the FedroSplat so far this month. (I also updated my CA travels -- all of one trip -- after finally noticing that usaca was in preview.)

Clinched routes:
US11 in WV, PA345, PA465, PA724, PA772, PA999, MD26, MD140, MD144Bal, MD216

New segments of:
US11 in PA, US322 in PA, PA23, PA74, PA233, PA441, PA533 (entire concurrency with US11), PA641, PA696

The next update after this will cover two more such trips, plus anything new covered in PA on Memorial Day weekend.

Damn! I thought I was going to be able to pass you on the 'active systems' chart with my travels to Cleveland next week.  :P
Now I'll just be hoping to tread water on that mileage list.  ;D
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: yakra on May 25, 2019, 02:20:20 pm
Traveled beyond NH for the first time in about 3 years.
Construction detours robbed me of one new segment of NH108, and of a clinch of NH85 south of NH101.
South of NH27, the plan was to have a solid unbroken line of new travels all the way to the S end of NY I-478, but was foiled a bit early at NY NY9A AshAve where the right turn wasn't signed. I'm too cheap to have a data plan for my phone, wasn't packing a map, and ended up calling a friend; we decided the simplest thing to do was get me on the Saw Mill. As a consolation prize, I was able to finish off the Henry Hudson Pkwy. Then, I merged out of the I-478 exit lane for some reason at the last moment, ending up on the NB FDR. Turned around at exit 1, my previously .listed endpoint, for another accidental clinch.

My other 8 clinches were all previously untraveled:
NH236, MA108, MA19, CT19, CT140, CT318, CT343, NY I-478

I traveled on 29 other routes for the first time:
NH85, MA125, MA114, MA62, MA3AMan, MA27, MA117, MA85, MA70, MA9, MA122AWor, MA148, MA67, CT190, CT83, CT191, CT159, CT75, CT20, CT189, CT219, CT179, CT181, CT183, NY82, TacStaPkwy, SprBroPkwy, NY100B, NY9A
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on May 25, 2019, 09:39:03 pm
A trip to Rochester for the Strong Museum of Play (you should go!) and Letchworth State Park (you should go!) gave me a chance to pick up some TM miles in various places.  We bypassed a long delay on the Thruway on the way out by taking New York 31 along Oneida Lake (Verona to Cicero), all new to me.  Yesterday, I picked up various segments around Rochester including more pieces of New York 15, New York 15 A, New York 253, New York 31, New York 18, and New York 104, and I finished off the last pieces of the Lake Ontario State Parkway.  Today's main goal was Letchworth State Park then the ride home to Amsterdam.  I'd been to Letchworth almost 25 years ago, but I don't remember the details, so I never credited myself with any TM mileage down that way.  So on the day, I picked up I-390 from the Thruway to Mount Morris, my first mileage on New York 408 and a new segment of New York 36 to the north entrance to the park, my first miles on New York 19A and New York 436 near the south entrance, a bunch more of New York 408, all of US 20A east of I-390, then all new miles east out of Canandaigua on New York 21, New York 488 (a "natural clinch"), New York 96, New York 14, and New York 318.

Added 155 miles total: 27 usai, 3 usasf, 2 usaus, 25 usausb, 106 usany.  5 usany routes traveled for the first time, 1 clinched.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on June 09, 2019, 03:13:32 pm
I'm back from a trip to south-eastern Europe, mainly Italy and Greece. I got first mileage in Albania, Bulgaria, Greece and North Macedonia. In total, I've added almost 5,000 TM miles in 3 weeks :)

Updated motorway stats:
bgra 0.0% -> 6.0% (488mi total system length)
chea 88.5% -> 100% (1118mi)
fraa 97.6% -> 98.0% (7228mi)
grea 0.0% -> 74.3% (1463mi)
itaa 38.5% -> 82.6% (4547mi)

With clinching chea system, I have clinched 11 systems in total now. deua needs to be re-clinched later this year.
North Macedonia does not have an own motorway system but I've clinched more than 50% of the trunk road system mkda (548mi system length) with my trip.
I just drove 53mi in Albania, but no motorway.

The French and the Italian motorway system just need each another road trip for being clinched 100% :) Same for Slovenia and UK. All except Italy might be done later this year  8)

I just miss 69.01mi for rank 20 in active+preview systems now. julmac, I'm coming :D
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mikeandkristie on June 09, 2019, 07:07:29 pm
We had a couple of big long weekend trips in May and picked up a bunch of new mileage.

May 8-12
We flew to Salt Lake City to go to the 150th anniversary celebration of the transcontinental railroad at Golden Spike NHP.  We met up with many other members of the National Parks Travelers Club there and had another meet-up on the 11th in Idaho at Minidoka NHS which is a World War II internment camp.  Not too far from Twin Falls.  We'd only had mileage in Utah cutting across on I-70 and US 50 going between Colorado NM and Great Basin NP, so everything from the SLC airport north was new.  Lots of new mileage on I-15 and I-84 and a little bit on I-80 and I-215.  Got our first mileage on US 91 in Brigham City and our first US 89 mileage that wasn't an overlap with an interstate.  Stayed in Tremonton and had two days to the park, so we were able to clinch several Utah routes in that area including UT 13, UT 67, UT 81, UT 83, UT 102, and UT 225 plus the interstate business routes in Tremonton.  Thought we got UT 82 as well, but found out when we got back that it was mis-marked.

We headed up to Twin Falls, ID on I-84 and then came back to SLC via I-86 and I-15 around Pocatello doing that full triangle and clinching I-86 which we couldn't fit into our schedule in 2016.  We had some mileage around Twin Falls from 2016, so we worked on connecting pieces, circling around Burley and taking US 30 from it all the way to US 93 in Twin Falls.  Some mileage on ID 81, finished our missing piece of ID 50, and finished the US 93 business route through town which is confusingly labeled as the mainline in lots of spots.  Got a little more of ID 25 on the way to Minidoka as well.

Altogether, I think it was 573 new miles with 269 in Idaho and 304 in Utah. 

May 24-28
For Memorial Day weekend, we left Friday after work and took Tuesday off.  Drove to Long Island which was the first time for either of us.  Visited Sagamore Hill NHS and parts of Gateway NRA on Staten Island and Fire Island NS.  That got us up to 150 National Park units. 

Mostly I-95 on the drive up Friday night, just getting new miles in Petersburg and Richmond, VA getting dinner and then right around the MD/DE border stopping at our hotel.  Went through town through Newark and New Castle, DE to hit I-295 over into NJ for some non I-95 miles. 

Right around 400 new miles for us across VA, MD, DE, NJ, PA, and NY.  Did a short run on US 130 after getting off the birdge.  Stayed on I-295 until Exit 36 where we took NJ 73 to the Betsy Ross Bridge and into PA so that we could go north through the now open I-95/I-276 interchange.  We'd missed it by 2-3 weeks back over Labor Day.  Nothing else new until getting off I-95 on NJ 440 to go into Staten Island over the Outerbridge Crossing.  Took it up to I-278, stopping at Fort Wadsworth (part of Gateway NRA) just under the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge.  Of course, after seeing traffic flowing well over it, there was a big wreck on the top deck right when we wanted to cross.  So, we found some dinner and then took the lower deck once we finally crossed.  The upper was open but still sluggish then.  Took I-278 through Queens to I-495 which was shocking how ancient and substandard a road it was calling itself an interstate.  I-495 was very sluggish until way past I-678 and the airport exits.  Finally, the last 30 miles or so were relaxing after I'd made it through all that traffic.

Got some NY routes heading out to Sagamore Hill on Sunday and then Fire Island on Memorial Day.  Came back mostly on the freeway route of NY 27, then the Southern Parkway, and the Belt Parkway to go over the Verrazano-Narrows again, this time on the upper deck.  We were well behind our original schedule so I had to ditch the idea of taking NY 440 up to I-78 and then taking it west and eventually out to I-81 for the wide swing around the big cities.  Instead, straight on I-278 to I-95 south and we only got down to Exit 5 of the NJ Turnpike that night.  Got a couple of zigzags for short bursts of mileage on US 206 and NJ 38 back to I-295 and then finished NJ 48 and NJ 140 with a little run on US 40 as we got close to the bridge into Delaware again.  Headed down DE 1 and then got the new US 301 bypass freeway around Middletown to complement our 2016 pass through town on 301 to connect things again.  Since we had all of US 301 in Maryland, we did some zigzags west of the road on MD 290 and MD 213 for some parallel runs.  Even got a tiny bit on Kent Island when stopping for lunch before crossing the Bay Bridge.  Did a little more zigzagging taking MD 424 down to MD 214, west to MD 193, down to MD 725 in Upper Marlboro and coming back into US 301.  Got some tiny runs of VA 218 and VA 205 to get some sides of triangles.  Then, we took US 17 south from US 301 over to US 360 in Tappahannock to fill in more of US 17.  The rest of US 360 into Richmond we already had.  Just did a short stretch of US 460 between I-295 and I-95 and finally the last stretch of US 1 between exits 61 and 40 of I-85 to connect our two sections.  We now have a full run on US 1 from Petersburg, VA down into Camden, SC.  So, other than the totally new sections on Staten Island and Long Island, it was a lot of connecting small pieces and filling in gaps which is what we've been gradually doing when we can on trips.

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: dave1693 on June 10, 2019, 05:40:37 pm
Memorial Day weekend we went to a friends' wedding celebration. (The actual wedding had been done privately several months before, long story.) The party took place at Knoebels, which is between Elysburg and Catawissa PA and is one of the last free-admission pay-per-ride amusement parks. The following weekend I went to Hagerstown MD to see a bunch of old friends, and this past weekend I had a meeting and a high school graduation party down in the DC FedroSplat. I didn't drive any new routes in MD or VA, but got some new mileage on PA state routes.

Newly clinched routes: PA183 (finally).

New segments: PA54, PA74, PA125, PA233, PA443, PA533, PA696, PA944, PA997.

I've got a couple more high school graduations between now and the 4th of July, so my next update will probably be some time around then.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on June 11, 2019, 08:02:29 pm
I recently had the opportunity to work for a week in Cincinnati, about 2 hours away from home. So I headed down on a Saturday morning, leaving at 1 am and arriving a little before 9 pm. On the way, I clinched Louisville (all highways inside the Gene Snyder Freeway), and it appears I'm the first to do that. The fried-chicken-on-a-doughnut at Hi-Five Doughnuts ( was a decent breakfast but not ideal for eating while driving. The job and after-work activities left little time for exploring during the week (if the travelling No Spectators: The Art of Burning Man ( comes to your town, see it) but I managed to get away for two short 3-4 hour evening drives to clinch a few more usaky routes along I-71. Work wrapped up late on Saturday, so I couldn't leave for home until 5 am Sunday, but that allowed me a chance to sample some more conventional donuts in Maysville and miss out on a locally-famous drive-in in Lexington that feels the need to close on the Lord's Day. Got home around 7:30 pm.

Overall I added almost 700 new miles of usaky, lengthened my .list by 76 lines, and clinched 89 routes, most of which were about 2 miles long, or looked like this (,-84.6423912,3a,75y,133.68h,83.77t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sbLhtTMDNzZxVV_PVYYGV8w!2e0!!7i3328!8i1664).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Eth on June 13, 2019, 10:30:16 pm
Took my first trip to Washington state this past weekend to (among other things) run the marathon in Seattle on Sunday. Picked up a modest 60 miles of mappable travels there, mostly by car, but some on foot during the race:

I-5 (165 to 169 on foot, 169 to 186 by car)
I-90 (between I-5 and I-405, all by car)
I-405 (north of I-90, all by car)
WA 99 (Green Lake to Harrison Street on foot, south from there to the West Seattle Bridge by car)
WA 525 (I-5 to a bit north of WA 99, all by car)
West Seattle Bridge (west of WA 99, all by car)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on June 19, 2019, 09:47:40 am
I'm in Colorado for a few days, mostly soaking at a favorite hot springs resort. On my way out here from Virginia, I almost clinched US 14, except for two widely-separated bridge closure gaps in Minnesota and Wisconsin, which I'll have to fill on later trips after the bridges reopen. I also clinched US 138, which had its own construction closure gap left over from a previous trip, but that segment's now back open for traffic. Also, US 14 Alt in Wyoming (but not the separate US 14 Alt in South Dakota).

The return trip next week will be on a southern route, with more US route clinching planned.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: bejacob on June 20, 2019, 02:24:50 pm
Just back from western Montana. Logged just shy of 2400 miles on my rental car, about 1850 of which were new routes for me. Prior to this trip, my MT mileage was basically confined to I-90 and I-94, both of which I had clinched in the state. Still about 100 short of clinching I-15 in the state, but the rest of the Interstates are now done.

Completed all of the I-15BLs as well as half the I-90BLs. Also clinched MT1, MT28, MT48, MT66, MT67, MT84, MT85, MT135, and MT287. All new. Even added a few clinches of the Montana secondary routes; SR209, SR221, SR223, SR235, SR291, SR386, SR387, and SR412.

Picked up a few miles in ID and WA as well. The new stuff was mostly along US2 which I've now completed in WA and ID. Overall it was a good 4-day trip.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on June 20, 2019, 06:19:41 pm
Just returned from a business trip to Minneapolis.  Went out via Indianapolis and Dubuque and returned via UP Michigan.  98% of route from Indianapolis back around to Toledo OH was new mileage for me.

On this trip I got to Michigan for the first time and I have now been to all 48 contiguous states.  Also picked up 40 new counties.

New clinches----
Ohio: I-280, I-480, I-670, I-680, US 223
Indiana: US 52
Illinois: would've gotten all of US 52 but there is a detour using I-39 and US 34 (bridge out)
Iowa: US 18 Bus McGregor; all of US 52's future routing via US 20 and IA 136 except the southwest arterial bypass of Dubuque is not open
Minnesota: I-35E, I-35W, I-394, I-494, I-694, US 8, US 52, MN 41, MN 51, MN 244, MN 280, MN 282 (tiny sliver east of CR 17 closed to MN 13 (though)
Wisconsin:  Lo and behold the US 8 bridge into Michigan is closed, so I got all but a tiny bit of US 8
Michigan: US 223;  also picked up appreciable mileage of US 2, I-75 and US 127
Pennsylvania: re-clinched US 219 on its new freeway south of Somerset
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: froggie on June 21, 2019, 09:24:39 pm
Today was Day 1 of a 3-day New England trip for me.  The primary purposes are to attend a graduation party and drop some things off with my in-laws, but I'm taking the opportunity to continue chipping away at Southern New England routes.  Today I filled some gaps around Springfield, MA, in the Connecticut valley north of Hartford, and east of Providence.  I completed clinches of three Massachusetts routes (32, 114A, 220), six Connecticut routes (15, 94, 140, 194, 207, 220), and seven Rhode Island routes (US 1, RI 3, 15, 114, 114A, 128, 152).

Tomorrow brings the grad party, but before that I'm going to chip away at some of the mass of Mass routes south(east) of Boston and between MA 24 and MA 3.  I'll probably chip away more at this area on my way home Sunday.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: yakra on June 23, 2019, 02:25:29 pm
Jim, what's a3.list?
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on June 23, 2019, 03:27:23 pm
Jim, what's a3.list?

Roads traveled in the car I got last October (2015 Audi A3).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: yakra on June 23, 2019, 04:14:00 pm
Aa, sou. I've also got a vehice-specific one, harvey.list, for trips my parents have taken in "Harvey the RV". It still only includes the first trip of very many.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: froggie on June 25, 2019, 01:05:34 pm
As part of the completion of my travels this past weekend, I managed to complete three long (by MA standards) and rather annoying MA routes:  16, 18, and 38.

Driving in Massachusetts is annoying in general...and it doesn't matter what type of road you're on either...
Title: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Barefoot Driver on June 25, 2019, 03:49:23 pm
latest clinches, 05/09-06/04/2019
08 trip began after two restarts and five-day delay, 2230.
08-9 south on us-65 into mo.
09 stopped to put flowers on my parents’ grave near tindall. later, us-65br at carrollton and marshall, mo; later, us-50 from sedalia to mo-7, and mo-150 from mo-7 to ks.
09-10 two segments of us-56 in ks, one from baldwin city to i-335 and the other from great bend(?) to ks-14 in lyons
11 us-54 from dalhart, tx to vaughn, nm, then a tiny segment of us-60 to hook up with where 54 goes sw, back to us-285 and that into roswell
11-12 us-285 to us-82 to maljamar (gaining eddy co)
12 south on small highway to nm-529 and that to us-62/180 to us-83/277 (picking up gaines, dawson, borden, and scurry counties, going into abilene where i got br-83 before heading west on i-20)
13 i-20 to tx-137 (including all bls from abilene thereto) south to fm-307 but turning east onto cr-490 and back into stanton on cr-495 and returning to the interstate (adding nolan, mitchell, howard, martin, midland, and glasscock counties and more bls)
13-14 i-20 to us-385 and north on that (ector co)
14  us-385 to tx-176 to fm-1788 and back to i-20 to us-285 to tx-302 (getting andrews, crane, ward, reeves, and loving counties)
14-15 tx-302 to tx-115 and back to i-20 (winkler co)
15 i-20 to i-10 to exit 13 (and all bls in that stretch (sunland park dr) in el paso to nm-498 to nm-273 to nm-28 to i-10 to i-25 to nm-1 (putting jeff davis, culberson, hudspeth, and el paso counties in the completed category)
16 i-25bl socorro, back on i-25 to us-380 to us-54 and that south to its end in el paso (completing that road and otero co plus i-110 to as close to the mexican border as it let me, back out on us-62 and that to i-10 to i-25 (completing i-10 in nm)
17 us-60 to (az) us-191 (gaining catron co, the last one i needed in nm) to i-40 to us-93 to az-68 to az-95.
17-18 az-95 sb.
18 to us-95 to i-40 to ca-58 to i-5, at which point i realized i was out of time to get to san fran so reversed course and got on ca-178.
18-19 to ridgecrest.
19 got us-395br there, attended church, then had my hat blow off into a fenced area around the aircraft museum so spent the night in the town.
20 retrieved the hat when the museum opened and headed out on ca-178 to trona rd to ca-190 to badwater rd (stopping at badwater basin to visit the lowest place in n. america and stunning many onlookers as i calmly walked out on the salt flats wearing only shorts and cap) to the other ca-178 to nv-372.
20-21 nv-372 to nv-160.
21 nv-160 to its end in lv, back north on lv blvd to cr-215 to summerlin pkwy to its east end, back to cr-215 after some meandering on city streets, to us-95 and that back to ca line (completing 95 in nv).
21-22 more of us-95
22 us-95 to where it co-brands with i-10 into az, then sb on 95 to as close to the mexican border as i could get (completing 95 in az, ca, and overall), back to i-8 on az-195 into ca (and the bls), adding riverside, la paz, yuma, imperial, and san diego counties.
23 i-8 to end in san diego.
23-24  biked to black’s beach and back into la jolla.
24 a piece of i-5, 805, and future i-905 (currently ca-905), plus the rest of i-5, 15, and 805 around there. missed small piece of 15.
25 i-5 to l. a. area. completed orange co and entered los angeles co.
26 finished l. a. co which was the last one i needed in ca.
26-30 completed all 3dis plus i-5 and 10 in ca, missed one small piece of i-15, am unsure of the order of the three-digit ones. returned to i-40 to head home.
30-31 got all the tiny nm highways at gallup.
31 crossed part of nm, no new roads.
01 a piece of nm-45 in abq, then to i-25 nb, going into co.
02 us-85 around co spgs plus i-225.
03 i-270 and us-138 from julesburg to i-80 in ne, finishing 138.
04 a piece of ne-133 after getting lost in flooded area w/o marked detour. arrived home 2213. trip went 9900.1 miles/just under 16000km. i was exhausted!
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Barefoot Driver on June 26, 2019, 12:20:21 pm
Aa, sou. I've also got a vehice-specific one, harvey.list, for trips my parents have taken in "Harvey the RV". It still only includes the first trip of very many.
when i first came on here (i. e., chp), i used the name of the car i had at the time, midnight express. the .list file was midnite_express. i had that little car for over four years and racked up a little under 120000 miles/200000km on it (i bought it at almost 128000/205000). when i had to give it up, i decided that using a car-dependent name made little sense and thus elected to go with my salient feature of driving everywhere.
the reason i chose the car’s name originally was the name i first submitted was rejected by the admins so i had to choose another one. (i won’t post what it was.)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: yakra on June 26, 2019, 02:34:07 pm
As part of the completion of my travels this past weekend, I managed to complete three long (by MA standards) and rather annoying MA routes:  16, 18, and 38.

Driving in Massachusetts is annoying in general...and it doesn't matter what type of road you're on either...
Hm, yeah. A lot of mileage inside 495 there.
On my last trip, things were slow coming down from Haverhill & through North Andover (It didn't help that school was letting out at the time), and 62 just crawled almost all the way to 70. Worcester was hell, but things eventually got bearable once I made it out west of there. 19 was actually a little pleasant.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on June 28, 2019, 10:35:26 am
I'm most of the way back home from Colorado, stopping in Knoxville tomorrow for the Extra Miler Club annual meeting. But so far on the return trip, I've clinched US 70, US 80, and US 90. The last two I just filled in short gaps, but for US 70 I was missing big chunks from Alamagordo NM to southeast Oklahoma.

These are reflected in my latest list file update. Some more new mileage to be added from the rest of my trip.

UPDATE: Back home, submitted a list file update covering the rest of my travels. Those included ciinching US 82 from I-49 in Arkansas to I-20/59 in Alabama (still missing big chunks from New Mexico to Georgia); US 425 in Louisiana (still missing short segments in southern Arkansas); and US 441 in Tennessee (still missing many segments in North Carolina and Georgia).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: froggie on July 01, 2019, 07:38:14 pm
Spent the bulk of today in the Montreal area....primarily to check out the new Champlain Bridge (which as of late morning is open in both directions), but I also took the opportunity to clear out some of the regions Autoroutes.  Managed to clinch A-13, 440, 640, and 720 today as well as add mileage on A-15, 20, 25, and 30.

Added some QC mileage as well both on the way there and on the way back, but got stymied and detoured off of QC 202 between Venise-en-Québec and Pike River due to a crash that shut down the road.

I'm also down to two border crossings remaining before I have all of Vermont clinched.

(EDIT):  After reviewing my travels, looks like I also clinched QC 104 (1st to do so), QC 134, and QC 217 (only one to travel on it), and am apparently the first to have traveled on QC 227.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Bickendan on July 06, 2019, 06:39:49 pm
Pulled a doozy of a 20 hour in-state trip yesterday/this morning clinching and field checking the rest of western Oregon's routes, with the exception of OR 227 and 230, and added some mileage on OR 138 and 66.
Snagged the Oakland-Winston section of OR 99, then the eastern most fringe of OR 42. Headed west to 542, down to Powers and back, then up to Coos Bay and grabbed 241. Grabbed gas and dropped in at the most unique Fred Meyer I've seen, then back down 42 and clinched 42S. Jaunted over to Cape Blanco on 250, the westernmost fringe on the Lower 48, then the length of 255 into Brookings.
Got lit up by the CHP heading toward Crecsent City despite carefully watching my speed, got off without ticket because of it, reclinched CA 197.
Followed 260 into downtown Grants Pass, then picked up more mileage on 99 along the Rogue River into Gold Hill, and 234 out toward Eagle Point.
140's western extension to I-5 is signed, so I took it, then up the newly opened OR 62 expressway and back into Medford along the old route and through downtown on 99.
Took I-5 down to 66, added some mileage to 273, and 273 down (up) into California, turned around, and came down I-5 and 99 into Ashland, followed 99 into Medford, I-5 to Gold Hill to pick up the 99 into Gold Hill and the 234's westernmost segment back to I-55, and followed 99 through Canyonville, Tri City, and Myrtle Creek, finally clinching 99. Maybe.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: yakra on July 07, 2019, 12:22:14 am
ME226: 0% -> 100%
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: clong on July 08, 2019, 02:49:41 pm
Trip to Kansas City from Birmingham around the July 4th holiday:
I-22 (previously clinched) to I-269 (new mileage) to I-55/69 (pc) to I-40 (pc) to I-55 (pc) to I-555/US63 (nm) to US60 (nm) to US65 (nm) to I-44 (nm) to MO13 (nm) to MO7 (nm) to I-49 (pc)

While in KC, clinched some missing chunks of US 40, 69 and 71. Also added onto I-70, I-335 and I-470 to Topeka and K10 and US59 in Lawrence.

Return trip included I-49 to I-44 (nm) and I-44 back to US65 (nm). Added a small section of US65B in Springfield, MO and more of I-269 in Memphis.

22 new counties on the trip as well.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: yakra on July 09, 2019, 02:42:00 pm
When I finished off York County back in September, I neglected to continue on north and finish off ME160 south of ME113. Remedied that yesterday. Closing the door on easy new mileage I can do in a spontaneous round trip from home in 2 hrs, this puts me in the lead, mileage-wise, in my home state by a modest 1.53 mi.
If I want to take the lead in the usame system though, i still have 154.27 mi to catch up to deathtopumpkins.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: si404 on July 09, 2019, 06:39:18 pm
After several trips to Milton Keynes to help my parents move a friend of theirs (that they know through me as I went to primary school with their kid) canal boat and racking up tiny little increases around the 'New City' I then scored the best since the first trip on an errand run to the town that got couple with a shopping trip to make it worth it. Nothing is quite as irritating as spending 6 hours travelling to somewhere you haven't been before, and getting maybe a mile in TM a couple of times a week, and then having just tiny gaps in your travelled map that you know you won't get...

Bad traffic on the M25 meant I was able to persuade with little effort a trip via a more direct, but supposedly slower route via couple of B roads I'd apparently not been on, clinching one fully. Said route was declared by my parents (who have a low tolerance to me trying to take routes that don't seem as fast in their eyes when in the car - damn sat nav makes it very hard to do the route I want to take) to be probably faster anyway - giving potential for not doing the same familiar roads again and again.

PS - canals as a future project? What can be more annoying to clinchers than routes that you have to do really slowly! I now have about 20 miles (mostly covered twice: on foot and on boat - and the boat is barely faster) from last month, plus a few miles walking alongside in London, plus a good bit from a holiday that dates to before I could lift myself up and be in danger of falling overboard. :P
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: ntallyn on July 10, 2019, 09:15:59 pm
Picked up a surprising number of new miles of routes around Chicago over the holiday weekend (~50). Surprising, as I grew up in the Chicago suburbs.

Added pieces of I-55 (including that annoying piece between the Dan Ryan and Chinatown exits, I-88, I-290 (which I think I already had, but never marked), I-355, US 6, US 12/20/45, US 34, IL 53, IL 56, IL 83, and IL 171.

Included on the trip was a first-ever visit to the Morton Arboretum, as well as return visits to the Field Museum and Brookfield Zoo (for the first time in ~25 years on both). My grandson really enjoyed all of those. :)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: dave1693 on July 11, 2019, 04:37:39 pm
Since my last update I've made multiple trips from eastern PA down to the DC FedroSplat, including one that extended to the Northern Neck... but no new mileage in MD or VA resulting. Plenty of new mileage in PA though. Also, two weekends ago I went to a HS graduation (with parties following) near Syracuse NY, and followed on with a pilgrimage to Thousand Island Park since it had been more than a decade since my last visit... and in the meantime the Town Building had burned down and been replaced with a smaller edifice, which of course required a visit.

New clinches: I-781 in NY, NY 342, PA 106, PA 234, PA 443, PA 895, PA 902, Central Scranton Expressway in PA.

Non-clinch new mileage: US 6 in PA, US 11 in PA and NY, US 30 in PA, a lot of US 209 in PA, NY 3, NY 31, NY 37, NY 80, NY 173, NY 281, NY 481, PA 25, PA 115, PA 125, PA 374.

Almost 200 new miles all told. Next major trip will be the annual camping trip in western PA starting two weeks from today. (PACKING PANIC TIME!!!!)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: si404 on July 12, 2019, 05:24:38 am
Panic at two weeks out? Two days maybe!
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on July 16, 2019, 11:39:28 pm
Two trips since my last post here.

First was a two-day trip to southern Virginia, with a focus on snagging short 3xx and 4xx state routes (mainly access routes to state parks, colleges/universities, and prisons), and also clinching my last usanp route in Virginia (Siege Rd. in the Petersburg Nat'l Battlefield). The most interesting one was VA 361 in southwest Virginia, a scenic route to the remote Red Onion prison. It's a supermax prison full of inmates sentenced to life terms, so odds are their view of the scenery was a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

The other was a four-day trip to Montreal. I got to see the new Champlain bridge carrying A-10. A-15, and A-20 across the St. Lawrence River, which recently opened to traffic but still is being worked on (lots of roadwork in Montreal, making traffic that weekend a real mess). I also snagged the west ends of QC 132 and QC 138 at the U.S. border. I had previously covered the east ends of both routes, but they are very long routes with lots of uncovered km-age in the middle (plus much of QC 138 in eastern Quebec is unbuilt, and probably won't be finished in my lifetime). On the way to and from Canada, I clinched PA 309 and PA 309 Business in Pennsylvania, and in New York NY 11B, NY 122, and NY 374.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on July 22, 2019, 11:43:04 pm
A ride from New York to Florida over the last few days was surprisingly productive, with over 400 of my 1400+ miles traveled taking place on new roads.  We set aside 3 days for the ride we often try to do in a straight shot, which allowed for a ride across the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel (my 3rd time, I believe) and a side trip to Myrtle Beach.  I'd been through there before but this was my first overnight.

TM highlights:

I only picked up about 5 new usai miles, but those were enough to finish off I-264 in Virginia and add my first segment of I-664.

The big gains were in usaus with about 390 miles added.  I went from having about a mile of US 113 to a full clinch.  I picked up the part of US 58 between I-664 and Emporia.  I picked up my first 136 miles on US 701 by taking it from I-95 to Conway, SC.  I filled in a small gap in US 17 in Myrtle Beach that gives me all of that between Jacksonville, NC, and Jacksonville, FL.  Then finally all of US 378 east of I-95 on the way out.

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on July 31, 2019, 10:32:06 am
A 10-day, 6200-mile work-related trip to the northeastern US & Canada gave me the opportunity for a few clinches as well as an entertaining evening with yakra. I focused on Maine, where I was doing research, but managed to arrange my trip to pick up some mileage in both countries. Weather was great, scenery was scenic, traffic was bearable, and donuts were mostly good.

I finally passed the 250,000 miles mark, and clinched 159 highways including all the usaus and usausb routes in New England. US 3, 4, 5, 7, 201, and 202 are now done, as is the eastern segment of US 2.

My ranking in Maine spiked from 18 to 3, and I rose from 8th to 2nd in New Brunswick and from 9th to 4th in Quebec. I also entered or re-entered the top-10 in Connecticut, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island.

Now I need to rest up, because mapkitten wants to go to California.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: SSOWorld on July 31, 2019, 08:05:34 pm
My 1.75 week trip has 1 day left but all new highway collection is pretty much done.  The update tonight (barring any errors) will confirm I-90 and I-94 100% done nationwide.  The remaining was in Montana, South Dakota and Wyoming.   Add also I-82 and Washington (Seattle and Richmond) and Portland (OR) 3dis. This also finished South Dakota and Washington State's interstate systems. It also took a good bite out of North Dakota, Wyoming, Montana and Idaho for the same.  Very little other systems were done on the transits though.  I did finish a few national park roads - including Yellowstone's (but that wasn't why I went there ;) ) and got the Beartooth Highway portion of US 212.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: US 89 on August 02, 2019, 01:36:02 pm
On my way back to SLC from a family trip to Steamboat, I got around 120 new miles that I hadn’t been expecting because of a major accident that had closed US 40 west of Hayden, CO for several hours. It turns out there are no paved roads between Hayden and Craig that aren’t US 40, and since it was raining pretty hard we weren’t about to chance any of the area’s dirt roads. As it turned out, the quickest detour was to go back through Steamboat, then follow CO 14, CO 125, and WY 230 to I-80.

In addition to that, the ramp to westbound I-80 from east Rawlins was closed for construction, so I also reclinched the I-80/US 30 business loop there.

For now, this puts Colorado into second place in my highway stats, bumping Texas back to third. Utah of course is still in first.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on August 04, 2019, 08:58:11 am
My return trip up the east coast was not as interesting for clinching purposes as the ride down was, but I did manage to pick up some usaga, usasc, and usava mileage, a few usaus segments that put me over 400 new miles in that system on the trip, got my first miles on the GW Memorial Parkway in Virginia and DC, and finished off I-526 (191st clinched usai connected route).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mikeandkristie on August 06, 2019, 09:21:55 am
Mid July saw us go out west for the National Park Travelers Club convention in Flagstaff, AZ.  Of the 1400 miles we put on the rental car, a little over 900 were new as other than some existing mileage around Las Vegas and Flagstaff was new for us.  About 500 of that was in Arizona.  Some back and forth in the parks helped account for the rest of the difference.  We flew into Las Vegas and then back out from Albuquerque.

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Bickendan on August 06, 2019, 03:26:59 pm
Just finished an overnighter to Ontario/Fruitland and back. Took I-84 out to The Dalles, then clinched the entirety of OR 206 and unsigned OR 206S (and took US 97 up to WA 14). Wasco, Condon, Heppner, and Pilot Rock are far from anything around. Eastern end of 206 overlaps with OR 207; 206 could be truncated a bit and no one would probably notice. Got the eastern end of OR 74, some standalone mileage on US 395 up to Pendleton, figured out what the situation is with OR 37 within Pendleton and clinched the northern fringe of ORH 28.
Took OR 11 up to OR(H) 331, back down to I-84/US 30, and over to La Grande, taking ORH 66 (US 30, OR 203, OR 237, US 30) through La Grande, Union, North Powder, Haines, and Baker.
Took Bus 30 through Huntington, then OR 201 to OR/ID 52. Confirmed that OSM's US 95S in Payette doesn't exist.
Took US 95 north to Weiser, did not feel any wiser, took US 95S back into Oregon, and OR 201 into Ontario.
Grabbed Bus 30 in Ontario, finishing off US 30's auxiliaries in Oregon, and US 30 into Idaho, clinching 30 in Oregon.
Went north on 95 to ID 52 to grab that segment, then south all the way to ID 19 in Hopewell, and ID 19 into Oregon and onto the southern end of OR 201.
Checked out the Parma Spur and the three routes on the only portion of Oregon east of the Snake River... and found out that OR(H) 452 (already unsigned) isn't the route that crosses the snake -- it's unsigned OR 201S/ORH 450. 452 starts at the T junction of OR 201S/453 instead... and just to complicate things, GIS says it's OR 452/ORH 489(!), not OR 201S/ORH 450. Ugh.
Drove back up to Ontario to snag the final unclinched portion of 201, then took US 30 out to New Plymouth, detoured down and back on ID 72, and down to I-84, giving me a continuous clinch of US 30 from Astoria to Bliss.
Returned back to Portland by US 20, clinching it in Oregon, and have it now clinched in three states (OR, ID, MT), US 97, OR(H) 361, and US 26.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Barefoot Driver on August 09, 2019, 10:34:34 am
latest clinches, 07/25-30/2019
25 trip began, 2330, several hours after i’d planned to leave.
25-6 west on ia-141. realized i was too late to go to w end of the state to gain two highways.
26 stopped at barefoot bar in w. okoboji. ate there in only shorts and cap. on to franklin, mn. no new highways until after chess event, then headed west on mn-19.
26-27 west on mn-19, no new segments.
27 new part of mn-19 west of mn-68 to sd line. that road becomes sd-30, which i drove to i-29. had i looked a bit, i would’ve noticed that i only needed to go a bit farther west to complete it. i then went south on 29 to us-14, and gained the last segments i needed on that in sd and mn, from i-29 to us-71. i then returned to the chess tournament. in the evening, then headed west on mn-7.
27-28 gained a piece of mn-7.
28 mn-7 to us-212, back thru montevideo, to where mn-29 begins, to us-12 (getting the last of that in mn), to mn-23, to mn-55 and that to us-61. rained all day. north on 61 to its end at i-35, getting a piece of us-10 in the process. i then got the i-35bl at pine city.
28-29 lost in the country, and too cloudy to get navigational fix from stars. eventually i found where i was on the interactive map, made my way to mn-70.
29 mn-70 to mn-107 to mn-65, detoured off that and into twin cities on i-35w which was a total mess. returned to mn-55 to us-61 and us-10 east into wi (completing 10 in mn), back into mn on us-63, getting a bit more of us-61 and the minuscule mn-292. (i need only a small piece of 61 to have all of it in mn.) got all of mn-50, us-169br shakopee (see pic, first time i ever saw a green u. s.shield!) and both segments of mn-101 at chanhassen plus a bit of mn-62 and mn-7, picking up the last piece of us-212 i needed in mn as well, before going to us-52 to i-90, to mn-76 (all) which took me out of the state.
29-30  a small piece of ia-76 from mn line.
30 us-52 from ia-150 to us-18, then all of ia-51. later, the rest of us-52 in ia, from us-18 to ia-3. big detour. i. e., ia-136 from luxembourg to us-20! later, all of ia-32 and 62, and the rest of ia-136 before heading back. by the time i arrived, i was one very tired driver! first i filled up with gas in altoona, then went to a meal site for supper before returning home.
there were no new counties to be had here. the nearest of those i need is in nd, a fair distance from where i was. (there are only a handful of counties within 500 miles/800km of d. m. i have left to grab. see here ( for more information, and the map ( as well.)
all in all, a nice trip, though would’ve liked to get a few more highways.
total distance was just under 1600 miles/2560km.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Barefoot Driver on August 09, 2019, 10:55:51 am
Just finished what was supposed to be an 8-day pre-back-to-school trip in August that turned into a 2-part odyssey due to a self-inflicted SNAFU right from the beginning.
congrats on a delightful excursion, for the most part. we all make mistakes when planning a trip.

* Long AT&T story: At least, I thought I had some data left; calling AT&T, I couldn't actually find someone who knew for sure. The best they could do was say they were pretty sure I'd used about 60MB of the 300 purchase. Friday afternoon when I got to my hotel, I noticed that my data usage for the day had barely increased. So I headed out to get some pictures of the town, and upon turning on cellular data, got the warning message that I'd already burned through 80% of my data. So, somehow, just using Google Maps in the car and checking something in Safari while waiting at a construction site, I'd gone from 20% to 80%. I checked the usage again on my phone, and it hadn't changed at all. I called AT&T; they couldn't decipher it either and assured me it was an error.
i absolutely refuse to have anything to do with [anus (we all know the word i meant)] telephone. i had a number of bad experiences with them in the past, and so a t & t!
i keep my data usage to a minimum by using the wifi at mickey d’s or local libraries. if no password, i’m in!
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Barefoot Driver on August 09, 2019, 11:31:41 am
Mid July saw us go out west for the National Park Travelers Club convention in Flagstaff, AZ.  Of the 1400 miles we put on the rental car, a little over 900 were new as other than some existing mileage around Las Vegas and Flagstaff was new for us.  About 500 of that was in Arizona.  Some back and forth in the parks helped account for the rest of the difference.  We flew into Las Vegas and then back out from Albuquerque.
i was shocked when i found out that meteor crater (1) does not allow bare feet and (2) charges $18 admission!
  • Stayed in St. George and got up to Exit 16 in Utah before taking UT 9 and then all of UT 59 back into Arizona.  It became AZ 389.  Stopped at Pipe Spring NM and connected with US 89A in Fredonia.  Drove north to Kanab, UT looking for food and to get another county and finish 89A where it connects with US 89.  Got a tiny bit of that one through town.  Then back south on US 89A and down to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon on AZ 69.
some day i plan to get 89 from s terminus to ut-14, but am not looking forward to that excursion. in addition, while there, will pick up 89a, 160 from w terminus to 163, and 191 from i-40 to us-6. i still have four counties to get in az.

  • Two visits each into Walnut Canyon NM and the loop road for Sunset Crater Volcano NM and Wupatki NM to get those National Park roads.  US 180 also goes through town and then duplexes I-40 until Holbrook, so we got our first mileage on it.
hope you get to capulin volcanic nat. mon. no park road, but a very pretty site, and lots of excellent hiking, which i did barefoot, much to the surprise of the onlookers.

  • Headed east on I-40 giving us a straight run to Gallup, NM except where we pulled through Winslow on the BL.  It was dark, so we didn't see the "Standing on a Corner" stuff, so we'll stop back by again.  Since it was later, I didn't do my drive past to the second exit, take the business loop back through town, and then around on the interstate again routine and also skipped past going through Holbrook.
nothing much to see in holbrook.

  • Drove Route 66 / I-40 BL through Gallup and went north on US 491 to NM 264 and turned around and came back to get us our first US 491 mileage.  Then, headed south on NM 602 to NM 53 east to hit El Morro NM.  And then back to I-40 to Grants.  Did part of the BL / Route 66 through town looking for food and got back on I-40 at Exit 85 which we took to I-25 in Albuquerque.
curse nm and their tiny state highways in towns!! i had to drive all over gallup to get them!
i have yet to do 491. too bad they had to change to that from 666!
i find driving in abq to be a mess. always a lot of road destruction, and can get lost easily.
still, overall a fine trip for you.
i posted my travels in the region. the trip was successful in that i completed the counties of two states, but failed to complete two others and missed the event i’d planned to do, the bare to breakers.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mikeandkristie on August 12, 2019, 07:29:12 pm
Mid July saw us go out west for the National Park Travelers Club convention in Flagstaff, AZ.  Of the 1400 miles we put on the rental car, a little over 900 were new as other than some existing mileage around Las Vegas and Flagstaff was new for us.  About 500 of that was in Arizona.  Some back and forth in the parks helped account for the rest of the difference.  We flew into Las Vegas and then back out from Albuquerque.
i was shocked when i found out that meteor crater (1) does not allow bare feet and (2) charges $18 admission!
  • Stayed in St. George and got up to Exit 16 in Utah before taking UT 9 and then all of UT 59 back into Arizona.  It became AZ 389.  Stopped at Pipe Spring NM and connected with US 89A in Fredonia.  Drove north to Kanab, UT looking for food and to get another county and finish 89A where it connects with US 89.  Got a tiny bit of that one through town.  Then back south on US 89A and down to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon on AZ 69.
some day i plan to get 89 from s terminus to ut-14, but am not looking forward to that excursion. in addition, while there, will pick up 89a, 160 from w terminus to 163, and 191 from i-40 to us-6. i still have four counties to get in az.

  • Two visits each into Walnut Canyon NM and the loop road for Sunset Crater Volcano NM and Wupatki NM to get those National Park roads.  US 180 also goes through town and then duplexes I-40 until Holbrook, so we got our first mileage on it.
hope you get to capulin volcanic nat. mon. no park road, but a very pretty site, and lots of excellent hiking, which i did barefoot, much to the surprise of the onlookers.

  • Headed east on I-40 giving us a straight run to Gallup, NM except where we pulled through Winslow on the BL.  It was dark, so we didn't see the "Standing on a Corner" stuff, so we'll stop back by again.  Since it was later, I didn't do my drive past to the second exit, take the business loop back through town, and then around on the interstate again routine and also skipped past going through Holbrook.
nothing much to see in holbrook.

  • Drove Route 66 / I-40 BL through Gallup and went north on US 491 to NM 264 and turned around and came back to get us our first US 491 mileage.  Then, headed south on NM 602 to NM 53 east to hit El Morro NM.  And then back to I-40 to Grants.  Did part of the BL / Route 66 through town looking for food and got back on I-40 at Exit 85 which we took to I-25 in Albuquerque.
curse nm and their tiny state highways in towns!! i had to drive all over gallup to get them!
i have yet to do 491. too bad they had to change to that from 666!
i find driving in abq to be a mess. always a lot of road destruction, and can get lost easily.
still, overall a fine trip for you.
i posted my travels in the region. the trip was successful in that i completed the counties of two states, but failed to complete two others and missed the event i’d planned to do, the bare to breakers.

The three national monuments around Flagstaff took us long enough that the Meteor Crater got bumped from this trip.  :-(
We have been to Capulin, hitting it in 2016.  So, this was our second time in New Mexico.
Yeah, I got away with as much of circling around Gallup as I could this trip.  We'll be back some day as there are more park sites nearby.
We'll probably stay in Holbrook when we come back and visit Petrified Forest.  I'd like to stay in the Wigwam Motel.
Doing all the stuff you do barefoot is very impressive.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on August 14, 2019, 11:59:18 pm
The 11-day trip to the west coast with mapkitten was a success for both of us, netting me 2100+ new miles and 75 new clinches, and giving her the distinction among her peer group of being the only 16-year-old to drive 80 mph legally. It also convinced her that she needs to attend college in California. So I may have to make more cross-country trips in the near future.

We drove out together, so the opportunity to pad my stats was limited to whatever connected college to college (or college to beach) plus a few business loops. She flew back to Ohio, and I took the opportunity to not rush home, clinching I-580(NV) & I-80 (thereby completing all the signed interstates) as well as US 56 & US 50. No significant ranking increases besides reaching the top 10 in Nevada. Raton Pass almost killed my engine, but I made it 600 miles (without cruise control...across Kansas) to a mechanic recommended by that evening's Airbnb host, who reset the computer and gave me the go-ahead for the final 1000 miles (thankfully with cruise control) the last day. Seems fine now but I expect the dealer will disagree next week.

That's probably it for this summer. Back to work next Tuesday.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: froggie on August 15, 2019, 08:31:22 am
Did mapkitteh enjoy the trip?  Which college is she zeroing in on?
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on August 15, 2019, 11:18:40 am
She did. It was her first cross-country road trip, and she got to drive in 6 states she hadn't driven in yet. She appreciated the differences in landscapes and even noticed how the roads looked different, and the state highway markers. But for her the travelling was less about the roads and more about the 'gram. Most of our travels in L.A. were to photo ops (Rodeo Drive, Hollywood, angel wings, various restaurants). Still, I was the one providing directions, so occasionally we took a non-direct route to a particular stop.

We DIY-toured of the University of Kansas (my alma mater), Colorado, and University of Denver on the way out, then took real tours of the University of Redlands, Chapman University, University of San Diego, and Loyola-Marymount. She loved all of the California schools (being told people go to Disneyland to study will do that) and was not happy about having to return to two more years of Ohio and sub-par Japanese restaurants.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: froggie on August 16, 2019, 08:46:27 am
She should be glad she's not in northeastern Vermont.  We can't even find basic sushi up here, let alone hibachi...
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on August 16, 2019, 11:23:53 am
She should be glad she's not in northeastern Vermont.  We can't even find basic sushi up here, let alone hibachi...
Well you do have that maple cream pie ( place, which doesn't really have a SoCal equivalent. When she had New England on her search radar, UVM was one of the schools I thought she should look at, since Burlington's a great town. Northwestern Vermont ought to have some food variety.

Re the colleges, U of Redlands impressed me a lot, mainly due to the large presence ESRI has in the curriculum. Plus if she chooses Redlands, whoever is driving her stuff out there won't have to deal with L.A. traffic. But she's going to major in sociology or Asian studies at this point, so she can get both of those just about anywhere out there.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on August 17, 2019, 10:06:19 pm
I just got back home from a week-and-a-half road trip to South Dakota and some neighboring states. I'm home for a few days, then rolling out again Monday for about a week of camping in western Massachusetts.

The goals of the South Dakota trip were to visit the Corn Palace in Mitchell SD (a major attraction I managed to miss on more than a dozen visits to the state where my father was born and raised), and to try to complete my coverage of US 18 and US 212 as well as to gnaw at my unclinched US 52 mileage. An unexpected bonus of the Mitchell visit was finding (too late in the day, alas) the museum at Dakota Wesleyan University about its notable alumni Sen. George McGovern and his wife Eleanor. I strongly supported, as a high school student (in Nixon country) his failed 1972 presidential bid. My politics have changed since then, though not my proclivity for political lost causes.

As for my route clinch efforts, I got most of US 18, with a short construction-closure gap in Waukesha WI and a longer one in southeastern South Dakota. Most infuriating was my near-miss of US 212. As I was getting set to complete the route in Watertown SD, I encountered a re-construction closure in both directions of a few blocks of US 212 just west of downtown. These add to a growing list of gaps (including parts of US 14 and US 218, and a forthcoming reroute of a few miles of US 30 in Iowa) which I'll have to fill on future trips to the upper Midwest.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on August 17, 2019, 11:20:33 pm
@oscar: Did the Corn Palace live up to your expectations? What theme did they go with this year?

Also, you missed clinching 212 by a couple blocks? Why not just walk it?
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on August 17, 2019, 11:52:45 pm
@oscar: Did the Corn Palace live up to your expectations? What theme did they go with this year?

Also, you missed clinching 212 by a couple blocks? Why not just walk it?

For 2018-2019, the Corn Palace went with a "Salute to Military" theme. Lots of photo ops on the outside, not much inside (but at least admission is free).

The US 212 construction zone looked non-walkable, with both carriageways and sidewalks torn up. But it's close to I-29, and the project might be completed (or at least two-way traffic allowed on one carriageway) next time I'm up there, which could be as soon as late October.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: julmac on August 18, 2019, 01:46:37 am
The Corn Palace went with a military theme, carried over from last year. Lots of photo ops on the outside, not much inside (but at least admission is free).

The one time I went to the Corn Palace was a bit of a bust as it turned out to be the day the corn was taken down waiting for the next mural to be put up. That and the tour guide who gave us a tour of the inside acted like he was presenting to a group of 30, but it was just two of us.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on August 18, 2019, 11:41:20 am
The US 212 construction zone looked non-walkable, with both carriageways and sidewalks torn up. But it's close to I-29, and the project might be completed (or at least two-way traffic allowed on one carriageway) next time I'm up there, which could be as soon as late October.
You’re much more cautious than I would be. Last month in some Maine town I will likely never visit again, I parked on one side of a closure on US 2, walked straight through the barriers and past the workers, turned around at the other side and walked back to my car. No one said anything. A few years ago a Michigan highway being fully rebuilt was nothing but sand when I walked the 5-6 blocks between the orange fences. Always bring flip flops because you never know when you’ll need them.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on August 18, 2019, 12:19:50 pm
Always bring flip flops because you never know when you’ll need them.

I almost always wear flip-flops when I'm on the road, unless I'll have to walk through snow (sub-freezing air temps I'm OK with -- my toes hate shoes more than they do cold).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on August 18, 2019, 05:35:10 pm
Got to take a 19-hr ride yesterday covering about 1050 miles...

Went to Akron OH via Morganotwn WV and Brockway PA and back...

New clinches:
Maryland: MD 49, MD 658
Pennsylvania: I-80, I-376, US 40 Bus Uniontown, US 119, US 224, PA 28
Ohio: I-76, I-80, US 224

This gives me all interstate mileage in Pennsylvania and a full clinch of the eastern I-76.  It would've also been a full clinch of US 224 except last summer Indiana had it closed west of IN 1.  US 119 would also be a full clinch except Kentucky has had the nerve to rebuild it in numerous locations north of Jenkins KY since I drove the whole Kentucky portion in 1988.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: bejacob on August 20, 2019, 05:57:17 pm
Just back from South Dakota as well, though didn't get to the Corn Palace this time. I was there two years ago this week (8/19/17). This trip was was just a weekend RT from MSP with an overnight in Sioux Falls.

I did manage to clinch the last stretch of I-494 (between exits 5 and 11). Added bits and pieces of several US routes (12,14,59,71,75, and 212) plus some MN, IA, and SD routes. A few clinches, mostly on BL or short state routes. Not a ton of added mileage, but much of it was new. Also collected the last 4 counties in Iowa.

And because I was so close, I stopped to see the biggest ball of twine in Minnesota (tip of the hat to Weird Al).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: dave1693 on August 24, 2019, 04:50:31 pm
Two trips between the FedroSplat and eastern PA (one including a side trip to northwest NJ), plus the annual Pennsic War excursion to western PA, this time extended out to SE Ohio right after the end of Pennsic. I could have posted all this last week but I got sick and wasn't very coherent for several days.

New clinches: I-80 in PA (finally!), PA 117, PA 830, PA 914, WV 618

Non-clinch new mileage: I-77 in OH, I-80 in OH, US 11 in PA, US 19 in PA, US 30 in PA, US 50 in WV, US 62 in OH and PA, US 206 in NJ, US 219 in PA, US 224 in OH, US 50 Business in Belpre OH, PA 18, PA 191, PA 230, PA 233, PA 241, PA 441, PA 487, PA 743, PA 760, WV 68, OH 7, OH 32, OH 60, OH 173, OH 183, OH 225 (almost a clinch but it was after midnight and I was following Waze pretty literally), OH 618, OH 821.

0. I'm a little disappointed at how little new mileage all this added to my log, but for a large portion of the trip speed was more important and so I ended up taking fast highways I'd already traveled before.
1. I am amused that I clinched eastern I-76 years before mapmikey (and I-80 in PA just about a week ahead of him). How did that happen?
2. I am far less amused at signage in Belpre OH, and at the fact that ODOT apparently decided that OH 618 did NOT need to connect to WV 618 despite the very close proximity. WV 618 turns into OH 32 (and vice versa) on the free bridge across the Ohio, 1/4 mile east of where OH 618 eastbound makes a left to AVOID going over that bridge, and instead goes up to the western foot of the four-bit toll bridge. Where it apparently stops, for no discernible reason.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: dave1693 on August 24, 2019, 05:05:05 pm
Raton Pass almost killed my engine, but I made it 600 miles (without cruise control...across Kansas)

"OHHHH Kansas is flat and I hate it, and this is the flat Kansas sooooongg..." (from the very last Queen of Wands strip: (

My first experience driving in Kansas outside of the KC/Overland Park area was on the ride 5 years ago that clinched I-70. We drove I-70 from I-15 in Cove Fort UT to I-270 in Frederick MD, and even when we got off we doubled back an exit to get back on. This was in a 30-foot RV. Kansas was 420+ miles of 40-50 mph crosswind blowing south to north, holding the steering wheel at a 45 degree angle just to stay in my own lane, except going under overpasses when I suddenly had to staighten the wheel out for 15 feet and then wrench it back to 45 degrees as we came back out into the wind. Would Not Recommend.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on August 24, 2019, 06:02:31 pm
1. I am amused that I clinched eastern I-76 years before mapmikey (and I-80 in PA just about a week ahead of him). How did that happen?

I am surprised that I clinched I-80 in PA before both of you.  (It was completed in February when I drove I-80 from I-57 in Illinois all the way to PA 147.  Everything east of US 15 was done on or before July 4th last year.)

In my PA highlights, I finished US 219 (just in PA), PA 533, and PA 54 last week.  I also drove all of PA 120, PA 433, and MD 57 (used to get down to US 40 to follow it and I-68 west to US 219).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on August 24, 2019, 08:32:57 pm
Being based in Northern Virginia means there is no natural reason to take much of any part of I-80 in Pennsylvania or I-76 east of Breezewood.

Until recently, my clinching trips were mostly not as far out that way as NE Ohio (just 1 other one where I rode US 322 from I-99 to Cleveland, then I-77 south to clinch that) so I'm just now getting around to doing some more out that way.  In fact, the short I-76 in Ohio was done in 3 segments:
The Ohio Tpk part in 2000 (part of a return trip from Yellowstone and Montana)
I-71 to I-277 (last summer when I had a business trip to Cleveland and spent a day in Columbus first)
I-277 to I-80 (last week)

I am also at a disadvantage in that up to now I do not spend the night anywhere on my clinching rides...
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on September 05, 2019, 11:42:50 pm
Today was my chance to do some exploring based out of Minneapolis before attending State of the Map for the next few days.  I decided to go pretty big and drove almost 600 miles over 12 hours.  It's not often I can drive that far and hit nearly all new mileage, but I did.  Other than a few miles of I-229 and I-90 near Sioux Falls, it's all new.

Starting and ending at my hotel in Eden Prairie, my route was US 212 -> US 71 -> US 14 -> US 75 -> IA 9 -> SD 42 -> I-229 -> I-90 -> I-29 -> US 12 -> I-494.

So it's mostly new usaus mileage, where I added about 470 miles.  In usai, adding the 125 new miles of I-29 put me over 40,000 for the system.

I think I touched 8 (connected) routes for the first time anywhere, but didn't add any new clinches.  I thought about continuing up to Fargo to finish off I-29, but the day was getting a little long considering it was following a day of work and air travel and I have the days at the conference upcoming.

It was also one of my best county-counting days in a long time, with 20 added.

I made stops at Redwood Falls, Pipestone NM, and the ball of twine in Darwin made famous by Weird Al, plus lunch and a fillup, and a takeout dinner to bring back to the room.

I'm also within striking distance of finishing the Minnesota interstates, missing only parts of I-394, I-494, and I-694 all in the TC area.  Whatever I don't get going back and forth to Minneapolis the next few days, I'll go get between the end of the conference and my flight home.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on September 08, 2019, 07:47:48 pm
In my few hours between leaving State of the Map US and arrival at MSP, I was able to take another much shorter clinching ride.  I finished up I-694, completing the Interstate system in Minnesota.  Then I went from St. Paul to the northern terminus of US 61, so I have all of that north of Red Wing.  Added 50+ more miles overall today.  All in all a very successful trip as far as expanding my TM stats as well as the conference itself.  I was lucky that the extensive construction closures did not affect any of the routes I needed.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: clong on September 23, 2019, 12:27:49 pm
Had a fun weekend of travel.

Finished off US82 and US431 in Alabama on my route to pick up my final Alabama county - Henry.
Also clinched all the US Business routes (84, 231, 431) in Dothan, AL.
Drove from there to Port St Joe, FL and followed US98 along the coast to Crystal River, FL. Headed over to I-75 to pickup a couple of missing segments and also clinched I-175, I-275 and I-375 in Tampa/St Pete. Picked up some I-4 mileage for the first time from I-275 to Lakeland. Added 17 Florida counties in the process.
Headed back home Sunday morning and took US84 from Valdosta, GA to Enterprise, AL and picked up 7 new GA counties (including a short out and back on GA91 to Miller County.
Also added a chunk of AL167 from Enterprise to Troy.

I've submitted the update and will see exactly how many miles added as much of the Florida portion of my trip was 2-3 US routes multiplexed.

EDIT: Added in AL - 160 Active, 193 including Preview
Added in GA - 115 (both)
Added in FL - 500 Active, 590 including Preview
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Eth on September 25, 2019, 08:54:22 am
Flew out to Dallas for the weekend and put myself on the board in two new states: ~220 miles in Texas (pending me fixing a typo in my .list file) and another 74 in Oklahoma. Clinched I-345 and Texas' northern segment of unified I-35, along with all but about 4 miles of TX US75, plus the majority of I-635 and significant bits (10% or more) of TX US81, I-35E, TX26, TX121, and OK32.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: si404 on September 26, 2019, 05:40:09 am
Late last night around London there were a bucket load of roadworks. One involved closing the M25 (rather than just all but one lane, or a slip road, like some of the other bits) between two junctions. The diversion was about 6 miles longer than the motorway, 93% new mileage for me, and meant over 10 miles of new mileage. I didn't like the extra half-hour on a journey that started late and took over an hour longer than it should have without the roadworks, but it's nice to get some bonus unexpected mileage on a route I've travelled hundreds of times. If it was a diversion on roads I'd already taken, it would have been a different story!
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: yakra on September 26, 2019, 02:16:03 pm
Clinched: ME232, ME5, ME120, ME108, ME219.
ME232 & ME120 from 0% to 100% in one go.
ME108 previously had only one mile, on the ME4 overlap.
Passed through: Poland, Oxford, Norway, Paris, Mexico, Peru, and finally, Hartford 3 separate times.
75.49 new miles. One more trip this size (71.91 mi) and I'll have the most mileage in usame.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: dave1693 on September 27, 2019, 05:58:28 pm
Most of my trips down to the FedroSplat and back to eastern PA this month have been on already traveled routes due to time considerations. I did get a few new miles though.

New clinch: WV 51. (Which I had already driven half of, but I clinched it by driving all of it in one fell swoop.) I will note that WV 51 in Inwood has been rerouted, though the new route is not shown on OSM yet; one can see the new route as being under construction in Esri WorldImagery. I'll make a new post about it.

New almost-clinch: PA 995. (Bridge out; I'll have to wait for the actual clinch until it's replaced.)

New segments: WV 45, US 30 in PA.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mikeandkristie on September 28, 2019, 05:31:15 pm
We've had a couple of trips to WV to New River Gorge in the last couple months sandwiched around a trip to northern Virginia where we did a detailed visit to all the small parks along the George Washington Parkway.  Along the way, we picked up a few hundred new miles in WV and VA with small bits in NC and DC.  Some of the highlights:

On the two WV trips, we were able to pick up several small segments that are close to our normal route of I-40 to Winston-Salem, then up US 52 then I-74 by Mount Airy up to I-77 the rest of the way into West Virginia.  Slowly chipping away at the parallel routes to I-77.

On the first trip we got some more miles between Beckley and the New River Gorge Bridge and got some new miles on the way home.

For the northern Virginia trip, we had once driven the GW Parkway from Mount Vernon to I-495, so we already had that marked off.  So, mainly chipping away at new sections getting to and from it.

On the second trip, we got a little more around Beckley and then headed up to Summersville.  On the way back, we had some more time flexibility and took a more scenic route and picked up two new counties (Monroe, WV and Craig, VA).

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: kjslaughter on September 29, 2019, 11:57:37 pm
Figured after 3 or so years on the site and more with its predecessor, I'd finally add some notes on my travels.  I haven't gotten around the country as much as many of the rest of you, but I make for it in density.  Some of you may have noticed I'm currently ranked number one in Georgia.  That is in part because I'm in the middle of a project to visit and photograph the courthouse in all 159 counties!  (160 if you count former Campbell County south of Atlanta).  If anyone is curious, you can see pictures in my Facebook album

After my next trip to SE Georgia with my dad (probably next Spring), I will have visited all 159 counties, but still need to circle back to a few for courthouse pictures. After that, maybe I move on to Alabama, Tennessee, or North Carolina.  Guess we shall see!

I have a 6 year old son, so our trips of late are just to the beach.  This past summer, I was able to take a solo trip up to Kentucky Bluegrass region.  I do try to route my trips to catch as many different and new routes as I can, but honestly clinching routes is less important to me than just tracking all the places I've been in my 42 years of life so far.  I also of course hate taking the same route home as I took to get to a place.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: US 89 on October 06, 2019, 01:11:36 am
Recently drove from Atlanta down to Panama City Beach in Florida. In addition to picking up a new state (Alabama) and several new counties, I was able to get quite a bit of new mileage. Got a couple Florida route clinches in, and also clinched US 431 Business in Dothan, AL.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: bejacob on October 07, 2019, 07:28:41 am
Just back from the Seattle area. Added a few new-to-me routes and finished a couple clinches. Of the 450 miles I drove, only 80 was new mileage.

Finished clinches of WA96, WA164, WA515, WA516, WA524, and WA530
New routes clinched WA92, WA204, WA526, WA528, WA534, WA536, and WA538
Added mileage on WA20
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on October 08, 2019, 06:34:18 pm
I was on the road for most of the last two weeks, to get away from some disruptive electrical system upgrades to my apartment (work mostly completed, though I still need to clean up plaster/drywall dust everywhere). I basically drove down to Miami, then to Cincinnati, then back home through West Virginia.

I've covered, in combination with earlier trips, most or all TM-mapped routes in southern Florida (Manatee, Hardee, Highlands, Okeechobee, and Indian River counties, and everything to the south -- this includes Miami, but not Tampa/St. Pete or Orlando). On the way to and from Miami, I covered a lot of the parts of US 52 I hadn't already covered, including all of the route in South Carolina, though I'm still missing parts in North Carolina (emergency road closure) and Ohio (construction closures), as well as previous gaps in Illinois, Iowa, and Minnesota. I'm inching closer to 80% of the U.S. routes, though it'll take more than one additional trip to top that threshold, so not this year.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Highway63 on October 08, 2019, 06:46:53 pm
I covered a lot of the parts of US 52 I haven't already covered, including all of the route in South Carolina, though I'm still missing parts in North Carolina (emergency road closure) and Ohio (construction closures), as well as previous gaps in Illinois, Iowa, and Minnesota.

Don't do Iowa until after mid-2020 and Dubuque's Southwest Arterial opens. US 52 will change between 61/151 and 20/136.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on October 13, 2019, 02:07:04 pm
I'm back from a 3-weeks-trip through Central Europe. I've been to Czechia, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina. In addition, I've visited Montenegro and Serbia for the first time. I've clinched czed and svna motorway systems (798mi + 337mi) and re-clincehd auta (1082mi). Of course, I got first TM mileage in SRB and MNE. In total, I have 4,121 more TM miles now - including loss in Poland due to the recent S6 opening. I also passed the 80,000 TM miles and my 43-months old car passed 200,000km.

I also drove the new A94 in Bavaria which was opened on October 1. I'm the TM pioneer here :)

btw: Congrats to panda80 for reaching 100,000 km and to emmaf for 12,000km - not bad for half-year-old! (she has more TM miles in ESP-AS and ESP-CL than me)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: si404 on October 13, 2019, 05:01:28 pm
loss in Poland due to the recent S6 opening.
You'll get that back when I know the DW number they should have given the old DK6.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Bickendan on October 13, 2019, 05:24:41 pm
I also passed the 80,000 TM miles and my 43-months old car passed 200,000km.

Your car has quite a bit of life left in it :D
Mine's still holding strong at 220,000 miles! I intend it to see me through the clinching of Oregon :)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on October 14, 2019, 03:52:40 pm
loss in Poland due to the recent S6 opening.
You'll get that back when I know the DW number they should have given the old DK6.

DW108 :)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: panda80 on October 14, 2019, 04:48:59 pm
btw: Congrats to panda80 for reaching 100,000 km and to emmaf for 12,000km - not bad for half-year-old! (she has more TM miles in ESP-AS and ESP-CL than me)

Thanks :) You forgot ESP-CB, she's the first one there :) We've had an epic 24 days travel through Germany (BY and BW), France, Spain (PV, CL, NC, CL, GA, AS, CB), then back to France and finally drove home through Switzerland, Austria and finally clinched also the last 0,7km of A96 in BY near the border with AT.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: compdude787 on October 26, 2019, 05:32:29 pm
I really should talk about all the travels I did over this past summer and fall (I was originally going to post about some of it sooner, but I accidentally pressed F5 while I was writing the post and lost everything I wrote, and was too frustrated to re-write the post). Yes, this is going to be a long post.

On Memorial Day weekend, on the way home from vacation at a beach house on Netarts Bay near Tillamook, Oregon, I drove US101 from Pacific City to Astoria. It was my first time driving the stretch of US 101 between Pacific City and Cannon Beach. I'd driven the section of US101 between Pacific City and Otter Rock (located between Depoe Bay and Newport) on August 21, 2017 when our family went to see the solar eclipse. Anyway, I continued north on US101 from Cannon Beach to Astoria, crossed over into Washington, continued north on US101, clinched the ~1 mile long US 101 Alt Ilwaco, and continued north on US101 to Raymond, where I turned east onto WA 6 in order to clinch that highway for the first time.

In early July, from July 5 thru July 13th, I took a roadtrip down the west coast to California and then to Nevada. On this trip, I took I-5 down to Portland, OR, clinched I-405 in Portland, and then continued south on I-5 and got off the freeway at OR 99W in the south part of town. I filmed a lot of the roadtrip and have started posting videos of it to YouTube; here's the first video:

Alright, so after driving through Portland, I headed southwest on OR99W until Newberg, where I got on the new Newberg-Dundee Bypass (OR 18), and continued west on OR 18 out to Lincoln City, where I then continued south on US101 all the way through the state. I filmed most of US 101 on the Oregon Coast and am currently working on the first video from the coast. As a result of this trip, I've now clinched US 101 in Oregon. Then I continued into California on US101, passing through the Redwoods at various points. I also clinched CA 254, aka Avenue of the Giants, enjoying the view of the redwood trees. At Leggett, I took CA 1 back out to the ocean and followed it all the way into San Francisco. In the Bay Area, I clinched I-980 and I-238, and drove parts of I-80, I-880, I-580, I-280, CA 1 and US101. I also drove across the Golden Gate Bridge, the Bay Bridge, and the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge.

Upon leaving San Francisco, I took I-280 south to CA 1, and followed CA 1 along the coast to Santa Cruz. Then I drove CA 17 over the Santa Cruz Mountains, as well as parts of CA 9 and CA 35 to get to my campsite for that night at Portola Redwoods State Park. The next day I continued on CA 1 through the Big Sur, and then hopped on US101 at San Luis Obispo, continued on the 101 to Ventura, then got back on the 1 (aka the PCH) from Ventura to Santa Monica. I continued on I-10 to the infamous 405, which I took to get to Garden Grove, which is where I stayed with some friends. After staying with them for two nights, I then proceeded to do some driving around LA. I clinched CA 110 and I-110 as well as taking CA 47 over the Vincent Thomas Bridge and then crossing the Gerald Desmond Bridge, whose replacement is currently under construction. After taking a quick look at the Queen Mary in Long Beach, I then made my way back up to downtown LA via the 110, and then took the 101 to the 10 to make my way out of the LA area, which was kinda slow due to traffic.

I then headed north on I-15 over Cajon Pass, heading to Las Vegas for the night. I planned to see Hoover Dam, then head through Death Valley to US 395, then head north on US 395 to CA 120, which would take me over Tioga Pass into Yosemite National Park. After checking out the park, my plan was to head back to I-5 via CA 120 and then take I-5 all the way back to Seattle. However, as I was driving up the mountain north of Baker, CA and still an hour out of Vegas, my car engine started making a rattling noise. Thinking it just needed more oil, I stopped at the next gas station and purchased some. However, this did not solve the problem, so I got it towed to a shop in Las Vegas. They looked at the car and told me that the engine was toast and would cost $4500 to replace, which was more than what my car (a 2001 Toyota Corolla with 180K miles) was worth. So I ultimately sold it to a junkyard for $200. And I had to take a flight home from Vegas. The lesson: Don't take an old car that burns oil on a long roadtrip and if you do, do a better job at monitoring the oil levels than I did. Anyway, I still had fun, it was great seeing the Oregon and California coasts. It was disappointing not to be able to see Yosemite and Death Valley, but it's probably better to visit those places in the fall when Yosemite is less busy and Death Valley is less hot.

Now, I should talk about my more recent travels that I took in the south. A year ago, my brother decided to move out to Columbia, SC, so we went out to visit him for a week earlier this month. We flew into Atlanta, and then spent that day checking out Atlanta a little bit, then the next day, we drove out to Savannah via I-75 and I-16. We saw Fort Pulaski, drove through downtown Savannah and left Savannah via US 17 to I-95. We then made our way to Charleston, staying at a house of someone my parents knew there. The next day my brother came out from Columbia, and we all did some sightseeing in Charleston, including taking the boat out to Fort Sumter. That evening, we drove up to Columbia, and my brother spent the next morning showing us around town and we also went to the state fair, where they had all the fried things you could imagine, even fried cookie dough, Oreos, and Reese's. :o (no we didn't eat all that stuff) We then went up to Greenville, and walked along the Reedy River, which runs through downtown Greenville.

Then we went up to Asheville, NC, and stayed at a hotel near there. The next morning, we drove the Blue Ridge Parkway up to Mount Mitchell, and then continued east on the Blue Ridge Parkway to NC 80 southeast through the Devil's Whip, a very windy stretch of road. After that, we made our way back to Asheville on I-40, had lunch, and then drove through the Appalachian Mountains along US 74 and then US 23 south into Georgia, eventually heading to the Road Atlanta raceway just northeast of Atlanta and saw the Petit Le Mans race that next day. He really likes watching races (not NASCAR) and this is one of the reasons why he moved to the south. At the end of the day, we said goodbye to my brother. The day after that we flew home to Seattle. It was a fun trip!

Anyway, hope you made it through all that. I'm all caught up on trip reports--for now.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on October 27, 2019, 12:11:53 pm
I'm back from my latest conference trip where I spoke about the METAL project (slides at until the next one, whenever that might be) at Robert Morris University near Pittsburgh.  My schedule allowed for me to drive it in the daylight on the way out to enjoy the scenery of the later part of the foliage season.

On the ride out, it was familiar territory on the Thruway and I-81 until I got off at New York 80, where I took New York 281 for the first time and traveled end to end.  From Cortland, I cut down to Ithaca, with a small side trip to get a few new miles on New York 38 and New York 366.  I took New York 13 through Ithaca, which was all new to me right to I-86 near Elmira.  It was I-86 over to Corning, where I picked up a chunk of New York 352 and lunch in their very lively downtown.  I then took my first ride on New York's stub of I-99 and followed US 15/Future I-99 down to Williamsport.  Is there anything other than a desire to connect with their existing I-99 that's stopping Pennsylvania from designating this stretch as I-99?  Seemed up to standards to my untrained eye.  From there, it was US 220 over to just west of Lock Haven, where I made my first ride on Pennsylvania 150.  It wasn't too much of a delay other than the 10-15 minutes in a long line of traffic following a large farm vehicle that we were unable to pass (it took about a lane and a half so oncoming traffic had to squeeze over too).  When I arrived at I-80, I continued straight where the road becomes Alt US 220, and took that to I-99 in Port Matilda, again a new route for me.  I had done I-99 before, and left that at Altoona to take US 22 over to Pittsburgh.  That was mostly quick, with a few frustrating towns filled with light after light for shopping center entrances.  I hit the tail end of Pittsburgh rush hour and had some delays where through traffic on I-376 needs to squeeze into a single lane a couple times.  Seems like a lousy job of utilizing their lanes but I am sure it's all done for a reason.

The conference did not start until after lunch on Friday, so after getting some work done at the hotel in the morning, I decided I had time for a little exploration.  Rather than going into the city, I opted to take US 22 over to Steubenville, Ohio, Ohio 7 up to East Liverpool, the US 30 back as far as Pennsylvania 576, then around the airport to get over to RMU in plenty of time.  This was all new mileage for me except a small piece of I-376.

After the conference wrapped up on Saturday afternoon, I took a bit of Pennsylvania 51 and 151 to get back to I-376, then finished my remaining mileage on that road to get up to I-80.  Rather than going right to I-79, I took US 19 up through Mercer, rejoining I-79 near Meadville.  I-79 up to I-90, where I decided I was making good enough time to hop up to US 20 to pick up some new miles between Harborcreek Twp and Fredonia.  It was all Thruway from there, with the exception of a crazy drive-thru line at the Cheektowaga Chick-fil-A and failed attempts to get wings at the Anchor Bar and Duff's locations on Transit.  I ended up with some good Thai food nearby because both wings places had lines out the door.  Then a dark, rainy, but uneventful trip across the state on the Thruway got me home.

Roadgeek accomplishments: 8 new counties in 4 different states.  A little over 450 miles in my TM stats, including 70+ miles in usai and 260+ in usaus.  In usany, I traveled 3 routes for the first time and finished up 2 routes.  First miles on 9 routes in usapa.

It was almost all new miles for my car (TM user a3), which went from about 1650 TM miles to nearly 2600.  Since I'd never taken the car on a trip toward the west before, the trace of this trip is very evident from,PA,OH,WV
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: dave1693 on October 27, 2019, 08:45:09 pm
Multiple trips between eastern PA and the DC FedroSplat in the past month for me have yielded more new mileage.

New clinches: PA 182, PA 216, PA 772, PA 851, PA 944, PA 997, MD 88, MD 200, MD 206 (newly signed in 2019), VA 55

New segments but not clinched: PA 72, PA 74, PA 147, PA 230, PA 233, PA 274, PA 325, PA 849, PA 850

There should be plenty of opportunity for me to get a bit more new mileage in the next couple of months, though travel will still be mostly US East Coast.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: compdude787 on November 07, 2019, 11:21:36 am
Multiple trips between eastern PA and the DC FedroSplat in the past month for me have yielded more new mileage.

What is the FedroSplat? I keep seeing that term used here but cannot find a definition when I Google it. In fact some of the Google search results take me back to this website.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: yakra on November 07, 2019, 11:35:25 am
I assume it to be the Region of DC Metro Centered Urban Sprawl. Splat.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on November 08, 2019, 01:37:52 am
As a resident in the Fedrosplat core, I think it's an appropriate term (certainly better than the unjustly popular "DMV" -- why give the region the same abbreviation as the hated Department of Motor Vehicles?). But I think it refers mainly to the broad geographic range of the D.C.-area Federal offices and employees (reaching to eastern WV, south central PA, and Baltimore for its Social Security complex) rather than the smaller area of D.C./suburbs urban sprawl.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Highway63 on November 12, 2019, 07:04:14 pm
It was almost all new miles for my car (TM user a3), which went from about 1650 TM miles to nearly 2600.  Since I'd never taken the car on a trip toward the west before, the trace of this trip is very evident from,PA,OH,WV
You can show multiple states at once!? :o :o
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on November 12, 2019, 08:38:21 pm
It was almost all new miles for my car (TM user a3), which went from about 1650 TM miles to nearly 2600.  Since I'd never taken the car on a trip toward the west before, the trace of this trip is very evident from,PA,OH,WV
You can show multiple states at once!? :o :o

Just need to figure out a nice way to support it from the GUI.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: clong on November 13, 2019, 04:35:00 pm
Recently had the opportunity to finish off I-40 in TN. I've had Memphis to Nashville since I was 12 or 13. Got the Nashville to Cookeville section last year. Got the Knoxville to NC section this Spring. Filled the gap from Cookeville to Knoxville last weekend.

Now to start working on the Asheville to Winston-Salem gap in NC.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: SSOWorld on November 14, 2019, 06:40:53 pm
It was almost all new miles for my car (TM user a3), which went from about 1650 TM miles to nearly 2600.  Since I'd never taken the car on a trip toward the west before, the trace of this trip is very evident from,PA,OH,WV
You can show multiple states at once!? :o :o
Amazing what you can do with a command line
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on November 14, 2019, 08:44:17 pm
Just got back from a three-week+ road trip, including two forays into Canada (one revisiting five provinces from Nova Scotia to Ontario, including Prince Edward island; the other revisiting Saskatchewan). These covered new alignments in the Trans-Canada Highway system (one each in PEI, Quebec, and Saskatchewan), bringing me back to 100% of that system until next time. In Saskatchewan, I also clinched the longest provincial route (SK 2, from the U.S. border to the northern community of La Ronge), and re-clinched the shorter but still major SK 11.

In the U.S., I added to my coverage of the U.S. routes systems (usaus and usausb), inching closer to 80%. I filled in several gaps in my coverage of U.S. 52 (my latest completion project), leaving only gaps in Iowa and North Carolina for future trips.

I had to deal with snow earlier in the year than I'm used to, starting with a few inches in Michigan's Upper Peninsula just after I re-entered the U.S. at Sault Ste. Marie, then in both stops in Saskatchewan and North Dakota. My stay in Moose Jaw was extended by a day since I was worried about the condition of SK 2 south to the border. Otherwise, the winter weather was unpleasant but manageable.

No significant border hassles. My vehicle got a light but brief search while I was in line (agent just popped open the trunk, and peeked in my cooler) at the low-traffic Opheim crossing on my second return to the U.S. at MT 24/SK 2. Nothing more than brief questioning on the other three border crossings on my trip (ME 161/NB 190, I-75, MT 16/SK 6).

My stops in Minnesota included visits to an elderly aunt, and a cousin and her daughter, in the Minneapolis area, and in Pope County MN to the only farm left in my family. My father was born on a family farm in northeastern South Dakota, and other relatives also had farms there, until they all got bought out.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mikeandkristie on November 15, 2019, 12:03:36 am
Last month, we spent two weeks on the Big Island of Hawaii for our 10th anniversary.  That's also where we honeymooned, but this time we didn't island hop.  The first time in three days there, we did the south part of the island, getting almost all of HI 11, tiny parts of HI 19 and HI 190 as we turned around a bit past Kona, and Hawaii Volcanoes NP and HI 130 down to see lava.  This time around, with two weeks to work with, we finished up the rest of the island and actually revisited all of the previous roads as well.  I was pretty meticulous to not miss anything.  That shot us up to 5th place in Hawaii.

Then, a couple of weekends ago, Kristie gave me free reign on a shopping trip over to Greensboro, NC to buy more turkey plates.  Normally, it is just over an hour on I-40.  I took the opportunity to fill in some new segments and get us over the hump from 49.97% to 50.42% in NC.  That puts us at only a few more permutations to go in between Raleigh and Greensboro between US 64 and US 158.

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on November 15, 2019, 09:31:03 am
I took the opportunity to fill in some new segments and get us over the hump from 49.97% to 50.42% in NC.

Your travel stats seem to be mike or kristie, not mike and kristie?
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mikeandkristie on November 15, 2019, 11:25:00 pm
I took the opportunity to fill in some new segments and get us over the hump from 49.97% to 50.42% in NC.

Your travel stats seem to be mike or kristie, not mike and kristie?

Well, our file is for our travels together.  I did consider also doing a Mike only file to cover either lifetime or at least I started driving, but trips that far back was just too unreliable in terms of exact routes.  I do however keep a Mike only counties map.  But, with regards to our travels, I'm the trip planner and mapgeek/roadgeek and I'm also the one that obsessively tracks out National Parks, counties, and all our road segments.  Kristie is in charge of "passengering" on trips.  I pour over maps and since I started doing our file on the site, I'm the one "scheming" to maximize our routes.  And Kristie tolerates her husband's hobby, like a lot of wives do.  :-)

And since I'm the one doing all of the site stuff, I do realize that I flip between I and we a lot and I don't always catch all of the inconsistencies.

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: ntallyn on November 16, 2019, 04:31:06 pm
Several trips in the last couple of months to allowed me to get plenty of new miles.

A Labor Day weekend trip to Disney World, Daytona Beach, and Cape Canaveral got the fewest new miles: FL 405, FL 407, and US 1 around Titusville.

In early October, a business trip for my wife to Ohio with a side trip to visit some family near Fort Wayne, IN got some new routes: OH 119, IN 26, IN 116, IN 301, IN 124, OH 697, OH 117, OH 501, and US 33.

A late October solo trip to Orlando allowed me to finish a couple of nearby routes: FL 44, FL 414 (complete), FL 434, FL 429, FL 46, US 441, FL 44, and FL 11 (complete).

And a county-collecting trip to Atlanta for a concert with my wife: US 82, US 19, GA 92, GA 85, GA 331, GA 154, US 23, GA 16, GA 212, GA 22, GA 16, GA 123, GA 102, GA 15, GA 68, GA 112, US 23, US 129, US 319, GA 206, and US 441.

Next trip will be a county-collecting trip around Myrtle Beach, Wilmington, and Raleigh.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: dave1693 on November 20, 2019, 09:33:08 pm
Multiple trips between eastern PA and the DC FedroSplat in the past month for me have yielded more new mileage.

What is the FedroSplat? I keep seeing that term used here but cannot find a definition when I Google it. In fact some of the Google search results take me back to this website.

FedroSplat is a term referring to the Greater DC Metro area. It seems to have been superseded in recent years by the term "the DMV" (referring to District [of Columbia], Maryland, Virginia) -- a term of which I cannot approve, for the same reasons as oscar. It appears to have come into use about 25 years ago in radio local to the area, based off an earlier radio term "the FedroPlex". "Fedro-" refers to how much of the local economy has traditionally been (and still is) based on the high level of federal government activity in the region. "-Splat" refers to the high rate of suburban sprawl compared to most metro areas on the East Coast. (The urban center of DC/Arlington/Alexandria and the most immediate neighboring areas is rather less densely populated than the centers of most Northeastern and Mid-Atlantic US metro areas traditionally were.)

I suspect it never got past being a localism, so never made it into the wider pop lexicon. I use it because it reflects my opinion of the area, and because it was coming into vogue when I first moved there in the very early 1990s. I've heard it used to refer to both the more immediate "DC and suburbs" (aka "the DMV") area, and also to the "extended area where there are lots of federal agencies" described by oscar, though more often to the former.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on December 07, 2019, 03:59:02 pm
I'll finish a 2-weeks-trip through Northwest Europe tomorrow. I've been to the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France and England. I met Si and we traveled 253 miles together ( I've clinched gbnm (1937mi), gbnam (227mi) and fraa (7222mi) motorway systems and re-clinched deua (8218mi).
I have currently clinched 16 TM systems* with a total mileage of about 23,800mi. Has anyone clinched more TM systems?  ;D

*After next site update
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on December 07, 2019, 05:25:17 pm
I have currently clinched 16 TM systems* with a total mileage of about 23,800mi. Has anyone clinched more TM systems?  ;D

*After next site update

Not me. I have 10 clinched (one of those will be shown as 100% after my next list file update), and only a few miles missing from the huge usai system.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: yakra on December 12, 2019, 01:09:09 am
Code: [Select]
select traveler, count(trav.systemName), sum(TravMi) from
( select
    sum(mileage) as TravMi
  from clinchedSystemMileageByRegion
  group by traveler, systemName
) as trav
left join
( select
    sum(mileage) as fullMi
  from systemMileageByRegion
  group by systemName
) as whole
on trav.systemName = whole.systemName
where TravMi = fullMi
group by traveler
order by count(trav.systemName);
| cinx             |                      2 |  387.1887969970703 |
| dougtone         |                      2 |  5306.368959933519 |
| charliezeb       |                      2 |  1329.297993183136 |
| dharwood         |                      2 | 15.841314792633057 |
| bogdymol         |                      2 |  492.9820251464844 |
| deathtopumpkins  |                      2 | 3322.8767285346985 |
| froggie          |                      3 | 2757.3106162548065 |
| cl94             |                      3 | 12698.312079787254 |
| drebbin37        |                      3 | 3270.5574536323547 |
| vespertine       |                      3 |  20655.92740112543 |
| htm_duke         |                      3 |  5771.542194843292 |
| duke87           |                      5 |  7914.217487812042 |
| mapcat           |                      6 | 37714.852480471134 |
| oscar            |                      9 | 16715.368287682533 |
| michih           |                     16 | 23855.830348849297 |
105 rows in set (0.14 sec)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: yakra on December 12, 2019, 01:17:29 am
mysql> select traveler, count(trav.systemName), sum(TravMi) from
    -> ( select
    ->     traveler,
    ->     systemName,
    ->     sum(mileage) as TravMi
    ->   from clinchedSystemMileageByRegion
    ->   where systemName != 'usadc'
    ->   group by traveler, systemName
    -> ) as trav
    -> left join
    -> ( select
    ->     systemName,
    ->     sum(mileage) as fullMi
    ->   from systemMileageByRegion
    ->   where systemName != 'usadc'
    ->   group by systemName
    -> ) as whole
    -> on trav.systemName = whole.systemName
    -> where TravMi = fullMi
    -> group by traveler
    -> order by count(trav.systemName);
| traveler        | count(trav.systemName) | sum(TravMi)        |
| jeffm           |                      1 |    5153.7822265625 |
| eucitizen       |                      1 | 172.58987426757812 |
| cougar1989      |                      1 | 337.92071533203125 |
| deathtopumpkins |                      1 |  3318.619384765625 |
| dharwood        |                      1 |  11.58397102355957 |
| charliezeb      |                      1 | 1325.0406494140625 |
| paddy           |                      1 |  1.039400339126587 |
| synkdorbit      |                      1 |      6374.80859375 |
| ChrisZwolle     |                      1 | 1558.6917724609375 |
| iowahighways    |                      1 |    5153.7822265625 |
| master_son      |                      1 |        8695.671875 |
| cinx            |                      2 |  387.1887969970703 |
| froggie         |                      2 |  2753.053272485733 |
| drebbin37       |                      2 | 3266.3001098632812 |
| dougtone        |                      2 |  5306.368959933519 |
| vespertine      |                      2 | 20651.670057356358 |
| bogdymol        |                      2 |  492.9820251464844 |
| htm_duke        |                      2 |  5767.284851074219 |
| cl94            |                      2 |  12694.05473601818 |
| duke87          |                      4 |  7909.960144042969 |
| mapcat          |                      5 |  37710.59513670206 |
| oscar           |                      8 |  16711.11094391346 |
| michih          |                     16 | 23855.830348849297 |
23 rows in set (0.16 sec)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on December 12, 2019, 07:13:56 am
I didn't realize we had a system (niram) that was just a single segment, making it an all or nothing.  Looks like only michih and paddy have traveled/clinched its single mile-long route.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Eth on December 19, 2019, 08:34:04 am
Back from a week in Puerto Rico, where my first visit to the island netted 137 miles on 29 routes, including seven clinches: PR18, PR24, PR26, PR38, PR66, PR870, and by far my highest ever route number traveled, PR9938. I fell just short of a clinch of unsigned I-PR1 also, missing the last couple miles in Ponce. That's about 3.3% of the total active/preview mileage, good enough for 4th place in the region.

(As an aside, I find it deeply weird that distances are signed in km, but speed limits are still in MPH.)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on December 21, 2019, 12:24:04 pm
And I've added more than 12,000 mi this year.

My progress since I've joined TM (CHM) 5 years ago:
End of 2013 mileage:   9,615 mi   
End of 2014 mileage:  16,818 mi ; + 7,203 mi
End of 2015 mileage:  19,169 mi ; + 2,351 mi
End of 2016 mileage:  36,983 mi ; +17,814 mi (~5,500mi added due to new deub system)
End of 2017 mileage:  58,190 mi ; +21,207 mi (~2,500mi added due to new deubyst, deubwl, deuhel, deunwl, deurpl, deusll systems)
End of 2018 mileage:  70,811 mi ; +12,621 mi (~400mi added due to new remaining deuxxl systems)


And I've added more than 13,000 mi this year:

End of 2019 mileage:  84,500 mi = +13,689 mi
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: dave1693 on December 21, 2019, 05:35:10 pm
November and the first half of December travels ranged up and down the middle East Coast from NC to CT. 5 significant trips.

New clinches:
US 202 in NY (joining US 202 in DE, PA, and NJ), US6/202 Alternate (Garrison NY), NY 45, NY 303, NY 340, NY 403, NY 895, Northern St Pkwy in NY, NJ 29, PA 72, PA 230, PA 241, PA 433, PA 696, PA 743, PA 987, PA 997 Truck (Culbertson), PA AirportConnector (Middletown/Harrisburg), MD 25, MD 103, VA 20

New segments (of highways not clinched):
I-295 in NY, US 6 in NY, US 9 in NY, US 9W in NY, US 209 Business (Stroudsburg PA), US 15 in NC, US 15 in VA, US 58 Business (Clarksville VA), US 158 in NC, US 158 Business (Oxford NC), US 360 Business (Keysville VA), US 460 in VA, US 501 in NC, US 501 in VA, CT 9, CT 10, CT 30, CT 69, CT 71, CT 372, Willow Brook Connector (unsigned CT 571), NY 22, NY 35, NY 59, NY 112, NY 118, NY 347, NY 454, Cross Island Pkwy in NY, Sagtikos St Pkwy in NY, Taconic St Pkwy in NY, PA 32, PA 441, PA 611, PA 641, PA 946, MD 2, MD 139, MD 170, VA 6, VA 49, NC 49, NC 57, NC 96, NC 157, NC 751

My next update will be mostly cleanup, and I probably won't have much to add by way of new roads until January at the earliest. Hope everyone has safe travel during the winter solstice related holidays.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on December 30, 2019, 08:59:15 pm
I got 2 trips in this month. The first added mileage in NC, VA, DC, MD, & WV, and brought me up to 100% in DC (something I had been putting off while Beach Drive was being rebuilt). There were two main objectives for this three-day endeavor: setting up for the second trip by clinching all of US 17 north of SC and all VA US highways except US 1, and finally meeting the legendary Oscar Voss. Both were met, and Oscar turned out to be a fascinating fellow with a great personality. We had a great conversation over burgers in Reston. Ride on, GOAT!

The second, a six-day affair, took me a little further south, via TN and GA to FL, then back through SC, NC, and VA. This trip had three objectives: clinch US 1, US 17, and US 41. Two were met; failure to finish 41 came from my own carelessness/stupidity as I neglected to zoom in far enough during trip planning to notice that I was missing a tiny segment in High Springs surrounded by miles of driven highways in all directions. It would have been doable, adding about an hour to my routing if I had known about it, but as things worked out I'm left with a 3-block gap and a 99.99% for the route that will probably remain until the next time I get to Florida, which won't be anytime soon.

One reason it won't be anytime soon is that I cleared out all the US highways in the state east of Tallahassee, and since I don't have a strong interest in clinching the Florida State Roads set, I can't think of any significant TM-related reasons to be in the area. Mapkitten is supposed to perform at WDW the summer after next, so I might be able to convince the family to take a detour on the way there or back, but for the foreseeable future it's just going to sit there annoying me.

Nevertheless the positives of the trip greatly outweighed the negatives, as I got to experience nearly all of US1 in the state north of Homestead, visit a few colorful Miami neighborhoods, witness the absurd police presence surrounding Mar-a-Lago, get loads of new clinches, and increase my usaus mileage to 79% (and 150 total routes). My Sunpass balance covered all the tolls. My Airbnb hosts didn't murder me. And although it rained for much of the trip home, I managed to stay ahead of the flooding and rolled into my driveway just shy of 10:00.

Total new mileage: 2913 (out of around 6700 miles driven)
Total new clinches: 130 (90 of which were in VA and FL)
Rank in DC: from 19 up to 1(tie)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: yakra on January 01, 2020, 06:00:00 pm
It rained? Oh you lucky devil... ;D
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on January 06, 2020, 06:57:11 pm
I like how michih posted his annual accomplishments below and would enjoy seeing more of that. Here's mine from last year:

My mileage increased in 32 regions: CA, CO, CT, DE, DC, FL, GA, KS, KY, ME, MD, MA, MO, NV, NB, NH, NJ, NM, NY, NC, OH, OK, PA, QC, RI, SC, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, WV. The OH increase was .28 mi of newly-identified usaush that I had probably driven years ago, but wanted to confirm.

Total 2019 new mileage: 15,887.33 mi. Top 5 regions: PA, KY, ME, FL, NY (all >1000 new miles).
New clinches: 778. +201 in KY, +89 in PA, +77 in VA.
New interstates clinched: 4, which completed the signed interstates until I-5 Truck was added.
New US highways clinched: 13, including the two longest ones I've clinched to date (50 & 1).

Stats for previous years:

2018: +21,284.12 mi / +653 clinches
2017: +19,547.92 mi / +582
2016: +17,101.26 mi / +514
2015: +28,363.75 mi / +553
2014: +13,046.83 mi / +380
2013: +14,214.20 mi / +412 (I joined CHM in 2012)

It was a lot easier for me to add mileage when we were developing new North American systems every year!
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Eth on January 06, 2020, 08:23:53 pm
Excluding corrections (typos in my .list file, fixes for point name changes, and in one case a point addition allowing me to mark a previously-covered route), I added mileage in the following regions:

GA: +22.39 mi, +1 route, +1 clinch (GA371)
WA (new region): +61.28 mi, +6 routes
TX (new region): +221.54 mi, +12 routes, +1 clinch (I-345)
OK (new region): +74.30 mi, +4 routes
PR (new region): +136.57 mi, +26 routes, +7 clinches (PR18, PR24, PR26, PR38, PR66, PR870, PR9938)

A total of 516 new miles, 49 new routes, and 9 clinches. So a pretty light year, but at least I got on the board in 4 new regions.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: dave1693 on January 11, 2020, 08:10:22 pm
Jumping on the year-end bandwagon...

My mileage increased in 9 regions in 2019: CT, NY, NJ, DE, PA, OH, WV, MD, NC.  That's pretty much the entire extent of territory I traveled in at all over the past year.  (My TM mileage increased in other regions, but those reflected entry of earlier travels, error corrections, and new highway systems.)

Total 2019 new mileage is something I can't easily calculate and don't have the brain to seriously try right now.
New clinches: 85, one in at least each of the 9 regions if I was reading correctly.
New interstates clinched: 1. Plus all of an X0 in one state.
New US highways clinched: None, though I did clinch a couple of "US X in YY" where YY is a particular state.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: US 89 on January 14, 2020, 03:30:01 pm
Let's 2019, my mileage increased in UT, CO, WY, ID, NV, GA, AL, and FL. I clinched US 91 (only my third mainline US clinch ever) and also finished off the western I-86 and I-985.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: SSOWorld on January 14, 2020, 08:46:08 pm
Year-end? How about I-90.  Also: I-94 and Washington I's
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: froggie on January 22, 2020, 10:05:19 am
Had my first new mileage in 6 months, with a trip down to Boston and my in-laws last week.  Filled in several of my US 20 gaps (only one left) and clinched a number of routes, including MA 37, MA 49, MA 106, and MA 140.  I was thwarted in my attempt to clinch MA 30, though...a lengthy detour in North Grafton plus the Massachusetts propensity to station cops at EVERY work zone.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Bickendan on February 07, 2020, 04:41:43 am
Finally, new clinchage!

I'm in India and I have 60 or so km of AH 1/NH 2 from Kolkata to Burdwan. As I'm not driving, I don't know how much more clinching I'll actually do (I suspect I'll get some more when we do the Taj Mahal excursion).

Both AH 1 and NH 2 are surprisingly well signed, though some access points involved cars turning around onto the opposing carriageway via the median u-turns or even 'drifting' into opposing traffic and exiting onto the far shoulder to access the businesses on the shoulder!
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on February 10, 2020, 02:45:03 pm
Just returned from a week at Cedar Key FL...

New clinches - FL 21, FL 320, FL 331, FL 345, GA 300 CONN
Picked up new mileage on FL 44 btw US 19 and US 41; US 41 from FL 44 to US 27 ALT; US 280 from Cordele to US 80; GA 30 from Cordele to its eastern end at GA 25 Port Wentworth
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: dave1693 on February 22, 2020, 04:39:35 pm
January was a very quiet month for me, with a return trip from our New Year's family visit yielding only a little new mileage and the only other trip using all previously-traveled roads. February's main trip so far has been to New England where I was able to add more miles and clinch a few highways.

New clinches:
I-395 in MA, I-291 in CT, MA 131, MA 197, CT 74, CT 118, CT 197, WilBroCon in CT, NY 312, NY 301, NY 284, NJ 284. Those last two mean I've clinched the entirety of NJ/NY 284, which along with CT/MA 197 that are also on this list, are I think the first two "two-state multistate same-numbered state routes" I've clinched.

New segments of roads not clinched:
MA 12, MA 16, MA 193, I-395 in CT, US 44 in CT, US 202 in CT, CT 4, CT 39, CT 63, CT 131, CT 169, CT 171, CT 190, CT 320, US 6 in NY, US 9 in NY, NY 17M, NY 52, US 206 in NJ, PA 611.

Automotive troubles seem to indicate that I may not be adding much new mileage for the next few months. Sigh.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Bickendan on February 22, 2020, 11:38:56 pm
Travels in India turned out to be far fewer mileage than anticipated but still fruitful.
About 110 km of AH 1, 170 km of NH, and 50 km of West Bengal SH.
More importantly, in field signage, aside for AH 1 and SH 13, reflects the old numbering and not the current assignments.

OSM coverage of India is not ideal, and GSV is non-existent.

I expect to get mileage around Jaipur, Agra, and Delhi in a future trip.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on March 13, 2020, 11:02:44 am
I'm en route home from Portland, Oregon, where I attended a tiny portion of the SIGCSE 2020 conference.  After the first day, the conference was cancelled when the governor of Oregon banned gatherings of over 500 people.  Fortunately, the session I participated in was on the first day, and took place best as we could with those who were able to travel.  I also got in a great day of skiing at Mount Hood Meadows the day before.  Still, the trip was disrupted quite a bit.  My original plan to fly into Seattle seemed like a bad idea, so I flew directing into PDX a day later.  And once the conference was cancelled, I decided it was best to move up my trip home by a couple days in case travel gets disrupted any further.

Anyway, the way it ended up meant I was able to do some driving around before and after the conference.  After arrival on Monday, I took a ride out US 30 to Astoria, then down US 101 to Cannon Beach to see Haystack Rock, and US 26 back to Portland.  That was almost all new mileage for me.  Tuesday was ski day, so I drove a chunk of US 26 out and back I'd never done before, and did all of OR 173 to take a peek at Timberline Lodge.  Wednesday was the one day the conference actually took place.  And then Thursday, after spending the morning dealing with travel changes, a bad chip in my credit card, and my iPad's data plan acting up, I took an afternoon ride up the Columbia River.  I went out on the north side on Washington 14 to US 97, crossed, then returned back to Portland on combinations of I-84, US 30, and Historic US 30, with a brief side trip back across into Washington to get my first miles on US 197.  All except the segments of I-84 west of Hood River were new miles for me.

Overall, I added about 400 miles to my TM totals, passing 90,000 miles in active systems, about 100 in Washington and 300 in Oregon.  I picked up only 40 miles of usai, including finishing off OR I-405 (my 197th usai connected route clinched) and adding to I-84.  Most new mileage was in usaus, adding to US 30 and US 26 primarily (100+ new miles in each), while adding a short segment of US 97 and my first-ever miles on US 197.  WA 14 was a big new stretch.  Then, bits and pieces of a few usaor routes, and the US 30 Historic route through the falls area.

Hopefully the travel disruptions won't last too long, and potential late spring and summer trips can take place.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on March 18, 2020, 11:22:58 pm
I just got back from a two-week road trip, snuck in just before Covid 19-related travel restrictions and inconveniences escalated this week. My travels crisscrossed Georgia and the western Carolinas, but also some of northern Florida and far eastern Tennessee. The focus was adding to my U.S. routes mileage (both mainline and bannered routes), especially routes which I was closest to overall clinches.

My overall clinches from this trip were US 19 (including its 19W and 19E branches), US 123, US 129, US 176, US 178, US 221, US 276, US 319, US 441, and US 341 (the HB will show that clinch once it reflects the mainline's relocation onto what had been US 341 Bypass in Perry GA). I also clinched US 23 in North Carolina and most of Georgia (two construction closure gaps), US 25 (including its 25W and 25E branches) in all states except Kentucky, and US 278 in South Carolina.

My total coverage of the mainline US routes is over 80%. For mainline and bannered routes combined, I'm about 100 miles short of 80%. Future road trips are on hold for now (got a lot of other stuff to catch up on, anyway), so I'm not sure when I'll rack up those additional ~100 miles.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: cl94 on March 19, 2020, 09:05:03 am
Last week saw me in the United Kingdom for a road trip around the British countryside. Scotland was added to my tally in substantial fashion and Wales made a brief appearance as my planned route was only a mile from the Welsh border. 11 motorways were clinched in full (7 M, 4 A(M)), as well as a couple of motorway spurs. I had over 1000 miles of A route mileage and a little B route. Overall, an excellent trip with 1,800 miles in my rental Vauxhall Mokka (I reserved something smaller, but was "upgraded" and couldn't downgrade back to my original choice) and some amazing sights along the way.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: si404 on March 20, 2020, 02:13:36 pm
some amazing sights along the way.
That's a quality route. I'm jealous!

But, given how epicly researched this all looked - driving masses each day but still taking in quality sights en-route without going out of your way too much (The Lakes, Hadrian's Wall, Neptune's Staircase, Falkirk Wheel, presumably Cadbury World as why else would one drive that route through Birmingham!) - you then, near the end of your journey pull off a quality move to take a scenic route through the Chilterns (including going on the road via Butler's Cross rather than taking the signed through route - as a local, that's a nice touch) rather than the motorway then go and ruin everything by ending up on Slough Trading Estate! Cheap accommodation I know (but not much cheaper than some of the other alternatives), but there's a reason why The Office was set there - it's the by-word for soullessness: it is, in the words of a then-future Poet Laureate, "not fit for humans now" ( (written with the creation of the Trading Estate in mind).

Also, how did you travel on the A9000? Private motor vehicles are prohibited!

The Mokka doesn't look too big - I mean it is sold as an SUV (because it's that little bit taller and you sit higher), but the rentals have it as a 'standard' sized car (second-smallest class).

Hopefully you managed to avoid forced quarantine on return!
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: cl94 on March 20, 2020, 03:07:17 pm
Thanks. Quite a bit of research went into this to determine the most scenic routes and avoid backtracking. I had a set of "must-see" destinations (Ironbridge, Hadrian's Wall, Loch Ness, Dunnet Head, the Forth Bridges, the National Railway Museum), then looked at what I could see along the way. The A686 (which I remembered reading about somewhere) was a last-minute addition, but it was only a few minutes longer than hopping on the motorway. The last day was actually thought up on the fly, as I decided I wanted to do a couple of hill walks in the Chilterns and stick to numbered roads in the process. Cadbury World was indeed a stop (just so I could visit the store), but something I would have cut out were my flight late/the passport control line long.

Slough Trading Estate is indeed a bit soulless, but at that point in the trip, I was more concerned about being able to get the car back to Heathrow. That hotel was the best value I could find within 20-30 minutes of the airport.

The A9000? I walked it! Parked at the Forth Bridges parking lot and walked the entire path. Got some amazing pictures of the bridges from out there. Didn't get the southernmost section, but I got the bridge. I count walking clinches and the workout was nice.

As far as car class, I booked a compact/intermediate. I would have been much more comfortable driving the Octavia I booked (cheapest option) than an SUV, because a few inches matter on stuff like the A592. I think I had an inch or two of clearance passing another car in one place. Hertz had it as an "intermediate SUV", which is several classes above what I booked (at least in the US, they upgrade through cars first, then go into SUVs). Next time, I'm definitely booking the tiniest thing I can get, as clearances were by far the biggest "issue" I dealt with driving in the UK.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: si404 on March 20, 2020, 04:48:09 pm
The last day was actually thought up on the fly, as I decided I wanted to do a couple of hill walks in the Chilterns
Good call! That will be my outdoor time away from home during these next few weeks of social distancing.

What walks did you do? Coombe Hill I presume?
stick to numbered roads in the process.
Well the former B4010 isn't numbered anymore - and that's the road I'm saying was a good choice to take (the B4009 route is still good though). It's just a bit more Chilterny running at the ankle of the scarp slope rather than right down at the foot in the Vale. I presume you took it rather than your car teleporting! Unless you went a convoluted way that used part of the A413, but not a segment (in which case I can add points to give credit).

A 'bit' soulless? I guess the mythos about it being a life-sucking hellhole have helped give it some soul - in a desire to get away from the reputation! And the actual main road (A355) has quite a bit of soul - it's just the warehouses and faceless office buildings that are characterless. Fully understand about it being the cheapest place around - both your desire to seek that, and why it is so.

I thought you might have got a bus or taxi over the bridge as walking might not be the most pleasant somewhere as exposed as that - I imagine it was rather windy (thankfully we've had a dry couple of weeks compared to the last 6 gloomy months - there's a joke that now we have all right weather for the first time in ages we don't get to enjoy it due to coronavirus - however it has been windy, even without storms), but with stunning views - of both the old rail bridge, and the brand new road bridge, as well as the Firth of Forth.

Next time, I'm definitely booking the tiniest thing I can get, as clearances were by far the biggest "issue" I dealt with driving in the UK.
Car parks, especially. Spaces are designed for 1960s cars without side-impact protection systems, crumple zones, etc and so are tight fits with even small modern cars.

The Mokka takes up less space than the Octavia - so you actually lucked out by being given an 'SUV'.
Mokka Length: 4278mm Width: 1777mm
Octavia Length‎: ‎4659mm Width‎: ‎1814mm
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: cl94 on March 20, 2020, 05:38:59 pm
Coombe Hill and a loop around Wendover Woods. Wendover Woods has the "county top" for Buckinghamshire, so I was able to tie in another one of my hobbies. Beautiful views up there. I did take the former B4010 between the B4009 and A4010 (plus the Coombe Hill detour). That was probably the largest section of unnumbered road (well, unsigned, at least, since it's still a C road) I drove that day and one of the longest of the trip period.

It was a tad windy along the bridge, but nothing compared to what I had along the A836 south of Tongue or up at Dunnet Head the day before. Thankfully, I had plenty of experience with wind from my university years in Buffalo, so I didn't think much of it. The views made it all worthwhile.

Heh, the Mokka is smaller. That's actually a tad surprising, but the Mokka did feel smaller than most SUVs I had driven over here. Still going to try and get a Corsa or something similar the next time I'm across the pond. I drive a Honda Fit (or "Jazz", as it's branded in Europe) here and I'm quite used to getting that in tight spaces and up single-track roads, but larger vehicles are another story. Speaking of which, it was very weird driving on a paved single-track road. We have quite a few dirt ones here in New York, but nothing paved.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: si404 on March 20, 2020, 06:10:24 pm
Coombe Hill and a loop around Wendover Woods. Wendover Woods has the "county top" for Buckinghamshire, so I was able to tie in another one of my hobbies. Beautiful views up there.
Yep (was up the trees in the woods about a month ago - highest person in the county briefly before I went down a zip wire), though the woods make it hard to see through the trees. Coombe Hill (the Coombe Hill that people actually call Coombe Hill, rather than the one that's part of Wendover Woods 4km away) isn't a Marilyn (prominent peak) and 7m shorter than the one the other side of Wendover feels more like the high point due to the unwooded downland giving longer vistas and much larger monument marking the summit.

It's hard to find a public unpaved road in the UK. There might be some in really remote areas. I guess various tracks might be public, but people don't think of them as roads.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on April 09, 2020, 09:49:56 pm
Not my most exciting update, but in the current situation, I'll take what I can get.  We had to go to Syracuse this morning, were done early and ended up having a couple hours to kill before our planned Chick-fil-A takeout in North Syracuse before heading home.  So I made my first (brief) visit to Oswego, heading there via New York 690 (went from never traveled to clinched) and New York 48 (first mileage).  Checked out the lake for a few minutes but with a stiff wind off the lake and a little drizzle that mixed with snow soon after we left, it wasn't a day to linger.  Then back to Syracuse on New York 481 (went from barely traveled to clinched) to get CFA curbside pickup.  Only 60 miles new, but better than nothing, and accomplished with no violations of social distancing.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: jayhawkco on April 20, 2020, 09:04:41 pm
Did a little bit of traveling in Colorado (not leaving the car) and clinched CO 22, 66, 72, and 7 Business.  I also finally got around to logging all of my travels, domestic and international.  Previously on here I had only cared about interstates.  Then I decided I wanted to do CO State Highways.  Then I realized if I didn't put the U.S. highways on there, it looked weird, so then I just did everything for the entire U.S.  Then I realized I shouldn't leave out my Canadian travels.  But then I figured I might as well see what I could get for international travels.  So, I'm likely the only user here with mileage logged for the U.S., Canada, Armenia, Belize, Brunei, Cambodia, Georgia, Iceland, Indonesia, Mauritius, Morocco, Myanmar, New Zealand, Philippines, South Africa, and the U.K.  ;D

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: kjslaughter on April 26, 2020, 08:12:24 pm
Been going stir crazy with work and school for son, so took a solo 400+ mile loop through southwest Georgia to visit more courthouses for my photo project as well as clinch a big chunk of US19 I had missed through previous zig-zags as I was driving  between county seats.

Was supposed to have gone to SE Georgia with my dad the last 4 days and would have finished visiting every county in Georgia.  Had to cancel that with him being in high-risk group (among other reasons).  Who knows when that trip will get to happen now.  :-(
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mikeandkristie on April 29, 2020, 12:00:56 am
Well we've used the last four weekends to start a new Saturday drive tradition.  We've gone out for a drive, stopped for custard and eaten it in the car in the parking lot, and just stopped at interstate rest areas.  Been concentrating on filling in gaps in a hour to two hour range radius from us that we haven't managed to work into a real trip yet.  Gotten a bunch more NC state route mileage, some US route mileage on US 158, 401, and 701, as well as the new part of I-840 in Greensboro that opened at the end of 2019 to get us back to 100% interstates in NC.  We only have the westernmost 11 miles to finish on US 158 past Winston-Salem once we can go on a real trip again.  Planning on Fayetteville this Saturday to complete US 301 and 401 in the state.  So far, we've picked up 37, 76, 34, and 59 new miles.

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: US 89 on May 02, 2020, 09:50:36 pm
Did a little bit of clinching in southwest Wyoming yesterday, so I now have most of Uinta County's mileage covered. Also visited Daggett County, Utah for the first time, which finishes off Utah's counties for me.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on May 16, 2020, 04:38:11 pm
Got to venture a little further afield yesterday, and was able to grab some new primary mileage...

Clinches:  WV 45, WV 51, WV 901
Re-clinches after recent expansions: VA 37, WV 115

Other: WV 9 from VA line to US 340 and new freeway from Kearneysville to Baker Hghts.

WV 115 is still not posted at WV 9 at the VA line.  But it is now posted on War Admiral Blvd (which is where the HB runs it) which was signed as CR 9/50 at first and there was a gap in how to follow a posted WV 115.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: dave1693 on May 19, 2020, 01:02:40 am
Since my last update, I had one trip back in early March (for a memorial service) before the stay-at-home orders went into effect.

New segments: PA3, PA23, PA320.

Even with the stay-home orders for this area expected to be lifted by early-to-mid-June, I don't expect to be adding any new mileage until at least July.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on May 30, 2020, 12:33:36 pm
Had an opportunity to get more primary routes not so far from home yesterday...

New clinches:  MD 206, MD 210, MD 229, MD 260, MD 262, MD 381, MD 382, MD 521, MD 953, Suitland Pkwy

Reclinch: MD 5 (Hughesville Bypass)

New mileage: MD 193, MD 201, MD 212
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: panda80 on May 31, 2020, 10:31:19 am
Managed to do a PB in terms of continous driving (just with stops for toilet and tank) yesterday. I had to bring someone to the hungarian-romanian border (I chose Battonya-Turnu), there were 1930km go and back, in 21h 30min (normally you can do it quicker, but I lost about 1h 30 at the austrian-hungarian border and chose another route in Austria and Bavaria, other than classical A4-A1-A8, went on B4-B38 through north Austria, than took some secondary roads in Bavaria to reach my home). At the end I think I clinched some 500km of new roads.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on June 03, 2020, 05:25:11 pm
Was supposed to go to Montreal this week...since that did not pan out, I took another extended Maryland ride...

New Clinches: MD 34, MD 57, MD 62, MD 66, MD 68, MD 77, MD 94, MD 99, MD 125, MD 144 (Cookesville), MD 201, MD 212, MD 383, MD 418, MD 459, MD 491, MD 494, MD 550, MD 615, MD 632, MD 650, MD 804, MD 844, MD 845, MD 847, MD 851, MD 910, Park Center Rd (Catoctin Mtn Pk)
Re-clinches:  MD 85 (ext past I-70)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on June 03, 2020, 06:50:18 pm
I took a somewhat longer trip in May, through eight states and including overnight stays. That included overall clinches of US 76 (had been missing parts of the route in SC, GA, and TN), and US 25 (had been missing one segment in KY). I also clinched US 23 in KY, though I'm still missing parts in MI, and some short portions in GA that were closed by road construction during my early March trip down there just before the pandemic started shutting things down. In addition, I clinched US 27 in TN, after a re-visit to Dayton TN (site of the Scopes trial, and people there seem to still think Scopes' conviction was deserved).

This should push my total coverage of the U.S. route system (both mainline and bannered routes) over 80%. I say "should" only because I'm adding together my statistics for usaus (112179.97 miles traveled out of 137816.66 miles total) and usausb (4519.89 miles traveled out of 7775.42 miles total), for 80.2% combined. But while each number removes duplicate mileage within each system, I can't figure out how to remove duplication between usaus routes I traveled and concurrent usausb routes.

Part of the reason for that relatively short trip, aside from getting out of my cage after more than two months of lockdown, was to gauge whether I should go forward with longer trips this summer, with the inconveniences of traveling post-lockdowns. The most annoying inconvenience I encountered was hotels that previously offered hot breakfasts are now handing out bagged "breakfasts" which really work better as mid-afternoon snacks, so I have to get a real hot breakfast at a fast-food drive-thru right after checking out. That's no fun, but I can live with that.

But there are bigger obstacles out there I'd have to navigate around, including some states still putting out-of-state visitors into quarantine or forbidding hotels from renting rooms for non-essential travel. Also, many of the hot springs I usually work into my travels out west are closed right now and might not reopen this summer, and don't lend themselves to social distancing anyway. The closure of the Canadian border to non-essential travel blocked the trip to Toronto I had planned for April, and that too might be extended for awhile.

I'll probably do at least one extended road trip this summer, bringing my full arsenal of face masks and taking other precautions (driving solo is a good way to minimize contact with others, almost as good as staying home). But that will require more planning than usual for my road trips.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: si404 on June 04, 2020, 11:06:40 am
people there seem to still think Scopes' conviction was deserved
Given the town's folk are going to know more than most about the actual facts of the publicity stunt trial, rather than relying on the '50s fictionalisation, then that's rather woke of them!  ;D

If Scopes went into a school today and taught the banned chapter that he said he did 95 years ago, he'd be seen as a bigoted racist and, almost universally, people would say that it should not be legal to teach that in schools - but white supremacy and eugenics were 'progressive' and popular in the 1920s - the polar opposite of now in the 2020s.

Scopes went to the police and confessed. His defense made no effort to disprove he did it (even though he probably didn't given the trial was all an elaborate and successful plan by businessmen to put the town on the map) and even asked the jury to convict him. He actively consented to being convicted.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Duke87 on June 06, 2020, 01:35:53 am
The most annoying inconvenience I encountered was hotels that previously offered hot breakfasts are now handing out bagged "breakfasts" which really work better as mid-afternoon snacks

What has typically been the contents of these bags?

But there are bigger obstacles out there I'd have to navigate around, including some states still putting out-of-state visitors into quarantine or forbidding hotels from renting rooms for non-essential travel.

I've been following this and the number of states that have actually closed hotels off for travelers is pretty small. Arkansas is the only state outside of the northeast that has done so. Within the northeast it's hodgepodgy - CT will begin allowing non-essential hotel stays again on June 17th. NY and NJ never disallowed them.

Quarantine requirements as best I can tell only still exist in the continental US outside of the northeast in AZ, NM, OK, and AR. And even then, applicability is limited - NM only cares if you arrive in the state by air. AR and OK only care if you're from certain areas. AZ only cares if you're from certain areas and arrive by air. (you're not affected by AR, AZ, and OK's rules, though I am).

And then of course there's Alaska and Hawaii... no one is going on vacation to either of those for a while, they are using their natural isolation to their advantage.

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on June 06, 2020, 04:50:21 am
The most annoying inconvenience I encountered was hotels that previously offered hot breakfasts are now handing out bagged "breakfasts" which really work better as mid-afternoon snacks

What has typically been the contents of these bags?

Apples, muffins, sometimes granola bars.

But there are bigger obstacles out there I'd have to navigate around, including some states still putting out-of-state visitors into quarantine or forbidding hotels from renting rooms for non-essential travel.

I've been following this and the number of states that have actually closed hotels off for travelers is pretty small. Arkansas is the only state outside of the northeast that has done so. Within the northeast it's hodgepodgy - CT will begin allowing non-essential hotel stays again on June 17th. NY and NJ never disallowed them.

CA seems to be on the list too, though that might be hodgepodgy within the state.

Quarantine requirements as best I can tell only still exist in the continental US outside of the northeast in AZ, NM, OK, and AR. And even then, applicability is limited - NM only cares if you arrive in the state by air. AR and OK only care if you're from certain areas. AZ only cares if you're from certain areas and arrive by air. (you're not affected by AR, AZ, and OK's rules, though I am).

MT seems to be on that list as well.

There are also tribal restrictions, for those seeking to travel US or state highways. Some parts of western SD have that issue, though I clinched last year the US highways where the tribal checkpoints have gone up this year (some of them reportedly turning away vehicles with out-of-state plates). The Navajo Nation is also a worry, though it's unclear whether its stringent stay-at-home/curfew restrictions affect through travel by non-Navajo citizens (some Navajo-controlled tourist attractions are closed, reportedly including the much-overrated Four Corners monument). I-40 does not cross Navajo lands (except clipping the SE corner of Navajo Nation territory), but several US and state highways do.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Duke87 on June 06, 2020, 03:25:11 pm
Quarantine requirements as best I can tell only still exist in the continental US outside of the northeast in AZ, NM, OK, and AR. And even then, applicability is limited - NM only cares if you arrive in the state by air. AR and OK only care if you're from certain areas. AZ only cares if you're from certain areas and arrive by air. (you're not affected by AR, AZ, and OK's rules, though I am).

MT seems to be on that list as well.

Montana lifted their quarantine requirement effective June 1st.

There are also tribal restrictions, for those seeking to travel US or state highways. Some parts of western SD have that issue, though I clinched last year the US highways where the tribal checkpoints have gone up this year (some of them reportedly turning away vehicles with out-of-state plates). The Navajo Nation is also a worry, though it's unclear whether its stringent stay-at-home/curfew restrictions affect through travel by non-Navajo citizens (some Navajo-controlled tourist attractions are closed, reportedly including the much-overrated Four Corners monument). I-40 does not cross Navajo lands (except clipping the SE corner of Navajo Nation territory), but several US and state highways do.

The Navajo Nation definitely would prefer you not travel across their territory right now, but I haven't been able to find any reports that they are actively blocking through travel on state and US highways.

This is in contrast to the Sioux Nation, which has done exactly that on their territory in South Dakota. My interpretation of this however is that it is a political move more than anything else, taking aim at the state government for, in the tribe's opinion, not taking the situation nearly seriously enough. It succeeded at raising the state's ire, as it was designed to.

I'd anticipate your likelihood of encountering trouble on any native reservation is probably proportional to how negative their relationship with the state/provincial government currently is.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on June 13, 2020, 09:20:22 am
Yet another Maryland ride yesterday...

New Clinches: US 40 Scenic, US 220 Truck, MD 35, MD 47, MD 53, MD 55, MD 61, MD 144 (Flintstone), MD 546, MD 638, MD 735, MD 736, MD 743, MD 807, MD 894, MD 903, MD 935, MD 936, MD 937, MD 942, MD 946, MD 949, MD 951, MD 956
Also Clinched: WV 28 ALT, PA 416, WV 956, PA 995
Reclinch: MD 355 (Urbanna new routing from several years back)
Picked up new mileage: MD 36 (stupid closure in Mt Savage prevented clinch); PA 75, PA 160

Also clinched some former MD state highways:
Old MD 44 (Ft Frederick SP)
Old MD 45 (Frostburg)
Old MD 657 (Lonaconing)
Old MD 717 (Frostburg)
Old MD 732 (east of I-68/US 220 north split)
Old MD 738 (near US 40/MD 57)
Old MD 739 (Wilson)
Old MD 740 (Wilson)

I can confirm that MD 935 and MD 937 still have no shields, although MD 935 is explicitly in text on truck restriction signs on both directions of MD 36.

I also found a MD 61 shield but believe it was installed by construction contractors (Sept 2019 GMSV doesn't show it).  We'll see if it remains or if permanent 61 shields will be installed as part of the work.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on June 13, 2020, 06:57:44 pm
I actually clinched PA 416 today and picked up quite a bit of mileage of PA 75 and a little of US 40 in Hagerstown.  I added mileage on PA 16 due to concurrencies with PA 75, PA 416, and PA 997.

I also clinched MD 58, MD 64, PA 17, PA 274, PA 696, PA 850, and PA 997. 
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on July 04, 2020, 02:59:30 pm
Continuing to stay close to home...

Maryland Trip #4:

Clinched: MD 38, MD 39, MD 42, MD 117, MD 135, MD 219, MD 495, MD 560, MD 669, MD 742, MD 825
Also clinched: WV 9, WV 45 Alt, WV 46 (ugh!), WV 72 Alt (double ugh!), WV 90, PA 669

Picked up new mileage: WV 7, WV 26, WV 28, WV 42, WV 72, PA 281
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: clong on July 07, 2020, 01:48:27 pm
Took a trip to Kansas City to visit in-laws.

The trip there only yielded the new I-70 bridge at St Louis.

While there, I got new mileage on US24, US40, US50, US69, US169, K7 and MO45.

On the way back, got I-44 inside of I-270 in St Louis, some US61 mileage in Festus and Cape Girardeau, MO, US412 mileage in TN and US45 mileage in TN and MS.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: clong on July 13, 2020, 10:00:02 pm
Finally finished the last state route in the county I grew up in. There was a short 10 mile section off the beaten path to anywhere I went growing up.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on July 14, 2020, 09:50:07 pm
On Saturday & Sunday I finally managed to take a trip that required updating my sig. It was my first overnight trip of the year, a 35-hour 2000-mile adventure to snag the 3 blocks of US 41 in High Springs between US 27 & US 441, which I had failed to notice last year when clinching the rest of the route. Thanks to Jim's outstanding upgrades to mapview, specifically the "highlight untraveled" option, these little segments shouldn't be able to hide anymore.

Spending that much time on the road wasn't really worthwhile to add just .24 miles to my total, so I fit in clinches of US 19 & US 129 while I was at it, plus a few more miles of mostly state highways in Tennessee & Georgia. Total new mileage came in around 450.

Weather was great, and traffic was mostly bearable, although the detour Google maps gave me to get around a 30-minute slowdown on I-24 near Lookout Mountain added about 60 minutes to the trip. On the plus side, the detour gave me clinches of TN 318, GA 299, and TN 134 that I wouldn't have attempted otherwise. Also, Sublime Doughnuts near Georgia Tech deserves a shout-out.

Nevertheless, as long as coronavirus is spreading, I'm not fully comfortable traveling that far from home. Those of you who are still doing multi-day cross-country/cross-continent trips, how are you adjusting?
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on July 14, 2020, 11:47:18 pm
I got back home yesterday from a cross-country road trip, over three and a half weeks, and covering about 12,000 miles. As I noted upthread (, I am semi-comfortable with driving in the pandemic, driving solo with minimal contact with other people, and with my full arsenal of facemasks (regrettably, too many of the other people I came near were unmasked, so I had to steer clear of them as much as possible). The outbound leg of my trip took a southern route, passing through many of the states where cases have been increasing, though not Florida and Louisiana. The return leg was more northern, from Wyoming east with some jogs into the northernmost tier of states like Minnesota and Michigan. I passed through 28 states in the process, missing most of the Pacific Northwest, Montana and North Dakota, most of the northeastern states (some of which would have subjected me to quarantine requirements, so soon after my visits to states on their "restricted lists"), the middle states from Kansas to Kentucky and Tennessee, and Alaska and Hawaii.

Part of the challenge was navigating the ever-changing coronavirus-related restrictions. The biggest potential problems, discussed upthread (, were quarantine restrictions in New Mexico, and travel restrictions in the Navajo Nation in the NW corner of that state and the NE corner of Arizona. New Mexico's quarantine requirement was, and remained, limited to people arriving by air, and I had no trouble with driving through the state or staying overnight along I-40. I needed to travel a little in the Navajo Nation to clinch my final segment of US 64. No checkpoints or other hassles. However, I had to adjust my itinerary to avoid the evening tribal curfew on weekdays and the recently-reinstated 57-hour weekend curfews, so I made sure to exit the reservation well before the 8pm weekday evening curfew. Also, I was concerned about California, and added three days/two nights there only after confirming that the coast was clear. The situation worsened while I was there, so I didn't extend my stay in California.

I clinched a lot of US routes, in order of completion US 378, US 278, US 175 (re-clinch), US 64, US 212, US 14, US 18, US 34, and US 30 (re-clinch). I also clinched US 54 in Texas and New Mexico, US 84 in New Mexico and Colorado, and US 81 in South Dakota. I missed a clinch of US 23 in Michigan due to a bridge closure, similar to a pair in Georgia that account for the rest of my missing mileage on that route.

US 266 (entirely in Oklahoma) was a frustrating missed opportunity. It is close to and parallel to a part of I-40 I traveled, so I could have easily clinched it had I not realized it was there until it was too late.

While in California, I clinched what I think is all of the preview usaca system, subject to double-checking as I can now turn to getting that system ready for activation. In Nevada, I clinched all but two of the TM-mapped routes in Clark County (Las Vegas and suburbs), missing only NV 158 and part of NV 156 which were closed by wildfires on the days I was there. On the last day of my trip, I drove the south end of MD 546 to re-clinch the active usamd system.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: osu-lsu on July 15, 2020, 12:20:24 am
[quote author=mapcat link=topic=397.msg19902#msg19902 date=1594777807

Nevertheless, as long as coronavirus is spreading, I'm not fully comfortable traveling that far from home. Those of you who are still doing multi-day cross-country/cross-continent trips, how are you adjusting?

I canceled two multi day trips this year already. Had originally planned to go to Baton Rouge in April when COVID first "really" broke out. Followed by me canceling a trip to New York, Vermont, and Pennsylvania (including a roadmeet in Utica), yesterday.

So I'm doing the "World Ohio tour" instead. I think I've collected 2-3 thousand road miles inside Ohio this year alone. Instead of driving 1500 miles in the northeast, I'll try to 400-500 more miles around Ohio instead.
Now do I really want to drive out to La Crosse, Wisconsin, or Kansas City roadmeets later this year.....?
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: clong on July 21, 2020, 11:25:53 am
Drove the family down to the beach Sunday for a long day trip. Of course we took a scenic route both there and back. I also did some driving while they were playing on the beach.

I was able to complete I-10 in both AL and FL. I had previously been missing Mobile-West Pensacola and East Pensacola to Cottondale (US231). That wrapped up all Interstate mileage in AL for me.
I was also able to add mileage on US31, US84, US98 and US331 and AL181 in AL and 90, 98 and 331 in FL.
This also got 4 new counties for me in the FL Panhandle (Okaloosa, Walton, Holmes, Washington). That leaves just 2 counties that border AL to visit (Clay, GA and George, MS).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Barefoot Driver on July 21, 2020, 12:20:19 pm

Always bring flip flops because you never know when you’ll need them.
i never have any sort of footwear along.
i have yet to find any place i absolutely must get into that requires any.
i raise some eyebrows when i go barefoot in some areas, such as capulin in 2017, or when it’s minus twenty c outside.
i should add that i don’t walk across road-destruction zones but count them and the roads i have to drive on to get around them since i can’t know in advance when these will occur.
happy travels!
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Barefoot Driver on July 21, 2020, 02:15:33 pm
new i-880 shield in iowa
last fall, during a period of flooding on the missouri near omaha, iowa decided to rename the part of i-680 that runs from i-80 to i-29 just south of harrison county to i-880.
i found this out when my log indicated that my designation for i-680 no longer was valid!
i was unable to find a decent picture of this shield so i drove there and took one on may twentieth on the excursion i call pilgrimage which is to put flowers on my parents’, uncle’s, and grandparents’ graves near tindall, mo.(
alas, they show it as a jpg (white background) but i actually had a transparent one in a gif.
it was taken may twentieth.
i also got one of ia-48 but won’t put that up here.
safe and happy travels!
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Barefoot Driver on July 21, 2020, 03:16:01 pm
ever heard of interstate 6???
well, i never had either, until i drove through napoleon, oh on u-6 and saw this! (
i decided it warranted a photograph.
it was 09/16/2019 1742.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: ntallyn on July 21, 2020, 08:40:45 pm
Flew out west for a family gathering (no, I didn't like having to fly, but time constraints prevented otherwise). Flew into SLC and drove up to Helena and back. I also have a couple of observations from this trip to post in other fora.

0 to 100 on the following routes:
ID US20Bus (St. Anthony)
ID ID33Spr (Sugar City)
MT I-15BL (Dillon)
MT I-15BL (Helena)
MT US12Bus (Helena)
UT UT200
UT UT282 (Fort Douglas)
WY US191 (North Yellowstone)
WY WY89 (Evanston)

Completed the following routes:
ID I-15
MT US191 (West Yellowstone)
UT UT269

Initial mileage on the following routes:
ID US20Bus (Rigby)
MT SR347
UT UT142
UT UT201
UT UT252
UT UT282
WY I-80BL (Evanston)
WY US189Bus (Evanston)

Additional mileage on the following routes:
MT I-15
MT I-90
MT US191
MT US287
UT UT154
UT UT186
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Barefoot Driver on July 21, 2020, 10:32:21 pm
(parts deleted)

congrats on picking up so many new ones! how i’ve done on these
0 to 100 on the following routes:
ID US20Bus (St. Anthony) done
ID ID33Spr (Sugar City) done
MT I-15BL (Dillon) done
MT I-15BL (Helena) 0 (l & c co designated as last)
MT US12Bus (Helena) 0
MT MT1 0
UT UT16 need s of ut39
UT UT38 done
UT UT90  done
UT UT200 0
UT UT282 (Fort Douglas) 0
WY US191 (North Yellowstone) 0
WY WY89 (Evanston) need n of cou rd

Completed the following routes:
ID I-15 done
ID ID36 only parts done are its co-brand w/ 91
MT US191 (West Yellowstone) need n of 20
UT UT23 0
UT UT269 0

Initial mileage on the following routes:
ID US20Bus (Rigby) done
ID ID48 0
MT US12 need e of 90 to 94, and e of that
MT MT85 0
MT SR347 0
UT UT61 0
UT UT142 0
UT UT201 done
UT UT252 0
UT UT282 0
WY I-80BL (Evanston) done
WY US189Bus (Evanston) done

Additional mileage on the following routes:
ID ID33 need w of 28
ID ID34 have only co-brand w/ 30
MT I-15 need n of 90
MT I-90 done (over 554 miles!!)
MT US191 have only parts co-branded w/ 90
MT US287 have only parts co-branded w/ 90
UT UT30 need w of i-84, between i-15 and 89/91, and e of ut16
UT UT68 0
UT UT71 need w of 154; has not been mapped
UT UT154 need s of 171 and n of 80
UT UT186 0
with a few more performances like this, you soon will overtake me!
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: drebbin37 on July 21, 2020, 11:21:25 pm
Took a ride to northern New England and accomplished 3 small goals:
Clinched my last NH highway by crossing the Connecticut River on VT18/NH18.
Finished as much as I could of US5 and I-91 without crossing the international border.  Derby Line is a strange place!
Drove over the latest iteration of the Brookfield Floating Bridge (VT65).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Barefoot Driver on July 22, 2020, 11:26:53 am
Took a ride to northern New England and accomplished 3 small goals:
Clinched my last NH highway by crossing the Connecticut River on VT18/NH18.
Finished as much as I could of US5 and I-91 without crossing the international border.  Derby Line is a strange place!
Drove over the latest iteration of the Brookfield Floating Bridge (VT65).
small but impressive.
well done!
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Bickendan on July 23, 2020, 04:15:44 am
Took a day trip out to Mt Hood and The Dalles, found US 26 has a business route, and verified and clinched a US 30H segment.

As I had business out in Hillsboro, I reclinched the entirety of OR 8 (and about 1/3 of ORH 29) (I-205/ORH 64, I-84/US 30/ORH 2, I-5/ORH 1, I-405/ORH 61, US 26/ORH 47, OR 8/ORH 29, OR 8, OR 6/ORH 37), then took US 26 from there all the way to Mt Hood (US 26/ORH 47, I-405/US 26/ORH 61, US 26, US 26/ORH 26). Found and clinched US 26's Business Loop in Government Camp (don't recall ever seeing signage for it before), then went up OR 173 to Timberline Lodge to get pictures of the lodge, Mt Hood, Mt Jefferson and the Three Sisters. 173 is still not signed.
I then took ORH 26 out to Hood River (US 26/ORH 26, OR 35/ORH 26). OR 35's one of the only north-south routes where the milemarkers rise going north (as its 0 is at the west end of the Ross Island Bridge); coincidentally, ORH 53, which US 26 follows going south from Mt Hood, continues ORH 26's mileage from the US 25/OR 35 split.

While OR 35/ORH 26 officially end at I-84, the road continues across the Hood River Bridge into Washington. I'd be comfortable with calling it an OR/WA 35 extension, though it isn't signed as such.
Took WA 14 east to US 197 (found a advance signage error with a WA 197 shield, ha), then back into Oregon. I stuck to US 30/ORH 100 for the most part. I was surprised at how many people were camping out at the Rowena Crest Lookout.

I ignored US 30 through Hood River itself, but ducked off I-84 at Exit 51 to verify and explore the US 30H signage, got back on after Cascade Locks, and back off at 37 through Warrendale.
I intended to take the Historic Highway through the main thrust of the Gorge, but it was closed, sadly, as was Exit 31 (the Multnomah Falls left hand parking exit).

From there, just a straight shot back into Portland.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Barefoot Driver on July 31, 2020, 11:37:23 am
some omitted
Took a day trip out to Mt Hood and The Dalles, found US 26 has a business route, and verified and clinched a US 30H segment. so, is this 26b new, or just never had been noticed by tm?

… went up OR 173 to Timberline Lodge to get pictures of the lodge, Mt Hood, Mt Jefferson and the Three Sisters. 173 is still not signed. i saw the sisters from 20 but never tried to visit them.
I then took ORH 26 out to Hood River (US 26/ORH 26, OR 35/ORH 26). OR 35's one of the only north-south routes where the milemarkers rise going north (as its 0 is at the west end of the Ross Island Bridge); coincidentally, ORH 53, which US 26 follows going south from Mt Hood, continues ORH 26's mileage from the US 25/OR 35 split. good additions!

While OR 35/ORH 26 officially end at I-84, the road continues across the Hood River Bridge into Washington. I'd be comfortable with calling it an OR/WA 35 extension, though it isn't signed as such.
Took WA 14 east to US 197 (found a advance signage error with a WA 197 shield, ha), then back into Oregon. I stuck to US 30/ORH 100 for the most part. I was surprised at how many people were camping out at the Rowena Crest Lookout.
wa is noted for this. i missed the one you referred to but did get two others in 06/2017.
( and (—the first is in walla walla, the other in colville.
I intended to take the Historic Highway through the main thrust of the Gorge, but it was closed, sadly, as was Exit 31 (the Multnomah Falls left hand parking exit). always some sort of snag in our expeditions.

From there, just a straight shot back into Portland.
a marvelous clinching route!
my travel plans this year were thwarted, so i always like to see that others have been able to do some things. i need 30 in the eastern part of the state to have all of it there. when i complete id, that will gain more of it, and will have it almost across the country.
happy clinching!
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: ozarkman417 on July 31, 2020, 09:19:00 pm
I have already spent quite some time compiling my .list file. It's not easy to try to recall and track all the major roads I have been on over the past sixteen years. For that reason, there are quite a few inaccuracies with my recordings.

I've been tackling the .list file by region. I've started out with my less-traveled regions, including all regions overseas (DEU-BY, AUT, & ISL), and about half of the U.S states I have been to (I've driven in at least 25). With this, I have a little over 6,000 miles clinched, including preview systems. Between that and my overall rank, it is more than I expected. Many of my multi-region travels aren't accounted for, they are part of the 40+ documenting errors I have made  :pan:

Because of the Coronavirus, I have not traveled outside of MO or AR this year. In fact, most of my AR state highway mileage comes from a few small 1-2 night trips taken recently. I'm not sure how many routes I've clinched down there (if any), as I have not uploaded AR state highway data yet.

As far as I know, there is one other teenager who has mapped their travels on here, noelbotevera. Of course, I might be wrong about that, but that is important to consider. >99% of my clinched miles have been as a passenger. Plus, I rarely have control of the routes I take. It's usually what the ol' Google says is quickest, and there have been many times where I could have easily picked up extra route mileage, bridged some gaps in coverage for a particular route, or clinched one all together if I did. A good example of this would be taking the whole of I-68 west from DC as opposed to returning via Breezewood/I-70 like I did on the way there. On that note, I now have a driver's license and can now do more driving on my own terms. I suppose I can start by clinching some nearby state routes. After all, I really don't that much else to do.

Thanks to the log file, I have seen how many careless mistakes I've made while documenting, so I can now fix them and complete a few more states. I'll update my stats tomorrow.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Barefoot Driver on August 03, 2020, 12:51:20 am
I have already spent quite some time compiling my .list file. It's not easy to try to recall and track all the major roads I have been on over the past sixteen years. For that reason, there are quite a few inaccuracies with my recordings.

I've been tackling the .list file by region. I've started out with my less-traveled regions, including all regions overseas (DEU-BY, AUT, & ISL), and about half of the U.S states I have been to (I've driven in at least 25). With this, I have a little over 6,000 miles clinched, including preview systems. Between that and my overall rank, it is more than I expected. Many of my multi-region travels aren't accounted for, they are part of the 40+ documenting errors I have made  :pan:
it takes practice to create the .list file. i made a lot of typos in mine, and sometimes they change the waypoints so you have to redo that route!
you have travelled outside the u. s., but while i did many years ago, i have no idea of what the routes were as i was a passenger in a bus.
i have driven in all of the lower 48 at some time or another (most more than once), i try for both counties and highways.

Because of the Coronavirus, I have not traveled outside of MO or AR this year. In fact, most of my AR state highway mileage comes from a few small 1-2 night trips taken recently. I'm not sure how many routes I've clinched down there (if any), as I have not uploaded AR state highway data yet.
i know the feeling. i made a small trip into mo in may to put flowers on my parents’ graves. in the way back, i gained one new highway in ia, plus photographed the shield of a renamed one.
arkansas is a difficult state to plot the state roads because it has so many duplicates. i don’t drive there very much at all.

As far as I know, there is one other teenager who has mapped their travels on here, noelbotevera. Of course, I might be wrong about that, but that is important to consider. >99% of my clinched miles have been as a passenger. Plus, I rarely have control of the routes I take. It's usually what the ol' Google says is quickest, and there have been many times where I could have easily picked up extra route mileage, bridged some gaps in coverage for a particular route, or clinched one all together if I did. A good example of this would be taking the whole of I-68 west from DC as opposed to returning via Breezewood/I-70 like I did on the way there. On that note, I now have a driver's license and can now do more driving on my own terms. I suppose I can start by clinching some nearby state routes. After all, I really don't that much else to do.
good luck in your future travels and highway conquests!
i got all of 68 last fall. now i just need the toll part of i-70 to have all of that also.
my mapping aid is here we go. it works adequately. i still like the old-fashioned paper maps.

Thanks to the log file, I have seen how many careless mistakes I've made while documenting, so I can now fix them and complete a few more states. I'll update my stats tomorrow.
hang in there, and we all hope the pandemic eases so we can travel again!
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: SSOWorld on August 03, 2020, 06:56:19 am
Oh I just did a 4-night jaunt over to Michigan.  Small effort - it gave me the other US 10 (I didn't take the ferry) and the remaining Interstates.  It was a fallback trip due to non-COVID health issues.  I would have gotten some Indiana and Illinois portions but aborted that.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on August 03, 2020, 03:02:40 pm
Back from a 9-day trip to Denmark. I didn't jump from one hotel to another this time but spent all nights at the same hotel, more than 600mi (almost 1,100km) from home. I made some short (5-6 hours of driving) and some long day trips (up to 13 hours of driving) so that I clinched about 1,100 new miles in Denmark (speed limit is 80km/h and it's quite often lower) and 50mi in DEU-NI on the return trip. I managed to clinch almost all dnkpr and dnksr routes on Zealand ( And of course, I finally clinched all Danish motorways ( 8) I'm no. 1 for active systems in Denmark now but not for active+preview systems since finnedude has more mileage on dnkmr system and the peer-review ( is not yet complete.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: osu-lsu on August 03, 2020, 07:35:25 pm
I have already spent quite some time compiling my .list file. It's not easy to try to recall and track all the major roads I have been on over the past sixteen years. For that reason, there are quite a few inaccuracies with my recordings.

One recommendation I can make to you, going forth. Take photos, or write a journal, concerning your travels. That will help you with remembering where you've been.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on August 05, 2020, 10:53:06 pm
With a desire to do a little traveling but with no desire to visit places with active virus outbreaks or to have to quarantine on return home, we decided to stay in New York and head up to Watertown to use it as a home base to visit Lake Ontario and the Thousand Islands area.  We visited 3 state parks (Whetstone Gulf, Westcott Beach, and Sandy Island Beach), Tibbets Point Lighthouse, Sacketts Harbor, and took a scenic boat cruise out of Alexandria Bay including a stop at Boldt Castle.  All very enjoyable despite the cruise and castle being in the rain from the outer fringes of TS Isaias.

One of the reasons I picked the location was that there would be a lot of reasonable opportunities to take routes new to me.  Going up through Boonville and Lowville gave us the chance to check out Whetstone Gulf and got me Lewis County, the last I wasn't sure I'd visited in New York.  I was able to find reasonable ways to go out and back via different routes to Cape Vincent, Westcott Beach, and Alex Bay.  The only sort of unreasonable one was that I continued on NY 12 after Alex Bay to its northern end, then took mostly NY 37 back.  Stopping at Sandy Island Beach SP on the way home today gave me a chance to hit a number of new routes and all new mileage until getting to Rome.

I picked up a little over 300 miles in usany and about 15 new miles of US 11.  In the usany system, I got my first mileage on 10 routes, four of which I fully clinched 4, and expanded partial travels on 7 more.

All in all, a fun and productive few days, with what I believe was a very minimal risk of exposure.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Bickendan on August 07, 2020, 11:53:13 pm
@Barefoot Driver
US 26B must be a new and unofficial addition, unless it was part of the Spring 2020 AASHTO meeting I haven't seen any info on. I've never seen it before and went eastboud on 26 toward Bend last year.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on August 25, 2020, 01:16:09 pm
Borders only exist in people's mind!

I don't care much about region/state borders but I orientate myself with motorways on maps. I have finally clinched my first "motorway regions" :) It's the region where I live between German A3, A7, A66 and A45. It has a perimeter of 285km. and consists of routes from deua, eure, deub, deubwl, deubyl and deuhel systems.

Unfortunately, we don't have stats for it ;) I need to select three "traditional" regions to show it on a map (,DEU-BY,DEU-HE). You can see the next four "regions" to be clinched just south of the first region. They are limited by A3, A5, A7 and A8 with a total perimeter of 580km. They are split into four "regions" by A6 and A81 :)

2nd "motorway region" clinched :) It's between German A5, A6, A8 and A81, see attached ("highlight untraveled" selected).
Next to be clinched: region between A3, A6, A7 and A81 + region between A6, A7, A8 and A81. Both are very close to completion.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Barefoot Driver on September 04, 2020, 10:57:52 pm
Oh I just did a 4-night jaunt over to Michigan.  Small effort - it gave me the other US 10 (I didn't take the ferry) and the remaining Interstates.  It was a fallback trip due to non-COVID health issues.  I would have gotten some Indiana and Illinois portions but aborted that.
i’ve done the ferry, and found that u-10 mi is a fairly scenic route.
have you gotten the u. s. highways in the wolverine yet? i just need a bit of 2 there to have all of them. last year, i finished 23, 31, and 127 in the state, plus 223. i already had the others.
happy clinching!
Title: historic jefferson highway
Post by: Barefoot Driver on September 04, 2020, 11:02:39 pm
these signs are now all over d. m., and i wondered if there is any effort being made to find the route of historic (i presume) u-65.
here is a pic of one of them.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on September 06, 2020, 10:57:07 am
Took a 16 hr ride yesterday.  Got tired of Maryland so worked on south/southeastern WV...

New clinches:  WV 3 ALT (Beckley), WV 28, WV 54, WV 71, WV 107, WV 122, WV 123, WV 307, WV 598

Additional new mileage:
WV 3 (US 19 to WV 12; US 219 to WV 311)
WV 10 (WV 71 to WV 16)
WV 16 (Mullens to WV 121)
WV 20 (WV 104 to I-64 eastern connection)
WV 39 (WV 28 to WV 92 nb)
WV 92 (US 60 to WV 39; WV 66 to US 250)
WV 97 (WV 121 to WV 16)
WV 104 (US 19 e to WV 20)

WV 71 is atrocious.  Northern 2/3 is barely paved and despite having a center stripe is not 2 lanes wide.  Has some blind turns.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on September 06, 2020, 03:29:10 pm
WV 598

I would have expected you to have clinched VA 598 and WV 598 together.

I did a trip yesterday focused on finishing PA 75 and PA 316, but I also clinched PA 163, MD 60, MD 62, MD 418, MD 491, and MD 494 with new mileage on MD 63, MD 550, and PA 16.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on September 11, 2020, 11:46:09 am
I got back home earlier this week from a three-week, 11,000 mile+ road trip to Colorado. This was mainly to re-visit a favorite hot springs resort in southern Colorado, that had reopened with various Covid-19 restrictions in early August. Bottom line -- glad I went, but it was more fun before the restrictions, and I'll defer my usual revisits every year or two until things return more or less to normal.

My outbound itinerary started with a few days of travels through Wisconsin and Michigan, including out-of-the-way county-counter destinations Door County in Wisconsin, and Keweenaw County in Michigan's Upper Peninsula (which has US 41's north end). Then I shifted to southern Missouri and Kansas, to make my way over to southern Colorado.

The return home was shorter but pretty zig-zaggy, and was more heavily focused on clinching US routes. Northern Kansas, then southern Nebraska, then northern Missouri and back into eastern Kansas before turning north into Iowa, then over to Kentucky before returning home to Virginia.

Overall route clinches, in order of completion:

US 141
US 166
US 36
US 136
US 54
US 218 (including a missing segment reopened just two days before I drove it)
US 52 (as recently rerouted in Dubuque)


US 160 (bridge reconstruction in Dade County MO)
US 151 (bridge reconstruction in Fairfax IA)

Other clinches by state:

US 41 in Wisconsin and Michigan (still missing a lot of US 41 mileage from Illinois to Georgia)
US 23 in Michigan (still missing two US 23 segments, with since-reopened rebuilt bridges in southern Georgia)
US 27 in Indiana, Ohio, and Kentucky (still missing multiple US 27 segments, all in Georgia)

My total for primary US routes (usaus) is now just over 85%, but that would be watered down a bit if bannered US routes (usausb) were added in.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: osu-lsu on September 11, 2020, 05:03:29 pm
You weren't stuck in the traffic jam I created on Wis 29, just east of I-39/US 51, near Wausau, when I wrecked my car up there, two weeks ago?
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on September 11, 2020, 05:41:00 pm
You weren't stuck in the traffic jam I created on Wis 29, just east of I-39/US 51, near Wausau, when I wrecked my car up there, two weeks ago?

Nope. The only part of Wis 29 I traveled on this trip was east of I-41.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Highway63 on September 12, 2020, 02:19:49 am
The Jefferson Highway was designated an Iowa Heritage Byway on par with the Lincoln Highway in 2016. Signs were put up last year.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: dave1693 on September 20, 2020, 08:46:45 pm
I've only made two trips since the middle of March, both of which were between northern VA and eastern PA that I've done hundreds of times before. I did manage some new mileage though.

New clinches:

US30BusTrkDow in PA (completely by accident), US202AltTrkNor in PA, PA238, PA340, PA341Truck, PA392, PA463, PA921, MD134, MD139, MD162, MD170, MD198, MD652

New mileage on still-not-clinched roads:

US30Business (Downingtown) in PA, US322 in PA, PA23, PA23 Alt Truck (King of Prussia), PA24, PA74, PA896, MD176, MD648

Between the pandemic and vehicle problems, both of which have heavily curtailed my travel, I expect most of the rest of 2020 and early 2021 to have very little, if any, more new mileage from me.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on September 20, 2020, 09:12:37 pm
Always bring flip flops because you never know when you’ll need them.
i never have any sort of footwear along.

My feet injure too easily to avoid footwear on the road. For example, two broken little toes while barefoot (pain but no hassle -- they were just "buddy-taped" to adjacent uninjured toes, until the little toes healed).

My doctor told me to stop walking around naked inside my apartment (even with the blinds closed), for that reason. She asked me to at least wear flip-flops.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on September 24, 2020, 06:30:14 pm
I took a trip last weekend to finish northern DE (north of Middletown), do much of northeast MD that I had not done already, and even some southeast PA.  I also reclinched PA 183 between I-78 and US 222 noting the slight realignment in New Schaefferstown Rd now shown in the HB.
Routes Clinched: US 13 BUS (Wilmington, DE), DE 2, DE 3, DE 4, DE 7, MD 7 (Perryville), MD 7 (North East), MD 7 (Elkton), DE 48, DE/PA 52, DE 62, DE/PA 82, DE 92, DE 100, PA 100 (including old PA 100 south of US 30 even though that does not count for TM), DE 202, DE/PA 261, MD 267, MD 268, MD 277, MD/DE 279, MD 281, MD 316, MD 327, PA 352, PA 452, DE/PA 491, MD 545, MD 781

New Mileage: US 40 (MD), DE 9, PA 401, PA 842

EDIT:  I still have not done any of DE 1 south of US 301.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on October 05, 2020, 08:46:51 pm
I got back yesterday from a four-day trip to Rhode Island, via New Jersey, Connecticut, and New York. This is the first time I've been to three of those states this year. The NY/CT/NJ joint "travel advisory", generally requiring 14-day quarantines for visitors from "restricted states" (now most of the U.S. outside the northeastern and west coast states), and RI's similar "advisory", long was the main obstacle. Early last week, I found out that Virginia had been removed from the NY/CT/NJ "restricted states" list, and also wasn't on RI's. So I hastily threw together a short tour of those four states, before they could change their minds, as has already happened with RI which today added Virginia back to its restricted list.

I made a point of visiting the counties in RI and NY that I had not re-visited since I had completed all the U.S. counties in 2010, to fill in some holes in my "round 2" county map ( I've now re-completed all the states from South Carolina to Maine, except Massachusetts where I still haven't re-visited three counties, two of them expensive-to-visit offshore counties which I'm skipping for "round 2".

But I did a fair amount of state route-clinching in the process, including but not limited to:

-- all of RI 138, RI 165, and the mysterious RI 238

-- all of CT 11

-- NY 417 east of Wellsville, and all of the short NY 10A

-- all of NJ 440 (both west and north of Staten Island)

I also came upon a probably unofficial Bigfoot crossing sign (, on NY 8 about 2.5 miles west of the Hamilton County courthouse in Lake Pleasant.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on October 12, 2020, 05:19:20 am
I've been on a 2-weeks-trip through Eastern and Northern Germany - I didn't want to travel abroad due to covid restrictions. I've focused on B roads and have traveled 13457.52 of 22960.57 miles (58%) ( now. In addition, I have most mileage in ALL (16) German states now.

2nd "motorway region" clinched :)
Next to be clinched: region between A3, A6, A7 and A81 + region between A6, A7, A8 and A81. Both are very close to completion.

3rd "motorway region" clinched :)
It's between German A6, A7, A8 and A81, see attached ("highlight untraveled" selected).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Duke87 on October 13, 2020, 07:33:33 pm
Might as well join the fray here with some notes about what I did last week.

From mid-2017 through 2019 I found myself flying places for work a fair amount, this left me with a good amount of airline miles burning a hole in my pocket that I'd never used. Well, last week I used them to fly first class to Phoenix and drive in a big loop around the southwestern US.

Routes newly clinched: AZ I-10, AZ I-10 BL (Quartzite), CA I-10, CA 111 (Palm Springs), CA 210, CA 134, CA 1, CA 9, CA I-880, CA 238 (Castro Valley), CA 4, CA 207, CA 203, CA US6, NV 374, NV/CA Daylight Pass Rd, CA Badwater Rd, CA 178 (Shoshone), NV 372, NV I-215, NV I-515, NV 319, UT 56, UT I-15 BL (Cedar City), UT 148, UT 12, UT 95, UT 162, CO 41, NM 17, NM I-25 BL (Springer), NM 585, NM 68, NM 30, NM 501, NM 333, AZ 473, AZ 373, AZ 188, AZ 24, AZ 202

Couple other things of note:
1) I like how this gives me a majority of the single digits in CA. I now have CA 1, CA 4, CA US6, CA I-8, and CA 9 all clinched.
2) Two of these newly clinched routes (AZ 373 and AZ 473) are routes I have sole claim to among TM users - no one else here has been on any of either. I am also currently the only person to have clinched the newly extended AZ 202 (you're welcome), though I expect that will change as other users update their list files as the extension has physically been open for nearly a year.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: cl94 on October 13, 2020, 11:32:10 pm
The last week or so saw me in Virginia and the surrounding states. Some highlights:

-Interstate mileage in WV is complete
-US 211 was clinched, as was its Luray business route
-US 48 and 219 as they currently exist were clinched
-I am currently the only person on TM to have a clinch of WV 121 given the extension that opened at the beginning of the month and I can confirm that the current south end is at the connector ramp
-Significant sections of US 58 and 220 were grabbed and the US 58 Hillsville business route was clinched
-Several VA state routes were clinched or had a large amount of mileage added, as well as 3 PA routes and 2 signed MD routes
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: clong on October 15, 2020, 11:05:45 am
Got a chance to finish up AL269 in Jefferson County, AL (my current residence). I was only missing about a mile of it, but couldn't make on my way anywhere. Added the remaining 20 miles on AL269 in Walker County as well to clinch AL269.

Also finished AL91 and added about 30 miles on AL69.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on October 17, 2020, 10:23:18 pm
Took a 16-hr ride last Saturday...

New Clinches (in order of driving them): MD 324 (does still exist though unposted), MD 610, MD 575, MD 367, DE 30 (reclinch), US 301 (DE - reclinch), PA 3, PA 162, PA 841, PA 796, PA 896, PA 999, PA 743, PA 39

New mileage: PA 291, PA 611, PA 340, PA 462, PA 441

I was supposed to clinch PA 291 as well, but there are 2 unmarked turns EB so I ended up on the I-95 bridge over the Chester River.  PA 3 is posted extremely poorly in Philadelphia.  4 straight unmarked turns WB plus not marked at PA 611.  I scouted PA 3 beforehand to know which streets to take.

With this trip I have completed all TM mileage on the Eastern Shore of Maryland and returned to having 100% of Delaware.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: kjslaughter on October 25, 2020, 09:20:16 pm
Finally finished a multi-year project this past weekend to visit all 159 counties in Georgia and take a picture of all 160 historic courthouses!  I started the idea about 10 years ago in fits and starts before it became a full mission and project.  All those travels on miscellaneous state highways between county seats should hopefully push me back into 1st place for Georgia mileage now too.  I'm already making plans for my next project to take pictures of all 67 counties in Alabama starting next year.

Justin Slaughter (kjslaughter)
Roswell, GA
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: ntallyn on October 26, 2020, 06:41:26 pm
All those travels on miscellaneous state highways between county seats should hopefully push me back into 1st place for Georgia mileage now too.

I can't seem to find that list any more. Where did it end up going?
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on October 26, 2020, 08:18:26 pm
I took a trip Saturday intending to mainly see the new US 322 Interchange at Potters Mills Gap for PA 144 and the PA 915 bridge in Hopewell.   Of course, things went much longer than expected, and I did not get there until dark.  My fun with the tire light kept me in Maryland longer than I thought.

Clinched: MD 482, MD 496, MD 832, PA 16, PA 53, PA 643, PA 869, PA 915
New Mileage: MD 27, MD 140, US 220 ALT (Milesburg), PA 26, PA 36, PA 144, PA 150, PA 160, PA 164
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on November 01, 2020, 02:18:36 am
I have finally clinched my 4th "motorway region" :D
It's between German A3, A6, A7 and A81, see attached ("highlight untraveled" selected).

The four "regions" are connected now.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: kjslaughter on November 06, 2020, 10:00:46 am
All those travels on miscellaneous state highways between county seats should hopefully push me back into 1st place for Georgia mileage now too.

I can't seem to find that list any more. Where did it end up going?

Are you asking about a list of GA state highways or the rankings on this site by state?
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: ntallyn on November 07, 2020, 11:07:48 pm
All those travels on miscellaneous state highways between county seats should hopefully push me back into 1st place for Georgia mileage now too.

I can't seem to find that list any more. Where did it end up going?

Are you asking about a list of GA state highways or the rankings on this site by state?

The rankings by state, system, etc.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on November 08, 2020, 01:56:01 am
The rankings by state, system, etc.

We have rankings by region, e.g. (scroll to the end).
We do not yet have rankings by system - just an open issue on Github:
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: yakra on November 08, 2020, 08:17:01 am
Perhaps you mean the CSVs?
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: kjslaughter on November 09, 2020, 10:38:42 am
The rankings by state, system, etc.

We have rankings by region, e.g. (scroll to the end).
We do not yet have rankings by system - just an open issue on Github:

Yes, I was referring to that.

You can see I'm second in distance and routes clinched, but first in routes travelled.  I only need 148 more miles and for hsford to stop travelling in Georgia.  ;-)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: ntallyn on November 14, 2020, 05:56:07 pm
The rankings by state, system, etc.

We have rankings by region, e.g. (scroll to the end).
We do not yet have rankings by system - just an open issue on Github:
This is the one I remember seeing in the past. But every time I would look for it, I would end up at the MapView. But I finally found the link to the region. Apparently, I'm the only one who doesn't know to click on the name of the region.  :pan:
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on November 15, 2020, 02:20:15 am
Apparently, I'm the only one who doesn't know to click on the name of the region.  :pan:

I think it is not intuitive. That's why Jim added a note above the table this summer:
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: ntallyn on November 15, 2020, 01:47:21 pm
That's why Jim added a note above the table this summer:

Instructions? Who uses them?  ;)

In seriousness, thanks all for the help.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on November 15, 2020, 02:51:05 pm
Instructions? Who uses them?  ;)

Exactly ;) Maybe a column "Stats" next to "Map" and "HB" would be better.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on November 15, 2020, 03:38:47 pm
Instructions? Who uses them?  ;)

Exactly ;) Maybe a column "Stats" next to "Map" and "HB" would be better.

I like it.  I continue to welcome suggestions on UI improvements that will help everyone find all of TM's features.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: ozarkman417 on November 15, 2020, 11:40:58 pm
Because of the Coronavirus, I have not traveled outside of MO, AR and OK, very briefly this year. In fact, most of my AR state highway mileage comes from a few small 1-2 night trips taken recently. I'm not sure how many routes I've clinched down there (if any), as I have not uploaded AR state highway data yet.
Fortunately, this should change next week. For Thanksgiving, I will be headed to North-Central TN/South-Central KY. This will greatly increase the mileage I have in those two states. As it stands, my mileage in those two states is very shallow, being little outside of Interstates 64 and 24. The route taken will include some of Future I-57 in Missouri, where signs for the project have been in place for a year or so now.  On that note, will Future I-57 be added to US Future Interstate Highways, and if so, when?

I have updated my stats to include just about everything excluding Florida and Washington State (though Interstates there have been accounted for). Most, but not all, errors taking away multi-state travels have been taken care of.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: yakra on November 16, 2020, 12:22:57 am
Stupid truck routes! ;)

Motivation to maintain US Future Interstate Highways as its own separate system has been waning, though there's been no consensus to kill it off yet.
Downsides include how the system is by definition a moving target, poor signage and lack of consensus on what to include & when, and how virtually all of its mileage is concurrent with other routes.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: rickmastfan67 on November 16, 2020, 01:37:24 am
Motivation to maintain US Future Interstate Highways as its own separate system has been waning, though there's been no consensus to kill it off yet.
Downsides include how the system is by definition a moving target, poor signage and lack of consensus on what to include & when, and how virtually all of its mileage is concurrent with other routes.

About the only route that would survive the deletion of usaif, would be Future I-26 in NC, due to it being fully posted as a Future Interstate complete with shields that lack the 'Interstate' text in them, and having a 'Future' banner.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: yakra on November 16, 2020, 02:41:41 am
About the only route that would survive the deletion of usaif, would be Future I-26 in NC, due to it being fully posted as a Future Interstate complete with shields that lack the 'Interstate' text in them, and having a 'Future' banner.
I'm quite tempted to argue with that logic, but perhaps that discussion belongs here (  8)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: ozarkman417 on November 18, 2020, 12:55:03 am
I'm quite tempted to argue with that logic, but perhaps that discussion belongs here (  8)
"The topic or board you are looking for appears to be either missing or off limits to you."
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: yakra on November 18, 2020, 02:45:08 pm
"The topic or board you are looking for appears to be either missing or off limits to you."
It's now been moved over to the public side of the forum.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on November 21, 2020, 09:13:03 pm
Took a Maryland ride today...

New clinches in the order I got them:

Posted routes:  MD 944, MD 246, MD 258, MD 794, MD 717, MD 725, MD 665, MD 387, MD 435, MD 672, MD 179, MD 607, MD 173, MD 700, MD 702, MD 587, MD 150, MD 43, MD 542, MD 41, MD 144 (Balt), MD 104
Unposted routes:  MD 726, MD 788, MD 915, MD 642, MD 172, MD 981

New mileage: MD 648, MD 177, MD 147 (stupid closure), MD 103

Trying to clinch state routes in the City of Baltimore sucks.  Did find a MD 1 shield though...
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on November 26, 2020, 04:44:18 pm
I recently drove from PA to NC for the Greensboro meet and then drove to my parents' house in VA where I have been ever since.  (By the way, I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving no matter when or how you celebrate it.)

Greensboro, NC, Meet Trip

Clinched: MD 17, WV 51, VA/WV/VA 259, VA 259 ALT (Broadway), VA 276, VA 363 (what is in the HB), VA 262, US 11 BUS (Staunton), *VA 252, US 501 BUS (Buena Vista), ***US 501(VA), US 501 BUS (Lynchburg), VA 304, US 15 BUS (Durham), US 501 BUS (Durham), NC 147 (previously clinched free section, only drove toll section), NC 54, NC 61, NC 100, NC 74 (in its current iteration), I-840(NC)(in its current iteration), I-785(NC)(in its current iteration), Bryan Blvd (east of I-73/I-840), US 58 BUS (Clarksville), US 58 BUS (Boydton)
New Mileage: **MD 77(only from MD 64 to Wolfsville Rd), WV 45, US 50(VA), VA 42 (North Section), US 33(VA), VA 256, *VA 254 (small segment east of VA 262), US 250 TRUCK (Staunton), US 250(VA), VA 39, US 60(VA), VA 130, US 460 BUS (Lynchburg), US 221(VA), VA 40, VA 360, US 360(VA), US 501 TRUCK (South Boston), US 501(NC), US 158(NC), NC 57, NC/VA 49, NC 157, ****NC 55, NC 540, US 15(VA/NC), NC 87, NC 62, US 70(NC), NC 150, US 220(NC), I-40(NC), NC 68, I-73(NC), US 29(NC), NC 86, NC/VA 96

*Thread in TM Forum may change this in the HB
**Not enough mileage to record in my list file
***Reclinch north of Lynchburg due to realignment onto new bridge over the James River, counted sight clinch from US 58/US 360/US 501 intersection due to road being closed in South Boston from US 58/US 360 to VA 304 due to flooding
****Counted sight clinch of area around US 70 BUS (Durham)/NC 98 Area closed due to construction

My drive in VA yesterday to see the widened I-64 and finish clinching on the Peninsula.

Clinched: VA 321, VA 322, VA 132Y, VA 134, VA 152, VA 351, VA 169, VA 143 TRUCK (Hampton), VA 415, VA 173, VA 238, VA 296, VA 298, VA 30, VA 380, Colonial Pkwy
New Mileage: US 360

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: clong on December 02, 2020, 12:05:38 pm
Took a Thanksgiving trip.
Finally got the section of NC I-77 between I-277 and I-285, finished the I-95/I-495 loop around DC, the last 1/2 mile of I-395 in DC (was closed when I was there last for construction) and I-295 in DC/MD. Just missed finishing I-66 due to a wrong turn amongst construction on the Arlington Memorial Bridge.
New mileage in VA and/or MD on US1, US15, US17, US29, US250, US301
Several VA state route sections (VA3, VA20, VA22, VA53, VA208, VA231)
A little mileage on MD state routes (MD 5, MD 231, MD 234, MD236)

Also got 8 new counties along the way.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on December 13, 2020, 10:29:28 am
Took another Maryland ride yesterday...

New clinches in order:  MD 337, MD 216, MD 103, MD 652, MD 176, MD 270, MD 100, MD 177, MD 3 Bus, MD 174, MD 713, MD 758, MD 162, MD 169, MD 168, MD 648, MD 129, MD 940, MD 133, MD 134, MD 131, MD 130, MD 140, MD 122, MD 166, MD 372, US 1 ALT (Baltimore)

unsigned routes clinched: MD 176B, MD 100N, MD 915A, MD 3D, MD 995, MD 762, former MD 999, MD 779, MD 969, MD 795

New mileage: all but 1 mile of MD 198 (road was closed by law enforcement near MD 32)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on December 13, 2020, 06:04:19 pm
I just spent a week on the road, to escape the stress of the season. I spent several days in Georgia, getting there via southeastern Kentucky, eastern Tennessee, and both Carolinas, popping into southeastern Alabama and far northern Florida, and returning home via a more easterly route.

My main goal was to re-complete the rest of Georgia's 159 counties, for my "round 2" count. I had completed those counties (as well as the rest of the U.S.) in "round 1" more than a decade ago. This time, I'm trying to improve on my "round 1" county clinches, including trying to visit county seats rather than just settling for crossing the county line. Georgia now is my 23rd state (plus D.C.) re-completed, and my eighth one this year.

I clinched US 84 in Georgia on this trip, to match my clinch earlier this year of US 84's west end in Colorado and New Mexico. Still a lot of missing mileage in the middle, in Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and western Alabama. I also re-clinched US 119, for a realignment in southeastern Kentucky.

Shorter route clinches: both segments of GA 94, and the isolated FL 2 segment connecting them; both segments of GA 177, to the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge; GA 123; GA 200; GA 266; GA 376; AL 173; US 15 Business in Hartsville SC; SC 102; NC 145; NC 14; VA 87; VA 270; and VA 457.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on December 14, 2020, 11:20:48 pm
A trip Sunday to check out the new segment of Corridor Q in Kentucky & Virginia allowed me to clinch a little over 50 routes overall, bringing me to 70% completion in Kentucky. My .list now has over 10,000 "good" lines.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: cl94 on December 15, 2020, 08:11:27 pm
Lots of new Connecticut mileage for me Friday-Sunday as part of a weekend trip. Highlight in terms of clinching was finishing US 1 in the state, which finished the state's US routes for me, but I also got some new stretches of freeway and a couple hundred miles worth of state routes, bringing me from around 60% complete pre-Friday to over 67% in the state.

If I cared enough, I'm at the point where I could probably finish the state in a couple of weekends, as most of my missing mileage is concentrated in the eastern half of the state. Instead, I'll probably continue chipping away as part of other trips.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: clong on December 18, 2020, 09:59:53 am
Work trip yesterday allowed for a little in-state clinching:
Finished the segments of US43 between Hamilton and Russellville and Russellville and Tuscumbia (had a short segment in Russellville previously completed). That gives me a Tuscaloosa to TN state line completion of the route and leaves only the short segment of the Natchez in far NW AL and a portion of the Huntsville perimeter that is currently included in select freeways remaining north of Tuscaloosa/Birmingham/I-20 for active systems in AL.

Also got mileage on AL 13,17,33,36 and 101 and clinches of AL 74 and 184.

The 46 miles on active systems left me 5 miles short of moving into 2nd in AL for active systems and the 112 miles on active+preview was enough to move me into 2nd in AL.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on December 26, 2020, 12:09:36 pm
And I've added more than 12,000 mi this year.

My progress since I've joined TM (CHM) 5 years ago:
End of 2013 mileage:   9,615 mi   
End of 2014 mileage:  16,818 mi ; + 7,203 mi
End of 2015 mileage:  19,169 mi ; + 2,351 mi
End of 2016 mileage:  36,983 mi ; +17,814 mi (~5,500mi added due to new deub system)
End of 2017 mileage:  58,190 mi ; +21,207 mi (~2,500mi added due to new deubyst, deubwl, deuhel, deunwl, deurpl, deusll systems)
End of 2018 mileage:  70,811 mi ; +12,621 mi (~400mi added due to new remaining deuxxl systems)


And I've added more than 13,000 mi this year:

End of 2019 mileage:  84,500 mi = +13,689 mi

I've traveled 14 TM regions in 2020: CZE, DEU-BB, DEU-BW, DEU-BY, DEU-HB, DEU-HE, DEU-HH, DEU-MV, DEU-NI, DEU-SH, DEU-SN, DEU-ST, DEU-TH and DNK.

End of 2020 mileage: 92,967 mi = + 8,447 mi

TOP 5 regions:
+2,325 mi in DEU-BW
+2,147 mi in DEU-BY
+1,045 mi in DNK
+ 847 mi in DEU-SN
+ 469 mi in DEU-BB

I've also clinched dnkmot system (802mi) this year :)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: ntallyn on December 26, 2020, 05:39:38 pm
The rankings by state, system, etc.

We have rankings by region, e.g. (scroll to the end).
We do not yet have rankings by system - just an open issue on Github:
This is the one I remember seeing in the past. But every time I would look for it, I would end up at the MapView. But I finally found the link to the region. Apparently, I'm the only one who doesn't know to click on the name of the region.  :pan:

So...with the activation of the Australian A roads, I decided to take a look at my handful of miles around Adelaide. And I found something interesting...

When I look at my "Stats by Region" and click on South Australia, I see that I rank #3 for distance, and I see the list at the bottom of the page (

However, when I look at my "Stats by System" and click on Australia A Roads, I see that I rank #6 for distance, but the list of travelers does not appear (

It was mentioned earlier in the thread that rankings by system don't exist. Is this new? If so, it would be nice to see the individuals listed at the end of the page similar to the rankings by region. Or is this a programming/display issue?
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on December 26, 2020, 08:07:31 pm
So...with the activation of the Australian A roads, I decided to take a look at my handful of miles around Adelaide. And I found something interesting...

When I look at my "Stats by Region" and click on South Australia, I see that I rank #3 for distance, and I see the list at the bottom of the page (

However, when I look at my "Stats by System" and click on Australia A Roads, I see that I rank #6 for distance, but the list of travelers does not appear (

Not entirely sure what you're asking here, so sorry if I misunderstood. You answered the "where is the list of travelers" question in your message, so are you asking why you're ranked 3 on one page and 6 in the other? One is your ranking in AUS-SA, and the other is your ranking on A Roads in all of Australia.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: ntallyn on December 26, 2020, 09:31:06 pm
So...with the activation of the Australian A roads, I decided to take a look at my handful of miles around Adelaide. And I found something interesting...

When I look at my "Stats by Region" and click on South Australia, I see that I rank #3 for distance, and I see the list at the bottom of the page (

However, when I look at my "Stats by System" and click on Australia A Roads, I see that I rank #6 for distance, but the list of travelers does not appear (

Not entirely sure what you're asking here, so sorry if I misunderstood. You answered the "where is the list of travelers" question in your message, so are you asking why you're ranked 3 on one page and 6 in the other? One is your ranking in AUS-SA, and the other is your ranking on A Roads in all of Australia.

At the bottom of the Region page (first attachment) is the list of 3 travelers who (so far) have claimed mileage in SA. At the bottom of the System page (second attachment) are simply the highest numbered A roads in Australia. The top of that page shows a rank. But nowhere on the page does it show the individual travelers.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on December 27, 2020, 01:47:53 am
It was mentioned earlier in the thread that rankings by system don't exist. Is this new? If so, it would be nice to see the individuals listed at the end of the page similar to the rankings by region. Or is this a programming/display issue?

It is a programming issue. The table was never implemented. There is already an issue in the backlog: Web #97 List of travelers who have traveled a system (

Jim asked for things to be implemented on the other thread. You could raise your topic there:

If anyone has other things, especially on the web front end side of things, that you'd like me to try to prioritize, let me know.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Bickendan on December 27, 2020, 05:08:40 pm
Travel has been minimal this last year (outside of going to India back in February just prior to Covid blowing up), but did a Portland to Albany and back run, picking up River Rd between OR 219 in St Paul and OR 99EB in Salem.
Could make for a decent Salem-Newberg route, but I doubt the OTC or ODOT would be interested.
But, basically route 214 west from Woodburn to St Paul, and 219 south from St Paul to Salem.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: yakra on December 28, 2020, 01:54:02 am
a Portland to Albany and back run
This makes me want to write a trollishly sincere ode to the NEI 9 corridor. :D
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on December 29, 2020, 05:45:31 pm
I took a trip last Saturday mainly to see the completed I-895 Canton Viaduct project, US 322 Widening in southeast PA, the new US 422 Schuylkill River Bridge, and the PA 29 realignment in Collegeville, but I got some clinching in as well in mostly MD and NJ.  I actually drove the Delaware Memorial Bridge for the first time after being a passenger years ago. (though I did not clinch or gain any mileage in DE)

Routes are mentioned below in the order I was on them.

Clinched: MD 833, MD 88, MD 128, MD 140, I-395(MD-Clarified that I clinched both branches), MD 295, I-895(MD), MD 700, MD 587, MD 755, MD 159, MD 715, MD 490, MD 7 (Havre De Grace), MD 763, MD 824, NJ 140, US 40(NJ), NJ 152, US 322(NJ), PA 29 (reclinch due to realignment in Collegeville), PA 401
New Mileage: MD 25, MD 129, US 1(MD), MD 648, US 40(MD), MD 2, MD 155, US 130(NJ), NJ 45, NJ 47, NJ 50, PA 252, PA 113

EDIT (2-2-2021):  Corrected to clarify that I did not clinch PA 252, but I did gain new mileage.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: jayhawkco on January 11, 2021, 11:21:46 am
Drove down to visit my parents in St. Augustine, FL (after quarantining for two weeks) and bought a car to bring back to Colorado.  Ballpark 2,400 new miles and 110 counties.  New interstate clinches: I-27, I-369, I-49 (re-clinch), I-220 (Shreveport), I-516 (Savannah), I-295 (Richmond), I-83, I-70, I-68, I-279 (Pittsburgh), I-680 (Youngstown), I-277 (Akron), I-180 (Hennepin), I-280 (Quad Cities), I-172 (Quincy).

Two days down (stopping in Bossier City, LA for the night), three days back (stopping in Rehoboth Beach, DE and Peru, IL).

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Barefoot Driver on January 15, 2021, 07:58:31 pm
Drove down to visit my parents in St. Augustine, FL (after quarantining for two weeks) and bought a car to bring back to Colorado.  Ballpark 2,400 new miles and 110 counties.  New interstate clinches: I-27, I-369, I-49 (re-clinch), I-220 (Shreveport), I-516 (Savannah), I-295 (Richmond), I-83, I-70, I-68, I-279 (Pittsburgh), I-680 (Youngstown), I-277 (Akron), I-180 (Hennepin), I-280 (Quad Cities), I-172 (Quincy).

Two days down (stopping in Bossier City, LA for the night), three days back (stopping in Rehoboth Beach, DE and Peru, IL).

very nicely done!
i have some of those, and parts of most of them.
i-180 (hennepin) is called “the interstate to nowhere”. i’m somewhat surprised that it still carries interstate status; i would’ve thought they would’ve decommissioned it a long time ago, maybe to be an extension of il-71.
may 2021 be better for all of us!
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: andrepoiy on January 23, 2021, 06:30:03 pm
I'm 17 years old, so I just started driving a year ago, thus my low mileage. (I have been on many road trips with my parents before, twice to Florida, twice in New England, once to Atlantic Canada, many times to Quebec, but I did not want to include it since I wasn't driving).
However, I would like to share a few trip I made with a few classmates back in November, where I was able to almost-clinch a freeway.

The trip started off with me picking up my classmates. I then got on the 401 eastbound, then 427 southbound, and then QEW Ft Erie bound. We stopped at several places, such as Burlington (the Waterfront is so nice and it has a beautiful rebuilt downtown, Grimsby (just a normal downtown area), before getting off somewhere in St. Catharines. We strolled in a park that was next to the 406, and drove around downtown, before we headed to Niagara-on-the-Lake. We didn't stay long in NOTL because we didn't want to pay for parking, so we then headed south on the Niagara Parkway, passing by hydro facilities, a memorial for General Brock in Queenston, and then arriving at the Falls. We had some fun at the Falls, and it was completely empty due to the Pandemic, so we pretty much had all the attractions to ourselves.

Then, we left for Fort Erie. We took Highway 420, but unfortunately it wasn't a clinch because I exited onto the QEW, one exit before the actual end on this website. When we got to Ft. Erie, however, it was completely dark, but my classmates decided to go check out the fort anyways. I would have clinched the QEW if I crossed the border to Buffalo, but the border was closed, so this again, was an almost-clinch. (I got off at Central Parkway, the last exit before customs). Then we headed to Welland, Ontario, and the route we took made me almost-clinch Highway 58A, which is a short highway. We went to see the bridge, but in Welland, one of my classmates realized that he had lost his wallet.

I planned to go back home from Welland via 406, which would allow me to clinch that, but due to the lost wallet, that plan is out the door. We drove all the way back to Ft Erie to retrace our steps (and bought a flashlight to actually see anything), and then back to the Falls, but we didn't find the wallet. Finally, we drove home, and when we got to Hamilton, I took the opportunity to clinch both the Lincoln Alexander Parkway and the Red Hill Valley Parkway. What was interesting was that these highways are unlit, despite being in the middle of an urban area. So it looked like we were travelling on a rural freeway. (There are sound barriers so there were no lights visible from the side of the freeway either).

After driving around McMaster University (we attempt to visit as many unis as possible since at this time we were supposed to be thinking about where to apply to, and unfortunately we weren't able to visit Brock Uni because of the lost wallet), we took the 403 and went home. Then I realized that I was running out of gas, so I exited QEW at Hurontario and then got some gas, then I took 403, then 401.

In this trip, I clinched:
Red Hill Valley Parkway, Lincoln Alexander Parkway

I almost-clinched the following routes:
QEW, 420, 58A.

Drove sections of the following roads:
401, 403, 404, 427.

Clinched following county roads (not on this website):

Niagara RR 420, 512, 42, 55, 525

Almost-clinched following county roads (not on this website):
Niagara RR 25

Drove on sections of following county/municipal arterial roads (not on this website):

York RR 25, 49, 38, 7, 34
Steeles Avenue, Hurontario Street, Niagara Parkway
Halton RR 18
Niagara RR 81, 87, 48, 102, 3, 124, 54
Hamilton 8

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on January 24, 2021, 09:03:55 am
Took the last Maryland-specific ride...

Clinched in order:  MD 414, MD 637, MD 218, MD 458, MD 332, MD 704, MD 193, MD 564, MD 450, MD 202, MD 410, MD 694 (unposted), MD 198, US 1 ALT (Bladensburg and DC), MD 208, MD 500, MD 501, MD 195, MD 787, MD 384, VA 209 (reclinch after realignment)

I also found what might be the last known example of this style of MD route marker still standing, on former MD 211 (which is still posted in at least two locations) -

With that I have completed the primary system of Washington DC (only took 25 years!).

All I have left in Maryland of the posted state highway system are routes that were closed when I was there to drive them - MD 36 between MD 638 and MD 47 (since re-opened); MD 147 near Coppin State Univ (closed until late 2021)

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: drebbin37 on January 26, 2021, 03:55:33 pm
I'm 17 years old

This is awesome.  I wish I had discovered TM and started tracking my driving so early.  As I'm sure most here understand, it's really difficult to piece together long ago traveled routes from memory and sporadic clues.

I'm also struggling with the border closure, but from the other side.  Who knows when I'll be able to clinch my remaining 0.04 miles of I-91 and 0.44 miles of I-89 north of the last Vermont exits.

My most recent new mileage was on a quick Sunday trip from CT to Long Island and back.
Clinched: SagStaPkwy, RobMosCswy, OcePkwy, BayPkwy, LoopPkwy, MeaStaPkwy, NY125
New mileage: US1, BroRivPkwy, I-295, GraCenPkwy, NorStaPkwy, I-495, NY24, NY25, NY347, NY231, WanStaPkwy, NY27, NY22
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: rickmastfan67 on January 26, 2021, 07:15:51 pm
Then, we left for Fort Erie. We took Highway 420, but unfortunately it wasn't a clinch because I exited onto the QEW, one exit before the actual end on this website.

Can't help that it's signed to RR-98.

Sadly, the shield there is now gone in the latest StreetView (bet it was stolen due to the 'number'), but the 'ENDS' banner is still there at least.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: theFXexpert on January 27, 2021, 07:15:16 pm
I had meant to do a big list update a year ago and kept putting it off.

Put in some misc  AL, GA, NC stuff from a few years ago.

Put in a big Florida panhandle trip I did on a long weekend in 2018 to clinch mostly everything there.
Of course Florida would add FL99 after I did it.

I did a trip to southeast PA in 2019 and finally got my first miles on the mainline PA Turnpike. Along the way, I got I-87, I-440 and some of I-40 in NC, I-695 in DC, some of I-695 around Baltimore, and filled in a couple gaps I had in I-95 up to Philly.

I have 94% in Florida now.
What I have left is mostly in urban south Florida (Palm Beach, Broward, and Miami-Dade counties) which I expect will be more tedious to complete as well as the new US301 bypasses, FL538, and various scattered segments I missed
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on February 02, 2021, 08:54:01 pm
Despite my temporary absence due to mental health and the still ongoing pandemic, January ended up being a busy month clinching-wise for me.

Early in the month, I did a short trip mainly to see the ongoing DDI construction on PA 851 at I-83 in Shrewbury and the new bridge for MD 86 that resulted in such a minor realignment that I did not report it here.  However, I did get some routes done in northern Maryland.

Clinched: MD 137, MD 138, MD 562, MD 439
New Mileage: MD 45

Last week, I took a trip down to VA to see my family after my uncle recently passed away from lung cancer.  Thankfully, I had two nice days driving down and back to clinch routes before the latest winter storm showed up.

On the way down:

Clinched: MD 852 (posted segment near Manchester), MD 31, MD 85, VA 209 (unsigned), VA 213 (unsigned), VA 28 (clinched while I was still 28), US 1 BUS (Fredericksburg, VA), VA 208, VA 208 BUS (Spotsylvania), VA 13, VA 300, VA 300Y (unsigned)
New Mileage: MD 27, MD 26, MD 28, VA 3, VA 3 BUS (Fredericksburg), VA 22, VA 6 (short segment not long enough to be in HB), VA 45

Note that I could not clinch VA 3 BUS (Fredericksburg) due to the bridge being closed for its replacement over the Rappahannock River; however, you can get a great view of the construction coming down the hill into downtown.  I also saw the almost full freeway VA 7 between US 15 and VA 28, the full freeway of VA 28 between US 29 and VA 7, and finally clinched a five-digit SR in Fairfax County (SR 10076).

On my birthday (last Saturday), I took the day to work towards finishing the southside of Hampton Roads and clinched all of the posted VA routes on the Eastern Shore.  I definitely felt emotional as I was finally clinching VA 175.

Clinched: VA 125 (both segments), VA 191, VA 337 ALT (Portsmouth), VA 141, US 460 (VA)*, VA 166*, VA 246 (now unsigned hence not in list file), VA 337, VA 407 (current and former segments), VA 414 (former), VA 343 (posted segment in HB), VA 184, VA 181, US 13 BUS (Exmore, VA), VA 183, VA 178, VA 182, VA 180, VA 180Y, VA 126, VA 179, US 13 BUS (Onley, VA), VA 176, VA 316, VA 187, VA 175, MD 756, MD 359, US 113 BUS (Snow Hill, MD), US 113 (full clinch in MD/DE), PA 796
New Mileage: VA 168, MD 12, DE 20, DE 1 BUS (Milford), DE 1

*Reclinch due to realignment at new Poindexter St Bridge

I was also surprised at how well-posted VA 407 is in Norfolk despite its decommissioning in Va Beach, and yes I paid the entrance fee at First Landing State Park to clinch VA 343.

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: ntallyn on February 06, 2021, 01:52:03 pm
Finally getting around to posting about my year-end trip to visit my mother in Virginia Beach.

The wife and I took 2 1/2 days to make the nominally 9.5 hour drive, collecting a few counties (31 for me, if I counted correctly, and 42 for her; both of us completed South Carolina on the trip), and grabbing some new highways for me. Due to a late departure, the route to Alpharetta, GA only added a couple of miles around Macon (US80) and GA 400 in Atlanta.

Day 2 (to Jacksonville, NC) added mileage on GA 20, GA 13, GA347, GA 211, US 29, SC 296, SC 295, US 176, SC 150, SC 211, SC 105, SC 9, SC 49, US 221, SC 97, SC 200, US 21, SC 522, US 521, US 521 Bus (Kershaw), US 601, NC 200, NC 218, NC 205, NC 138, US 52, NC 731, NC 109, US 74, NC 11, NC 210, US 421, NC 53, and US 17, as well as a few additional concurrencies. Of that entire list, the only clinch was SC 522!

The joke about spending the night in Jacksonville, NC was that we could call my mother and tell her we were just leaving "Jacksonville", and it would take us about 9.5 hours to get there. :)

Day 3 was NC 24, NC 58, US 17, NC 55, NC 306 (I messed up the timing for the ferry), NC 33, US 264, NC 99, US 64, NC 45, NC 94, NC 37, more US 17, US 17 Bypass, even more US 17, and then little parts of VA 165.

A day trip to Kitty Hawk collected most of VA 168, as well as NC 168, US 158, and NC 12.

The return routing was US 13, US 158, and I-95.

All those miles and only one highway clinch.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on February 06, 2021, 02:11:09 pm
A day trip to Kitty Hawk collected most of VA 168, as well as NC 168, US 158, and NC 12.

You did not clinch NC 168?
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: ntallyn on February 07, 2021, 01:50:18 pm
A day trip to Kitty Hawk collected most of VA 168, as well as NC 168, US 158, and NC 12.

You did not clinch NC 168?
Nice catch. Two clinches.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: HTM Duke on February 10, 2021, 06:23:52 pm
Embarked last week on a two-day trip to Enterprise, AL and back to clinch AL-248 and GA-266 (lowest route number thread back on AARoads).

(In order of travel)
Day 1
Clinched: FL-267, GA-302, GA-302 SPUR, GA-97 SPUR, GA-310, GA-45 CONN, GA-91 SPUR, US-27 BUS/GA-1 BUS (Blakely), GA-62 BYP, GA-45 ALT, GA-45 TRK, GA-62 TRK, US-27/GA-1 BUS (Cuthbert), GA-266, AL-105, AL-249, US-231 BUS (Ozark), AL-37, AL-248, AL-88, AL-92, AL-210, US-84/231/431 BUS (Dothan)
New mileage: FL-12, GA-97, US-27/GA-1, US-84/GA-38, GA-253, GA-45, GA-91, GA-39, GA-200, GA-62, GA-216, GA-37, US-82/GA-50, GA-39, AL-10, AL-27, US-231, AL-123, AL-134, AL-85, AL-167, AL-52, US-431

Day 2
Clinched: AL-53 (Dothan), FL-71, FL-30A, FL-30E, FL-73, FL-69, FL-12, FL-65, US-319 (FL)
New mileage: US-98, US-231 (between FL-73 and CR-162),
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: compdude787 on February 15, 2021, 12:58:55 am
I've wanted to post an update on my travels over the past year for awhile now, but haven't gotten around to it. This is going to be a long post. Despite the ongoing situation with COVID craziness basically making this a horrible year for most people, I still managed to get out out and go on several trips that significantly increased my mileage.

In January, I almost clinched all of WA 18, except for the stretch at its western end between WA 161 and WA 99 (completely forgot about it). In mid-March, just before the lockdown happened, I went and drove US 101 on Hood Canal; I hadn't driven that entire stretch of US 101 along Hood Canal before.

During the lockdown, I still got out on the weekends and clinched new highways (was always good to get out of the house!). On one day, I drove on WA 900 between Renton and Issaquah for the first time; on another day, I drove I-5 north up to Bellingham, then traveled on WA 542 and WA 9 north up to Sumas, and then I clinched WA 547, and then headed south on WA 9 to cover new territory between the WA 542 junction and Arlington. As a result, I almost clinched WA 9 except for the border crossing, but unfortunately the border remains closed. I was hoping that COVID would all be over with by the summer and I would be able to get back up to Canada for the first time since 2009 and explore Vancouver, Victoria, and go up to the Canadian Rockies.

Of course, that wasn't possible and the border is still closed. So instead, in August I took a weekend trip to Mount Rainier since it had been at least ten years since I last visited, and there was more that I wanted to see. I drove all the roads in the park, visiting Paradise, Ohanapecosh and Sunrise. I also drove part of WA 123 from Ohanapecosh to WA 410, and drove WA 410 over Chinook Pass, turned around several miles east of the pass and came back westbound on 410 all the way to its western terminus at WA 167 in Sumner. I filmed much of the roads on that trip with my new 4K video camera, which I'm really happy with.

At the end of September, I did a weekend camping trip with some friends from church out on the Olympic Peninsula at a campsite near Aberdeen. On the way back home, I decided to drive out to Ocean Shores and around the Olympic Peninsula. I also clinched WA 109 Spur in Hoquiam, and got some new mileage on WA 109 north of Ocean Shores. I wanted to clinch all of WA 109 but the Quinault tribe had the rest of the road north of Moclips Highway closed off to non-residents in response to covid. So I took the Moclips Highway back to US 101, and got new substantial new mileage on 101 from there north along the coast to the WA 113 junction north of Forks. (I still have a few spots on US 101 in WA left to clinch, which is funny, because I've already clinched all of US 101 in Oregon and that's further away from me!)

I still wanted to do a major roadtrip for the year in lieu of going to the Canadian Rockies, so my Plan B ended up being visiting all the national parks in Utah as well as the Grand Canyon in mid-October. To start off, on the first day, which was a Friday evening, I headed south on I-5 through Washington and Oregon. Now I've clinched all of I-5 in Oregon! (The irony is that I still haven't clinched all of I-5 in WA given that it's a lot closer to where I live, but the one spot that remains unclinched is the Peace Arch border crossing) Also, in Portland, I added part of I-84 between I-5 and I-205, and in Eugene, I clinched I-105, as well as the segment of OR 99 between I-105 and I-5 through downtown Eugene the morning after leaving my motel for the first night of my trip.

Anyway, on the second day, I then continued south on I-5 into California, remaining on I-5 until I-505, which I easily clinched to get to I-80 WB, and I continued on I-80 into the Bay Area until I got to my hotel for the second night in Emeryville. The new roads that I clinched/drove on for the first time included several state routes on city streets in Albany and Berkeley, as well as a bit more of US 101 in San Mateo, CA 92 between US 101 and I-280, CA 1 in San Francisco between I-280 and US 101, all of I-280, part of I-680 from its southern end to CA 24, and all of CA 24. On leaving the Bay Area, I headed east on I-580 from I-238 through the Dublin Canyon, over Altamont Pass to I-205. Then I clinched I-205, picked up part of I-5 NB to CA 120, then took CA 99 to get to the Best Buy in Modesto (had to purchase additional batteries for my video camera), then I clinched CA 219 east to CA 108, then took CA 108 east to CA 120, then took CA 120 east to a campground west of Yosemite National Park.

The next day, I went to Yosemite to explore the park, and take in the beautiful views in the valley. Then I headed over Tioga Pass on CA 120 and then south on US 395. Made a little side-trip in Bishop on US 6 to get a photo of the sign showing the mileage to Provincetown, MA, then I continued south on US 395 to CA 136. That was an easy one to clinch, and then I continued onto CA 190 into Death Valley. Unfortunately, with less daylight in October, it was dark by about 7pm, so I mostly drove thru Death Valley in the dark; the only thing there I was able to see while it was still light out was the Father Crowley Overlook where there's the canyon that fighter jets sometimes fly through. I continued east on CA 190 to the CA 127 junction, and took that north into Nevada, where it turned into NV 373. I clinched that quite easily and then headed south on US 95 into Las Vegas, where I spent the night after driving up the Strip at nighttime.

On the fourth day of the trip, I went and visited Hoover Dam, clinching I-215 and what currently exists of I-11 on the way there. After visiting the dam, I headed north on I-11 back to I-515, and having clinched that, I headed north on I-15 out of Las Vegas, thru the Virgin River Gorge, and left I-15 in St. George, heading east on UT 9 and heading through Zion National Park. I clinched that and reached US 89 as the sun was setting. I made my way to Bryce Canyon that night and camped there.

The next morning, I explored Bryce Canyon (clinching UT 63 and the Bryce Canyon Scenic Drive in the process) and headed east on the very scenic UT 12. I clinched that entire stretch of scenic road. Then I continued east on UT 24, driving through Capitol Reef National Park, including the scenic drive in the park. I eventually reached the eastern terminus of UT 24 at I-70, then drove both ways on I-70 through Spotted Wolf Canyon as the sun was setting. So I picked up a bit more of I-70 in UT and then headed south on US 191 to Moab, where I stayed the night.

On day 6, I left Moab and visited Canyonlands National Park and Arches National Park. After visiting those two parks, I headed south on US 191 towards Monument Valley, driving through on US 163 and clinching that route once I got to its southern end in Kayenta. I then headed west on US 160 to its junction with US 89, then I headed south on US 89 into Flagstaff. Once in Flagstaff, I headed north on US 180 to Tusayan, just south of Grand Canyon, where I camped for the night.

The next morning, on day 7, I went to the south rim of Grand Canyon at Mather Point. Then, I headed south on US 180, then AZ 64, to Williams, AZ, and drove historic US 66 through the town. Then I headed west on I-40 to Kingman, which is actually pretty scenic. After I got to Kingman, I headed north on US 93 back to Hoover Dam, then I-215 to I-15, and then I-15 south into the LA area. Then I went west on CA 210/I-210 to Pasadena as it got dark. I did some more night driving on LA freeways, picking up part of I-105, US 101 from downtown LA to I-405, south I-405 over Sepulveda Pass, and then I-10 into LA. I spent the night at a hotel in Pasadena.

The next day was day 8, and that was a long day. I spent that Saturday morning exploring and filming LA freeways. I clinched I-110 fully this time (I'd previously not gotten the part south of CA 47), drove over the new Gerald Desmond Bridge, got a bit more of I-710, more of I-105, and then drove south on I-5 through Orange County. Then I turned around and headed north and then clinched I-405, then drove part of I-210 through the foothills to CA 2, which I took south back into LA. After that, I headed out of LA on CA 110 and then I-5 over Tejon Pass and down the Grapevine. Then I took CA 99 up to Bakersfield and then went east on CA 58 through the Tehachapi Mountains. I got to Barstow and then headed north on I-15, and it was dark by the time I got to the Nevada border. However, I kept going on I-15 all the way to Ogden, UT, just north of Salt Lake City, and didn't get to my hotel there until 2am!  :o Yeah, it was pretty late, and not the best planning...

The ninth and final day of the trip, I left Ogden, UT and headed west on I-84 through Idaho and eastern Oregon to I-82 which I took to I-90 to get back to Seattle. On that day, I did a few side trips, clinching I-184 in Boise, and traveling part of US 395 and clinching I-182 in the Tri-Cities after eating dinner.

It was quite a fun trip and I got a lot of road video footage from it; at some point over the next year or so, I'll be posting it on my YouTube channel ( if you're interested. Also, this trip put me well over the 10,000 mile mark (I now have over 12,000 miles traveled). It ended up being a great alternative to going to Canada, though I do hope to be able to do that soon.

Anyway, after that, I clinched a few roads in December. I clinched all of WA 510 (so many roundabouts!) as well as WA 510 Alt in Yelm, which is the partially-completed Yelm bypass. Then I drove on WA 507 north to WA 7 in Spanaway, which also was new for me. Later in December, I clinched WA 7, picking up new mileage on it between Elbe (where WA 706 heads east towards Mount Rainier) and the town of Morton at the junction with US 12 and WA 508. I then clinched WA 508, which took me back to I-5 south of Chehalis.

I'll try and post updates here more often; that was way too long!
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: cl94 on February 15, 2021, 10:18:10 am
This weekend saw me in Massachusetts to visit my largest remaining frontier in the Northeast: Cape Cod. Only 2 of the 3 days had a lot of driving, but I still logged around 1,000 miles on the car. I finished MA's US Route mileage, got everything on the Cape, and got above 70% statewide. MA 9 was finished (finally) and MA 27 was driven in entirety.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: ntallyn on February 18, 2021, 10:15:19 pm
A voluntourism trip to Guatemala last week got me a few new miles (and some new kilometers, too).

We drove to Miami to take advantage of both a non-stop flight as well as a significant ticket savings. On that trip, I added 30 miles of I-95. I now only lack the southernmost 3 miles of I-95 to complete the Florida portion. Also, a few miles of FL112 and FL953.

Of note (but not highway-related), when we arrived at GUA, there were quite a few people at the Aeroclub waving, many ramp workers taking photos, and a water cannon salute. My suspicions were confirmed when I asked the captain on deplaning; it was the first ever arrival of a Boeing 737 MAX airplane at GUA.

While in Guatemala, I got the relatively new bypass of CA-1 around Chimaltenango, plus sections of RN11 and RN1 in Solola on the way to Panajachel and Lake Atitlan. We were originally on the same route as I had traveled before, but due to construction, our bus was not allowed, so we had to turn back and take the route through Godinez instead of through Solola.

On the return from MIA, portions of FL834, FL810, and FL706 were added, the entirety of FL811 (Deerfield Beach), and completions of FL 405 and 407.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: jayhawkco on February 21, 2021, 09:43:56 am
Took a road trip down by Alamosa yesterday and got CO136, CO142, CO159, CO368, CO370, and CO371 clinched.  The CO3xx's don't make a lot of sense to have as state highways.  I also had my first visit into Taos County, NM.

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on February 23, 2021, 03:32:15 pm
I took a trip last Saturday to see the new I-81 bridge over the Potomac River, go to Cumberland, MD, (inspired by roadwaywiz's Virtual Tour of I-68 recently), and clinch I-99 (great drive in spite of its number).

Clinched: MD 77, MD 68, MD 56, MD 144 (Hagerstown), MD 910, WV 901, WV 9, MD 51, MD 61, WV 28 ALT (Ridgeley), MD 639, I-99 (PA)
New Mileage: MD 550, MD 66, US 40 ALT (Hagerstown, MD), US 40 (MD), MD 63, WV 45, WV 28, *MD 144 (Flintstone), US 220 (MD/PA), US 220 BUS (Bedford, PA), PA 56, PA 764, US 220 BUS (Altoona, PA)

*Not enough mileage to count in HB
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on February 27, 2021, 12:09:45 am
I just got back from a two-and-a-half week road trip, focused on a festival in Palm Beach County FL but also including a side trip west to the New Orleans area (after Mardi Gras was over, but schools were still on break for the rest of Mardi Gras week). The original plan for that side trip included clinching all of US 84 including my missing mileage in Texas and western Louisiana. That didn't happen, for obvious reasons. I settled for clinching all of US 84 east of the Mississippi River, and saving the rest for later.

In Florida, I drove out to the east end of US 98, which I hadn't realized was on the other side of trees and hedges from Donald Trump's home at the Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach. Also, I clinched all TM-mapped routes in south Florida, and the rest of Florida east of I-95 (except I missed a few routes in Jacksonville), plus got in some beach time (managed to avoid sunburn until my last day at the beach).

In the New Orleans area, I focused on St. Bernard and Plaquemines parishes southeast of the city. Past Chalmette, that area turns rural in a hurry, including several small fishing villages in the Mississippi River delta. I drove to the end of the line on the east bank of the river, having previously done same for the west bank. Also of note is that New Orleans has a lot of the old-style white-on-green route markers, only most of them were heavily sun-faded and sometimes illegible. The white-on-black markers I saw outside New Orleans (similar to what we use in the Highway Browser) seem to be holding up better. While there, I clinched all TM-mapped routes in St. Bernard parish, and all on the east bank of the river in Plaquemines parish.

In between south Florida and New Orleans, I clinched US 280 and US 331 to bypass parts of US 84 I'd already covered.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: kjslaughter on March 01, 2021, 11:07:28 am
The moving nature of the highway network makes keeping this site up to date a never ending challenge, and also our individual travels.  Georgia deleted two routes I had travelled, one of which I had clinched, but offset with a new route I had already travelled on and an extension of a route I had clinched.  Sigh.  At least the extension of GA 141 is just 20 miles from my house and near my next tennis match!

I should start a separate file/list of all the deleted Georgia highways I've travelled and clinched.  Just here in Cobb County where I live from the past 10 years are GA 176, GA 120 Loop and GA 6 Bus.  Sigh.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Eth on March 02, 2021, 10:24:38 am
I feel ya, I just lost 371 too. But the silver lining for me is that at least 141 is no longer quite so annoyingly close to a clinch, as I was just missing the tiny part between 400 and 9.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on March 09, 2021, 06:55:17 pm
I took another long trip this past Saturday to finish US 50 east of Winchester, VA, and finish clinching DE 1 and DE 9 to hopefully be all but prepared for the Delaware content on roadwaywiz the next couple weeks.  Yes, I did get a selfie with the Sacramento sign in Ocean City.

Clinched: MD 67, MD 478, MD 79, VA 267, VA 243, US 50(DC), US 50(MD-East Segment), I-595(MD), MD 648(Arnold), MD 179, MD 672, MD 648(Browns Woods), MD 436, MD 70, MD 435, MD 387, MD 656, MD 456, MD 341, MD 670, US 50 BUS (Salisbury, MD), MD 513, MD 815, MD 347, MD 707 (West Ocean City), MD 378(unsigned), MD 528, DE 1, DE 1A, DE 1B, US 9 BUS (Lewes, DE), DE 1D, DE 1 BUS (Milford), DE 9, DE 7 (did not technically drive Road A in September due to construction)

New Mileage: US 40 ALT (Hagerstown), MD 180, MD 464 (did not do short segment east of US 15), VA 237, US 29(VA), VA 123, US 50(VA), US 1 ALT (Washington, DC), MD 450, MD 2, MD 648 (Severna Park), MD 18, MD 16, MD 343, MD 349, US 9(DE), DE 404, DE 23, DE 24, DE 14, DE 30

So I now the three major north-south DE corridors (US 13, US 113, DE 1).  With also finishing DE 9, DE 15 is the only north-south corridor left.

The biggest surprise was how much traffic was turning off of US 50 EB onto MD 404 EB in March, but I presume those were college students that somehow still had Spring Break.

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on March 14, 2021, 09:48:48 am
Took a 16.5 hour ride around North Carolina since they have made enough changes in eastern NC to be worth going...

New clinches:
NC 125 (reclinch, Williamston bypass)
NC 903 Truck Robersonville
NC 11 Byp Greenville
NC 148 (reclinch, extension to NC 11)
US 17 (reclinch, Mayesville-Pollocksville-River Bend bypasses)
US 117 Bus Burgaw
I-140 (reclinch, extensions)
NC 87
NC 133
NC 906
US 701 Bus Clarkton
NC 24 (reclinch, multiple bypasses btw Fayetteville and Clinton)
All-American Frwy
I-295/NC 295 (reclinch, extensions), whose posting in the field is inconsistent west of AAFrwy.

Also picked up a big chunk of NC 211 from Supply to Clarkton.

I can confirm that US 70/258 Business is still fully posted in Kinston.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on March 14, 2021, 10:41:43 am
Took a 16.5 hour ride around North Carolina since they have made enough changes in eastern NC to be worth going...

You should call it the "Catch Up On All Those Changes I Keep Making In Travel Mapping In Eastern NC Trip".
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Duke87 on March 14, 2021, 07:49:34 pm
Just got back from another trip myself. The first intention was finishing all of Oklahoma's counties, but roadswise...

Well, there is now only one Oklahoma Turnpike I have not clinched (Indian Nation). Completely fresh clinches of the Creek, Cimmaron, Chickasaw, Kickapoo, Kilpatrick, and Muskogee Turnpikes, along with both turnpike spurs, featured in this trip. And because OTA seems to not like staffing toll booths I am pretty sure I just used more change baskets in the last week than I have in my entire prior time as a licensed driver. Fortunately they offer bill changing machines... sometimes. Unfortunately the baskets seem to have issues counting dimes, which resulted in an extra nickel or two being donated to get the light to turn green on a few occasions (you're welcome OTA)

Other roads now fully clinched:
I-44 (one little section in Tulsa was mocking me. No more!), I-135, I-235 (OK), I-235 (KS), I-244, I-444, US 266, US 350, TX 51, TX Spur 17, TX Spur 24, CO 23, CO 239, CO 389, NE Spur 43A, KS 126, KS 251, KS 360, MO 126, AR 43 (Siloam Springs), AR 264 (Siloam Springs), OK 4 (Yukon), OK 7 Spur, OK 80A, OK 117, OK 162, OK 164, OK 165, OK 166, OK 251A, OK 266, OK 351, OK 364
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on April 05, 2021, 08:35:16 pm
I decided to take the roadwaywiz dare to clinch DE 15 Friday, and to torture myself even more, figure out how to get my parents to meet me in Dover (their GPS had them take US 50 to MD/DE 404 to US 13 for some reason), and also clinch the not as convoluted MD 313 and MD/DE 54.

As a highlight, I am currently now the only traveler to have clinched the extended MD 353 that I noticed on my trip last month.  I have also clinched all of the US 13 bannered routes with the exception of the ones in NC (at least until US 13 Business in Chester, PA, exists (except that I clinched that as US 13)).

Clinched: PA 841, MD 619, MD 404 BUS (Denton), MD 315, MD 577, MD 313, MD/DE 54, DE 26, MD 353, MD 675 (Delmar), DE 30, US 13 ALT (Woodside, DE), Puncheon Run Connector, US 13 ALT (Dover, DE), DE 15
New Mileage: MD 404, MD 16, MD 318, MD 392, DE 20, DE 24, DE 5 ALT (Milton), DE 14, DE 8, DE 10, DE 10 ALT (Woodside), DE 6, DE 42, DE 300
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: dave1693 on April 07, 2021, 11:18:16 pm
Couple of trips made between PA and VA in the past few weeks that weren't time-critical, so I managed a few new segments and clinches.

New clinches:
MD 407, MD 800 (thus clinching all highways in the HB in Carroll County, to go with Washington, Frederick, Howard, and Montgomery Cos. in MD)
PA 147 (until the CSVT gets completed between Shamokin Dam and Chillisquaque; I drove under the CSVT)

New segments but not clinched:
US 11/15 in PA, US 15 in PA, PA 25, PA 125, PA 225, PA 304

More new mileage may be forthcoming sooner than expected, but we're still ironing out details.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: drebbin37 on April 11, 2021, 10:21:09 pm
Took a Sunday morning drive to Boston in an attempt at clinching my last 26.17 Massachusetts miles.  I especially dislike driving in and around that city, so I've been delaying this for months.  I was able to clinch all missing segments of MA16, MA30, MA2, MA3, MA99, MA145, MA38, MA2A, and US3, along with the MA portion of US20.  Unfortunately, I took the wrong exit off the Tobin Bridge, leaving 0.15 miles of US1 unclinched between MA99 and I-93.  At some point I'll have to go back to fill in that annoying missing segment.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on April 18, 2021, 10:28:42 am
Took a 16.5 hr U-turn yesterday...

New Clinches, in order:

NJ 56, NJ 54, NJ 143, NJ 73, NJ 90, NJ 55, NJ 162, NJ 147, NJ 83, NJ 347, NJ 47, NJ 77, NJ 140, NJ 48.

I also picked up more mileage on NJ 49.

NJ 162 is still completely unidentified, though there are some really old tenths mile markers on its portion of the road (some missing).

Highlight was running into 4 examples of this style destination sign, which I hadn't seen all day anywhere else.  No idea if these are really rare now -

Also saw some ancient looking creek name signage and this example of county line signage -

US 48 and US 140 shields, too...

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on April 18, 2021, 10:54:16 am
US 48 and US 140 shields, too...

I saw the US 140 one when I drove in the area in December.  I cut NJ 48 on that trip to try to save time.

If US 48 was not reinstated for Corridor H, we would have erroneous US route shields for two former US routes within 5 miles of each other.   :D

EDIT:  Edited mine and mapmikey's post below for clarification on what I was referring to.

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on April 18, 2021, 10:59:53 am
US 48 and US 140 shields, too...

I saw the US 140 one when I drove in the area in December.  I cut NJ 48 on that trip to try to save time.

If US 48 was not reinstated for Corridor H, we would have erroneous US route shields for two former US routes within 5 miles of each other.   :D

The US 48 shields are brand new...not in 2019 GMSV.  They are located on US 40 WB.  There was also a NJ 40 shield pretty close to the US 140 shield.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on April 21, 2021, 06:00:39 pm
An otherwise unremarkable day trip to western NY/northwestern PA Monday nudged my routes traveled above 10,000. With 6731 routes clinched, my efficiency is above 67%, which I think is the first time it's been over 2/3. The same trip also moved me into first place in PA (mileage, traveled, and clinched) for now.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: compdude787 on April 28, 2021, 09:17:49 pm
This past weekend, I did a trip out to Spokane to visit some friends and on the way there and back, I took the opportunity to field-check the historic routes of US 10 in Eastern Washington, clinching US10HistFre, and traveling part of US10HistRit (this one is going to need some changes) on the way to Spokane on Friday. Drove parts of WA 206 and WA 291 in the Spokane area.

On the way back Sunday afternoon, I went west on I-90 (exiting the freeway to clinch WA 902) and then turned around at Ritzville and drove most of the historic US 10 from Ritzville east to Sprague, and continued on that road until it got back to I-90. Then I clinched WA 904, which is also the historic US 10 through Cheney.

After that, I went west on US 2 all the way back through eastern Washington (much of which was new mileage for me) and over the Cascades, meaning that I've now clinched almost all of US 2 in Washington, except for a tiny little bit in Newport between the WA 20 intersection and the Idaho border.

I think this trip put me over 50% of mileage in Washington that I've now clinched. At least this is when I first noticed that I was over 50%....
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: kjslaughter on May 03, 2021, 10:02:38 am
Kicked off my next project to visit and photograph all the Alabama courthouses over a long weekend.  Started with SW corner of state going to lots of little towns in a triangle formed by Mobile, Montgomery and Meridian.  Hope to get some some more in June in western and NW corners of the state.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: froggie on May 06, 2021, 09:00:31 pm
Did my first daytrip in months (and first trip outside VT/NH in over a year) into the Adirondacks to fill in some gaps.  Should put me over 9K total mileage in New York.

And this may have been asked before (I'm sure it has on AARoads), but what is the point of NY 421?  I'm not really seeing a valid state purpose for that route.  Nevermind that the last few miles are signed "Rough Road" and that's putting it mildly...makes the dirt road I live on feel like brand new asphalt in comparison...
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on May 07, 2021, 10:45:11 am
Nevermind that the last few miles are signed "Rough Road" and that's putting it mildly...makes the dirt road I live on feel like brand new asphalt in comparison...

I remember seeing those signs on US 9 near I-87 Exit 30 a few years ago.  Are these signs common up there?
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: froggie on May 07, 2021, 12:34:28 pm
Not common, but not unheard of either.  I've also seen them on county routes in Upstate New York.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: vdeane on May 08, 2021, 04:03:24 pm
Did my first daytrip in months (and first trip outside VT/NH in over a year) into the Adirondacks to fill in some gaps.  Should put me over 9K total mileage in New York.

And this may have been asked before (I'm sure it has on AARoads), but what is the point of NY 421?  I'm not really seeing a valid state purpose for that route.  Nevermind that the last few miles are signed "Rough Road" and that's putting it mildly...makes the dirt road I live on feel like brand new asphalt in comparison...

I believe the area on the end is or used to be some DEC site.  Still, not sure why it's a touring route rather than a reference route.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: jayhawkco on May 08, 2021, 11:08:38 pm
Decided to check out a campsite in northern Colorado and then decided to bag some Wyoming highways.  Got WY12, WY210, WY211, WY212, WY213, WY214, WY215, WY216, WY219, WY222, WY225, WY313, NE L4A, and NE L53C clinched with some additional mileage on US30, NE71 and NE88.  Three new counties while I was at it. 

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on May 18, 2021, 07:08:14 pm
I went on a trip Saturday that seemed to be more about Alternate Truck Routes than anything else, but I still finished all of the TM mileage in Chester and Delaware Counties, finished the four Atlantic City Corridors plus the routes around Atlantic City,and wondered what was up with the Variable Speed Limit System on I-76 lowering speed limits when there was no congestion.  Yes, I also clinched the future realignment of US 13 in Chester.
(Not including ALT TRUCK Routes below)
Clinched: PA 842, PA 926, NJ 168, Atlantic City Expressway, Atlantic City-Brigantine Connector, NJ 87, NJ 187, NJ 157, *NJ 143, US 30 (NJ), PA 420, PA 252, PA 282, **PA 241
New Mileage: US 9 (NJ), US 130 (NJ), PA 113

*Counting slight-clinch north of US 30 for now (created thread on this)
**Drove newly slightly realigned section of PA 241
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: CharlotteAllisonCDTG on May 19, 2021, 02:57:48 pm
I forgot to mention a trip I took about two weeks ago.

I currently live in the Augusta, Georgia area.  My ex-wife and her new guy live in Jacksonville, Florida.  We decided to meet in the Savannah, Georgia area (about a "halfway point").  On the way back, I clinched the entire length of GA 307 (which I had never been on before).  Then, I took a brief portion of GA 25 to the north.  After turning around, I clinched the north-south portion of GA 21 Alt. (Port Wentworth; which I had never been on before).  When, I reached the Sonny Dixon Interchange, I clinched the current entirety of the Jimmy DeLoach Parkway (from there to US 80/GA 17/GA 26).  As a side note, the parkway was signed as part of GA 17.  Then, I took US 80/GA 17/GA 26 to where GA 17 split off to travel through Bloomingdale.  I took GA 17 all the way to I-16.  Then, I backtracked my path back to the Sonny Dixon Interchange and clinched the rest of GA 21 Alt. (Port Wentworth).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mikeandkristie on May 19, 2021, 06:09:25 pm
It's been a couple of weeks now, but we took the scenic route on the way back from Nags Head, NC and clinched the rest of US 264.  For us, that was everything east of Pantego.  Growing up in Plymouth on US 64, we always took it as the more direct route.  US 264 is much more indirect.  While I may have been on parts of it when I was a little kid, I had never done that part before as an adult.  That, along with some criss-crossing between Greenville and Rocky Mount for NC 43 and some other misc pieces allowed us to pass 10,000 miles in our home state of North Carolina.  We are currently sitting at 4th in mileage, 3rd in routes, and with 4 clinched routes on the trip moved up to 4th on the clinched list.  We've really been filling in the roads nearby us over the last couple of years.

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on May 24, 2021, 08:34:08 am
I returned Thursday of last week from my "Hugging Vaccinated Relatives" driving tour after they and I were fully vaccinated. The trip covered about 14,000 miles in about five weeks. This took me cross-country to a few days in California (sister and niece in southern California), and Minnesota on the return leg (aunt in the Minneapolis area). I didn't have time to work in visits to other relatives in Minnesota and South Dakota, who I'll try to see on a return trip there this summer.

Significant route clinches included:

-- US 84 overall, from Colorado to Georgia

-- US 150 overall, from Illinois to Kentucky

-- US 151 overall, from Iowa to Wisconsin

-- US 460 overall, from Kentucky to Virginia (ran out of daylight before I could drive two "future US 460" segments of KY 3174)

-- the King Coal Hwy. segment of US 52 in West Virginia, re-clinching US 52 overall

-- the newly-extended I-710 in Long Beach CA

-- extensions to the AZ 202 and AZ 303 freeway loops in Phoenix

-- Texas Loop 375, the recently-completed loop around El Paso

-- NM 6563 (highest route number in that state, numbered for the wavelength of a key hydrogen spectral line), the Sunspot Hwy. to the solar observatory in the mountains southeast of Alamogordo

US route re-clinches for US 6 (Sterling CO relocation), and US 212 and US 310 (relocations near Laurel MT), as well as possibly US 85 in El Paso if the construction northwest of downtown ever created a de-clinch in the first place.

I also clinched most of US 82, leaving only segments in Texarkana and eastern Texas for my next trip to that region. This trip also clinched ND 200 and MN 200, leaving uncovered only three MT 200 segments of the long multi-state route 200 between northern Idaho (I clinched that state's segment long ago) and northern Minnesota.

This trip added Idaho, Montana, and North Dakota to the states I've visited during the pandemic. My total is now 43 plus D.C., missing only Alaska, Hawaii, Washington, Oregon, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine.

I added 55 counties to my "round 2" county count in the U.S. (counties revisited after I finished off the U.S. counties in July 2010). I made a point of visiting county seats where possible, though unlike kjslaughter I generally didn't photograph courthouses or other county government centers.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on May 24, 2021, 09:26:46 am
-- Texas Loop 375, the recently-completed loop around El Paso

Were you actually paying tolls on the tolled section now?
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on May 24, 2021, 09:49:42 am
-- Texas Loop 375, the recently-completed loop around El Paso

Were you actually paying tolls on the tolled section now?

I haven't yet received a "pay by mail" bill. With only one trip on the TxTag system, and with Virginia plates, who knows whether I'll ever be billed?

I traveled more extensively on the Orange County CA toll road system. But unlike TX Loop 375, that system lets you make an online toll payment, before the threatened hammer comes down on you for non-payment.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on May 24, 2021, 10:40:16 am
-- Texas Loop 375, the recently-completed loop around El Paso

Were you actually paying tolls on the tolled section now?

I haven't yet received a "pay by mail" bill. With only one trip on the TxTag system, and with Virginia plates, who knows whether I'll ever be billed?

I traveled more extensively on the Orange County CA toll road system. But unlike TX Loop 375, that system lets you make an online toll payment, before the threatened hammer comes down on you for non-payment.

I drove some Austin-area toll roads in Jan 2019 with my Virginia plates and I did get a bill for it.  Florida has also done the same.

Still waiting on the bill for ETR 407 in Ontario (6 years later...guess I'm not getting one).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on May 24, 2021, 11:24:21 am
-- Texas Loop 375, the recently-completed loop around El Paso

Were you actually paying tolls on the tolled section now?

I haven't yet received a "pay by mail" bill. With only one trip on the TxTag system, and with Virginia plates, who knows whether I'll ever be billed?

I traveled more extensively on the Orange County CA toll road system. But unlike TX Loop 375, that system lets you make an online toll payment, before the threatened hammer comes down on you for non-payment.

I drove some Austin-area toll roads in Jan 2019 with my Virginia plates and I did get a bill for it.  Florida has also done the same.

Still waiting on the bill for ETR 407 in Ontario (6 years later...guess I'm not getting one).

Oddly enough this happened to me on the US 40 Hatem Bridge back in December.  My EZPASS worked as normal on I-895 before that and the US 322 Commmodore Barry Bridge later that day.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: rickmastfan67 on May 24, 2021, 09:43:22 pm
Still waiting on the bill for ETR 407 in Ontario (6 years later...guess I'm not getting one).

Still haven't gotten a bill from ETR 407 from early 00's (with PA tags) when we traveled between exits 13 & the QEW/403 interchange.  Doubt we ever will. LOL!
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: andrepoiy on May 25, 2021, 07:59:54 pm
Meanwhile I'm still waiting for a pay-by-mail from the Mass Turnpike, and also those Grand Island Bridges in NY State
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: ntallyn on May 29, 2021, 12:15:05 pm
When, I reached the Sonny Dixon Interchange, I clinched the current entirety of the Jimmy DeLoach Parkway (from there to US 80/GA 17/GA 26).  As a side note, the parkway was signed as part of GA 17.

Feels like a mis-marking. As you noted, GA 17 runs along US 80 to the west of the parkway, and otherwise heads south to I-16. There is some construction to reroute GA 17 between US 80 and I-16, but that's still not on the parkway. See page 20 here:

Oh yeah. That one. Where the documents (see above) don't match the field signage. I'm leaving it as-is until the construction is complete.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: CharlotteAllisonCDTG on May 29, 2021, 01:30:59 pm
I thought it was strange that the entire length of the Jimmy DeLoach Parkway was signed as SR 17, and the portion concurrent with US 80/SR 26 was also still signed as SR 17. The portion from I-16 north to US 80/SR 26 didn't have any SR 17 signs that I remember seeing.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on June 02, 2021, 07:35:38 pm
I went on a trip last Saturday to mainly keep myself busy the days afterwards, but it was an important clinching trip for sure.

Clinched: PA 456*, MD 615, MD 144 (Hancock), US 40 SCENIC (Piney Grove, MD), MD 144 (Flintstone), MD 807 (unsigned), US 40 ALT (Cumberland, MD), MD 638, MD 743 (unsigned), MD 55, MD 936, MD 946, MD 546, PA 669, MD 669, I-68 (WV/MD-full clinch), PA 980, I-376 (PA), I-376 BL (Moon, PA), PA 760, PA 718, PA 418***, OH 609, PA 58, PA 368, PA 478, PA 861, PA 536, PA 436, PA 410, PA 350
New Mileage: MD 36, US 40 (MD), US 219 (MD)****, MD 495, I-79 (WV/PA), US 19 (PA), PA 519*****, PA 50**, US 22 (PA), US 30 (PA), US 422 (PA-West), US 62 BUS (Sharon, PA), US 62 (PA), PA 18, PA 318, OH 305, OH 7, OH 5, US 322 (PA), PA 358, PA 258, PA 268, PA 38, PA 208, PA 68, PA 66, PA 28, PA 36, US 119 (PA), PA 45, PA 26

*Gave me a full clinch of all PA routes in PennDOT District 8
**Mainly used to see the unopened PA 576
***Including the disputed portion between US 62 and US 62 BUS (Sharon)
****For new section of US 219 near Grantsville
*****To clarify realignment at US 19/PA 980
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on June 06, 2021, 04:30:15 pm
My quick Texas trip resulted in about 500 new TM miles for me.  Mostly US Highways (over 300) but also some new interstate (almost 100 miles) and various Texas routes plus part of the DNT.  I finished off I-635 and drove (and completed) I-14 for the first time.  My big day took me from Dallas down US 67 and US 377 to Brady, then US 190 back to I-35, I-35W to get the southern half of that.

Now if my flight home isn't delayed too much more I can make my connection in BWI and get home tonight.  Looking good so far despite a 50-minute delay here.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on June 06, 2021, 08:41:28 pm
Took an 18 hour U-turn on Saturday as part of my annual Oneonta NY BBQ chicken purchase...

New clinches in order:  PA 443, PA 115, PA 315, US 6 Bus Tunkhannock, PA 92, NY 7, NY 7A, PA 29 (northern segment)

Also picked up new mileage on NY 79 (PA to NY 7)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: jayhawkco on June 07, 2021, 09:56:35 am
Did a two day road trip to finish clinching all of Colorado.  Got some extra mileage in Utah and New Mexico as well.

US84 in Colorado
US550 in Colorado
US491Spr (while it exists in TM)
CO90 (First clincher!)
CO97 (First clincher!)
CO184 (First clincher!)
CO348 (First clincher!)


NM29 (First clincher!)
NM282 (While it exists in TM)

Added Mileage:
US84 (New Mexico)
US191 (Utah)
US550 (New Mexico)

Updating all in my .list file now.

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Bickendan on June 08, 2021, 02:29:56 am
Just got down to Astacedero to visit some friends, went down the coast after cutting over to 101 from Eugene (missed grabbing some Cafe Yumm x.x).
Didn't see anything for 164 or 99E for Jefferson on SB I-5.
132's signed with reassurance shields, if not with trailblazers from 569.
540 and 241 are both well signed from 101 in Coos Bay.
250 and 251 aren't, but to my surprise, 255 is.
I picked up 251 and the northern bit of 255 I missed from my last drive, giving me 100% in Oregon west of I-5.

In California, I snagged the west leg of 169, clinched 200, and the western end of 299, the entirety of 254, and the Leggit branch of 271.
Sadly, the drive thru tree was closed. I then long hauled down the 1 from Leggit down close to SLO, stopping in SF to ensure I had the 101 along the Central Frwy, Van Ness, and Lombard. I cut back over to the 101 along the 46.

Haven't planned out the return trip yet.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: compdude787 on June 09, 2021, 04:04:13 am
On Memorial Day, coming back from camping near Ocean Shores, I did a bit of traveling on some new routes. I tried to clinch the rest of WA 109 but the segment north of Moclips Highway to Taholah is still closed off to those who are not residents or members of the Quinault Tribe. I went back out to US 101 and headed south, traveling back to Hoquiam and clinching a new section of 101. I continued south through Hoquiam and Aberdeen and continued south to clinch the segment between US 12 and WA 107, which was new to me and has resulted in me now having clinched all of US 101 in Washington.

After that, I drove down to Raymond and then went north on WA 105, and I clinched that as well as WA 105 Spur in Westport. After that, I took roads that I've driven many times before (US 12, WA 8, and I-5) to get home.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Bickendan on June 09, 2021, 04:54:39 pm
Is that a Covid closure on 109? That's one I've been meaning to get as part of an Olympic clinch, but if so, I'll want to wait on that one.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: compdude787 on June 09, 2021, 05:07:00 pm
Is that a Covid closure on 109? That's one I've been meaning to get as part of an Olympic clinch, but if so, I'll want to wait on that one.

Yes. I don't know when it will reopen.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on June 09, 2021, 06:38:10 pm
May and early June gave me the opportunity for 2 multi-day trips, starting with an 8-day trip to IA, MN, NE, MO, KS, and AR, and followed by a 10-day trip to AR, LA, TX, NM, AZ, and OK. Both were focused on US Highways, and the second trip resulted in clinches of 54, 62, 63, 169, 177, and 380 as well as a re-clinch of 175's northern end and the Poynor bypass. It was the first update to the sig since last July. I picked up 3500 new miles in the first trip and clinched 83 routes, and got new 5100 miles/154 clinches in the second. Most clinches were cheap ones of the usausb and usatxl/usatxs variety. Total distance travelled was a little over 16,000 miles.

Some observations:
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on June 09, 2021, 06:56:50 pm
Both were focused on US Highways, and the second trip resulted in clinches of 54, 62, 63, 169, 177, and 380 as well as a re-clinch of 175's northern end and the Poynor bypass.

Did you get to drive near Logan, NM, on US 54 on the new Canadian River Bridge?

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on June 09, 2021, 09:07:18 pm
Both were focused on US Highways, and the second trip resulted in clinches of 54, 62, 63, 169, 177, and 380 as well as a re-clinch of 175's northern end and the Poynor bypass.

Did you get to drive near Logan, NM, on US 54 on the new Canadian River Bridge?

Yes, but I had to take the old bridge since the new bridge is not open yet.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on June 09, 2021, 09:09:57 pm
Did you get to drive near Logan, NM, on US 54 on the new Canadian River Bridge?

Yes, but I had to take the old bridge since the new bridge is not open yet.

When the new bridge opens, will you count that as a de-clinch?
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on June 09, 2021, 09:19:34 pm
When the new bridge opens, will you count that as a de-clinch?

No, since I've clinched the entire route from El Paso to Illinois. If something happens in between the endpoints, like a new bridge, I'll consider a route re-clinchable, but won't remove it from my list of clinched routes. Given that you can see the new bridge from the old one, it seems that someone could ignore the replacement without losing any sleep, but as for me, I will probably consider it reclinchable and add it to my .list as "YYNM US54 *OldUS54_S *OldUS54_N" or whatever you decide to call the points.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Bickendan on June 09, 2021, 10:49:48 pm
Just picked up CA 41 from Astacedro to Morrow Bay, and clinched Biz 1 Cuyacos. Planning on CA 41 out to 46, 46 back to Paso Robles, the entirety of 229, and 58 back to US 101 for tomorrow. 
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: froggie on June 09, 2021, 11:03:23 pm
On Day 1 of a 6 day trip to escape New England.  Ultimate destinations are DC and Norfolk, both to visit friends.  Attempting to fill in some clinch gaps in between, though I have to be strategic, realistic, and limited in my gains both due to time/distance and since I already have the high-speed routes in between.

That said, today I was able to fill in CT 175, CT 71A, CT 364, CT 42, NY 6N, NY 45, and the new US 206 Hillsborough (NJ) Bypass.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Bickendan on June 10, 2021, 11:59:48 pm
Picked up portions of CA 41, 46, 58, and the entirity of 229 today. The southern 5.25 miles of 229 are all a one-lane road, which was fun to drive.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on June 11, 2021, 10:19:54 pm
I now only lack the southernmost 3 miles of I-95 to complete the Florida portion.

Yep sounds like me, ntallyn, except I had no control of what the charter bus I was on drove us to.   :D
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: SSOWorld on June 12, 2021, 09:12:10 pm
I finally after 2 attempts finished Indiana's Interstates (Earlier attempt did succeed in finally finishing the elusive I-70 to get Illinois).

That is until 2024.

Also have closed the large swath of missing US-52 in IN and OH (the latter through Cincy) - so between Jamestown ND and Huntington WV is cleared (there are multiple sections that I have in VA and NC including the wrong-way interstate section.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Bickendan on June 13, 2021, 08:41:00 pm
Back in Portland.
Field checked most of US 101's business loops, picked up CA 211 in Ferndale, white knuckles 299 from Arcata to Redding, got the northern end of 273, the southern end of 5B/99H in Dunsmuir, 5B/97/99H/265 in Weed, and 5B in Yreka. Saving 96, 263, 3 to Montague, the southern bit of 273 for a future trip.

In Oregon, verified and reclinched the eastern end of 238. The old Main St alignment in Medford is mileposted, however, so some research needed there.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: CharlotteAllisonCDTG on June 16, 2021, 01:07:12 pm
I am in the process of moving from Grovetown, Georgia (just west of Augusta) back to Jacksonville, Florida (where I previously lived from 2003 to 2011).  I had to take a carload of stuff and then come back to clean my place, pack up the rest of my stuff, take donations, sell stuff, and shut off my utilities.

On my way down (on Memorial Day), I drove on GA 121 for two reasons.  One, I wanted to clinch the rest of the highway, since I had been on portions of it before.  Two, since it isn't a major highway for most of its path, it would most likely have less traffic.  So, I now have the entire length of the highway clinched, plus the concurrent highways along its path.

On my way back up, I was much more ambitious.  I took US 90 from just west of downtown Jacksonville west to Lake City, US 41 from Lake City to Jasper, US 129 from just south-southeast of Jasper all the way to Hawkinsville, Georgia, US 129 Alt. (and US 341) from Hawkinsville to Cochran, GA 26 from Hawkinsville (or is it Hartford, that area is so confusing) to East Dublin, US 319 from Dublin to Wrightsville, GA 15 from Wrightsville to Sandersville, GA 24 and GA 540 from Sandersville to Wrens, US 221 from Wrens to Harlem, and Harlem-Grovetown Road from Harlem to Grovetown.

I got a lot of highways for the first time and added some mileage on others.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: froggie on June 19, 2021, 08:32:56 pm
Daytrip down to Boston today to see my mother who was in town.  In the process, managed to finish a number of routes, including US 3, MA 2, MA 3A, and MA 111.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: jayhawkco on June 21, 2021, 04:37:38 pm
Went on a camping trip in the Sawtooths this past week, so got a whole bunch of new mileage in Wyoming, Idaho, and Utah. 

New Clinches:
US30 (Wyoming)
US91 (Idaho)

New Mileage:
US20 (Wyoming and Idaho)
US26 (Wyoming and Idaho)
US191 (Wyoming)
US93 (Idaho)
US91 (Utah)
US89 (Utah)

Also visited nine new counties:
Fremont, WY
Butte, ID
Custer, ID
Camas, ID
Blaine, ID
Lincoln, ID
Franklin, ID
Cache, UT
Rich, UT

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: clong on June 22, 2021, 09:47:32 am
Took a quick weekend trip to Savannah.
Clinched I-16 and I-516.
Added I-75 through Macon (previously the only piece missing between Tampa and Cincinnati) to finish off the GA Interstates - my 2nd state to do so.
Also added mileage on US17 (GA and SC), 21 (SC) and 278 (GA and SC).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: computerfan0 on June 24, 2021, 02:22:02 pm
I've done some travels around Newry in Northern Ireland lately.

I went out to the city for shopping, clinching the B30 (except for one short spur at the end) and making more progress on the A25. I later went on a caravan holiday. Although I'd already been on most the roads to the campsite, the B180 was nearby and was used, as was the A50. I later took the A2 to a different campsite and drove a significant portion of said road.

EDIT: I later clinched the R175 and travelled part of the R173 by using the Carlingford Lough ferry to take the caravan home after my mother and brother's extended stay.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: jayhawkco on June 28, 2021, 11:56:23 am
Finally visited Alaska this weekend.

AK3 (and in turn I-A4)
Denali Park Road (took the bus to Eielson and then rode bikes to Kantishna)
Walter Hickel Parkway

AK1 (and in turn I-A1 and I-A3)
AK2 (and in turn I-A2)
AK8 (just the first .5 miles or so as our Airbnb was right outside of Cantwell off of the Denali Highway)

New "Counties":
Municipality of Anchorage
Fairbanks North Star Borough
Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area
Denali Borough
Matanuska-Susitna Borough
Kenai Peninsula Borough (just crossed the line while waiting for the Whittier tunnel)
Chugach Census Area (at Whittier)

Definitely already planning my next trip back.

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: US 89 on June 28, 2021, 04:38:08 pm
I went on a trip to southeast Utah this past weekend - a portion of the state I've never really spent much time in before. I clinched a whole lot of routes including US 163 and Utah 211, 261, 316, 275, and 95. Also picked up some substantial mileage on US 191 and Utah 24 in the process. I have to say 95 is absolutely amazing and is probably my second favorite drive in the whole state after only Utah 12.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on July 01, 2021, 07:26:43 pm
I recently went to the Quad Cities Meet, and I got a lot of clinching done to/from there with highlights being I-74 (original), I-88 (West-IL), and I-471 (KY/OH), US 224, OH 18, and I-280 (IA/IL).  I also noted that PA 228 really should eventually be extended west along SR 3020 and SR 2004 to PA 65.

It was a great drive minus some heavy rain on Friday Morning and the severe weather Monday Afternoon in western PA that led me to spending an hour inside a Sheetz in Monroeville (which I had not planned to go to, but I changed my route plan at the last minute because PA 136 was closed at PA 51 for some reason.  I had intended to follow PA 31 to Bedford, then follow US 30, PA 56, PA 869, PA 36, and PA 866 back to US 22 instead of the northern route I took instead that led to clinches of PA 48, PA 286, PA 969, and PA 453.)

Hopefully, I included all of the routes even with all of these short concurrencies (which seem to be more prevalent in OH than in PA somehow).

Clinched:  PA 475, PA 994, PA 164, PA 553, PA 85, PA 128, PA 228, US 224 (full clinch-finished in OH/PA, previously clinched in IN), I-277 (OH), OH 18*, OH 18 BUS (North Baltimore), OH 15 TRUCK (Defiance), OH 18 TRUCK (Defiance), OH 66 TRUCK (West Defiance and East Defiance), OH 111 TRUCK (Defiance), OH 18 TRUCK (Hicksville), IN 8 (Auburn), IN 212, M-239, I-94 (IN), I-90 (IN), I-88 (West-full clinch), I-280 (IA/IL), IL 5, I-74 (full clinch in IA, IL, IN, and OH), IA 130, US 61 BUS (Davenport, IA), IL 98, I-474 (IL), KY 1120, KY 1892, I-471 (OH/KY), OH 562, OH 450, KY 842, KY 3503, KY 2847, KY 1303, KY 495, KY 3608, KY 212, KY 236, KY 3147, KY 371, KY 3159, KY 1017, KY 717, KY 3076, US 22 (WV/PA), PA 978, PA 519, PA 917, PA 48, PA 286, PA 969, PA 453

New Mileage:  PA 655, PA 26, PA 36, US 220 BUS (Altoona, PA), PA 271, PA 403, US 422 (West-PA), US 119 (PA), PA 210, PA 954, PA 28, PA 66, PA 356, PA 8, PA 65, PA 51, PA 18, PA 588, PA 108, PA 168, US 422 BUS (New Castle, PA), PA 551, OH 225, OH 183, I-77 (OH), OH 91*, OH 3, OH 57, OH 60, US 20 (IN/OH), OH 547 TRUCK (Monroeville), OH 113, OH 67, OH 101, US 23 (OH), OH 199, OH 12, OH 613, OH 235, OH 65, OH 109, OH 281, OH 15, OH 66, OH 111, US 24(IL, OH), IN 1, IN 3 (Kendallville), IN 9, US 6 (IA/IL, IN), IN 5, IN 331, US 31 (IN/MI), US 12 (IN/MI), IN 39, I-94 (IL, MI), IN 249, I-90 (IL), I-94 (IL), I-55 (IL), US 41 (IL), I-290 (IL), IL 56, IL 38, IL 92, I-80 (IA/IL), US 61 (IA), US 67 (IL/IA), IL 84, IA 22, IA 38, IL 29, I-155 (IL), IL 8, IL 116, US 150 (IL), I-465 (IN), US 36 (IN), US 40 (IN/OH/PA), IN 67, IN 37, Future I-69 (along I-465), US 421 (IN), IN 229, US 52 (IN/OH), I-275 (OH/KY), US 27 (KY/OH), I-75 (KY/OH), I-71 (KY/OH), KY 8, KY 445, US 42 (KY/OH), US 127 (KY/OH), US 22 (OH)**,  US 25 (KY), US 50 (OH), KY 536, KY 1829, KY 17, KY 20, KY 18, KY 2373, OH 561, OH 126, OH 48, OH 123, OH 41, US 62 (OH), OH 56, OH 188, OH 37, OH 668, OH 93, OH 146, OH 209, OH 800, US 250 (OH), OH 151, OH 7, WV 2, PA 50, PA 136, PA 88, PA 837, PA 981, PA 729, PA 45

*Sight clinches were counted at the OH 18/OH 91 intersection and a closure at the railroad underpass at the OH 18 in Hicksville as I was able to see everything
**Almost a full clinch but a bridge was closed that I could not slight clinch
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: ntallyn on July 03, 2021, 05:26:58 pm
Just got back from a business trip to Washington. Unfortunately, a fight delay on arrival, and an unplanned work day on the middle Saturday cost me some opportunity for mileage, but I got some anyway...

Roughly from south to north, I got new mileage (* = clinched) on WA99Fed, *WA518, WA515, WA167, WA900, *WA599, WA519, WA509, WA99, WA104Edm, WA522, *WA523, *WA527, *WA525, *WA525Fre, WA529, WA530, *WA531, *WA532, *WA534, *WA536, *WA538, WA9, and WA20. Oddly, the only federal routes I drove on this trip (I-5/I-405), I had no new mileage. I also found a few missing miles from my previous trip (mostly the western end of I-90 and the Airport Expressway). Just missed out on a clinch of WA529 due to a malfunctioning RR crossing in Marysville.

Next trip, I hope to finish everything west of I-405/WA9 in the Seattle to Bellingham area (but only the east side of Puget Sound).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on July 03, 2021, 06:32:56 pm
I did a shorter trip to Baltimore today as part of going to see the newly opened DDI at the I-83/PA 851 interchange in Shrewsbury.  I also reclinched PA 297 on the way back as it was still signed as PA 295 when I had clinched it in 2018.

Clinched: MD 25, MD 45, MD 45 BYP (Towson)
New Mileage:  MD 2, US 1, US 40 TRUCK (Baltimore)

I had to walk-clinch most of the southern part of MD 25 (between MD 2 and I-83) via the Jones Falls Trail as part of the road was closed for construction.  I walk-clinched all of MD 45 BYP (Towson) as the road was closed for Towson's 4th of July Parade this morning.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: clong on July 05, 2021, 02:57:45 pm
Finished off AL202 and AL281 recently to leave only the 1/2 mile section of AL255 left to clinch in the NE portion of AL (east of I-65, north of I-20).

East Central AL (east of I-65, south of I-20, north of I-85) is probably the next region of focus since my normal travels take me in that direction more often than other directions.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: compdude787 on July 05, 2021, 04:59:19 pm
A week ago, when it was insanely hot in western WA, I went and camped up at Birch Bay near the Canadian border. On this trip, I clinched WA 548 and then I got a little bit more of I-5 between Exits 275 and 276 in Blaine, so I'm a bit closer to finally clinching I-5 in my home state (this is the only Interstate in WA that I haven't clinched yet!). Whenever the border re-opens, then I'll be able to clinch the rest of I-5 finally, but who knows when that will take place?
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: yakra on July 05, 2021, 11:26:39 pm
Last Tuesday I put a new wheel on my bike and had my first ride in almost 10 months, after a nasty crash on the Riverton Rail Trail left me with pretty limited motion in my right wrist.
I clinched ME US302 SteAve ME100_N ( -- not that I didn't already have it. ;D
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: formulanone on July 06, 2021, 11:01:12 am
Drove on down to see family in South Florida and took I-65 for the umpteenth time to Montgomery. Took US 331 instead of the usual US 231 routing and was pleasantly surprised that all of the traffic was headed northbound. Hooked a left into AL 189 to Elba and then down AL 87 / FL 81 to I-10. There's some conflicting signage on the US 84 bypass around Elba, but mostly former alignment signage. It was rainy and we were headed to Gainesville for the night, so exploring wasn't going to happen.

Took US 301/441 south towards Ocala (because I-75 is hectic and stupid in that corridor) and then just jumped on the Turnpike at Wildwood. There's a lot more "new" exits than the last time I'd been through there, so that kept me interested. My son had a map and questions were fun to answer. On something of a down side, the Turnpike is going all AET; many of the old barrier tolls and booths have been removed or in the process of demolition; some of them are 1950s-era structures which are rare from a roadgeek perspective, especially for the southern third of the state, where 1990s-era stuff is considered obsolete.

Finished off AL202 and AL281 recently to leave only the 1/2 mile section of AL255 left to clinch in the NE portion of AL (east of I-65, north of I-20).

East Central AL (east of I-65, south of I-20, north of I-85) is probably the next region of focus since my normal travels take me in that direction more often than other directions.

AL 281 is all I have left, too; I have to get a bit south out of the way to try and clinch it, and winding up more out of the way after completing it. Was hoping for a few projects in Mississippi or southern Alabama to clean up some of the northwestern section of the state, but now that air travel is back to "the new-old normal", I just go where they send me.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Bickendan on July 07, 2021, 08:08:54 pm
Finally did my Crater Lake trip, but still couldn't finish OR 138 because it was closed from MP 40-47.
I did pick up the first 5 miles east of Roseburg though.
I took Douglas CH 1 east from Canyonville, which turned into OR 227 in Jackson County, 62 east to 230, and 230 up to 138 before heading into Crater Lake NP.
Grabbed Pinnacles Rd, then headed south on 62 and snagged 422 and 422S in Chiloquin.
To no one's surprise, 422 is still unsigned, but the locals are very much aware of its existence, with signs reading 'No sewer pir ponds on 422' all over between 62 and US 97.
Finished off the southern bit of 97B/OR 39 in downtown Klamath Falls, then took 39 down to Merril then cut over to Malin to finish off the unpaired section of ORH 50. Took Stateline Rd/CA 161 back west to US 97, then did a full clinch of OR 66 before heading back up I-5.

Clinches: OR 227
OR 230
OR 422
OR 422S
OR 39 (Klamath Falls leg)
US 97B (Klamath Falls)
ORH 50
CA 161
OR 66
(and attendant ORHs)
Modoc County 108 (Stateline Rd)
Douglas County 1

Partial clinches: OR 138
ORH 20
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on July 07, 2021, 09:53:57 pm
Took an overnight trip to Amish country to eat at the Shady Maple Smorgasbord...

New Clinches in order:  PA 625, PA 41, PA 10

New mileage: PA 272 (the US 222 short cut part; also US 322 to PA 568); PA 741 (Willow Street to Strasburg); the bit of PA 462 east of PA 340; PA 23 from East Earl to I-176; southern half of PA 897

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on July 07, 2021, 10:19:47 pm
Took an overnight trip to Amish country to eat at the Shady Maple Smorgasbord...

I am guessing that I should be saying happy belated birthday to you or your wife presuming that one of you got a free meal.   ;)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on July 08, 2021, 11:21:46 am
Thanks...but not the case...
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Bickendan on July 08, 2021, 09:18:08 pm
Turns out 138 was closed because of a wildfire.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: vdeane on July 10, 2021, 05:46:44 pm
A week ago, when it was insanely hot in western WA, I went and camped up at Birch Bay near the Canadian border. On this trip, I clinched WA 548 and then I got a little bit more of I-5 between Exits 275 and 276 in Blaine, so I'm a bit closer to finally clinching I-5 in my home state (this is the only Interstate in WA that I haven't clinched yet!). Whenever the border re-opens, then I'll be able to clinch the rest of I-5 finally, but who knows when that will take place?
If you're willing to hoof it, I've read that the park for the Peace Arch is still open.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on July 12, 2021, 10:54:47 pm
On a mostly painfully familiar ride down to SW Florida and back, I was able to pick up about 150 new miles for TM.  This included a few new segments of FL routes in the Fort Myers area, a round trip mostly on previously untraveled parts of US 27 and US 98 between The Villages and Lakeland, new segments of US 84 in Georgia and US 301 in North Carolina, and my first-ever miles (somehow) on I-195 in Maryland.

In adding my travels to my 2021-only file, I noticed that my .list I was missing a segment of MD 201 that looks to be the short connector between DC 295 and the B-W Parkway.  I've traveled that many times over but never noticed it had that designation to be TM-clinchable.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: froggie on July 12, 2021, 11:00:47 pm
^ Yes.  MD 201 predates the freeway-grade facility along Kenilworth Ave.  Even signed as such from US 50 and the on-ramp from Eastern Ave.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on July 15, 2021, 12:05:18 pm
I came back last week from a three-week trip out west to Montana, then to northern Texas before returning home.

I started Montana by clinching unpaved SR 328 from SD 20 to MT 323, which I also clinched. SR 328/SD 20 appears to be the only road crossing the MT/SD border. I also filled in several segments of MT 200 I'd missed on previous trips. That gave me a clinch of multi-state route 200, from US 2 in northern Idaho to US 2 in northern Minnesota (already covered ID 200, ND 200, and MN 200).

My other route clinches included US 73, US 82, and US 160 (had been missing a short segment in Missouri closed by bridge replacements during last year's attempt to finish off US 160). I also re-clinched US 30 with its new alignments in eastern Nebraska and Iowa, and US 412 by driving its new bypass around Paragould AR. I had hoped to finish off US 190 and US 290 on this trip, but ran short on time so I'm saving those for some later trip.

One other focus of my trip was adding to the states for which I've re-completed all their counties. I'd previously been to all the U.S. counties, which I completed in 2010, but I had just barely crossed into some of those counties, such as crossing the county line and then turning back as soon as I could. This time, I held out for higher-quality clinches, such as visiting their county seats (even really tiny ones like Gann Valley SD, population 14), or other major contacts. On this trip, I re-completed Montana, Minnesota, both Dakotas, and Oklahoma, bringing my total of re-completed states to 28.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on July 15, 2021, 01:07:14 pm
Last weekend I went down to my parents' house in VA for one friend having a graduation party and other friends having a retirement party.  I also took my parents to the Smithfield's Chicken-N-BBQ in Nashville, NC, for dinner.

Clinched: MD 806 (both segments in TM), MD 180, MD 383, MD 464, VA 234, VA 234 BUS (Manassas), VA 294, VA 38, US 360 BUS (Amelia, VA), US 360 BUS (Burkeville, VA), US 460 BUS (Burkeville, VA), US 360 BUS (Keysville, VA), US 15 BUS (Keysville, VA), VA 385, US 501 TRUCK (South Boston, VA), VA 129, VA 34, *US 501 (VA), NC 157, NC 86 TRUCK (Hillsborough), US 70 BUS (Hillsborough, NC), **US 70 BUS (Durham, NC), **NC 98, NC 98 BUS (Wake Forest) , US 64 ALT (Spring Hope, NC), US 64 BUS (Nashville, NC), US 158 BUS (Murfreesboro, NC), VA 379, US 258 (VA), VA 353, VA 22, VA 53, VA 388 (not in TM), US 29 BUS (Charlottesville, VA), US 250 BUS (Charlottesville, VA), VA 240, US 340 TRUCK (Waynesboro, VA), VA 254, VA 252, VA 285, VA 358 (both sections), VA 261 (unsigned), US 11 TRUCK (Staunton, VA), US 250 TRUCK (Staunton, VA), VA 256, VA 253, VA 331 (TM Section southeast of JMU), VA 280, ***VA 305, VA 263, WV 45, WV 45 ALT (Shepherdstown), MD 34, US 40 ALT (Hagerstown, MD), MD 76
New Mileage:  MD 550, US 1 (VA), US 360 (VA), US 15 (VA), VA 40, US 70 (NC), NC 86, **NC 55, US 1 ALT (Wake Forest, NC), NC 39, NC 231, NC 581, NC 58, US 64 (NC), NC 43, US 258 (NC), US 64 ALT (Tarboro, NC), NC 111, NC 122, NC 125, NC 903, NC 561, NC 35, US 158 (NC), NC 11, VA 20, US 250 (VA), VA 42 (North Section), US 33 (VA), WV 480, US 40 (MD)

*Clinched portion from US 58/US 360 to VA 304 that was closed in November 2020 due to flooding
**Sight-clinched portion still closed in the area of NC 55.  NC 55 is now open in this area unlike in November 2020
***Counted slight clinch as New Market Battlefield had already closed
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: kjslaughter on July 15, 2021, 06:03:37 pm
Just finished a 5 day road trip from my parent's place near Hendersonville, NC (they were keeping my son to allow me to make the trip).  Drove north to Lexington, KY via Cumberland Gap then lots of new travels mostly along Ohio River to visit two new states for me in Ohio and West Virginia.  I went from Lexington to the Serpent Mound in Ohio, then followed Ohio river from Portsmouth all the way to Marietta, OH.  I'm from Marietta, GA so seemed appropriate.  Then back south through Charleston, WV and New River Gorge bridge before taking I-77 south and clinching I-81 in Tennessee.  Lots of new roads, though not a lot of clinches.  As I think I've mentioned before, clinching is secondary to me to just mapping all the places I've been.  It just took me an hour and half to log all the new roads in my file, mostly due to Kentucky!
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on July 18, 2021, 08:43:59 pm
Even though I did not clinch anything during the Delaware Road Meet yesterday as I had already clinched all of the mileage in New Castle County, I did get some work in PA, NJ, and MD done Friday and today.

Clinched: PA 415 (Both Sections), PA 309 BUS (Wilkes-Barre), PA 315, US 206 (NJ/PA-full), NJ 183, US 206 BYP (Hillsborough, NJ), NJ 54, NJ 56, NJ 77, NJ 48, MD 155, MD 22, MD 132 (East Aberdeen), MD 462, MD 156, MD 924, MD 646, MD 161, MD 623
New Mileage:  *PA 309, PA 118, **US 6 (PA), PA 191, PA 590, US 202 (NJ), NJ 129, NJ 29, I-195 (NJ), US 130 (NJ), NJ 49, NJ 45, MD 132, MD 136, MD 7 (White Marsh), MD 24

*Gives me PA 309 in full north of Coopersburg
**Gives me US 6 in PA from the north end of the US 11 concurrency to the NY Line
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: HTM Duke on July 19, 2021, 01:39:46 am
I set out last week on a two-day clinching trip in the Florida panhandle, along with driving a chunk of US-29 in Alabama.

FL-273, FL-277, FL-83, FL-81, FL-189, AL-137, FL-87, FL-281, FL-89, FL-97, US-29 (FL), FL-4, FL-85, FL-2 (western segment), GA-285

New mileage:
US-231 (FL), FL-77, FL-79, AL-87, US-331 (FL), US-29 (AL), AL-55, AL-41, US-31 (AL), AL-113, AL-21, AL-54, AL-153, GA-91
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: formulanone on July 19, 2021, 08:32:30 am
Spent the vacation in South Florida, then drove up to Orlando via US 441, CR 523, US 192, then the Turnpike to the new 417 ramps (finally!), then SRs 528, 536, 535 as per usual.

Spent the night there and flew to Providence, Rhode Island (PVD) the next afternoon. Flew a direct on JetBlue (an airline I hadn't flown in 7 years) and drove the long way to Hyannis, Massachusetts: I-95 to RI 3 to US 1, then west to the Connecticut border. Looped back to US 1 and nearly completed it (for the Ocean State) but for a construction detour at RI 102. Took that back to I-95, then I-195 to the Cape. Took MA 28/US 6 instead to the hotel. Drove out to the end of US 6 later in the week and picked up chunks of 6A, MA 28, and all of Routes 132, 149, 124. Took I-495 back and completed 24 on the way down, and picked up some of US 44 on the way back to the airport (PVD-IAD-JAX on United). Weather wasn't spectacular but it's nice to get a vacation spot for work sometimes.

Met with family again in Jacksonville, south to St. Augustine for lunch, and then I-95, I-10, I-75, and US 82 for a stay in Prattville. Hadn't found a way to get that part of US 82 in Alabama until now...the kids don't seem to begrudge the scenic routes sometimes, and traffic was very easygoing. Drove home the next day and now I'm off again to Memphis this week...
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: SSOWorld on July 20, 2021, 07:07:47 pm
Last weekend’s excursion to the mid-Atlantic for the Delaware road meet gained quite a bit.  I now have I-95 from just north of Richmond VA (I-295) to the Falmouth Spur after finally getting the battered yet bruised section through and northeast of Philly.  In addition I-95 ironically. Becomes the first Interstate driven in DC (tied with I-495 obviously).  I didn’t forget any other DC Interstate - including 66 (was toll free both ways at the time) and have all of DC’s. I also have DC 295 as well as one national parkway but got most of them and the US routes are still needed.  NJ’s Interstates are done as well (kept going on 295 then got 195) and have the ACX and it’s Brigantine connector.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: nezinscot on July 27, 2021, 05:52:36 pm
I drove from Oxford ME to Pemaquid ME today, via Jackman and Greenville - a six hour diversion, to finish off Maine. 

Based on my recent drives around the state, the prettiest roads are at Acadia NP, but avoid tourist season.  The Blue Hill Peninsula is almost as scenic, but has the added advantage of almost no tourist infrastructure.  The coast east of Ellsworth, the mountains around Bethel and Rangeley, and surprisingly to me, Aroostook County were also very scenic.  Least interesting roads - I-95, York County, and around Portland.

I've now completed 4 of the 6 New England states.  I look forward to VT, but not the New York-ish parts of CT.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: clong on July 28, 2021, 02:08:04 pm
2 trips - one to Panama City Beach completely via car and another to Baltimore but flying out of Atlanta got me several new routes including my first mileage on I-97.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on July 29, 2021, 12:31:13 am
Last weekend I returned from a 16-day trip out west. After spending the first night in Tulsa, I headed west on a combination of US highways (mostly 64, 412, and 160), clinching 412 on the way. From Trinidad CO, I turned south and then west to Taos NM, but since the pueblo was still not admitting visitors, I spent most of the day in Santa Fe. On the way I did go to the smaller Ohkay Owingeh Pueblo and got some pictures, but left after a resident pointed out that it also was closed. The next day I headed east to Texas to pick up a few miles of US 60 and a few other US highways, returning to Santa Fe for the night. After that I went north to catch 64 again, taking it west to 160 and 89 and spending the night in Flagstaff AZ. I hadn't been near Four Corners before, and hadn't clinched 160 west of 491, so on the way I ventured towards it, but decided to pass after seeing a long line of cars waiting; I know my wife wants to go there eventually, so that will be a better place to visit once they end the pandemic-related restrictions on crowd size.

As I headed west, my internal clock stayed on Eastern time, so I woke up way too early the next morning. Having some unexpected extra time, I decided to clinch US 180, since the only part I hadn't been on was the stretch between Flagstaff and the Grand Canyon boundary. Since it was still dark when I arrived at the park entrance, I just turned around, since visiting in the dark seemed kind of pointless. I turned around and headed west along I-40 and clinched some usaib's before turning south and taking 93 and 60 to Phoenix. There I finished a clinch of the city's freeway system and followed that by taking 60 west to its end at I-10, clinching it. After that I followed US 95 to Las Vegas for the night.

I was fully expecting my plans to be upended by the fires burning throughout the west, but I didn't anticipate being detoured by water. However, after exiting I-15 onto US 93, I discovered the road had been buried by a mudslide caused by a thunderstorm the previous evening. NHP had several patrol cars blocking the roadway, and when I asked one of the officers how long it might be until it opened, he said he'd been there since 9:00 the previous night and only knew that the heavy equipment had reached the site. He said the closure was north of the NV 168 junction, so to get to Ely, I'd need to detour up I-15 to St George and then head north and west to connect back with 93 at Panaca. A quick calculation showed that this was going to add almost an hour to my drive, and since I'd never driven the segment of 93 between 15 & Panaca, I considered waiting it out, but given that it was around 6:30 am, it seemed like best action would be to accept the delay and continue north to Utah. I made up for the detour by clinching UT 34 (a block-long segment east of I-15 I'd missed previously) and UT 18, and grabbed the short UT 219 through Enterprise because why not. It turned out that 93 stayed closed for most of the day, so I was pleased that I didn't choose to wait. Everything else worked out, and I made it to my destination (Manzanar National Historic Site in California) with plenty of time for the self-tour. On the way to Carson City for the night, I passed a lot of fires on both sides of US 395, but fortunately none were threatening the road.

When I went to bed, a quick check of CalTrans QuickMap confirmed that the same was not true north of Reno. The Beckwourth Complex was burning across 395, which meant my intended path north would have to change. However, looking at Google Maps showed some traffic speed information along the route. I checked again in the morning, and discovered that it was open again. I sped northward to take advantage of the lifted restriction, and continued on to US 97 north of Weed, which had experienced a similar closure a week before. Everything was open all the way to Oregon, where the Bootleg fire was in the process of growing into one of the state's worst ever. The smoke was unbelievable--headlights on in the daytime--but fortunately most of the fire was burning far from populated areas, and OR 140 and this part of 395 were open as well. Other than the smoke, my trip east and west across the Oregon desert on US 20 and 26 was uneventful. I headed north to Washington, stopping at an indigenous history museum in Pendleton, and then heading over to Astoria OR via US 12 and US 30 to visit the Lewis & Clark National Historical Park.

After spending about 1 minute viewing the Pacific Ocean at Seaside, I headed back across Oregon on 26 and 20 to Boise, and from there took US 95 and ID 13 north to pick up 12 again at Kooskia. US 12 heads through absolute wilderness with over 120 miles of no phone service, and of course there were fires in that area too. Inciweb provided a number for the fire crew fighting one near Lolo Pass, and someone in their office confirmed that it was close to the highway but hadn't forced them to close it yet. There is literally one path from Kooskia to Missoula MT, my destination, so if they decided to close the road during the next three hours, I would only find out long after any other option had been made impossible and would likely be forced to sleep in the car. Fortunately, the fire was kept under control and I made it to Missoula earlier than anticipated.

The next day I headed north to grab a short segment of 93 before turning south towards southern Idaho via West Yellowstone, clinching the northern half of US 287 in the process. I weaved the scattered segments of 26 & 30 I'd driven previously into completions, and headed east to Wyoming to do the same there. After clinching 26 west of Torrington, I focused mostly on 30 for the rest of the trip, clinching it at Fremont NE. Since 30 had been moved recently to a new alignment in eastern Iowa (right after I'd driven that segment for the first time), I returned to Toledo IA and reclinched it. After that, it was a short, easy 9 hour ride home.

Overall, I added over 7300 new miles (out of about 13400 driven) and 137 clinched highways to my total, including clinches of US 26, 30, 60, 180, and 412. If not for the mudslide, I should have been able to clinch all of Nevada's US highways as well. After reclinching the segment of US 6 that was realigned in Sterling CO, I now need only about 11 miles parallel to I-70 to complete the longest US highway. And all that time spent in Arizona, Idaho, Nevada, & Oregon put me in the top 10 for mileage in those states, for now.

As for the roads themselves, US 12 across Idaho was a great road and would have been even more enjoyable without the threat of fires. Ditto for 20 and 26 across central Oregon. I was surprised how much of 93 in Arizona is still 2-lane. And US 30, my third cross-continental clinch, is a great, fast alternative to I-80 across Wyoming and Nebraska.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: andrepoiy on July 30, 2021, 09:34:15 pm
I just finished my first multi-day road trip in which I was the primary driver. The major cities visited include: Montreal, Mont-Tremblant, Ottawa, North Bay, and Sudbury. A lot of minor cities were also visited.

This marks my first mileage outside my home province, and that province also happens to lack county roads, which is great to boost my mileage here on TM.

Within Ontario, you might see some gaps in my Highway 401, and that's because I had to exit to see certain attractions/towns. I was able to get a lot of new TCH mileage along Highway 17, 69, and 417.

I will outline my trip in more detail on AARoads, if you're interested in hearing more.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on July 31, 2021, 06:50:58 pm
I went to look at some construction projects in PA today (I-83 at PA 851 (Shrewbury DDI), PA 283 Interchange at PA 722 (may or may not involve a minor point relocation at some point), US 222 (Widening between US 222 Business and Genesis Dr (north of PA 73), and the roundabout at the Schantz Rd and PA 863 intersection), and I-78 (resurfacing and truck climbing lanes improvements between PA 143 and a mile or two west of PA 863).  I did not get any new mileage in PA, but I did do some mileage in MD northeast of Baltimore earlier on.

Clinched:  MD 136, MD 165, MD 145, MD 152, MD 132, MD 24
New Mileage: MD 146 (I planned to clinch this one, but I cut it once I learned that part of the road was closed.  However, I got to drive the Warren Rd bridge over Gunpowder Falls, which was just as interesting as the MD 145 one to the north.), MD 7 (White Marsh)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on August 01, 2021, 12:09:17 am
I got back a few days ago from my latest road trip to South Dakota, for a family reunion in the NE corner of the state where my father was born and grew up.

Accomplished on the way to and from the reunion:

-- clinched all the remaining Interstate business routes in South Dakota, including I-90 BL Wall (briefly visited the Wall Drug tourist trap, but like my first visit long ago I was unimpressed, and left after only about 10 minutes);

-- clinched ND 13 (my lucky number), and a few shorter state routes; and

-- re-clinched US 18, by traveling its relocated segment in Milwaukee.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: drebbin37 on August 01, 2021, 12:42:13 am
I've now completed 4 of the 6 New England states.  I look forward to VT, but not the New York-ish parts of CT.

Congrats on being the first to clinch all of Maine!  I've also completed 4 of the 6 New England states; ME and VT are my two remaining.  I should be able to get to 99.xx% of VT (all but the border crossings) when I head up to the northern part of the state again in a few weeks, but my 2000 remaining miles in ME will probably take me years to finish.

Earlier this week I did a 15-hr round trip between Southeast CT and Western ME, mostly to fill in gaps on various ME state highways.  I clinched ME24, ME24Bus, ME137Bus, ME225, ME132, ME117, ME118, and ME119.  New mileage on ME138, ME104, ME137, ME27, ME133, and ME106.  My 600 driving miles netted 90 new TM miles.  Since I'm sick of I-495, I came home via NH16, NH125, NH101, NH13, MA13, MA2, and I-190.  It may have taken longer than 95 to 495 to 290, but there was a lot less traffic.  Plus, I avoided all the tolls!
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: froggie on August 02, 2021, 10:09:01 am
Once the border properly reopens, I intended to get my last VT/QC border clinch (VT 253) which will fully complete Vermont for me.  Unlike others, I do not count "sight clinches".

I also (as long as the Delta variant doesn't derail things) have a 2.5 week trip planned out to Minnesota this month for family business.  My route out and back is planned to cover a lot of unclinched territory.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on August 07, 2021, 10:54:05 am
Took an 18 hr ride yesterday...

New Clinches in order:
WV 76; WV 16Trk Harrisville; WV 31 (this is a terrible road); OH 266; OH 690; OH 144; WV 140 (unposted); OH 618; WV 95; WV 892; WV 14 ALT (unposted); WV 53; WV 47

New mileage:
WV 16 (WV 31 to US 50); WV 14 (I-77 to Williamstown, WV 14 ALT to WV 140); OH 60 (WV line to OH 266); OH 377 (OH 266 to OH 550); OH 550 (OH 377 to OH 690); OH 329 (US 50 to OH 144); OH 124 (OH 144 to US 50); OH 32 (Belpre); WV 68 (WV 892 to WV 140)

Also picked up 1 new county each in WV and OH
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: US 89 on August 08, 2021, 02:03:02 pm
I did a nice loop from Salt Lake yesterday to clinch a bunch of routes in central Utah. Finished up UT 10, 76, 118, and 133 which I had some mileage on before, and also traveled for the first time (and clinched) UT 57, 29, 309, 72, 258, 161, and 64.

Some notes:

- I’m going to have to drive some of these again when I can actually see. Most of the western US is currently blanketed in a layer of thick smoke from California that’s keeping  visibilities down. I don’t think I missed much from something like UT 161, but 72 looked like it would be really pretty on a clear day.
- UT 29 seems to have been affected pretty severely by the recent monsoon storms - there is a bunch of mud and random rocks on the road at various points between Joes Valley Reservoir and 57. Although paved, it doesn’t appear it was ever exactly a super high quality road to begin with
- Elsinore appears to have some sort of civil defense siren system that was going off when I passed through on UT 258. I have never seen this in Utah before and I couldn’t figure out why they might be on (no tornadoes or anything nearby, etc)… unless they test them at 3 PM on Saturdays.
- Fish Lake at the end of UT 25 is evidently a very popular camping and recreation destination and has a surprising amount of traffic, most of which is old pickup trucks being driven very slowly
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Bruce on August 08, 2021, 10:24:42 pm
I've done three big clinch trips so far this summer (with one or two more hopefully in the works), so I thought I should mark them down.


Early June: Test run out to Yakima (orange)

A single day with 600 miles of almost non-stop driving to and from Yakima, mostly to test my limits (as this was my first long, long solo drive).

Fully clinched: SR 162, SR 410, SR 123, SR 823, SR 122, SR 507, SR 702, SR 704, SR 161
Partially clinched: SR 165, SR 7
Good progress: US 12

Late June: Olympic Peninsula and SW Coast (purple)

Just before the heat dome decided to park itself over the region and break records, I spent some time on the coast to re-trace some sections that I was unsure that I clinched as a kid, while adding new miles.

This was my first multi-day trip, so I divided it into manageable chunks (and still overextended myself a bit).

Day 1: From the metro area to Port Angeles via the west side of the Olympic Loop

Fully clinched: SR 163 (minus the ferry), SR 302, SR 300, SR 108, SR 8, SR 107, SR 109, SR 110, SR 110 Spur, SR 113
Partially clinched: SR 3, US 101
Good progress: US 12
Small bit: SR 105, SR 112

Day 2: From Port Angeles to Olympia via Port Townsend and the Hood Canal route

Fully clinched: SR 19, SR 116, SR 104, SR 307, SR 308, SR 119, SR 102
Partially clinched: US 101, SR 3
Good progress: SR 20, US 12
Small bit: SR 106

Day 3: From Olympia to Astoria and back home, including picking up a new county (Wahkiakum) and crossing a state line in my own car for the very first time.

Fully clinched: SR 411, SR 432, SR 433, SR 4, SR 409, SR 100, SR 401
Partially clinched: SR 505, SR 506, SR 103, OR 202, US 101 Bus (Astoria)
Good progress: US 101
Small bit: SR 6

Got home at 2 am after a long, long drive through the dark from Aberdeen, but it was well worth it.

July: Vancouver and the Oregon Coast (green)

Another long, multi-day trip, though this time in a fuel-efficient rental car thanks to my regular car being damaged by an accident.

Day 1: Cowlitz and Vancouver

Fully clinched: SR 121, SR  506, SR 500, SR 501, I-205 (WA), OR 8
Partially clinched:
Good progress: SR 14
Small bit: SR 503

Day 2: Portland and Salem

Fully clinched: I-405, I-205 (OR), OR 217, OR 99E Business (former I-305), OR 226
Partially clinched:
Good progress: I-5, OR 8, OR 22, US 20, OR 99W
Small bit: I-84/US 30, OR 213, OR 99

Day 3: From Eugene to the Coast to Olympia

Fully clinched: OR 569, I-105, OR 528, OR 225, OR 132, US 20 Bus (Toledo), OR 182, OR 6, OR 223, OR 164
Partially clinched: OR 222, OR 228
Good progress: I-5, OR 126, US 20, US 101, US 26, OR 99W
Small bit: OR 58

Day 4: Backtracking to Vancouver and heading into the mountains

Since I couldn't find a Portland-area hotel for the night, I had to sleep in Olympia and backtrack 2 hours south to Vancouver to finish up my clinching. I still managed to miss two sections that I will have to grab on a later trip.

Fully clinched: SR 502, SR 503 Spur, SR 508, SR 7
Partially clinched: SR 503
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Bickendan on August 17, 2021, 08:34:55 pm
Took a weekend trip out to Tillamook/Oceanside, and did a reclinch of 101 from Tillamook to Warrenton.
Tillamook to Nehalem was a slog, and north end of Cannon Beach through Seaside was jammed x.x

Caught the portion of ORH 105 I missed last time, and to my surprise, the bridge inventory tag over the Skipanon River said RTE: 105.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: froggie on August 18, 2021, 10:10:07 pm
On Day 1 of a 2.5 week trip out to Minnesota and back for some family business.  Netted a goodly bit of New York mileage today along NY 8 through the southern 'Dacks, around Utica and Syracuse, and everything from Geneva to Olean (where I'm staying tonight).

This particular trip marks a bit of a departure for me, where I've deliberately planned every route and turn.  In the past, I've generally just "gone with the flow".
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: froggie on August 19, 2021, 08:09:56 pm
Day 2 in the books now, from Olean, NY to Huntington, IN with an unplanned side trip to the VA Hospital in Erie, PA.  Had a minor issue that (we hope) is temporarily resolved.  A side benefit of the Erie detour is I clinched more mileage in NW PA than I had originally planned.

Amongst other segments, today clinched PA/NY 474, OH 261, and all of US 224 west of Akron.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: osu-lsu on August 21, 2021, 12:02:14 am
It was an amazing drive down Troy Rd (from Coover Rd to Pennsylvania Ave) last night to see the Buckeye Valley OSU-LSUs upset the Delaware Hayes Mapcats, 26-22 in football.
Unfortunately, none of drives could count towards mileage on TM  ;D 8)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: computerfan0 on August 21, 2021, 03:05:11 pm
Went up to Fermanagh, clinching the A34 and the last remaining bit of the R183 and getting new travels on the A4. Not really interesting in terms of new travels.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on August 22, 2021, 09:25:54 pm
I took a pre-Henri trip to the Jersey Shore yesterday as a result of both spans of the new Scudder Falls Bridge on I-295 being open as of earlier last week.  I also clinched I-195 in NJ which gives me all of the interstate mileage in New Jersey (unless you still count NJ 495 as one for some reason), and I finally finished PA 309 along with adding some PA 611 mileage.  (I did photograph the erroneous US 33/US 611 shields from the shopping center coming into the PA 33/PA 611 intersection.)

Clinched:  PA 309, PA 263, PA/NJ 179, NJ 12, NJ 29 (and mostly unsigned NJ 165 (,-74.9420662,3a,75y,89.93h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1syn8IMJqqG5MtdDmN-KMePQ!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656)), NJ 175, NJ 129, I-195(NJ), NJ 138, NJ 33, NJ 33 BUS (Freehold), NJ 31, NJ 163 (unsigned)
New Mileage: PA 611, PA 313, US 202(NJ), PA 332, PA 32, NJ 35, NJ 71, NJ 34, US 130(NJ)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on August 23, 2021, 01:19:13 pm
Much more to come later, but the Ring Road, Iceland's TH1, will go to 100% for me with tonight's update.  It looks like I'll be the only one with a current clinch. Some others maybe had it and lost the 100% when new alignments/tunnels, etc., opened?

By far my longest clinch outside the US, and longest that's not an Interstate.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: SSOWorld on August 25, 2021, 08:38:30 am
Massive clinch-a-thon continues to this day as I have completed the following.  Interstate 64 and 66 in full, I-95 and 195 in the RVA area (Making for a continuous completion between Rocky Mount and Falmouth including both NJTPK spurs (had finished PA last month finally), all 3di’s in Hampton Roads, the CBBT, a good chunk of Maryland’s US 50 (Only east of US 13 remains). All DC US routes effectively completing DC as I refuse to count NPS routes that are not essential (Beach drive and Rock Creek Park - I did get the Barton, Suitland, and GWMP.  Also I-66 is done as are the remaining MD I’s and MD 200 (ouch).  More on the way.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on August 26, 2021, 10:26:33 am
I'm in the middle of what's probably my last major road trip this summer, not counting a possible fall trip to Canada. The first part was focused on visiting relatives in Minnesota and South Dakota, especially those missed on my previous trips there earlier this year. But I did a little bit of route clinching. I've now clinched all of the usaib (business Interstates) route set. I also clinched the long Minnesota state route 7, and some shorter state routes.

I'm in Nebraska for now, on the return home. The rest of my trip will take a southern route, more focused on route clinching (which ones TBD).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on August 26, 2021, 10:09:15 pm
A few TM-related highlights from the 9-day trip to Iceland.

From 0 to 1126 miles in ISL (TM rank 4).
Traveled 36 islth routes (TM rank 3), clinched 20 (TM rank 2), including the Ring Road (only TM user with a current clinch).

Overall, this trip sent me well past 96,000 active+clinched mileage.

I'll say a lot more about the trip in general and my observations of driving in Iceland over on AARoads some time soon.

In short, go if you ever have the chance.  The country is amazing.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on August 26, 2021, 10:41:51 pm
My dad was stationed in Iceland for a time when he was a Marine back in the 1970s.  I do not know how much of the country he got to explore though.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on August 26, 2021, 11:07:27 pm
Observations from Iceland in my AARoads post (;topicseen#msg2654312).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: clong on August 27, 2021, 12:15:15 pm
Finally got my list updated (and then corrected 1 error) from a recent trip.

Added 49 counties (22 in OK, 12 in AR, 8 in TX and 7 in MS).
Clinched I-235 (OK), I-240 (OK), I-269 (MS and TN), I-369 (TX), I-430 (AR), I-440 (AR), I-540 (AR) and I-630 (AR).
Also completed I-40 in AR (and 186 miles in OK), I-44 in TX (and 131 miles in OK), US82 in AR and MS (and 274 miles in TX).
Added mileage on I-35 and several US and state routes in OK as well.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on August 28, 2021, 07:26:16 pm
Just got back from moving Mapkitten to California. Since my wife drove, there wasn't much opportunity to do any unnecessary driving, so I only added about 280 miles. Those miles did include a clinch of US 6 (I was missing the segment in Colorado between I-70 exits 62 & 72), the I-5 truck bypass in Newhall, and the new I-710 bridge. We managed to deviate from the straightest path home to explore Arches NP for a day as well. There's still a lot of work to be done on the segment of I-70 closed by multiple landslides a few weeks ago, but the drive through there wasn't bad, even though only one lane was open on each carriageway through the work sites. Pretty miraculous that CDOT was able to get it functioning as quickly as they did.

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: ntallyn on August 29, 2021, 11:56:59 am
Had a trip to (mostly) Idaho for a family reunion, followed immediately by a business trip to Virginia.

Salt Lake City/Soda Springs/Jackson Hole mileage:
ID: US 89, ID 34 (clinch), ID 61 (clinch)
UT: UT 93
WY: US 26, US 89 (clinch), WY 89 (clinch), WY 239 (clinch)

Virginia Beach mileage (in file order):
I-264 (clinch), US 13, US 58, US 60, US 17 Bus Che (clinch), US 58 Bus Vir (clinch), VA 165, VA 166, VA 168 Bus Che, VA 190, VA 194, VA 225 (clinch), VA 247, VA 337, VA 403
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: froggie on August 29, 2021, 10:18:17 pm
Day 1 of my return trip back east was today.  Focused on reclinching MN/IA 60, as I had last traveled it before many of the bypasses built as part of the 4-laning were completed.  Also completed the "other" MN 62,  business routes in Sioux City and Fort Dodge, some loose ends around Waterloo, and completed US 20 across Iowa.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: dave1693 on August 31, 2021, 05:33:18 pm
I haven't updated my .list file in nearly 3 months -- June ended up being busier than expected, July turned totally crazy, and I've been trying to update all my Massachusetts stuff to reflect exit number changes (including a number of knock-on effects on routes we may not have considered). But as I'm not expecting to get any more new mileage for a few weeks I figured I'd post my summer travels now. This consisted mostly of trips between various places in Virginia (though no new mileage in VA) and eastern PA, plus one trip across from eastern PA to western PA and back. (We've been house-sitting for my parents in eastern PA for 6 weeks while they were away, and we expect to be here longer while my father rehabs from hip replacement, which could take months or even a year.)

New clinches:
US 322 Business (State College PA), US 322 Business (West Chester PA), PA 23 Alternate Truck (King of Prussia), PA 25, PA 85, PA 113, PA 162, PA 225, PA 313, PA 401, PA 413, PA 842, PA 926, MD 155, MD 156, MD 276, MD 462, MD 542

New almost-clinches:
US 209 in PA (missing only the PA side of the bridge to NY)
US 422 Business (Kittanning PA, now missing only about 3 blocks in the middle)
PA 352 (missing the few blocks south of I-95)
MD 41 (missing the stub north of I-695)
MD 147 (missing the part through a park that's currently closed)

New mileage that isn't a clinch or near-clinch:
I-99 in PA, US 15 in PA, US 30 in PA, US 40 in MD, US 119 in PA, US 219 in PA, US 220 in PA, US 220 Business (Altoona PA), US 322 in PA, US 322 Truck (West Chester PA), PA 3, PA 8, PA 28, PA 36, PA 41, PA 45, PA 53, PA 54, PA 58, PA 64, PA 66, PA 82, PA 93, PA 108, PA 152, PA 210, PA 263, PA 268, PA 308, PA 472, PA 611, PA 642, PA 764, PA 841, PA 924, PA 954, PA 970, MD 22, MD 132, MD 222

That was six or seven separate trips all condensed into one composite list. I'll get these changes into github soon as I can. Next expected trip is for a long-delayed family funeral in NJ a few weeks from now. Everyone stay safe out there.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on August 31, 2021, 05:46:44 pm
PA 352 (missing the few blocks south of I-95)

I presume that it was still closed when you tried to clinch it.  I believe that it is reopen now.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: SSOWorld on September 01, 2021, 12:38:33 pm
Massive clinch-a-thon continues to this day as I have completed the following.  Interstate 64 and 66 in full, I-95 and 195 in the RVA area (Making for a continuous completion between Rocky Mount and Falmouth including both NJTPK spurs (had finished PA last month finally), all 3di’s in Hampton Roads, the CBBT, a good chunk of Maryland’s US 50 (Only east of US 13 remains). All DC US routes effectively completing DC as I refuse to count NPS routes that are not essential (Beach drive and Rock Creek Park - I did get the Barton, Suitland, and GWMP.  Also I-66 is done as are the remaining MD I’s and MD 200 (ouch).  More on the way.
Added additional miles in VA and now have the WV and OH interstates completed, significant gain on US 20 (now have between west of Sioux City and Euclid (Between Cleveland and Ashtabula) and some additional US 6.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on September 03, 2021, 11:27:28 pm
I finally got everything entered in for my Cleveland Road Meet Trip.  Major highlights of this trip include:

1.  Clinched US 50 east of IN 48 in Lawrenceburg.
2.  Fully clinched I-71, I-264(KY), and the KY 841/I-265/IN 265 corridor.
3.  Finished the full clinch of US 22 that I could not complete in June.
4.  Clinched I-77 north of Akron, OH, to hopefully prepare to get the rest between Akron and Charleston later.
5.  Fully clinched the western section of US 422.

Clinched: US 50(OH/WV(Both)/MD(West)/VA), WV 24, WV 131, WV 279, WV 95, WV 892, WV 618, OH 618, US 50 BUS (Belpre, OH), WV 140 (unsigned), OH 135, OH 251, I-275(IN/KY/OH), OH 264, US 42(KY), I-71(KY/OH-full clinch), I-264(KY), I-265(IN), IN 265, KY 841, I-265(KY), KY 1934, KY 2846, US 22(OH-full clinch), OH 421, OH 291, OH 8, OH 237, US 422 (West Section), US 422 BUS (New Castle, PA), US 422 BUS (Kittanning, PA), US 422 BUS (Indiana, PA)
New Mileage: US 50(IN), WV 29, WV 28, US 220(WV), WV 93, WV 42, US 219(WV/MD), WV 72, WV 92, US 250(WV), US 19(WV), WV 20, I-79(WV), WV 31, I-77(WV), WV 2, WV 14, WV 68, OH 32, OH 339, OH 7, WV 47, US 33(OH), OH 327, US 35(OH), OH 772, OH 104, US 23 BUS (Chillicothe, OH), OH 41, OH 753, OH 124, OH 73, OH 134, US 68(OH), OH 123, OH 132, US 127(KY), US 25(KY), KY 1072, I-64(IN/KY), US 150(IN/KY), IN 62, KY 1230, US 31W(KY), US 60(KY), US 31E(KY), US 421(KY), KY 36, KY 338, KY 1829, KY 8, KY 237, OH 48, OH 3, I-70(OH), OH 83, OH 17, I-90(OH), I-77(OH), OH 21, OH 59, OH 43, OH 14, OH 2, US 6(OH), US 20(OH), OH 113, OH 254, US 6 ALT (Rocky River, OH), *OH 10, I-480(OH), OH 176, US 42(OH), OH 82, OH 283, OH 87, OH 175, I-271(OH), **OH 193, ***OH 289, PA 168, PA 268, PA 28, PA 56, US 119(PA), PA 271, PA 160, PA 655

*Not enough to justify putting in my list file
**Not in list file due to 1PPI
***Seems to be concurrent with US 422 in Youngstown, OH
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on September 07, 2021, 11:30:12 am
I just finished the return leg of my latest trip to South Dakota. This took me down to west Texas, then through Louisiana (with a major reroute) to get back home.

On my way to Texas, I clinched the set of toll roads and other freeways that OkDOT would like to stitch together into an expanded I-240 beltway around Oklahoma City. In Texas, my goal was to finish off US 290 and US 190. I got the former, but Hurricane Ida closed parts of US 190 I needed to clinch between Baton Rouge and Covington LA. So I drove the uncovered portions of US 190 in Louisiana west of Baton Rouge, then turned north toward Shreveport and Little Rock to dodge the hurricane damage.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: US 89 on September 07, 2021, 04:56:41 pm
Had a trip to (mostly) Idaho for a family reunion, followed immediately by a business trip to Virginia.

Salt Lake City/Soda Springs/Jackson Hole mileage:
ID: US 89, ID 34 (clinch), ID 61 (clinch)
UT: UT 93
WY: US 26, US 89 (clinch), WY 89 (clinch), WY 239 (clinch)

To be honest, not clinching Utah 93 is almost as impressive as clinching it.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: ntallyn on September 12, 2021, 08:22:18 pm
Had a trip to (mostly) Idaho for a family reunion, followed immediately by a business trip to Virginia.

Salt Lake City/Soda Springs/Jackson Hole mileage:
ID: US 89, ID 34 (clinch), ID 61 (clinch)
UT: UT 93
WY: US 26, US 89 (clinch), WY 89 (clinch), WY 239 (clinch)

To be honest, not clinching Utah 93 is almost as impressive as clinching it.

 ;D Looks like I forgot to mark it as clinched in my posting. I did clinch it.  :pan:
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: ntallyn on September 14, 2021, 09:53:29 pm
A recent trip to visit my ailing mother-in-law in central Kansas afforded the opportunity to get a few new miles.

Flying into MCI, and heading to visit we added the following routes: MO US69, KS US69, KS KS32 (clinch), KS US24, KS US59, KS KS4.

From there to visit a friend in northwest Arkansas, we added: KS US77, KS US54, KS US69, KS US69BusPit, MO MO171, MO MO249 (clinch), MO I-49, MO US71, AR US71 (and a few concurrencies).

Returning to MCI: MO I-49 (clinch), MO US71.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: dave1693 on September 23, 2021, 12:41:18 am
PA 352 (missing the few blocks south of I-95)

I presume that it was still closed when you tried to clinch it.  I believe that it is reopen now.

But to clinch it I need to get back down to the Chester area. That might take a while.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on September 23, 2021, 09:25:38 pm
I recently went to Arizona for my friends' wedding, and I decided that it was time to finally get quite a bit of mileage away from the eastern states.

I will be posting this in three parts (Part 1-Heading to Arizona, Part 2-In Arizona, Part 3-Coming Back From Arizona). 

Highlights on the way to Arizona include:

1.  Full clinch of I-44 (for some reason Google Maps thinks that it is closed due to construction at the US 75 Interchange in Tulsa when that is not the case, it is just in an odd configuration at the moment)
2.  Almost a full clinch of I-64 (see below).
3.  Completed I-79 in WV.
4.  Clinched US 380 west of FM 926 (near TX 251)
5.  Drove the I-65 Ohio River Bridge as a consolation prize for not being able to complete I-64.

Clinched:  PA 747, PA 913, PA 326, MD 49, MD 658, MD 53, MD 636, I-79 (WV), WV 193, I-64 (MO/IL/IN), MO 364, I-170 (MO), I-44 (TX/OK/MO-full clinch), I-44 BL (Mount Vernon, MO), MO 39 BUS (Mount Vernon), OK 130, TX Spur 447, TX Spur 213, TX Loop 473, TX 251, US 380 (NM), NM 254, I-25 BL (Socorro, NM)

New Mileage: PA 655, PA 26, US 220 (MD), *I-64 (KY), I-65 (KY/IN), US 150 (IN), IN 62, I-57 (IL), **IL 15, US 50 (MO/IL), I-55 (MO/IL), US 40 (MO/IL), IL 3, US 61 (MO), I-70 (MO), MO 94, US 67 (MO), I-270 (MO), I-44 BL (Pacific, MO), MO 39, I-49 (MO), US 71 (MO), MO 43, US 412 (OK), OK 66, I-35 (OK), OK 3, US 62 (TX/OK), OK 37, US 277 (TX/OK), OK 76, US 281 (TX/OK), US 287 (TX), US 82 (TX), TX 79, TX 240, US 287 BUS (Wichita Falls, TX), US 380 (TX), US 83 (TX), TX 70, TX 208, US 84 (TX), US 385 (TX), NM 256, US 70 (NM), I-25 (NM), US 60 (NM)

*Not clinched due to closure between I-71 and I-264 in Louisville.  I should have just done this when I was already there to clinch I-71 the day before the Cleveland Meet last month…
**Not enough mileage to put in my list file

Part 2:  (In Arizona)

Highlights Include:

1.  Clinches of I-17 and I-19.
2.  Completing US 60 east of US 93 (continous clinch continues to I-25 in Socorro, NM).
3.  Clinching what currently exists of the Phoenix Freeway system.
4.  Clinching AZ 64 and seeing the west end of US 180 as part of visiting the Grand Canyon.

Clinched: AZ 210, I-19 BL (Nogales), I-19, AZ 189, I-17, AZ 89, I-40 BL (Ash Fork), I-40 BL (Williams), AZ 64, I-40 BL (Flagstaff), AZ 79 BUS (Florence), I-8 BL (Gila Bend), Sky Harbor Blvd, AZ 143, AZ 202, AZ 24, AZ 101, AZ 51, AZ 303, Northern Pkwy, AZ 177, I-10 BL (Willcox)

New Mileage: US 60, US 180, US 191, AZ 77, AZ 260, I-10, AZ 83, AZ 82, US 93, I-40, US 89, AZ 89A, *AZ 79, AZ 287, I-8, AZ 85, AZ 186

*Barely missed clinch due to hanging end north of US 60 (

On the stats side, I clinched 1643.68 miles in Arizona alone.  That gives me more mileage in Arizona than other states I regularly traverse including NJ (currently 1574.34), WV (1234.14), and DE (765.65, though only has 1102.45 miles in total).  Of these three states, I will only be adding mileage in WV on the return trip, but it will not be enough to catch up to AZ.

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: clong on September 28, 2021, 12:35:28 pm
Added 13 new counties on a quick trip this weekend - 7 in TN, 4 in VA and 2 in KY.
First TN I-26 mileage. The remaining 27 miles are the only interstate miles in TN I'm missing.
First TN US11W as well. Got about half of it.
VA US23 clinch.
First KY US23 and US119 mileage.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on September 29, 2021, 08:47:36 pm
Part 3: Coming Back From Arizona

Highlights Include:
1.  Continuous Clinch of I-10 from AZ 85 (Exit 112-AZ) to I-20 (Exit 187-TX).
2.  Clinched I-20 from I-10 to I-30 (Exit 421).
3.  Fully clinched I-30.
4.  Clinched I-40 from I-30 (Exit 153B-AR) to I-81 (Exit 421-TN).
5.  Finished clinching I-81 in TN and VA.
6.  Completed US 220 between I-81 and I-68.  (continuous clinch goes from US 220 BUS (Roanoke)/VA 419 to the eastern end of the I-180 Concurrency east of Williamsport)
7.  Clinched I-440 in AR and TN to complete the I-440s.  I already had I-440 in NC.
8.  Clinching I-81 and I-381 in VA completed the interstate mileage for me in VA.
9.  Honestly, my favorite clinch on this part of the trip was PA 96.  It seems to be a great alternative to US 220 between Cumberland/Frostburg, MD, and Bedford, PA, (via PA 31).  The toughest part about PA 96 is getting to it.  The curves on the section south of PA 31 (minus the borough of Hyndman) were practically nonexistant.

Clinched: I-10 (NM), I-110 (TX), I-20 BL (Monahans, TX), TX Loop 464, TX Loop 250, TX 158 BUS (Midland), I-30 (TX/AR-full clinch), AR 440, I-440 (AR), AR 249, TN 300 (unsigned-part of Future I-69), I-440 (TN), I-140 (TN), TN 162, I-640 (TN), I-275 (TN), I-81 (TN/VA), TN 357, I-381 (VA), VA 381 (unsigned), US 11W (VA), US 11E (VA), **VA 113 (unsigned), VA 140, VA 372, VA 91 BUS (Glade Spring), VA 90, VA 365 (Both Segments), VA 373, VA 42 (Middle), VA 320, US 60 BUS (Clifton Forge, VA), US 220 BUS (Clifton Forge, VA), VA 188, VA 384 (unsigned), VA 154 (Both Segments), US 220 (WV/MD), MD 35, PA 96, PA 866

New Mileage: US 70 (NM, AR/TN), US 180 (NM/TX), US 85 (NM/TX), I-10 (TX), *US 54 (TX), I-20 (TX), TX 18, TX 349, TX 158, I-20 BL (Midland, TX), TX 208, US 84 (TX), TX 70, TX 108, US 377 (TX), US 67 (TX/AR), US 59 (TX), US 65 (AR), US 167 (AR), I-40 (AR/TN), US 63 (AR), AR 11 (Des Arc), US 79 (AR), I-55 (AR), US 61 (AR), US 64 (AR), AR 118, I-65 (TN), I-24 (TN), TN 56, TN 299, TN 58, I-75 (TN), TN 33, TN 335, US 129 (TN), US 25W (TN), TN 62, US 11 (TN/VA), US 58 (VA), TN 1, US 11W (TN), US 421 (VA), US 19 (VA), VA 91, US 21 (VA), VA 311, US 220 (VA), US 60 (VA), VA 39, US 33 (WV), WV 28, WV 55, MD 36, PA 31, PA 36

*I am uncertain in my mind if US 54 is truly concurrent with I-110, but I think it is very briefly.
**In HB as US 11 TRUCK (Bristol, VA) and US 19 TRUCK (Bristol, VA)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on September 29, 2021, 09:16:56 pm

Clinched: I-10 (NM), I-110 (TX),

*I am uncertain in my mind if US 54 is truly concurrent with I-110, but I think it is very briefly.

US 54 peels away from I-110 just north of the border, ending at Loop 375. (I went that way earlier this year, to make sure I had clinched US 54, and then headed west to clinch the recently-completed 375.)  The split is where traffic bound for Mexico stays on I-110, with at least one U-turn opportunity before crossing the border. But north of that point, US 54 is concurrent with the rest of I-110.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: vdeane on October 02, 2021, 06:25:52 pm
Given that I-110 runs on separate carriageways from US 54, I would say they aren't.  Or at least not southbound.  Northbound, only the ramp for I-10 east diverges before they merge, so I could see an argument for that direction.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: kjslaughter on October 02, 2021, 08:56:03 pm
Just added some mileage during Fall Break trip with family to St. Petersburg area.  Got off I-75 and drove down towards Crystal River with intention to visit Weeki Wachee State Park, but mermaid schedule didn't align.  Clinched all of current Suncoast Parkway, but new extension to north will soon break that clinch.  As usual with family trips, couldn't get as many roads as I had hoped, but at least took a different path from beach into St. Pete each time to travel a new route.  :-)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: the_spui_ninja on October 06, 2021, 09:20:03 pm
Went to Detroit last weekend to see friends who are almost family; on the way to DIA I drove on probably the nicest county road in the country outside of Clark County 215: the Weld County Parkway ( ( It even has fancy shields (! Shame we can't map this...
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on October 08, 2021, 07:12:41 pm
I took a trip to the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, NY, Tuesday with my parents and a couple of their friends.  I still do not know how they got through it in two hours while it took me four.

Anyway onto the clinching:

Clinched: PA 534, PA 115, PA 92, US 6 BUS (Tunkhannock, PA), NY 235, NY 205, NY 268, PA 191
New Mileage: US 6 (PA), PA 171, NY 79, NY 7, NY 41, NY 206, NY 8, NY 23, NY 80, NY 28, NY 10, NY 97, PA 196, PA 507, PA 447
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Hoss6884 on October 09, 2021, 12:10:29 pm
I had the opportunity this morning to bike a portion of the Southern Beltway (Toll PA 576) as part of a “community day” before it opens on Friday.  We got on and parked at the Exit 16 interchange (South Fayette Way) and biked to Exit 11 (McDonald/Midway) before turning around.

I’m excited for it to open officially, if only to stop hearing the local news refer to it as “Toll I-576.”
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: yakra on October 09, 2021, 01:49:08 pm
They'll probably keep calling it that. -_-
Either that or "128".
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on October 12, 2021, 01:12:23 pm
So I may have missed the main Atlantic Beach Meet gathering to favor clinching NY 27, but I still got to eat lunch with everyone at Eisenhower Park in Nassau County as I headed west.

Clinched: NJ 10, NJ 159, NJ 62, NJ 3, *NJ 7, NJ 495, **NY 495, I-495 (NY), NY 24 (Riverhead), NY 27, NY 102***, NY 878 (Both Sections), I-478 (NY), NJ 4, NJ 20, NJ 19, NJ 184, NJ 171, NJ 26, NJ 91, PA 332
New Mileage: PA 611, NY 25, Meadowbrook State Pkwy, NY 24 (Hempstead), NY 106, NY 9A, Henry Hudson Pkwy, Garden State Pkwy, US 9 (NJ), NJ 35

*Whatever you think NJ 7 should truly be in the HB, I clinched all forms of it.  Sight clinched bridge closure along Kingsland Rd.
** You could argue that I did not clinch it based on me taking the south tube and then exiting on the expressway down to 30th St, but the routing is so unclear that I am fine with counting it.  You could arguably even call it 1PPI.
*** Unsure if it officially extends west to NY 24 or not, but I drove that part to be sure.  Unsigned west of where the end is shown in the HB.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: ntallyn on October 12, 2021, 05:22:13 pm
A business trip to central California allowed me to get some new mileage. Some signage observations have already been posted in the CA state routes topic, but mileage was added on the following routes (in file order):
CA 33
CA 41
CA 43
CA 59
CA 63 (clinch)
CA 99
CA 99 Bus (Selma, Fowler, Madera, Merced, Atwater, Turlock; all clinched)
CA 140
CA 145
CA 165
CA 180
CA 198
CA 201
CA 269

I also did some file cleanup from previous trips (I hadn't completed making my CA state route list), adding some old mileage on:
CA 49
CA 88
CA 120
CA 152
CA 162Oro
CA 174
CA 254

And removed a little bit in error on CA 16, CA 33, and CA 41.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: yakra on October 13, 2021, 12:27:17 pm
*** Unsure if [NY102] officially extends west to NY 24 or not, but I drove that part to be sure.  Unsigned west of where the end is shown in the HB.
Shapefiles, RIS Viewer ( and 2014 TDR ( all show an end at NY24. 2017 Touring Route book ( OTOH lists "(William Street) Hempstead". Thankfully, the unsigned part is unsigned. :)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on October 14, 2021, 07:58:14 pm
I just returned from a week in eastern Canada, plus a few days in the U.S. to make my way back home. The Canada part of the trip was to take advantage of the reopening of the Canadian border to non-essential travel. That let me catch up on new or extended/rerouted highways in Ontario and Quebec, during the two years since my last visit to Canada before the border closed in early 2020.

I entered Canada at the Peace Bridge crossing from Buffalo. That was an easy crossing, even with the extra formalities of proof of vaccination and the negative Covid-19 test result I had obtained the day before, and no vehicle search unlike my first Peace Bridge crossing many years ago. Then to Toronto, and into eastern Quebec, before returning to Ontario province east of Ottawa. I then went over to Thunder Bay before returning to the U.S. at International Falls MN (also an easy border crossing, with no proof of vaccination, etc. required for returning U.S. citizens). From there, I headed south on US 71 to I-94, then mainly on the Interstates to Indiana, where I spent a day and a half mostly off the Interstates to add the rest of Indiana's counties to my "round 2" totals (counties clinched after my 2010 completion of all the U.S. counties).

Without getting into a lot of detail, Canada's Covid-19 restrictions are more stringent than in the U.S., and reminded me of the restrictions in place in the U.S. at the start of the pandemic before vaccinations became prevalent in both the U.S. and Canada. There were a few eating places asking for proof of vaccination, though my CDC vaccine record card (required for me to get into Canada in the first place) was good enough even where electronic "vaccine passports" were the norm.

This trip brought me back up to 100% of the Ontario Freeways route set (ON 427 extension, ON 418, and ON 407 extension), Quebec Autoroutes (A-410 and A-85 extensions), and the Trans-Canada Highway system (reroute in Quebec from the A-85 extension, and two reroutes at opposite ends of northern Ontario -- the last one, west of Thunder Bay, annoyingly prolonged my travels over familiar and mostly boring territory). On the return from Canada, I also finished off a construction closure gap in Ohio's part of US 62, so now I have all of that route covered north/east of the Kentucky border, but still lots of missing segments east of New Mexico. Also, I added the ten Indiana counties not already in my round 2 tally (now at 2847 out of 3143 counties/equivalents), as well as a handful of counties/equivalents in both Ontario and Quebec to bring my Canadian round 2 tally up to 261 out of 731.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: rickmastfan67 on October 14, 2021, 08:38:41 pm
and the Trans-Canada Highway system (reroute in Quebec from the A-85 extension, and two reroutes at opposite ends of northern Ontario -- the last one, west of Thunder Bay, annoyingly prolonged my travels over familiar and mostly boring territory).

You might still not have it, unless you hit up ON-69 on this trip too.  I still need to put in the reroute between SH-522 & *OldON69_NoeS, as it was moved onto a new alignment there earlier this year.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on October 14, 2021, 10:04:03 pm
and the Trans-Canada Highway system (reroute in Quebec from the A-85 extension, and two reroutes at opposite ends of northern Ontario -- the last one, west of Thunder Bay, annoyingly prolonged my travels over familiar and mostly boring territory).

You might still not have it, unless you hit up ON-69 on this trip too.  I still need to put in the reroute between SH-522 & *OldON69_NoeS, as it was moved onto a new alignment there earlier this year.

I didn't, since I was under the impression that nothing had happened with ON 69 (except simple twinnings) yet this year. I could've worked ON 69 into my itinerary had I thought it necessary, though at the expense of other parts of my itinerary such as side trips on ON 115/28/62 and QC 382.

Oh well, ON 69 looks to be a moving target anyway, with more reroutings in the offing.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: rickmastfan67 on October 14, 2021, 10:11:39 pm
and the Trans-Canada Highway system (reroute in Quebec from the A-85 extension, and two reroutes at opposite ends of northern Ontario -- the last one, west of Thunder Bay, annoyingly prolonged my travels over familiar and mostly boring territory).

You might still not have it, unless you hit up ON-69 on this trip too.  I still need to put in the reroute between SH-522 & *OldON69_NoeS, as it was moved onto a new alignment there earlier this year.

I didn't, since I was under the impression that nothing had happened with ON 69 (except simple twinnings) yet this year. I could've worked ON 69 into my itinerary had I thought it necessary, though at the expense of other parts of my itinerary such as side trips on ON 115/28/62 and QC 382.

Oh well, ON 69 looks to be a moving target anyway, with more reroutings in the offing.

Well, a little bit of it was twinning (south of Pickerel River Road, OSM is showing this wrong as far as I can tell based on other maps) in place, but just north of there, it's on a completely new alignment to the west due to new bridges being needed, and MOT wanting to keep the original alignment for local traffic up to the new SH607 interchange.

StreetView was there as of June '21 showing the shift onto the new SB lanes while they're reconstructing the original ON-69 south of Pickerel River Road.

And here's where the alignment splits off of the 'twinned' part: (and where I'll add a 'closed' mark for ON-69 for the reroute).

That's just shy of the Pickerel River Road interchange which wasn't open as of June yet, but they did have an access road connection at the base of the bridge.

But, when I get to add this into ON-69's file, I'll just be centering everything at the future center points for each new interchange (SH607, Pickerel River Road) so I don't have to come back and fix anything up due to it at least already being on one of the new carriageways and not a temporary road.

As for reroutings, I think this is the last for the foreseeable future, as they have to deal with First Nations for the rest of the new alignment down to the current end of ON-400, sans maybe to SH-522 due to them already having the new alignment bridges built over the rerouted CN tracks.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on October 19, 2021, 09:32:36 pm
Last week I had Thursday and Friday off, so I took a 4-day trip to complete the new segment of I-49, and thereby finish the interstate highway system (not counting paper interstates). Having the extra time allowed me to go out of the way a bit to clinch three US highways (64, 160, and 270) and pick up some more US mileage in Kansas and Oklahoma as a bonus to bring my completion percentage for that system up to 89.76%.

Overall mileage increase: 1,370
New clinched routes: 24 (the interstate and US routes mentioned above, plus 11 auxiliary US routes, a few state routes in Missouri and Kansas, and the Kickapoo Turnpike in Oklahoma)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on October 24, 2021, 03:11:09 pm
Here's the 100k club. Active mileage is more North American-centric.
Code: [Select]
Rank Username ActiveMiles Active% PreviewMiles Preview%
1 mapcat 193715.29 31.44% 197206.58 23.91%
2 oscar 189021.63 30.68% 201423.44 24.42%
3 vespertine 168141.30 27.29% 171585.30 20.80%

It will take another year or two, but I hope to crack 100k before long. 90K will happen this year. Admittedly, it is much easier in North America. :)

This post is "to blame" that I traveled almost all European countries in the last five years, and developed so many additional systems throughout Europe to have more routes to travel!

I have clinched 101,002.42 miles now, thereof only 1,450 miles in USA and Canada. Almost 100,000 miles just in Europe!

Unfortunately, I won't pass the 100,000-miles-in-Europe-only milestone soon because my car is broken now  :-X
I bought the car in early 2016 and it fucked up just the very next day after I reached the 100,000 miles. Head gasket. I had a rental car and could continue my travel when the engine was repaired. I picked up my car and drove just another 100 miles when it broke down again. A cylinder of the engine has a crack and I either need a new car (lead times for a new car are currently up to one year, used car are currently rare and expensive) or a new engine. I have no info about engine lead times yet. Hell, it's already broken with just 178,000 miles ;D

Nevertheless, thank you for the motivation :)

My personal stats per year:

End of 2013:   9,615 mi   
End of 2014:  16,818 mi = + 7,203 mi
End of 2015:  19,169 mi = + 2,351 mi
End of 2016:  36,983 mi = +17,814 mi (~5,500mi deub system added)
End of 2017:  58,190 mi = +21,207 mi (~2,500mi deubyst, deubwl, deuhel, deunwl, deurpl, deusll systems added)
End of 2018:  70,811 mi = +12,621 mi (~400mi remaining deuxxl systems added)
End of 2019:  84,520 mi = +13,709 mi
End of 2020:  92,967 mi = + 8,447 mi
2021-10-24: 101,002 mi = + 8,035 mi

I have clinched five regions now: Berlin (145mi), Bremen (65mi), Hamburg (143mi), Liechtenstein (13mi) and Malta (110mi). I've also almost clinched Baden-Württemberg (96%) with more than 9,000mi but there are some road closures till Mid 2022. My Bavarian mileage (almost 14,000mi) also rapidly grew during the pandemic but it's only at 78% so far.
In addition, I have 17 systems clinched. I have reclinched chea and deua this year, and there are another 3 systems to be reclinched. I also try to clinch the (non-Autobahn) federal German road system (deub with almost 23,000mi) but I'm only at 67%. Still a long way to go :D

btw: The "100k club" has 19 members now. aaroads also joined it last week.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: yakra on October 24, 2021, 06:50:34 pm
Ugh, that sucks about the car.
Finding a throttle cable for an `86 Volvo Turbodiesel is damn near impossible.
Might be able to make a DIY one out of a bike brake cable... grumble.
Thankfully, walking or biking takes care of my transportation needs.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on October 24, 2021, 08:00:59 pm
Congratulations on the milestone, but really sorry to hear about the car.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on October 30, 2021, 07:48:42 pm
btw: The "100k club" has 19 members now. aaroads also joined it last week.

Now up to 20 (don't know who is the new member, unless it's you). But it'll drop back to 19 with tonight's update, since one of the 20 is my ovoss_old.list file (rough display of my travels up to mid-2010), which I'm finally deleting as no longer needed for my "round 2" county-counting project.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on October 31, 2021, 03:45:52 am
btw: The "100k club" has 19 members now. aaroads also joined it last week.

Now up to 20 (don't know who is the new member, unless it's you). But it'll drop back to 19 with tonight's update, since one of the 20 is my ovoss_old.list file (rough display of my travels up to mid-2010), which I'm finally deleting as no longer needed for my "round 2" county-counting project.

I didn't count ovoss_old.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on November 06, 2021, 01:31:31 pm
Congratulations on the milestone, but really sorry to hear about the car.

Thanks. The repair was expensive, but I have my car back! I took a 7 hours train ride to pick up my car in the north of Germany. The return trip was a 7 hours car ride including a little detour for 27 new TM miles :)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on November 07, 2021, 10:22:20 am
Congratulations on the milestone, but really sorry to hear about the car.

Thanks. The repair was expensive, but I have my car back! I took a 7 hours train ride to pick up my car in the north of Germany. The return trip was a 7 hours car ride including a little detour for 27 new TM miles :)

I have wondered at times how I would react if I was told I could not drive anymore.  It would be a much worse reaction than any car repair or getting a new car I think.  Thankfully all seems to be well on your end.

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on November 09, 2021, 07:52:48 pm
So while the damage on my car has not been fixed yet, I felt comfortable enough to finally get some more Pittsburgh clinching in (and of course to reclinch PA 576).  Oddly enough, this ended up being a trip entirely in PA.

Clinched:  US 220 BUS (Bedford, PA), PA 31, PA 576 (reclinch due to recent extension), I-279 (PA), US 19 TRUCK (Pittsburgh, PA), PA 288, PA 65, PA 351 TRUCK (Ellwood City), PA 28, PA 60, I-579 (PA), PA 121, PA 310, PA 756, PA 867, PA 868, PA 829
New Mileage: PA 655, PA 56, PA 281, PA 601, PA 381, PA 711, PA 136, PA 51, US 119 (PA), PA 819, PA 201, I-79 (PA), US 19 (PA), PA 68, PA 168, PA 108, PA 351, PA 910, PA 50, PA 66, US 322 (PA), PA 36, PA 271, PA 403, PA 160, PA 26
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Ib3kii on November 11, 2021, 09:56:41 pm
This whole year I've been focused on finishing Wisconsin (finally) and knocking out the great state of Illinois. I am still in college so I took many weekends and went H.A.M. on central Illinois. These trips have bumped my rank up from the upper 50s all the way to rank 22. One weekend alone I drove for about 47 hours (over three days), only taking breaks to sleep in rest areas during the daytime. I have two more trips until Illinois is finished, as I live in Milwaukee the southern section will take 57 and a half hours to complete, and the other area will take about 30 hours.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Bickendan on November 19, 2021, 06:16:56 pm
Have a gig up in Longview, so I picked up the missing segment of WA 411 between Kelso and Castle Rock, and planning on grabbing WA 505 tonight.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on November 19, 2021, 11:19:46 pm
I returned earlier this week from a two-week road trip to Arkansas and Louisiana. With less daylight as winter approaches, and having to deal with the stress of the seasons, that is likely to be my last significant road trip until my usual mid-winter trip to Florida.

I did a little state route clinching in Pennsylvania and Ohio on the outbound journey, and some in Ohio on the return leg. Then more US and state route clinching in southern Illinois. I also added the rest of Illinois' counties to my "round 2" totals, making that the 31st state I've re-completed since my 2010 "round 1" completion of all the U.S. counties. More "round 2" counties were added in other states as well.

From there, I made my way to southwestern Missouri and northwestern Arkansas, to clinch the newest segment of I-49. Then some rapid-fire clinching of U.S routes in Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi, including US 49 (with both west and east branches), US 171, US 190, US 371, US 425, and the Arkansas part of US 71. From there, I adjusted my itinerary back home to clinch US 641 (instead of US 43, as initially planned), and the Kentucky part of US 68 (only missing about 100 US 68 miles in Ohio), to set up my re-clinch of the recently-relocated US 35 in West Virginia.

As a result, I've traveled just over 90% of the mainline U.S. route mileage (usaus), though that number falls below 90% if business and other bannered U.S. routes (usausb) are added in.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on November 22, 2021, 04:28:45 pm
I took advantage of having a rental car to do some more central PA clinching Saturday.  I did drive through State College, but that was at 9 AM before traffic became an issue for those heading to Happy Valley to watch Penn State cream Rutgers again.  I finished my clinching by seeing what was left of Centralia (which was just four-wheelers, and some guiderail graffiti on the southside).  I did enter MD three times along PA 928, PA 655, and PA 26 to immediately turnaround since these routes do not become MD Routes.

Clinched:  PA 655, PA 928, PA 484, PA 731, PA 26, PA 150, PA 64, PA 973, PA 864, PA 42
New Mileage: PA 550, PA 44, PA 287, PA 87, US 220 (PA), PA 118, PA 487
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: vdeane on November 26, 2021, 07:34:27 pm
I don't normally post updates here, especially for daytrips, but this one is special.  Today I took a clinching trip to southwestern Chautauqua County from my parents house, despite the weather.  I went up I-390 north, looped over NY 390 to exit 22, south to exit 19, north again to exit 21, and south again to exit 19 to fully experience the new southbound configuration of the 390/490 interchange.  After that, I took I-490 west to the Thruway and headed west, my first time out west since the AET project was recently completed (for Ripley, the first time since it started, even!).  I got off at exit 61 and took Shortman Road and US 20 to NY 76 (clinching a reference route in the process, since I already had it north of there).  This is where I was certainly not impressed with Region 5's plowing effort, and was dealing with snow-covered roads for the next couple hours.  I took NY 76 south, NY 474 east, looped NY 426 to the PA border, looped NY 474 to the PA border, and took NY 426 north.  The entire time I was averaging 30-40 mph, sometimes down to 20 or below, trying to avoid skids (mostly but not always successfully, though I only had one of significance, fortunately with nobody else around).  From Findley lake, I looped NY 426 to it's other end at the PA border (in many ways, it's really a PA route that happens to dip though NY long enough to change shields, much like NY 440 in the other side of the state).  I then looped NY 430 to the PA border, and noticed that it seems like PennDOT was doing a better job of plowing than NYSDOT!  Interesting.  I took NY 430 east, and around Mayville (at noon) the snow on the road finally melted and I was able to drive normally again.  It sure felt like I was making good time at 55 after so long on snow-covered roads!  I looped Fluvanna Avenue (former NY 430, before a recent re-route) and completed NY 430, taking NY 394 east.  I stopped at the Wegmans east of Jamestown for a quick lunch and also finished my Christmas shopping nearby as well.  I took a slight detour to loop the remainder of NY 474, noting how much better it was from just a few hours ago (and noticing the reference markers all said "74"; it must have been renumbered around the same time NY 73 was split into NY 73 and NY 74; on NY 394, they all said "17" or "17J").  After that, I resumed taking NY 394 west and hopped back on the Thruway to Rochester.

Now, what makes this one special?  Well, not only did I finish Chautauqua County or Region 5, this also finished off the TM-clinchable routes in NY for me, making me the third TM user to finish it (right now TM is only showing one person with NY done, but I'm sure the other is only showing as less than 100% due to changes that happened after he entered all his data for NY).  That said, there are a few notes on some routes that may make finishing it debatable, depending on one's clinching standards:
-US 11: This is by far the most egregious note.  I haven't actually crossed the Canadian border here.  I've gone as far as is possible without going through customs and then turned around, which unfortunately is US 2.  This isn't the only route I've turned around before the border on, but the others have customs closer to the border and have better sight lines.  I have at least virtual clinched it with the real-time roadwaywiz video, but when or if I'll be able to clinch it properly is unknown.  IIRC, at least one other person has claimed US 11 in NY clinched prior to crossing there properly, so it's not completely unprecedented.
-NY 9A: Going by signage, there's technically a short piece between Battery Park and where FDR Drive comes in.  It's not inventoried as part of NY 9A, so I'm currently counting it as clinched under "one point per interchange".  What TM will ultimately do about this is unknown; claiming a sight clinch is hard there as I was going NB when I clinched it, rather than SB.  Might need to find an excuse to go back, depending on how TM handles it.  Might need to anyways, if the group trying to remove FDR Drive gets their way.
-Long Island Parkways: I treated a couple of these parkways similar to border crossings.  In both cases, I've driven at least part of the segment (given the way TM sets points and the interchange configurations) and had a sight clinch to the booths.  Then there's Sunken Meadow State Parkway, which is inventoried as ending at the booths (in fact, the road in the park isn't inventoried as a public road at all, unlike the Bay Parkway, where the remainder acts as a local extension of the reference route); signage is ambiguous as to what actually occurs.  I've never been on the road in the park here, but fortunately, it doesn't appear likely that TM will re-extend the route to include it.
-NY 206: Technically, the route goes to the WB ramps, while I've only used the EB ramps here.  TM has it one point per interchange, and I've probably at least sight clinched the rest.
-NY 232: Similar to NY 206, it technically goes to the NB ramps; the road to the SB ramps is a reference route.  TM has it one point per interchange.  I think I might have looped this portion (I used the SB ramps when clinching it, I'm pretty sure), but I don't recall for certain.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: clong on November 29, 2021, 07:26:03 am
Made it into my 35th state, Iowa, over the weekend. Next closest state I have not visited is Wisconsin at nearly an 11 hours drive.

Also clinched MO I-35 en route.

10 states in a week from the Saturday before Thanksgiving to the Saturday after - AL, TN, KY, IN, GA, SC, NC, MO, IA, KS.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on December 06, 2021, 08:59:38 am
Took a 14 hour ride on Saturday...

New clinches:  PA 731, PA 484, US 30 Bus (Bedford), US 220 Bus (Bedford), PA 326, US 219 MD (reclinch - new bypass at I-68), MD 36, PA 96, PA 764, US 220 Bus (Altoona), PA 350, PA 915.

New mileage: PA 26, PA 869, PA 36, PA 453, PA 45

In addition to the plethora of PA 76 shields in Bedford, there is also a PA 220 shield - ( ); also found a PA 522 shield (been there at least 12 yrs -

Found a vintage button copy sign on PA 350 -

With this ride I only have the closed 1 mile segment of MD 147 left to finished the posted state highway system in Maryland...
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on December 06, 2021, 09:13:38 am
^I edited your post mapmikey to fix the first GSV link.

Anyway, I have been working quite a bit on my VA and MD clinching the last couple weeks as well.  That will be continuing as I go down to my parents' again the middle of next week to hopefully see my soon-to-be new nephew and celebrate my mom's birthday for once.


Clinched:  VA 355 (unsigned), VA 212, VA 3 BUS (Fredericksburg), VA 14, VA 198, VA 223, VA 374
New Mileage: VA 218, VA 3


Clinched: MD 257, MD 254, *MD 5 BUS (Leonardtown), MD 471, MD 246,  MD 489, MD 244, MD 2, **MD 765 (Appeal, Planters Wharf, Walnut Cove, St. Leonard, Mt. Harmony), MD 760, MD 497, MD 509, MD 506, MD 508, MD 402, MD 524, MD 521, MD 778, MD 423, MD 648 (Severna Park and Glen Burnie), MD 139, MD 27, MD 407, MD 808, MD 119, ***I-370, MD 200, MD 206, MD 198, MD 177, MD 607, MD 270, MD 710, MD 171, MD 10, MD 162, MD 169, MD 168, MD 129, MD 133, MD 134
New Mileage: MD 238, MD 5, MD 242, MD 235, MD 249, MD 261, US 1, MD 28, MD 212, MD 650, MD 32, MD 173, MD 176

*I am very much surprised that this is still posted.
** I already had clinched MD 765 (Prince Frederick).
*** Completes the interstate clinching for me in MD.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on December 17, 2021, 04:26:45 pm
Now for the trip to my parents' house yesterday.  Highlights beyond clinching include seeing the new I-95 SB configuration in Fredericksburg, SR 619 between US 29/VA 55 and US 1, and the I-95 DDI at SR 630 in Stafford.

This trip all but completed Hagerstown, MD, (still need US 40 between MD 64 and US 40 ALT on the west side of Frederick), and the eastern panhandle of WV (if you consider it as everything US 522 and points east).

Clinched: MD 63, MD 65, MD 632, WV 230, WV 480, *WV 115, VA 55, VA 215, VA 3, VA 204, VA 347, VA 214, VA 202, VA 203, VA 3 BUS (Warsaw), VA 33, **VA 227
New Mileage: US 29 (VA), US 360 (VA), VA 200

*Still not posted at WV 9   :'(
** Yes, I drove SR 602 from US 17 to VA 227, because it should all be VA 227 (cue mapmikey rant).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on December 20, 2021, 09:32:30 am
My mom and I did another NC round Saturday for Smithfield's Chicken-N-BBQ.  I got a bit of trouble because I passed one on US 64 BUS (Wendell, NC) about 10 miles or so west of the one we actually ate at in Zebulon.  We wanted to get this done before the birth of my nephew becomes more of a factor in our plans as this week continues.

I probably only made most of the Charlotte Webinar on roadwaywiz because of the NC 97 bridge closure that led me to bailing on my planned clinch of that route.

Clinched:  NC 56, NC 751, NC 540, I-540 (NC), US 64 BUS (Wendell, NC), NC 481 BUS (Enfield), US 301 BUS (Halifax, NC), NC/VA 186
New Mileage:  NC 58, NC 581, US 15 (NC), US 64 (NC), NC 97, NC 96, US 301 (NC), NC 33, NC 481, NC 125, NC 903, NC 561, NC 46, VA 35

I also clinched SR 671 from VA 35 to Franklin, and it is such a straight road that I do not understand how it is not part of VA 186 proper.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on December 24, 2021, 03:28:43 pm
I got to do some more work on Central VA yesterday on the way towards Goochland to see my friend.  Also my nephew was born yesterday so I hope to see him before I head back to PA.  (I was not able to visit him in the hospital because of some virus that continues to impact our lives.)  Merry Christmas everyone!!

Clinched: VA 137, VA 378, VA 47, VA 59, US 460 BUS (Pamplin City, VA), US 460 BUS (Farmville, VA), VA 133, US 15 BUS (Farmville, VA), US 15 ALT (Farmville, VA), VA 45, VA 396, VA 310, VA 313 (unsigned-dependent on future in HB??)
New Mileage: VA 46, VA 49, VA 40, US 15 (VA), VA 6
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on December 28, 2021, 02:47:03 pm
I left my parents' house very early on Sunday Morning so that I could close my gap on US 1 in VA/DC/MD and finish all non-usanp TM mileage in DC without much congested fanfare.  I finally did get to see my nephew Saturday before leaving, but his eyes were closed so I do not think he saw me.

Clinched:  US 1 (VA/DC/MD)*, VA 242, VA 235, VA 241, VA 233, VA 110, VA 27, I-395 (DC)**, US 1 ALT (Washington, DC), I-695 (DC), MD 459, MD 208, MD 500, MD 501, US 1 ALT (Baltimore, MD), MD 372, MD 166, MD 588, MD 542, MD 41
New Mileage: VA 236, VA 120, MD 201, MD 450, MD 212, MD 410, MD 7 (White Marsh), ***MD 147

*Gives me full clinch of US 1 from NC 55 in Holly Springs to the north end of the I-95 Concurrency in New York City
**Was clinched in VA a long time ago.  And yes, I did not see any changes related to the recent renumbering of DC interstates approved by AASHTO.
***Well this clinch is On Hold due to that same closure that keeps mapmikey from clinching it.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: ntallyn on December 29, 2021, 08:39:48 pm
We had plans to go to Virginia Beach to visit my brother's family for Christmas, but as we were heading out of town, he called to let us know his son had just tested positive for Covid. So we turned the trip into a road trip of sorts, focusing on collecting counties, but getting quite a few new highways along the way. Absolutely nothing got clinched, but many miles were added.

NC: I-40, US 70, I-85, US 15, US 158
VA: I-85, US 58, I-95, I-295, VA 36, VA 144, I-95, I-85, US 460, US 360, US 501
NC: US 501, NC 49, US 70, I-85, I-73, and bits and pieces of I-277, I-485, US 29, US 74, NC 27, NC 49, NC 51 around Charlotte
SC: US 321 (plus concurrencies), US 17
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: kjslaughter on December 29, 2021, 10:00:33 pm
With son at grandparents, took advantage of the childcare and went for a drive through East Georgia today getting lots of mileage on US 278, US 78 and US 221, finally completing GA 10 Loop around Athens and clinching US 378 via a loop into SC around Clarks Hill Lake.  That should chip into the 1,300 mile lead for 2nd place in Georgia hsford has on me, but I have more to do to catch charliezeb with a 1,900 mile lead for 1st place.  I usually just track my trips on this site, but feel I should have the top spot for miles driven in my home state at least.  ;-)  But, if I focus on US Highway gaps first, that at least gets me double mileage in Georgia!
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on December 31, 2021, 09:24:54 pm
Nothing of significance in the last few weeks of 2021, but looking back at the year, it was a pretty good one for me.  I tracked 4615 miles in the US on the year (that's among everything TM-clinchable, not just new mileage for me), plus my 1128 in Iceland (all new).  That topped my 4572 miles from 2020.

Looking for a big 2022 with a ride out to the northern Rockies planned for mid-summer.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on January 04, 2022, 06:04:52 pm
Pretty good year for me too, especially in comparison to 2020.

Despite not leaving the U.S., my mileage increased in 38 regions (all except AK, HI, PR, ND, SD, & the New England states, plus the states/DC where I have 100%). I lost my 100% clinch of Illinois a few days before the end of the year when the Delhi bypass on US 67 was added. So next time I head to Chicago I'll have to leave about 5-6 hours earlier than usual. Oh well, it will finally give me an opportunity to check out the local Buc-ee's knockoff, Wally's (

Total 2021 new mileage: 31,159.46 mi. Top 5 regions: PA, KY, OK, NM, TX (increasing anywhere from 1,489 - 4,330 new miles).
New clinches: 1,458. +512 in KY, +205 in PA, +103 in MD. After usaky and usapa, the system with the most new clinches was usausb (+167).
New interstates clinched: 2, which completed the signed interstates. I also reclinched I-49, I-710, and I-840 after they were extended.
New US highways clinched: 24, US 6 & US 30 being the longest. I also reclinched US 175.

Stats for previous years:

2020: +14,604.58 mi / +1,681 clinches
2019: +15,887.33 mi / +778
2018: +21,284.12 mi / +653
2017: +19,547.92 mi / +582
2016: +17,101.26 mi / +514
2015: +28,363.75 mi / +553
2014: +13,046.83 mi / +380
2013: +14,214.20 mi / +412 (I joined CHM in 2012)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: yakra on January 04, 2022, 10:37:59 pm
My 2021 year-end summary:
No new mileage.
Mileage decreased due to relocations & cancellations.
;D Happy new year y'all! ;D
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on January 05, 2022, 01:36:21 am
My 2021 year-end summary:
No new mileage.
Mileage decreased due to relocations & cancellations.
;D Happy new year y'all! ;D

Don't you count the "miles down the rabbit hole" when investigating code? I think you got a lot in 2021 :D
Happy new 2022!
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on January 05, 2022, 06:52:25 am
I know that I got at least 15,000 new miles in 2021.  I would need code help to determine the exact number though.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on January 05, 2022, 07:42:05 am
I know that I got at least 15,000 new miles in 2021.  I would need code help to determine the exact number though.

The log files from the site updates are stored on Jim's server. I don't know the right location (he posted it somewhere on the forum) but you could easily compare the log file mileage from 2020-12-31 and 2021-12-31 without any coding.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: yakra on January 05, 2022, 04:04:18 pm

Overall in active systems: 25195.74 of 1108999.28 mi (2.27%)
Overall in active+preview systems: 25198.63 of 1489345.51 mi (1.69%)

Overall in active systems: 41086.79 of 1159926.68 mi (3.54%)
Overall in active+preview systems: 41098.08 of 1582614.57 mi (2.60%)

Nota bene: These user logs will be in the respective Jan 1 directories, because the old/existing logs are archived during the site update that replaces them.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on January 05, 2022, 07:21:52 pm

So how do you get there from here, to look at the archived logs? I tried, no luck.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: yakra on January 05, 2022, 08:10:48 pm
Log into noreaster via your shell account, and then
cd /home/tmp/tm/
Some knowledge of the Unix command line is needed from here on out.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on January 05, 2022, 09:26:34 pm
^ Lost me at line 3, since I know nothing about Unix (I'm a lawyer, not a programmer).

Thanks, but I'll take a pass on this.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on January 05, 2022, 09:31:04 pm
I'm sure one of us with a noreaster account and the right Unix knowledge would be happy to look things up from those old log files for anyone who's interested.

Once in a while I go through and save one per month into the monthly_snapshots subdirectory.

I could make them web-accessible, but it doesn't seem necessary.

Also, remember that TM's data is changing over time, so think about new systems, added/deleted routes, etc. when looking at those numbers to determine new miles added.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on January 06, 2022, 02:10:54 am
^ Lost me at line 3, since I know nothing about Unix (I'm a lawyer, not a programmer).

yakra is a nerd :D It is much simpler - simpler than running data check!

Contributors have access to noreaster and I think that anyone can ask Jim for an own account (oscar, you already have one because you need it to run data check).
I just open WinScp (Windows application), login and navigate to /home/tmp/tm/ via the browser and have full access to all logs:


Edit: I just realized that only monthly data is available since 2018-07-01 anymore. 2018-07-01 to 2020-06-01 is zipped (gz archives) and only the monthly snaps from 2020-07-01 are directly accessable. Logs from every site update is only available from 2021-01-03 right now.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on January 06, 2022, 02:18:25 am
Once in a while I go through and save one per month into the monthly_snapshots subdirectory.

I could make them web-accessible, but it doesn't seem necessary.

I think it would be great having the "end of year" stats (log store of first new-year-site update) web-accessible on

Not monthly but yearly would be fine for me to keep the list "short" - monthly might need a new page to keep it clearly arranged...

Also, remember that TM's data is changing over time, so think about new systems, added/deleted routes, etc. when looking at those numbers to determine new miles added.

That's the point! You have exactly your personal status from the end of each year based on the TM systems which were accessable that time.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: rickmastfan67 on January 06, 2022, 11:43:24 pm
^ Lost me at line 3, since I know nothing about Unix (I'm a lawyer, not a programmer).

yakra is a nerd :D It is much simpler - simpler than running data check!

Yep, yakra is the king of nerds here. ;D
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: yakra on January 07, 2022, 01:51:51 am
Come to think of it, there might even be a GUI client for my OS...
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: dave1693 on January 10, 2022, 11:53:59 pm
Between the Autumn Equinox and Winter Solstice I did several trips between Virginia and eastern PA, with one trip to New England and one family funeral in New Jersey. The funeral was in a place such that I was able to get in a side trip to clinch all the short routes in and around New Brunswick. I only just entered all the new mileage into my TM list. The following summary is not even close to being in the order driven!

New clinches:
I-395 in CT -- and with it all Interstates in CT, I-291 in MA, US 6 in NY, US 209 in PA, US 360 (the entire route, which is all in VA), US 1 Business (Bel Air, MD), US 206 Bypass (Hillsborough NJ), US 209 Business (Marshalls Creek, PA), US 322 Truck (Downingtown, PA), NJ 26, NJ 32, NJ 91, NJ 133, NJ 171, NJ 172, PA 61 Truck Southbound (Sunbury), PA 179, PA 282, PA 890, PA 946, NY 59, CT 131, MD 3 Business (Glen Burnie), MD 41, MD 174, MD 222, MD 275, MD 440, MD 713, MD 824, VA 200, VA 201, VA 222, VA 294, VA 354. Whew!

New or extended non-clinching segments:
US 1 in NJ, US 6 in PA, US 9W in NY, US 20 in MA, US 130 in NJ, US 206 in NJ, US 209 in NY, US 322 in PA, MA 12, MA 31, MA 56, CT 12, Milford Pkwy in CT, NJ 27, PA 32, PA 42, PA 44, PA 52, PA 54, PA 152, PA 191, PA 263, PA 447, PA 611, PA 642, MD 2, MD 7 (Perryville section), MD 176, MD 648, MD 924.

Winter brings with it the possibility of ugly weather that's REALLY not conducive to driving. Case in point: I-95 in Virginia last week. Yikes! So any travel between now and the official start of Spring is going to be heavily weather dependent. Stay safe, everyone!
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Ib3kii on January 20, 2022, 01:39:43 pm
A few weeks ago I felt like clinching an entire highway system, so I decided to give Nebraska Links and Spurs a try. Since it was a long weekend, my first trip was during new year's weekend. What a nightmare. It got down to about -19 degrees and I hit a severe blizzard the first night. I still managed to clinch about 60 of them on that trip, mainly the ones out west which are more spread out. This past weekend I went back, and of course, I hit a bad snowstorm on I-90 in Minnesota on Friday night. The roads were in poor condition but I still made it to Sioux City by about 6 AM Saturday morning. I managed to finish the other 120+ links and spurs I'd been missing, mostly due to the fact that the eastern routes are a lot closer together.

What a trip. Nebraska/South Dakota/Wyoming are certainly my favorite states for the very reason that they are so empty. It was very relaxing to run into all of the small towns Nebraska has to offer. Although by the end of the trip, I was getting a little tired of going back and forth on those spurs.

Also, my Nebraska travels are... well, a train wreck, to say the least. I'll need to head back soon and "clean up." The number of lines I have in Nebraska alone has to be close to 500.

At least I got to spend the New Year countdown in my favorite state, I was headed west on SD52 near SD37 when January 1, 2022 came. (For you county enthusiasts: This caused my "map" to become quite confusing. I designate counties I've been to by the first year I traveled to them. As I headed west out of Sioux City, it was still 2021 and I was collecting new counties. I eventually west north into South Dakota (via US81) to avoid the snowstorm, and when I'd gotten back into Nebraska to head west on US20, it was 2022. This means I have a couple 2021 counties west out of Sioux City that suddenly turn to 2022 counties. Thought that would be something interesting to mention.)

Next up: KY Parkways!

(P.S. I also decided as a member of TM it was a bit of a duty to check and see if any of the routes were unsigned, but I was surprised to find that every single link/spur is not only signed but very well signed, at that. No edits need to be made to the system as of January 2022.)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on February 04, 2022, 06:51:58 pm
Thanks to last weekend's East Coast snowstorm my MD/DE trip turned into a WV/western MD/western PA Trip.  It ended up being 32.5 hours partly due to icy roads early on, and maybe myself putting too much on my plate.

Clinched: US 220 BUS (Altoona, PA), PA 764, PA 160, MD 47, MD 36, MD 937 (unsigned), WV 93, WV 90, MD 560, MD 495, US 40 (PA), WV/PA 43, US 40 BUS (Brownsville, PA), PA 136, PA 481, US 40 BUS (Uniontown, PA), PA 857, PA 885, PA 910, PA 366, PA 56, PA 780, PA 217, PA 156, PA 110, PA 271, PA 550, US 220 ALT (Milesburg, PA), PA 45

New Mileage: MD 135, WV 46 (Keyser), WV 42, US 219 (WV), US 40 (MD), PA 281, US 119 (PA), PA 166, US 19 (PA), PA 21, PA 51, PA 837, PA 66, PA 66 ALT (Vandergrift), PA 380, PA 356, PA 819, PA 981, PA 954, PA 259, PA 711, PA 403, PA 36, PA 642
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on February 12, 2022, 09:15:11 pm
Got up early this morning to go to Madison, IN, Delhi, IL, Meredosia, IL, and Gary IN to do some reclinching. 18+ hours and 1163 miles for <1 mi net gain  :P . But IL and IN are 100% again.

Edit: I hate math
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on February 13, 2022, 10:34:38 am
Got up early this morning to go to Madison, IN, Delhi, IL, Meredosia, IL, and Gary IN to do some reclinching. 18+ hours and 1163 miles for <1 mi net gain  :P . But IL and IN are 100% again.

Edit: I hate math

Well the new US 13 PA Reroute will only gain those that have already traveled US 13 and PA 291 in Chester about 0.25 new miles.   ;D

(The official number is actually .31 miles.)

The trip to clarify the signage included the following clinches afterwards.  I had already clinched US 13 BUS (Chester) and had reclinched US 13 on its new alignment on May 15, 2021.

Clinched: NJ 324 (unsigned)*, NJ 44, US 130 (NJ), NJ 156, NJ 32, NJ 133, Korean War Veterans Pkwy, NJ 21, NJ 161, Garden State Pkwy Connector, NY 59, NY 304, NY 303, NY 340, NY 45, NY 306, NJ 17, NJ 28
New Mileage: NJ 18, Garden State Pkwy, US 9W (NY), US 202 (NY), PA 611

*I walk-clinched NJ 324 because I was concerned about driving it.  Of course, I actually see a cop as I was about to finish it, and he had no problem driving it whatsoever.  The cop just asked me if I was going on a walk, I said yes, and he let me on my way thankfully.

Other Highlights:
1.  Reclinched the four-laned Bayonne Bridge on NY/NJ 440. 
2.  Clinching the Korean War Veterans Pkwy completes the TM Mileage on Staten Island.
3.  Finally clinched the debatable NY 17 routing around Hillburn.
4.  Drove the Northampton St Bridge in Easton.  However, this kinda became a waste of time because PA 611 is currently closed south of Cedarville Rd so I truncated the trip at that point and went back home via I-78/I-81.  (More information on the PA 611 closure (

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: froggie on February 18, 2022, 11:22:23 am
Had to take my wife to the airport yesterday, so made the return trip into a "take my time" and thus got my first new mileage of 2022 (and first since September), mainly picking off stray mileage on east-west roads in northern Connecticut and western Mass.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on February 18, 2022, 01:37:50 pm
Nice stats fortune today :)

100189.65 miles active
101896.56 miles active+preview
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on February 20, 2022, 09:17:43 am
Nice stats fortune today :)

100189.65 miles active
101896.56 miles active+preview
Did you do that on purpose?
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on February 20, 2022, 10:31:08 am
Nice stats fortune today :)

100189.65 miles active
101896.56 miles active+preview
Did you do that on purpose?

No. I checked by stats on the traveler stats list ( and was totally confused that active and active+preview mileage is the very same. I read it again and again till I realized that it is just shifted by one "0" :) It will be gone with the next site update because I traveled some miles in my home region BY today. I'm over 98% for BW (~9,000mi) and over 80% for BY (~14,000mi) right now.

btw: I have more than 100,000 active miles now. And I recently managed to have more than 3,000 a+p routes clinched and more than 6,000 a+p routes traveled. I'm far away from being no. 1 but still :)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: kjslaughter on February 21, 2022, 08:26:24 pm
Got some new miles in Tennessee over the President's Day weekend as wife and I travelled to Franklin to see a few sites before home via Lynchburg TN to see how they make Tennessee whiskey and taste some Jack.  Discovered a route that moved around Winchester TN, so provided an update as well in forum.  I had not been through that portion of Tennessee before and was impressed by the rolling terrain south of Nashville.  Very pretty country.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on February 25, 2022, 11:59:58 am
Last weekend I decided to do my MD/DE trip that I did not do in January because I realized that I would rather do it now than get stuck somewhere over the summer.

1.  Clinched all leftover TM mileage in Delaware with the exception of US 9 (US 13 to US 113, and the approach to the Cape May-Lewes Ferry)
2.  Used a few of these MD routes to help me in the lowest numbered route game.
3.  Clinched a lot of mileage around the MD 313 corridor and west of Ocean City.  (I did miss that section of MD 575 though.)
4.  Worked further on Baltimore and clinched the routes along the US 50/US 301 concurrency east of the Bay Bridge.
5.  Clinched multi-state routes MD/DE 16, MD/DE 300, and MD/DE 404.
6.  Also clinched the current alignment of US 9 TRUCK (Georgetown)/DE 404 TRUCK (Georgetown) (not mentioned below).

Clinched: MD 151, MD 150, MD 158, MD 157, MD 173, MD 178, MD 835 (well MD 835A), MD 8, MD 802, MD 18, MD 552, MD 404, MD 404 ALT (Hillsboro), MD 303, MD 16, MD 578, MD 817, MD 750, MD 335, MD 336, MD 343, MD 14, MD 348, MD 568, MD 367, MD 368, MD 610, MD 90, MD 589, MD 377, MD 376, MD 818, MD 611, MD 707 (West), MD 452, MD 575 (Friendship), MD 392, MD 318, MD 307, MD 306, MD 317, MD 480, MD 314, MD 287, MD 311, MD 454, MD 300, MD 330, MD 544, MD 290
New Mileage: US 40, MD 450, MD 213, MD 662, MD 309, MD 331, MD 346, MD 312, MD 302, MD 291

Clinched: DE 404, DE 16, DE 18, DE 23, DE 5, DE 5 ALT (Milton), DE 36, DE 24, DE 17, DE 20, DE 14, DE 12, DE 10, DE 10 ALT (Woodside), DE 8, DE 44, DE 300, DE 11, DE 42, DE 6,
New Mileage: US 9
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on February 25, 2022, 08:02:06 pm
Just returned from my first business trip in almost 3 years.  Went to St Louis...

New clinches, in order:  US 36 (OH), US 40 (IL), I-70 (IL), US 36 (IL, IN), US 52 (OH)

New mileage:  US 250 (US 22 to US 36); tiny bit of MO 100; I-55 (Edwardsville to Springfield); OH 32 (OH 73 to US 50)

Picked up 13 new counties in the process...
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: ntallyn on February 26, 2022, 06:59:36 pm
About a month ago, my wife and I took advantage of a long weekend to travel to the Florida panhandle. The real purpose was for both of us to complete the counties of Florida. As a side effect, I got some additional roadway.

Nothing new to/from Tallahassee, but to the west, mileage was added on FL 263, FL 20, US 231, US 98, FL 392 (clinched), FL 30, US 98 Bus (Pensacola), I-110 (clinched), FL 81 (clinched), FL 79, FL 368, FL 390, FL 327 (clinched), FL 391 (clinched), US 98 Bus (Panama City), US 319, and a few additional concurrencies.

No, I didn't clinch all of FL 30; due to the cold weather, we decided to stay in.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on March 03, 2022, 11:43:36 pm
I just got back from south Florida, returning the long way including several days in Alabama. My list file is up to date, except a really minor error that I'll take my time about fixing.

Most notable changes:

-- clinched all of US 43 and US 68

-- clinched all of US 45 south of I-40 (lots of gaps north of I-40)

-- reclinched US 13, US 90 (for a minor realignment east of Mobile, that I'm not sure was a de-clinch, but I happened to be down there anyway), and the usamd system

-- clinched everything in Florida east of I-95, except the Hart Street Expressway in Jacksonville, which is closed for reconstruction between downturn and TIAA Field (home of the NFL's Jacksonville Jaguars) and ultimately will remain a surface road where it passes by the stadium.

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: jayhawkco on March 04, 2022, 02:45:01 pm
-- clinched everything in Florida east of I-95, except the Hart Street Expressway in Jacksonville, which is closed for reconstruction between downturn and TIAA Field (home of the NFL's Jacksonville Jaguars) and ultimately will remain a surface road where it passes by the stadium.

I know it's a typo, but that's a fairly apt way to describe downtown Jacksonville.  Side note, I used to take the Hart Street Expressway every day on the way to school during the one semester of high school I lived in Florida.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: formulanone on March 04, 2022, 10:16:40 pm
I'm missing about half the routes in Jacksonville, but missing just small section of 5A and a chunk of US 1 near New Smyrna Beach. Keep getting pulled off projects at the last minute from there for a variety of bizarre reasons.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on March 20, 2022, 11:10:54 am
Took an 18-hr U-turn yesterday...

New clinches, in order:  WV 150, WV 82, WV 129, WV 41, WV 305, WV 99, WV 971, WV 121

New mileage:  WV 39, WV 55, WV 20, WV 3, WV 10, WV 97

Reclinch:  VA 333?  It is now posted on a different road from what it used to be assigned to.  Rectangle posting only, so no effect on TM anyway.

WV 150 is an awesome drive.  WV 99 is very interesting - they dug out deep trenches in solid rock (example ( to get this thing over to WV 85.
WV 82 is putrid

I also visited VA 358 - it appears the northeastern prong has been decommissioned.  VA 358 shield gone and an SR 880 marker is now at its intersection with VA 358.

I also visited VA 188 - some turns are no longer posted at all and some are missing signage in one direction or the other.

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on March 20, 2022, 11:48:22 pm
Just finished an 8-day trip to finish off the US highways east of the Mississippi. 441, 319, 221, 280, and 301 are clinched now, and I added miles on 82, 84, 90, and 190 to get to 100% in 7 more states. The 182 clinched US highways puts me in 1st place until Oscar gets home, so I'll enjoy that while I can.

I had wanted to clinch the Natchez Trace Parkway on the first day, but two things conspired against that. First, a section that has been closed since last fall still hasn't reopened. Originally I'd planned to get this route last December, but decided against it when I realized it wouldn't be fully open. After learning that it's not going to reopen anytime soon, I decided to get what I could and go back to pick up the detoured section after it reopened, since Columbus-Tupelo and back would make a good day trip. However, an unexpected March snowstorm added another twist. The day before I left, I contacted park HQ and asked how early it would be plowed, since I figured I'd get to Nashville around sunrise. The reply said they don't plow or treat the parkway, and strongly suggested I take another route. Seeing the storm in full force across Tennessee and north Mississippi as I left home, with lots of red lines on Google Maps along 65 & 40, I opted to circumvent the weather entirely and headed west along the Western Kentucky Pkwy and then took I-69 and 51 down to Memphis and 55 and 20 over to Louisiana, which added an hour or so to the trip but still allowed me to get everything in Louisiana I wanted and reach Lake Charles on the first night.

Everything else went as planned. From Lake Charles I finished US 90 & 190 in Louisiana plus US 90 in Mississippi & Alabama and part of Florida before popping up into SE Alabama to get 84 between Andalusia & Dothan. The next day I went back into Florida to finish off 90 & 319, then headed east on 84 again to Valdosta and down GA 94 to 441, which I took north to Athens. Day 4 took me from Athens to Spartanburg back to Valdosta (clinching 221 & 319 on the way) and east to Savannah for the night. The long next day took me west along a combination of 84 and 82 and 84 again to Alexandria, LA. After that I went northwest to Magnolia, AR and then east mostly on 82 to Montgomery. Day 7 was shorter and allowed me to clinch Alt 27 in west Georgia and 280, then begin finishing off 301 on the way to Columbia for the night and an Airbnb chosen mostly for its proximity to a donut place I'd been wanting to try. The final day included some driving around Columbia and finally completing the Eastern US highways when I reached the US 301/501 junction south of Latta, SC. From there I wandered over to Charlotte on some state highways and USBs and then headed directly home.

Overall I added just a little over 2800 miles, of which about 1900 was new US highway mileage (now 127,000), and 109 new clinches, mostly in Georgia & Louisiana (plus a few more in Mississippi that don't count yet). None of the roads was especially amazing (I agree with mapmikey 100% about WV 150) but fortunately all were in pretty good shape and traffic was agreeable.

Now time to figure out a plan to reclinch I-35...
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: jayhawkco on March 23, 2022, 03:56:23 pm
I was just in Vegas and took the opportunity to clinch most of the Vegas area state highways. I didn't get a chance to do the two that take you to Mt. Charleston, but got almost everything urban.  Re-drove I-11 to see if they had put up any "Begin" or "End" signs, and I still saw nothin'. Some Future I-11 Corridor signs are up in Arizona about 2-3 miles in.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on March 31, 2022, 09:51:13 am
After attending the Natchez MS road meet on March 19, which Mark also went to, I kept going west (more or less) and am still on the road.

Last Saturday in south Texas (off my usual cross-country travel patterns) was a real clinch-a-thon. I started the day with US 57, going from almost zero to 100% on that obscure but busy ~100-mile route from I-35 to the Mexican border. Then to Laredo, to re-clinch I-35, and to Brownsville, to re-clinch I-169. Those re-clinches bring me back to 100% of usai, at least until North Carolina does its thing with I-885, I-840, and I-295. 
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on March 31, 2022, 10:08:22 am
Last Saturday in south Texas (off my usual cross-country travel patterns) was a real clinch-a-thon.

Those are the best days!

Curious about your experience at the border for 57. How well is everything working there now?

I hope the rest of your travels will net you at least 26.07 new miles.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on March 31, 2022, 10:27:33 am
Curious about your experience at the border for 57. How well is everything working there now?

I didn't drive across the border this time, was getting tired of the time-consuming vehicle searches and expensive short-term Mexican auto insurance policies (non-Mexican policies don't work at all in Mexico, unlike with the Canadian border). So I just parked my car in a public lot next to the U.S. border station, and walked the rest of the way (the bridge crossing the border has two pedestrian walkways, right next to vehicle traffic). Short pedestrian line at the U.S. border station. No hassles.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Duke87 on April 01, 2022, 04:44:13 pm
Ha, I walked across that same bridge at the south end of US 57 back in 2017 and... yeah, I had zero hassle entering Mexico and little hassle returning. What almost got me in trouble was not realizing before I went that I would need to pay a toll as a pedestrian in exact change in both directions. Fortunately I happened to have enough coins in my pocket to cover that.

Just got back from a trip out west. Big ticket items are I now have full clinches of I-80 and US 50, as well as all I- mileage in NV and AZ.

Other routes now clinched in entirety in the course of said trip:
I-8, I-11, I-17, I-580 (NV)
I-40BL (Ash Fork, AZ), I-40BL (Williams, AZ), I-80BL (Carlin, NV), I-80BL (Elko, NV), I-80BL (Wells, NV)
AZ 51, AZ 66, AZ 101, AZ 303
CA 7, CA 18, CA 37, CA 53, CA 74, CA 186, CA 233, CA 267
NV 168, NV 172, NV 221, NV 230, NV 233, NV 289, NV 294, NV 375, NV 379, NV 431, NV 488, NV 535, NV 612, NV 766, NV 787, NV 789, NV 795
UT 42, UT 83, UT 159, UT 264

I ended up with a Mustang as my rental for this trip and while needing to buy premium fuel especially at California prices ate some coin, I certainly had plenty of opportunity to have fun with that car. I will decline to publicly state how fast I was going on some of those roads...
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: rickmastfan67 on April 01, 2022, 07:02:43 pm
I will decline to publicly state how fast I was going on some of those roads...

So, in other words, you were doing 135mph 95% of the time, eh?  :P
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on April 03, 2022, 04:55:45 pm
By making small diversions from the fastest way on my trip down to and a more substantial diversion on my trip home from a conference in Pleasantville, New York, I picked up some mileage in usany, usaus, usanyp, and usaif.  The fastest route is I-90 -> Taconic, and on the way down, I did that for the first half.  I needed some dinner, so I picked up some new miles with US 44 and New York 82 (first ever miles) before getting back (briefly) onto the Taconic.  My meal at the 82 BBQ was good.  I-84 and the northern part of I-684 were not new, but it had been a while, then the Saw Mill down to my hotel in Hawthorne completed that route for me.  While in the area, I closed a gap in New York 9A and added a little New York 117.  On the way home, I was hesitant to go too far out of my way but ended up deciding I could add a couple of hours to the trip.  I started by adding a short segment of US 9 through Tarrytown down to the Thruway, then some very familiar miles up to Woodbury, where I got on New York 17/Future I-86 and headed west.  I had never done any of that stretch, and stuck with it to East Branch.  This also gave me a small stretch of new travels on US 6, and my first tiny bit of New York 17M.  I'm now only missing the segment from there to Hancock on New York 17.  If it was a little earlier, I would have closed that gap and doubled back but I wanted to make sure I had daylight for the southern reaches of New York 30.  New miles from East Branch to Margaretville, finally clinching that route for me, making it the longest usany route I've clinched by a lot.  New York 29 is now in second, at about 1/3 the length.  I also picked up my first mileage of New York 206 both on a quick stop in Roscoe and by its concurrency with 30.  New York 17's length will blow that away if I can close the remaining gap before any official shortening of the route might happen.  It also means I've clinched 3 (5S, 30, and 67) of the 4 state routes that pass through my hometown of Amsterdam.  I'm missing only about 40 miles of New York 5 but those will be tough, coming in 3 chunks all in the western parts of the state.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on April 05, 2022, 02:19:19 am
I'm mostly finished with my trip to the Natchez MS road meet last month, which as noted above turned into mainly a Texas trip. Some more notes since my earlier report:

-- Traveled the weird and obscure disconnected US 67 mainline fragment in Brashear TX ( I am the only TM user to have traveled that route, which starts and ends at the southern frontage road for the I-30/US 67 freeway NE of Dallas, but is barely visible (and not signed) from the eastbound freeway.

-- Also re-clinched US 412, by driving the new Light AR bypass.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on April 05, 2022, 10:37:54 am
Other routes now clinched in entirety in the course of said trip:


CA 7, CA 18, CA 37, CA 53, CA 74, CA 186, CA 233, CA 267

Did you walk across the border to complete your CA 186 clinch, like you did with US 57?

I thought it interesting, when I crossed the border there (by car) in 2017, that there was an End CA 186 sign assembly immediately before the Mexican border station, south of the last U-turn before the border.

Los Algodones, right at the border, seems to be a magnet for Yuma residents seeking low-cost medical and dental care.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on April 05, 2022, 04:24:13 pm
I'm mostly finished with my trip to the Natchez MS road meet last month, which as noted above turned into mainly a Texas trip. Some more notes since my earlier report:

-- Traveled the weird and obscure disconnected US 67 mainline fragment in Brashear TX ( I am the only TM user to have traveled that route, which starts and ends at the southern frontage road for the I-30/US 67 freeway NE of Dallas, but is barely visible (and not signed) from the eastbound freeway.

-- Also re-clinched US 412, by driving the new Light AR bypass.

Also worth mentioning, you surpassed 300,000 miles in the process. Congratulations!
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on April 11, 2022, 01:40:55 pm

Missing numbers: 525 673 688 738 767 793 809 813 816 831 843 853 877 887 918 929 939 942 945 959 962 963 972

If you can scrounge up a 525 somewhere near you, you can jump into the game. and go straight to the top, overtaking me at 609. That will make Rothman (leader of the "get Oscar" brigade) very happy.

I still hang at 144 but there is one ( quite close to me, just a 2.5 hour drive to get there. The missing 300s and 400s are in a similar distance up to 3.5 hours from home. I can catch a lot of these missing numbers with a simple one-day trip.
575 (, 576 ( and 581 ( are more challenging but doable with two-day-trips. Once done, 625 will be the next missing route which will be a little bit easier to catch - just like the remaining 600s around Dortmund, DEU-NW, or Strasbourg, FRA-GES.

Sounds like a nice little goal for 2022 :)

I clinched D144 in Alsace last weekend and stick at 575 now ( - while @mapcat is still at 525 :)

799 will be more challenging down the road since there are only two routes in Europe: B799 near Glasgow, SCT ( (1,000mi from home) and DW799 near Warsaw, POL ( (700mi from home).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on April 16, 2022, 12:02:06 pm
So I have done a lot of driving the last few weeks, and I finally just got my list file fully updated last night (minus the piece of CT 17 that I forgot to put in).  These trips were to attend the Natchez, MS, Roadmeet on March 19th, the Meriden/Waterbury, CT, Roadmeet on April 2nd, and to see Mrs. MDRoads perform at Carnegie Hall in New York City on April 9th.  I will divide the summaries as much as possible to keep your eyes from going crazy.

Natchez, MS, Trip

Day 1 (3/11/2022 (at 3 PM)-3/12/2022) (Harrisburg, PA, to Abingdon, VA)

After getting car maintenance done in the morning, it was clear that I needed to leave at 3 PM and drive overnight in order to minimize impacts from the upcoming winter storm.  After following US 22, US 322, I-99, and US 22 west to US 219 in Ebensburg, I basically followed the US 219 corridor south all the way to its southern end at US 460 in VA (minus diversions to clinch PA 381, MD 42, WV 32 (since I had already clinched the US 48/US 219 concurrency), and a huge loop to clinch WV 63 as the snow really started to come down in the Lewisburg, WV, area).
Once I entered Virginia, the winter storm issues quickly dissipated.  I took VA 61 in Narrows to drive the newer bridge crossing the New River and US 460, and then took VA 100 down to the southern segment of VA 42.  I took VA 42 west to I-77 down to Wytheville in order to work on my second assignment in this section of the trip (to finish clinching US 11 in VA).  Due to the winter weather dissipating to just flurries, I spent the rest of the day Saturday to drive around Bristol, VA/TN, before finishing the day mid-afternoon when I checked into my hotel in Abingdon, VA, after clinching the TN 44/VA 75 corridor.  I even got to see the outside of Bristol Motor Speedway for the first time (even though I focused more on US 11E on Day 2).

1.   Finished full clinch of US 219 in VA, WV, MD, and PA.
2.   Drove the “Race Track” section of US 33/WV 55 for the first time.
3.   Drove the solo section of WV 92 in Elkins.
4.   Clinched US 11 in VA (notably dealt with doglegs that reminded me of DE 15 between Marion and Abingdon)

Clinched: PA 601, PA 381, PA 523, MD 42, US 219 (WV/MD), WV 32, WV 63, US 219 TRUCK (Lewisburg, WV), US 11 (VA), VA 217, VA 107, VA 75, US 19 (TN), TN 394, TN 126 BUS (Blountville), TN 435, TN 44, TN 390, TN 358
New Mileage:  PA 985, PA 711, WV 26, PA 281, US 33 (WV), WV 55, US 250 (WV), WV 92, WV 39, US 60 (WV), WV 12, WV 3, VA 42 (South), US 21 (VA), VA 16, VA 91, US 58 (VA), US 58 ALT (Abingdon, VA), US 19 (VA), US 11W (TN), TN 126, US 421 (TN), US 11E (TN), US 19E (TN)

Day 2 (3/13/2022) (Abingdon, VA, to Chattanooga, TN)

Basically, I followed US 11E south to US 321 and then west to I-40 and south along I-75.  A big lowlight of the day was receiving my first speeding ticket ever in Greeneville, TN, which I am pretty sure is a speed trap town (and then missed the exit to follow US 321 so I stayed on US 11E to I-81 before backtracking via TN 70).  A second lowlight is that traffic in the Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge, TN, area is bad even in mid-March.  Note that Chattanooga itself will be covered more in my Day 3 post.

Clinched: US 11E BUS (Greeneville, TN), US 321 BUS (Greeneville, TN), US 411 TRUCK (Maryville, TN), TN 335, TN 35, TN 334, TN 444, TN 324, TN 323, TN 309
New Mileage: TN 126, US 11E (TN), US 19W (TN), US 321 (TN), TN 70, TN 32, US 441 (TN), US 129 (TN), US 411 (TN), TN 33, TN 95, TN 72, US 11 (TN), I-75 (GA/TN), US 74 (TN), US 64 (TN), TN 317 

Days 3-4 (3/14/2022-3/15/2022) (Chattanooga, TN, to Birmingham, AL)

After driving around Chattanooga in the morning, I eventually traveled I-59 southwest to Birmingham (while getting I-759 along the way).  I drove around Birmingham that night a bit due to the rainy weather forecasted the next day, which I had otherwise already scheduled as a break day, so Day 4 was just a couple quick route clinches as I went to pick up dinner.  The lights on the bridges at the I-20/I-59 interchange at US 31/US 280 at night were my favorite part of driving around Birmingham.

Clinched: GA 146, TN 8 (Chattanooga), I-24 (GA), TN 27, TN 134, GA 299, TN 148, TN 318, I-124 (TN), TN 319, TN 153, I-59 (GA), I-759 (AL), AL 759, AL 291, AL 211, I-459 (AL), AL 151, AL 378, AL 149, AL 150, AL 261
New Mileage: US 41 (GA/TN), US 76 (GA/TN), GA 3, US 11 (AL, GA/TN), US 64 (TN), US 72 (TN), TN 17, US 27 (GA/TN), GA 1, I-24 (TN), US 127 (TN), TN 58 (Chattanooga), TN 156, GA 58, I-59 (AL), US 278 (AL), US 431 (AL), US 411 (AL), I-20 (AL), AL 75, AL 79, I-65 (AL), I-22 (AL), US 78 (AL), US 31 (AL), US 280 (AL), AL 5, AL 269

Day 5 (3/16/2022) (Birmingham, AL, to Vidalia, LA)

Today, I finished the full clinch of I-59 (sneaking in clinches of I-359, MS 184 (Laurel), and MS 198 (Hattiesburg)) along the way.  Then I basically clinched all of the interstate mileage around New Orleans (and circled around a few times as I needed to clinch I-310 headed northbound instead of southbound due to road work).  After completing the New Orleans area, I took I-10 west to Baton Rouge to I-110 north before getting a late dinner of chocolate chocolate chip pancakes at IHOP.  Afterwards, I took US 61 north to Natchez, MS, and then US 84/US 425 to my hotel in Vidalia, LA, for the rest of the week.

1.   Full clinch of I-59.
2.   Clinches of I-10 and its auxiliaries in the New Orleans, LA, area.
3.   Clinched US 90 from I-310/LA 3127 to Downman Rd east of Downtown New Orleans.

Clinched: I-59 (LA/MS/AL)-full clinch, I-359 (AL), MS 184 (Laurel), MS 198 (Hattiesburg), US 190 BUS (Slidell, LA), LA 1091, LA 1090, LA 3081, LA 3081 SPUR (Pearl River), LA 1253 (unsigned), LA 47, I-510 (LA), LA 3021, LA 3019, US 90 BUS (New Orleans, LA), I-910 (LA), LA 3139, LA 3046, LA 3152, LA 18 SPUR (Westwego), LA 633, LA 52, LA 3060, I-310 (LA), I-610 (LA), I-110 (LA), US 425 (MS)

New Mileage: AL 5, I-20 (MS/AL), US 11 (LA/MS, AL), US 82 (AL), AL 69, US 43 (AL), US 80 (MS), MS 19, US 84 (LA/MS), MS 15, MS 42, US 49 (MS), US 98 (MS), MS 43, I-10 (LA), US 190 (LA), LA 46, US 90 (LA), LA 611-1, LA 18, LA 541, LA 3127, LA 3154, LA 49, US 61 (LA/MS), LA 408, LA 67, LA 964, LA 10, LA 965

Days 6-8 (3/17/2022-3/19/2022) (Natchez, MS/Vidalia, LA, Area with a side trip to Vicksburg, MS)

On Day 6, I just walked along the Mississippi River in the morning and caught up in the online world before doing a brief trip in the area in the afternoon before getting dinner.

On Day 7, I drove up north to Vicksburg, MS, to drive through the Vicksburg National Military Park.  If you are into seeing preserved warfield trenches, Vicksburg is for you though I wish it was more history-oriented beyond a video at the visitor center.  I also found the west end of the old US 80 bridge across the Mississippi River at the east end of LA 3218 so of course I had to get some pictures. 

Day 8 was the actual Natchez, MS, Road Meet that led to some of us like myself finally gaining mileage on the Natchez Trace Parkway when we went to tour Emerald Mound.

1.  Clinched US 61 north of Natchez, MS, to the north end of Vicksburg, MS, where its splits from I-20/US 80.
2.  Clinched US 65 from its southern end at US 425/LA 15 to US 80 in Tallulah.
3.  Crossed the I-20/US 80 Mississippi River Bridge at Vicksburg.

Clinched: MS 555, MS 554, MS 553, LA 131, LA 3180, LA 3232, LA 903, LA 900, LA 3209, LA 896, LA 601, LA 3202, LA 602-1, LA 602-2, LA 3218, MS 822, MS 930, **Former US 61 BUS (Natchez, MS), **Former US 84 BUS (Natchez, MS)
New Mileage: US 61 (MS), US 84 (LA/MS), (*maybe US 98 (MS)?) US 425 (LA), LA 15, US 65 (LA), LA 568, LA 128, US 80 (LA/MS), I-20 (LA/MS), MS 22, MS 467, MS 27, MS 552, MS 28, MS 33, Natchez Trace Pkwy (MS)
*Depending on where you believe it ends
**Still signed for some reason

Day 9 (3/20/2022)  (Vidalia, LA, to Tallahassee, FL)

I started by following US 84 east to MS 33 and then followed MS 33/LA 19 to Baton Rouge.  After clinching a few Baton Rouge routes, I clinched I-12 and then followed I-10 east from there.  I did loops around Slidell, LA, (to solidify my clinch of I-10 there), Biloxi, MS, (to clinch I-110), Mobile, AL, (to clinch I-165 (AL), AL 158, and AL 213), and Pensacola, FL, (to clinch I-110 (FL) and many other routes).  Yes, I did get to use my EZPASS when I drove the Garcon Point Bridge on FL 281 (though my favorite bridge on this day was the Biloxi Bay Bridge on US 90).

1.   Clinched I-10 in MS and AL.
2.   Clinched all I-110s with the exception of the one in Los Angeles.  I already had the one in El Paso, TX, and clinched the Baton Rouge, LA, one on Day 5.
3.   Full clinch of I-12.
4.   Drove the southern 13 miles of I-65 in AL.
5.   Survived the Bucee’s on I-10 at Exit 49 in AL.
6.   Note that I somehow clinched 42 LA Routes on this trip.  How long will that be 42?  I have no idea.  (Ironically LA 42 may have recently been truncated)
7.   Drove the southern section of US 29 in Pensacola, FL.

Clinched:  MS 33, LA 19, LA 963, LA 953, LA 956, LA 957, LA 3006, LA 423, I-12 (LA-full clinch), LA 426, LA 3246, LA 327 SPUR (Baton Rouge), LA 3064, LA 3002, LA 1034, LA 3003, LA 1259, LA 3158, I-10 (MS/AL), MS 604, MS 609, I-110 (MS), I-165 (AL), AL 158, AL 213, FL 281, FL 399, US 98 BUS (Pensacola, FL), I-110 (FL), FL 289, FL 752, FL 742, FL 750 , FL 276
New Mileage: MS 24, LA 10, LA 68, LA 955, LA 412, LA 67, US 61 (LA), US 190 (LA), *LA 1248?, LA 42, LA 30, LA 73,  LA 1032, LA 16, US 51 BUS (Hammond, LA), US 51, I-10 (LA), MS 607 (South), US 90 (LA/MS, AL, FL), US 98 TRUCK (Mobile, AL), I-65 (AL), US 45 (AL), AL 217, US 43 (AL), US 98 (FL), FL 292, FL 295, US 29 (FL), FL 296, US 27 (FL), FL 263
*if it still exists

Days 10-11 (3/21/2022-3/22/2022)  (Tallahassee, FL, to Prince George, VA)
In summary, I followed I-10 east to US 301 north to Rocky Mount, NC, before side tracking further west to South Hill, VA, to get some more NC mileage along with SR 903 in Brunswick County, VA, before heading to my parents’ house for a few days via I-85 and VA 36.  I also did some side tracking to clinch the routes around Fayetteville, NC, and the four US 70s of Selma-Smithfield, NC, which may not be around much longer with the impending signing of I-42.  I did my Fayetteville driving overnight due to issues with the hotel I had reserved at using points rebranding right before my stay.  I could have stayed there, but I felt uncomfortable there, and I was concerned with Fort Bragg traffic had I done Fayetteville during morning rush hour.  Once I got to my parents’ house, I knew I could sleep for as long as I needed to.
1.    Finished clinch of I-10 in FL.  This means that I have I-10 clinched entirely east of I-110 in Baton Rouge, LA.
2.   Finished clinch of US 301 north of US 27 in Ocala, FL.
3.   Clinched I-295 (NC) and what may eventually be NC 555.
4.   I was reminded of how tough it was to get around Raleigh during morning rush hour.  Turning around on NC 42 to get back to US 70 BUS was an adventure.

Clinched:  I-10 (FL), FL 14, FL 228 (West), US 301 (GA/SC/NC), US 301 BYP (Baldwin, FL), GA 40 CON (Folston), GA 73, US 301 BYP (Statesboro, GA), GA 67 BYP (Statesboro, GA), US 25 BYP (Statesboro, GA), GA 73 LOOP (Sylvania), US 301 BUS (Sylvania, GA), GA 21 BUS (Sylvania), US 178 BUS (Orangeburg, SC), US 21 BUS (Orangeburg, SC), US 601 TRUCK (Orangeburg, SC), SC 327, US 52 TRUCK (Florence, SC), US 501 (SC), I-95 BL (Fayetteville, NC), US 401 BUS (Fayetteville, NC), NC 162, NC 59, All American Freeway, I-295 (NC), US 70 BUS (Clayton-Smithfield, NC), US 70 BYP (Selma, NC), US 70 ALT (Pine Level, NC), US 301 BUS (Rocky Mount, NC), US 64 BUS (Rocky Mount, NC), NC 43 BUS (Rocky Mount), NC 4
New Mileage: FL 53, US 90 (FL), FL 121, US 301 (FL), US 1 (FL/GA), US 23 (FL/GA), GA 4, GA 15, GA 23, GA 121, GA 40, US 25 (GA), US 84 (GA), GA 38, GA 57, GA 67, US 80 (GA), GA 26, GA 24, GA 21, US 278 (SC), US 321 (SC), SC 64, US 601 (SC), SC 4, US 21 (SC), US 178 (SC), US 15 (SC), SC 6, US 521 (SC), US 378 (SC), US 52 (SC), US 76 (SC), SC 51, SC 9, SC 57, US 501 (NC), NC 20, NC 24, NC 210, NC 53, NC 87, US 401 (NC), NC 242, NC 50, NC 96, NC 42, US 70 (NC), NC 39, US 264 ALT (Wilson, NC), NC 58, NC 43, US 64 ALT (Tarboro, NC), NC 481, NC 561, NC 903
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on April 16, 2022, 08:24:16 pm
After staying at my parents’ house for a few days (and my niece putting bows in my hair), it was time to head back north to Harrisburg.  So it was also time to make some progress on routes in southeast MD.

Clinched: VA 218, VA 206, VA 205, VA 205Y, MD 488, MD 242, MD 239, MD 520, MD 470, MD 238, MD 235, MD 247, MD 472, MD 245, MD 944, MD 243, MD 237, MD 249, MD 264, MD 265, MD 263, MD 261, MD 260, MD 262, MD 794, MD 408, MD 258, MD 259, MD 422, MD 255, MD 468, MD 256, MD 424
New Mileage: MD 6, MD 5, MD 214

Then it was on to CT for the Waterbury/Meriden meet on April 2, 2022.  The main highlights of this trip were clinches of US 6 in NY (giving me a full segment from the west end of the US 11 Concurrency east of Tunkhannock to I-84 (Exit 60) east of Hartford, CT), I-691 (CT) (clinched during the meet itself), and NY/CT 55.

Clinched:  PA 715, PA 507, PA 402, US 6 (NY), NY 293, NY 403, Bear Mountain Pkwy, Bear Mountain Pkwy (Yorktown), NY 132, NY 6N, NY 312, CT 302, CT 172, CT 68, CT 42, I-691 (CT), CT 147, CT 317, CT 199, NY/CT 55, NY 299, NY 55A, NY 42 (South)
New Mileage:  PA 611, PA 435, US 6 (CT), NY 17M, NY 17, NY 32, US 9W (NY), NY 218, US 202 (NY/CT), NY 9D, US 9 (NY), NY 35, NY 22, US 7 (CT), CT 53, CT 25, CT 67, CT 8, CT 69, CT 9, I-91 (CT), CT 15, US 5 (CT), CT 150, CT 71, CT 70, CT 10, CT 63, CT 188, CT 73, CT 66, CT 17, CT 157, CT 64, CT 47, CT 109, US 44 (NY), NY 52, NY 97

Then it was onto NYC to see Mrs. MDRoads perform at Carnegie Hall.  This trip started as a trip to work further on the MD Eastern Shore Routes from the Easton area points north.  Then it was on to finishing DE by completing US 9.  Saturday morning it was onto the Cape May-Lewes Ferry before heading north via the Garden State Parkway to New York City to do some clinching there before the performance.  (This was a little hampered by the left two lanes being closed on I-278 EB just before the Brooklyn-Battery Tunnel to replace the sign gantry there.)  Afterwards, it was back to Harrisburg after some more Manhattan driving, clinching NJ 24, and clinching PA 113 (taking PA 611 south to there).

Clinched:  MD 213, MD 444, MD 298, MD 291, MD 20, MD 446, MD 288, MD 674, MD 445, MD 21, MD 514, MD 297, MD 561, MD 292, MD 566, MD 289, MD 19, MD 312, MD 304, MD 481, MD 309, MD 485, MD 485A (MD 485 in HB), MD 405, MD 302, MD 305, MD 328, MD 662, MD 322, MD 565, MD 333, MD 565 (Easton), MD 334, MD 33, MD 370, MD 329, MD 579, MD 331, US 9 (DE), NJ 109, Garden State Pkwy, NJ 166, Ocean Pkwy (Brooklyn), FDR Drive, Harlem River Drive, Bronx River Pkwy, Taconic State Pkwy, Saw Mill River Pkwy, Henry Hudson Pkwy, NJ 24, PA 113
New Mileage: US 9 (NJ), Belt Pkwy, US 202 (NY), NY 35, NY 118, I-684 (NY), NY 9A, NY 25, PA 611, PA 152
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: ntallyn on April 21, 2022, 06:59:24 pm
A business trip to Orlando (near UCF), allowed me to add bits and pieces of FL44, FL46, FL 415, FL 426, and FL 551, along with the concurrent segments of US 17 and US 92 (along FL 46).

One of these days, I'll get all of the little pieces between I-95 and US1.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on April 24, 2022, 10:47:21 am
Took an 18-hr ride yesterday...

New clinches, in order:

NJ 49, NJ 50, NJ 167 (both pieces), NJ 72, NJ 38, NJ 76C, NJ 168, NJ 154, NJ 41, NJ 70, NJ 88, NJ 129

New mileage: NJ 42, NJ 35, NJ 79, NJ 33, NJ 29
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on April 24, 2022, 12:45:31 pm
We may have been within 10 miles of each other at some point yesterday mapmikey as I was working on the rest of my clinching of Philly and its northern suburbs.

Clinched: PA 63, PA 532, PA 513, PA 32, PA 212, PA 313, PA 152, PA 611, PA 232, PA 563, PA 663

No other routes gained any new mileage.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on May 07, 2022, 04:02:25 pm
So I did attend the Outer Banks City Meet last weekend, and also took time to finish the MD routes on the Eastern Shore, and finish most of the VA routes in Hampton Roads.

Clinched: MD 349, MD 352, MD 12, MD 365, MD 366, MD 371, MD 667, MD 380, MD 413, MD 460, MD 358, MD 361, MD 673, MD 640, MD 675 (Princess Anne), MD 362, MD 822, MD 388, MD 363, MD 627, MD 529, MD 346, MD 374, MD 354, MD 350, MD 364, VA 389 (unsigned), VA 170, VA 192 (unsigned), VA 405 (unsigned), VA 404 (unsigned), VA 247, VA 194, VA 168, VA 168 BUS (Chesapeake, VA), US 158 BUS (Henderson, NC), US 1 BUS (Henderson, NC), US 1 ALT (Franklinton, NC), US 1 ALT (Wake Forest, NC), US 401 BUS (Rolesville, NC), US 264 BUS (Belhaven, NC), NC 345, NC 400, NC 136, NC 34, NC 343, US 17 BYP (Elizabeth City, NC), NC 344, US 17 BUS (Elizabeth City, NC), MD 5, MD 5 BUS (Waldorf), MD 228, MD 373, MD 381, MD 337, Suitland Pkwy (DC/MD-full clinch), MD 218, MD 637, MD 458, MD 4, MD 725, MD 717, MD 197, MD 450 Old, MD 174, MD 176, MD 652, MD 758, MD 713, MD 103, MD 104, MD 99, MD 851, MD 91

New Mileage: US 158 (NC), NC 96, (3) US 264 (NC), NC 11 BYP (Greenville), NC 92, NC 99, NC 45, NC 94, US 64 (NC), NC 12, US 17 (NC), (4) NC 37, MD 6, MD 210, MD 450, MD 108, MD 32

1. Clarified that VA 180Y is still signed in Wachapreague.  The shield ( shown on the VA Highways Project page has been replaced.
2. Yes, I did ultimately pay the VA 168 toll because I was too tired to shunpike at that point.
3.  Includes clinch of soon to be signed I-587 (NC).  Clinched all of current US 264 except for a portion between NC 32 and NC 45 that was detoured for a bridge closure.
4.  I had planned to clinch VA 32, but that was closed somewhere south of Downtown Suffolk due to a bridge closure.  Hence why I did not finish all mileage in Hampton Roads though it sets up better for a future NC/VA 32 clinch.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: si404 on May 08, 2022, 10:01:42 am
Last week, I spent a week in Dublin helping my brother move.

Having flown, I got some irlm clinched in taxis from and to the airport (the other time I visited, I came by boat). Landing late at night meant the tunnel was closed, so I also picked up some surface streets, giving me a total of 8.75 miles of new clinches for those journeys.

The rest of the time, I walked everywhere (save a trip on the DART), which made clinching harder as a lot of the streets (including the ones near where my brother lived) I'd already walked down last time. But despite that, and despite clinching not being the aim of the visit (and not easy to do - especially if it meant going a longer way around as I wasn't walking alone), going to some tourist destinations gave me 4.58 miles of newly clinched R roads obtained by walking during the trip.

And finally, on the way back from Heathrow, my Mum confused my Dad by pointing out this sign (,-0.4564643,3a,32.5y,253.51h,83.45t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sJL-jwcWpZmc0yMknTrPbag!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en) just as we meant to go left to pick up the M4 spur. Therefore we went straight on, round the airport on A roads, and picked up the M25 at the Terminal 4 junction rather that the route (that would be about half the distance on faster roads) via the M4. This gave me an extra 3.93 miles of newly clinched A roads (from that sign to the M25) as a nice bonus.

So that's a whopping 17.26 miles of new clinches off a week's trip. I guess it's something though, and the other stuff was more important anyway.

Attached are some photos of road signs from Central Dublin.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: dave1693 on May 08, 2022, 01:26:06 pm
The past 5 months have seen me make multiple trips between Virginia and eastern PA. In March there was a trip down to southern Mississippi and back, which only clinched a little bit of new mileage as it was mostly a repeat of previous trips. For the end of April and beginning of May I also went up to New England for a memorial service (via eastern PA and northern NJ) that involved car driving on both ends, but train trips between metro New York City and Providence in each direction.

New clinches, not in the actual order driven:
RI 146, PA 425, NJ 17, NJ 81, MD 43, MD 70, MD 161, MD 176, MD 178, MD 179, MD 393, MD 424, MD 450, MD 623, MD 672, MD 700.

New mileage on non-clinches, again not in the order driven:
I-495 in MA, US 1-9 in NJ, US 9 in NJ (separate from US 1), US 40 in MD, US 11 in MS and AL, US 31 in AL; MA 1A, MA 16, MA 62, MA 146, PA 74, MD 2, MD 10, MD 100, MD 150, MD 648, AL 5, AL 75.

Honorable mention to TN 92, upon which I drove one block north AND one block south of I-81, but neither enough to clinch a segment -- I'm just amused by it. Can strongly recommend the Waffle House on TN 92 just south of I-40 near Dandridge.

I'm likely to be based in eastern PA from mid-May through mid-June, so we'll see what becomes of that.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: ntallyn on May 08, 2022, 04:47:00 pm
A weekend to Fort Myers FL allowed me some clinching time.

In file order, I completed I-75 in FL (I now have clinched from the southern terminus to somewhere in Detroit), added mileage on US 17 (would have completed FL but for a road closed section), and added miles on US 27, US 92, US 98, US 192, US 441, clinched US 17/92 Truck (Kissimmee), US 41 Bus (Fort Myers), and US 301 Bypass (Baldwin), added miles on FL 23, FL 46, FL 50, FL 50A, clinched FL 80 (Fort Myers), added some FL 82, clinched FL 200 and FL 417, added FL 429 (an accident prevented me from getting all the way to the south end to clinch this one), clinched FL 451, added FL 464, FL 739, FL 865, and clinched FL 865 (Fort Myers), FL 867, and FL 884.

Except a couple of dangling ends between I-95 and US 1, the south end of FL 23, and a very small bit of FL 116, I have completed everything in north Florida (north of Orlando, that is) east of I-75.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Bickendan on May 10, 2022, 02:56:55 pm
Did a drive out from Portland to Albuquerque and back, picked up quite a bit.
Picked up ID 44 in its entirety, then set about grabbing I-84 Bus routes for Hammet, Glenn's Ferry, and Bliss, then grabbed all of US 30 from there to Burley, with Bus US 93 in Twin Falls, and US 93 itself from I-84 back to US 30. Grabbed Bus 84 (along with part of ID 27) in Burley.
In Utah, finished off I-84, picked up I-80 out to I-215, and I-215's southeast corner. Picked up Bus I-15 in Nephi and Fillmore, then I-70 all the way out to Denver, with attendent segments of overlapping routes. Grand Junction's US 6, 50, and Bus I-70.
US 6 6th Ave, I-70 to Pena Blvd, Pena Blvd itself, I-270, I-76 back to I-70, CO 58, US 6 back to CO 470, I-70 to I-25, and I-25 down to ABQ, with Bus I-25 in Raton and Las Vegas, along with clinching out those cities. NM 14, 466, and 475 in Santa Fe, as well as finishing off the southernmost bit of 599, before heading down to ABQ, grabbing portions of I-40 and NM 556. Went back up to Santa Fe to play a concert at the Association of Concert Bands, and headed back to Portland. US 84/285 in Santa Fe, cleared out Espanola, and up 285 to Colorado. Reclinched CO 142, and finished CO 159, picked up US 160 back to Alamosa, with a detour up CO 150 to Great Sand Dunes. Followed US 285 all the way to I-25, grabbed I-225, then took I-25 up to Cheyenne. Bus 25/US 85/87 and I-180, along with the western bit of Bus 80/US 30, and stayed on I-80 back into Utah.
Drove up US 89, UT 186, and back down UT 71 as I needed to do a detour to Smith's Marketplace, then took UT 201 out to I-80.
Bus I-80 in Wendover, Wells, Elko, Battle Mountain, Carlin, and Winnemucca, along with incidental segments of US 93 and NV routes. Took US 95 to NV 140, psyched myself out of NV 292 by misreading NV 292's milemarker (x.x), and clinched OR/NV 140, took US 97 to OR 138, clinched OR 138, clinching everything west of US 97 in Oregon save for OR 429, ORH 372 and US 97 itself.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on May 13, 2022, 10:54:28 pm
My semester being over and my summer projects not yet underway gave me the chance to get a little creative on both directions of a ride to Ithaca for a conference planning meeting yesterday and today.  I added almost 200 new miles, just about all in usany and a few miles of US 11.

New mileage on previously traveled NY 8, NY 23, NY 26, NY 34, NY 38, NY 38A, NY 41, NY 79, NY 80, NY 174, NY 175 (clinched), NY 298 (clinched, and unusually done by adding segments on each end of a route I'd previously traveled in the middle)

First-ever travels on 10 routes: NY 13A (clinched), NY 41A, NY 90, NY 96B, NY 200 (clinched), NY 221 (clinched), NY 316 (clinched), NY 327 (clinched), NY 359 (clinched)

I'll have more chances to add to my previously pretty sparse travels in that area for the next planning meeting in September and for the conference itself next April.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: andrepoiy on May 14, 2022, 02:52:11 pm
Crossposted from AARoads: My first cross-border trip

Yesterday I embarked on my first cross-border trip since I got my driver's license.

I entered the US via the Queenston-Lewiston bridge, which allowed me to clinch Highway 405. From there, I proceeded first directly to Rochester NY, via I-190, I-290, I-90 (Thruway), and I-490.

The Thruway between Buffalo and Rochester is unfortunately one of the most boring stretches of any roadway I've ever had the displeasure to drive on so far.

In Rochester, I drove on parts of I-390 and clinched what's left of the Inner Loop. I visited the University of Rochester, where I stumbled upon a graduation event. I then visited the Abandoned Subway Tunnel under Broad Street, walked around downtown, and visited the High Falls, Lower Falls, and made my way up north into the burbs to Ontario Beach State Park.

After that, I made my way west on Lake Ontario State Parkway, leading to a clinch of that Parkway. Even though the western section has been touted as the worst maintained road, I didn't find it excruciatingly bad like how some TripAdvisor reviews made it to be. It was interesting that despite the western section having so little traffic, I still found a State Trooper doing a radar gun. Where the LOSP ended, I continued on NY-18, which still surprised me with how little traffic there was, given that rural provincial Highways in Ontario generally have a lot more traffic. Along the way, I stopped in the town of Olcott.

From there, I continued on NY-18 until i joined the Niagara State Parkway to Fort Niagara. After visiting the Fort, I continued south on the Parkway to NY 104, where I visited the Power Vista. I found it interesting how there were 8 lanes of traffic under the Vista (although 2 of them are mothballed). I then continued south on NY-104 to Niagara State Park. I then had to go to WalMart and McDonald's, which led me to clinch US-62 Business in Niagara Falls, and also drive on part of US 62.

I then took a little detour to get on the LaSalle Expressway, where I then went south on I-190 again down to Buffalo. I really liked the section where it bordered the river. In Buffalo, I took a joyride on the NFTA Metro, walked around Downtown, and visited Canalside. I also visited the south campus of University of Buffalo. I also visited the Highmark Stadium. Within the Buffalo area, I was able to clinch I-190, drive on parts of I-90, US 219, NY-179, and NY-5.

I then spent an hour trying to get ArriveCan to work, as the portable Wifi that I brought had failed. Apparently, McDonald's wifi doesn't work for ArriveCan either. I had to shell out $12 to roam. That fiasco also included my friend losing his passport, which was later found under one of the seats. I then headed back home via the Peace Bridge, where I also then clinched the QEW. (It was the last half-km which I couldn't clinch earlier due to border closure)

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on May 15, 2022, 05:08:27 pm
A few days ago I returned from an 8-day trip that finished off US 52 & US 59, as well as all the usaus in Nebraska. Uncharacteristically poor planning on my part kept me from adding completing that system in Minnesota as well, and my tendency to allocate all waking hours to driving (rather than holding some in reserve for emergencies) kept South Dakota's US highways at 98%. Further lack of foresight also kept me out of Saskatchewan, a province I haven't visited in 14 years.

But mostly the plan went well. First day took me to Columbus, Nebraska, via K-9 (clinched) and several short Kansas highways. One posted detour looked annoyingly long (using state highways) so I DIYed around the bridge replacement on some questionable gravel roads, something I should have learned not to do back in 2018 (, and something that may have played into a future misadventure. The second day also went according to plans, and I ended it in a one-room schoolhouse that now acts as an Airbnb and museum.

The third day was when things started to go south. About an hour after getting lunch in Pierre, SD, I noticed a horrible scraping noise coming from under the car. The aluminum splash shield had come loose at one corner, and the strong wind I was heading into was pulling it down to the pavement. 4 hours and a $250 towing bill later, I was back on the road, sans this part that two people who (a) didn't have the part and (b) didn't have to drive a car without one assured me wasn't important. The delay meant that I'd either have to skip some of my planned route for that day, or arrive at my Airbnb after 11pm. Since that would be asking a lot of the host, I chose to punt on US 385 & 16, and go straight to US 85, since there's a chance I might be in a position to clinch that later this summer. The next day, I managed to get to Devil's Tower shortly after sunrise, but before the gates were manned, so I got a free up-close look at that impressive feature. Rest of the day was uneventful, and my car didn't seem to be suffering. Fortunately the next day was Monday, and there was a Honda dealer in Bismarck, so I planned to take care of the car in the morning.

Accordingly, I got up at 4:00 and rushed through a nasty storm to get to Bismarck right after the dealer opened. But when I called the service department, they told me they didn't have the part I needed, and agreed with the others that it wasn't important enough to make me wait for one. So I continued on, and made use of the extra time to clinch a few more state routes between there and Williston. The rest of the day was fine and I spent the night poised to enter Canada for breakfast in the morning.

That didn't happen. Some border crossings, including the one on US 85, aren't open 24 hours. When I reached that one, the sign said I was over 90 minutes too early. Oddly, when I entered my info into the ArriveCAN app, it accepted my proposed 7:15 arrival without argument. With nothing particularly interesting to see there, and knowing that I still had 11 hours of driving left, I reluctantly turned around. My intended point of re-entry to the States was at Portal on US 52, which doesn't close, but by the time I got there, it didn't seem worth it to try doing the planned route through Saskatchewan in reverse. So again I turned around at the border so that I could at least claim the last few miles of US 52 I needed, which I managed to accomplish mid-afternoon.

By then I was aware of the flooding. Much of the Red River Valley was still dealing with the annual spring flood, which turned out to be especially nasty and long-lasting this year. Had I initially considered that some of my route might be under water in May, I probably would have chosen to move my trip to a later date, but that thought never crossed my mind when I made my plans back in March. Fortunately, most of the bridges that were closed when the trip began had opened by the time I arrived, so I was able to clinch the business routes in Grand Forks, complete US 59 at the border (well after its opening), and get back across the river in Manitoba. Unfortunately, one road that was still barricaded was US 75, which dead-ends just shy of the border. I attempted to find another path to the end, but county roads were flooded as well. There are some houses at the end, so I'm not sure how those people get in or out, or if they all had to evacuate. So plans to clinch that route later this year will have to be put on hold unless I find a way to get back to northern Minnesota this summer.

After a restful night at an Airbnb run by a hotel manager, I embarked on the long journey home, one marked by lots of fog, rain, construction, and traffic (there was no way to avoid driving past Chicago during the afternoon rush). Still, I pulled into my garage at 11:58pm.

Overall mileage: 3776 new, out of a little over 7500 miles driven
New clinches: 71, bringing my total over 8000 (2 from usaus, 12 usausb, and 3 usaib)

In addition, my ranking in both Dakotas rose to 3rd place (from 5th and 7th). This was my first trip to North Dakota in nearly 10 years, and the first time I deliberately attempted any highway clinching there, so my total clinches in the state rose from 15 to 43. It's been even longer since I was in Manitoba, but due to the flooding, I stuck to paved roads, and failed to clinch anything in the 60 miles I drove there.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Ib3kii on May 21, 2022, 02:09:22 am
First trip with my new car. Oh boy, was it a big one.

Firstly, I finally finished my first coast to coast interstate highway, I-90.

I also finished my first coast to coast U.S. Route, US30.

On top of that I clinched US1 between Pennsylvania and Maine, which ended up being one of the most congested and borderline frustrating drives of my career. Especially between NYC and Providence. (To everyone else that has US1 in NY, CT, and RI, give yourselves a pat on the back.)

My next trip will be out west again, probably to either Denver or Wyoming. Whatever I can do to maximize clinches and new miles and avoid duplicate miles.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: vdeane on May 21, 2022, 05:47:06 pm
On top of that I clinched US1 between Pennsylvania and Maine, which ended up being one of the most congested and borderline frustrating drives of my career. Especially between NYC and Providence. (To everyone else that has US1 in NY, CT, and RI, give yourselves a pat on the back.)
Wow!  I do have that piece of US 1, but most of my mileage on that section was done over 4-5 trips (with incidental section on other trips; a lot of the reason I did it was to fill in the gaps), and I could not imagine trying to do it all at once.  Each time I've clinched a piece of that section of US 1, I've been very thankful to move on to other roads afterwards, and most of that mileage was clinched in the winter, so I can only imagine how much worse it is this time of year!
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: yakra on May 21, 2022, 07:46:23 pm
Did NY US1 HutRivPkwy RI US1 BroSt_N in early August 2019. Westchester County was a slog.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on May 21, 2022, 07:50:54 pm
Did NY US1 HutRivPkwy RI US1 BroSt_N in early August 2019. Westchester County was a slog.

It's all a slog, between NJ and NH. Poor route signage doesn't help.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on May 21, 2022, 10:29:25 pm
On a Saturday in June 2006 I drove all of US 130 then US 1 from New Brunswick NJ to Providence RI.

Wretched...rained for most of it.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Ib3kii on May 22, 2022, 01:07:20 am
Wow!  I do have that piece of US 1, but most of my mileage on that section was done over 4-5 trips (with incidental section on other trips; a lot of the reason I did it was to fill in the gaps), and I could not imagine trying to do it all at once.  Each time I've clinched a piece of that section of US 1, I've been very thankful to move on to other roads afterwards, and most of that mileage was clinched in the winter, so I can only imagine how much worse it is this time of year!
I did do it all at once. I don't remember what time it was when I got on it in Pennsylvania, however I remember crossing into New York around 5:00 PM because traffic on US1 through The Bronx was utter chaos. Connecticut's western half wasn't much better and it didn't help that it felt like every light would turn yellow a second or two too early for me to make it. I'm not the type of person to get frustrated but there were several moments between Stamford and New Haven where I asked myself "Dude, why on earth are you doing this to yourself? Is this really worth it?" I didn't get to Providence until roughly 2-3 AM.

Downtown Providence was a nightmare mainly because I missed my turn several times due to lack of signage and kept having to backtrack to avoid missing a piece of US1.

The rest of the way to Maine was smooth as it was the middle of the night and US1 is mostly a freeway in the Boston area. That was probably the biggest relief of the entire trip.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: yakra on May 22, 2022, 06:32:00 am
Downtown Providence was a nightmare mainly because I missed my turn several times due to lack of signage and kept having to backtrack to avoid missing a piece of US1.
Yup. That's exactly why my endpoint is where it is. Still missing that piece downtown though.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: formulanone on May 22, 2022, 10:47:09 am
Most of my US 1 mileage is in little bites, though I think Providence to the Massachusetts state line took an hour to go 20 miles in what was actually free-flowing traffic, but I was amazed I didn't miss a turn, either. (This, coming from someone who could get lost on US 1 in Florida, which is comparatively easy to follow for 99.9% of the route.)

Still want that section from George Washington Bridge to the Hutch but can't muster that time and energy away from work to nip it in daylight hours.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: froggie on May 22, 2022, 07:07:46 pm
I have thus far been a "bits and pieces" person when it comes to US 1 in the Northeast.  The only two states where I have fully clinched it are RI and NH...though I have large chunks in the remainder of New England, it's not all continuous.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on May 22, 2022, 07:36:54 pm
Minus the continuous stretch of US 1 that I now have clinched from NC 55 in Apex to the split from I-95 in the Bronx, I also have bits in FL, GA, CT, RI, MA, and NH (some of them just because of I-95 concurrencies, and yes the GA part is where US 23 is briefly concurrent with GA 23 amongst other routes).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on May 24, 2022, 02:47:46 pm
So the weekend before last I took a five-day trip down to Atlanta, GA, in order to finally see the Braves play at Truist Park for the first time with my parents and a family friend.  Despite the fact that they keep finding new ways to lose, I did get to see them win one game.  (To be fair, no one really thought that the Braves would have won the 2021 World Series this time last year either.)

So it is finally time to start doing some clinching in western NC instead of central/eastern NC, but I have to get there first.

Day 1 (Harrisburg, PA, to Asheville, NC)

I started at 1 AM so I could get to Harrisonburg, VA, on I-81 as quickly as possible.  Once there, I looped around to get VA 257 and VA 290 before heading south on VA 42 to the south end of its northern segment at I-64/US 60 and VA 269.  After clinching VA 269 real quick, I took US 60 west (leaving I-64 through Covington, VA) to VA 159 south to VA 311.  Once VA 311 entered WV, I took WV 3 west to Alderson, WV, (which actually has an Amtrak Station) being held up by some paving projects.  I then followed WV 12 south to US 219 to finish my clinch of that route after doing it north of WV 63 in the snow back in March.  I then went back to Narrows to follow VA 61 to Tazewell, VA, so I could finally clinch that route.  After finishing up in Tazewell, VA, I went south on US 19 (sneaking over to Richlands, VA, to clinch the US 460 BUS route and also clinching VA 82 while looping around Lebanon, VA) to Abingdon.

I then took I-81 south to TN 126 back east to TN 394 to US 11E/US 19 SB.  Then I did a full clinch of US 19E all the way down to where it meets back up with US 19W east of I-26.  Then I followed US 19 (along with I-26, US 23, and other routes) down to Asheville for the night.  After taking a brief nap, I drove around Asheville for a bit most notably clinching I-240 (NC) before settling down for the night.

Clinched: VA 42 (North), VA 290, VA 42 BUS (Dayton), VA 257, VA 39 ALT (Goshen), VA 269, VA 159, WV 12, VA 61, VA 16 ALT (Tazewell), US 19 BUS (Tazewell, VA), US 460 BUS (Tazewell, VA), US 460 BUS (Richlands, VA), US 19 (VA), VA 369, US 19 BUS (Lebanon, VA), VA 82, US 19E (NC/TN-full clinch), I-240 (NC), NC 112, US 19 BUS (Asheville, NC), US 23 BUS (Asheville, NC), NC 81, US 19 BUS (Weaverville, NC)   
New Mileage: US 33 (VA), US 250 (VA), VA 39, US 60 (VA), WV/VA 311, WV 3, VA 16, VA 67, VA 80, US 58 ALT (Abingdon, VA), TN 126, TN 91, US 321 (TN), TN 67, NC 194, NC 226, NC 80, NC 197, US 19 (NC) US 23 ALT (Mars Hill, NC), I-26 (NC), US 23 (NC), US 25 (NC), US 70 (NC), US 74 ALT (Asheville, NC), NC 191, Blue Ridge Pkwy (NC), I-40 (NC), US 74 (NC)

Day 2 (Asheville, NC to Atlanta, GA) (note that we actually stayed in Smyrna, GA)

On this day, I enjoyed the amazing scenery in the Smokies along US 19 especially in the Nantahala River Gorge.  After an adventure in getting the cheapest gas in Blairsville, GA, I got to the Atlanta area around midday.  In the Atlanta area, I basically finished clinching US 19 and GA 400 in the area along with a lap around the Perimeter (I-285), which was held up by a crash a few miles south of I-20 on the west side.  I got to the hotel just after 4:30 PM ET and walked to Truist Park from there.  Note the interesting pedestrian situation for the DDI on I-75 at Windy Hill Rd (Exit 260) where pedestrians actually end up in the sidewalk in the middle of the DDI (,-84.4734594,3a,75y,215.94h,90.39t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1shVxtneMdWV_MFDFxPxSNmg!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192).  There were pedestrian bridges closer to Truist Park so there was very little crossing the street after crossing I-75.

Clinched:  US 19 (NC), US 441 BUS (Cherokee, NC), US 19 BUS (Andrews, NC), US 19 BUS (Murphy, NC), US 19 BUS (Dahlonega, GA), GA 60 BUS (Dahlonega, GA), GA 400, I-285 (GA)
New Mileage: US 23 (NC), NC 215, US 74 (NC), US 276 (NC), US 441 (NC), NC 28, US 129 (NC), US 64 (NC), GA 11, US 76 (GA), GA 2, GA 515, GA 180, GA 9, GA 60, GA 52, US 41 (GA), GA 3, US 29 (GA), US 78 (GA), US 278 (GA), GA 8

Day 3 (Atlanta, GA area)

After realizing how bad the hotel internet was, I decided that it was time to tie some loose ends from my past Atlanta clinching from the 2011 mission trip.  After eventually looping around Marietta for a while, I got to meet the Black Pope (known as Dear Woke Christian on YouTube, and yes he is handing out those indulgences haha) briefly before heading to the late afternoon game that the Braves actually won.

After the game, I took my parents through Downtown Atlanta to drive the Downtown Connector at night.  I gained a little mileage of I-75 and I-85 that I did not already have from the 2002, 2004, and 2011 trips, but nothing significant since I had already clinched the Downtown Connector back in 2002.

Clinched: GA 141 CON (Atlanta), GA 237, GA 13 CON (Doraville), GA 3 CON (Marietta), GA 120 ALT (Marietta), GA 5 CON (Kennesaw), GA 14 CON (Atlanta)
New Mileage: US 41 (GA), GA 3, GA 9, GA 13, GA 141, US 23 (GA), GA 120, GA 140, GA 5, I-85 (GA), GA 54, I-75 (GA)

Day 4 (Atlanta, GA, to Boone, NC)

Today was back to working on the western part of the Carolinas.

I left the hotel and immediately took I-285 over to US 23/GA 13.  I followed that north to GA 317 in Suwanee and did a loop so that I could get the part of I-985 not concurrent with US 23.  Then I followed US 23 to US 123, which I followed to Greenville in order to get a full clinch of that route.  After clinching US 123, I looped around Greenville a couple of times to clinch I-185, I-385 north of the I-185/US 276 area, US 276 south of Greenville, and SC 153.  I then followed US 276 north (with on and off rain becoming a slight factor though it allowed me to explore the Connestee Falls all alone) all the way to its northern end at I-40 for a full clinch despite having to sight clinch it in Brevard along the US 64 Concurrency (as part of the Davidson River Village Connector Road Construction US 64/US 276 is detoured onto the now open connector; however, there are no signs directing you back to these routes).   Then I took I-40 back to I-26 in Asheville, and took US 19 north to US 19W. 

US 19W is barely worth keeping as a state route in NC, and has no reason to be a US Route these days.  While the scenery was fine, it was way too curvy, and of course I got stuck behind someone.  After finally making it back to I-26, I went to Johnson City, and looped via TN 381 back to US 321 to head east to Elizabethton.  From there, it was all US 321 for the rest of the day until getting to Boone as I looped around trying to find my hotel for the evening.

Clinched: GA 317, I-985 (GA), GA 365, GA 15 CON (Cornelia), US 123 (GA/SC-full clinch), I-385 BS (Greenville, SC), I-185 (SC), US 276 (SC/NC-full clinch), SC 153, SC 124, US 19W (NC/TN-full clinch), TN 381
New Mileage: US 23 (GA, TN), GA 13, GA 20, US 129 (GA), GA 384, US 441 (GA), GA 17, GA 184, US 76 (SC), SC 28, I-385 (SC), US 29 (SC), SC 20, SC 183, SC 11, US 64 (NC), NC 215, US 23 BUS (Waynesville, NC), I-40 (NC), US 74 (NC), NC 209, I-26 (TN), TN 67, TN 91, US 421 (NC), NC 194, NC 105, US 221 (NC)

Day 5 (Boone, NC, to Harrisburg, PA)

After what was honestly a really good night’s sleep and some breakfast, I basically took US 221 north from Boone all the way to Roanoke, VA.  From there, knowing that there was severe weather in the forecast east of me, I decided to drive into eastern WV and do a full clinch of WV 92.  After some heavy rain in Elkins (and myself accidentally turning an opposite direction lane into a left-turn lane on WV 92 NB at US 33/US 48/US 250), I finished WV 92, took WV 7 east into MD to clinch MD 39 and MD 135, and then finished the eastern portion of WV 46 east of Keyser before taking WV 28 north to Cumberland, MD.
From Cumberland, MD, it was basically US 220 NB to US 30 EB to PA 26 NB (when I realized that PA 915 TRUCK was not signed) to PA 913 EB to PA 655 NB to US 22 EB to Harrisburg.
Clinched:  US 221 BUS (Jefferson, NC), VA 392, US 58 BUS (Hillsville, VA), VA/WV 311, WV 92, MD 39, MD 135, WV 46 (East)
New Mileage:  US 421 (NC), US 221 (NC/VA), NC 194, NC 88, NC 16, US 21 (NC/VA), US 58 (VA), VA 89, US 60 (WV), WV 39, WV 28, US 250 (WV), WV 38, WV 7, WV 28
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: the_spui_ninja on May 24, 2022, 05:59:36 pm
Despite the fact that they keep finding new ways to lose, I did get to see them win one game.  (To be fair, no one really thought that the Braves would have won the 2021 World Series this time last year either.)
Could be worse, you could be a Mariners fan.

In on-topic news, I went to a friend's wedding in Quincy IL via flying into Des Moines and then driving 3 hours. Clinched a good portion of the business routes in southeast Iowa as well as some of the expressways I missed back in college. Pella is a really nice little town and would definitely recommend stopping there.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: kjslaughter on May 26, 2022, 11:11:46 am
Note the interesting pedestrian situation for the DDI on I-75 at Windy Hill Rd (Exit 260) where pedestrians actually end up in the sidewalk in the middle of the DDI (,-84.4734594,3a,75y,215.94h,90.39t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1shVxtneMdWV_MFDFxPxSNmg!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192).  There were pedestrian bridges closer to Truist Park so there was very little crossing the street after crossing I-75.

Yeah, the GDOT seems to like scaring pedestrians and has been doing this on all the new DDI bridges.  See here at Ashford-Dunwoody Road as well.  Ashford-Dunwoody at I-285 in Perimeter area (,-84.3382302,3a,75y,112.63h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s4nv_Hg9SuvDGtBBM5eDtlw!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: the_spui_ninja on May 26, 2022, 06:25:33 pm
Note the interesting pedestrian situation for the DDI on I-75 at Windy Hill Rd (Exit 260) where pedestrians actually end up in the sidewalk in the middle of the DDI (,-84.4734594,3a,75y,215.94h,90.39t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1shVxtneMdWV_MFDFxPxSNmg!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192).  There were pedestrian bridges closer to Truist Park so there was very little crossing the street after crossing I-75.

Yeah, the GDOT seems to like scaring pedestrians and has been doing this on all the new DDI bridges.  See here at Ashford-Dunwoody Road as well.  Ashford-Dunwoody at I-285 in Perimeter area

I think that just might be standard DDI design; the one in Cheyenne does the same thing (streetview (,-104.8513822,3a,75y,92.3h,81.32t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1soLqDg0lNzSMjbU03EkUafg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192)) while the one in Pocatello would do it but US 91's a dual carriageway (streetview (,-112.4663952,3a,75y,28.92h,75.67t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1syZR1VWNQyqN3hOX6Dkix3A!2e0!7i16384!8i8192)).

More on the topic of this thread, the wife and I are heading out to the Northeast (flying into Boston) for a short roadtrip in a couple weeks. I've never been to MA, CT, RI, NH, or ME (I spent 2 hours in VT once lol), so does anyone have any "can't miss" attractions in the eastern Adirondacks to White Mountains area? I already have some ideas but I figure asking people who know more would be useful...
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: yakra on May 26, 2022, 07:40:43 pm
^ NH112
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on May 26, 2022, 07:46:24 pm
^I was just going to say to listen to Doug Kerr's Gribblenation Roadcast Episodes.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: vdeane on May 26, 2022, 10:27:10 pm
Back when we still had the pavement windshield survey, Whiteface Mountain (NY 431) was always a highlight.  AuSable Chasm was a great place for a stretch break too.  And NY 73 is my favorite touring route for a reason (although the Cascade Lakes portion is under construction this year, so now really isn't the time to see it).  The Crown Point Bridge on NY 185 is also nice.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: the_spui_ninja on May 27, 2022, 07:45:13 pm
Thanks everyone! It'll be a great help!

And NY 73 is my favorite touring route for a reason (although the Cascade Lakes portion is under construction this year, so now really isn't the time to see it).
We're staying in Lake Placid; is NY 73 closed or just one-lane with a pilot car?
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: vdeane on May 27, 2022, 08:23:08 pm
^ One lane with automatic temporary traffic lights, but the longest section in question (there are two smaller ones) will be about a mile long (at least), so it will be a bit of a wait.  Pilot cars aren't usually used in this part of the country, but they're not unheard of either.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on May 27, 2022, 08:30:35 pm
^ One lane with automatic temporary traffic lights, but the longest section in question (there are two smaller ones) will be about a mile long (at least), so it will be a bit of a wait.  Pilot cars aren't usually used in this part of the country, but they're not unheard of either.

On my last trip, I dealt with two pilot cars just while driving WV 3 from WV 311 to Alderson.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: the_spui_ninja on May 28, 2022, 02:26:41 pm
^ One lane with automatic temporary traffic lights, but the longest section in question (there are two smaller ones) will be about a mile long (at least), so it will be a bit of a wait.  Pilot cars aren't usually used in this part of the country, but they're not unheard of either.
Cool, thanks for the info!
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: clong on June 01, 2022, 09:13:47 pm
Took a trip with the wife over an extended Memorial Day weekend.

Finished off the 2 sections of I-95 in North (I-74 to I-40) and South Carolina (pretty much I-20 to I-26). Now I have continuously completed I-95 from Daytona Beach, FL to the I-495/95 junction on the north side of Washington. A couple of small sections around Baltimore and Philly to have it all the way to Boston.

Also got I-26 from I-95 to the end in Charleston and I-526 around Charleston. US17 from Charleston to Myrtle Beach (previously had it from Myrtle Beach to New Bern). US76 from I-20Business in Florence, SC to I-74/US74. US258 from the end in Jacksonville, NC to US70 in Kinston, NC. US70 from Kinston to I-95.

Also, got 12 new counties.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on June 05, 2022, 12:41:56 pm
Yesterday I drove into NJ ultimately to attend the Creation Conference at Calvary Chapel of Marlton, NJ, featuring Dr. Jason Lisle (and yes, I do not expect you to agree with Young Earth Creationism whatsoever).  Anyway that meant that I had some time to work a little bit on NJ clinching.

I basically followed I-78 EB to I-287 SB to NJ 18 SB to NJ 35 NB to NJ 71 SB to NJ 35 NB to NJ 70 WB.  I also got to Marlton early enough to give me time to view the ongoing I-76/I-295/NJ 42 interchange construction while looping around to clinch NJ 154 and NJ 41. 

The trip back was basically slogging through Philly along I-676 and I-76 before glimpsing the PA 320 Hanging Rock Construction.  Hopefully, PA 320 will be reopened before roadwaywiz's Philadelphia Meet in August so that people can drive through it if they choose to.  From there, it was just the normal US 422 WB to PA 183 NB to I-78 WB route via Reading to get back to Harrisburg.

Clinched:  NJ 18, NJ 172, NJ 70, NJ 154, NJ 41
New Mileage: NJ 71, NJ 35, NJ 55, NJ 47, NJ 38
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on June 05, 2022, 02:29:57 pm
Took an 18.5 hr u-turn yesterday. Ambitious goal to get all of US 62 in PA and US 6 west of Warren.

Didn’t work out…

New clinches - PA 417, PA 428, PA 257, PA 338, PA 861, PA 839

New mileage - US 250 (wheeling to Cadiz; US 36 to I-77), US 62 (canton to Franklin PA), PA 8, PA 408, PA 58, PA 68, PA 85

Found oversized cutouts for both US 62 and OH 7 (BGS shields on posts).
Other oddity is that PA 58 between PA 338 and PA 368 is completely unstriped.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on June 17, 2022, 04:13:39 pm
Last weekend was a trip to Lynchburg for another road meet hosted by Laura Bianca-Pruett.  You can also see my driving miscues on roadwaywiz's livestream.

I also went down to NC on Friday to work on my planned RDU Meet (unofficially scheduled for July 30th, will be official when NCDOT finally announces the opening of the East End Connector) and tour the new NC 119 Mebane Bypass.  Finally, I also cut into the Northern VA, southern MD mileage, and finished the Northern Neck in VA as well.

Clinched:  MD 84, MD 75, MD 80, MD 109, MD 107, VA 391, VA 228, *VA 228 TRUCK (Herndon), VA 286, VA 289, US 360 (full clinch-In VA Only), VA 201, VA 354, VA 200, VA 222, NC/VA 119, US 58 BUS (Danville, VA), VA 413, VA 398, US 311 (VA), ***NC 700, US 29 (VA, MD), US 29 BUS (Lynchburg, VA), VA 163, VA 128, US 29 BUS (Altavista, VA), US 460 BUS (Bedford, VA), US 221 (VA), VA 122 BUS (Bedford), VA 130, US 460 BUS (Lynchburg, VA), VA 210, VA 334, US 29 BUS (Lovingston, VA), VA 20 BUS (Orange), VA 230, US 33 BUS (Stanardsville, VA), VA 375 (unsigned for TM purposes, only signed on rectangles), VA 237 (former(?) and current routing), VA 376, VA 244, VA 120, Clara Barton Pkwy (VA/DC), Cabin John Pkwy, MD 188, MD 186, MD 614, MD 396, MD 384, MD 390, MD 108

New Mileage: MD 355, MD 28, VA 7, VA 123, US 264 ALT (Wilson, NC), NC 42, NC 58, NC 222  **NC 55, US 70 (NC), NC 49, NC 87, VA 293, US 29 BUS (Danville, VA), US 311 (NC), NC 770, US 29 (NC), VA 43, VA 122, VA 56, VA 6, VA 20, US 33 (VA), VA 236, MD 187, MD 410, MD 191, MD 185

*Also signed as SR 606 TRUCK
** Clinched current routing still signed through Holly Springs
*** I now have SC 700, NC 700, and MD 700 clinched. Outside of mapmikey, I cannot think of anyone else that would have these three routes (or any combination of three 700s) clinched.  I only got SC 700 from a mission trip to Johns Island in 2012.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: froggie on June 17, 2022, 08:53:53 pm
*** I now have SC 700, NC 700, and MD 700 clinched. Outside of mapmikey, I cannot think of anyone else that would have these three routes (or any combination of three 700s) clinched.  I only got SC 700 from a mission trip to Johns Island in 2012.

I've only clinched MD 700, but I've traveled on all three.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: dave1693 on June 19, 2022, 03:51:25 pm
Well... this turned out to be a more "exciting" (not in a good way) 6 weeks than I'd anticipated. We'd arranged to house-sit for my parents while they were visiting my sister in NC, with buffers on either end so I could pick up my niece at Philly airport and do other errands in the area. We are now extending the visit because my mom can't drive while her vision recovers from needing to have a cataract replacement lens replaced.

So my original plan to drive to PA on May 14th got changed completely beyond recognition... and with my own medical appointments getting rescheduled three times, I made far more trips between the DC FedroSplat and eastern PA than expected... most of which involved driving areas of the MD Eastern Shore I'd never seen before on the southbound legs. Plus, as expected, I made three trips between the Lehigh Valley and Philly Airport (involving non-interstate routes on one leg of each of those trips), and one evening ride through Bucks County just because.

New clinches (NOT in the order clinched!):
US 1 in PA, US 13 Business (Chester PA), NJ 129, NJ 175, PA 3, PA 32, PA 73, PA 132, PA 152, PA 291, PA 320, PA 352, PA 420, PA 452, PA 532 Alternate Truck (Washington Crossing PA), PA 796, PA 841, MD 10, MD 213, MD 342, MD 924, Park Central Rd (Catoctin Mountain Park in MD).

That last is a slow trip for very good reason, but it beat the hell out of getting stuck in construction along US 15 on a hot and muggy day, which could have taken almost as long with the slow reported speeds, and the park road was both shady and higher up -- hence refreshingly cooler!

Several of the above routes I actually drove end-to-end. Among these was PA 420 which I drove in its entirety to avoid massive construction-and-accident delays on the Blue Route (I-476) during one of those airport runs.

New non-clinching mileage (also not in the order driven):
US 1 in NJ, US 13 in PA, US 30 in PA, US 1 Business (Trenton NJ), PA 82, PA 272, PA 332, PA 420 Alternate Truck (Ridley Park area PA), PA 532, PA 611, PA 896, MD 7 (North East segment), MD 18, MD 100, MD 177, MD 272, MD 279, MD 290, MD 300, MD 304, MD 309, MD 310, MD 313, MD 404, MD 545, MD 648 (part of main segment; also clinched Arnold segment), MD 662.

I expect to be based in PA through the 4th of July weekend at least. In the works for the next two months are multiple trips between PA and VA, a trip to New England for my cousin's memorial service, and the revival of the annual trip to western PA (Pennsic War, for the curious).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: ntallyn on June 26, 2022, 10:17:57 pm
Another trip to Virginia Beach (with a side trip to Raleigh on the return) allowed some time for collecting roads (but not too much).

(NC) US64, US301, *I-95
(VA) I-95, VA40, US460, US258, US58/258Bus (Franklin), US58, *US58Bus (Suffolk), VA168, VA168Bus, VA165

In town:
(VA) VA225, US58, US13

(VA) VA134, *VA172, VA171, VA143, VA106, VA156, US301
(NC) US64, I-440, US70, US401, US401Bus (Fayetteville), US301, I-95Bus (Fayetteville), US301/501
(SC) US301/501, US76, *I-20Bus (Florence)

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: kjslaughter on June 26, 2022, 10:47:56 pm
Having clinched visiting and taking pictures of all 159 Georgia courthouses, I'm moving on to neighboring states in random segments.  West and central Alabama was up the past 4 days as I visited 15 county seats plus some other sites in Tuscaloosa.  For travels, was able to finally add I-359 and mileage on several US highways and AL highways with a few new clinches given how short a few of the AL highways are.  From Atlanta, came west across Alabama to Mount Cheaha then on to Talladega, Sylacauga, Columbiana, Clanton and then Birmingham.  Day 2 took me NW to Jasper then west to Fayette and Vernon before south down lots of AL 17 through Carrollton and Aliceville with a detour to Gainesville before Livingston then back NE to Tuscaloosa.  After day around there, headed home on day 4 in a big arch down to Centreville, Greensboro, Marion, Selma and Tuskegee before back north to Atlanta.

Next up is a July trip to North Carolina Piedmont with the Triad and Triangle to see 17 counties plus many historic sites and travel many new roads.

Travel Mapping:
Counties visited:
County courthouses visited:
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: clong on June 27, 2022, 02:05:05 pm
Quick trip this weekend to the Lexington, KY area...
16 new counties - 13 in KY (gets me to 63/120), 3 in TN (86/95).
New miles on US127 (now at 196, had about 4 before) from just north of Chattanooga, TN to Danville, KY and US27 from just east of Danville to a segment in Lexington I already had from a previous trip. Also picked up a little US25, US60 and US421 mileage around Lexington.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: the_spui_ninja on July 01, 2022, 08:10:14 pm
More on the topic of this thread, the wife and I are heading out to the Northeast (flying into Boston) for a short roadtrip in a couple weeks. I've never been to MA, CT, RI, NH, or ME (I spent 2 hours in VT once lol), so does anyone have any "can't miss" attractions in the eastern Adirondacks to White Mountains area? I already have some ideas but I figure asking people who know more would be useful...
Guess I should give an update on how this went lol (work's been busy); we did most of the things y'all suggested (NH 112 reminded me a lot of Spearfish Canyon (US 14A) so that was nice). It was great fun and I managed to visit all the Northeast states I had left, so now Kentucky and Hawaii are the only states I haven't been to. Also drove the Mt. Washington road in NH (same day as 112) and hoo boy is that narrow and terrifying. I'd say it was worse than Pikes Peak, because at least that one has some attempt at railings and you can see what's next on the road. Views were gorgeous tho!
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on July 01, 2022, 10:47:27 pm
I'm on a trip with limited TM route clinching opportunities, but I did have a chance to take a short ride to get some "low hanging fruit" in the Jupiter, Florida, area.  In the space of under 2 hours (including a couple stops) and under 50 miles of driving, I added 35 miles, got my first travels on 5 routes (FL A1A North Palm Beach, FL 706, FL 708, FL 809, FL 850) and clinched 5 routes (FL A1A North Palm Beach, FL 708, FL 786, FL 811 Jupiter, FL 850).  Also added a small segment of US 1.  Heading back north tomorrow and Sunday, we'll see if I can pick up anything new since we're going up the east coast of FL which we don't usually do.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Bickendan on July 02, 2022, 02:05:24 am
Had a three-day jaunt from Portland to Reno and back for Clarinetfest (the clarinet choir I play in had a concert there), picked up some serious mileage... and signage in Reno is effectively useless.

Drove out to the Tri-Cities in Washington and then straight down US 395, picking up US 730 and finally clinching ORH 2. Picked up some US 12 mileage and the entirety of I-182, with a bit of I-82. I was hoping to get WA 397, but that would have been too much of a diversion. Saving it for a more comprehensive Tri-Cities trip.
On the Oregon side, went from only overlap (and from OR 74 to Pendleton) coverage of US 395 to 100%, which includes 100% of ORH 54 (Umatilla-Stanfield Hwy), ORH 28 (Pendleton-John Day Hwy), ORH 48 (John Day-Burns Hwy), ORH 49 (Lakeview-Burns Hwy), and the southern portion of ORH 19 (Fremont Hwy). Because 395 has five non-overlapped sections, it has five zero points, so ODOT delineated each mileage series with its own letter: none for ORH 54 [1-999], B for ORH 28 [1B-999B], C for ORH 48 [1C-999C], D for ORH 49 [1D-999D], and E for ORH 19 [131E-999E; I'm not sure if it has the E suffix on OR 31].
This also means that 48 is no longer the lowest numbered highway/route I've not been on. I'll have to find an 81 somewhere...

On the California side, detoured through Cedarville and back to snag the eastern extreme of CA 299, then down to Susanville to officially claim the Standish-CA 36 portion (was only a passenger on the last pass through. Clinched the portions of I-580 that were still under construction the last time I was in Reno/Carson, and any NV highways within McCarran Blvd. Signage was not impressive. Did get another five miles to I-80 though.

Back in California, took CA 139 from Susanville up to Canby, pulled a fast uwie at the K Falls turnoff and finished CA 299 out to Redding, snagged the western mile of CA 44, and reclinched CA 151. Grabbed the northern segment of Biz 5/His 99 I missed in Dunsmuir last time, then detoured to Montague for CA 3's eastern end, and clinched the entirety of CA 263 and the nothereastern end of CA 96.

On principle, I followed Blackwell Road between OR 140 and OR 99 in Gold Hill, as I suspect it might have been an old US 99 alignment, and it does have ODOT style mileage markers. Straigh shot up I-5 back to Portland from there.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: kjslaughter on July 02, 2022, 04:58:44 pm
Had to go pick up son from grandparents and met in Chattanooga.  Gave me a chance to clinch a few roads around Calhoun, GA I had missed plus clinch US 76 & TN 153 in TN finally.  Small things, but have to keep my stats in Georgia up!  I'm currently #1 in routes traveled and #3 in routes clinched and oscar is not far behind me and my #3 ranking in miles!  You guys are all WAY ahead of me in other states, but at least I'm covering my home state pretty well.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on July 03, 2022, 04:57:45 pm
I got back home yesterday evening from a five-week road trip, starting the day after our Memorial Day, and ending right after spending Canada Day in Canada. My itinerary was basically a southern route to Colorado, and a northern route back east. The original plan had Colorado as my turnaround point. But I made good progress heading west, so what started as a Colorado trip turned into an Idaho trip, to help use up the time available before my resort reservation in Colorado, and spend more time at altitude before visiting that resort (altitude over 8600 feet, enough to cause me some discomfort when I go there directly from sea level). On the return trip, after visiting relatives in the Twin Cities (including an aunt who moved last autumn into a senior living community), I tacked on a four-day visit to Ontario, focusing on the southwestern corner of that province which I hadn't been to in a few years.

The states/provinces I went through, in order of first contact on this trip: VA-NC-SC-GA-FL-AL-MS-LA-AR-OK-KS-CO-NM-UT-ID-OR-WA-MT-NE (after a return trip to CO)-IA-MN-IL-IN-MI-ON-NY-PA-MD, for a total of 27 states and one province. I've been to five other states (TX, TN, KY, OH, WV) on trips earlier this year.

During this trip, I got three new US route clinches (US 165, US 167, US 270). I also re-clinched I-69 (extension in IN), US 84 (relocations in southern GA), US 70 (relocation in Little Rock), US 14 (relocation in southern MN) and US 12 (relocation in northwestern IN), as well as the TCH in Ontario (relocation of part of the Georgian Bay segment). I'm still missing part of the TCH in eastern Quebec, which is going to be a moving target until A-85 is completed, so that can wait.

The first day of the trip, I clinched a number of state routes in Virginia's Hampton Roads region, finishing off all the TM-mapped routes in Chesapeake, Norfolk, and Virginia Beach. Still working on Portsmouth and Suffolk routes, to finish off that region.

Notable state route clinches elsewhere:

-- finished off the long cross-state Nebraska 92

-- Montana 38, becoming the only TM user so far to travel and clinch the route. Not helping is that the middle of that route is an unpaved, narrow, and twisty mountain road, though it also has the spectacular Skalkaho Falls ( right next to and flowing under the highway near its highest point.

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on July 03, 2022, 09:54:02 pm
With the ride home finished, my trip to mostly very familiar places still got me just short of 200 new TM miles, about 170 of that total in Florida and smaller additions in North Carolina and New Jersey.  I mentioned the Jupiter area ride in an earlier post.  The new things other than that came from a different route through northern NJ to avoid some traffic on the way down last week, a side trip off I-95 to Cocoa Beach yesterday, taking US 301 from Lumberton to Fayetteville, NC, late last night, and a gas stop that involved getting off one I-295 exit and getting back on at the next one in NJ this morning.  I got my first travels on 14 usafl routes and 3 usanj routes, and clinched 8 usafl routes.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: formulanone on July 08, 2022, 11:21:16 pm
Was supposed to go a project in Las Vegas this week, but was given New Mexico instead. Since it involved driving from Albuquerque to Roswell, I picked up about 500 new miles and picked up a few little NM routes, along with eight new counties. I-25 south to US 380 to Roswell and then back on US 285 to I-40, with a few diversions for fun. A much more interesting drive than a bunch of casinos, IMHO.

Roswell definitely applies the alien motif in virtually everything, and everyone was pretty friendly. No spooky sights other than some wonky signage, but there's some spectacular views I don't get elsewhere.

Blake's Lottaburger "New Mexico Style" is pretty good too. Minus the chiles, the long-standing local burger chain seems to have inspired Five Guys (the fries were crispier, though).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on July 09, 2022, 11:18:07 am
Took a 17.5 U-turn yesterday...

New routes clinched in order:  WV 279, OH 550, OH 682, OH 733, WV 62 Spur, WV 87, WV 331, WV 68, WV 5

New mileage: WV 14 (Elizabeth to Williamstown); OH 13; WV 833; WV 62 (Mason to Millwood; Cottageville to Evans); WV 2 (WV 87 to Ravenswood)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on July 10, 2022, 07:32:18 pm
I'm still working on the Chicago/NW Indiana Meet Trip from a couple weeks ago, but, in the meantime, yesterday was the day to go drive the newly open northern section of the CSVT and clinch loose ends in Districts 2 and 3 that I had held off on previously.  Most of the extended PA 405 is still signed as PA 147 (except the ends), but the most interesting thing it that there is a US 147 shield in Northumberland.  We will see if it becomes US 405.

PA 880 was also interesting because you end up in the median of I-80 for about .75 miles or so.

It was so odd yesterday with how nice it was in north central PA, but how rainy it was between Harrisburg, PA, and Baltimore, MD.

Clinched: PA 445, PA 477, PA 880, PA 654, *PA 405, PA 642, PA 254, PA 442, **PA 147
New Mileage: PA 44, PA 487, US 220 (PA)

*I plan on reclinching PA 405 when the old PA 147 intersection is realigned, and it is fully reopen in Muncy (so it was walk clinch time yesterday).
**Reclinched on new CSVT alignment.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on July 13, 2022, 09:24:06 am
Something interesting about KY.  The difference between first (mapcat-total 2504) and second (vespertine-total 1375) in clinched routes is 1129.  The difference between vespertine and third-place (lkefct-83) is 1292.

Personally, as much as I would like to clinch every short route in KY, there are just way too many to make that reasonably worthwhile.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: osu-lsu on July 13, 2022, 11:53:28 am
Something interesting about KY.  The difference between first (mapcat-total 2504) and second (vespertine-total 1375) in clinched routes is 1129.  The difference between vespertine and third-place (lkefct-83) is 1292.

Personally, as much as I would like to clinch every short route in KY, there are just way too many to make that reasonably worthwhile.

it doesn't help that Kentucky's route map seems to always be in a state of flux, with the state adding and subtracting routes on a yearly basis.
But if Kentucky's quantity is too much, you can go practice on Louisiana (1200 the moment), or Texas (980 routes).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on July 15, 2022, 08:54:54 pm
Something interesting about KY.  The difference between first (mapcat-total 2504) and second (vespertine-total 1375) in clinched routes is 1129.  The difference between vespertine and third-place (lkefct-83) is 1292.

Personally, as much as I would like to clinch every short route in KY, there are just way too many to make that reasonably worthwhile.

it doesn't help that Kentucky's route map seems to always be in a state of flux, with the state adding and subtracting routes on a yearly basis.
But if Kentucky's quantity is too much, you can go practice on Louisiana (1200 the moment), or Texas (980 routes).

I did clinch 42 LA routes on my Natchez meet trip so I did that some.   ;D
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on July 15, 2022, 09:01:33 pm
Now it is finally time to summarize the Chicago/NW Indiana Meet Trip that also included a stop in Lexington, KY, to meet YouTubers Paul and Morgan.

Day 1 (Harrisburg, PA, to Perrysburg, OH)-June 23, 2022

I actually started this trip at about 11:30 PM on June 22 as I realized that I was in a state that I was not going to fall back to sleep.  I started by taking US 322 WB to I-99 SB to PA 453 NB so that I could finally clinch PA 729.  After clinching PA 729, I took US 219 NB back to US 322 WB.  From there, I generally followed US 322 WB (ultimately finishing a full clinch of it) to Cleveland, OH, with quite a few loops to clinch other PA routes along the way (including a stop at the PennDOT Sign Garden at the US 6/US 19/US 322 intersection at PA 102 in Meadville).
After looping around Cleveland for a few hours, I finished the day by driving west to Perrysburg via US 20.  I also looped around the Toledo area to clinch I-475 (OH), I-280 (OH) (which has an amazing cable-stayed bridge near its northern end), OH 420, and OH 795 before finishing the day.

Clinched:  PA 729, US 322 (OH/PA-full clinch), PA 950, PA 830, PA 257, PA 157, PA 338, PA 102, PA 618, OH 175, OH 633, OH 10, I-490 (OH), US 6 ALT (Rocky River, OH), I-475 (OH), I-280 (OH), OH 420, OH 795

New Mileage:  PA 36, PA 949, PA 208, US 62 (PA), PA 38, PA 8, US 6 (OH, PA), US 19 (PA), PA 98, PA 18, PA 285, OH 283, US 20 (OH), I-90 (OH), I-271 (OH), OH 43, OH 2, OH 58, OH 113, OH 57, OH 301, I-480 (OH), OH 252, OH 254, OH 60, OH 99, OH 547, OH 19, OH 105, US 23 (OH), I-75 (OH), OH 163, OH 51, OH 65, OH 25

Day 2 (Perrysburg, OH, to Monee, IL)-June 24, 2022

On this day, I generally followed US 20 WB from Toledo to Chicago with detours to clinch the northern sections of US 33, US 35, and US 421, and clinch US 20 BUS (South Bend, IN).  Once I got to Stony Island Ave on US 12/US 20, I followed Stony Island Ave to I-94 WB to I-57 SB (which had lane closures for construction despite being Friday afternoon) to US 30 EB to IL 50 SB to my hotel in Monee.

Clinched:  US 20 (IN), IN 127, IN 727, IN 827, IN 4 (Goshen), US 20 BUS (South Bend, IN), IN 520, IN 249, IN 152, IN 312

New Mileage:  US 20 (IL, OH), OH 25, OH 120, OH 108, US 127 (OH), OH 576, OH 49, IN 120, IN 13, IN 15, US 33 (IN), IN 39, US 35 (IN), US 421 (IN), US 12 (IL/IN), IN 149, US 41 (IL/IN), US 6 BUS (Highland, IN), IN 912, I-94 (IL), I-57 (IL), US 30 (IL), IL 50

Day 3 (Monee, IL, to Lexington, KY)-June 25, 2022-June 26, 2022 (at 8 AM EST)

I started this morning by clinching IL 394 and taking I-94 WB into Downtown Chicago.  Then I took I-290 WB to its western terminus at I-90 on the Jane Addams Memorial Tollway.  I took I-90 EB back to downtown (with a quick clinch of I-190 along the way) as the rains began to pick up.  I quickly then took I-55 NB to US 41 SB to the Calumet Beach Park where I helped an organization pick up trash in the area during the downpour while waiting for the meet to begin.

After the meet itself featured the differences between Indiana and Illinois, and featured an odd neighborhood in industrial NW Indiana called Markton, I looped around NW Indiana a bit before taking I-65 SB towards Louisville with clinching the I-465 loop around Indianapolis and I-865 since I-65 is still closed in Downtown Indianapolis.  Anyway, I eventually exited off of I-65 SB onto US 31 SB at the Clark Memorial Bridge to get into Louisville proper.  After some looping around to finish my full clinch of I-64 that I could not get last September due to a closure, I generally followed US 60 EB to Lexington including a brief walk-clinch due to a closure in Frankfort just before KY 420. 

Clinched:  IL 394, I-290 (IL), I-190 (IL), IN 912, US 6 BUS (Highland, IN), IN 51, I-465 (IN), I-865 (IN), US 31 (KY), I-64 (KY-gives me full clinch), KY 2860, KY 55 BUS (Shelbyville), KY 2268, US 60 BUS (Versailles, KY)

New Mileage: IL 50, IL 1, I-94 (IL), US 6 (IL, IN), IL 83, I-90 (IL), US 20 (IL), IL 53, I-55 (IL), US 41 (IN/IL), IN 130, US 30 (IN), I-65 (IN), IN 26, US 52 (IN), US 421 (IN), US 31 (IN), IN 37, US 36 (IN), IN 67, US 40 (IN), US 60 ALT (Louisville, KY), US 31E (KY), US 150 (KY), KY 864, US 60 (KY), KY 1848, KY 53, KY 55, KY 420, US 421 (KY), KY 1681, US 62 (KY)

Day 4 (Lexington, KY, to Cincinnati, OH)-June 26, 2022 (starting at 8 AM EST)

After finally getting to Lexington, I cleaned up real quick for church before doing a quick lap of KY 4 (New Circle Rd).  Then I met up with Paul and Morgan (and the others in Lexington for the weekend) for church and lunch before heading generally north on US 27 to Cincinnati.  Once in Cincinnati, I took US 42 NB to OH 4 NB past I-75 so that I could fully clinch OH 561.  At US 50, OH 561 becomes OH 32/OH 125, and I followed OH 32 EB to my hotel just east of the I-275 Interchange (and the west end of Corridor D).

I also want to highlight that I got my first milkshake from United Dairy Farmers on this day at the location on KY 9 at KY 1632, and I thought that it was better than Graeter’s.

Clinched: KY 4, US 68 BUS (Paris, KY), KY 982, US 27 BUS (Cynthiana, KY), KY 3016, KY 3149, KY 445, KY 2345, KY 1632, OH 561

New Mileage: US 27 (KY/OH), US 68 (KY), KY 1974, KY 1973, US 460 (KY), KY 32, KY 36, KY 22, KY 177, KY 8, KY 9, US 52 (OH), US 127 (OH), US 42 (OH), OH 4, OH 32, OH 125

Day 5 (Cincinnati, OH, to Harrisburg, PA)-June 27, 2022

On this day, I realized that I had actually gotten pretty sick, but knowing that sleeping made my sniffling worse meant that staying in a hotel Monday Night to rest was not really worth it.

Anyway back to the roads, I started this day by finishing my clinch of OH 32 and ADHS Corridor D by driving it to Athens.  Along the way, I looped to clinch OH 137 and OH 349 (with a quick stop at Lake Alma State Park north of Wallston).  Once I got east of Athens, I started meandering a bit so that I could clinch OH 690, OH 792, OH 266 (because of some AARoads Forum game you may have heard of), OH 530, OH 565, and OH 536.  I had also planned to clinch OH 537, but that road was closed so I followed the detour. 

Once crossing OH 7 and the Ohio River, I generally followed WV 7 east to Kingston to finish the clinch of that route, and then looped via WV 72 and US 50 to fully clinch WV 26.  I then entered PA to clinch PA 281 and the rest of PA 985 north of US 30 before taking PA 403 NB to PA 756 EB.  I followed PA 756 EB to PA 160 to clarify the final status of that intersection before turning around and heading back to US 219.  From there, it was just US 219 NB to US 22 EB to I-99 NB to US 322 EB back to Harrisburg just before 1 AM on June 28th.  I also stopped at Sheetz along PA 655 for some self-serve ice cream that I think helped my nose a little bit.

Clinched:  OH 32, OH 349, OH 690, OH 792, OH 266, OH 530, OH 565, OH 536, WV 7, WV 705, WV 26, PA 281, PA 985

New Mileage: OH 772, OH 124, OH 327, OH 93, OH 160, OH 550, OH 329, OH 377, OH 555, OH 676, OH 60, OH 339, OH 821, OH 145, OH 260, OH 26, OH 800, OH 78, OH 7, WV 2, US 250 (WV), WV 218, US 19 (WV), US 119 (WV), WV 72, PA 653, PA 403

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: kjslaughter on July 17, 2022, 12:08:51 pm
Last big trip for a few months to end a busy summer.  Spent 5 days after dropping son off at grandparents near Asheville and travelled to the North Carolina Triangle and Triad areas in north-central portion of state as begin work on visiting all the North Carolina courthouses.  Got 15 new county seats plus seeing many of the sights around Raleigh, Durham, Hillsborough, Greensboro and Winston-Salem.  I use site more for mapping travels than trying to clinch roads, but finally added miles to fill gap on I-40 (while creating a few new gaps) and several of the new interstate highways around North Carolina along with new travels on many US and state highways.

May get a few more new miles on planned Florida panhandle beach trip in September, but always tricky with family in tow.  Next year I hope to finish courthouses in Alabama with trip to northern and southeast corners of state and perhaps a bucket-list trip with dad to Fallingwater with drive up Shenandoah Valley.  Wife also wants to go to Italy though, so I may finally use site for international mileage too.

Travel Mapping:
Counties visited:
County courthouses visited:
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on July 22, 2022, 02:20:39 am
I clinched D144 in Alsace last weekend and stick at 575 now ( - while @mapcat is still at 525 :)

Last days saw me on the road trying to travel as many roads for missing numbers as possible. I was in Belgium and western Germany because beln ( and deunwl ( have routes up to 998 or 969.
I managed to reduce the missing numbers (0-999) from 93 to 11 :) My lowest missing number is 767 now (
Code: [Select]
Missing Numbers:
767 780 781 797 799 900 960 965 976 987 996

767, 780, 781 and 965 are a no-brainer but I'd like to keep them for the time being.
The rest up to 999 is also doable (only 799 is a little bit more challenging as mentioned earlier).

Lowest overall number, lowest in EUR, lowest in NA?
Just going for the lowest overall number here; not going to attempt to break it down by continent.

Including only systems in the HB (whether devel systems are included or not), it's 1386.
Adding in systems commented out of systems.csv fills in 56 missing numbers, bringing us up to 1928.

The end of game for Europe is 1185 with routes in DEU-BW ( (I've traveled long ago) and ENG ( Only KY and LA have a 1186 route in HB so far and I don't expect anything new for Europe.

That means, my next goal is traveling as many missing routes from 1000 to 1185 where I only miss 39 routes. Our stats says that 1000 only exists in ENG (two routes), KY and LA but France also has a route in devel (
24 out of the remaining 38 routes exist in DEU-TH which is close to where I live (perfect distance for weekend trips). 1018 only exists in FRA and ENG, 1109 only in FRA. 12 routes (especially the last eight in the range from 1139 to 1178) only exist in ENG. My preliminary plan for 2022/23 is making as many routes in Thuringia as possible before heading to ENG.

I only made 1,913 miles on 10 travel days (107,025 miles in total now) but the trip had more goals:
- Travel as many deub routes as possible (actually 752 miles) so that I stick at 17,019 miles (74.17%) now ( I have minimum 50% in all states now :)
- Clinch as many 1-digit deub routes in western Germany as possible but three road closures (B1a, B8 and B9) stopped me. Only the B8 closure ( was unexpected and annoying, especially because B8 is MY B road which passes by closely to where I grew up. The segment is meant to be downgraded though because of the "new" parallel B8n. OSM jumped the gun long ago but the road should be transferred once it is renewed.
- Travel as many U routes (underground metro lines :), although many are overground) and tram routes in North Rhine-Westphalia as possible. I clinched all regular routes in Bielefeld, Bochum, Dortmund and Essen.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on July 25, 2022, 06:07:30 pm
With the recent MD 32 widening, it was time to do more work in the DC area, and do that Beach Dr walk clinch that I knew was coming eventually.  I even changed the route plan slightly so that I could get Beach Dr done before it got too hot.

Clinched:  MD 355, MD 118, MD 121, MD 911, MD 185, MD 410, Beach Dr (DC/MD), MD 192, MD 547, MD 187, Rock Creek Pkwy, George Washington Memorial Pkwy (all sections), VA 400, VA 123, VA 383, VA 309, VA 124, Spout Run Pkwy, MD 191, MD 195, MD 320, MD 787, MD 450, MD 953, MD 564, MD 32

New Mileage:  MD 28, MD 117, VA 236, VA 7, MD 190, MD 193, MD 650
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: jpinyan on July 26, 2022, 03:54:00 pm
I had a trip to Raleigh for a card tournament, and decided to add some miles on new roads in each direction. All told, I clinched NJ 48, I-195 (MD), I-695 (DC), I-395 (DC/VA), I-885 (NC), I-540 (NC), drove all of US 1 in VA and the new US 301 in DE, almost all of US 29 in VA, and finally got the last few miles of the I-495 DC beltway.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: formulanone on July 27, 2022, 08:10:15 pm
I managed to reduce the missing numbers (0-999) from 93 to 11 :) My lowest missing number is 767 now (
Code: [Select]
Missing Numbers:
767 780 781 797 799 900 960 965 976 987 996


...and to think I went a little out of my way to capture 562, putting me at 577 (though I have it as a county road).

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on July 27, 2022, 08:16:54 pm
...and to think I went a little out of my way to capture 562, putting me at 577 (though I have it as a county road).

Don't tell Rothman...   :-X
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: formulanone on July 27, 2022, 08:24:36 pm
...and to think I went a little out of my way to capture 562, putting me at 577 (though I have it as a county road).

Don't tell Rothman...   :-X

I can do some annoying mental gymnastics to get to 596, but I won't...
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: yakra on July 27, 2022, 08:51:04 pm
Maine Inventory Routes, anyone?
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Bruce on July 27, 2022, 09:47:57 pm
Recently went on a 1,200-mile road trip around a bit of the state to bring my count up to 85% and claim the top spot in Washington. Looking to get a full clinch next summer.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Bickendan on July 27, 2022, 10:57:29 pm
Maine Inventory Routes, anyone?
Oregon Highways
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: osu-lsu on July 28, 2022, 12:36:14 am
...and to think I went a little out of my way to capture 562, putting me at 577 (though I have it as a county road).

Don't tell Rothman...   :-X

Barry Bond wannabes.  ::) ;D
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: cl94 on July 28, 2022, 04:10:24 pm
Alrighty, just got back from a business trip/searching for apartments in northwest Nevada. The entire area was new for me, so the ~535 miles I put on the rental car translated to nearly 500 new miles claimed in both Nevada and California. Given that I'll basically be living on the border between these two states, they will be my next targets for route clinching.

21 full clinches over 2 days, a lot of that being thanks to Nevada's numerous urban routes, and I have the stage set for several more within the next month or two. I have a very good feeling that I'll be able to get close to 50% completion in Nevada without much effort just because of how the system is designed. A large amount of urban arterial mileage will be downloaded in Clark County once 215 is complete in the coming year or so, which will make finishing the state much, much easier. California will be a bit more of a challenge given how much of the mileage is in SoCal, but that's more of a long-term project that I will mostly try to work on while visiting other things.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: ntallyn on July 28, 2022, 08:38:56 pm
I had a trip to Raleigh for a card tournament, and decided to add some miles on new roads in each direction. All told, I clinched NJ 48, I-195 (MD), I-695 (DC), I-395 (DC/VA), I-885 (NC), I-540 (NC), drove all of US 1 in VA and the new US 301 in DE, almost all of US 29 in VA, and finally got the last few miles of the I-495 DC beltway.
What kind of cards?
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: ntallyn on July 28, 2022, 08:50:56 pm
A trip to the World Games in Birmingham was in early July. Finally got around to posting here.

Thursday afternoon, we had to take the interstate to Atlanta so we could catch the Braves game (another new stadium for me), but I did get a section of GA 166 to avoid an accident in downtown Atlanta.

Friday was a roundabout route from Atlanta to Birmingham, collecting counties in NW Georgia and northern AL for my wife, all the while getting as many sensible new routes for myself as I could.

Saturday was watching sumo at the World Games.

Sunday was a fast drive home, as she had to work at 7am on Monday. We got her 5 more counties (all along I-20) as well as a new stretch of I-20 for me. I did finally clinch I-75 and I-16 in GA (I was missing Macon area).

In .list file order:
Alabama: I-20, I-59, US 11, US 72, US 78, US 231, US 278, US 280, AL 71, AL 75, AL 117, AL 132
Georgia: I-16, I-75, US 23, US 41, US 411, GA 1, GA 1 Lp (Rome), GA 3, GA 5, GA 19, GA 20, GA 87, GA 92, GA 100, GA 114, GA 120, GA 136, GA 154, GA 157, GA 166, GA 280, GA 301, GA 360

Then a trip to Providence RI, but without a car. I did get a stretch of RI 2 and RI 37 meeting some friends for dinner one night.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on July 28, 2022, 10:31:28 pm
Today I went down to my parents' house to see the niece before heading to RDU for this weekend's meet.  I generally took I-81 SB to Lexington, then finished my clinch of US 60 in VA, clinched VA 251, then clinched VA 56, VA 24 east of Appomattox (the rest had already been clinched), VA 131, US 460 BUS (Appomattox), and VA 26 before heading to my parents' house via US 60, VA 288 (using Watkins Centre Pkwy from US 60 to get there), and VA 10.

The widening along VA 10 east of I-95 in Chester is coming along slowly but surely.  I also clinched US 60 TRUCK (Lexington), but I did not see any signs for it.

Clinched:  US 60 (VA), VA 251, VA 56, VA 24, VA 131, US 460 BUS (Appomattox, VA), VA 341 (both branches), VA 26

New Mileage: VA 151
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on July 29, 2022, 09:59:52 am
A day trip on Tuesday to get I-885 also allowed me to pick up a few usausb routes in VA and NC, Bryan Blvd in Greensboro, and scattered VA and NC routes in between. Not a very efficient trip (about 120 new miles, out of 1250 driven), but it provided 21 new clinches and would have returned me to 100% of the signed interstates if not for the recent discoveries of I-35 and I-780 segments previously operating in secrecy.

Also, gas was finally under $4 everywhere I filled up.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: cl94 on July 31, 2022, 09:16:19 pm
Did a good ol' fashioned clinchathon yesterday to tie up some things that were annoying me in PA after a hike. PA is now the second state where I have over 9,000 miles clinched, something I don't expect from too many other jurisdictions. It's very possible that the next state I reach that mark in will be California given where I am about to be living.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on August 01, 2022, 07:29:27 pm
I-80 100%.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on August 03, 2022, 03:53:13 pm
Friday's last scouting trip for the RDU Meet went well, and the meet itself went well even with most of the people only attending for lunch or the first stop.

Unsurprisingly, I got no new mileage on the meet day itself, but I did get new VA/NC mileage on Friday before and after final scouting.

I also got new mileage in NC, VA, and WV on Sunday coming back despite the off-and-on rain and fog.  I let myself drive the PA Turnpike east from Bedford (a decision that I immediately regretted due to the insane amount of truck traffic) because I did not want to risk driving through any more fog.

Day 2 (7-29-2022)

Clinched:  VA 323, VA 49, NC 39, I-885 (NC), NC 78
New Mileage: VA 40, VA 92, US 15 (NC/VA), US 264 ALT (Wilson, NC), NC 210, NC 50, US 501 (NC), NC 87, US 1 (NC), NC 42, US 401 (NC)

Day 4  (7-31-2022)

Clinched:  US 15 (VA), US 158 BUS (Oxford, NC), VA 364, US 33 (VA), US 33 BUS (Elkton, VA), WV 72, WV 46 (West)
New Mileage:  US 15 (NC), NC 96, US 158 (NC), VA 6, US 33 (WV), WV 28, WV 55, WV 42, MD 935 (unsigned)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: froggie on August 08, 2022, 07:48:23 am
Got my first (and probably only) decent roadtrip of the year for clinching purposes this past weekend to/from the Amsterdam/Schenectady roadmeet.  Largely filling in gaps I have in MA and NY but I managed to clinch 11 new routes.  Should have added enough mileage to nudge me back up to #8 for New York.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: webny99 on August 08, 2022, 08:28:53 am
I also added some new mileage in NY this weekend and clinched NY 89 and NY 13A. It won't affect the rankings, but it's a big step towards 30% completion in NY and a smaller step towards 5,000 miles.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: andrepoiy on August 08, 2022, 03:57:33 pm
After partaking in two large trips in Quebec, I have added a very large amount of mileage - and it's nearing the mileage I have in my home province of Ontario.

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on August 09, 2022, 09:24:16 pm
Day 1 (Harrisburg, PA, to Rochester, NY, via Niagara Falls, NY)

My trip to/from the Schenectady-Amsterdam Roadmeet (that included seeing froggie for about 10 minutes or so as I ran late on Saturday) was probably the second-most scenic roadtrip I have done so far (behind my driving in the Smokies in western NC in May 2022).

I left my apartment just after 1 AM on Friday and took US 22/US 322 WB to US 11/US 15 NB to Selinsgrove before crossing over the Susquehanna River via PA 61/PA 147 to check the signage on PA 405 in Sunbury and Northumberland.  Thankfully, all of the PA 147 shields have been replaced with PA 405 shields (and have been covered on the Susquehanna River Bridge).  I was thinking that US 147 in Northumberland may be replaced with US 405, but that did not happen for better or for worse.

Anyway, I was diverted to PA 147 at Ridge Rd whether I liked it or not as PA 405 is now closed between Ridge Rd and PA 45 so that the road can be realigned into a normal curve at the old PA 147/PA 405 intersection.  From there, it was PA 147 NB to I-180 WB to US 220 SB to PA 44 NB so that I could finish the full clinch of PA 44 that I worked on south of US 220 on the CSVT Trip about a month ago.  Then I followed NY 417 WB to NY 305 SB to PA 346 WB to PA 246 WB (as there is currently a bridge closure on PA 346) to PA 46 NB to the Bradford area.  After some Sheetz, it was back to PA 346 WB in Bradford to NY 280 NB to I-86/NY 17 EB to US 219 NB in Salamanca.

Then I took US 219 NB to I-90 to finish my national clinch of US 219.  Then I took I-190 NB, which I consider a sight clinch due to being able to see the Bridge to Canada, to the Niagara Falls area.  After touring the falls (wanting to be there all day) and driving around the area a bit, I followed NY 31 east from there to Rochester, and then took a nap before looping around Rochester to get NY 386 for the lowest route number game.

Clinched: PA 44, PA 446, PA 246, NY 280, US 219 (NY), NY 391, I-190 (NY), NY 61, Niagara Scenic Pkwy (Niagara Falls), LaSalle Expressway, US 62 BUS (Niagara Falls, NY), NY 31E, NY 271, NY 387, NY 383, NY 386, NY 531, Inner Loop
New Mileage: PA 144, US 6 (PA), NY 305, PA 446, PA 46, NY 242, I-90 (NY), NY 324, NY 104, NY 265, NY 182, NY 384, US 62 (NY), NY 31, NY 429, NY 93, NY 63, NY 33A, NY 33, NY 260, I-490 (NY)

Day 2 (Rochester, NY, to Latham, NY)

The main focus of the drive to Schenectady for the roadmeet was to clinch NY 31 and NY 5S.  While that was successful, I was over an hour late due to a walk clinch and actually driving the full detour of the NY 31 bridge closure over the Erie Canal east of Lyons.  After finishing NY 31, I clinched NY 233 before heading east to Utica to clinch NY 5S, which I consider as the most scenic shunpike route of all time (to the point that you can see the NYST for much of it).

After a fun roadmeet in which we saw off and on rain (and even a wedding party at our ice cream stop), I clinched I-890 and then took NY 7 east to NY 787 north so that I could take NY 32 south to NY 155 (but more on that later).  I did get dinner from DiBella's Subs at the suggestion of Doug Kerr which was good before calling it a night.

Clinched: NY 31, NY 317, NY 631, NY 233, NY 5S, NY 890, I-890 (NY), NY 103
New Mileage: NY 390, NY 21, NY 14, NY 104, NY 414, NY 89, NY 38, NY 690, NY 370, NY 48, NY 5, NY 26, NY 69, NY 28, NY 167, NY 80, NY 30, NY 67, I-90 (NY), NY 7, NY 32, NY 155

Day 3 (Latham, NY, to Harrisburg, PA)

I started the day clinching some routes that I covered parts of at vdeane's Capital District Meet in 2016 in the Albany are before driving back and forth across the amazing scenery in the Catskills (with another walk clinch due to a bridge closure along NY 212).  I eventually ended up taking NY 213 WB south from Kingston to NY 32 SB to NY 208 SB to NY 300 EB to Newburgh.  After circling Newburgh to get the northern piece of NY 94, I did a full on-clinch of NJ/NY 94.  I immediately put NJ 94 as my favorite route in NJ due to the great scenery in a state that is not really known for mountain scenery for the most part.  Once I completed the clinch at I-80 (since I had already clinched NJ 94 south of there), I took I-80 WB to Exit 310 in PA so that I could clinch River Rd (the only usanp road in PA).  Then I got food from Wawa after the rain calmed down before heading home via US 209 SB to PA 33 SB to US 22 WB to I-78 WB to I-81 SB.  The only highlights from that portion of the trip is that traffic has been shifted on the I-78 construction projects recently (to the south between Exits 35 and 45, and to the north at the Schuylkill River).

Clinched:  NY 155, NY 85A, NY 85, NY 140, NY 335, NY 296, NY 214, NY 375, NY 300, NJ/NY 94, River Rd (usanp)
New Mileage: NY 443, NY 32, NY 145, NY 23, NY 23A, NY 28, NY 212, US 9W (NY), NY 213, NY 208, NY 17A
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: webny99 on August 09, 2022, 10:19:01 pm
The main focus of the drive to Schenectady for the roadmeet was to clinch NY 31 and NY 5S.  While that was successful, I was over an hour late due to a walk clinch and actually driving the full detour of the NY 31 bridge closure over the Erie Canal east of Lyons.

Wow, nice! I haven't even clinched NY 31 and it's almost in my backyard.

And that is one heck of a detour to get around the canal bridge closure via NY 14, 104, and 414. It's way shorter to bypass using Montezuma St, but understood for clinching purposes.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on August 09, 2022, 10:23:46 pm
The main focus of the drive to Schenectady for the roadmeet was to clinch NY 31 and NY 5S.  While that was successful, I was over an hour late due to a walk clinch and actually driving the full detour of the NY 31 bridge closure over the Erie Canal east of Lyons.

Wow, nice! I haven't even clinched NY 31 and it's almost in my backyard.

And that is one heck of a detour to get around the canal bridge closure via NY 14, 104, and 414. It's way shorter to bypass using Montezuma St, but understood for clinching purposes.

However, it is one less point request for yakra to be concerned about.   ;)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on August 15, 2022, 10:54:50 pm
On the big summer road trip centered around a visit to Yellowstone, I was able to add about 1800 new TM-mappable miles, bringing my active+preview total over 98,300.

Almost 1000 of the miles were on the Interstate system, bringing me over 41,300 miles and over 84%.  Big winners by state were Wyoming with about over 560 new miles (filled in gaps in I-80, and completed all of I-25 north of Cheyenne, completing the state), Idaho with about 120 new miles (mostly I-15), Kansas with about 120 miles (I-135 and I-235), and Nebraska with about 100 new miles (I-80 west of I-76). Most new miles by route were on I-80 with about 400 (now at 100%), I-25 with about 300 (now at 100%), I-15 with about 140. I got my first travels on a few interstates: the western I-86, I-135 and I-235 in Kansas.  Mentioned above are the completed clinches of two big ones: I-80 and I-25, becoming my 2nd and 5th longest clinched routes. I finished up a few 3dis as well: I-135 Kansas, I-235 Kansas, and I-270 Ohio.

I also picked up about 1150 miles on U.S. Highways, bringing me over 37,500 miles in that system.  Big winners by state were Wyoming with over 400 miles (US 14 Greybull to Burgess Junction, lots of US 87 concurrent with I-25 and separate, some US 30), Nebraska at about 230 miles (lots of US 30), Kansas at about 170 miles (US 40 in the west, US 81 mostly concurrent with I-135), Idaho at about 160 miles (mostly US 20), Colorado at almost 125 miles (a little US 6, mostly US 40), Significant new miles by route came on US 30 with over 350 new miles (over 100 in Wyoming, over 200 in Nebraska), US 87 with over 275 miles (much of it the concurrency with I-25 but some other segments), US 40 with over 200 new miles (most substantially Limon to Oakley), US 20 with about 125 miles in Idaho and Wyoming, over 100 miles of US 26 (entirely concurrencies with other routes, I think), and about 100 miles of US 81 (I-135 plus some of the independent route south of there).

Outside of those, there were numerous first travels on and clinches of shorter routes in usaib, usausb, and various state systems.  Looks
like a total of 54 new connected routes traveled, and 20 new clinches of connected routes.  There were also a few very short travels on
routes near an interchange or intersection that were not long enough to justify marking an entire TM segment.  Oh well.

On a related note, only 16 new counties.  I'm at 1874.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: formulanone on August 16, 2022, 09:19:52 pm
This last month:

Finished US 431 in Alabama (and overall) when coming back from our latest trip down to Florida. Had about 100 miles scattered missing pieces.

Was in eastern Maryland for half a day for a client, onto to New Jersey via Delaware. Picked up a few state highways missing from my list (591, 562, 896) and snagged a road-going photo of 543 (didn't have one). Completed the remaining bit of the NJTP, all of I-280, I-287, and US 130. Claimed more mileage of US 1, US 202, and picked up NJ 26 and NJ 91 along the way. So I'm at just over 50% clinched in New Jersey, which makes it one of only 4 states for me above the halfway mark, though I figure Mississippi will drop lower once all the state highways are added.

Experienced multiple numerous flight cancellations out of Newark and got into Atlanta after midnight, well after the last flight left for HSV (which usually runs late, but not this time). Booked a rental car home, but stopped at a hotel at 2am. Woke up the next morning and saw the mysteriously-new "AL 4" shields in Birmingham, but no new mileage. Was in somewhat of a hurry to get home...

Left for Bermuda the following morning for the next work project. Was hoping to rent a car on Sunday, but more flight delays - American this time - mean getting to the hotel just before sunset. Customs and Immigration was a breeze with all the papers at hand (they check for a valid COVID-19 vaccination card, as well as the airline). Non-residents may not drive/rent gas-powered vehicles on the island, so I got around to renting a Renault Twizy, an electric "quadricycle" for two...though it appears to be a tight fit for the second passenger, choose the Citroen Ami instead for two adults over 5'6''. I drove about 40km and hit up all the parishes and cities except one. I looked around on the Bermuda Ministry of Transport site but couldn't find anything related to maps and road maintenance. Therefore, no new mileage but I had a memorable time. I'll post some photos on AARoads later on.

Onto Downeast Maine this week, and just picked up about 50 miles of US 1 so far...

I'm up to 32 states visited (+1 country) and 20+1 states/island nations overnighted this year...but will enjoy a work-from-home week in the next few days, if all goes to plan. 
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on August 18, 2022, 11:50:23 pm
Does anyone else name their trips? I do, sometimes. On Monday this week I completed XIT.

Although it's widely discredited now, the idea that the famously expansive XIT Ranch in the Texas panhandle was so named due to its presence in ten (X) counties In Texas stuck with me, and last year I began entertaining the idea of clinching ten US highways in Texas in a single go. Trips earlier this year sorted out what was doable, and so I put together a journey of eleven consecutive days (to enable X nights In Texas) traversing nearly all parts of the state (all but the Trans-Pecos and, ironically, the Panhandle) and bringing ten US highways to completion. Well, eleven, according to this site, although I'm not counting the oddball US 67 segment in Brashear as a completion since I still need several hundred miles of its tocayo. A few miles of re-clinching in Arkansas and a couple of short jaunts across the Red River into Oklahoma rounded out the plans and made it possible to finish each of the targeted routes within Texas's borders.

The path from Ohio to Texas is well-worn for me, so most of the way down used familiar roads. It would be nice if the NPS would finish up their work on the Natchez Trace and give me a fresh option, but I nonetheless appreciated the opportunity to fast-track to Louisiana and revisit some hyphenated routes in Harrisonburg that I'd previously missed clinching by a half-block each. After checking out what was happening at the east end of I-220 (nothing open, no signage posted), I headed to Marshall for night 1.

The next day brought my first new miles in Texas, and my first Whataburger in months shortly before noon. Tragedy struck about an hour later, as, walking, I failed to negotiate some uneven pavement at a rest area east of Greenville and landed on my chin. When the bleeding didn't stop on its own, I reluctantly headed to an urgent care facility, but not before picking up the Brashear segment, some miles of mainline 67, and scattered spurs and loops along the way. After receiving exactly one stitch, which was almost insulting, I returned to my scheduled drive, completing US 82 in the process, and made it to a tiny house at a campground just north of Denton for night 2.

After managing to not bleed all over my Airbnb host's home, I headed back up to Oklahoma and then mostly west until US 81 and US 70 were finished. From Paducah, I turned south and eventually ended up in Abilene for night 3, collecting several interstate business loops in the process.

The following morning took me on a US 283/183 loop north and south (clinching 283 along with numerous short grab-n-go routes along the way) and then sent me west on 67 and 87 toward my somewhat unkempt resting spot in Midland for night 4.

The first of three very long days took me in a mostly easterly direction, as I picked up the final miles of 183 and much of 190 and 84 on a very indirect route towards a much cleaner Airbnb on night 5 in Waco. Despite my arrival after 7:30, I still managed to do a quick tour of the city in order to nab a half-dozen short routes before bed.

An early rise the next morning let me collect the rest of the city's local routes, and set me on course to add US 84, 190, and 79 to my collection before lunch. I briefly considered leaving I-35 for the curious Texas 165 in East Austin, ultimately passing on it due to the heavy midday traffic, figuring I'd be passing by again at an early hour more conducive to city driving a couple days hence. From Austin, I headed straight west on US 290 and then took a very crooked combination of US 83, 377, and 277 through a surprising downpour down to Del Rio for some amazing tacos and a restful night 6 in an old adobe home.

Up early again, I wandered between Del Rio and San Antonio on my way to Eagle Pass, which provided me with more tacos and the end of US 57. From there, I headed to Laredo to drive two blocks of I-35 that magically appeared here a few months ago, and then turned back north to grab some business loops and finish Loop 1604 on the way to my Airbnb in Austin. The stitch was due to come out, but its placement was such that I couldn't take care of it myself, so I reluctantly visited another urgent care where no fewer than three people worked on me. I'm cautiously optimistic that TBDHIITL* won't fuss too much over this. Regardless, as I moved on from the unfortunate incident, I rested very well on night 7.

Although I had a light (11-hour) day planned, I nevertheless rose early to avoid Austin during the morning rush. On the way out, I discovered that, like many cemeteries, the Texas State Cemetery is officially closed between sunset and sunrise. Unlike many cemeteries, this one is also locked up tight, and so my hope of collecting the shortest State Highway in Texas had to be put on hold, since I wasn't in the mood to wait for two hours. Instead I headed to Houston on US 290, and clinched my tenth and final route in that set for the trip. However, the trip was far from over, so I headed back west to pick up more miles of both flavors of US 90 and a few miles of US 77, plus all the easy pickings along the way toward a comfortable night 8.

The next day I spent entirely in Houston and environs, mopping up lots of routes throughout a city I hadn't explored very much previously. I seem to be the first user to clinch Texas 99, a route I'd not touched on any prior visit. Greed took me north on I-45 to Conroe for Just One More Loop, an impulsive decision I regretted almost immediately as I noticed all the stopped southbound traffic I'd need to negotiate on the return trip. Avoiding it via backroads ended up taking even longer than my GPS claimed the interstate would have, so after figuring in another long wait for empanadas a few hours later, I eventually made it back to the previous night's Airbnb about three hours later than anticipated for a nonetheless peaceful night 9.

Fortunately, I had only a short journey to Longview planned for the following day, so I took it at a leisurely pace and only twice ventured off the plan to snag some nearby easy clinches. Arriving at the Airbnb for night 10 shortly after 6, I was happy to get some rest (and play with their energetic dogs) before the long haul home the next day.

That last day went according to plan, meaning it took a little more than 16 hours. Other than a few short routes adjacent to the most direct path, and a reclinch of US 412 at the Light, AR bypass, it was entirely devoted to a safe return home. That objective was achieved a few minutes before 10pm Monday. Most of the time since then I've been asleep.

Overall, the trip netted 4700 new miles and 208 clinched highways (1 interstate, 12 business interstates, 11 US highways, 37 US alternate/business/truck routes, 4 named freeways, 40 Texas spurs and 52 Texas loops, and various other routes in five states). It also brought me to 60.99% completion for the USA, based on our current active+preview systems.

Besides those, I also chose to clinch some routes not currently reportable on the site, namely the Hardy Toll Road's Airport Connector, Park Road 1836, and Loop 1910 in Andrews, plus a number of FM roads.

So XIT came through in 3 ways:
Next up is Mapkitten's return to California, although due to circumstances beyond our control, it's just a quick 3 days out/3 days back this year, so I'm not expecting much in the way of additional mileage.

* The Best Damn Health Insurance In The Land
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: vdeane on August 19, 2022, 09:59:47 pm
Does anyone else name their trips? I do, sometimes. On Monday this week I completed XIT.
I usually have name tags on mine in the text file where I save the route in Google Maps, note projected drive time, meal plans, odds and ends that couldn't be mapped in Google, etc.  Then when I write it down, I'll put that in the bottom right as a label (I usually write them down on the back of old receipts).  Usually they'll be based on route(s) or region(s) heavily featured, though regions have become less common now that I've largely finished NY.  Roadmeets have been used as names, with each leg as "Day 1", "Day 2", "Meet Day", etc. (with a similar system for other multi-day trips, although I have yet to successfully go on one that wasn't tied to a roadmeet or family gathering, leaving me thinking the idea is cursed), although these days I tend to only use the meet name for the meet day itself, with the trips to/from being under the regular system (although that is likely a symptom of my travel being in a smaller radius in the past 3-4 years, resulting in meet trips that are less direct since I'm filling in gaps rather than exploring new territory; I don't think I've had the opportunity to go on a big far-flung trip since my cousin's wedding in 2018).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: ntallyn on August 20, 2022, 08:16:30 pm
My wife and I took a recent trip to Wisconsin for a weekend workshop, but we tacked on a couple of extra days for county (and highway) collecting.

We flew in to MKE, and took a mostly CCW route primarily along I-43, WI 57, WI 32, WI 29, WI 55, US 8, WI 13, WI 80, WI 73, US 151, US 14, US 61, WI 81, and I-43. The wife got 48 new counties (I got 40), and we left most of the western portion for a similar trip to MSP some day (along with a couple easy touches adjacent to MI when we go get the UP). We had several closed bridges so some route changes on the fly.

In total, the following routes were claimed in part:
Interstates: 41, 43, 94, 794, 894
US highways: 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 41, 45, 61, 141, 151, 151Bus (Columbia)
WI routes: 11, 13, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29, 30, 32, 44, 47, 49, 52, 54, 55, 57, 60, 67, 69, 73, 78, 80, 81, 89, 91, 96, 119, 129, 131, 133, 144, 156, 171, 173, 213, 241
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: clong on August 21, 2022, 02:10:47 pm
Had a chance to add on to my AL State Routes this weekend.

Clinched AL 46 and 48 along with a re- clinch of AL 77.

Also added mileage and filled in gaps on AL 9,21 and 49.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on August 21, 2022, 05:09:26 pm
Yesterday morning, I got into NJ to get a few state routes before the Philly Day 1 Pre-Meet.

Clinched:  NJ 47, NJ 147, NJ 83, NJ 347, NJ 55
New Mileage:  US 9 (NJ)

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: cl94 on August 26, 2022, 06:50:16 pm
So, I just took a cross-country drive to move to the west coast. Clinches weren't the priority, but I did get several, while several other long routes had major sections driven.

New clinches: I-215 UT, I-180 WY, I-129 NE, I-75 BL Findlay OH, I-80 BL Laramie WY, OH 330, MI 216, IN 249, WY 273, WY 318, WY 70, WY 414, UT 44, UT 140, UT 154, several Nebraska spurs
Routes completed in a state: I-80 in NV and UT, US 20 in NE and IA, I-94 in IN
"Almost-clinches" of longer routes: WY 130

I-80 is over 2/3 complete, with most of the missing mileage in WY and NE. Most of US 20's missing mileage is in WY and west, with small sections missing around Chicago, Toledo, and Cleveland. I got around 3,000 new miles over the past 8 days.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on August 28, 2022, 09:52:46 am
Took an 18-hr U-turn yesterday:

New routes clinched in order: 
WV 26, WV 100, WV 69, WV 180, WV 39, WV 61 ALT, WV 211

New mileage:
WV 92 (Belington to US 50)
WV 7 (WV 2 to Kingswood)
WV 2 (St Marys to WV 18; WV 180 to WV 7)
WV 16 (Beckley to St Marys)

I also picked up the last 2 counties I hadn't been to in West Virginia
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on September 01, 2022, 08:11:18 pm
Took an overnight trip to Athens OH-Point Pleasant WV as my wife wanted to see the Mothman Museum and the Silver Bridge exhibit.

Got some more new mileage out of that...

New clinches in order:  WV 807, OH 807, OH 833, US 35 WV (reclinch - new segment), WV 817, WV 612, US 19 Byp Beckley

New mileage:  OH 7 (US 50 to OH 807); WV 62 (Mason to Henderson); WV 61 (US 60 to WV 94)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: ntallyn on September 07, 2022, 06:34:10 pm
A recent work trip to St. Pete gave me the opportunity to grab a few missing ends and things in Florida.

Followed FL 23 (clinched, finally), FL 21, FL 20, US 301, FL 464 (clinched), FL 35, US 301 (new mileage), FL 582 (new mileage), I-75, FL 60 (new mileage), FL 618 (new mileage), and FL 686 on the outbound route, and FL 688 (clinched), I-275, I-75, FL 326, US 301, and FL 228 on the return. Also was able to take a loop around the St. Pete area one evening and get new mileage on FL 688, FL 699 (clinched), FL 682 (clinched), US 19, US 19 Alt, US 92 (and concurrent FL 687), FL 694 (clinched), and FL 693. Probably one more trip to St. Pete will allow me to clinch the remaining routes.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on September 11, 2022, 12:03:15 am
A second round trip this year to Ithaca for another conference planning meeting gave me the chance to pick up a little over 200 new miles in usany.  Friday afternoon, I started by filling a NY 7 gap between Richmondville and Oneonta.  I might have traveled some or all of it long ago, possibly before all of I-88 way open, but I was never sure so never claimed it.  At Oneonta, I cut down to NY 357, which I hadn't ever traveled, and clinched all of that.  It was all new miles from Bainbridge almost all the way to Ithaca, as I took NY 206 to Whitney Point, then NY 26 to NY 38B (new clinch), NY 38, NY 96, and NY 96B (new clinch).  Today, I drove up the west side of Cayuga on NY 89 (which I'd only traveled the southernmost block previously), NY 31 for new miles across almost to Baldwinsville, then NY 631 around the north side of Baldwinsville (not quite clinched), then back to NY 31 to fill in my gap between Baldwinsville and Cicero.

This trip pushes me over 50% for all routes (across all active systems) in NY.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on September 12, 2022, 09:44:45 pm
Couple of recent trips:

Taking Mapkitten back to California took a week (3 days out, 3 days back). Added just shy of 600 miles and clinched 55 routes total, including 2 usaus (90 & 285), 8 usausb, and 13 usaib. Reached 100% of usaib in Arizona & Oklahoma and 100% of usaush in Kansas & Texas. Not much time for sightseeing on the way there. Plenty of tacos to make up for it.

Then for the ensuing 4-day holiday weekend (I have Fridays off) I fit in a solo trip originally planned for July that was designed to make up for what went awry with my May trip (due to flooding, mechanical problems, and border crossings with bankers' hours). First day took me to the former border crossing at the north end of US 75 (clinch #199 in the set) and eventually to Winnipeg for the night (but not before taking a spin around the Perimeter). Next day took me back across the border to ND, then back across the border to MB, then back to ND again, then across to SK, then finally back to ND for good around 2pm, headed for Bismarck. On the way I clinched US 83, the 200th US route for me according to TM classification. Sunday took me to the other Dakota and allowed me to finish off the US and AuxUS highways in the Black Hills, among other things. Labor Day was pretty much a straight shot home, timed to coincide perfectly with when everyone was leaving their hotels in Wisconsin Dells. However, the lack of normal traffic in Chicago more than made up for the delays in the Dells, so I pulled into my driveway several minutes before 10pm. Total new mileage this time was a bit over 1000, to go along with 30 more clinches, including the remaining US routes in MN, ND, and SD and remaining Business Interstates and Auxiliary US routes in SD as well.

I do not recommend crossing the US/Canada border 5 times in one day. First crossing Saturday (at 6:30 am) was smooth, with no delays or unusual questions. But going back across about 2½ hours later prompted some head-scratching on the part of the Canadians. My reason for entering Canada--donuts--was acceptable, as it should be, but my choice to go from one location in Manitoba to another location in Manitoba via another country seemed unconventional. I tried the "gas is cheaper down there" explanation, and it worked, so I was on my way. The US guy I encountered a little over an hour later accepted the same explanation with a bit of an eyeroll and a look inside my trunk. Still, I was through in a very fair 5 minutes. On to Saskatchewan! Arriving at Portal a little more than an hour and a half later, I pulled right up to the window and handed my passport to a very affable agent, who naturally asked why I was heading across. After some pleasantries, I pointed out that I had not visited the province in well over a decade, a time span when I'd found opportunities to visit every other province except Newfoundland & the Far North. She seemed to indicate that that was certainly a good reason to visit her province, but was curious about my route, which was somewhat circuitous. Of course I returned to my proven donut defense, adding "because you must be aware that Canadian donuts are superior to any in the States." She smiled and nodded knowingly, adding "Beer too," which I heartily endorsed, enthusiastically throwing the hard-working brewers and bartenders of my home country under the bus just for the opportunity to seize a few dozen miles of desolate highway in a faraway land. Anything to keep her smiling and nodding. "Okay, here's your passport," she said, finally, and along with it, the dreaded yellow card. "Pull into one of those parking spaces on the left and give this to the agent inside, who will assist you." So I dutifully parked and waited for assistance. Upon being asked, I repeated my story, and was shown to a seat in the waiting area. I watched the agent type a lot, speak to co-workers, and type some more. I looked around at the faces of the others waiting, all of whom appeared concerned, dejected, and/or regretful. Fifteen minutes passed, and finally he asked to speak with me. "You crossed the border what, four times on the way here?" I confessed to doing exactly that, and he just looked at me. "You're crossing at different locations each time, is there a reason?" Now, long ago, someone here had shared the very helpful tip that road-clinching was not a good reason for any international travel, and so I had avoided bringing it up. I teach geography, I said, and take photos to show my students. He wasn't buying it. I like changing things up, to avoid monotony. Nope. Finally, I confessed. "I like roads, and I've been on every mile of some of these roads, all the way to the border, so I wanted to finish them off while I was here." Surprisingly, his eyes lit up. THAT made total sense to him. "Oh, I see, well we didn't think of that, because we couldn't come up with any explanation why someone would do this." I asked if it was against the law, and pointed out that I intended to cross back over again after lunch. "No, it's certainly not illegal. It's unusual, but you're allowed to do it. You're free to go now." I thanked him and left quickly, appreciating my freedom to travel yet dreading what crossing number 5 would entail. After comparing Canadian A&W fare to the American version I'd had the previous day--Canada wins on food, the USA on root beer--I approached the guard south of Oungre anticipating another inquisition. Instead, there were only a couple of perfunctory questions and I was on my way. Evidently the folks at Portal had identified me as non-threatening.

So my summer ended on a high note. Nothing big planned for the fall, which looks to be busy with lots of other things. I hope the rest of you fit in something memorable in this perfect season for driving.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: rickmastfan67 on September 14, 2022, 10:54:53 am
Should have used the Kraft Dinner excuse. LOL!
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on September 14, 2022, 12:23:13 pm
Should have used the Kraft Dinner excuse. LOL!
I would have, except stores don't have the kind you're looking for anymore and I'm sure the border agents are aware of that unfortunate development.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: jayhawkco on September 15, 2022, 02:58:42 pm
I know they're not in TM yet, but I got some good mileage in Honduras and Nicaragua this past week.

NIC-1, NIC-3 (clinched), NIC-4, NIC-39, and NN-222 (clinched)

CA-3, CA-1, CA-13, and CA-5 (a beautiful drive)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on September 18, 2022, 10:58:28 am
I know they're not in TM yet, but I got some good mileage in Honduras and Nicaragua this past week.

NIC-1, NIC-3 (clinched), NIC-4, NIC-39, and NN-222 (clinched)

CA-3, CA-1, CA-13, and CA-5 (a beautiful drive)

Interesting!  Are the highways in these two countries defined accurately enough and signed well enough to make it possible to add them to TM?
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: si404 on September 18, 2022, 11:35:54 am
Pretty sure work was started on Central America.

Didn't seem to get far in terms of being 'online'.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Bickendan on September 20, 2022, 07:25:04 pm
Took a quick drive up to St Helens to investigate I-30's attempts to infiltrate the Pacific Northwest, and indeed, found a well-signed I-30 Business Loop here in Oregon.
Walked around St Helens' plaza for a few minutes to check out their annual Halloweentown festivities, happy to see a Spanish-style plaza here in my relative backyard.
Stopped by Fred Meyer in Scappoose on the way back to grab some caulking to plug up an ant entry in my kitchen and slogged back through traffic in Portland.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: cl94 on September 20, 2022, 11:27:47 pm
Took a drive out to Ely last weekend, which brought me to a hair over 30% in Nevada. Clinched NV 379, NV 439, NV 487, NV 488, UT 159, CA 158, and the roads inside Great Basin National Park over the weekend, as well as US 6, US 50, and US 395 within Nevada.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: nezinscot on September 21, 2022, 05:25:35 pm
I took several day trips out to northern and western Vermont in August and was finally able to complete Vermont.  I've now clinched all the roads in the six New England states, all on day trips except for Aroostook County Maine.

In terms of scenery I'd rate the states Vermont >> Maine > New Hampshire > Connecticut > Massachusetts >> Rhode Island.

I used most of the Vermont/Quebec border crossings that month, and the Canadian authorities began wondering why I was taking so many short trips into southern Quebec.  Research about Empire Loyalist ancestors.  Which I did do.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: jayhawkco on September 22, 2022, 04:05:46 pm
I know they're not in TM yet, but I got some good mileage in Honduras and Nicaragua this past week.

NIC-1, NIC-3 (clinched), NIC-4, NIC-39, and NN-222 (clinched)

CA-3, CA-1, CA-13, and CA-5 (a beautiful drive)

Interesting!  Are the highways in these two countries defined accurately enough and signed well enough to make it possible to add them to TM?

Definitely signed well at junctions. Reassurance markers are few and far between but do exist. I'm not sure about definitions and such. I tried to log onto the transportation ministry site in Nicaragua and got denied. I know we don't necessarily want to go off of it, but everything that Google Maps had seemed accurate when I was there.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on September 25, 2022, 07:07:45 pm
I did a little bit of northern MD clinching before yesterday's South Central PA Meet.

Clinched: MD 550, Park Central Rd, MD 26, MD 144, MD 125

No new mileage was gained on any other routes.  I also finished the clinch of US 40 TRUCK (Baltimore, MD).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: 7/8 on September 25, 2022, 09:50:36 pm
Canada wins on food, the USA on root beer

Huh, I find the root beer at Canadian A&W amazing (much better in store than the store-bought cans). I'll have to try it in the US at some point!

Here's my catalogue of new trips this year.

March: I took a trip to Vancouver and Whistler and got a bit more mileage on BC 99 (though the bulk of that drive I already did in 2021).

Summer: I took three trips to Montreal. Despite driving with other people on all three trips, I managed to get some clinching detours in (though a few drives were the boring direct 401...).
- Did a short detour down the 1000 Island Parkway, then up ON 137 back on to the 401. Also took a quick detour down ON 16 to the St. Lawrence and back on the 401, and similarly, clinched ON 49 and U-turned to the 401.
- From Cornwall, ON: ON 138 clinch, The 417 east, ON 34 clinch, QC 344, A-50 east, QC 148 southeast, QC A-640 to A-15. That trip got me two new QC counties (Argenteuil and Deux-Montagnes).
- From Kaladar, ON: ON north (with a stop at Bon Echo), ON 132 clinch, ON 60 east, ON 17 east, ON 417 clinch, A-40 to A-30.
- I wanted to get a ON 33 clinch and ON 62 south of Belleville, but I couldn't convince my brothers on that one. Hopefully next year. :)
I also got various mileage in Quebec including QC 328 and 338 at the ON border to avoid an accident, new mileage on A-40, A-440, A-15, QC 117, QC 132 and clinches of A-930, A-520, and QC 136Mon.

One day, I had to drive to Niagara Region (ON), so I took the long way via Fort Erie to get a clinch of the central and east portions of ON 3.

Edit: Also one day, from my parents trailer in Mt. Forest, I detoured to Kincardine via ON 9 for the clinch and to see the sunset on Lake Huron.

Fall: I took a trip with my brother down to Lexington, KY for a concert. On the way down, we did the mostly direct route, though got a clinch of the EC Row in Windsor, ON, some new mileage on M-39, I-75 in Cincinnati and I-75 south of the I-71 split (with three new KY counties), and some US routes in Lexington. On the way up, we detoured from Dayton to Findlay for five new OH counties by going OH 4 (with a stop at the US Air Force Museum), US 68 north to Bellefontaine (with a short detour of OH 540 and US 33 for high point Campbell Hill), and then US 68 north again to Findlay. We also took the Ohio Turnpike between I-75 and I-280 to get to my hotel, but more importantly to try my EZ Pass, which I haven't used once in my three years of owning it (thanks Covid! :pan:). The next day, we clinched M-85 into Detroit, and got mileage on M-1, M-3, and M-5 in downtown on foot. We also clinched the western portion of ON 3 and ON 77 with a trip to Point Pelee (the southernmost mainland point of Canada). All in all, a very successful route clinch and county collecting trip considering I wasn't alone!

Lastly, this weekend, I got ON 62 from Belleville to its north terminus, a clinch of ON 127, and new mileage on ON 28 (from Bancroft to ON 118). I've now surpassed 70% mileage of Ontario, and I'm exactly 15.00% behind Oscar (I'd need a trip or two to Northern Ontario to surpass him :D). Also, this year I've now completed both canonf Ontario Provincial Freeways and cannf Canada Select Named Freeways (within Ontario).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: dave1693 on October 01, 2022, 06:33:01 pm
My journeys for this summer were as expected: July trips between northern VA and eastern PA, the August trip to western PA (which for $REASONS, started in eastern PA but the return trip was a triangle going south first), August trips between the Lehigh Valley and Philly airport picking up and dropping off family around my parents' 60th anniversary, and September trips both between northern VA and eastern PA and between northern VA and the Northern Neck of VA. There was also one trip to New England in July for my cousin's memorial service.

New clinches, decidedly not in the order driven:
US 206 in NJ *and* in its entirety (my third nationwide unbannered US highway clinch?), US 30 Business (Everett PA), US 422 Business (Kittanning PA), US 422 Business (Indiana PA), PA 286 Truck (Indiana PA), PA 472, PA 611, PA 896, Betsy Ross Bridge *AT THE TIME I DROVE IT* (PA side) and NJ 90 (NJ side) all in one go, NJ 31, DE 286, MD 136, MD 268, MD 274, MD 277, MD 281, MD 284, MD 285, MD 286, MD 290, MD 781, VA 204, VA 235

New UNclinches:
PA 147 (with PA 147 being rerouted, there is one new segment I have not yet driven)
Betsy Ross Bridge (due to new extension being added)

New segments without clinching:
US 6 in PA, US 19 in PA, US 20 in MA, US 30 in PA, US 119 in PA, US 130 in NJ, US 322 in PA, US 522 in PA
MA 9, MA 12, MA 16, MA 27, MA 30, MA 135, CT 12, CT 171
PA 68, PA 108, PA 144, PA 153, PA 233, PA 258, PA 286, PA 388, PA 405, PA 949, PA 954
NY 52, DE 15, MD 7 (Baltimore-Harford Counties), MD 7 (Cecil County, Elkton east), MD 279, MD 299, MD 302, MD 313, Taconic State Parkway (NY)

Autumn trips are likely to be limited to the Mid-Atlantic thanks to family medical stuff.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: jayhawkco on October 03, 2022, 12:16:41 pm
Drove to Kansas City and back via southern Nebraska to get all of the counties south of I-80. Clinched a bunch of links and spurs, and got a bunch of mileage on many different highways (especially due to concurrencies), but the main NE routes I clinched were:

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on October 15, 2022, 11:26:47 pm
I just got back from an impromptu road trip to Kentucky and Indiana. This was inspired largely by my freezing my ass off at home, in a cold snap before my condo complex had planned to turn the heat on (it's now on, but in the meantime the cold snap went away). 

My main goals were to try to clinch US 421 overall, and reclinch US 127 which had been rerouted in southern Kentucky. I got the latter, but am still missing a few segments of 421 in Indiana, due to bridge closures and also highway reconstruction through one downtown. Indiana seems to have lots of bridge closures, complicated by its DOT's general reluctance to use county roads as signed detours around the closures.

I also re-clinched several counties in Kentucky for my "round 2" count (for which I try to visit the county seats, rather than just crossing the plane of the county line like I often did for "round 1"). These included one that is among the least-visited lower-48 counties by users.

I would have taken only four days, except for a deer colliding with my car on the Indiana Toll Road (I-80/90) the evening of day 3. No injuries, and my car was still drive-able once my rear bumper was remounted the following morning. But lots of other body damage on the driver's side of my car, including both doors and the front fender, which will undoubtedly take a fair amount of money (mostly my insurance company's) and time to fix.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on October 16, 2022, 08:48:02 am
I would have taken only four days, except for a deer colliding with my car on the Indiana Toll Road (I-80/90) the evening of day 3. No injuries, and my car was still drive-able once my rear bumper was remounted the following morning. But lots of other body damage on the driver's side of my car, including both doors and the front fender, which will undoubtedly take a fair amount of money (mostly my insurance company's) and time to fix.

Sorry about that. 
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: dave1693 on October 17, 2022, 12:19:06 am
I would have taken only four days, except for a deer colliding with my car on the Indiana Toll Road (I-80/90) the evening of day 3. No injuries, and my car was still drive-able once my rear bumper was remounted the following morning. But lots of other body damage on the driver's side of my car, including both doors and the front fender, which will undoubtedly take a fair amount of money (mostly my insurance company's) and time to fix.

Yikes! I hate collisions with deer. Glad you are okay, but sorry about your car.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on October 20, 2022, 11:27:02 pm
I was able to pick up about 140 new miles by taking the slow route to the Allentown area today.  Along the way, I finished off NY 17, driving the 11 miles I was missing between East Branch and Hancock.  It's now my 12th-longest clinched connected route in TM.  I don't think I'll have time on Saturday's drive home to get as much new mileage, but the fact that I'm closing in on 99,000 is a motivation to see what I can do.  I'm thinking PA 611 to NJ 94 but by the time I do those, I'll probably want to hop over to the Thruway for the rest of the ride.  Any thoughts on how slow NJ 94 would be on a late Saturday afternoon in October?
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on October 21, 2022, 01:25:53 am
From my drive on NJ 94 SB on a Sunday Afternoon in August, I would think you would be fine.  I would be more concerned about traffic on NY 94 than NJ 94. (This is one of those times that we all wish Alps was involved in TM.)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on October 22, 2022, 11:15:05 pm
I did take NJ and NY 94 and yes, in NJ the ride was pleasant and pretty quick.  Into NY, it was a mess, mostly getting through Warwick.  No idea what was going on there, but the number of pedestrians and people trying to make left turns and trying to find parking meant several light cycles to get through.  The pumpkin patches, haunted hay rides, corn mazes, and apple picking places in the area were packed and causing some traffic problems.

So on the day, I picked up the last chunk of PA 33 between I-78 and US 22, took PA 611 up to catch NJ/NY 94.  I didn't stay on 94 past Florida, instead 17A up to Goshen, then 207 to 747 then onto I-84 and the Thruway.

I ended the day 10 miles short of 99,000 in active+preview.  Not sure when I'll be able to pick up those 10 miles.  There's not much close to home that I could add.

On the whole trip, I picked up almost 250 new miles: 14 usaus (US 6), 42 usanj (NJ 94, now clinched), 87 usany (NY 10, NY 206, NY 17, now clinched, NY 94, first mileage, NY 17A first mileage, NY 207 first mileage, NY 208 first mileage, NY 747 first mileage), 106 usapa (PA 33, now clinched, PA 191, PA 309, PA 378, first mileage now clinched, PA 309Trk, now clinched, PA 402, first mileage, now clinched, PA 412, first mileage, PA 590, first mileage, PA 611).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: kjslaughter on November 01, 2022, 10:36:04 am
Spent a beautiful fall day last Friday and went up the Cherohala Skyway clinching a few roads en route as well.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on November 02, 2022, 05:33:26 pm
So the last two weekends I have gotten to do roadgeeking again with my temporary rental car while my normal car finally being in the shop, but not all was fun and games as we will see in Trip 2.  Thankfully, the rental car is running fine even though the right-front tire has gone low on air a few times.

Trip 1-Erie, PA, Trip (October 21-23, 2022)

Part 1-Through Western PA

I started off heading towards Bedford via already clinched mileage (with a full reclinch of PA 747) and quadrant routes.  Once I got past Bedford, I took PA 31 WB towards Berlin before using White Horse Rd (SR 2023) and PA 160 SB to access Old US 219 SB (SR 2047).  I took Old US 219 to PA 653 WB clinching that route before looping around Connellsville and eastern Westmoreland County to clinch PA 711.  Then after some looping around Greensburg to get the current PA Turnpike System clinched, I took US 30 WB to PA 8 NB to PA 380 WB to Downtown Pittsburgh before taking the Liberty Bridge/Tunnel to PA 51 NB to US 19 SB.  After reaching PA 519, I meandered around a bit to enter PA 576 NB from Morganza Rd.  I left PA 576 NB at US 22 EB to head back to US 30 WB to finally clinch that route in PA.

Clinched: PA 653, PA 711, US 30 (PA), PA 66 BUS (Greensburg)
New Mileage:  US 119 (PA), PA 982, PA 66, PA 130, PA 819, PA 8, PA 380, US 19 (PA)

Part 2-Pittsburgh, PA, Area to Erie, PA, Area

After continuing on US 30 through WV (and a detour to clinch WV 8 as well), it was mostly OH 11 and friends up past Youngstown all the way to Ashtabula (cue complaints from osu-lsu for missing his meet there).  After looping to clinch OH 531, PA 215, and PA 226, it was on to clinch US 6N before starting to work on Erie itself.

Clinched: US 30 (WV), WV 8, OH 11, OH 169, OH 711, OH 531, PA 215, US 6N, PA 226
New Mileage: US 30 (OH), OH 39, OH 7, OH 46, I-680 (OH), OH 193, OH 289, OH 534, US 20 (OH/PA), PA 5, OH 84, PA 18

Part 3-Erie, PA, and Jamestown, NY

Most of this portion of the trip was driving back and forth all over NW PA and western NY.  I also clinched the Bayfront Pkwy before District 1 starts construction on the improvement project for it next year, and took a drive through Presque Isle State Park.  The clinches of PA/NY/PA 426, PA 427, PA 428, and PA/NY 430 all helped in the lowest-numbered route game.

Clinched: PA 97 (North), PA 290, PA/NY 430, *PA 505, PA 832, PA 955, PA 531, PA 5 ALT (Erie), I-86 (PA), PA/NY 474, PA 89, PA/NY/PA 426, PA 408, PA 428, ***PA 8 BUS (Oil City), PA 417, PA 427
New Mileage: US 6 (PA), PA 8, US 19 (PA), I-90 (PA), I-79 (PA), US 20 (PA), PA 98, PA 5, NY 76, **I-86 (NY), NY 394, PA 27, PA 69, PA 77, US 62 (PA), PA 227

*I saw PCMS signs saying that PA 505 was being closed on 10/22 so I had to clinch it on 10/21.
**Still saw NY 17 signage on the portion I clinched west of the NY 430 connector (Exit 11).
***The District 1 office can be accessed when driving this route NB.

Part 4-Heading Home

Basically, this starts at the PA 27/PA 227 intersection at PA 36 in Pleasantville.  I basically took PA 36 SB to Punxsutawney to finish that route, then US 119 NB to its northern terminus at US 219, and then US 219 SB (again it seems) to PA 879 EB to PA 144 SB to PA 150 SB to I-99 SB to US 322 EB.  I quickly (after bypassing downtown State College) checked out the realigned PA 26/PA 45 intersection before taking PA 45 EB to PA 147 to check out the four-laned CSVT and the realigned PA 405 before heading home via US 11/US 15 and US 22/US 322.

Clinched:  PA 36, PA 879
New Mileage: US 119 (PA), PA 144

Trip 2- Sick VA/MD Trip 10-30-2022

I decided to go to my parents' house last weekend (went for time Friday night so nothing to report there except that there was no congestion getting onto I-95 SB in Fredericksburg even though I-81 SB had some north of Hagerstown, MD), and ended up being sick as I woke up Sunday Morning. While I maybe should have thought better of it, I moved forward with the full trip anyway.  It started with driving the new US 301 Nice Bridge while working more on VA and MD stuff afterwards (finishing all TM mileage in Northern VA, driving the new I-66 HOT Lanes between US 29 and VA 28, and driving the main continuous Braddock Rd corridor (via SR 705, SR 620, VA 28, SR 7783, and SR 620 from US 15 to VA 244)).

I got back to Harrisburg around 10 PM ET so it did work out.  I am slowly getting better as the week progresses.

Clinched: MD 225, MD 210, MD 414, VA 236, VA 420 (unsigned), VA 7, VA 401, VA 402, VA 338, VA 193, MD 190, MD 189, MD 112, MD 124, MD 94
New Mileage: MD 224, MD 28

I also want to note that on Saturday I convinced my friend to reclinch VA 895 with me as I wanted to document the new VA 281 signage.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on November 06, 2022, 02:39:40 am
I have clinched my first larger region now: Baden-Württemberg ( with more than 9,000 miles :) I traveled the last five sections yesterday, which were under construction earlier this year. Of course, I also clinched the deubwl system now.
I'm already at 93.57% for Bavaria ( with its almost 14,000 miles, the largest German region. I'll try to clinch 99.x% this winter but there is also some long-term construction and I will likely only be able to reach 100% in 2024.

I traveled a lot through Germany* during the pandemic and have clinched 77.25% of the German federal road system deub ( now, and I have over 50% in all states (only RP is below 60%). The total clinch rate was 67.79% at the end of 2021. 58.95% at the end of 2020, 41.85% 2019, 35.4% 2018, 29.3% 2017, and 24.0% at the end of 2016. I think that I will add more mileage in the coming months but don't focus too much on 100% since I also want to go on international travels again :) I got first mileage in Cyprus ( and Turkey ( in September or October this year. I hope that I'll manage to visit Iceland ( and Kosovo ( in 2023 where I've never been so far. The last remaining European countries on my list are likely not the places to go in 2023: Moldova ( and Ukraine ( :(

*I was always on the road for minimum two days per weekend this summer from Mid of May to end of August except of one weekend when I was tested positive and had to stay at home - but felt well. I did not only travel by car but also a lot by train since Germany had a nice offer this summer to travel local and regional trains for just 9 € / month ( because of the energy crisis.

I've been to Poland in September and reduced the missing numbers (0-999) ( from 11 to 8:
Code: [Select]
767 780 781 900 960 965 976 996
All missing numbers are found in Germany or France but there's no hurry.

Last days saw me on the road trying to travel as many roads for missing numbers as possible. I was in Belgium and western Germany because beln ( and deunwl ( have routes up to 998 or 969.
I managed to reduce the missing numbers (0-999) from 93 to 11 :) My lowest missing number is 767 now (
Code: [Select]
Missing Numbers:
767 780 781 797 799 900 960 965 976 987 996
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: froggie on November 06, 2022, 08:51:00 pm
Today marked the first day in an almost 2-week trip I'm taking down to Florida and back.  Got as far as northern New Jersey, clinching several state routes and route segments in CT, NY, and NJ in the process, though I was thwarted in my attempt to finish CT 10 due to a nasty crash.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: julmac on November 08, 2022, 02:57:12 pm
Had a bit of an unexpectedly longer and more inconvenient trip than planned on my way home to Edmonton from a music seminar in Powell WY last month.

My route included MT SR306 and 300 plus the 14-mile or so gap between the two on county roads. I wasn't too concerned about getting through despite that there had been rain in the area recently, as my Montana gazetteer showed an all-weather connector route. Well, it turns out that four miles of the road had no gravel whatsoever, which combined with over two inches of rain that had occurred the previous night created a thick layer of mud that was simply not going to let me through in my Prius. On top of that the first sign of the mud patch didn't reveal itself until I was into a 400-ft plus elevation drop, past the point where I could abandon route and turn around. I had my fingers crossed that the gravel would resume at the bottom of the hill - it didn't. I was forced to walk about two miles on to the nearest farmhouse where, fortunately, a nice fellow was home and was able to tow me out and back to his property where the state route (and the gravel) roadway resumed. I thanked him for the tow and for disrupting his Sunday morning. He was happy to help but quite surprised to encounter someone using their road as a through route.

The rest of the day went according to plan, except that for some reason I got sent to secondary screening at customs (perhaps because I failed to declare importing all the mud that the car had collected?  ;D)
I'm accustomed to travelling on unpaved routes throughout the secondary systems of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Montana but so far this is the first time that I've experienced any logistical problems.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on November 14, 2022, 08:07:20 pm
My trip to see Froggie in Maryland last Monday got me clinches of MD 117, MD 28, and MD 216.

On Saturday, I headed east to NJ to clinch NJ 35 (kinda a 10-year anniversary of Sandy trip) and other routes before I turn in the rental this week for either a vehicle for my parents or nothing temporarily until that one part comes in...

Clinched: NJ 38, NJ 68, NJ 72, NJ 167 (North-unsigned), NJ 37, NJ 35, NJ 66, NJ 71, NJ 59 (mostly unsigned), NJ 82, NJ 124
New Mileage: US 9 (NJ), US 202 (NJ), NJ 23
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: dave1693 on November 16, 2022, 02:28:52 pm
In my near-clinch of NJ 28 (not yet reported) weekend before last, I passed the north end of NJ 59. Saw the blade sign with the 59 on it, even. But it was dark and I was both exhausted and running late so I didn't make the side trip. Some day!
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on November 16, 2022, 02:50:21 pm
In my near-clinch of NJ 28 (not yet reported) weekend before last, I passed the north end of NJ 59. Saw the blade sign with the 59 on it, even. But it was dark and I was both exhausted and running late so I didn't make the side trip. Some day!

Yeah, I did not know that NJ 59 was a thing until I clinched NJ 28 back in February. 
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: froggie on November 16, 2022, 10:11:28 pm
Clinched: NJ 68

Did you actually go on base?  The zero milepost is inside the gate at Dix-McGuire...

In the meantime, tomorrow is the final day of a 12-day trip for me that took me down to Florida and back to see friends, family, roadgeeks, and the House of the Mouse...including Oscar and Markkos who mentioned it upthread.  Did a goodly bit of clinching on the way down and back as well.  I'm still "stuck" in 12th place, but I've picked up mileage and clinched routes in 11 states on this trip.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on November 17, 2022, 06:29:26 am
Clinched: NJ 68

Did you actually go on base?  The zero milepost is inside the gate at Dix-McGuire...

In the meantime, tomorrow is the final day of a 12-day trip for me that took me down to Florida and back to see friends, family, roadgeeks, and the House of the Mouse...including Oscar and Markkos who mentioned it upthread.  Did a goodly bit of clinching on the way down and back as well.  I'm still "stuck" in 12th place, but I've picked up mileage and clinched routes in 11 states on this trip.

I was not intending to, but I went past the Visitor Center entrance and did not see a turnaround.  Basically, I got to the gate and told them I was going to just turnaround.  They just took my license and gave it back to me on the other side.  I could not even get to the circle because police cars were blocking it as early as I was there (probably between 5-6 AM), but I did see it so close enough.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on November 21, 2022, 03:14:38 pm
I am currently borrowing a vehicle from my parents until my car finally gets fixed (hopefully this week).  Anyway getting it over the weekend led to more MD clinching yesterday.

Clinched: MD 6, MD 224, MD 425, MD 344, MD 227, MD 925, MD 382, MD 202, MD 201, MD 212, MD 650

No other routes gained any new mileage.

Chances are that I will be 100% in MD in Travel Mapping by the end of 2023.  Part of the issue is that I missed a segment of MD 575 along US 113 that I will probably do when the US 9 TRUCK realignment in Georgetown, DE, opens.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on November 26, 2022, 09:57:41 am
It was just a short down and back last night to see the Harry Potter Forbidden Forest Experience at FDR State Park near Yorktown Heights, NY.  And mostly on familiar roads.  But there were a couple of small TM accomplishments for me.  Most notably, a little creativity in my routing nudged me over 99,000 miles in active+preview.  I also closed a gap in US 9 between Fishkill and Wappingers Falls, meaning I have all of it north of Tarrytown.  I clinched the Bear Mountain Parkway segment in Peekskill, picked up a few miles of US 202 and NY 35, and traveled my first small segment of NY 118.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on November 26, 2022, 01:36:08 pm
I would have taken only four days, except for a deer colliding with my car on the Indiana Toll Road (I-80/90) the evening of day 3. No injuries, and my car was still drive-able once my rear bumper was remounted the following morning. But lots of other body damage on the driver's side of my car, including both doors and the front fender, which will undoubtedly take a fair amount of money (mostly my insurance company's) and time to fix.

My Subaru (what I drove out to Kentucky and Indiana last month) came out of the body shop last week. But while I was out of town for that trip, the catalytic converter was stolen from my Prius (old car, I use only for local travel). Then as soon as that was fixed, I had to return the Prius to the shop, to fix a flaky computer module that controls the instrument panel. Those repairs were also completed last week.

With both of my cars basically out of service for about a month, I had to use a rental, both for local travel and also a short trip to northern Maryland for my niece's wedding (no new mileage for that trip). But I was able to take my Subaru to visit my sister for Thanksgiving dinner. She recently moved to Pennsylvania between Chambersburg and Gettysburg. I gnawed away at some previously untraveled state routes near her new home, and will probably do more of same for Christmas Eve.

I spent Black Friday catching up on overdue mechanical maintenance on my Subaru. While that was underway, I traveled the extension of Metrorail's Silver Line to Ashburn VA via Dulles International Airport. The extension (not mappable on TM, unless and until it expands to rail transit routes) opened earlier this month. On my way back from Ashburn, I got off at the Dulles station. That station, and an adjacent parking garage, are connected to the airport terminal by a long pedestrian tunnel, fortunately with moving walkways. In the gap between the first and second set of walkways, there are interesting maps posted on the tunnel walls, showing the local highway network as it existed in the 1950s and 1960s when the airport was planned and built in what then was the middle of nowhere. The maps showed, among other things, US 211 extending east of the Capital Beltway (later truncated to Warrenton), VA 350 before it was upgraded to I-95/I-395, and US 240 before it was downgraded to MD 355.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on November 27, 2022, 05:32:56 pm
It looks like my car now will be fixed by mid-December....

Anyway, drove back yesterday to avoid the rain and continue piece-mealing MD routes.  This one should have completed the signed MD Routes in the DC area in TM.

Clinched: MD 229, MD 223, MD 214, MD 332, MD 704, MD 193, MD 586, MD 182, MD 115

No other routes gained any new mileage.

Interestingly, MD home football games allow for parking along the shoulder of MD 193 in the area.  However, the PCMS made it clear that tailgating is banned along MD 193 itself.  There was also construction further west that had MD 193 four-lane undivided over a bridge.  I think this was east of MD 212.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: jayhawkco on November 28, 2022, 07:58:19 pm
Had back to back weekends of travels. Went to Wisconsin for a funeral and managed to clinch all of my remaining Wisconsin interstate mileage (I-39, I-41, I-43, and I-894) as well as WI17, WI119, and WI441.

Went down to Albuquerque to visit my brother and sister-in-law for Thanksgiving and clinched NM68, NM240, NM378, NM515, and NM522.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: froggie on November 29, 2022, 08:41:28 am
There was also construction further west that had MD 193 four-lane undivided over a bridge.  I think this was east of MD 212.

Probably related to the Purple Line, which will run along University/193 from Piney Branch Rd (MD 320) to Campus Dr.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: clong on December 02, 2022, 01:45:35 pm
Added just over 100 miles of AL State Highways this week on a quick day trip to Auburn.

New mileage:
AL22 between I-65 and US280
AL14 added the connection between AL147 and AL14 in west Auburn
AL49 from US280 to the AL22/49 split north of New Site
Another AL22 segment from the AL22/49 split north of New Site back to US280
AL115 clinch
AL9 from the southern end of AL115 to US280

This made some substantial progress for me in East Central Alabama (south of I-20, east of I-65, north of I-85).
Leaves about 70 miles north of US280 and about 75 miles south of US280.
This also put me within about 50 miles of the halfway point for Alabama State Highway mileage overall.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on December 11, 2022, 07:42:06 pm
I did a trip yesterday mainly to go see the new Exit 163 on I-80.  Before that portion of the trip though, I went to I-86 and back basically.

I started by taking US 22/US 322 WB to US 11/US 15 NB.  Then it was PA 147 NB to I-180 WB to US 220 NB (to finish clinching US 220 in PA).  After a quick loop to clinch PA 199 (one of those roads that you can tell which parts have been recently improved and which have not), I took I-86 WB to NY 427 WB (with a quick clinch of NY 367) to PA/NY 328 WB.  I did head north to US 15 via PA 287 NB and PA 49 WB before doing a full clinch of PA 287 SB down to US 220 near Jersey Shore.

From there, it was lunch at Sheetz before checking out the new I-80 Exit 163.  After looping back and forth to see that, I took PA 150 SB through Bellefonte to see where the wall had recently collapsed.  Then it was PA 26 SB into State College, but I bypassed downtown via University Blvd and Whitehall Rd.  Once I got back to PA 26 on the southeast side of town, I took PA 26 SB to see the new signal at the recently improved intersection at the north end of the PA 45 concurrency.  From there it was just PA 45 EB to US 322 BUS (State College) EB to US 322 EB back to Harrisburg.

Besides clinching US 220 in PA (which gives me a full clinch of US 220 north of VA 419 in Roanoke, VA), I also finally clinched Bradford County, PA, which was the final county I need to clinch in PA.

Clinched: US 220 (PA), PA 199, NY 427, NY 367, PA/NY 328, PA 287
New Mileage: PA 87, *I-86 (NY), *NY 17, **NY 34, NY 14, PA 49, US 6 (PA), PA 660, PA 414

*Includes portion in PA maintained by NYSDOT
**Counting because of 1PPI with the PA/NY border craziness there
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on December 27, 2022, 01:17:17 pm
With no new travels expected before the year is out, I was looking at my jt2022 stats to see how things went for the year.  I traveled on a little over 10,000 miles of TM-clinchable routes in 25 states plus DC.  No international travel this year.

Overall, a few trips to central NY and two into PA gave me the chance to pick up some coverage relatively close to home.  The big gains on the year were on the summer Yellowstone trip.  I added over 4000 miles to my active+preview total.

Significant gains by system:

usai: almost 1000 new miles, 5 new clinches (I-80, I-25, I-270 OH, I-135 KS, I-235 KS), but I lost my southern I-35 clinch
usaus: about 1200 new miles, but no first-ever travels on any route or new complete clinches
usany: about 850 new miles, first travels on 28 routes, 15 new clinches
usapa: almost 200 new miles, first travels on 15 routes, 5 new clinches

By region:

NY: over 900 new miles
PA: about 275 new miles
NE: almost 350 new miles
WY: about 600 new miles
ID: about 325 new miles
KS: over 200 new miles
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on December 27, 2022, 02:12:57 pm
Tuesday, December 20th, was the Smithfield's Chicken-N-BBQ with my mom.  I need to be mindful of her freaking out at me night driving moving forward.   ;D

Anyway, the main focus of this trip was taking US 460 EB to Suffolk and then VA/NC 32 SB to Washington, NC, (going all the way east to Belhaven to get that dreaded section of US 264 I missed back in April), then it was NC 33 to Greenville before looping around to clinch US 264 ALT and NC 11 BYP.  Then it was generally rerouted US 264 WB (I clinched I-587 back in April when it was not signed yet) to US 264 ALT WB in Wilson (where we finally stopped at the restaurant) before continuing on US 264 ALT WB to NC 39.  From there, it was old US 264 (which may be rerouted to end in Zebulon when all is said and done) to NC 97 WB to NC 96 NB to US 401 NB (both directions are on their final alignments in one lane each direction right now) to NC 56 EB (because I confused NC 581 and NC 561) to NC 58 NB to NC 561 EB to NC/VA 35 NB back into VA.  Once in Courtland, it was SR 616 EB to US 460 WB in Ivor and went back to my parents' house from there.

Clinched: NC/VA 32, US 17 BUS (Edenton, NC), US 264 (NC), NC 306 (Bayview), NC 92, US 264 ALT (Greenville, NC), NC 11 BYP (Greenville), US 258 BUS (Farmville, NC), NC 581 TRUCK (Bailey), NC/VA 35
New Mileage: NC 37, NC 94, US 17 (NC), US 64 (NC), NC 45, NC 99, US 17 BUS (Washington, NC), NC 33, NC 43, US 13 (NC), NC 11, US 258 (NC), NC 121, NC 91, NC 58, NC 581, NC 561, NC 305

The main accomplishment here beyond finally clinching US 264 was that I believe that clinching VA 32 and VA 35 gives me all TM mileage in VA east of I-95.  Once I finally update my list file, you can clarify via the map.   ;)

I was off of work for the Christmas holiday yesterday so I did more work in WV, but the roads (especially higher elevations) were icier than expected.  All was fine at the end of the day other than the TPMS light on my parents' Toyota being more annoying than my Honda that I am begging to drive again.

The main accomplishments yesterday were clinching US 250 in VA, fully clinching WV 28, and clinching my leftover signed western MD routes of MD 38 and MD 956.

Clinched:  VA 6, VA 6Y (may be unsigned...), US 250 (VA), WV 28, WV 66, WV/VA 84, WV 42, MD 38, MD/WV 956
New Mileage:  VA 20, VA 151, US 250 (WV), WV 39, WV 55
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on December 28, 2022, 03:44:38 am
I drove to my sister's place near Chambersburg in south-central Pennsylvania, for Christmas Eve, returning home on Christmas day. While I was at it, I clinched many of the Pennsylvania state routes in the I-81 corridor south of the Pennsylvania Turnpike.

My new route clinches included PA 16, PA 163, PA 233, PA 433, PA 533, PA 643, PA 696, PA 914, and PA 997. I also traveled new segments of PA 174, PA 274, PA 641, and PA 850.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: clong on December 29, 2022, 01:13:23 am
I spent the day finishing off several small pieces of US Highways in AL (and spilled over into MS in the process).

Added a small piece of AL14 from I-20/59 to US11 in Eutaw.
Clinched US11 in AL by getting the section from Eutaw to the MS line and continued to I-20/59 back North to AL Exit 1 and back to US80.
Clinched US80 in AL by getting the section from there to US43 in Demopolis.
Added about half of the 111 miles I was missing on US43 in AL getting the section from Demopolis to Grove Hill.
Added the biggest of the 4 remaining sections on US84 in AL getting the section from Grove Hill to the MS line and continuing on to Waynesboro.
Added about 50 miles on US45 in MS from Waynesboro to I-20/59.
Continued North on US45 and US45Alt in MS until I reached Clay County, MS - previously the closest county to home I hadn't entered. Chickasaw County, MS now holds that honor.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on December 31, 2022, 03:00:06 am
2022 was a good year in terms of TM mileage :) I got additional 11,394 miles*

My year end stats, total mileage active+preview systems (

Code: [Select]
End of 2013:   9,615 mi
End of 2014:  16,818 mi = + 7,203 mi
End of 2015:  19,169 mi = + 2,351 mi
End of 2016:  36,983 mi = +17,814 mi (~5,500mi deub system added)
End of 2017:  58,190 mi = +21,207 mi (~2,500mi deubyst, deubwl, deuhel, deunwl, deurpl, deusll systems added)
End of 2018:  70,811 mi = +12,621 mi (~400mi remaining deuxxl systems added)
End of 2019:  84,520 mi = +13,709 mi
End of 2020:  92,967 mi = + 8,447 mi
End of 2021: 101,111 mi = + 8,144 mi
End of 2022: 112,505 mi = +11,394 mi

*A not yet processed update for Poland's DK8 due to a S61 opening should (temporarily) steal some miles though - the future DW-number is still unknown.

2022 was also a very good year in terms of the "missing number challenge (".

Missing numbers 0-999:
Code: [Select]
767 780 781 900 960 965 976 996
I think about a 2023 travel to Dijon for catching 3 or 4 of them.

Missing numbers 1000-1185 (end of the game for Europe, since there is no European 1186 route in TM right now):
Code: [Select]
1000 1018 1065 1067 1069 1094 1109 1139 1146 1166 1167 1169 1174 1176 1178
My 2022 travels to Thuringia removed a lot of numbers from the list :)
3 routes are in France (1000, 1018, 1109), the rest calls for a trip to England (London, Peterborough, Norwich).

Last but not least, my stats by country (Top 10):

Code: [Select]
1. DEU 44257.62 mi
2. FRA 12181.41 mi
3. ESP  5733.01 mi
4. ITA  5165.52 mi
5. GBR  4987.89 mi
6. SWE  4255.68 mi
7. POL  3391.17 mi
8. FIN  2732.99 mi
9. DNK  2606.70 mi
10. CHE  2394.03 mi

Germany got most in 2022 due to a lot of day trips and weekend trips. Poland(!), France and Switzerland of the Top10 also got mileage in 2022.
Turkey and Cyprus got first mileage - including first miles in Asia :)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: webny99 on December 31, 2022, 02:14:24 pm
With no new travels expected before the year is out, I was looking at my jt2022 stats to see how things went for the year.  I traveled on a little over 10,000 miles of TM-clinchable routes in 25 states plus DC.  No international travel this year.

Interesting! I was thinking about doing the same. How do you pull your stats for a single year? I have my .list file organized by date so I could copy everything from 2022 to a separate .list file and and submit that to be uploaded, but I wasn't sure if that was the easiest way to do it.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on December 31, 2022, 05:09:29 pm
With no new travels expected before the year is out, I was looking at my jt2022 stats to see how things went for the year.  I traveled on a little over 10,000 miles of TM-clinchable routes in 25 states plus DC.  No international travel this year.

Interesting! I was thinking about doing the same. How do you pull your stats for a single year? I have my .list file organized by date so I could copy everything from 2022 to a separate .list file and and submit that to be uploaded, but I wasn't sure if that was the easiest way to do it.

I've been starting a new list each year, updating it as I travel all year.  I've now got jt2020, jt2021, and jt2022, soon to be joined by jt2023.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on January 02, 2023, 07:22:38 pm
Despite missing out on a trip last week, I had a decent 2022, gaining a little over 20,750 miles (to a bit more than 325,000) and a net increase of 775 clinched routes (8,559).

Once Canada eased border crossings, I made its roads a priority for this year. Between April and December, I crossed the border on 7 different trips, finishing off the 400 routes and other Ontario expressways and increasing my TCH mileage by almost 50% (and Canadian mileage overall by over 3200 miles, or almost 40%). I also gained mileage in Manitoba (more than doubling it) and Saskatchewan for the first time in 14 years. I'm hoping to visit a few more provinces this year.

In the States, I added miles in 32 jurisdictions. Biggest gains were in Texas (+5,000 miles/244 clinched routes), South Dakota (over 1700 and 39), North Dakota (almost 1200 and 36), and Georgia (over 1000 and 46). A few trips to regions with lots of short routes padded my clinch totals, with Louisiana, Maryland, and Virginia each responsible for more than 50 new routes. By system, I added more routes in usausb (142) than in any other. Coincidentally, I'm also 142 routes away from clinching that set.

Over the past week, lots of radio stations have been playing "Best of 2022" countdowns, which got me thinking about the top highways I happened to drive on this year. These aren't all new clinches, or even roads that currently exist in TM, but of all the roads I was on this year, these are the most memorable.
Back to the best of 2022 music-wise, multiple stations I listen to included this song about what we do ( in their top 10.

Total 2022 new mileage: 20,751.24 mi. Besides the four states listed above with 1000+ mile increases, I also picked up almost 2900 miles in Ontario.
New interstates clinched: 2 (the two new ones in North Carolina)
Old interstates declinched: 1 (the extended I-780)
New US highways clinched: 22, for a new total of 200. 83, 84, 59, and 52 were the longest (all over 1900 miles) and the peculiar US67 (Brashear) was the shortest (less than 2 miles). My US Highway mileage is 100% in 41 states.

Stats for previous years:

2021: +31,159.46 mi / +1,458 clinches
2020: +14,604.58 mi / +1,681
2019: +15,887.33 mi / +778
2018: +21,284.12 mi / +653
2017: +19,547.92 mi / +582
2016: +17,101.26 mi / +514
2015: +28,363.75 mi / +553 (mostly due to new systems being added when CHM transitioned to TM)
2014: +13,046.83 mi / +380
2013: +14,214.20 mi / +412 (I joined CHM in 2012)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: ntallyn on January 04, 2023, 10:02:40 pm
A long weekend trip to Charleston over New Year's allowed the opportunity to get some additional miles (though not as many as I would have liked, due to time constraints).

The outbound route from Jacksonville FL was I-95, GA 251, GA 57, I-95, US 17, GA 119, GA 38 Conn (Hinesville), GA 196, US 17, I-95, GA 17, GA 21 Alt (Port Wentworth), GA 307, GA 25, SC 170, SC 46, US 17, I-95, SC 68, US 17 Alt (Summerville), SC 64, US 17, SC 174, SC 164, SC 162, US 17, and I-526. All routes listed gained at least some new mileage except US 17 (GA), I-95 (GA & SC), and I-526.

While in Charleston, I was able to finish US 52 and US 78 inside I-526 as well as a piece of SC 642. Other than a 1/4 mile piece of SC 700 (clinched on the way home) and a little of SC 61 (between SC 461 and I-526), I have all of the routes inside I-526.

On the return trip, I had even more time constraints, so limited my clinches to SC 700 (between US 17 and SC 171) and US 21 (between US 17 and Beaufort); the latter was to avoid the awful traffic on I-95 between ~Yemassee and the state line, though an accident on SC 46 near Pritchardville slowed us down a bit.

I also finally took credit for an October trip to a wedding in Missouri, getting a small part of I-44 Bus (Pacific).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on January 11, 2023, 04:57:00 pm
On Saturday, I did a trip focusing on Berwick and Hazleton to work on clinching PA 339 for the lowest route clinched game.  I also determined that PA 93 is my new favorite route to drive in PA.

On the way back, I stopped in Lehighton to check out the new PA 902 Bridge, and then I did a drive on US 222 to check out the construction at PA 863 and the completed widening at PA 73.

Snow was a minor inconvenience throughout the trip even though I thought it was not in the forecast at all.

Clinched: PA 487, PA 239, PA 93, PA 339
New Mileage: PA 118, PA 87
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: w9tam on January 15, 2023, 02:42:23 am
I only recently registered here (hello!)... but just because my list file hadn't been updated for seven years doesn't mean I didn't do any traveling! Depending on the trip, my routing approach is not necessarily centered around clinching, but at the very least, new mileage is on my mind when on the road. I can't possibly cover them all, so here are highlights of some of my more notable and/or recent travels. (I live in the western Chicago suburbs, grew up in northwestern Illinois and my parents still live there.)

- September 2015: After leaving an annoying gap for many years from a previous county-counting excursion, I finally got the southern end of IL1 and took the ferry across the Ohio River while on a road trip to Nashville.

- March 2016: Added interstate mileage on a road trip from Phoenix through Flagstaff to Albuquerque (clinched I-17). Petrified Forest National Park is a lifelong memory. Also drove to the end of LA1 in Grand Isle while visiting New Orleans, something I'd wanted to do for a while.

- September 2017: 10-day road trip to Texas. Clinched the last of I-45 on a day trip from Houston to Galveston. Added as much mileage as I could around Houston, considering this was only days after Hurricane Harvey and many roads remained flooded. Spent many miles on US67 from Little Rock to southeast Missouri. (This one always feels within reach to me until I realize I still haven't driven any of it in Texas, despite having seen the northern terminus in Iowa and clinching the Illinois section recently.)

- July 2019: Northwest Angle, Minnesota! This was a fun one, right up there with Hyder, Alaska for me. Tacked on some TCH mileage back to Winnipeg, and added all of ND I-29.

- August 2019: 11-day road trip to Idaho via IA/NE/WY/CO/UT, and back to IL via MT/ND/MN/WI. Added a lot of I-94, including the western terminus (still need a small section around Detroit to clinch it). Craters of the Moon National Monument was an unexpected treat. Added about 200 miles on US20 in ID and clinched a state highway without paying attention.

- May 2021: I finally set out to finish my remaining stretch of US52, from Wytheville, Virginia to the end in Charleston. This was a longtime goal for me; I grew up with US52 out my front door, and this was one I'd traced on atlases as a kid. I got NW Illinois to the Twin Cities in 2003, the Twin Cities to Portal, ND (and across the Canadian border) in 2007, and Indianapolis to Wytheville in 2011. Having scouted out the southern (eastern?) terminus on GMSV, I was prepared for the lack of an END shield but was a tad disappointed that I couldn't get a photo. (South Carolina was also my 50th state, which I still think is pretty good for being 39 at the time.)

- August/September 2022: After my Corolla died in May with 348K miles on it, I decided it was time to break in the new-to-me Subaru Impreza with a 13-day road trip to New England, plus a few days in Ontario and Quebec, and returning via New York City. Added interstate mileage in OH/VT/CT/NY/MD (including the eastern terminus of I-70), some Toronto-area highways, and ON401 between Toronto and Montreal. Clinched I-97, the Saw Mill River Parkway, and the nagging 1.5-mile I-189 I'd missed on a previous trip to Burlington, Vermont.

- December 2022: Road trip to Annapolis, Maryland to see my alma mater win their second NCAA Division III football championship. Overnighted in Pittsburgh on the way out, Columbus on the way back. Clinched I-376 on the way out, I-68 on the way back, and filled in some gaps in I-70 and I-79. It was after this trip that I finally submitted an update to TM for the first time in over seven years. I spent a lot of time in mid-December resolving years of log errors and route changes.

- Late 2022/early 2023: While reviewing my travels on the TM site over the holiday break, I realized just how few Illinois state highways I'd clinched, and just how many were within reach (nearby, or with minimal miles remaining, or both). Winter has been mild thus far and my schedule has allowed, so I have taken several trips since Christmas to clinch a couple dozen more IL routes. Among them: IL7, IL19, IL25, IL29, IL31, IL53, IL71, IL178, IL351. I have also closed some gaps in US routes in the Chicago area and northwest IL. I aim to have everything in the northern third of Illinois clinched by early summer... then I'll see about the rest.

I have been fast and furious with submitting updates via GitHub recently, and I appreciate Jim's quick merges of my list file. Thanks again to all who spend time maintaining the site!
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on January 15, 2023, 09:38:28 am

- May 2021: I finally set out to finish my remaining stretch of US52, from Wytheville, Virginia to the end in Charleston. This was a longtime goal for me; I grew up with US52 out my front door, and this was one I'd traced on atlases as a kid. I got NW Illinois to the Twin Cities in 2003, the Twin Cities to Portal, ND (and across the Canadian border) in 2007, and Indianapolis to Wytheville in 2011. Having scouted out the southern (eastern?) terminus on GMSV, I was prepared for the lack of an END shield but was a tad disappointed that I couldn't get a photo. (South Carolina was also my 50th state, which I still think is pretty good for being 39 at the time.)

I also have US 52 as the route I obsessed about as a child, having grown up in the Charleston area.  I have driven all of it except the Dubuque bypass (not quite finished when I was there) and a segment under 10 miles west off I-39 (closed for bridge repair).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: 7/8 on January 15, 2023, 09:58:40 am
I took a week-long ski trip to Stowe, VT (renting a cottage in Eden) and returned yesterday. Here were my new travels:

- QC A-530 west of QC 201 (A-530 now clinched) > QC 201 south > QC 202 east to Rang Roxham
- Used Rang Roxham, then turned east to parallel the US border to QC 223 to cross into Rouses Point, NY
^ The above QC travels gave me two new counties

- A very brief jaunt into NY on US 11 and US 2 to get Clinton County

- Took US 2 east > VT 78 east > I-89 south
- Got off at exit 18 and went south on US 7 to Milton for dinner (which gave an extra county)
- Went back north on US 7 > VT 104A east > VT 104 east > VT 15 east > VT 100C east (clinch) > VT 100 north to Eden. This leg of the trip through the mountains had heavy snowfall and low visibility at night, which was an annoying way to end the drive. But it's also nice to see it snowing when you plan on skiing the next day. :D
^ The above VT travels gave me four new counties

We drove several times between Eden and Stowe on VT 100 and VT 108. On my first trip when I drove, in one direction, I made sure to pass through the notorious all-way stop in Stowe (as opposed to the signed north bypass) and took VT 100 through Morrisville instead of the truck route to get those routes (all other trips took the two bypasses, which includes a clinch of VT 100 Alt Morrisville).

The return trip home used VT 118 north (clinch) > VT 108 north > QC 237 north (clinch) > QC 202 west > QC 133 north > A-35 north (clinch, until the extension south is built).
We then merged onto A-10 west (not new mileage) which had an accident and added an hour to our drive :pan:. I did get new mileage of A-15 between A-10 and A-30 (a minimal detour and thankfully my passanger didn't notice the "Ontario via A-30 Ouest" ( sign :) ), and travelled a portion of QC 132/138 in Chateauguay for lunch and to buy bagels.

All-in-all a pretty successful trip for 7 new counties, 2 new border crossings, and new mileage in NY, QC, and VT (mainly the latter two).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on January 22, 2023, 04:13:19 pm
Yesterday, I finished the rest of the MD Travel Mapping mileage with the exception of MD 575 (Showell) that I completely missed on the Eastern Shore.

Clinched: US 40 (MD)*, MD 144 (Frederick), MD 144 (New Market), MD 144 (Cooksville), MD 147, MD 7 (White Marsh)

Unsurprisingly, no new mileage was added to any other routes.  A secondary note is that the Highway to Nowhere was closed eastbound for some reason as I saw someone inspecting the pavement, but it was open westbound so that was a minimal issue.

*Gives me full clinch of US 40 east of Wheeling, WV
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: clong on January 24, 2023, 10:31:41 am
Traveled to the Mobile, AL area at the end of the week last week. Didn't get as much accomplished as I hoped, but I was able to:
Complete my clinch of US43, US45 (first mileage in AL), US90, and US98 East of I-65 (this got me over 90% on US Numbered Hwys)
Complete my clinch of US90Alt in Pensacola
Complete my clinch of US98Trk in Mobile (also finished US Aux Numbered Hwys in AL with this one)
Get 20 of 24 miles on AL225 (got me down to 20 miles left to reach 50% of AL State Hwys)

Only 383.69 miles of Active Mileage in AL left
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: dave1693 on January 26, 2023, 04:33:59 pm
As expected, the last three months of 2022 were limited to travel between northeast New Jersey and the Northern Neck of Virginia. While I didn't get any new mileage in Virginia, I did drive on some new roads and get a few clinches in MD, PA, and NJ.

New clinches:
PA 75, PA 995, NJ 439, MD 22, MD 132 (main segment), MD 132 (East Aberdeen segment), MD 157, MD 158, MD 702

New near-clinches:
NJ 28

New mileage (non-clinches):
US 1 in NJ, US 9 in NJ, US 40 in MD, NJ 27, NJ 35, MD 7 (main segment), MD 150, MD 151, NC 54

This clinches all of "US 1-9" in New Jersey (I'd never been on the piece through Elizabeth before) and all of both US 9 and NJ 35 north of South Amboy. I missed a small piece of NJ 28 due to timing constraints, so I'll have to go back and get that later. I finished the northern end of NJ 27, Rahway to Newark; the northern end has the route number marked on the last two northbound mileage signs (on Poinier St and the ramp to NJ 21 in Newark) but it's quite some time going southbound before an average driver would know they're on a numbered state highway.

With winter having set in, I expect not to be doing much roadtripping until March, other than going back and forth between Northern VA and my parents in eastern PA. Stay safe everyone.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on February 07, 2023, 11:13:36 pm
A short Utah ski trip has so far given me some new mileage on US 89 and various Utah state routes.  Enough to put me just over 99,000 miles in active+preview.  Could be a few more small gains before I return home on Thursday.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on February 12, 2023, 07:05:28 pm
I took a short trip to North Carolina last week, to take advantage of a short warm spell, and also check whether my creaky and sore left leg would be a problem for longer trips I might do when spring arrives.

I zigzagged through Virginia, via Orange (snagged its VA 20 Business) and Suffolk (VA 32). I then continued south to clinch NC 32, the tiny NC 149, NC 308, and US 258 Business Farmville. Then I headed west to Greensboro, to clinch the newly-completed I-840, before returning home via I-85, I-295, and I-95.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on February 12, 2023, 07:52:00 pm
Yesterday I went to South Jersey (or South North Jersey if you consider South Jersey as just Cape May) to finish the NJ routes I had left there.  I also looked at the recent widening on DE 279 NB in Newark, and the recent construction in the north Philly suburbs (US 1 at PA 132 and I-276, and US 202 from Norristown to Lansdale).  For US 9, this trip gives me the entire route now south of NJ 70.

Clinched: NJ 49, NJ 50, NJ 52, NJ 167 (South-unsigned except for Mile 0), NJ 45

New Mileage:  US 9 (NJ)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: webny99 on February 19, 2023, 10:42:40 am
Cross posting this from my clinching trips thread over on AARoads...
I've submitted my 2022 travels to Travel Mapping, a summary of which is shown below:


I was really hoping to hit 2,000 new miles on the year (or really since March, when I first started using TM), but fell a bit short of that with 1,931 new miles logged in 2022 across 9 states and 1 province. The majority of that mileage was in New York, and the majority of that was on the clinching trips that I took last year. I have now added over 70 miles so far in 2023, so it's safe to say I've added 2000 miles in my first "year" using TM. Doesn't sound like much, but I've really enjoyed it and don't take it for granted in the least.

For 2023, I'm setting my sights on 20,000 total miles in active systems by the end of the year. Yesterday's total puts me around 18,780, so another 1,220 will do it. It's too early to say how/when that might happen but I'm hoping it will be achievable one way or another.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on February 19, 2023, 01:09:09 pm
Well I did not get into crazy clinching mode until my mid-20s so you may surpass me quickly haha.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: kjslaughter on February 20, 2023, 10:50:49 pm
Added a bunch of miles and routes in southwest Georgia and southeast Alabama over President's Day weekend as I explored the area and added more courthouses.  Clinched business routes around Bainbridge, US 84 in GA from state line to Thomasville and in Alabama to Elba plus large section of US 29 and several state routes that parallel US 431.  As always with me, less interested in clinching routes than just tracking my travels.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on February 21, 2023, 01:44:08 pm
I went down to my parents' house this weekend mainly to watch the Daytona 500 at my friend's house.  While it was so close but yet so far for my driver, it was not that way in regard to my personal clinching accomplishments.

Day 1- Friday, February 17, 2023  (Harrisburg, PA, to Prince George, VA, via Virginia Beach, VA, and northeastern NC)

I left around 1 AM to get to Delaware ASAP to check out the US 9 TRUCK Construction in Georgetown (saw the reference on the streetblade at Arrow Safety Rd) and make sure that I am good with truncating DE 30.  Hence that is why I took I-283 SB to PA 283 EB to US 30 EB to PA 41 SB to DE 7 SB to DE 1 SB (well you saw the thread by now) to US 113 SB.  After checking out the former DE 30 signage from its west end to the split with DE 24 northeast of Millsboro (via DE 24 and DE 54, I did not travel the previous solo portion of Millsboro Hwy), it was back to US 113 SB to go into MD to get MD 575 (Showell) clinched to get 100% in MD in regard to Travel Mapping.  From there, it was just US 113 SB to US 13 SB to US 60 EB (in VA Beach) to VA 279 SB (driving W Great Neck Rd, which I believe was a former alignment) to US 58 WB.  I then drove the entire main Lynnhaven Pkwy/Volvo Pkwy corridor to VA 168 BUS (Chesapeake).  (Yes, I know that Volvo Pkwy technically continues briefly west of VA 168 BUS.)  Then I drove VA 168 BUS NB to I-64 to checkout the New High Rise Bridge (turning around at Exit 296, with the new bridge being higher than the old one, both directions feel like different roads).  Then as the rain came, it was generally US 17 SB to NC 45 SB to NC 308 EB to NC 37 NB to NC 137 WB to US 158 WB to NC/VA 46 NB (with some turnarounds due to gaps) to I-85 NB towards my parents' house.  All I will say here is that it will be a while before the US 158 reroute/four-laning at I-95 is complete.

Clinched: MD 575 (Showell), NC 37, NC 149, US 17 BUS (Hertford, NC), NC 137, NC/VA 46
New Mileage: US 17 (NC), NC 45, NC 308, US 64 (NC), US 13 (NC), US 158 (NC), NC 305

Day 2-Saturday, February 18, 2023-Prince George, VA, to Lexington, NC, and back

This day was another Smithfield's Chicken-N-BBQ (SCNB) trip with my mom, and the rain completely stayed away.

To start it was I-85 SB to US 401 SB to NC 58 SB to NC 561 WB (to finish the western portion of this route as I had intended to in December) back to US 401 SB (to check out the all but complete widening project) to NC 96 SB to Zebulon (where I got in a bit of trouble as it was one of four SCNB locations I passed before we stopped for lunch).  After the NC 231 loop, it was NC 222 EB to NC 42 WB (to check out another all but complete widening project, SCNB locations in Clayton (one along NC 42 just west of Buffalo Rd and another along the current US 70 BUS/NC 42 Concurrency) and Garner (at I-40 Exit 312) were passed without stopping) to secondary routes up to US 64 at its intersection with NC 751.  From there, it was US 64 WB to Siler City to stop for lunch at SCNB (after sneaking in a US 64 BUS (Pittsboro) loop). 

Then it was US 64 WB (no looping after the Asheboro Bypass) to US 29 SB in Lexington to get to I-85 SB so that I could truly clinch the Yadkin River Bridge that was replaced in the mid-2000s after I originally clinched I-85 in NC in 2002.  Then it was I-85 NB back to US 29 NB (along I-85 BL) to Greensboro before looping around the city to get US 220 north of I-73 and a full clinch of the recently opened I-840.  I got back on I-40 at Exit 212 briefly to then drive Wendover Ave (Future US 70) and its substandard freeway/arterial through Greensboro back to US 29 NB.  Then it was US 29 NB to Danville (looping to clinch US 29 BUS (Danville, VA) and VA 293) then VA 360 EB to US 360 EB to VA 40 EB to US 460 BUS (Blackstone) EB to US 460 EB back towards my parents' house.  (I will not get started on how I feel about whether I got mileage on VA 86 or not.)

Clinched: NC 231, US 64 BUS (Pittsboro, NC), I-840 (NC), US 29 BUS (Danville, VA), VA 293, VA 360

New Mileage: NC 561, NC 96, NC 222, US 64 (NC), NC 87, NC 902, NC 49, NC 22, US 29 (NC), US 70 (NC), US 52 (NC), I-285 (NC), US 220 (NC), US 158 (NC), VA 41, VA 40

Sunday and Monday (Days 3-4) had no new mileage as Sunday I visited my grandma and then my friend to watch the Daytona 500, and Monday was mainly a documentation trip along US 301, I-97, MD 32, MD/PA 97, and US 15 with a detour along Billingsley Rd and St. Charles Pkwy to bypass Waldorf on the way back to Harrisburg, PA.

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: kjslaughter on February 24, 2023, 07:12:36 pm
Part 2 of Winter Break travels today as on way back from Valdosta and child pickup from grandparents, talked my wife into letting me take scenic route home.  That allowed me to clinch US 82 and GA 520!  Still ran into Atlanta rush hour on way back though.  Sigh.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: clong on February 28, 2023, 12:54:28 pm
Travels for a funeral last week near Florence, AL.

Clinched AL 64 and 99 (all on this trip).
Clinched AL 133 and 157 (significant travels on these routes previously).
First travels on AL 207 and Natchez Trace Parkway. I had planned to clinch the AL portion of the Natchez Trace, but a portion of it was closed for road work. Since I was able to cross the Tennessee on the NTP, that leaves just 1 crossing of the Tennessee within AL to go for me.

These travels should easily put me over 50% of Alabama State Highways since I'm only about 20 miles short prior to adding them.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Bickendan on March 01, 2023, 05:08:34 pm
In India.
So far I've done Delhi to Agra to visit the Taj Mahal, picking up a bit of NH 48 in Delhi, clinched the Yumani Expressway (private toll road), and portions of UP 62, 39, and NH 21.

Signage is almost non-existent for the state and national highways so far.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: ntallyn on March 05, 2023, 03:24:14 pm
A trip to Texas for a walking convention (but I'm a driver!) give me a chance to get a few highways before all the walking started (and the rental car got returned).

From SAT, US 281 and I-35 south to collect a few counties. Then back north on I-35, I-410 (clockwise), I-10, and I-37 back to the airport to pick up the rest of our crew. Then off to Austin for a day via US 281, Loop 1604, I-35, TX 21, FM 812, US 183, and TX 71.

A little bit of I-35 in Austin on the way to the LBJ library, then back to San Antonio via I-35.

We returned the car to SAT via more of I-37 and I-10 west to a repeat of the northern part of I-410.

While being ferried to the beginning of the marathon, I ended up getting a little more of I-37 and I-410.

Also walked small portions of Loop 368 and Spur 536, but not enough to graph.

On return, a visit to Gainesville FL allowed the addition of bits and pieces of US 441, FL 235, and FL 238. Now I just need a little bit around Lake City to complete all of NE Florida.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Bickendan on March 05, 2023, 11:20:33 pm
Here in Kolkata, with routings being so uncertain, I've picked up the Google reported portion of WB 1 to the Maa Flyover, and that to the Park St Circus.

Other than that, it's been doing a lot of walking and picking up a segment of the underground metro.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Bickendan on March 13, 2023, 03:35:51 pm
Took a day drive to Seattle a couple days ago now that I'm back in the States.
Clinched WA 505, 122, 508, 702, 99, 526, 509, and I-405, while picking up mileage on US 12, WA 507, 7, and the Everett side of 525.

Running the urban portion of 7 and immediately following it with the length of 99 was a slog.

I did pick up an atlas of India from Metskers Maps, which managed to be printed and published after India's NH renumbering but used the old ones :smh:
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on March 19, 2023, 12:20:31 am
A conference in Toronto gave me the chance to pick up some miles/kilometers this week.  I went north first so I could ski a little at Titus Mountain outside Malone, crossed into Canada at Cornwall, drove to Toronto from there, and returned home via Niagara/Buffalo.

I started the trip over 600 miles short of the elusive 100,000 mile club in active+preview and got more than half way there, now needing just under 250.

Here are some TM-relevant highlights of my travels:

- US 11 between the Northway and a little east of Malone for about 60 new miles.
- First travels on and clinch of both NY 122 and NY 95.
- Almost 20 new miles on NY 37, and a small piece of NY 37C (first travels).
- About 190 new miles on ON 401.
- First bit of ON 62 when getting dinner off 401.
- First travels on and clinch of Don Valley Parkway.
- First travels on ON 427
- Clinched the 13 miles I was missing of ON 403.
- Clinched ON 405, though I'm not sure how I had part but not all of it before.  Was it not connected up to QEW until fairly recently (like, in the last 10+ years)?
- Finished off NY 61.
- About 15 new miles by taking US 62 from Niagara Falls down to I-290.
- Closed my last NY 5 gap east of Buffalo, between Pembroke and Batavia.
- New NY 33 miles from Batavia to I-490, and two small bits of NY 33A.
- First travels on and clinch of NY 204 (which includes one of those two small 33A bits).
- New segment of NY 31 between I-590 and I-490.

Added about 225 miles overall in Ontario.
Added about 150 miles overall in New York.
About 75 new usaus miles.

It was also my A3's first time into Canada, and my first time overall since 2015.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: rickmastfan67 on March 19, 2023, 10:16:25 am
- Clinched ON 405, though I'm not sure how I had part but not all of it before.  Was it not connected up to QEW until fairly recently (like, in the last 10+ years)?

Been connected to the QEW since the beginning when it was opened in 1963.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on March 19, 2023, 01:53:37 pm
Last week was my Spring Break clinch-a-thon, focused on western Kentucky this time. Most of the time was spent driving 2 miles and turning left, driving 3 miles and turning right, driving 1.5 miles and turning around, etc, in 14-hour bursts. Weather was great, traffic was light, and there were only 2 closed roads.

Overall I added more than 2500 miles, clinched 330 routes (3 of which were new discoveries), and got to within 1200 miles (4.5%) of finishing Kentucky. I'm also now over 50% done with Tennessee.

I also reduced my "missing numbers" on the route numbers table by 10 (to 13) and passed 200,000 segments traveled.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on March 19, 2023, 09:19:18 pm
I also reduced my "missing numbers" on the route numbers table by 10 (to 13) and passed 200,000 segments traveled.

I see you clinched KY 525, eliminating that roadblock from taking the #1 spot for the "Lowest-numbered route you haven't been on" game on the aaroads forum. You are now ahead of me, with my lowest untraveled route number (counting Virginia secondary routes, a few county routes, and unsigned routes excluded from TM) of 661.

I'm on the last day of my own Kentucky trip, but need to figure out how to get home from the westernmost tip of KY while avoiding more cold, or otherwise bad weather.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on March 20, 2023, 08:47:58 am
I'm on the last day of my own Kentucky trip, but need to figure out how to get home from the westernmost tip of KY while avoiding more cold, or otherwise bad weather.

Maybe this ( won't take you too far out of the way. Stay warm!
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on March 20, 2023, 11:12:03 pm
I'm on the last day of my own Kentucky trip, but need to figure out how to get home from the westernmost tip of KY while avoiding more cold, or otherwise bad weather.

Maybe this ( won't take you too far out of the way. Stay warm!

It would've, since my plan was to close out KY by heading west into MO, via the Dorena-Hickman ferry. I'm now down in northern Mississippi, plotting my next move.

My most notable feats so far on this trip: clinching US 421 overall; re-clinching US 68 overall; and re-clinching the rest of Kentucky's counties (for "round 2", trying for more solid coverage than in "round 1"). No time yet to update my list file, that'll probably wait until I'm back home.

Belated update: As mentioned in an Updates to Highway Data thread, I went down to Lafayette LA, to cover an impending US 167 reroute there to make sure I don't lose my overall clinch of that route. I also clinched all the LA mileage of US 51, but am still missing much of the rest of that route.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on March 23, 2023, 06:47:58 pm
I have started my summary of the Florida trip via this linked Google Doc (

EDIT (4-3-2023):  I have finished the Florida trip summary just now.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on April 05, 2023, 09:20:51 pm
Thankfully my trip report for the Long Island Meet Trip will be much shorter than the Florida one.

I started this trip after work on Friday, March 17th, by taking US 22 WB/US 322 WB to US 11 NB/US 15 NB to PA 147 NB (onto the CSVT) to I-180 WB to PA 405 NB to Hughesville to pick up PA 118.  I then clinched PA 118 before taking PA 309 SB to I-81 NB to I-84 EB to PA 435 SB to go clinch PA 590.  Then it was PA 434 SB to US 6 EB to I-84 EB back to US 6 EB to enter New York in Port Jervis before taking CR 15 SB to NJ 23 SB.  I clinched NJ 23 before getting to US 46 where my hotel for the night was.

I woke up early the next day (March 18th) and started the day by taking NJ 23 NB to US 202 NB/EB to Palisades Interstate Pkwy to US 202 EB to US 9W SB to finish clinching US 202 and US 9W in NJ.  Then I worked on clinching some of the short NJ routes I had not done yet just west of the George Washington Bridge.  Afterwards, I went into NYC via the George Washington Bridge, looped to clinch the Pelham Pkwy and I-695, and then took I-295 SB to NY 24 EB to NY 110 NB to get to the lunch location for the meet.  The meet itself mainly focused on county routes (most notably the partially freeway CR 97 (Nicolls Rd) and construction on both I-495 at the Sagtikos Pkwy and on NY 347 east of NY 111).  Since only three of us went on the tour, we clinched NY 454 and started my clinch of the Northern State Pkwy while heading back to our cars along NY 110 at the Walt Whitman Mall.

The way home for me was simply the Northern State Pkwy and Grand Central Pkwy west to I-278 (with a detour to get the east connector between I-278 and the Grand Central Pkwy just west of LaGuardia Airport in case it ever gets added to Travel Mapping).  Then it was simply I-278 EB across the RFK Bridge to I-87 NB to I-95 SB across the George Washington Bridge to I-78 WB back to Harrisburg.  Some of the I-78 construction between Exits 35 and 45 looked somewhat close to completion so that was a bit of a highlight, but nothing much else new on that front besides that.

Clinched:  PA 118, PA 590, NJ 23, US 202 (NJ), US 9W (NJ), NJ 93, NJ 5, NJ 67, NJ 63, **I-295 (NY), I-695 (NY), Pelham Pkwy, NY 24 (Hempstead), NY 454, Northern State Pkwy, Grand Central Pkwy

New Mileage:  PA 435, US 202 (NY), US 9W (NY), US 1 (NY), NY 110, *NY 25, NY 231, NY 347

*Not enough mileage to be added in TM.
**All of the I-295s south of RI are clinched as of now (unless you count the newest segment of NC 295 south of Fayetteville)

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: froggie on April 14, 2023, 11:13:02 pm
Taking advantage of good weather and 2 days off to do an overnight roadtrip into New York.  Finished Day 1 this evening where I field-checked NY 331 in addition to clinching it, as well as filling several gaps I had in central New York and the Mohawk Valley.  Clinched routes include US 11 (NY), NY 69A, 163, 167, 169, 174, 178, 193, 289, 331, 334, and 825.

Tomorrow, I'll attempt to knock out some NY routes across the North Country on my way back home.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: froggie on April 15, 2023, 07:57:11 pm
Completed Day 2 of my overnight trip, focusing on areas around Watertown (NY), the St. Lawrence Valley, the North Country, and the Champlain Valley.  By far my biggest clinch of the day is one that has been laughing at me for years....I-87.  I'd been missing between Exits 31 and 33 on the Northway until this afternoon.

Other clinches include NY 12E, 22B, 72, 184, 190, and 458.

This will hopefully put me at over 10,000 miles for New York.  Will find out with the next site update.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on April 15, 2023, 10:11:35 pm
By far my biggest clinch of the day is one that has been laughing at me for years....I-87.  I'd been missing between Exits 31 and 33 on the Northway until this afternoon.

The thought that 5 years ago that I may have possibly been able to beat you at clinching I-87 in NY is shell shocking to me.  Of course, I have no immediate plans to clinch I-87 along the Northway north of Exit 30 (which is what I have needed since June 2018) so I guess the joke is on me.

At least I still have I-87 in NC clinched.   ;)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on April 15, 2023, 10:41:44 pm
Big TM milestone for me today, as I was driving up NY 12, about 21 miles south of Sangerfield, I passed 100,000 active+preview miles.  I was pretty confident I'd added enough new miles to break 100,000 but I wasn't sure exactly where I hit that mark until I ran tonight's site update and saw my new totals.

I made my third (and likely last for a while) round trip of the past year to Ithaca Thursday and today.  I was able to afford a few extra hours each way so I was able to work in a lot of new roads.  On the way out, I left the Thruway for NY 13 and went north to NY 69.  West on NY 69 from there, with an out and back along NY 183 along the way, I took that to NY 69A, US 11, then NY 49 West to its end at NY 3 to complete NY 49.  I took NY 3 over through Fulton, where I stopped for a break to walk around by the locks.  My route from there to Ithaca was NY 3 to NY 104A, several miles of NY 104 I'd traveled before, the NY 414 south.  At Magee, I turned left onto NY 318 to finish that route, then US 20/NY 5 back to NY 414.  Then NY 414 to NY 96 all the way into Ithaca with a side trip to check out Taughannock Falls.  Today's return was NY 34 to NY 34B to NY 38 to NY 79 to NY 12, which I took up into Utica.  Plus a side trip to drive all of NY 320 near Norwich.  Then just the Thruway home.

In the end, I made my first travels on 5 usany routes, finished up 5 usany routes, with just short of 250 new usany miles.  Add in a few new miles on US 11 to put me a little over 250 new on the trip.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: drebbin37 on April 16, 2023, 05:24:08 pm
I also took a 4-day drive out to western NY this week, and I decided to return home to CT through PA and NJ, which brought my total mileage over 90,000.  My primary TM objective was to knock off several of my lowest missing numbers, which included NY266, NY324, PA345, NY366, NY383, NY386, NY387, NY392, PA/NJ413, and NY419.  My lowest is now 323, but the closest to home of those that I've found are in Ohio and Kentucky.  They'll have to wait for a longer trip.

New clinches this trip (in chronological order):
NY392, NY227, NY79, NY419, NY329, NY352, NY415, NY417, I-990, NY387, NY280, PA607, PA654, PA554, NJ413, NJ44, NJ168, NJ91, NJ173, NJ122, OldMineRd, NP602, and NP615

In North Tonawanda, I made a wrong turn onto the NY429 truck route, which is very short, but clearly signed.  It connects NY265/384 to NY429 along Robinson and Oliver streets.  I'm not sure whether that's worthy of adding to the site.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on April 16, 2023, 06:23:22 pm
In North Tonawanda, I made a wrong turn onto the NY429 truck route, which is very short, but clearly signed.  It connects NY265/384 to NY429 along Robinson and Oliver streets.  I'm not sure whether that's worthy of adding to the site.

Any mention of NY Truck Routes quickly becomes  :pan:
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: yakra on April 17, 2023, 08:57:05 am
Don't forget ( too.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: formulanone on April 20, 2023, 07:10:52 am
Congratulations on making it to the 100K club, Jim!
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on April 21, 2023, 07:38:43 pm
Took a brief overnight trip with the wife to Reading PA.

New clinches are MD 147, PA 724 and US 301 (MD, reclinch with new Nice Bridge). New mileage on PA 63, PA 23 and PA 472.

Ordinarily I wouldn’t post such a minor trip but was important because the MD 147 clinch gives me their entire posted primary route system. Also it was first ride of length since my stroke and it demonstrated I can drive multiple hours without issue. Will likely go back to solo clinching trips sometime but may be while before 17 hour rides return.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on April 22, 2023, 02:27:17 pm
Congrats on the statewide clinch, and for overcoming the stroke! Really good to know you're feeling up to the challenge of driving again.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: ntallyn on April 22, 2023, 07:41:42 pm
A trip to south Florida at the beginning of the month was looking good for clinching...until a late start on Friday (and traffic) cut short some opportunities.

Heading south on I-95, miles were added on FL 46, FL 405, FL 3, FL 520, FL A1A (Vero Beach), FL 404, FL 508, FL 716, FL 706, and several parts of US 1 between these routes.

Then I was planning on some collecting Saturday morning, but found out the hotel had double-booked their convention center (and my event was the one that got moved), but they never informed (at least) me, who had booked with the group rate. I was able to get a little bit of FL 794 and US 1 on the round-trip to the new event location.

Returning home on Sunday, I was able to get the remainder of FL 794, more of US 1, FL 809, FL 706, FL 68, FL 713, FL 614, FL 607, and FL 60.

Then, last weekend, a quick trip to the Orlando area allowed collecting FL 44, FL 44 Bus (New Smyrna Beach), FL A1A (NSB), and FL 442.

Next trip will be to Ohio (no chance of anything new), then south Florida in June (perhaps I can get a little bit there).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on April 22, 2023, 09:02:04 pm
I did clinch FL 716 as part of my Florida trip last month, but I was a bit saddened that I did not do FL 706 with it being in the section of Florida's Turnpike right next to I-95.

My summary of the Columbus, OH, Meet Trip from earlier this month can be seen at the following link:
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on April 28, 2023, 08:49:09 pm
More central and western New York for me this spring.  I went out and back this week for a meeting a SUNY Brockport.  On the way out, it was just the Thruway to Geneva, then I drove down NY 14A then along Keuka Lake on New York 54 to Bath (with a short side trip to drive one clinchable segment of New York 230, just because).  Then a little New York 415 to a tiny piece of I-86 then my missing segment of I-390 up to Geneseo.  From there, New York 63 to New York 36 to New York 33A to New York 19 and in.  On the way back home, I started with a little loop near Brockport, New York 104 west to New York 237, then New York 18 east to Rochester.  A little loop back north to the Lake Ontario State Parkway for a mile or so to New York 390 (and a gas stop).  Then it was I-490 to the Inner Loop to get to the north end of New York 96, which I took to New York 65, then cut across to I-590/New York 590 to get to New York 286.  I drove that for the first time and went end-to-end.  New York 350 South from there to New York 31, which I took east for all new miles to Lyons, finished off a segment of New York 14 to get back to the Thruway for the ride home (with the usual hop up to Cicero for Wegman's and Chick-fil-A).  The 4-hour ride each way ended up taking about 6 hours with my routes that focused on getting some new miles.

Overall, I added about 225 new miles, enough to get my active-only total over 100,000 miles.  Finishing off I-390 closed my only gap in New York usai outside of NYC and Long Island. 

Everything else new was in usany (though with a tiny usausb overlap).

First travels: NY 19, NY 31F, NY 39, NY 65, NY 230, NY 237, NY 261, NY 272, NY 286, NY 350, NY 415
Other new miles: NY 14, NY 14A, NY 18, NY 21, NY 31, NY 33A, NY 36, NY 53, NY 54, NY 63, NY 96, NY 104, NY 259, NY 408
New clinches: NY 53, NY 286
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: froggie on April 29, 2023, 09:12:44 am
^ There's 2 Wegman's not far from the Thruway that don't require traipsing north of 481 (granted, neither has a Chik-Fil-A nearby).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on April 29, 2023, 09:59:27 am
There's 2 Wegman's not far from the Thruway that don't require traipsing north of 481 (granted, neither has a Chik-Fil-A nearby).

Once our more local CFAs open this year, the Cicero stop will likely become less of a priority and I'll get to know the more convenient Wegman's locations.

It's a little crazy how often I've had the need/opportunity to visit or pass through CNY and WNY in the past year: Ithaca in May, WB toward Yellowstone in July, EB from Yellowstone in August, Ithaca in September, Greek Peak in December, Snow Ridge in January, ride back from Toronto in March, Ithaca in April, Brockport in April.  I feel like I've been to the Cicero Wegman's as often as I've been to my local grocery stores, and I can't think of any local restaurant I've been to in the last year as many times as I've been to the Cicero CFA.

Nothing in the works right now that would take me west in the coming months, but who knows.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: vdeane on April 29, 2023, 09:00:35 pm
There's also, of course, the service area CFA locations.  Iroquois, Chittenango, and Clifton Springs are open, with Plattekill looking like it will open soon.  Looks like Pattersonville will have one too, so it will be right on your commute.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on May 09, 2023, 10:41:35 pm
On the way back to PA from VA today, I finished clinching VA 20, drove VA 151 from the north end of its VA 6 concurrency to its new roundabout at US 250, clinched Skyline Dr in the fog, and then went into WV via Corridor H to clinch WV 29.  No new mileage was added to any other route.  I believe that all I need to have everything in VA in Travel Mapping clinched north of I-64 now is VA 39 and VA 127.

Later on in PA, I took I-76 EB from US 522 NB and drove the wrong way through the Kittatinny Mountain Tunnel and the Blue Mountain Tunnel as two-way traffic was in the westbound tunnel.  Farther west, two-way traffic at the Tuscarora Mountain Tunnel was in the eastbound tunnel.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: froggie on May 12, 2023, 11:58:30 pm
In the middle of another overnight sojurn into Upstate NY, though with an extra state added this time.

Until this morning, I had only 4 road segments left in Massachusetts west of I-91.  Got to 2 of them today, clinching both MA 102 and MA 116 in the process.

Then I dipped down into the Catskills before making my way up to Utica to have dinner with a college classmate, making my way up to Fort Drum after dinner.  Not as many clinches as a few weeks ago, but I still managed to finish 12D, 51, 177, 205, and 233.

Tomorrow will probably find me covering as much as I can across the North Country before I have to turn tail and head home.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: froggie on May 13, 2023, 04:27:25 pm
Just got home from Day 2.  Didn't do nearly as much b/c I wound up spending an hour at the Fort Drum Commissary stocking up on dry goods (and also found Mexican Coke).  Which put me behind from my initial between that and having a rough night of sleep I decided to cut a bunch of my plan today to get home at a reasonable hour.  I did manage to clinch a couple more North Country routes (NY 11B, NY 68) and added mileage to a few others.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on May 18, 2023, 06:02:30 am
My trip summary from my trip to western PA last weekend can be seen here.  (

EDIT (5-27-2023):  I reclinched MD 97 earlier today due to the Brookeville Bypass having opened about a week ago.  I would have not even noticed that Brookeville was even there had I been clinching MD 97 for the first time.

I also clinched a few unsigned MD routes (430, 431, 433, 852 (Mexico), 927 and 950).  MD 950 being the most notable for being the access from US 50 and MD 704 to the New Carrollton Metro Station (and maybe having speed humps on it).  Edited again to add MD 927 and then again for MD 852 (Mexico). 

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: dave1693 on May 29, 2023, 10:03:07 pm
Last night I finally got around to entering my list updates through the end of April 2023. Travel opportunity was limited by circumstances, but I did get in the sort-of-annual trip to the Pine Belt of southern Mississippi (didn't make it to New Orleans this time though), several trips between VA and eastern PA, and one shot at getting in some new mileage around Annapolis MD due to attending the memorial service for a friend who passed away last fall.

New clinches:
PA 34, PA 416, MD 253, MD 259, MD 387, MD 435, MD 436, VA 299, US 15 Business (Warrenton VA), US 211 Business (Washington VA)

New mileage (non-clinching):
US 30 in PA, US 211 in VA, US 522 in VA, US 280 in AL, US 11 in MS, PA 641, MD 214, MD 255, MD 468, TN 36, TN 60

MS state routes being added now that usams is in preview. I did drive on some of these in March 2023 but I've driven all of them at some time before then:
MS 15 in Laurel, MS 26 in Poplarville, MS 42 in Hattiesburg, MS 43 in Picayune, MS 198 in Hattiesburg

For May through August I have a couple of triangle trips between eastern PA, western PA, and Virginia on the docket, as well as a few of the more usual VA-to-PA-and-back trips, and if I'm lucky I can squeeze in some more mileage in Bucks County PA and parts of NJ. I've got a conference in Milwaukee next month but I might not drive that trip.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on May 31, 2023, 11:49:39 pm
I got back home on Monday from a week+ road trip to Iowa and Nebraska. My turnaround point was Valentine NE, in the eastern Sand Hills region. The focus of my trip was re-clinching my last few counties in Nebraska for my "round 2" count (counties re-visited after I completed all the counties in the U.S.). I also re-clinched some southern Iowa counties, mainly along the Missouri state line, while leaving a handful of northwestern Iowa counties for a future trip.

In Nebraska, I clinched all of US 275 (still some gaps in Iowa and Missouri), NE 2 (Lincoln, including the new southern bypass), NE 24, NE 51, NE 59, NE 97, and a few short link/spur routes. In Iowa, I clinched all but the eastern end of IA 2, and most of IA 1.

On the last day of my trip, I took a detour through Brookeville MD, to travel its new MD 97 western bypass. That restored my 100% clinch of all of Maryland's TM-mapped mileage.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: froggie on June 08, 2023, 08:59:47 pm
Found some maps I thought I had lost that I used to hand-document my travels from 10-20 years ago.  Used them to fill in numerous gaps I had in my coverage, namely in AR, GA, KY, LA, MS, and NC.  Still compiling the MS routes.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: webny99 on June 13, 2023, 11:13:04 am
then cut across to I-590/New York 590 to get to New York 286.  I drove that for the first time and went end-to-end.

I'm late seeing this, but cheers - that is right in my neck of the woods and often even part of my commute. Good choice as it's much less of a slog than parallel NY 441 or NY 31F and hopefully an enjoyable drive once you got out of town.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: webny99 on June 13, 2023, 12:02:00 pm
I have managed to add about 350 miles on several varied trips over the past few weeks. The majority of that was in ON, bumping me into the top-20 in mileage with over 1130 logged miles, and into the top-12 in traveled and clinched routes, with 37 and 16 respectively.

My NY travels notably included a clinch of NY104, my new longest state route clinch. I am just the 6th TM user to clinch the 183-mile route from Niagara Falls to Williamstown, NY. I set up the clinch late last summer by driving the short section east of I-81, and finally got a chance to squeeze in what I was missing north of Niagara Falls last week, passing through some really rough parts of Niagara Falls city followed by some spectacular hazy afternoon views of the Lewiston bridge near the Power Vista.

Clinched: NY359, NY321, NY297, I-690, NY635, I-481, NY481, NY264, NY631
New mileage: NY38A, NY41A, NY5, NY173, NY298, NY31, NY370

Clinched: ON58(Thorold), ON20, ON420, NY104, US62Bus(Niagara Falls)
New mileage: ON400, ON401, ON427, ON11, ON12, ON60, ON407, NY265

Clinched: NY270, NY263
New mileage: NY77, NY78, NY5
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on June 14, 2023, 06:30:02 am
My annual trip to retrieve mapkitten from SoCal afforded me the opportunity to finish off a few US routes and the (signed) interstate system. It also gave me a chance to drive a rental car for 9,000 miles after my transmission quit in Cheyenne.

Heading out west, I more or less travelled straight to Lincoln, Nebraska, and then began picking up some links and spurs adjacent to I-80 (plus the new NE 2 Lincoln bypass). In Wyoming, after learning my car wanted to stay there, I still had plenty of time to get all the highways I wanted (except Alt US 14, which was still snowbound), but unfortunately not enough to spend any time in Yellowstone, so I clinched US 14/16 and pre-clinched US 20 at the east entrance at dusk and turned around to spend the night in someone's camper in Cody. Next day I headed south to Utah, snagging the last business interstate (Nephi) and last two US routes (191 and 89) I needed in the state. After that, I crossed Idaho en route to Oregon, where I picked up a few more miles of US 20 before detouring to Washington and looping around the Olympic Peninsula on US 101. Back in Oregon, I finished off US 20, plus the last 4 bannered US routes in that state. In Newport, I turned south and continued along US 101 all the way to Ventura. I'd driven most of 101 in California already, so this time I took the business routes, along with a short trip over to Vallejo and my final 1/4 mile of I-780.

After a day of packing and moving, I dropped mapkitten off at the airport (for some reason she thought a trip of 7 hours would be better than one that lasted 7 days) and turned south, then east, picking up a few business interstates along the way and discovering that Peterson's Donut Corner in Escondido is worth the hype. En route to Texas, I pocketed some low-hanging fruit in the Mesilla Valley, and proceeded to Alpine for the night, anticipating a ride through Big Bend NP in the early morning. That failed to materialize due to rains the previous day, which resulted in a mud flow out of a canyon and across FM 170 east of Presidio (I arrived roughly the same time as the bulldozers). Not wanting to risk abandoning a second car, I turned around and approached Big Bend from the north, again turning around at the entrance so I could at least clinch 385 and still get to the shipping container accommodation awaiting me in Fredericksburg at a decent hour. Continuing through Texas for 3 more days, I finished off the named freeways, business interstates, and US routes for that state. Instead of heading home from the Metroplex, I instead turned toward the northwest after learning the repairs to my Honda were complete. The route I took through Colorado gave me the opportunity to pick up a few short routes adjacent to I-25 and only added a day to my trip.

Overall the trip added 3400 miles and 224 clinched routes to my totals, most significantly US 14, 16, 20, 101, 385, 277, 67, 77, 377, and 281.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: formulanone on June 15, 2023, 09:24:30 pm
My wife and I took a trip to Kauai for our 20th anniversary last week, since we'd both never been to Hawaii before. So I picked up the roughly 100 TM-clinchable miles on the island, as well as a lot of other county routes masquerading as state routes. Pretty easy since almost all of them were part of the itinerary we'd created.

Long flights but picked up HI 570 was the first clinch, an easy one, since it just spikes out of Lihue Airport for two miles. And it leads to a Wal-Mart, where we picked up breakfast and lunch provisions for most of the week. Strolled the beach and put feet in the water, which also I like to "clinch" as soon as possible.

Sunrise comes early and even though we're five hours behind, it only felt like an hour or so thanks to a previous day that felt about 36 hours long that was fueled by my excitement, a few in-flight movies (the pick of the bunch being The Pez Outlaw), and my first ride on an Airbus A321neo. HI 51 and HI 58 were easy pickings as well, but saved them for the following day. Drove a bunch on HI 50 and HI 56 and checked out the lay of the land along HI 520/530 in Koloa and Poipu's beach, and had a nice dinner by candlelight and an incident whereby two roosters decided to squabble until a hotel security guard shooed them away.  :o

We took HI 50 to HI 550 all the way around Waimea Canyon, doing some "moderate" hiking (read: a strenuous 4 miles) and magnificent vistas. We were fortunate to see the north coast at the end of pothole-stricken 550 with some clarity in between 5-minute rain showers. Took 552 back down to 50 but that's apparently a county route; which makes sense since it doesn't seem to serve anybody or anything. We took 50 all they way as far west as one can go without military credentials, serving as both our westernmost points to date. Technically, my better half has me beaten by about two feet during the U-turn at the gate (she didn't want either of us get out of the car...fair enough, 'twas the only "no" I heard all week). Detoured though HI 540 to see the Kauai Coffee plantation. Was too tired for anything but a take-out pizza and we chilled out and watched the Spanish GP...thinking about how hardcore an F1 fan has to be in Hawaii to watch races live at 1:00am.  ???

Monday was a beach day and we just hung out at the hot tub because we're used to little easy-peasy hikes. Picked up HI 583 in Waimea Falls (parking is limited, but it's 10-15 minutes of views and that's it). Checked out some shops and dinner in Kapa'a. Many places aren't open for dinner that aren't food trucks, and several are just plain closed on Mondays. Still found a good meal if one is a little patient.

Floated some tubes at a former sugar plantation and did the lazy river thing. The locals told us about how much they like their Toyota Tacomas and dealt with an obscene amount of rainfall in 2018. They'd told us they'd only met one other couple form Alabama before. Apparently, Kauaians also really like Las Vegas as their favorite non-Hawaiian destination, and I told them they might like Colorado or the Smoky Mountains if they need a different fix that has elevation. Had some time between lunch and our luau for dinner on HI 580 and checked out the one-lane bridge at its end and snaked around HI 581, then the bypass 5600 which was conveniently used a few more times during our trip.

Got up early for the trip to Ha'ena State Park and another major hike (well, for us...we're not that hardcore on the 11-mile trek) to a semi-quiet beach. Saw a major pod of dolphins. Almost dunked all my camera equipment in the water. Made doubly sure not to dehydrate myself as much as on Sunday. Visited all 5 mainland moku. More importantly dear readers, finished off HI 56 and 560, the latter being one of the picturesque routes which also seems a little less state-route-like than the rest. We almost balked at the $50 fee to shuttle to the park but the views and hike were worth it. To top it off, we weren't as sore this time around, even though the hike was longer.

Did some ATVing on the south end of the island. Wasn't expecting my wife to prefer that over horseback riding, but there you have it. I got to swim in a waterfall for the first time in my life. She was afraid to drive but now wants one (a new one seems to cost almost as much as a horse). That just left one little nub of a route....HI 541. Between being too muddy to want to be seen in public, she wanted to see the unusual items on the McDonald's menu in Eleele, and I also got a fried taro pie out of it. Turned right and headed to the powerplant since she'd wondered where everyone got their electric power from island. Ding!

Spent the last day buying things and souvenirs. I bought myself a used Hawaii license plate, since I didn't have one. Watched some surfers, saw some turtles, did some bird watching, and headed for the airport. There's probably a bunch of unsigned routes that we didn't get to. I know I missed 543, but maybe just save it for the next visit.

On flight home, she wants to take a trip to Alaska. Back home, our kids guilt-tripped us because it's the first time we went on a vacation without them since 2005.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: clong on June 17, 2023, 06:41:54 pm
Drove from Birmingham, AL to Russellville, AR filling in a county donut primary along MS8 between I-22 and I-55. Then crossed the Mississippi at Helena and proceeded to Pine Bluff, AR. Clinched I-530.

On the way home, mostly US64 in AR, then I-22 for MS and AL.

Picked up 19 new counties - 11 in AR, 8 in MS.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on June 18, 2023, 06:47:15 pm
Went on a shorter solo ride yesterday to see if that is something I can resume doing on the regular.

New clinches - WV 104, LSR 120, VA 372, WV 112
Reclinches- US 501 (VA), James river bridge; VA 61 New River bridge
New mileage - WV 20

VA 372 is only posted with white rectangles so it won’t be added to TM.

WV 112 is mostly a terrible road and it has an unsigned turn EB.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: kjslaughter on June 24, 2023, 02:09:13 pm
Just came back from a trip with wife to a place we had never been, Maine.  We flew into Boston and then drove up to Bath ME, so I was able to add miles to my Massachusetts travels on I-93 and I-95, clinched I-95 in New Hampshire like tons of other people, and then traveled on a few roads in Maine as we explored the Mid-Coast region and peninsulas.  Wife and time prevented extensive drives just to clinch highways, but still glad to add two new states to my travels.

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: SSOWorld on June 25, 2023, 03:19:18 am
Today's (actually yesterday due to being 5h behind Jim's server) pull request will merge data for all 50 states for me with the latest added being AK - along with the end total of 5 CAN provinces (ON, SK, MB, AB and BC) and 2 CAN territories (YT and NT). What a rough road - literally.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on June 26, 2023, 10:03:28 am
A quick mid-trip update: My first-ever car travel in Spain and Portugal the last few days has allowed me to pick up almost 300 miles in Portugal and 360 miles in Spain.  This was after a few new segments in the Montreal area on our way to Dorval to fly over.  Our main event was attendance at a wedding in Cadiz, but it made the most sense to fly in and our of Lisbon and rent a car there.  On the way south, we started across the impressive Ponte Vasco da Gama and took A12 - A2 - A22 to the border, then A-29 to Seville.  A-4 and AP-4 to the Cadiz area then the north bridge, as our destination was at the north end of the city.  For yesterday's drive back, we first went south to San Fernando, then A-4 until it became N-IV and got a bit slow.  We cut over to A-471, which despite being an "A" (wrong color I guess) was also 2-lane.  I should have known it couldn't have been to major of a road if its system, whatever it is, is not included in TM.  That got us back to AP-4.  I mistakenly followed signs for A-66 that took me through the Puerto de Sevilla which was slow but fortunately didn't delay us much.  We fought through a little traffic and near 110-degree heat through Seville then got onto A-66.  That was a great ride through some mountains.  At Merida, I had the wrong route number in my head (5 instead of 6 because Spain's A-5 becomes A6 in Portugal) and ended up with a couple of extra exits on A-66 before reversing directions.  We had an easy shot westbound back into Portugal.  I wanted to take the A2 bridge into Lisbon then work our way up to the hotel by the airport but it looked to have some substantial traffic delays even late on a Sunday evening.

As I write this, I am waiting to board our flight to London, where we'll be until Sunday.  Clinching opportunities will be limited, as we won't have a car.  We do have one day between the two nights at Gatwick at the end of our stay when I'm still considering renting a car to explore a bit more outside of London but we'll see how it goes.  I've heard everything from "definitely do it, you won't have any problems and you'll see a lot more than on the trains and buses" to "definitely don't do it, there's no way you'll adjust to left-side driving in time to enjoy it at all and there's too much traffic anyway so don't clog up the roads and crash into people and things".  We'll see how things are going when the time comes.  Given what seems to be over-the-top rental car demand it might be impossible or prohibitively expensive on short notice anyway.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: si404 on June 26, 2023, 03:36:53 pm
Clinching opportunities are limited in London? Have you looked at the graph over London?!? Now sure, you won't get a huge amount by foot, but almost all the on-road walking you do do will be clinchable mileage.

I have well over 100 miles solely obtained on Shanks Pony in the London area. But that took rather more effort than you ought to, given your limited time in the the only place that rivals NYC as most important city in the world currently (not to disparage cities like Paris and Tokyo which aren't that far behind the Alpha+ pair, but NYLon gets it's own category).

As for a car, if you have a reason to drive a car for a day go for it. If you are mostly on limited access highways the left/right won't matter as much and most people I've seen comment on aaroads and the like find it a bit weird but not problematic. I'll happily suggest some destination beyond aimless driving (and routes that might maximise mileage while not making the driving difficult) if you let me know what kind of thing you might want to see!

Enjoy London. The weather's just broken, but cloudy, dry, and much closer to room temperature is better exploring weather than the sunny, muggy and slightly too hot that it has been.

PS: I should add that all train mileage will be clinchable the moment we have rail systems added...

PPS: I can't do tomorrow, or Wednesday evening, but if you would like to meet up, I'm free this week and only about an hour away. I'll buy you a pint, be a personal tour guide with a lot of knowledge you'd have to pay a professional quite a bit for, whatever.

PPPS: the A-471 in Andulucia would be clinchable if they were like the other Spanish provinces with their cartouche colours. Alas the are too proud and so the primary community roads are signed a level lower than they should be just because they insist on not sharing a colour with the feds for their top roads.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on June 26, 2023, 06:25:20 pm
Thanks, Si!  I am sure to pick up some foot mileage.  I have some on my map from my 2003 visit.

The weather here is very welcome after the heat in Spain and Portugal.  Looks like it should be a good next few days.

Watch for an email from me about the chances to meet up.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: ntallyn on June 29, 2023, 10:28:54 pm
Just got back from Guatemala. Got a few new miles in Florida on the way to the airport: I-195, I-595, FL 818, FL 836, FL 953, FL 959, and FL 969.

And a few new kilometers in Guatemala (though they aren't tracked yet): CA9, SAC_RD1, SAC_RD9, and ESC_RD3. I don't know if the RD routes will ever be included here, but I'm tracking them anyway.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on June 30, 2023, 03:34:44 pm
Cooling my jets in Denver, while I plot my next move.

Earlier in my trip, I clinched US 275 overall (had previously traveled the route in NE, just added its IA and MO segments); re-clinched US 10 overall after recent changes in Manitowoc WI; and in MI clinched US 31 and all of its business routes. Also spent a lot of time county-snagging in IA and KS, bringing my "round 2" ( count in both states up to 100%.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: si404 on June 30, 2023, 04:08:14 pm
A 2.7 mile walk (which turned into a jog when I realized it was a longer box than I thought and I was going to be very late) having arrived early to meet Jim was a nice bonus.

I also got a good few miles of railway, and about a mile more road, on my way back. Both of which are not easy for me to do in London (for the railway) / inner London (for the road) as I've already got them.

Some time soon I'm going to cycle to the nearest bit of road I've not clinched (and get the train back to avoid going uphill). Never had a reason beyond clinching, but the second longest viaduct in Britain is under construction over that segment (and obviously more) and I want to see it while it's being built.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on July 07, 2023, 05:54:04 pm
I'm back from the Europe trip (have been since Sunday night) and I'm looking at how I did as far as TM accomplishments.

I picked up new miles in four countries: Canada (we flew out of Montreal), Portugal, Spain, and the UK.  For Portugal and Spain, these were my first TM-chlinchable travels.  I was in Barcelona 20 years ago but I don't think my walking or tourist bus rides covered any clinchable routes.  My Portugal and Spain travels for this trip were described a few posts up.  Surprisingly, these added my first-ever travels in only three systems (prta, espa, and espn).

In the UK, I picked up only 37 miles, on foot and buses plus an Uber ride to Gatwick, which was actually more than I thought it would be.  Much of this was in central London on foot/bus, plus the ride to Gatwick, and walking in Brighton.  No new systems, but a good number of new routes.

My 26 new miles in Canada included getting off A-15 for a couple exits after crossing the border for some new roads, approaching Dorval via A-30, A-730, and QC 132, then a new chunk of A-20 between the airport and the A-15 on the way home.

I picked up a little over 700 new miles total.  The stat that improved the most is the number of routes traveled, which went up by 47.  I added 7 new 100% clinches of connected routes.

Of course, another highlight was the chance to chat with Si in person for about an hour before we left Wimbledon for Gatwick.  I hope we'll be able to meet up again for a longer visit some time.  I'm on a good roll meeting TM people over the last several months, as this follows on meeting yakra and mapcat recently.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: clong on July 12, 2023, 03:47:06 pm
Just returned home from a 2 week trip earlier this week. Here are the TM, state, and county highlights:
New counties on the trip (total percentage now acheived in the state)
CO - 13 with 7 from 2 previous trips (31%)
IA - 16 with 4 from a previous trip (22%)
ID - 11 (25%)
IL - 11 with 14 from previous trips (25%)
IN - 8 with 22 from previous trips (33%)
MO - 6 with 42 from previous trips (42%)
MN - 13 with Hennepin from a previous trip (16%)
MT - 11 (20%)
ND - 3 (6%)
NE - 13 (14%)
SD - 13 (20%)
UT - 8 with Salt Lake from a previous trip (31%)
WI - 15 (21%)
WY - 3 (13%)

As you can see, 144 new counties and 7 new states bringing me to 995 counties and 42 states visited. Also, converted MN from airport only on this trip.

Just over 5000 mappable miles added for the trip.
First travels on:
I-35W (MN)
I-84 (Western)
I-155 (IL)
I-180 (NE)
I-380 (IA)
I-480 (NE/IA)
I-229 (SD)
I-794 (WI)
I-894 (WI)
Various National Park roads, state highways, business interstates, etc.

A few clinches along the way as well - MT7 at 81 miles comes in 10th on my longest clinch list.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: dave1693 on July 15, 2023, 01:39:30 am
First travels on:

From context, this is presumably the western I-76 (CO, NE) and not the eastern one (OH, PA, NJ)...
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: clong on July 16, 2023, 06:43:25 pm
Indeed. Western I-76. Just missed the 5 miles or so west of I-25.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: cl94 on July 18, 2023, 10:41:33 pm
Just got back from a trip to the Canadian Rockies. Something in the area of 2,500 miles driven over the course of 10 days, the vast majority of which are new. Notably, I made my first visits to Alberta and British Columbia and got my first mileage along western I-84, which was the longest Interstate I had not been on. I also made my first substantial foray into Idaho, logging my first mileage in the state away from I-90, and my first visits to ID, OR, WA since 2018.

A decent amount of new counties obtained over the week and a half, with 12 new in Idaho, 8 in Oregon, 9 in Washington, 2 in California, 4 in Alberta, and 7 in British Columbia, bringing me to 1278 US counties and 49 Canadian county equivalents. Only 6 counties remain for me in CA, with both WA and OR now close to halfway done.

As far as clinches/new mileage, I logged the following:
CA: CA 139. Additional mileage was obtained along US 395.
ID: US 95 in the state, all 3 US 95 business routes, US 95 Spur Weiser, ID 66, ID 128. Additional mileage was obtained along US 12 and US 30.
NV: BL 80 Winnemucca, NV 293, NV 294, NV 787, NV 796. I am the only TM user to have clinched NV 293, which is a very pleasant desert drive. All of US 95 north of Winnemucca to the Canadian border was obtained.
OR: US 95 in the state, I-105, I-405, US 30 Business Ontario, US 95 Spur, OR 39, the north and south entrance roads to Crater Lake NP. Substantial mileage was obtained along I-5 and OR 138, with smaller amounts along I-84, US 20, US 26, US 30, US 97, OR 62, and the Crater Lake rim road.
WA: I-405, I-705, WA 128, WA 193, WA 532. Substantial mileage was obtained along I-5 and WA 167 and I am over 75% of Interstate mileage in the state.
AB: AB 93, AB 1A Banff National Park, both AB 93As, the AB 16A in Jasper that is of questionable existence. Mileage was also obtained along TCH 1 and TCH 16. AB 93 may be the best top-to-bottom route I have ever driven in terms of scenery.
BC: BC 99. Substantial mileage was obtained along BC 5, BC 93, and BC 95, with smaller amounts along TCH 1, TCH 16, BC 3, and BC 97. Ended up with nearly 10% of provincial mileage on a single trip despite only spending 2 nights in the province.

After this trip, US 95 is my 9th-most traveled route, I-5 is my 15th-most traveled route, and BC 99 is my 25th-longest clinched route. Both 5 and 95 are likely to keep moving up the list in the relatively near future as I continue working to complete California and Nevada.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on July 19, 2023, 08:40:03 pm
My Little Rock Meet trip summary can be found here. (
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: CoreySamson on July 22, 2023, 06:11:25 pm
I went on a little clinching trip today after lunch with a friend to pick up a few loose odds and ends. I finally fully clinched I-45 (my 2nd ever 2di clinch), grabbed a section of TX 6 in Santa Fe that I was missing, and clinched two FM roads (528 and 2917).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on July 23, 2023, 01:40:40 pm
Took a 17.5 hr U-turn yesterday…

New clinches in order: WV 42, WV 72, WV 92, WV 273, WV 310, WV 218, PA 218, WV 891, WV 86, US 30 (WV), I-376 Bus, US 30 (PA), PA 576, PA 21

New mileage: WV 88, WV 2, US 30 (OH)

WV 72’s substandard segment - 16 miles - is a terrible road. Nearly half of it is truly one lane and some of that is narrow even for that. Lots of blind curves. It has 2 curves signed at 5 mph and numerous others signed at 10 or 15. I passed 5 cars heading the other way though not on the narrowest parts. I don’t how locals drive this road in fog or wintry weather.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Bruce on July 23, 2023, 11:24:26 pm
Recently finished a trip that brought me up to 97% completion in Washington. Only 5 segments of the state highway system left, plus some bonuses.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: ntallyn on August 05, 2023, 03:01:48 pm
Had a funeral to attend in Abilene KS a couple weeks ago.

Flew to MCI and grabbed some new roads on the way.

MO 92, MO 45, MO 45 Spr, KS 92, US 73, KS 7, KS 192, KS 116, KS 16, KS 63, KS 99, KS 18, KS 177, US 40 Bus (didn't complete due to a bridge out). I had to shorten the route and missed one spur (I don't recall the number right now) due to my flight arriving more than 4.5 hours late.

I returned to MCI via KS 143, KS 18, US 40 Bus, KS 57, KS 4, I-335, US 56, KS 7, KS 32 Trk, KS 5, US 69, MO 9, US 169, MO 152.

Next week, a business trip to Brisbane will allow quite a few new km.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on August 11, 2023, 07:53:50 pm
I finally finished my trip report for my trips from the last three weekends.  (Lexington, KY, Buffalo Meet, and Bellefonte, PA) (
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: clong on August 14, 2023, 12:13:03 pm
Moved my son into college Saturday and was able to pickup 55 miles (combined) on US 29 and 31 and 42 miles on AL10.

That brings me to just under 92% on US Highways in AL. Just 285 miles left to clinch. Most missing on any road is 55 miles on US45.

Closest US Hwy mileage in AL is just under 2 hours away.

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: cl94 on August 16, 2023, 03:21:22 pm
Took a trip out to California's Lost Coast over the weekend. In addition to 2 new counties and great scenery, I added a few hundred miles of California to my list, bringing me to over 38% complete. Notably, I clinched CA 99, which is now one of my longest clinched routes, and got large portions of US 101 and CA 36, in addition to other routes. Not a bad amount of the state for a year of living out here.

Not included in the TM stats was a drive along Mattole Road, which was once proposed to be the north end of CA 1. Easily among the best drives I have ever done and it would have rivaled the other famous sections of 1 had it been extended north. This is also the westernmost road in California, giving me a new westernmost point visited.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on August 19, 2023, 09:08:03 pm
A Florida trip the first half of this month was a little better than expected for TM clinches: I picked up just over 100 new miles.  A bypass of a delay on I-95 in Maryland yielded first travels on 4 Maryland state routes and one clinch of short MD 925.  This was mostly in Florida with some miles on state highways in the Miami area that I'd never traveled (first miles on 5 of them, but no new 100% clinches), a painfully slow and congested segment of US 27 just north of the Miami airport, about a mile of US 41 near Little Havana, and a 60-mile chunk of Florida's Turnpike between I-75 and the Jupiter area that clinched the mainline for me.

I don't anticipate anything new for the next couple of months.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on August 21, 2023, 06:21:54 pm
I ended up doing two more trips the last two weekends.

August 12, 2023-Day Trip Through PA, MD, and DE

I started this trip by taking US 15 SB to PA 94 SB/MD 30 SB to MD 91 SB to access MD 32 SB.  I had planned to access MD 32 SB southeast of Westminster, but I wanted to avoid that area due to severe weather taking down utility poles along MD 97/MD 140 ( earlier that week, and I was unsure if it had reopened.  I got off MD 32 SB at Broken Land Pkwy to do a long loop in order to clinch the unsigned MD 432 on the north side of the I-95/MD 32 interchange. 

I then took MD 32 SB to I-95 NB and stayed on I-95 NB all the way to Philadelphia where I looped around the airport and Eastwick neighborhood to clarify the routing of the new PA 291 ALT TRUCK (Philadelphia).  I then continued back onto I-95 NB all the way to US 13 in Bristol, PA, where I then did a loop using PA 413, PA 332, and Yardley-Morrisville/Pine Grove Rd. During this segment, I took a selfie with the I-95/I-276 interchange at the nearby Wawa on PA 413. 

Once done here, I followed I-276 WB to I-76 EB to US 30 WB all the way to York with a few excursions.  The first one was to check out the Nova Way connector road between US 30 and PA 10 west of Coatesville.  The second one was to see the Walnut St Extension construction at the eastern US 30/PA 23 interchange in Lancaster.  Thirdly, I accidentally exited onto PA 283 WB so I just turned around at PA 72.  Finally, I exited off of US 30 around Columbia and Wrightsville to check out PA 462 TRUCK (Columbia).  Then it was time for Cheddar's in York before taking I-83 back to Harrisburg.

Clinched: MD 432 (unsigned), PA 291 ALT TRUCK (Philadelphia), PA 462 TRUCK (Columbia) 

August 18-20, 2023-I-95 Express Lanes Trip (plus another Smithfield's Chicken-N-BBQ trip with mom)

I left my apartment just after 3 PM on Friday, and drove through Downtown Harrisburg to access US 15 via the Harvey Taylor Bridge.  However, I had a huge scare on Forster St where someone forced room right in front of me to go over two lanes to make a left on 3rd St.   :pan:  Even though no one was hit or anything like that, I had to stop at the Sheetz on Erford Rd in Camp Hill to catch my breath and recover. 

Anyway once on US 15 SB, I followed it all the way to Monocacy Blvd, which I used to bypass Downtown Frederick, and to access MD 85 to see its final form at I-270.  I then took MD 355 SB from MD 85 to MD 109 to photograph a Truss Bridge over the Monocacy River and to see the new bridge built over a creek south of Urbana.  I picked up I-270 SB at MD 109 and took it to I-495 Outer, which I followed via its Express Lanes (once in VA) to the I-95 SB Express Lanes, which I followed all the way to its new southern end approaching US 17 near Fredericksburg (thankfully without any congestion issues whatsoever).  I ended up cutting east to VA 2 (of course picking up US 301 in Bowling Green) via SR 606 south of Fredericksburg due to I-95 congestion around Ashland.  Once I got to I-295 via US 301/VA 2, I went straight to my parents' house near Hopewell for the night.

On Saturday, I basically took my mom to New Bern and eventually got some Smithfield's Chicken-N-BBQ.  Unsurprisingly, I found a different way to go than just I-95 SB to US 70/Future I-42 EB.  It was VA 156 SB to I-95 SB into NC though, however, it was then NC 186 EB to NC 305 SB to US 13 SB to Windsor.  Then it was NC 308 EB to NC 45 SB to NC 99 SB (to finish this clinch) to US 264 WB to US 17 BUS (Washington) SB (since I could finally clinch it) to NC 33 EB.  We stayed on NC 33 EB all the way from Chocowinity to its eastern terminus concurrent with NC 304. 

Afterwards, I clinched NC 304 by taking it south to NC 55 clinching NC 307 along the way.  I then took NC 55 EB to its eastern terminus in Oriental which my mom loved.  Sadly, there was a flipped over truck in the corn field at the NC 55/Kershaw Rd intersection north of Oriental.   Anyway, I then took NC 55 WB to New Bern where we stopped at the riverfront to take pictures of the US 17/US 70/NC 55 interchange over the Neuse River and the Alfred Cunningham Bridge (which opened while we were there) nearby.  Then it was NC 55 WB to NC 43 SB to US 17 NB/US 70 EB to MLK Blvd for lunch at Smithfield's Chicken-N-BBQ backtracking back to NC 43 NB after lunch.

After lunch, we ultimately followed NC 43 NB all the way to its northern terminus at NC 58 with three excursions.  The first one was a loop in Greenville to close a gap in US 13, see updated signage at the I-587/US 264 interchange, and see the new Royal Farms in that area.  The second one was taking NC 222 east of NC 43 to see its eastern terminus at NC 33.  The third one was myself missing the turn to stay on NC 43 NB in Pinetops so I instead stayed on NC 42 WB to NC 124 EB allowing myself to clinch NC 124.  After clinching NC 43, it was NC 58 NB to US 401 NB to I-85 NB back to Petersburg, VA, before seeing family before calling it a night.

Clinched: NC 305, NC 99, US 17 BUS (Washington, NC), NC 304, NC 307, NC 43, NC 124
New Mileage:  NC 561, US 13 (NC), NC 45, NC 33, NC 306, NC 55, NC 11, NC 903, NC 222, NC 42

On Sunday, I did some updated photos of the VA 10 construction by SR 618 and Rivers Bend Blvd in Chester before taking I-295 NB to I-95 NB back to do the Express Lanes in the northbound direction before taking the I-495 Inner Express Lanes.  I did backtrack a bit at Jones Branch Dr via SR 650 (Gallows Rd) due to having some photography issues, but I had little issue doing so as I got back onto the I-495 Inner Loop taking it to I-270 NB in Maryland.  I got lunch at the Royal Farms at the I-270/MD 85 interchange I looked at Friday before taking US 15 NB back to the Harrisburg area (though I got into a backup in Dillsburg for once oddly enough).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on August 22, 2023, 11:08:09 am
I did a cross-country road trip starting in late June, five weeks and over 12,000 miles.

This was a three-phase road trip, with options to turn back if I wasn't comfortable going all the way to the Pacific coast. As some of you know, I've had some health problems this year, including worsening of a balance problem that started around the beginning of 2022. For now, I'm using a three-wheeled walker, to stay upright (a cane was not providing reliable support, especially on soft and/or uneven ground), and avoid "I've fallen and I can't get up!" situations. It's inconvenient and limiting (mainly means no hiking, for now), but I'm getting by without slowing my pace too much. I'm working with my doctors on how to better manage my balance issues.

The first phase of my trip was from home to Minneapolis, to help celebrate an elderly aunt's birthday. I previously discussed here how I got there, via western Michigan, to Wisconsin via the SS Badger auto ferry (alas, now out of service until next year at best, due to a failed vehicle loading ramp), then to the Twin Cities. Once there, I decided I was up for phase 2 of my trip, zigzagging through Iowa and Nebraska (went to both on a trip earlier this year) and then Kansas. From there, I drove to Denver, spending a few days for this year's brief Extra Miler Club meeting (serious county-counters), catching up on sleep and laundry, and plotting my next move. I decided that having driven two-thirds of the way across the country, I might as well keep going all the way to the Pacific coast. My other decision was to head into the Pacific Northwest rather than visit family in southern California (that might be a future trip TBD). I avoided hot weather in California, though there was some in arid eastern Washington.

First thing I did when I got to Washington state was take a right turn from Pasco to Lewiston over the new four-lane divided (posted at 70mph) US 12 alignment west of Walla Walla, then south back into Oregon via the lightly-traveled Asotin County (WA) and Wallowa County (OR). I zigzagged my way to the southwest corner of Oregon, with a quick dive into the northwest corner of California via US 199 to get to the Oregon coast. Then I turned north toward Portland, back west to Astoria via WA 4, then northeast to the Bremerton WA area.

At that point, I had to deal with the service issues the Washington State Ferries system has had lately, mainly staffing shortages that forced service reductions on some key routes across Puget Sound. After finishing my exploration of the Olympic Peninsula, I wound up unhappily driving around the Sound via Tacoma to my next stop Bellingham (took a pass on another visit to Canada), because the ferry route I had planned to take had sold out before I could make vehicle reservations, and alternate ferry routes that didn't require vehicle reservations were on reduced schedules. I did take a ferry day trip to Friday Harbor and back, in the San Juan Islands, while leaving my car in Anacortes since no reservations were needed for passenger-only travel. (I had decades ago taken my car from Sidney BC one-way to Anacortes with stopovers in Friday Harbor and Orcas. No WSF service to Canada this year.)

From Bellingham, it was some easterly zigzagging to Idaho and Montana, including a cross-state clinch of WA 20. Then a more or less straight shot to Omaha, from where I tried to clinch cross-state IA 92 (missed a few miles due to a bridge closure), and cover some territory in northeastern IA I had missed on the westbound journey due to severe weather that forced me to hunker down for a day in Fort Dodge. Once done with Iowa, I drove home via a boring Interstate-only route.

Significant route clinches:

Ohio -- US 20 Truck (Perrysburg), US 20 Alternate (Maumee)

Michigan -- US 31 in that state, the US 31 business routes I hadn't already clinched, re-clinch of I-94 Business (Benton Harbor), MI 63

Wisconsin -- re-clinch of US 10 overall, after its relocation in the Manitowoc area

Minnesota -- its segment of US 65

Iowa -- its segment of US 67

Iowa and Missouri -- their US 275 segments, to finish off the overall route

Kansas -- Kansas 147 (lots of new mileage elsewhere in KS, but no other clinched routes)

Washington -- re-clinch of US 12 overall; WA 129, WA 4, WA 409, WA 401, US 101Alt (Ilwaco), WA 107, WA 108, WA 285, WA 17, WA 19, US 97 Business (Okanogan), WA 292, WA 20

Oregon -- OR 3, OR 7, OR 19, OR 370, OR 380, OR 140, US 20 Business (Toledo), OR 223, OR 6, US 101 Business (Astoria)

Washington and Oregon -- Bridge of the Gods across the Columbia River (not mapped in TM)

Idaho -- ID 5, ID 97

Montana -- MT 1, MT 48, SR 441

Along with the route clinching, I also sought to boost my "round 2" county tally (counties revisited after I completed all the U.S. counties in 2010). I re-completed the counties in Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Oregon, and Washington, and for all those counties I went to the county seat city (usually including a drive around the courthouse). The only state I haven't re-completed in the lower 48 is Missouri, where I'm still missing 25 counties, scattered all over the state.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: CoreySamson on August 23, 2023, 10:48:43 pm
I just realized that I forgot to report on my latest road trip! About 10 days ago, I traveled from my hometown near Houston to Tulsa to move in for my sophomore year of college. From my home, (starting very early in the morning to beat Houston traffic) I took TX 288 and I-69/US 59 to Lufkin instead of the more typical route from Houston to Tulsa. From Lufkin, I used SL 287 around the west side of town to get to US 69, which I traveled on to Jacksonville. From Jacksonville, I got on US 175, which I took all the way to Dallas, clinching it in the process (my first US route clinch!). From Dallas, I used US 75 pretty much the entire way to Tulsa, avoiding OK 375 since I didn't know if ODOT had transferred it over to AET yet. The only diversions were clinching a couple business routes in Henryetta and OK 3 Bypass in Atoka. As a bonus for the trip, I managed to snag Kaufman County, TX, which I had not clinched before.

Major routes I clinched (in order of clinch):
TX SL 287, US 175 BUS (Athens), US 175, OK 3 Bypass (Atoka), I-40/US 62/75 Business (Henryetta)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: dave1693 on August 25, 2023, 05:49:37 pm
Looks like my travels for August are basically over, so here's my summary for May through August. This included two large road trips out to western PA via eastern PA, and I still haven't gotten back to the farm in Virginia to unload all the heavy camping gear! There have also been the usual trips between northern VA and eastern PA.

In June I took a trip to Milwaukee for a conference held at Marquette; between scheduling restrictions and budgetary restrictions I ended up starting at my parents' place in the Lehigh Valley, driving to Lansdale PA, parking at a friend's house, getting a ride to the SEPTA regional rail station, taking the train to the Philly airport (changing trains in Center City), flying from PHL to ORD, carpooling from O'Hare to Milwaukee, then on the return trip I took Amtrak to Chicago (a trip I'd never don on the train before, yay!), grabbing an Italian Beef sandwich at Luke's, then taking the Orange Line El to Midway, flying from MDW to PHL, getting a ride from Philly airport back to Lansdale, and driving back to the parents' place in time to get my dad to a doctor's appointment the next day. This did add some road mileage in both Illinois and Wisconsin. Most of my new mileage these past four months has been in PA, however, and I have now traveled over half the HB mileage in Pennsylvania as a result.

New clinches:
I-376 in PA (technical clinch), US 62 Business (Sharon PA), PA 233, PA 478, PA 533, PA 760

New mileage (but not clinched):
I-190 in IL, I-294 in IL (near-clinch), I-43 in WI, US 12 in IL, US 14 in IL, US 45 in IL, US 62 in PA, US 322 in PA, PA 8, PA 17, PA 18, PA 28, PA 35, PA 36, PA 38, PA 53 (clinched northern end), PA 58, PA 65, PA 74, PA 108, PA 138, PA 144 (clinched southern end), PA 158, PA 168, PA 173, PA 208, PA 263, PA 274, PA 308, PA 318, PA 333, PA 388, PA 518, PA 550, PA 718, PA 850, PA 879, IL 58, WI 32

The near-clinch of I-294 was thanks to getting off the interstate in search of lunch, and getting back on one exit further north.

Various obligations will involve plenty of travel in September and October but mostly in well-familiar areas between Virginia and eastern PA. I'll try to add a little more mileage in that neck of the woods -- I'd especially like to get myself over the halfway mark in Virginia!
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on August 27, 2023, 10:33:46 am
Took a 19-hr ride yesterday...

New Clinches:
WV 23 (still has a legacy posting leaving old US 50)
WV 18 Spur (95% of this is a foot bridge over Middle Island Ck in West Union)
US 50 Truck (not in HB...this is posted from WV 18 SB in West Union, running both directions on Old US 50 through West Union)
WV 74
WV 18 (including unposted segment west of WV 2 to the Sistersville Ferry)
WV 7
WV 14
WV 36

New mileage:
WV 20 (through Clarksburg)
WV 2 (WV 18 to WV 7 bridge to OH)
OH 536 (bridge to WV)
OH 7 (OH 536 to OH 807)
WV 2 (WV 807 to I-77)
WV 4 (WV 36 to I-79 exit 62)...WV 4 is awesome.  Despite the very twisty appeaarance on maps, this can be driven almost continuously at 55 mph outside of towns)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: rickmastfan67 on August 27, 2023, 11:09:21 am
US 50 Truck (not in HB...this is posted from WV 18 SB in West Union, running both directions on Old US 50 through West Union)

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on August 30, 2023, 08:54:12 am
Last week's final trip of the summer took me to SoCal again in advance of Mapkitten's junior year, this time driving one-way (delivering a car...she's been responsible) and flying home. There weren't any unclinched high-value roads left in my path, so I generally aimed for usausb and state route clinches. The longest of these were in Kansas (K-4 and K-96). K-4, I don't get. It passes through nothing of significance besides Topeka (where it piggybacks on a couple of freeways), and west of there it's always within a few miles of a more important route (I-70, US 56, or K-96). There's hardly any traffic, and lots of 90° turns suggesting the routing hasn't changed appreciably since the 1930s. Yet much of it is in really good shape.

Other highlights include "painting" (my term for clinching everything within a defined space) Kansas City, picking up my last 2 auxiliary US routes in Colorado, AZ 89A through Jerome, and dodging rocks and sand in the road left by Hurricane Hilary (mostly on CA 62 and around Palm Springs, which still had some closed roads on Friday). A planned trip up to Big Bear was scrapped due to CA 38 being washed out.

Overall I added 978 miles and 41 new clinches (14 in MO, 6 in KS, 10 in CO, 2 in UT, 6 in AZ, and 3 in CA).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: ntallyn on September 04, 2023, 10:47:33 am
A 2-week business trip to Brisbane, Australia allowed the opportunity to get quite a few km of new highways. In tier/numerical order (full clinches marked with *):

M1, M2*, M3 (might have a full clinch here; the mess of ramps at the end makes it difficult to determine where the end actually is), M3 (Bald Hills)*, M5, M7*, M7 (Brisbane), M15*; Southern Cross Way; A2, A3 (Brisbane), A5 (Springfield)*, A7 (Brisbane)*, A15, N13; MR5, QLD6, QLD10, QLD11 (Brisbane), QLD15 (Brisbane)*, QLD20*, QLD25 (Brisbane) (I only missed the last fraction of a km, as I didn't realize the road turned at the end; there is almost no signage past Lomandra Drive), QLD30, QLD31, QLD32*, QLD33*, QLD34*, QLD35*, QLD37*, QLD38*, QLD39*, QLD41 (Brisbane), QLD61*, QLD62 (Ipswich)*, QLD77 (Brisbane), QLD90, QLD92*, QLD93, QLD94, QLD95; AW, CCTD, PCW, TD7 (MCT), TD8 (GCH), TD16, TD24, WW.

Also some rail riding from Brisbane to Gold Coast.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on September 11, 2023, 10:55:37 pm
On Saturday, I did another round in western PA mainly in order to reclinch the new alignment of PA 228 just west of PA 8.  (

I left around 12:30 AM and took US 22 WB to PA 453 NB to I-99 SB/US 220 SB to US 22 WB to US 219 SB to PA 601 SB in Somerset.  Then I took PA 31 WB to I-70 WB to PA 201 NB to PA 837 NB via the Vance Dei Cas Hwy.

From there, I took PA 837 NB to the McKeesport-Duquesne Bridge and did a loop to clinch PA 148 (via US 30 and PA 48) and its truck route in McKeesport.

I then went back to PA 837 NB and took it all the way to US 19/PA 51/PA 60 at the West End Bridge to finish clinching the route.  Before moving on from PA 837, I cannot think of a route that is more unique especially with all of the odd intersections/interchanges at many of the bridges. 

I then continued on PA 51 NB all way to PA 65 SB on the east side of the Ohio River by Monaca and Rochester.  Then I took PA 65 SB back to Ambridge (passing another Sheetz being renovated along the way) to take PA 989 NB all the way north to PA 68 to clinch it.  I then turned around and took PA 989 SB back to the roundabout at Freedom-Crider Rd and took the Freedom-Crider Rd/Freedom Rd corridor east from there to PA 228 at US 19.  I then took PA 228 EB to Three Degree Rd right into the realignment construction as the rain started pouring.  I took shelter at the Sheetz at the PA 228/Three Degree Rd intersection for a bit before continuing on to see the realignment even though the rain did not really let up until I got east of PA 8.

I continued on PA 228 EB to PA 356 SB before taking PA 28 NB to Kittanning.  I left PA 28 NB at PA 85 EB to get to PA 839 NB to take that to New Bethlehem to clinch it.  I stopped briefly to take pictures of the Redbank Creek Dam and the PA 28/PA 66 Bridge before taking PA 28 NB to PA 536 EB to PA 36 SB to PA 436 SB in Punxsutawney.  I took PA 436 SB to US 119 SB to PA 210 SB to PA 954 SB staying on PA 954 all the way to Downtown Indiana.  I ended up adjusting my route slightly here because the PA 286/PA 954 Concurrency was closed for an event so I backtracked to PA 286 WB driving through the almost-completed widening project (yes, even the pavement markings were done, but not all lanes were open) to US 422/PA 56.  I took PA 56 EB from here (with a Sheetz stop along the US 119 concurrency) back to PA 954 NB heading back to Downtown Indiana where I easily sight-clinched the one block closed south of PA 286.  Since I had clinched PA 286 in June 2021, I did not need to join the event for a walk clinch to consider myself as having clinched PA 954.

From Indiana I took PA 286 EB to US 219 NB to PA 879 EB to I-80 EB.  The rest of the drive was dodging in and out of heavy rain taking I-80 EB to US 15 SB ultimately back to Harrisburg.  I will note that I stopped in Shamokin Dam for dinner at the Hoss' in Shamokin Dam for dinner (where we had lunch at the 2018 CSVT Meet).

Clinched: PA 837, PA 148, PA 148 TRUCK (McKeesport), PA 989, PA 228 (reclinch), PA 839, PA 954
New Mileage:  PA 88, PA 51

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: 7/8 on September 20, 2023, 10:26:40 pm
Just recently returned from my second-ever trip to Europe. I visited Ireland, Spain, and Andorra, all for the first time and got mileage in all three.

- Drove in both Co Dublin and Wicklow. The rural roads in Wicklow were a lot of fun and certainly the most intense driving if I've ever done! Google routed us on Red Lane between M11 and R755 which was incredibly narrow with numerous blind corners!
- I am the only person to have driven on R759 (the Lough Tay lookout was amazing), R817 (to avoid traffic on M50), and R836 (this segment was entirely on foot. We walked from the hotel at the R132 roundabout in search of a late dinner)

- Logged mileage in three regions, Catalonia, Madrid, and Castile and Leon
- Clinched AP61 and N603 in Castile and Leon (south of Segovia)
- Clinched C55 in Catalonia, funny enough by mistake, since my brother's Waze was set to "no tolls" on our drive to Andorra
- Cinched N145 in Catlonia

- I'm the only one of 9 travellers not to have clinched CG-1. Both directions, we veered onto the City streets to the north
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on October 08, 2023, 02:14:32 pm
I'm back from a 25 days long road trip through the Balkans, i.e. through southeast Europe.
I reached out from Germany and passed through Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova, Hungary, Slovaki and Czechia. I've spent the last days of the trip in Saxony, Germany.

I had already traveled all countries except of Kosovo and Moldova. With their first visits, I've now traveled all European countries (not TM regions) west of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. What a great milestone :)
Ukraine was on my list back in 2020/21 - and had been part of this travel - but... well, you know. I hope that I can go there one day.

Some (non-TM-related) highlights of the travel:
- The Hungarian road 67 ( was recently upgraded to an expressway. It is a dual carriageway with at-grade intersections. It is a quite boring ride. However, there is a music road section ( While driving over the rumble strips, you can generate music :)
- The Romanian DN7C ( is an alpine pass called Transfagaras. It is a very scenic route. I also saw two small bears on the road. Pics from TM user niels ( who traveled the road just the other day.
- The day trip to Moldova was also a personal highlight. Please refer to my report on SSC (

My TM-related highlights are:
- passing the 200.000 km milestone
- passing the 125.000 mi milestone

I'm credited for an additional 5.472 miles now. The new mileage is more than 70% of the total travel distance.

I have clinched several (mostly small) freeway systems:
- mnea (Montenegro) (, total of 24 mi; from 0% before the trip
- alba (Albania) (, 121 mi; from 0%
- rksr (Kosovo) (, 83 mi; from 0%
- mkdap (North Macedonia) (, 195 mi; from 56%
- srba (Serbia) (, 611 mi; from 29%
- roudex (Romania, tier 2 expressway) (, 23 mi; from 0%
- hunm (Hungary) (, 1168 mi; from 66%

And I've reclinched the Czech motorway system:
- czed (, 864 mi; from 93%

In addition, I've gained miles for the subsequent freeway systems:
- auts (Austria) (, 308 mi; from 96% to 98%, I was already #1
- hrva (Croatia) (, 826 mi; from 87% to 88%, still #3
- bgra (Bulgaria) (, 521 mi; from 5% to 30%, #5 now
- roua (Romania) (, 605 mi; from 44% to 96%, #1 now :)
- svkd (Slovakia) (, 337 mi; from 60% to 96%, #1 now :)

I did not want to clinch the Romanian motorway system since one section (A7) was too far off my route and there is a lot u/c to be opened in the coming years, i.e. the motorway network will almost be doubled by 2030.

I've also clinched the metro systems in Sofia, Bucharest and Budapest, and gained first mileage on the Graz, Belgrade, Sofia, Bucharest and Budapest tram systems. At the end of the travel, I also clinched more railway routes in Dresden.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on October 08, 2023, 02:55:03 pm
I'm back from a 25 days long road trip through the Balkans, i.e. through southeast Europe.

Sounds excellent!
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: osu-lsu on October 10, 2023, 05:29:23 pm

Some (non-TM-related) highlights of the travel:
- The Hungarian road 67 ( was recently upgraded to an expressway. It is a dual carriageway with at-grade intersections. It is a quite boring ride. However, there is a music road section ( While driving over the rumble strips, you can generate music :)

Do the rumble strips sound like clarinets?
I was told, back when I was a child, that there was some correlation between Magyars & clarinets (alot of clarinets came from Hungary, or alot of Hungarians played clarinet). Of course my dad could of just been pulling my leg back then.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: clong on October 11, 2023, 12:30:58 pm
Short weekend trip to NC resulted in the following:
Finished the I-185/385 loop in Greenville, SC
Clinched the I-585 disconnected spur in Spartanburg, SC
*- that leaves just 67 miles in 2 disconnected segments on I-26 to finish SC Interstates (would be my 3rd state finished)
Finished I-40 in NC (roughly Asheville to Winston-Salem segment)
*- now have I-40 from the eastern end at Wilmington, NC to Oklahoma City
Clinched I-440 NC, I-795 NC, I-840 NC
Added mileage on I-73, I-587 NC, US1, US64, US70, US158, US301, US421
*- got me to just under 85% for NC Interstates (from 70%) and just under 25% for NC US Hwys
Also picked up 6 new counties in NC to get me to 64/100
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on October 11, 2023, 02:51:18 pm

Some (non-TM-related) highlights of the travel:
- The Hungarian road 67 ( was recently upgraded to an expressway. It is a dual carriageway with at-grade intersections. It is a quite boring ride. However, there is a music road section ( While driving over the rumble strips, you can generate music :)

Do the rumble strips sound like clarinets?

:D No, it's deeper:
Edit: I didn't know that there are so many "musical roads" around the world:
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on October 13, 2023, 07:46:44 pm
Just returned from a few days in Cincinnati…

New clinches in order: KY 9, I-471 (OH), OH 562, I-275 (OH/IN/KY), OH 32, OH 561, US 22 (OH)

New mileage: KY 8, KY 8 Bus, I-71 (OH), OH 4, OH 747; got all these Ohio US routes inside the beltway: 27, 42, 127; US 27/127 Truck, I-71/75 (KY), US 27 (KY), OH 125

This gives me a national clinch of US 22.

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on October 13, 2023, 08:22:56 pm
Just returned from a few days in Cincinnati…

New clinches in order: KY 9, I-471 (OH), OH 562, I-275 (OH/IN/KY), OH 32, OH 561, US 22 (OH)

This gives me a national clinch of US 22.

I have a hard time believing that I have already clinched all of these routes before you minus KY 9. 
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: ntallyn on October 13, 2023, 09:28:17 pm
A trip to Palm Springs / Indio CA last weekend got me a little bit of CA 111 and I-10. No car (and minimal time) reduced opportunities to get a whole lot of mileage. Probably no new mileage coming until December.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on October 14, 2023, 10:52:59 am
Just returned from a few days in Cincinnati…

New clinches in order: KY 9, I-471 (OH), OH 562, I-275 (OH/IN/KY), OH 32, OH 561, US 22 (OH)

This gives me a national clinch of US 22.

I have a hard time believing that I have already clinched all of these routes before you minus KY 9.

Cincinnati is way beyond my day trip range.

This was the first time I’ve been there other than a pass-through basis.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mpg on October 16, 2023, 01:18:33 pm
The annular eclipse this past Saturday gave me a good reason to get out to eastern New Mexico, which is only about a 6 to 7 hour drive from central Oklahoma.

I headed out fairly late on Friday afternoon en route to Clovis, NM and basically took the fastest route possible, so I didn't get any substantial new mileage until the final stretch southwest of Amarillo (though I did quickly clinch I-40 BL Sayre, leaving only 2 business loops left to get in Oklahoma). Picked up a few new miles on I-27 in southern Amarillo (between I-40 and Loop 335), and a good piece of US 60 from Canyon to Bovina, TX. From Bovina I cut west along FM 2290 to get to the NM border, where I clinched NM 77 on my way into Clovis.

The next morning I left town via NM 245, an easy 7 mile clinch, before going west on US 60 for an additional 50 miles or so. I was pretty happy about the eclipse path - it would allow me to see annularity at the southern terminus of NM 294, a highly untravelled 16 mile route that ends at a junction with a couple gravel roads. NM 294 was in fine shape (probably a bit better than parts of NM 156, another isolated route I clinched over the summer) so it was a fairly easy drive from start to finish, with no other vehicles going either direction. I believe this is the first route where I managed to be the first TM traveller overall (and another one of a handful of New Mexico routes that I was able to clinch first). Stayed at the eclipse spot for almost two hours before starting the journey back east. On the way back towards Clovis I went slightly out of my way to hit NM 311 (becoming the first to clinch that road). Picked up some more new mileage on US 60 between Clovis and Bovina, missed my turn in Texico and accidentally picked up a couple miles of US 70 before doubling back, then knocked out TX 214 Business in Friona and TX Lp 211 in Hereford on the way back to Amarillo. I also did TX Lp 48 in Canyon (as it's marked out on TM), though it was completely unsigned - technically first to clinch, but I'm not sure whether it will remain on TM.

I got new mileage on TX Lp 335 through the southeast edge of Amarillo (leaving only the northeastern quarter left to drive another time) before hopping on US 287 towards the western end of TX 203, the latter of which I used/clinched to get back to Oklahoma. I followed OK 9 the rest of the way to the OKC metro, bringing me to 90% completion of OK 9 and pushing me just above 25% completion of all TM systems in Oklahoma.

New clinches: I-40 BL Sayre, NM 77, NM 245, NM 294, NM 311, TX 214 Bus Friona, TX Lp 211, TX Lp 48, TX 203

New mileage (ignoring brief concurrencies): I-27, US 60 (TX/NM), US 70 (TX), TX 217, TX Lp 335, US 287 (TX), OK 9
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on October 16, 2023, 09:32:14 pm
I have just completed my Peoria, IL, Meet Trip Report ( via the linked Google Doc.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: cl94 on October 17, 2023, 01:46:44 am
Saturday's eclipse was an excuse for me to do a bunch of Central Nevada clinching. NV 789, 304, 806, 305, and 722 were clinched in that order (as was I-80 BL Battle Mountain, which is entirely concurrent with NV 304). This brings me up to 52% complete in Nevada and it knocked out almost everything in the state within sensible daytrip range, including a full clinch of Churchill County (I had only been missing NV 722 since early spring). At this point, probably going to hold off on new NV mileage until I have an excuse to spend a night in Idaho, Utah or Eastern NV.

NV 789 had some unexpected treats in the form of abandoned US 40 branching off of it. Said abandoned roadbed (likely drivable) had mixed white and yellow centerline of the style Nevada used before all-yellow became standard in the United States. Just needed to park and step out of the car to see it, but it extended for the entire mile or so I walked. NV 722, as the "old loneliest road", is much more deserving of the name than US 50, as I saw a whopping 4 cars and 2 bicyclists along its nearly 60-mile length.

The previous weekend included a decent amount of clinching in Mono, Inyo, and Mineral Counties. Mono County is now fully clinched and I now have US 6 clinched in California. US 95 had some gaps filled in Mineral County and I'm only a short segment of US 95 away from clinching that county. NV 360, CA 203, and (eastern) CA 168 west of Bishop were also clinched.

After the past 2 weekends, completely clinched CA counties are Alpine, El Dorado, Mono, Nevada, Sierra. Completely clinched NV counties are Carson, Douglas, Washoe, Lyon, Storey, Churchill, Pershing. Not bad for only living in the west for a little over a year and mostly shying away from dedicated clinchathons.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: yakra on October 17, 2023, 10:54:30 pm
I also did TX Lp 48 in Canyon (as it's marked out on TM), though it was completely unsigned - technically first to clinch, but I'm not sure whether it will remain on TM.
No signs = it's got to go. :(
While the designation file ( and TxDOT_Highway_Designations shapefiles mention nothing of its deletion, txdot-roadways_tx shapefiles show it's not on the state system. A minute order search ( reveals it was cancelled on 2019-08-29.
Thanks for the heads-up, and welcome to the TM forum!

I got new mileage on TX Lp 335 through the southeast edge of Amarillo (leaving only the northeastern quarter left to drive another time)
Congrats on being the first (and so far only) traveler on TX TXLp335SWA -- with a full clinch no less! :D
While in the area, did you happen to notice...
Is the new alignment still closed between I-40 and 9th Ave?
Is the old alignment on Soncy Rd still also signed for Loop 335? Is it signed as as extension of FM2590 now?
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mpg on October 18, 2023, 05:10:04 pm
While in the area, did you happen to notice...
Is the new alignment still closed between I-40 and 9th Ave?
Is the old alignment on Soncy Rd still also signed for Loop 335? Is it signed as as extension of FM2590 now?

I was actually last on that side of Amarillo back in June as a passenger on a non-clinch related trip so I’ll admit I didn’t pay too much attention to signage. I’m not 100% sure either way, but my gut tells me Soncy was still signed as Loop 335 at that point, especially since the new alignment north of I-40 wasn’t opened. Google Maps’ traffic overlay suggests that the new section remains unopened and will remain that way until Jul 2024, though I don’t know how accurate that is.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: ntallyn on October 19, 2023, 08:34:48 pm
A trip to Palm Springs / Indio CA last weekend got me a little bit of CA 111 and I-10. No car (and minimal time) reduced opportunities to get a whole lot of mileage. Probably no new mileage coming until December.

I lied. I completed GA 40 and GA 40 Spr (St. Mary's) today.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Bickendan on October 22, 2023, 08:55:44 pm

Some (non-TM-related) highlights of the travel:
- The Hungarian road 67 ( was recently upgraded to an expressway. It is a dual carriageway with at-grade intersections. It is a quite boring ride. However, there is a music road section ( While driving over the rumble strips, you can generate music :)

Do the rumble strips sound like clarinets?
Sounds like a cello.
:D No, it's deeper:
Edit: I didn't know that there are so many "musical roads" around the world:
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on October 22, 2023, 09:42:22 pm
I went to the Cumberland, MD, meet yesterday, and added mileage on some WV Routes after realizing that I was not falling asleep Friday Night.

I went from Harrisburg, PA, to Parsons, WV, via US 22 WB to US 219 SB, and briefly took WV 72 NB from there to clinch WV 38.  Once done with WV 38, I did a large loop via US 250 (and the truck route in Philippi on round two), US 119, WV 57, WV 20, and US 33/US 48 to close a gap on US 250.  I completed this loop when I got back to WV 57's western terminus at WV 20.  I then took WV 20 NB to Clarksburg, and cut west to US 19 via WV 98 so I could do the WV 20 SB alignment (I did the WV 20 NB alignment in March).  I then took WV 58 EB to US 50, and then WV 76 EB back towards Philippi at US 119/US 250.  I then took US 250 NB all the way to Fairmont at US 19 giving me a full clinch of US 250 east of US 19. 

I then took Jefferson St to WV 310 SB to US 50 to finish WV 310 (I completed Jefferson St to US 19 back in March).  I then took US 50 WB to WV 58 WB to I-79 NB to I-68 EB to Cumberland, MD, for the meet itself.  While it was fun walking onto WV 28 ALT, visiting the LaVale Toll House, and crossing the Oldtown Toll Bridge, I already covered all of the Travel Mapping mileage during the meet itself including a reclinch of WV/MD 956 (except I went EB instead of WB this time). 

After the meet, I took US 220 NB from Cumberland, MD, to Bedford, PA, (seeing tons of fall foliage on that section of US 220) to US 30 EB to PA 26 NB in Everett to PA 913 EB to PA 655 NB to Oriskany Rd to US 22 EB back to Harrisburg.

Clinched:  WV 38, WV 57, WV 58, WV 76, WV 310

New Mileage:  US 250 (WV), WV 20
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: froggie on October 22, 2023, 11:49:23 pm
Went to that meet myself (in part to surprise everyone) but did it as part of a 3-day trip that covered 6 states, though I only racked up mileage in 4 and completed clinched routes in 3:

MD 49, 53, 63, 658
NY 8, 28A, 29, 42, 81
PA 64, 163, 174, 248, 601
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on November 01, 2023, 12:39:26 pm
As a result of realizing that the new NY 79 bridge/realignment has opened, I decided to go ahead on Saturday and clinch NY 79 along with attempting to and successfully doing the Drive the Glen at Watkins Glen International despite dealing with showers throughout the morning.

I started off on a similar route to my brief NY visit in December 2022 by taking US 11/US 15 NB to PA 147 NB to I-180 WB.  I exited off I-180 at PA 405 and took PA 405 NB to US 220 NB to Dushore.  In Dushore I clinched PA 87 NB (though it is basically east-west) by taking it to US 6 WB to PA 267 NB clinching the latter as it turns into NY 26 at the PA/NY state line.  I took NY 26 NB to Endicott (turning around at NY 17C) and then took NY 17 EB (and I-86 EB in some spots, not yet west of I-81 despite signage in some spots stating otherwise) through Binghamton past the former Kamikaze Curve east to the current true eastern end of I-86 at NY 79.  Note that I had previously clinched NY 79 south of NY 7 in October 2021 so I did not need to enter it from PA 92 to clinch it.  (I did clinch PA 92 in October 2021.)

I continued west on NY 79 all the way to NY 414 in Watkins Glen (driving the new alignment at NY 12) with an exception in Ithaca to loop to clinch NY 13A and drive some of the NY 13/NY 34/NY 96 concurrency.  I also got mileage on NY 89 here because I accessed NY 96 via Vinegar Hill Rd from NY 79, and NYSDOT does an Ohio DOT by having NY 89 end in a short concurrency with NY 96.  I did clinch two new counties in New York in Tompkins and Schuyler during this portion of the drive.

Once in Watkins Glen, I looped to do the historic road course (clinching NY 329 and NY 409 in the process) before briefly visiting Watkins Glen State Park.  The visit was brief because my goal was to check to see if the Drive the Glen at noon was still happening so I quickly backtracked to NY 14/NY 414 and took NY 414 SB to CR 16 WB to the track.  I loved the Drive the Glen experience, but I probably did not drive as fast as everyone else wanted me to.

I then backtracked via CR 16 and NY 414 to NY 14 in Watkins Glen heading south into PA all the way to US 15 so that I could complete a clinch of PA 14.  From there, I simply took US 15 SB to I-180 EB to PA 147 SB to US 15 SB back to I-81 near Harrisburg.  I again ate an early dinner at the Hoss's in Shamokin Dam where I ate an amazing steak sandwich and fries along with the salad bar.

Clinched:  PA 87, PA 267, NY 79, NY 13A, NY 329, NY 419, NY 409, PA 14

New Mileage: US 6 (PA), PA 706, NY 26, *NY 17, NY 7, US 11 (NY), NY 96, NY 89, NY 13, NY 34, NY 228, NY 414, NY 14, PA 414

*Includes clinch of I-86 (Binghamton)

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on November 01, 2023, 01:24:13 pm
I got back Sunday evening from my last road trip of the year, a three-week cross-country drive to California (where I attended a college reunion) and back.

The outbound trip included most of the route clinching. By state:

IA: clinched IA 2, IA 163, IA 44

NE: clinched NE 2, NE 250; re-clinched US 30 after its relocation to the new North Bend bypass (for whatever reason, still not in TM)

WY: clinched WY 193 (US 87 rerouting approved to absorb WY 193, but not yet signed), WY 194, WY 340, WY 251, WY 252, WY 254, WY 257, WY 258, WY 220, WY 73

CA: clinched CA 123; re-clinched CA 1 (relocation north of Bodega Bay), CA 132 (relocation west of Modesto), I-40BL (Needles) (poorly signed, but may include some mileage not yet in TM), I-10BL (Blythe) (east end rerouted, will edit TM routing later)

The return trip from California was a much more direct and tiresome mostly-Interstate routing, to keep a stack of medical appointments back home.

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on November 06, 2023, 11:07:32 am
A conference trip to Myrtle Beach gave me a an opportunity to claim some new TM travels in the last few days.  Being on a tight schedule, most of our route down and back was very familiar, but I did end up on more new roads than I expected.

On the way down, we chose to leave I-95 for the Myrtle Beach area at I-74/US 74, marking my first travels on that segment of I-74.  We cut down NC 410 (new) to a small piece of US 701 (previously traveled) to SC 9 (new).  While in the Myrtle Beach area, I ended up traveling on all of my missing segments of US 17 Business, and parts of various other routes.  On yesterday's ride home, I wanted to avoid the long construction zones on I-95 in southern NC, so we went mostly up US 17 to the Wilmington area (previously traveled) with a little bit of NC 179 and NC 904 for something different.  I finished off I-140 to get up to I-40 (unclear if all previously traveled, but I hadn't marked it all in TM).  Instead of going right to I-95, we went up the US 117 connector to US 117 (all new) and I-795 (previously traveled).  Then instead of cutting to I-95 from Wilson, I filled in a gap in US 301 between there and our lunch stop in Rocky Mount, followed by a little new mileage on NC 43 to get to I-95.  Further north, we avoided DC by using US 301 from Richmond right up to its northern end (all previously traveled) but along the way I picked up half of the tiny MD 978 to get onto MD 214 to avoid the mess that is US 301 in Bowie.  Other small new segments were a small bit of MD 290 and MD 299 to find a safe spot to swap drivers, and some of NJ 70 and NJ 73 in search of dinner.  Sadly, the Raising Cane's Google was certain was open and open until midnight even was still under construction, so we ended up at a poorly managed Chipotle.

For the stats, I picked up about 130 new miles in total.  12 new usai miles, 1 new clinch.  About 40 new usaus miles. usasc was next in new miles with 37, and included first travels on 4 routes, 1 new clinch. Only 23 new miles in usausb, but 1 went from never traveled to clinched and another clinched.  16 new miles on usanc routes netted me first travels on 6 routes.  In 6 miles, I picked up first travels on a usanj route.  In only 2 new miles, I picked up first travels on 2 usamd routes.

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on November 10, 2023, 03:55:16 pm
I clinched MD 978 this morning to put me back at 100% for MD.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: cl94 on November 14, 2023, 12:11:42 am
Just wrapped up what is likely to be my last clinching trip of the year yesterday. This trip netted me a ton of new miles in eastern and southern California, central and southern Nevada, and extreme western Arizona. While the main travel-related purpose of this trip was to finish California counties, I put over 2,000 miles on the rental car and well over 1,000 of those were new, likely closer to 1,500. Major items are as follows:

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: kjslaughter on November 14, 2023, 04:53:57 pm
Took my son on a weekend field trip to Savannah over Veteran's day weekend and picked up a lot of mileage for my Georgia totals.  I FINALLY clinched I-516 after living 40 years in Georgia to complete my interstate clinch in the state!  On the way down from Atlanta, got significant miles on GA 16 & GA 15, became the first traveler and clincher of GA 242 near Sandersville, cut across GA 78 & GA 17, and then clinched GA 21.  While in Savannah, I got several state highways around town and clinched the Truman Parkway.  Planned to get Veterans Pkwy too, but day out at Tybee ran long and rush hour traffic with child in car drove me north to GA Alt 21 instead.  On the way home I took the scenic route getting filling in gaps on US 80 between Savannah and Macon.  This will all add to my mileage in Georgia as I inch towards 10,000 miles, but I'm still just 3rd overall in my home state.  However, this will maintain my lead in total traveled routes in Georgia.  You road warriors and truckers may keep from ever claiming 1st place in my home state!

An added plus of this trip: I learned my 10 year old son prefers the backroads to the interstate as well because "there is more to see and look at".  I just set up his profile on county counting as well, so setting up the next generation!
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: drebbin37 on November 14, 2023, 05:58:47 pm
Now that the daylight hours are so short, I'm not doing much significant clinching until spring.  But, I did get to add some new mileage this past weekend on a drive down to Maryland's eastern shore.

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on November 14, 2023, 07:17:42 pm
While my dad was out around Colonial Heights, VA, trying to get as many Veterans Day freebies as possible  (we still thank him for his service),  my mom and I did another NC trip on a misty and drizzly day in northeast NC. From Prince George, we took US 460 EB to I-64 Outer (actually shown as WB on one of the construction Portable Changeable Message Signs) to VA 168 SB.  While I purposely did not shunpike the toll, we did stop at the Wawa on Hillcrest Pkwy at VA 168 BUS where my mom got a free coffee since someone asked her about a family member (my dad in this case) being a Veteran.  I forgot to transfer my EZPASS to my parents' car so I actually paid cash for the VA 168 toll.  Anyway we continued onto NC via NC 168 SB, and drove to the Outer Banks via US 158 EB. 

We continued on US 158 EB (driving by my mom's favorite Wendy's, we got lunch one day there in 2005, and she had a fit with the manager) to US 64 WB at Whalebone Junction generally following US 64 WB all the way to Tarboro with loops along the way and being stopped at the Alligator River Bridge due to a bridge opening.  Once in Tarboro, I looped to clinch NC 122 (having issues with it due to the turn off of McNair Rd north of US 64 not really being posted) eventually taking it to Hopgood at NC 125, and then turning around, and heading west to Rocky Mount to finally finish clinching NC 97.  I had planned to clinch NC 97 in December 2021, but the long-term bridge closure at Swift Creek held that off for a while.  Once NC 97 turned south onto Atlantic Ave, I continued west on Airport Rd to US 301 SB and then went south to Smithfield's Chicken-N-BBQ for a late lunch/early dinner.

After eating we generally went north along US 301, I-95, and VA 156 back towards my parents' house.  However, we did take NC 4 NB to NC 33 EB to clinch NC 33 west of US 301, and then took NC 481 EB from Enfield to NC 561 to finish clinching NC 481.  Then it was NC 561 WB back to Halifax picking up NC 125 NB to Roanoke Rapids to its northern terminus at NC 48 taking that to I-95 NB and VA 156 NB back to my parent's house.

On Sunday, I took US 460 WB from Petersburg to US 29 NB in Lynchburg to pick up VA 151 in Amherst.  I completed my clinch of VA 151 taking it all the way to US 250.  Then it was US 250 WB to I-64 WB to I-81 NB back to PA with two exceptions.

1.  I took VA 257 WB to Bridgewater and Dayton, and was successful at finding a 514 for the multiplication game.
2.  I did a VA 292/US 11/VA 263/SR 614/SR 703 loop in Mt Jackson with a Sheetz stop.  The gas pump messed with me so I actually spilled a little gas for the first time since I was 8 I think, but I kept it off of my clothes, and my car did not catch on fire, so all was good at the end of the day.

Clinched: US 64 BUS (Columbia, NC), US 64 BUS (Jamesville, NC), NC 903 TRUCK (Robersonville), US 13 BUS (Bethel, NC), NC 11 BUS (Bethel), NC 122, NC 97, NC 481, VA 151
New Mileage:  US 64 (NC)*, NC 171, NC 125, US 64 ALT (Tarboro, NC), NC 903, US 13 (NC), NC 11, NC 111, NC 33

*Now fully clinched east of Lexington, NC.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on December 04, 2023, 12:43:28 pm
On Saturday, I and a few others went to Long Island to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the East Coast Roads website (known as The Roads of Long Island back in 2003 when it started).

I started the day by taking PA 283 EB to State Rd (at PA 722) to Centerville Rd to US 30 EB to US 222 SB (through Downtown Lancaster) to PA 741 EB to Gap to briefly look at stop locations for the Lancaster Meet I am hosting this upcoming Saturday.  I then took PA 41 SB from Gap into DE taking DE 48 EB to DE 141 SB.  I would stop at the Wawa by the US 202/DE 141/DE 27 intersection and see Cowboys hate graffiti in the restroom. I turned around a couple of times along DE 141 before taking I-295 NB across the Delaware Memorial Bridge (no photos of it this time due to fog, which was actually an issue until I entered Brooklyn in NYC).  I stayed on I-295 NB all the way up to NJ 42 SB (accessed via the new Exit 26 for the project dubbed as Missing Moves that now provides direct access from I-295 NB to NJ 42 SB and NJ 42 NB to I-295 SB, along with making NJ 55 NB 2 lanes up to the NJ 42 merge).  After touring Missing Moves, and turning around unconventionally at NJ 47 by taking the I-295 SB ramp to NJ 47 NB, I continued up I-295 NB to NJ 73 SB to NJTP NB continuing my NJTP Documentation from 2 weeks ago.

I got off of the NJTP at I-278, and took I-278 EB across Staten Island across the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge to the Belt Pkwy.  Including a brief restroom stop at Plumb Beach, I continued east along the Belt Pkwy until it turns into the Cross Island Pkwy the Southern State Pkwy.  I would follow the Cross Island Pkwy up to the Grand Central Pkwy to enter NY 25 via the south end of I-295.  I then clinched NY 25B before meeting up with the others.

In the afternoon, we toured Long Island for a bit getting lunch at Ben’s Kosher Deli and mainly clinching county routes (the only signed one was CR 3 in Suffolk County since they are unsigned in Nassau County).  We briefly visited Argyle Park in Babylon late in the afternoon before taking NY 109 WB to NY 24 WB to NY 135 NB (seeing the stub at the north end of NY 25, my camera battery gave me fits here briefly, but a charger was nearby) to NY 25 WB back to Mineola.  After a brief in-person webinar and dinner at Gino’s (mention it to Alps if you want an excuse to visit Long Island), we went our separate ways.  I took NY 25 WB back to NY 25B EB (to not have a gap in my list file) to the Cross Island Pkwy to finish the rest of that parkway.  Then I took I-678 NB to I-95 SB (yes, via the Cross Bronx Expressway, which was moving fine enough by this point) to I-80 WB.  I ultimately stayed on I-80 all the way west to Hazelton, PA, but I did stop in Bartonsville at the north end of PA 33 to see if the erroneous US 33 and US 611 shields from the shopping center there were still around (they were) and a Wawa stop for gas and to pick up Sunday’s lunch at the I-476/PA 940 Breezewood.  I took I-81 SB to Harrisburg around 2 AM from Hazelton, but I did do a PA 924 NB to PA 93 SB to PA 309 SB to PA 424 WB to see if any new signage for PA 424 at PA 309 and I-81 has been posted, but there has been nothing new from what I had seen previously (unless the PA 424 WB is new, and I am not aware of it, I clinched PA 309 through this area heading north).

Clinched:  Belt Pkwy, Cross Island Pkwy, NY 25B, NY 109
New Mileage: NY 25, NY 27A, NY 135
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on December 17, 2023, 09:27:32 am
Took a 14 hour U-turn yesterday…

New clinches in order: PA 491, PA 261, US 13 (reclinch, Chester bypass), PA 291, PA 23, PA 241, PA 897, PA 568, PA 345, PA 82, PA 472

New. Mileage: PA 72, PA 741

Driving PA 23 end to end was lovely, but it takes forever…
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: osu-lsu on December 17, 2023, 10:20:55 pm
Driving PA 23 end to end was lovely, but it takes forever…
PA 23 from Bridgeport to City Line is a pain in the tush. I can't imagine going from US 1 to the Susquehanna.
(Well I can, we're roadgeeks. But I digress)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on December 25, 2023, 11:43:52 am
On December 15th, my mom and I did another Smithfield's Chicken-N-BBQ (SCNB) trip that focused on the Triad this time.

We started just after 5 AM by taking I-85 SB to US 158 WB.  Minus a large loop to clinch the current NC 74, we continued west on US 158 all the way to its western end in Mocksville completing the clinch of US 158 for me.

After looping via US 64, I-40, and US 601, we took US 64 EB back to Lexington going east of I-85 to NC 109 NB.  From NC 109, we took NC 62 to Burlington to go to the SCNB near I-40/I-85 in that area. After lunch, we took NC 62 into VA quickly clinching VA 62 as well.  Then it was SR 726 to US 29 NB to clinch the US 29 BUS routes in Chatham, VA, and Gretna, VA.  Then it was just VA 40 EB to US 360 EB to US 460 EB back to Petersburg and towards my parents'' house.

Clinched: US 158, NC/VA 62, NC 74, NC 610, US 29 BUS (Chatham, VA), US 29 BUS (Gretna, VA)
New Mileage: NC 86, NC 87, US 29 BUS (Reidsville, NC), US 64 (NC), I-40 (NC), US 601 (NC), NC 109, VA 57, VA 40
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on December 25, 2023, 03:11:54 pm
On December 15th, my mom and I did another Smithfield's Chicken-N-BBQ (SCNB) trip that focused on the Triad this time.

I love how your trips with your mom always include a stop at Smithfield's. Is that your kind gesture towards her, something that provides her with an incentive to spend hours in the car? Or is it a destination both of you appreciate equally? I've been to a few of those, and never had a bad meal to be sure.

Although it was a solo trip (Mapkitten, aka Mapprincess, chose to fly home and sent me west to collect her car), my 5-day cross-country endeavor last week certainly would have been less fulfilling without stops at old favorites The Hat, Alberto's/Filiberto's, Blake's Lotaburger, Whataburger, and Braum's. Who else aims to fit a beloved restaurant or 5 into their clinching trips?

As for the roads, it was mainly state routes this time. 1600+ miles of short routes, focused mostly on suburban/exurban Phoenix, Albuquerque and the valley north and south of it, and eastern Oklahoma. I picked up a few sections of Historic 66, mostly in New Mexico, but had to save the easternmost for another trip due to a bridge being out. I wasn't expecting it to be gravel, either. 75 new clinches.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on December 25, 2023, 03:31:52 pm
On December 15th, my mom and I did another Smithfield's Chicken-N-BBQ (SCNB) trip that focused on the Triad this time.

I love how your trips with your mom always include a stop at Smithfield's. Is that your kind gesture towards her, something that provides her with an incentive to spend hours in the car? Or is it a destination both of you appreciate equally? I've been to a few of those, and never had a bad meal to be sure.

Ultimately both though she does gets annoyed when I am on back roads at night.  It gives me a reason to continue slowly but surely work on NC as well.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on December 30, 2023, 03:38:49 pm
2023 was a very good travelmapping year for me :) I got 13,530 new miles.

My year end stats, total mileage active+preview systems (

Code: [Select]
End of 2013:   9,615 mi
End of 2014:  16,818 mi = + 7,203 mi
End of 2015:  19,169 mi = + 2,351 mi
End of 2016:  36,983 mi = +17,814 mi (~5,500mi deub system added)
End of 2017:  58,190 mi = +21,207 mi (~2,500mi deubyst, deubwl, deuhel, deunwl, deurpl, deusll systems added)
End of 2018:  70,811 mi = +12,621 mi (~400mi remaining deuxxl systems added)
End of 2019:  84,520 mi = +13,709 mi
End of 2020:  92,967 mi = + 8,447 mi
End of 2021: 101,111 mi = + 8,144 mi
End of 2022: 112,505 mi = +11,394 mi
End of 2023: 126,035 mi = +13,530 mi

I traveled four missing routes < 999 (

Still missing numbers:
Code: [Select]
767 780 781 900
I did not travel any from the 1000-1185 range (end of the game for Europe, since there is no European 1186 route in TM right now):
Code: [Select]
1000 1018 1065 1067 1069 1094 1109 1139 1146 1166 1167 1169 1174 1176 1178
My stats by country (Top 10):

Code: [Select]
1. DEU 50803.07 mi
2. FRA 12893.93 mi
3. ESP  5732.75 mi
4. ITA  5167.77 mi
5. GBR  4771.25 mi
6. SWE  4245.90 mi
7. POL  3414.73 mi
8. ROU  3046.20 mi
9. FIN  2732.99 mi
10. AUT  2679.87 mi

Almost half of the new 2023 TM mileage was in Germany.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on January 02, 2024, 03:53:05 pm
Happy New Year! My 2023 went pretty well, hobby-wise. Around 11 am on New Years Eve, I passed through lovely Crozet, Virginia, on VA 240, the last of my clinched routes for the year. About an hour later, as I approached Sperryville on VA 231, I added the final miles of new highway to put my annual increase just over 23,000. 

Most of the gains happened in the US (almost 16,300 miles in 28 states, up 5.%), but again the time I spent in Canada resulted in a much larger percentage increase for that country (over 6,700 miles spread across 7 provinces, up 58%). My venture north took me to Newfoundland for the first time, and quadrupled my mileage in both Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. I clinched the Autoroutes in Quebec (for now) and the Winnipeg city route system, and would have clinched the 100-series highways in Nova Scotia if I hadn't zoned out leaving Sydney via 105 and completely forgotten about 162. Fortunately there are plenty of other reasons to go back, too. I clinched the most routes in Manitoba (34) and Ontario (33). In the States, over 20% of my new mileage came in Kentucky, but since I only have 4 roads there left to clinch, I can't count on that state to affect my stats much anymore. Other states where I gained over 1000 new miles include Texas, Virginia, and Wisconsin (plus past travels in Mississippi, due to the addition of usams). Besides the 483 routes I clinched in Kentucky, I added over 50 clinches in Texas, Virginia, and Maryland. I added one new interstate (I-780) and 12 new US routes (13 if we're counting US 121), and am now within 50 of completing the auxiliary US route set and within 6 of finishing the business interstates.

Unlike last year, no songs that celebrate the joys of aimless driving made any top-10 lists I'm aware of, but I'll still post a top-10 roads for 2023:
Totals for 2023: 23,009.81 new miles (for a new total of 348,051.10), and 1309 new clinches (9868). With 12,757 routes travelled, my overall efficiency topped 77% for the first time.

Stats for previous years:

2022: +20,751.24 mi / +775 clinched routes
2021: +31,159.46 mi / +1,458
2020: +14,604.58 mi / +1,681
2019: +15,887.33 mi / +778
2018: +21,284.12 mi / +653
2017: +19,547.92 mi / +582
2016: +17,101.26 mi / +514
2015: +28,363.75 mi / +553 (mostly due to new systems being added when CHM transitioned to TM)
2014: +13,046.83 mi / +380
2013: +14,214.20 mi / +412 (I joined CHM in 2012)

Wishing you all the best for your 2024 travels!
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on January 02, 2024, 08:32:22 pm
A little on my 2023 in TM.

Like I have for a few years, I created a year-specific jt2023.list file.  That account tracked my 6200+ miles traveled on TM-clinchable routes in North America during the year.  I did not put my 700+ miles in Portugal, Spain, and the UK in that list (which were all new for my standard terescoj.list file) into the jt2023.list file.

For new travels, my overall active+preview totals went from 98,939 miles to 101,275 miles.  A little of that came from the promotion of usams to preview, but it's mostly new travels in the US and Canada, plus the 700+ Europe miles mentioned above.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on January 02, 2024, 09:13:10 pm
I was able to get one last 2023 trip in on December 30th that focused on western PA and continued my progress in "Doing 6".

It was the normal US 22 nighttime route (bypassing Hollidaysburg and Duncansville via Frankstown Rd and I-99/US 2200) to Ebensburg before taking US 219 NB to US 422 WB to PA 56 WB west of Indiana to Apollo.  I then took PA 66 SB to PA 819 SB, which I followed all the way to PA 31 in Mount Pleasant where I officially clinched the route. (I did the section south of PA 31 to PA 201 in the blowing snow in March, and that was a curvy mess that IMO should not be a PA Route.)  Note that there is a US 981 shield standing at the new PA 819/PA 981 roundabout that is now open just north of Mount Pleasant.

Then I took PA 31 WB to US 119 NB to I-70 WB exiting at PA 51.  I took PA 51 NB all the way to the West End Bridge (making William Roll happy in the process by traveling through two of the 20 strangest intersections in Pittsburgh) closing all of my gaps in the route south of Pittsburgh meaning that I now have PA 51 fully clinched south of the PA 68 split in Beaver.  I then accessed the Fort Pitt Bridge by taking the ramp from PA 837 SB to quickly exit onto I-279 NB to access PA 28 NB so I could loop and tour the recently completed construction at the Highland Park Bridge Interchange that keeps two continuous through lanes on both directions of PA 28.

I would follow PA 28 NB ultimately to PA 356 SB finally completing PA 356 east of PA 228.  I then took PA 66 NB to PA 66 ALT NB (to finally clinch this odd route) to PA 66 NB following it past the PA 28 Concurrency all the way to US 6 in Kane to clinch it (with a detour to clinch PA 899 since I had no other easy way to clinch that route since I already clinched PA 36).  I then took US 6 WB to PA 666 in Sheffield to turn around and take US 6 EB all the way to US 220 near Towanda (minus another detour to clinch PA 146, which is a fun 55 mph drive for four miles and then becoming a curvy mess the rest of the way to PA 46).  Along the way, I clarified the completion of the realignment of PA 660 at the eastern end of the US 6 concurrency between Wellsboro and Mansfield.  Anyway, I now have US 6 clinched in full between the west end of the Warren Bypass at US 6 BUS (Warren)/US 62 and US 220.  Hopefully, I will get the rest of US 6 in PA in 2024.  My next trip to northern PA will most likely pick up US 6 in Towanda after clinching PA 414.  Sadly, I doubt it will be this upcoming weekend due to snow in the forecast.

Anyway, the rest of the trip was just US 220 SB to PA 405 SB in Hughesville to I-180 EB to PA 147 SB to US 11/US 15 SB to US 22 EB/US 322 EB.  Nothing abnormal to see here though I did see that one of the new CSVT overpasses on the southern section currently under construction is open as I viewed a vehicle on it from US 15 SB/PA 147 SB.  I also ate dinner at the Hoss's in Shamokin Dam again because I was craving the salad bar.

Clinched: PA 819, PA 66 ALT (Vandergrift), PA 66, PA 899, PA 146

New Mileage:  PA 51, PA 356, US 6 (PA), PA 321, PA 46, PA 155, PA 660
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: ntallyn on January 05, 2024, 08:35:24 pm
A business trip to Myrtle Beach over the New Year holiday gave me the opportunity to get a few new miles (but not a whole lot, unfortunately). Due to time constraints, I had to travel reasonably directly both ways, but as I had only been to Myrtle Beach once before, it did allow for some new roads.

The northbound route was I-95 to Walterboro (all old), then SC 64, US 17 Alt (Summerville; clinched), a tiny bit of US 521 in Georgetown, US 17, and SC 707 (clinched).

While in Myrtle Beach, I was able to get a little more of US 17 (up to North Myrtle Beach).

The return trip was SC 22, SC 31, SC 707, US 17, I-526 (probably previously clinched, but got it for sure this time), US 17, and due to an accident on I-95 in Savannah, GA 21, GA 307, I-16, and then I-95.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Bickendan on January 08, 2024, 11:28:13 am
Waiting to board my flight back from Bengaluru, India.
Picked up portions of KA NH 44 and '48E'. No route signage, of course.
There had been a trip planned down to Mysuru, which would have netted a good portion of KA NH 275, but that was cancelled sadly.
Also did pick up segments of the Green and Purple Lines.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mpg on January 12, 2024, 02:31:42 pm
Did a day trip down to Hugo, OK yesterday to hit 7 new counties (14 left for me in Oklahoma) and picked up a couple hundred new miles of clinchable highway along the way. I followed OK 3 from Ada southeast to Pushmataha County (a little under 100 miles), then cut south to Hugo via OK 93, which became my first clinched highway of 2024. I stopped in Hugo for Braum's and picked up US271BusHug in the process. From there I drove west on US 70 to OK 70E, the latter becoming my first "trailblazing" clinch in Oklahoma. Afterwards I connected back with US 70 and followed it from Durant to Madill, then took US 177 the rest of the way back to the Ada area (with no new mileage thereafter).

Clinched: OK 93, US 271 Bus Hugo, OK 70E

New mileage (ignoring brief concurrencies): OK 19, OK3Ada, US 70, US 177
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on January 15, 2024, 08:09:18 pm
A 3-day trip to the Mid-South happened this weekend. It was supposed to be a 4-day trip (the 12th was my last Friday off for a while) but nature interfered.

I planned it back in mid-December, with the idea that the Union City TN bypass (TN 690, future I-69) would certainly be open by the second week of January. It isn't (see the TN 690 topic (;topicseen#msg33760)), but the trip also afforded the opportunity to reclinch US 641 south of Murray KY, and pre-reclinch US 78 (signs in Arkansas are not yet up, and the new routing in Memphis isn't signed) (the old routing isn't particularly well signed, either), plus nab 3 of the 4 usausb routes I haven't yet clinched in Arkansas. However, the predicted bad weather for the region (several inches of snow and single-digit °F temps) caused me to cut a day out and hurry home on Sunday, so everything west of West Memphis got eliminated. Video from Memphis TV news assured me I'd made the right choice; while snow amounts were mostly limited to about 3" this morning, snow removal appeared to be going very slowly, and salt/brine isn't particularly effective that far below freezing.

Nevertheless, I got what I'd hoped to get in Kentucky, picked up a few random clinches and more miles in NW Tennessee and NE Arkansas, did a grand tour of Memphis that added most of the clinchable miles inside the 269/future 269 beltway, and took a new route home (TN 100 end to end plus a short up-and-back to Lexington TN via 200 and 459), finishing with a few routes north of Nashville along the Kentucky border. A few of the routes I clinched had never been driven by a TM user before, so it was fun to remove a few of those from the list.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: formulanone on January 19, 2024, 06:15:59 pm
However, the predicted bad weather for the region (several inches of snow and single-digit °F temps) caused me to cut a day out and hurry home on Sunday, so everything west of West Memphis got eliminated. Video from Memphis TV news assured me I'd made the right choice; while snow amounts were mostly limited to about 3" this morning, snow removal appeared to be going very slowly, and salt/brine isn't particularly effective that far below freezing.

Ironically, I was supposed to go to Memphis this week, but my driveway and neighborhood were also snowed and completely iced over. Never made it out of the driveway; I was only able to dig it out this morning when the temps finally went above freezing. We only have snow removal on our major roads, and people in the neighborhood reported that they couldn't get over the icy hills just a short distance away from the of our development.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: osu-lsu on January 19, 2024, 06:37:24 pm
However, the predicted bad weather for the region (several inches of snow and single-digit °F temps) caused me to cut a day out and hurry home on Sunday, so everything west of West Memphis got eliminated. Video from Memphis TV news assured me I'd made the right choice; while snow amounts were mostly limited to about 3" this morning, snow removal appeared to be going very slowly, and salt/brine isn't particularly effective that far below freezing.

Ironically, I was supposed to go to Memphis this week, but my driveway and neighborhood were also snowed and completely iced over. Never made it out of the driveway; I was only able to dig it out this morning when the temps finally went above freezing. We only have snow removal on our major roads, and people in the neighborhood reported that they couldn't get over the icy hills just a short distance away from the of our development.

You were going to the International Blues Challenge (aka the IBC)?
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on January 22, 2024, 12:06:08 am
I braved the cold weather and blowing snow Saturday to do another northern PA run.

I left around 5 AM and went to Jersey Shore via the standard US 22 WB/US 322 WB to US 11 NB/US 15 NB to PA 147 NB to I-180 WB to US 220 SB.  I missed the exit for PA 44 NB because I was too excited talking to myself, but I turned around at the northern terminus of PA 150 to backtrack to PA 44 NB.  I took PA 44 NB to PA 414 EB in Waterville.  I stayed on PA 414 all the way to US 15, and all I will say about the narrow section between the Iron Bridge and the other one-lane bridge in Blackwell is that I am glad there were no vehicles near me in this section with snow and ice still being on much of the road.  That would have been messy especially at the Blackwell bridge. 

Once at US 15, I went south to do a large loop to clinch PA 184 and PA 284 via PA 287.  I then took US 15 NB to pick up PA 660 WB in Mansfield.  I stayed on PA 660 WB all the way to Leonard Harrison State Park to briefly view the East Rim of the PA Grand Canyon.  I say briefly because the parking lot was covered in snow and all but one spot seemed to be marked as handicapped.  Thankfully I only saw one other vehicle while there.  I then backtracked on PA 660 EB to PA 362 taking that west to US 6 before heading east to the Sheetz in Mansfield.  I then went south on US 15 back to PA 414 EB.  I stayed on PA 414 EB all the way to US 220 in Monroeton completing my clinch of PA 414.  Then I looped around Towanda a bit before taking US 6 EB all the way through amazingly beautiful snowy mountain scenery to PA 438 southeast of Factoryville (with a brief excursion to Camptown to clinch PA 409).  I do want to know how Keystone College in Factoryville got a Steak-N-Shake of all things.

Anyway, I did a loop using PA 438 EB to PA 247 SB to PA 642 WB back to US 6/US 11 in Dalton to take care of 438 for the lowest route number game.  I then backtracked northwest along US 6/US 11 to Factoryville to take PA 107 EB to the US 6 Carbondale Bypass to clinch PA 107.  From there, I took US 6 EB to US 6 BUS WB at the east end of the Carbondale Bypass and clinched a new Sheetz at the intersection of US 6 BUS and Meredith St (which I took to US 6 just because it would be a state route in VA....right...).  After stopping at that Sheetz for a bit, I took US 6 BUS WB to US 11 SB to PA 307 NB to finish PA 307 north of US 11.  Then I took PA 92 SB to PA 292 WB clinching that route that I am unsure should even exist when I got to PA 29.  From there, I took PA 29 SB to PA 309 SB to I-81 SB back to Harrisburg.  I did take the offramp to PA 424 on the southside of Hazelton, but I got right back on I-81 SB because I did not see any shields for PA 424 WB there yet.  I ended up driving through a snow squall in Schuylkill County, but visibility was thankfully not too bad, and the other drivers out there did a great job for once being careful.  I did get actually to see the variable speed limit trailers PennDOT has on this section on I-81 reduce the speed limit to 55 because of these conditions.

Clinched: PA 414, PA 184, PA 284, PA 660, PA 362, PA 409, PA 438, PA 632, PA 107, US 6 BUS (Carbondale, PA), PA 292

New Mileage: US 6 (PA), PA 247, PA 407, PA 307
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: formulanone on January 24, 2024, 07:37:38 pm
However, the predicted bad weather for the region (several inches of snow and single-digit °F temps) caused me to cut a day out and hurry home on Sunday, so everything west of West Memphis got eliminated. Video from Memphis TV news assured me I'd made the right choice; while snow amounts were mostly limited to about 3" this morning, snow removal appeared to be going very slowly, and salt/brine isn't particularly effective that far below freezing.

Ironically, I was supposed to go to Memphis this week, but my driveway and neighborhood were also snowed and completely iced over. Never made it out of the driveway; I was only able to dig it out this morning when the temps finally went above freezing. We only have snow removal on our major roads, and people in the neighborhood reported that they couldn't get over the icy hills just a short distance away from the of our development.

You were going to the International Blues Challenge (aka the IBC)?
No, nothing that exciting...the usual software training.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on February 03, 2024, 11:13:30 pm
Took a 15 hr u-turn today…

New clinches in order: PA 272, PA 324, PA 741, PA 772, PA 282, PA 340, PA 722, PA 230, PA 441, PA 441 Trk, Airport Expwy, PA 24, PA 624.

New mileage on PA 462, PA 297, PA 921

This was the first extended ride with my newly acquired Prius. 610 miles and got 62 mpg for the entire trip, per the onboard computer.

Also saw a functioning strobe red light for the first time in a while on PA 23 EB coming into downtown Lancaster.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: ntallyn on February 04, 2024, 01:41:19 pm
A business trip to Washington (state) gave me the opportunity to get a few new roads (unfortunately, mostly only to/from the airport, as most of the roads near the destination all had been previously collected).

Departing SEA, I was able to fill in quite a bit of my missing routes between the airport and downtown and a little more: WA99, WA516, WA509, West Seattle Bridge, WA519, WA99 (tunnel portion), WA513, WA522. I added WA20Spr (Anacortes) over the weekend, and then a little bit of WA20, WA9, and WA522 returning to the airport.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: cl94 on February 04, 2024, 07:06:52 pm
Last weekend, I took an impromptu trip to the Mendocino Coast. In addition to stunning scenery, I got a decent amount of new mileage, including some of CA 36 and CA 45, most of CA 32, all of CA 128, and the portions of CA 20 I was missing. Also filled in a gap along old US 40 east of Sacramento.

California is now up to 47% complete. Very good chance I hit 50% before Memorial Day, possibly before April. A very large percentage of my missing mileage is south of Bakersfield.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on February 16, 2024, 11:16:27 am
No trip planned this weekend as I had to back out of New Orleans, but I did do some more work in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast the previous three weekends. (so including the January 20th trip, it was four roadgeeking Saturdays in a row)

I drove to my parents' house on January 25th to hang out with them on January 26th, but they decided that they needed to go fishing so I ended up getting updated photos along I-95 and I-295 in the Petersburg, VA, area.

Mostly VA Trip 1-27-2024:

I started by taking I-85 SB to US 1 SB to NC/VA 96 NB all the way to US 501 west of Virgilina.  As a result, I clinched VA 96 and have NC 96 finished north of NC 231. I then took US 501 NB (stopping at the Sheetz in South Boston, VA) to VA 360 WB to VA 57 WB to Martinsville.  In Martinsville, I basically looped around the area for a bit clinching a number of routes in the process.  Clinching the city of Martinsville means that I only have two counties in VA left (Wise County and the city of Norton, which I can clinch both via US 23).  Once I was done, I continued on VA 57 WB to VA 8 (with a brief excursion to clinch VA 346 at Fairy Stone State Park).  I took VA 8 NB to Christiansburg (no stop at the Floyd Country Store because it was Saturday not Friday), and then took I-81 SB to I-77 NB to US 52 NB in the Bluefield, WV, area.

Unsurprisingly, I visited the Bluefield area in order to clinch the new King Coal Highway Segment of WV 108.  I then took US 19 NB to Princeton, and took WV 20 NB to Hinton (briefly stopping at the Lilly Bridge on WV 20 over the Bluestone River). I continued east on WV 3 (because I did not realize how short WV 107 was so I missed that clinch) to WV 12 SB to WV 122 EB (clinching this route) to US 219 NB (briefly stopping to photograph the Indian Creek Covered Bridge) back to WV 3 EB.  I took WV 3 EB all the way to WV 311 SB taking WV/VA 311 SB to SR 779 in Catawba.  I honestly expected SR 779 to be a decent two-lane road considering that it is a continuation of SR 785 from Blacksburg, but it was a narrow country road well into Botetourt County before becoming a standard two-lane road.  I took SR 779 to US 220 SB in Daleville.  I then went to a BCM Alumni Event for a bit that I was 100 minutes late too thanks to my roadgeeking shenanigans.

Afterwards, I basically took I-81 NB back to Harrisburg (with a detour due to a crash in Staunton via US 250 WB to unsigned VA 261 NB to US 11 NB to VA 262 NB to VA 254 EB to SR 792 NB to SR 612 WB in Verona) in the rain.

Clinched: VA 96, VA 57, US 58 BUS (Martinsville, VA), US 220 BUS (Martinsville, VA), VA 457, VA 174, VA 108, VA 371, VA 57 ALT (Stanleytown), VA 346, WV 108, WV 122

New Mileage: NC 96, US 220 (VA), VA 8, WV 20, WV 3

2-3-2023 NJ Trip

This trip was basically the "complete the rest of central NJ once the rest of the I-78 construction in PA was done" trip.  I took I-78 EB to US 9 SB in Newark staying on US 9 all the way south to NJ 70 before turning around.  I then took US 9 NB to NJ 88 EB (looping around NJ 70 due to the intersection oddness there clinching CR 64 in the process) to NJ 35 NB to NJ 34 NB to NJ 33 WB.  I backtracked to Freehold via NJ 33 WB taking Hall Mills Rd south to US 9 to take NJ 79 NB (clinching that route).  I took local roads (and CR 6A) to the Garden State Pkwy SB to NJ 36 SB (with a CR 516/NJ 35 loop around Keyport).  By the way, taking NJ 36 SB on the bridge into Sandy Hook may be the best beach entrance ever.  I continued on NJ 36 SB past its southern terminus at CR 51 back onto the Garden State Pkwy SB passing the south end of the local-express split as I took NJ 66 WB to NJ 33 WB to NJ 34 NB (completing that clinch) to US 9 NB ultimately back to I-78 WB by Newark Airport taking that back to the Harrisburg area (and paying Jason Ilyes' salary as I traveled west).

Clinched: US 9 (NJ), NJ 88, NJ 34, NJ 79, NJ 36

There was no new mileage on any other route.

Beyond some usanp routes in the Delaware Water Gap, all I have left for New Jersey in Travel Mapping at this point is NJ 284.

2-10-2023 Mostly NY Trip:

I started the morning by taking I-81 NB to I-80 EB to I-287 NB into NY where I crossed the I-87/I-287 Gov. Mario M. Cuomo Bridge (AKA Tappan Zee Bridge) for the first time heading east instead of west.  I immediately exited onto US 9 NB in Tarrytown and clinched NY 448 before clinching NY 117 (with a loop to clinch NY 141, an unposted turn in Hawthorne led me to briefly end up by the southern at-grade section of the Taconic State Pkwy to view the Stevens Piazza).  I then took NY 117 NB northeast to its end at the Saw Mill River Pkwy briefly sneaking onto I-684 NB before quickly exiting onto NY 35 EB.  I followed NY/CT 35 (clinching both NY 35 and CT 35) to US 7 in Ridgefield, CT, and then took US 7 NB to Danbury before turning around heading south back to I-95 in Stamford (clinching CT 102 along the way).  I decided not to take US 1 SB into NY, but I instead took I-95 SB into NY to I-287 WB looping to clinch NY 984J, NY 120A, and ultimately I-684 (NY/CT).  Once finishing I-684, I took I-84 WB to NY 312 WB to US 6 WB to NY 52 WB.  I followed NY 52 WB to Fishkill and clinched NY 52 BUS in Beacon before getting back on NY 52 (and I-84) to cross the Newburgh-Beacon Bridge (first crossing WB ever and first crossing on the new deck).  I ultimately continued west on NY 52 all the way to its western end at the PA Line (stopping for lunch at a pizza place in Newburgh, looping in Ellenville due to confusion of the route, and clinching NY 52A) to finish clinching it.  I then clinched PA 652 traveling west past Beach Lake to US 6.  Then I followed US 6 WB to I-81 SB in Scranton (with no still no updated signage at the ramp to PA 424 in Hazelton).

Clinched: NY 448, NY 117, NY 141, NY/CT 35, CT 102, I-684 (NY/CT), NY 120A, NY 52, NY 52 BUS (Beacon), NY 52A, PA 652

New Mileage:  US 9 (NY), NY 100A, NY 9A, NY 120, NY 121, US 7 (CT), CT 39, CT 33, CT 106, NY 208, NY 17B, NY 97   
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on February 16, 2024, 02:00:31 pm
SR 785 is also a narrow and twisty road for the most part.

779-785 was removed from the primary system in the 1945 and 1950.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on February 16, 2024, 04:49:08 pm
SR 785 is also a narrow and twisty road for the most part.

779-785 was removed from the primary system in the 1945 and 1950.

I remember being on SR 785 a few times during college (10-15 years ago now) as VT students at times used it as an alternate to I-81.  I do remember it having its narrow/twisty spots, but SR 779 seemed worse south of its northern SR 600 intersection for some reason.  Past there it was fine.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on February 18, 2024, 01:01:25 pm
Lowest overall number, lowest in EUR, lowest in NA?
Just going for the lowest overall number here; not going to attempt to break it down by continent.

Including only systems in the HB (whether devel systems are included or not), it's 1386.
Adding in systems commented out of systems.csv fills in 56 missing numbers, bringing us up to 1928.

The end of game for Europe is 1185 with routes in DEU-BW ( (I've traveled long ago) and ENG ( Only KY and LA have a 1186 route in HB so far and I don't expect anything new for Europe.

With North Macedonia Regional Roads ( and Upper Austria Landesstraßen 2. Ordnung (, the lowest missing overall number is 1478 now (for Europe: 1323). I have a new goals now 8)

btw, I do still just miss four 3-digit numbers (
Code: [Select]
767 780 781 900
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on March 16, 2024, 11:50:25 pm
Took a 17 hr, 810 mile u-turn today.

New clinches in order:
NJ 324, NJ 42, NJ 52, NJ 152, Atlantic City Expwy, NJ 187, NJ 87, Atlantic City Brigantine Connector, NJ 157, NJ 166, Garden State Pkwy, NJ 184, NJ 36, NJ 66, NJ 34, NJ 79, NJ 33, NJ 33 Bus, NJ 64, NJ 133

New mileage: NJ 35, NJ 71

The concrete on the “closed” section of 324 is in way better shape than the “open” section. NJ 66 also has a very worn concrete section.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: LilianaUwU on March 17, 2024, 01:26:14 am
I haven't went anywhere this month (mostly going around the same bus routes in Québec City), but I did go on an interprovincial trip from December to February. I finished my clinch of A-40 and clinched A-930 as well as ON 417, and had new mileage on tons of routes.

New clinches:

A-40, A-930, ON 417

New mileage:

A-15, A-25, QC 101, QC 109, QC 111, QC 117, QC 132, QC 138, QC 165, QC 201, QC 263, QC 386, QC 395, QC 397, ON 11, ON 17, ON 64
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: froggie on March 17, 2024, 12:49:53 pm
For those who haven't seen my Facebook posts, I am in the midst of what is likely to be my only major roadtrip this year:  a multi-day jaunt down to Orlando to attend a wedding that my wife is a bridesmaid in (though she, being the sane one and already having to cancel 3 days of classes for the trip, flew down instead of driving).  I turned into a 2-part vacation, both visiting friends and family on the way down and also taking my time and clinching what I could coming down.

Starting in the Catskills, my intent was to fill in gaps and clinch what I could the rest of the way.  I netted mileage and route clinches in every state on the way down except for three, and 2 of those 3 were because I already have everything in them.  Major clinches include I-840 and I-885 NC, I-475 GA, and I-4 FL, as well as numerous state and bannered routes.  Also filled in 3 gaps I had along I-75 south of Macon.

The return trip will be a 2-day marathon drive as I'm basically out of PTO and thus can't dilly-dally, though I may pay the toll and clinch the newly-finished FL 429 in order to avoid morning rush hour on I-4 tomorrow morning.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on March 18, 2024, 05:13:47 pm
Spring Break! Last week was a perfect opportunity for an 8-day, 4400-mile drive around Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, with the goal of clinching them all. Thought I did, until I got home and discovered MD 219 had materialized while I was away. Should be able to take care of that later this week.

Other than almost constant rain the first day, and scattered flooding that day and the next, the weather was almost perfect. Record highs in the 70s in Philly on Friday. Construction season was not yet in full swing, at least along my route, so the drive was mostly easy.

Highlights were DE 100 and 92 through the Brandywine Valley, a short visit to Gateway National Recreation Area (too cold and windy for much recreation, but good for a nice view of NYC), a walk-clinch of the realignment of DE 23 & 1D, which are paved but not yet open to traffic, and plenty of pizza, cheesesteaks, hoagies, and innovative donuts. No real lowlights, although if I never have the opportunity to visit North Philadelphia again, I won't complain. My last real route clinched in PA (i.e., not a temporary truck route likely to disappear soon) was PA 282, a lovely slow twisty drive at the edge of Amish Country. It should be gorgeous in a week or so when the trees start flowering.

Total new mileage: 2181, almost evenly split among the four states, lifting me past 350,000 miles overall
New clinches: 208 (84 in MD, 43 in DE, 39 in NJ, and 42 in PA), pushing my total over 10,000
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: CoreySamson on March 24, 2024, 02:34:21 pm
Yesterday I drove back to college from home (Houston -> Tulsa) as the end to my spring break, and in the process I had a roadgeeking day that I don't think I will surpass for a while. I generally took US 59 and US 259 on the trip from Houston to Sallisaw, OK, and then I used I-40, OK 72, and US 64 from there to Tulsa. I passed the 10,000 mile milestone. I also clinched 15 routes, which is my most ever clinched in a single day. Here they are in order of clinching:

- TX Loop 494
- TX Loop 573
- TX Loop 424
- TX Loop 393
- US 59 Business (Livingston)
- TX Loop 116
- TX Loop 177
- TX Loop 210
- TX Loop 266 (posthumously)
- TX Loop 224
- US 259
- US 59 Bypass (Poteau)
- US 271 Bypass (Poteau)
- I-40 Business (Sallisaw)
- OK 72

As an aside, I also clinched 3 counties and set a new record for my longest clinched multi-state route (US 259).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on March 24, 2024, 03:35:52 pm
My travels on the just-completed conference (plus ski day) trip to Portland, Oregon, where I drove over 200 TM-mappable miles.  I had been to the area a few times before, so new overall travels were pretty limited, adding just over 50 miles.

New travels:
- finished off US 30 Bypass in Portland (was missing all east of I-205)
- closed a 9-mile US 26 gap in the eastern part of Portand and in Gresham.
- several new miles on OR 99E, OR 213
- first travels on OR 224, OR 281, OR 282 (clinched)
- added the OR 35 segment on the bridge to Washington
- some new miles on WA 14
- first travels on WA 141, WA 141 Alt (clinched)

So not too much, but this trip had some pretty hard constraints and there wasn't an opportunity for much more.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on March 27, 2024, 10:22:04 pm
I have finally completed my Atlanta Meet Trip Report. ( 

I also did a trip on March 16th to view the ongoing Berkeley Springs Bypass Construction for US 522 in WV and clinch the now posted MD 219. 
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: ntallyn on March 31, 2024, 03:43:09 pm
Took a day trip with the family to Savannah, and wandered around a little bit to get a few roads I didn't already have.

Clinched Veterans Parkway and I-516, and added a little bit to GA 21, but turned one block early to get the rest of that missing section. Leaving town, I added a bit of US 80, GA 21 Alt (Port Wentworth), GA 25 (clinched), GA 26, GA 26 Con (Garden City), and GA 307.

On the CHM side of things, I expect to get to my backlog of GA route updates at some point in April.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: kjslaughter on April 09, 2024, 08:20:18 pm
My son and I took trip the past 4 days to go see the eclipse from the totality path and I added another state to my list with Indiana.  Drove up from Atlanta to Corydon, IN via TN 111 mostly to cross TN and then zig zag to I-65 and US31W to drive past Fort Knox.  While in Indiana, got a few roads and I-64 back into Louisville to the Louisville Slugger Museum.  On eclipse day, zig zags on some state highways north to Mitchell IN and then another zag on local roads with state highways back to Corydon.  For drive home, wanted to stop by Lincoln Boyhood, but closed on Tuesday, so just stayed on US231 south and then clinched I-165 back towards home via Nashville.  To avoid Chattanooga traffic, got some more pieces of US 41 and US 64 parallel to I-24.

BTW, thrilled to see TDOT finally work on part two to widen I-24 west of I-75 and remove multiple short exit ramps.  Phase one widened I-75 through there but did nothing to expand the merge area from 75N to I-24W, so still backs up for miles.  When complete with new section, maybe it will finally remove the constant backups on I-75 to I-24!
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: cl94 on April 16, 2024, 05:12:22 pm
Last weekend saw me heading down to Bakersfield for the Bakersfield Road Meet, also attended by several other TM users. Travels to and from the meet brought me up to 52.4% in California, an increase of at least 3%. Included in this were a long section of I-5 (Wheeler Ridge to Santa Nella),  the western half of CA 198, large chunks of US 101 and CA 33, my last missing Bay Area Interstate mileage, a full CA 17 clinch, and a bunch of minor routes in Kern County. Original plan had me getting all missing US 101 mileage between I-405 and I-580, but a major crash south of Gilroy diverted me over to CA 1, allowing for the 17 clinch.

Not included in new TM mileage were a fun high-clearance road accessing the Carrizo Plain (Elkhorn Grade Road), a county-maintained freeway near Bakersfield, and Donner Pass in the snow.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: drebbin37 on April 20, 2024, 01:16:10 am
This week's drive from CT to IL and back brought my total mileage in Active+Preview over 100,000 (still 300 mi short of that milestone in Active systems for now).

Highlights included filling some gaps on IN US6 & PA US20.  Now I'm left with 4 small gaps on US6 east of the Mississippi and 8 of them on US20 in the same part of the country.  After many years of shunpiking, I finally drove my last section of I-80 this side of NE I-76 for $4 worth of the Ohio Turnpike.  I figured I'd better do it before they wind up going cashless, like everyone else seems to be doing.  I also finished my last 5 miles of I-79 in Erie.  New numbers added to my driven list on this trip were: 502 (PA), 957 (PA), and 600 (OH).  I'll need to go farther south to gather my lowest missing numbers (381, 382, 398, 399).

Lowlights were slogging through the entire length of OH303 and dealing with road closures on IN110 and IN2.

I also got to drive the Lincoln Highway '1928 Route' in Indiana from Bourbon to Columbia City.  It was very well signed and matched usatr exactly.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: computerfan0 on May 03, 2024, 02:26:34 pm
Decided to take a bike ride to clinch the R184 ( It's near where I live and it's been irritating to see that big untravelled segment. The R214 ( will probably be next, whenever I get the time for it.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on May 03, 2024, 09:14:08 pm
It looks like my car-specific alternate user "a3" is done adding TM mileage.  I've tracked my travels in my 2015 Audi A3 since I bought it 5 1/2 years ago.  It finishes with 6573 TM miles from the 92,000+ miles I put on the car.  Its engine failed last week with only 101,000 miles on the car, and it's becoming clear it doesn't make sense to repair (which would require an engine replacement).

Not sure what I'll do next, as I wasn't planning financially for a car replacement any time soon.  I hate car loans in any circumstance, but when interest rates are what they are, it's especially unappealing to go much beyond what I could put toward a car from savings.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: cl94 on May 03, 2024, 09:47:57 pm
Work had me in the Bay Area this week, so it was a good chance to knock out some of the little remaining mileage between here and there. I stress "little" because, with the seasonal passes and one of the Delta ferries still closed, there's next to nothing I haven't driven that doesn't require a big detour. Grabbed the northern segment of CA 84 and its ferry on Monday, detoured for some segments of CA 12, 29, 121, and 221 (full clinch) at the beginning of the drive home, and I was able to work in both CA 113 and the slightly-realigned CA 20 in Nevada County on a "more reasonable" route home.

On the rail side, I clinched the BART yellow line and eBART going to/from a conference. Counties, I made my first entrances into El Dorado, San Francisco, Sutter, and Yuba for 2024.

Decent chance that this is my last new mileage until my next work trip, which will send me to Idaho next month. Either way, I really like this "employer-sponsored clinching" thing.

It looks like my car-specific alternate user "a3" is done adding TM mileage.  I've tracked my travels in my 2015 Audi A3 since I bought it 5 1/2 years ago.  It finishes with 6573 TM miles from the 92,000+ miles I put on the car.  Its engine failed last week with only 101,000 miles on the car, and it's becoming clear it doesn't make sense to repair (which would require an engine replacement).

Not sure what I'll do next, as I wasn't planning financially for a car replacement any time soon.  I hate car loans in any circumstance, but when interest rates are what they are, it's especially unappealing to go much beyond what I could put toward a car from savings.

Ugh. That's no fun. I had to replace my car in late 2022 and interest rates have only increased since then.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: froggie on May 04, 2024, 09:35:49 am
It looks like my car-specific alternate user "a3" is done adding TM mileage.  I've tracked my travels in my 2015 Audi A3 since I bought it 5 1/2 years ago.  It finishes with 6573 TM miles from the 92,000+ miles I put on the car.  Its engine failed last week with only 101,000 miles on the car, and it's becoming clear it doesn't make sense to repair (which would require an engine replacement).

Not sure what I'll do next, as I wasn't planning financially for a car replacement any time soon.  I hate car loans in any circumstance, but when interest rates are what they are, it's especially unappealing to go much beyond what I could put toward a car from savings.

I ran into a similar problem 2 months ago.  Where I was looking at a car 23K miles past warranty and $2500 worth of bushings, bearings, and tie rods (amongst other repairs).  A week befire I was supposed to drive to Florida.  My wife commented that it “sounds like a car payment to me”.

I drove out of the dealership with a car lease.  Didn’t like the idea of a car payment again, but options were few.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on May 08, 2024, 08:21:34 pm
My Charlotte Meet Trip Report ( has been completed.

Secondly, I also attended the SWPA 25 Meet last weekend.  I basically drove out there via US 22 to check out the construction on PA 981 between PA 31 and PA 130, and then took PA 819 SB to US 119 SB to Uniontown to PA 21 WB to Masontown to complete PA 166.  I then took US 119 SB to Point Marion taking PA 88 NB to ultimately clinch that route.  (I bypassed the section between US 40 and PA 136 via PA 43 to save time.)  From PA 43 NB, I took PA 136 EB back to PA 88 NB to PA 51 SB.  I exited at Lebanon Church Rd towards McKeesport ending up at PA 148 to take that south to PA 48 taking that north to Luciano's (the lunch restaurant for the meet, I still did not make it until 11:30 AM).

The meet itself basically focused on the construction of the extension of PA 43 north to PA 837 south of the Monongahela River.  After that portion of the tour, some of us went to see the Elizabeth Bridge (PA 51), Boston Bridge (PA 48), and the rebuilt Fern Hollow Bridge in Pittsburgh.

After seeing all of that (some of it in light rain, some of it in heavier rain), I came back home basically by following US 30 east to Breezewood (clinching many Lincoln Hwy segments as I headed east, one of which is actually on Fred Rogers Dr (,-79.3528817,3a,75y,253.94h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1skGDR4rCnM1h7AXZyZU1baw!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656?coh=205409&entry=ttu)) and then taking I-76 EB to Carlisle (to try to avoid more rain and fog) to US 11 NB to I-81 NB back to Harrisburg.

Clinched:  PA 166, PA 88

New Mileage: Lincoln Highway (PA, west of Bedford now clinched)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on May 09, 2024, 09:01:18 pm
Just returned from a 2-week trip to Dallas/Austin...

New clinches in order: I-44 (MO), US 75 (TX), Tx Sp 366, Tx Sp 408, TX 174, TX 9, I-14,Tx Sp 1825, FM 620, TX 31 Bus (Athens), I-49 (Belcher LA), I-430, I-240 (TN)

Notable new mileage: multi-route freeway from Columbus to Coshocton OH; I-44 (OK) exit 302 to MO; US 69 from US 59-60 to TX; I-35 Round Rock to Waco; TX 31 Waco to Tyler (except Athens); I-49 (Texarkana) from LA to I-30; US 67-167 N. Little Rock to Bald Knob; US 64 Beebe AR to W. Memphis; US 64 Bartlett TN to I-65

Also picked up 35 new counties - MO (10), OK (8 ), TX (9), AR (3), TN (5)

Dodging flooding and widespread tornado outbreaks is no fun...
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on May 09, 2024, 09:34:00 pm
That sunglasses whenever I put a parentheses after an 8 is super-annoying....
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: rickmastfan67 on May 10, 2024, 09:34:29 pm
That sunglasses whenever I put a parentheses after an 8 is super-annoying....

I could fix that, but it would break all previous usages of that emote that were proper.  However, this was an issue from the start with SMF, as they were the ones that chose that text for the emote.

8) -> 8-)

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on May 10, 2024, 09:42:20 pm
That sunglasses whenever I put a parentheses after an 8 is super-annoying....

I could fix that, but it would break all previous usages of that emote that were proper.  However, this was an issue from the start with SMF, as they were the ones that chose that text for the emote.

8) -> 8-)


To make it worse, Facebook does the same thing on photo captions.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on May 11, 2024, 11:40:49 pm
I got back home last week from a month-long cross-country road trip. This was mainly to attend the Bakersfield road meet, but also for route clinching, and also to take photos for counties (mainly west of the Mississippi River) not covered in the US County photo challenge on the AARoads forum.

I started off with a dash to southwestern Kentucky, after Easter brunch with family in south central Pennsylvania, mainly on Interstates and parkways. This clinched new MD 219, and re-clinched US 641 after a few miles were rerouted south of Murray KY.

I then zoomed up to northern Illinois, to pick up multi-state route 92, from Illinois to Wyoming via Iowa and Nebraska. I had previously clinched NE 92, but was missing a lot of mileage on IL 92, and a little on IA 92 and WY 92. This leg took me through Nebraska, to take courthouse and other photos in some counties in the northern and western parts of the state. It was very windy in both Iowa and Nebraska, with a wind gust almost knocking me over at an Iowa rest area.

From there, I headed south to Texas, mainly via unclinched parts of US 83 and US 283. That, and traveling in early April before tornado season got going, avoided weather hazards. I got to Texas on Eclipse Day, but had already clinched US 283's south end in Brady (in the totality path), and wasn't interested in viewing the eclipse. So I left US 283 in Coleman, to head west through several counties just north of the totality path. The skies darkened as I approached Robert Lee, which got a 96% partial solar eclipse. That was the only place I saw eclipse-watchers, on the south side of the Coke County courthouse.

From there, via Sterling City, I meandered north toward Amarillo, on a mix of US and state routes. I got on I-27 just before sunset, and spent the night in Canyon.

New Mexico was next on my list. I re-visited Harding and Mora counties. Harding especially was a weak spot on my counties map, having previously made only a quick in-and-out on NM 39. This time I visited the county seat. For Mora, my previous visits were more substantial (I-25 passes though that county), but I've now visited the county seat as well.

From there, on to Bakersfield via I-25, I-40, AZ 89 (clinched), I-10, US 95, Bullhead City segment of AZ 95 (clinched), and a previously untraveled segment of historic US 66 back to I-40. Ahead of the Bakersfield road meet, I finally re-clinched CA 58 (rerouted through Bakersfield earlier this year). During the meet, I also clinched the freeway part of the county-maintained Alfred Harrell Highway. I'm inclined to add that to the usasf system, once I return home from the May 18 memorial service for my aunt in Minneapolis.

After Bakersfield, I headed north toward Sacramento, where I had my cracked windshield replaced. Along the way, I traveled a realigned segment of CA 180 east of Fresno, re-clinching usaca. Then I spent two nights in Yuba City, from which I headed west to Lakeport, and east to Downieville (small and remote for a county seat), to photograph their county courthouses. CA 49 out of Nevada City proved more of an adventure than I had remembered, both twisty and also a bit of a gas desert after hours, though I made it to Truckee on I-80 and refueled there.

From Yuba City, CA 99 north to CA 36, west to I-5, side trip on CA 299  to Weaverville and back, continuing north on I-5 and US 97 to Madras OR (middling city with a nice independent hotel where I spent the night). Then west on US 26 (terrific views of Mt. Hood as I left Madras) then north on OR 35 into Washington state. I then focused on clinching WA 14, with a side trip to clinch WA 142. Between US 97 and I-82, WA 14 goes through the middle of nowhere, but I saw freight trains on both sides of the Columbia River.

The next day started with a misadventure, when I realized that I'd left my regular eyeglasses at the hotel in Boardman I'd just checked out of. I raced to get back there from Lexington, snagging the Bombing Range Rd. segment of the Oregon Trail tourist route recently added to TM. Returning to Lexington, I continued east on OR 74 to complete my clinch of that route, then south on US 395 then east on US 20 to overnight in a Boise suburb. After some short Idaho side trips, including clinches of ID 24, ID 44, and ID 52, I took a two-night rest and resupply stop in Pocatello.

I then crossed Wyoming (two overnight stops, no new mileage) to Pierre SD. In the Badlands area of South Dakota, I decided to take SD 44 south of the national park and SD 377, instead of routes I'd already driven north of the park (I-90) or through the park (SD 240). Alas, on SD 44 a rock punctured one of my tires, with a slow leak, in an area with no cell service or tire repair shops. I managed to limp back to I-90 after reinflating the wounded tire with a portable air pump, and at a rest area replaced it with the full-size spare in my trunk. The rest of the trip into Pierre filled in the last gap in my coverage of US 83 in South Dakota. The next day, on my way out of South Dakota, I clinched the short SD 204 northwest of Pierre, and east of Mitchell clinched SD 38.

Back to I-80, I saw two 18-wheelers flipped on their sides in the I-80 median, one on each side of Omaha. Tornadoes had blown through the evening before. That was my closest encounter the entire trip with bad weather. I kept going east on I-80, clinching IA 38, IA 64, and IA 78 before I picked up I-74 in Galesburg IL.

Except for an optional detour onto IN 39 between I-74 and I-70, it was all Interstates and smooth sailing the rest of the way home.

23 states entered on trip (in order first entered): VA-MD-PA-WV-KY-TN-IL-IA-NE-WY-KS-OK-TX-NM-AZ-CA-NV-OR-WA-ID-SD-IN-OH

24 new counties where I spent the night (new U.S. total 774)

Major route clinches (lesser clinches noted above): MSR 92 (IL-WY); all of US 283 (NE-TX); US 83 in Kansas, north to the Canadian border; all of AZ 89 and AZ 95; all of CA 58, CA 180, and usaca system; all of OR 35, OR 74, WA 14, and WA 142; all of IA 38, IA 64, and IA 78.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on May 12, 2024, 08:30:13 am
Yesterday, I did a mostly morning trip to finish the Lincoln Highway segments along US 30 east of Breezewood (meaning a full clinch in PA) and doing a few National Road segments in Hagerstown, Ellicott City, and Baltimore that I had not done. Otherwise it was mainly documentation along I-70 and I-83.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: kjslaughter on May 20, 2024, 10:34:50 am
My wife and I took our first real international trip the past two weeks (not counting cruises 12 years ago) to the United Kingdom.  The bulk of our travels were on rail between Manchester, York, Edinburgh and London, but I was able to get some large chunk of roads in Scotland via a small group tour to the Western Highlands.  We took a large loop from Edinburgh west on M9 past Stirling Castle, then loop mostly on A811, A82, A83, A85 & A84 past Loch Lomond to far point of Inverary before return through Callander and Doune.  Sadly I couldn't talk the driver to divert route to cross one of the Firth of Forth of bridges.  :-(  I'm shocked to see I now rank 22nd in Scotland!  Also rode a tram in Edinburgh that got me some miles, sightseeing bus loops in York and London and a few roads just walking around York and London neighborhoods.  I was surprised by the highway density within London as opposed to so many U.S. cities where highways are routed around or co-routed through cities (except I guess Kentucky!).  While the Underground is also very efficient, hard to clinch highways that way.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on May 20, 2024, 08:44:45 pm
This past weekend I went out to the Pittsburgh for a Christian Conference in the area, but even with leaving after work Friday afternoon and coming back home Saturday Night, I did get a few route clinches in.

On Friday, I started by taking I-81 SB to I-70 WB in Hagerstown. While on I-70 WB, a passing tractor trailer blew tire (or some other rubber debris) onto my windshield, but thankfully no cracks or anything came out of it.  I continued on I-70 WB to I-68 WB exiting at US 40 Scenic WB so I could clinch the McFarland Rd segment of the National Road. 

As soon as I got back to US 40 Scenic, I ended up back on I-68 WB taking it to MD 144 west of US 220.  I took MD 144 to Bedford Rd (unsigned MD 807) taking Bedford St to Centre St into Cumberland to get another National Road segment before heading back to I-68 WB ultimately taking US 40 WB into PA.  I generally followed US 40 WB in PA clinching National Road segments along the way and using some PA 43, I-79, and I-70 to attempt to save some time.  Eventually, I reached Wheeling, WV, by taking I-470 WB to WV 2 NB and went to Wheeling Island so that I could walk the Wheeling Suspension Bridge for the National Road segment there.  I then went west into Ohio to Morristown and Fairview to finish the National Road segment that begins just west of Fairview along I-70 (Exit 198) (I was so glad to see a driveway to turn around at the west end of the segment) before spending the night in St. Clairsville by the western I-70/I-470 interchange.

On Saturday Morning, I left the hotel around 5 AM, and maybe did a bit too much roadgeeking as I did not get to the conference until around 9:30 AM.  However, I am still glad with what I accomplished.  I took I-70 EB to WV 2 NB to Wellsburg doing a long loop via WV 27, PA 844, PA 331, and WV 67 (all new clinches minus the previously clinched PA 844 in March 2023) though I really think that PA 331 and WV 67 should be decommissioned for being narrow, curvy, and not really being a worthwhile through route.  I then backtracked to cross the Wellsburg Bridge in both directions before taking WV 2 NB to Follansbee (the hometown of famous Notre Dame head football coach Lou Holtz (AKA Dr. Lou)) and clinching WV 27 ALT (also not worthy of being a state route IMO for the same reasons as WV 67 and PA 331, this one turns into a quadrant route in PA).  I continued north on WV 2 to Weirton and looped via WV 105 (to clinch) and US 22 before taking WV 2 NB to its northern terminus at US 30 in Chester (passing through New Cumberland along the way, wait am I in VA or PA and not WV???  ;D).

I then took US 30 EB into PA taking it to PA 151 EB clinching it by taking it to PA 51 SB.  I actually used PA 151 as a turnaround in May 2021 while clinching I-376 and I-376 BL by Pittsburgh Int'l Airport.  I took PA 51 SB to the Sewickley Bridge seeing slides and a flooding closure at University Blvd along the way.  I crossed the Sewickley Bridge in heavy traffic even at 9 AM on Saturday due to an event in the borough itself, and I also ended up turning around at a hospital because the Orange Belt signage confused me.  I eventually got to Blackburn Rd taking it east to Mount Nebo Rd to my destination for most of the day just east of I-79.

We ended up having a long lunch break so I did a freeway loop consisting of taking I-79 NB to PA 910 (turning around) to I-79 SB to I-279 SB to I-376 WB back to I-79 NB.

After the event, I took I-79 NB to PA 228 EB (doing another drive of this corridor, currently only two lanes between Three Degree Rd and PA 8 ) to PA 8 NB to Butler so I could finish my clinch of PA 356 by taking it south to PA 28.  Then I took PA 28 NB to US 422 EB (seeing some paving and beams at the Margaret Rd realignment) to US 219 SB to US 22 EB in Ebensburg.  Then it was just the usual US 22 EB to I-99 NB to US 322 EB back to Harrisburg.

Clinched: National Road (MD, PA, WV, OH (St. Clairsville segment)), WV 27, PA 331, WV 67, WV 27 ALT (Follansbee), WV 105, PA 151, PA 356

New Mileage:  WV 2, OH 149, OH 9, PA 18

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: si404 on May 21, 2024, 03:05:49 pm
I was surprised by the highway density within London as opposed to so many U.S. cities where highways are routed around or co-routed through cities (except I guess Kentucky!).
When the roads were first numbered, 101 years ago, the counties/boroughs maintained everything and classification was about how much money they'd get from the national government to look after them (Class I 'A' roads getting more per mile than Class II 'B' roads which in turn get more than other roads - and it's still somewhat the case, though isn't quite the case anymore). As such a very large and dense network formed across the country*, and continued to do so after a limited amount were 'trunked' (ie national government took over the maintenance and improvement of).

The trunk road network got greatly reduced (about half went) in the early 2000s, and now it looks like this ( (England-only as Wales ( and Scotland ( have their own, regional, networks that didn't go through the pareing that UK-governed England's didn't). The Red Route network (map) ( that TfL maintain, instead of the boroughs, is London's state-equivalent road network (it's a bit bigger than the former trunk road network inside the boundaries, though lacks the long-distance motorways that enter the regions' borders).

The only large scale declassifying of roads in any English urban area is the 'Ring of Steel' declassifying of roads in the square mile of the City of London to supposedly confuse the IRA by removing road numbers (ironically almost returning the City to its initial state of having no classified roads - something which soon changed). Even large-scale urban downgrades are rare - Winchester is noteable for getting rid of its non-peripheral A roads (they became B roads and remain a dense network) when the M3 opened.

*Even when you consider that England is nearly as densely populated (1,134.4/sq mi) as New Jersey (1,263.0/sq mi) - the densest state, and has about 1.5 times (57m) the population of California (39m), the most populated state.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on May 25, 2024, 01:59:23 pm
Took an 18.5 hr U-turn yesterday...

New clinches in order:
LSR 151, LSR 707, WV 131, WV 2 ALT, *WV 2 Spur (Moundsville), OH 872, US 250 Trk (Moundsville), *US 40 Spur, WV 88, WV 27, WV 27 ALT, *US 22 ALT, LSR 507, WV 105, WV 8, LSR 208, *OH 702, *WV 27 Spur, WV 67, PA 331

* - unsigned

New mileage: WV 20, WV 2, OH 7, PA 844, PA 18.

LSR 507 still has a structure reference marker on it with US 22 ALT shown -

Agree from above that PA 331 is abominable.  WV 67 is nowhere near as bad as WV 72 south of US 219 or the north half of WV 71...
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on May 26, 2024, 12:07:56 pm
I guess I did clinch a new state route (OH 702) without even realizing it.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on May 26, 2024, 03:59:55 pm
Just got back home from a ~two-week road trip to Minneapolis, for an aunt's memorial service. The outbound trip was three relaxed driving days, on already-traveled Interstates, though I did work in a clinch of short WI 312 in Eau Claire.

After the service, I drove to southern Iowa, to clinch IA 92 Business (Knoxviile) and IA 1. The latter long frustrated me, hung up by a long construction closure of a one-mile segment in Fairfield. That was supposed to be done by May 31, but the project was completed ahead of schedule, perhaps to provide a detour for work on Business 34 in Fairfield, which I had already clinched. I also clinched IA 122 in Mason City, and closed up some gaps in other northern Iowa routes.

From there, I continued to an outer suburb of St. Louis, to dodge bad weather forecast for Iowa. Good thing, Iowa got whacked hard after I left, while northern Missouri was in the forecast tornado danger zone but wound up almost completely unscathed while I was out there. In northern Missouri, I focused on re-clinching counties, in the only lower-48 state where I've not re-clinched all the counties after I completed all the U.S. counties in 2010. I'm still missing some counties in southern Missouri, which I plan to cover in a separate trip. Aside from the county re-clinches, I clinched US 136 Business in Memphis (MO), US 36 Business in Monroe City, and MO 168.

From Missouri, a three-day mostly-Interstate return trip home. While I tried hard to avoid bad weather in the Midwest, I overlooked the torrential rains and thunderstorms awaiting me back home late yesterday evening. That made the last 30 miles of my trip really slow and unpleasant.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on May 26, 2024, 04:06:29 pm
While I tried hard to avoid bad weather in the Midwest, I overlooked the torrential rains and thunderstorms awaiting me back home late yesterday evening. That made the last 30 miles of my trip really slow and unpleasant.

Yeah, that affected me and the other road enthusiasts that met up with corco and his wife at the Nats game yesterday.  Thankfully no weather issues during the game itself.  However, it literally started raining on me the moment I walked out of the Shady Grove Metro Station around 8 PM so I sheltered at the Royal Farms on Watkins Mill Rd (eventually should be signed as MD 114).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: kjslaughter on May 28, 2024, 10:47:00 am
When the roads were first numbered, 101 years ago, the counties/boroughs maintained everything and classification was about how much money they'd get from the national government to look after them (Class I 'A' roads getting more per mile than Class II 'B' roads which in turn get more than other roads - and it's still somewhat the case, though isn't quite the case anymore). As such a very large and dense network formed across the country*, and continued to do so after a limited amount were 'trunked' (ie national government took over the maintenance and improvement of).

Thanks!  That was quite informative.  I know next to nothing about road networks in Europe as cut my teeth looking at Rand McNally Road Atlas of North America growing up.  I just use site to map where I've been and sometimes surprised to find more roads than I expected.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: cl94 on June 09, 2024, 08:38:19 pm
Just got home from a work trip to Idaho for a conference. By taking a couple of extra days to loop through Oregon on the way home, I racked up quite a bit of new mileage. Nevada is over 75% complete, Oregon is just shy of 19%, and Idaho is at 17.5%.

New clinches: I-184, ID 16, ID 51, ID 71, NV 225, NV 226, OR 7, OR 31, OR 52, OR 86, OR 86S, OR 410, OR 414, US 97 Business in Bend, OR.
Additional new mileage obtained along: western I-84, I-84 BL Mountain Home, US 20, US 26, US 30, US 395, CA 299, ID 21, ID 52, OR 19, OR 126, OR 201
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on June 09, 2024, 10:18:24 pm
Last weekend I took a drive down to Delaware to focus on looking at the DE 1/DE 16 interchange, the recent realignments of DE 1D and DE 23 and the new connector road to both from DE 1 SB at Five Points, and to reclinch US 9 TRUCK in Georgetown, DE.  I basically spent a lot of time on DE 1, and even went to Philly to see the permanent construction on I-95 at PA 73 before taking PA 73 all the way west to PA 61.

Yesterday I did another round in northern PA/southern NY.  After taking US 11/US 15 NB to PA 147 NB to I-180 WB to US 220 SB again, this time I took PA 120 WB to PA 872 NB (splitting off in Austin for a quick clinch of PA 607, not to be confused with the capital of Texas AKA my sister's new home state).  After clinching PA 872, I went west to Coudersport for a Sheetz bathroom break, and then took US 6 EB to PA 449 NB clinching it in order to get slightly up the lowest route number game (next for me is 455, which the best candidate I found was on the north side of the Nashville Metropolitan Area somewhere).  I continued north on NY 19 turning around at NY 417 in Wellsville then taking NY 248 EB to Whitesville then NY 248A SB to PA 244 WB to PA 44 SB to PA 49 EB.  Then I took PA 249 NB to NY 36 NB back to NY 248 WB finishing the latter clinch when I got back to NY 248A.  I then took CR 19 to CR 19A to CR 124 to North Fork Rd back to PA 49 EB then took PA 249 SB (finishing the clinch) to PA 287 SB to US 6 EB.  After another Sheetz stop in Mansfield, I took US 15 SB to I-180 EB to PA 147 SB to PA 225 SB to visit a friend near Halifax, PA, before heading back to Harrisburg via PA 225 SB across Peters Mountain to US 22/US 322 EB in Dauphin.

Clinched:  PA 872, PA 607, PA 449, NY 248, NY 248A, PA 244, PA 49, PA 249

New Mileage: NY 19, NY 36
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Bruce on June 10, 2024, 08:50:15 pm
On Saturday, I completed a life-long goal of driving all 7,000 miles of Washington's surface highways.

And then I promptly got secondaried at the Canadian border checkpoint. Maybe I should have left something easier for last.

Will be eager to fill out my ferry clinches next, which will mark the actual completion of the state highway system (as they are part of the legislative definitions).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: rickmastfan67 on June 11, 2024, 10:09:49 am
And then I promptly got secondaried at the Canadian border checkpoint. Maybe I should have left something easier for last.

Did they give you the free 48h accommodations bonus with that? :P LOL!
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on June 20, 2024, 08:45:12 am
A driving trip to a conference in DC this week gave me an opportunity to take some new routes through otherwise very familiar territory.

On the way south, I had time constraints but was able to take a couple hours longer than the fastest routes and still get to the start of the event on time.  I took my usual Thruway to I-287 route, then took I-78 and US 22 west past Allentown to Hamburg.  New travels started there: PA 61, Business US 222 (with a quick lunch stop), PA 12, US 422, I-176, and part of I-76 back to US 222 were all new.  US 222 and US 30 over to York are roads I'd traveled once before but were still interesting to see.  Just before I-83, I cut a little corner on PA 24 and PA 462.  I-83 to I-695 to I-70 were all previously-traveled but not ones I take often.  At US 29, I finished off the tiny piece north of I-70 before turning back around to head south to the beltway.  My destination was in the Woodley Park area of DC, so I took MD 185 and Connecticut Ave in.  A little confusion about where to turn as I approached my hotel resulted in me on the Rock Creek Parkway (about a mile out and back) for a little bonus TM mileage there at the end.

I was able to take more time going home.  The event ended at 12:30, followed by a lunch in the nearby neighborhood. It was about 1:30, I was going only as far as the Harrisburg area for a baseball game and had about double the needed time to do it.  A more ambitious plan to start by finishing off I-66 and US 1 in DC looked like a Very Bad Idea in afternoon traffic, so I left DC via Massachusetts Ave, and took some MD 396 and MD 190 back out to the beltway.  It was the beltway around to US 1, where I filled in a bit of that route up to MD 32, which I took over to US 29.  US 29/I-70/I-695 (including a lengthy delay on the I-70 to I-695 ramp) took me to I-795 for my first ride up that route.  At its northern end, I cut over to MD 30 and took that and PA 94 all the way up into Carlisle.  This ride was slow at times, and is a route I won't need to take again.  I went through Carlise on US 11 to my hotel right near the turnpike exit.  I checked in then went right back out to get to the Harrisburg Senators game on City Island.  I was able to fill in a couple gaps on the rides out and back, taking the turnpike for one exit to fill in an I-76 gap, and US 11 back to Carlisle to fill that in.

The next day, I again took about double the needed time to make my ride.  The new travels started on US 22 and US 322 west.  I had been as far as Dauphin, but continued on this trip to PA 147, which allowed me to drive up the eastern side of the Susquehanna (I'd done US 11/15 on the other side quite a while ago).  It was a scenic and pleasant ride.  I stopped for a bit to check out the ferry in Millersburg (it wasn't running).  I crossed the river on PA 61 at Shamokin Dam, then took US 15 up to Williamsport (lunch stop on the north side of Lewisburg). This filled a gap and completed all of US 15 north of Farmville, VA.  There, I picked up US 220 (at first, concurrently with I-180).  Once I left I-180, it was all new US 220 until just south of the NY border.  This ride was also scenic and pleasant but with a few more bouts of slow drivers that I couldn't pass.  Fortunately I wasn't in much of a rush.  On the way, I picked up my one new county on this trip: Sullivan, PA.  I picked up a couple miles of US 6 as well with a side trip into Towanda for gas.  When I reached NY, that finished off all of US 220 north of I-68.  I took NY 17 east for just one exit then cut up NY 34 to NY 17C for something different, and NY 282 back to NY 17.  I left NY 17 again at Endwell to take NY 17C to head for the Wegman's in Johnson City.  From there, it was fastest way home: NY 17/I-81/I-88/NY 30A/NY 7/NY 30.  As usual, I-88 was filled with lengthy construction zones.  I passed through a pretty nasty thunderstorm with a lot of lightning, rain, wind, and a little hail around Cobleskill, of course, part of the time while in a construction zone.

For TM, I added 330 miles, 262 of which were in PA.  My new NY travels pushed me over 9000 miles overall in the state.  I only added about 40 new usai miles, but that included clinching two routes I had never previously traveled (I-176, I-795).  I got 140 new miles in usaus, with US 220 being the biggest mover.  For other systems, I traveled 5 usamd highways, 2 usany highways, and 8 usapa highways for the first time. 
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: cl94 on June 23, 2024, 08:46:37 pm
Got back from a half-week work trip to Monterey last night. I'll always accept an all expenses paid trip to the Pacific coast, especially if I can get new miles out of it. And new miles I did obtain.

On the drive down, I finally closed a gap along US 101 between Prunedale and Gilroy that was necessitated by crash-related congestion back in April. I also clinched CA 108, CA 183, and 3 CA 1 BRs in full, along with additional new mileage along CA 33, 132, 152, 156, and 165.

During my travels around Monterey, both for work and on my free time, I clinched CA 213, and the 17 Mile Tourist, 17 Mile Drive and got some mileage along CA 68.

On the way home, I finished off CA 68, clinched CA 156, 25, 130, and 4 in that order, and got additional mileage along CA 33. CA 130 is fun because that has a county-maintained eastern extension that is not on the state highway system, but is legislatively part of the route. Santa Clara County signs this extension and it is a worthy drive, even if you don't think it needs to be clinched.

Edit: upon update, looks like I got somewhere in the neighborhood of 250 new TM miles. Not bad for a trip that required a ton of "repeat" miles. Up to 54.65% of California clinched. Don't know when that number will increase, but it probably will again sometime this year.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on June 24, 2024, 08:57:12 pm
Just went to Alaska for the first time in 13 years (and got my first new miles there in 16 years). Finished the fake interstates, which, unless there's a last-minute interstate extension added with the next update, should put me at 100% officially for usai.

Besides that, I picked up the Hickel Parkway, and took AK 1 all the way to Homer's "Lands End". The number of tourist-related businesses (and tourists) down on the Spit surprised me. Very crowded. Great seafood. Weather was perfect. Another day I finally went to Haines (to collect the borough back when I was collecting counties, I just stepped onto land at the AMHS ferry terminal when the ship was docked for a few minutes). In a region with many remarkable highways, the Haines Highway was especially so. And, in contrast to the Alaska Highway, the pavement was in wonderful condition. Highly recommended. The Richardson Highway to Valdez, which I hadn't driven before, was another treat. The unnumbered Talkeetna Spur wasn't anything special from a driving perspective, but the town at the end of it was a fun side trip.

My sig image below didn't change, since it only shows the signed mainline interstates. Well, I finally greyed-out Pennsylvania, since a new truck route was identified and mapped since my clinch of that state a few months ago, and I have no immediate plans to go back there. I'm hoping next month gives me a chance to add something somewhere else.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: froggie on June 27, 2024, 04:51:48 am
^ Out of curiosity, does your clinch of New Jersey's system actually include the leg of NJ 68 inside the gate at Fort Dix?
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on June 28, 2024, 06:23:41 pm
^ Out of curiosity, does your clinch of New Jersey's system actually include the leg of NJ 68 inside the gate at Fort Dix?
Just the part to the north of the gate.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on June 28, 2024, 08:24:28 pm
I did get a couple more trips in the last couple weekends, but this weekend seems to be a washout in PA so why not take a break.

I went to my parents' house on Father's Day Weekend doing the normal I-81 to US 17 to I-95 route down without any major issues, but there was a truck in the median of I-81 NB at Exit 52 so it was almost a major issue there.

The next morning I took my mom on another Smithfield's Chicken-N-BBQ run.  We started by taking I-85 SB from Petersburg (detouring onto US 1 between SR 650 and VA 40 due to a closure) to US 58 WB to VA 49 SB into NC taking NC 49 SB to Roxboro.  Ultimately, we took NC 57 SB to Hillsborough and picked up NC 86 SB.  I accidentally stayed on Old NC 86 instead of turning with NC 86 SB and US 70 BUS EB so I decided to stay on that to Carrboro, took city streets to Chapel Hill, and looped via the UNC Campus and US 15/US 501/NC 54 back to NC 86 NB back to Hillsborough to Old NC 86 SB to I-85 SB onto the I-40/I-85 Concurrency.

We exited off of I-40/I-85 onto NC 49 SB taking it all the way to US 601 in Concord to complete my clinch of it with a loop in Asheboro to clinch US 64 BUS and a loop in New London to see the southern terminus of NC 8.  Then I basically did another loop taking US 601 NB to NC 73 WB to I-85 SB to University City Blvd to US 29 NB as we passed by Charlotte Motor Speedway.  We did another loop in Landis to clinch NC 153 via NC 152, and took NC 152 EB across the roundabouts at I-85/US 601 along the way before continuing on US 29 NB.  Once north of Salisbury and the Yadkin River, we stayed on I-85 NB (going through the section where the NB and SB carriageways switch sides) and took NC 109 NB back to US 29 NB/US 70 EB with the intention of clinching the new alignment of US 70 along NC 68 and Wendover Ave.  We took NC 68 NB to I-40 and turned around before continuing on Wendover Ave, but sadly the only sign I saw indicating that US 70 was now on Wendover was WB at the US 29/US 220 interchange in Greensboro so I had to turn around to photograph it.  We then continued on US 70 EB to University Dr in Burlington in order to eat at the same Smithfield's Chicken-N-BBQ that we ate at on the December 2023 trip by I-40/I-85.

We then took University Dr and NC 100 to NC 87 NB by Elon University and looped around the Reidsville area a bit adding mileage on NC 14, NC 87, and NC 150 while clinching US 29 BUS.  Then we went to Danville via US 29 NB and took US 58 WB to US 58 BUS EB to clinch VA 51 before taking US 58 BUS EB back to US 58 EB/US 360 EB taking VA/NC 62 SB to NC 57 SB back to Roxboro to finish clinching NC 57.  Then we basically went back to my parents' house from Roxboro the way we came via NC/VA 49 NB, US 58 EB, and I-85 NB.

Clinched:  NC 57, NC 49, US 64 BUS (Asheboro, NC), NC 73 TRUCK (Concord), NC 153, US 29 BUS (Reidsville, NC), VA 51

New Mileage: VA 92, NC 86, NC 8, US 52 (NC), NC 740, US 601 (NC), US 29 (NC), NC 73, NC 152, NC 150, NC 109, US 70 (NC), NC 68, NC 87, NC 14

Last weekend was the Northwest Pennsylvania Meet based in Meadville with stops to see the PennDOT Sign Garden by the District 1 Crawford County Maintenance Office, view bridges respectively on a township road by US 322 and along Oil Creek, and also see a partially collapsed tunnel that is right next to the PA 8 Oil City Bypass.

I started by taking the normal US 322 to I-99 to US 22 to Ebensburg and then US 219 and US 422 to Kittanning staying on US 422 WB until PA 8 in Butler.  I then followed PA 8 NB all the way to PA 89 just south of Wattsburg to finish the clinch of PA 8 (and Kyle Busch did not get the memo on Sunday for anyone asking) and then turning around back to Union City to head east on US 6.  I took US 6 EB to PA 27 WB (completing US 6 in PA east of PA 618) to PA 426 NB to PA 77 WB (to clinch) to PA 27 WB in Meadville to US 6 WB/US 19 SB stopping at the Sheetz at the Big I Roundabout of US 6/US 19/US 322/PA 98.  I then took PA 98 NB to Fairview and then PA 5 EB to Erie in order to clinch the leftover Great Lakes-Seaways Trail mileage I did not have on PA 5 ALT.  After completing that, I took the Bayfront Pkwy to State St to US 20 WB to US 19 SB to PA 99 SB (SR 0699 for anyone asking, though I have a SR 699 in VA clinched unsurprisingly) back to US 6 WB/US 19 SB to the meet lunch location at the Triple Deuce Saloon.

I left the meet tour after the stop at Jersey Bridge in Titusville and took PA 27 EB (finishing my clinch of this route, I did it in full west of Titusville and north of US 6 in October 2022) to US 6 EB to PA 59 EB (to clinch) to US 6 EB (in Smethport) to PA 46 NB to PA 446 NB to PA 155 SB (to clinch) to PA 120 EB to US 220 NB (basically redriving the beginning of my June 8th trip west to PA 872).  I did go north on US 15 NB to Exit 140 because I realized after the June 8th trip that some signage there needed some new photography before heading home via the usual PA 147 SB to US 15 SB to US 22 EB/US 322 EB.

Clinched:  PA 8, PA 77, PA 98, Great Lakes-Seaway Trail (PA), Lake Erie Circle Tour (PA), PA 99, PA 27, PA 59, PA 155

New Mileage:  US 62 (PA), US 6 (PA), PA 227, PA 321
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on June 30, 2024, 09:52:45 pm
Took an 18-hr ride yesterday...

Clinches in order (* are unposted):
*WV 17 ALT Pt. Pleasant, WV 2, WV 10 ALT, WV 193, *WV 101, *WV 106, OH 527, *US 60 ALT Huntington, *WV 527 ALT Huntington, WV 527, WV 75, *WV 3 ALT Whitesville, WV 3

New mileage: WV 62, WV 10, OH 775, OH 7, WV 152
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: dave1693 on July 04, 2024, 05:09:23 am
A combination of disasters led to me curtailing my travels in Sept and Oct 2023, then even more disaster struck in November and I went almost nowhere for 3.5 months before making the near-annual trip to southern MS in March. This summary includes mileage through the end of March.

New clinches:
US 211 (in VA and nationwide), US 211 Business (Luray VA), MD 381, PA 441, PA 441 Truck

the *new* Gov. Nice Bridge (US 301 from VA to MD)

New mileage (but not clinched):
US 11 in AL, US 11 in VA, US 82 in AL, MS 42, AL 69, TN 36, MD 6, MD 648, PA 35.

The new mileage in VA got me to over 50 per cent of the mileage in my home state.

My next update will cover April through June, but I haven't gotten it all in order yet.

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: pderocco on July 05, 2024, 04:17:28 am
Just finished a 12-day trip around the western states, which resulting in the following clinches:

I only have three more state highways in CA, 45, 82, and 113. 45 and 113 are N/S routes in the northern Central Valley, probably not that interesting, and skipped so far because I'm usually going across the Central Valley, not up and down it. But I'm likely to do another trip from SoCal up to Canada this summer, and will get those out of the way (and may clinch US-89 too). CA-82 is more of a problem, because it's a really long urban street that looks like it has a few hundred traffic lights on it. But if that's all that's between me and clinching California, I'll probably suck it up and force myself to do it.

What I've learned is that obsessing about clinching roads sometimes helps you discover interesting places, but it also drags you into a lot of boring places. Having clinched most of California, I feel relieved that I can now choose to go places based purely on whether they're nice places to go.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: ntallyn on July 06, 2024, 02:13:58 pm
Several trips since I've posted:

An April business trip to Virginia Beach added some mileage on US 60 and 460, as well as VA 165, 166, 168, 170, 194, 225, 279, and 337.
A bicycling event in Hilton Head allowed adding a little more of US 278, US 278 Bus (Hilton Head), and SC 46.
Another business trip to Virginia Beach added some US 13, 58, 460, 460 Alt (Norfolk), VA 166, 168, 337, 406, and 407.
While on that trip (Memorial Day weekend), I collected the final Maryland counties I needed. In this process, I gained mileage on (MD) I-70 (yes, the parking lot), I-95, I-97, I-695, I-795, US 13, 40, 50, 301, MD 2, 4, 5, 7, 16, 140, 213, 231, 234, 236, 272, 290, 304, 313, 404, 543, 662, and 665, and (VA) US 13, 58, 360, 13 Bus (3 of them), 17 Bus (Gloucester), VA 3, 14, 33, 105, 168, 179, 194, 198, 200, 201, 205, and 247.
Then a road trip with the grandson to Washington DC (AutoTrain northbound) got a few miles: (VA) I-64, I-95, US 13, 60, 360, VA 5, 27, 30, 110, 132, 143, 205, 206, 218, 233, 244, 402; (NC) I-40, I-587, I-795, US 17, 76, 117, 17 Bus (Wilmington), NC 132, 140, 417; (SC and GA) none, somehow. The most interesting part of this trip was the Carnivorous Plant Garden in Wilmington NC.
And finally, a family reunion near Park City UT gave me the opportunity for US 40, 89, 189, UT 68, 71, 85, 111, 152, 171, 172, 173, 186, 190, 201, 202, 209, 210, 224, 248, and 266. I missed the Brighton loop of UT 190 (though signage outside metro Salt Lake City is very minimal).

I have a trip to Toronto coming up in a couple of weeks, but won't have a car, so I only expect to get some subway mileage. Then back to back work weekends in Tampa, so most of those miles will be the routes I take to/from there.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on July 07, 2024, 04:04:18 pm
Arrived in Prescott, ON, for a couple nights, and have to observe that having previously driven the 401 and the 416, the TM-mappable opportunities near here are pathetic.  Once I finish up the little stub of ON 16 (only did it from the exit from customs to Highway 2 so far) that might be it for me on the Ontario side.  I'm the better part of an hour to anything else that would be new to me.  I wish they'd have some sort of official classification of old Highway 2 that we could add.

Fortunately I got some usany and usaus miles on the way up and will get a different batch on the way home.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: IMGoph on July 09, 2024, 11:56:50 am
I only have three more state highways in CA, 45, 82, and 113. 45 and 113 are N/S routes in the northern Central Valley, probably not that interesting, and skipped so far because I'm usually going across the Central Valley, not up and down it. But I'm likely to do another trip from SoCal up to Canada this summer, and will get those out of the way (and may clinch US-89 too). CA-82 is more of a problem, because it's a really long urban street that looks like it has a few hundred traffic lights on it. But if that's all that's between me and clinching California, I'll probably suck it up and force myself to do it.

What I've learned is that obsessing about clinching roads sometimes helps you discover interesting places, but it also drags you into a lot of boring places. Having clinched most of California, I feel relieved that I can now choose to go places based purely on whether they're nice places to go.

CA82 (aka El Camino Real) from SF to SJ is a really interesting road, the old main street of Silicon Valley. It's a lot more than a bunch of traffic lights, trust me! You'll find some of the best hole-in-the-wall food in the area, no matter what cuisine you're looking for. Have fun with it! :)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on July 09, 2024, 10:47:45 pm
Back from a short trip to the Prescott, Ontario, area.  I picked up just over 150 new TM miles.  All in New York and in the usany system, except a mile and a half of Ontario 16 (plus the bit of US 11 that's concurrent with NY 68 in Canton).  I added miles on NY 3, NY 12, NY 26 (ok, only about 1/3 of a mile), and NY 37.  I only have one gap left on NY 12, but it's a tough one, south of the I-81 junction to Clayton. I got my first ever miles on NY 58, NY 68 (clinched), NY 184 (clinched), and NY 812 (big winner with 57 miles).  Of the 450 or so miles traveled overall, only a couple short trips on the 401, sections of NY5/8/12/I-790 in Utica, and the Thruway from Utica to Fultonville were freeways.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: clong on July 22, 2024, 12:25:12 pm
The last 2 weeks have provided opportunities to pickup mileage in parts of Alabama I don't frequently visit.

I was able to finish US29, US31, US43, US84, and US331 within Alabama.
I also completed AL9, AL245 and AL259. Picked up mileage on AL10, AL41, AL55, and AL185 as well.

For AL US Highways, I'm down to 100 miles remaining, all within Mobile and Washington counties, on US45, US90, and US98.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on July 22, 2024, 07:06:21 pm
Earlier this month, I completed a relatively short road trip to southern Missouri, via the Extra Miler Club annual meeting in Lansing MI.

I re-clinched US 78 (had been missing segments in TN and AR), US 412 (recent relocation in AR), and US 14 (recent relocation in MN). Also clinched MO 72, MO 291, MO 350, MN 251, and MN 257, as well as several US business routes in AR and MO.

Mostly, this trip was about county clinching. I finished off all the counties in the lower 48 I had not revisited since I completed all the U.S. counties in 2010, ending with Johnson County MO (county seat Warrensburg, "Home of Man's Best Friend") near Kansas City. I'm still missing one in Hawaii, and about half of Alaska's. Most of these are difficult and/or expensive to visit, with no highways. Re-visiting them is not a high priority for me, and I might end up settling for re-clinching the lower 48.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: cl94 on July 27, 2024, 04:02:49 am
I'm just finishing up a trip to the Big Island of Hawai'i. Wonderful place, wonderful people, wonderful food, and I was even able to do it without breaking the bank. This trip got me to my 49th state. 3 new airports (LAX, KOA, SEA), 1 new airline (Alaska). Also got to my 30th state high point in the form of Mauna Kea.

In terms of roads, I clinched every signed route on the Big Island, whether it be state highway or county, plus every NPS road. I lucked out with Chain of Craters Road, as it closed when I was at the far end due to an earthquake swarn. While I was told to evacuate just as I was beginning the walk to Holei Sea Arch, I clinched the road. Might be a couple of minor tweaks we need to discuss due to mileposts on the ground (notably the east end of HI 2000), but I need to search for more evidence to see if there's anything I'm missing.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: vdeane on July 27, 2024, 05:35:40 pm
On Monday, I got back from a big trip to/from the Michigan City Roadmeet.  The Thursday before the meet, I drove down the Thruway to I-290.  Took I-190 and re-clinched a piece of NY 324 around exit 20, since I drove it EB and TM only recognizes the WB direction here.  Then it was into Canada onto ON 405 and the QEW and then new mileage for ON 403 and ON 401.  I did a quick clinch of the Highbury Avenue freeway before clinching ON 402 and re-entering the US with what must have been the most thorough questioning I've ever had, including the CBP officer pawing through my bags before they let me go on.  I was surprised, given that driving through Canada to get from upstate NY to Michigan is the most normal thing ever (apparently it's only normal for people who had previously visited Michigan???
 The anti-travel bias from CBP will never cease to amaze me, given that processing travelers is literally what they do), and I didn't even get any grief from customs when I clinched US 11 back in May, which I thought for sure was going to at least raise an eyebrow.  I thought maybe she had recently transferred from the Mexican border and wasn't used to handling traffic from Canada, but from talking to people at lunch the next day, it appears the Blue Water Bridge is just like that.  That evening, I took a loop down I-94 to get pictures of the flag signs approaching the border.  I was going to use to clinch BL 69 as well, only to discover that BL 94/69 was closed in downtown Port Huron for some event and nobody bothered to inform Google.  Epic fail.  Still, better to find out then than on Friday morning when I had planned to clinch both.

Friday was less driving, just heading down I-94 to Michigan City after a morning spent exploring the Port Huron Lightship and some nearby sites.  I did briefly jog up to Battle Creek for a clinch of I-194.  On the meet day, I took US 421, US 20, IN 212, and US 12 to Redamack's, to fill in a couple clinch gaps the meet tour would have left me with.

Sunday was the big clinching day.  I took I-94 west to I-65, and turned around twice so I could clinch both the signed and TM-recognized routes before continuing west on I-90.  Turned around at the end of the Skyway to fill in a clinch gap on I-94 before continuing east on I-80/90 and later I-80 along.  Took I-71 south to I-76, headed east to Akron, and took I-277 to I-77 north.  Meandered through local streets to I-90 west, then turned around to get a clinch of I-490 and took OH 10 and US 422 back to I-90 and I-71 south to my hotel, clinching I-71 in the process.

Monday I finished clinching the Ohio Turnpike (I already had the I-76 part) and diverted for a clinch of OH 711 before heading north on OH 11.  Looped north to get the miles north of I-90, then it was I-90 east back home.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on August 03, 2024, 12:14:08 am
It's not easy for me to get substantial new TM miles on trips between upstate NY and SW Florida, but my late July trip added a stop in Pensacola to see a friend's son pitch for the Blue Wahoos AA baseball team before heading home.  This gave me a chance for a good chunk of new Florida mileage to get there and Alabama on the ride home.

Overall, I added over 600 miles.  By region: 360 in Florida (putting me over 50% overall in the state), 228 in Alabama, 20 in Georgia, 14 in Maryland, 8 in Tennessee. 

By system:

usai: 199 miles.  101 of them being I-65 south of Montgomery, and the northernmost 80 miles of I-59, and the 18 miles I was previously missing of I-459.

usaus: 264 miles.  101 miles of US 27, 54 miles of US 41 (some concurrent with US 27), 45 miles of US 319, 40 miles of US 29, 18 miles of US 90, my first 14 miles of US 331, 4 miles of US 129, 2 miles of US 11, 1 mile of US 31, 1 mile of US 80, 1 mile of US 82, almost 1 mile of US 98, about a half mile of US 221

usausb: 6 miles, mostly US 90 Alt in Pensacola, and small bits of US 27 Alt in Perry and US 98 Bus in Pensacola.

usafl: 116 miles.  my first 19 miles of FL 77, 27 miles of FL 20, the northernmost 14 miles of FL 589, my first 13 miles of FL 292, my first 9 miles of FL 52, my first 5 miles of FL 289, my first 5 miles (and all) of FL 300, my first 4 miles of FL 291, my first 3 miles (and all) of FL 690, my first 2 miles of FL 61, about 2 miles of FL 121, my last 2 needed miles of FL 326, a mile and a half of FL 40, my first mile and a half of FL 750, my first mile (and all) of FL 196, my first mile of FL 72, about a mile of FL 44, about a mile of FL 758, my first small segments of FL 25 (all of it), FL 295, and FL 752.  First travels on 14 routes, new clinches of 5.

usamd: 13 miles, 11 of them MD 7, and bits of MD 24 and MD 924 (first).

usatn: 6 miles, first bits of TN 163 and TN 308.

usava: about 1/3 of a mile, my first travels on VA 140.

usaal: 35 miles.  My first 15 miles (and all) of AL 113, my first 6 miles of AL 145, my first 4 miles of AL 182, my first 3 miles of AL 180, my first mile and a half (and all) of AL 161, my first 4 miles of AL 59, About a mile of AL 14.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: LilianaUwU on August 06, 2024, 12:06:24 pm
I ended up going to Saguenay last weekend and added quite a few routes, as well as quite a few miles.

New routes: A-70, QC 170, QC 172, QC 372, QC 381

Added mileage on: A-73, QC 175

In total, I added approximately 150 miles.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on August 21, 2024, 05:35:53 pm
After attending a road meet in western Maryland, I kept heading west into West Virginia, Ohio, and Indiana to clinch or re-clinch several routes there.

WV: US 33 (rerouted west of Spencer) and US 35 (short extension of south end)

OH: US 23 (short reroute in Columbus)

IN:  I-65 (short extension of north end), I-69 (gap in northern I-69 just filled south of Indianapolis), and IN 267 (new clinch)

The Interstate route segments bring me back to 100% of usai. We'll see how long that lasts.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on August 25, 2024, 02:37:57 pm
I have clinched my first larger region now: Baden-Württemberg ( with more than 9,000 miles :) I traveled the last five sections yesterday, which were under construction earlier this year. Of course, I also clinched the deubwl system now.
I'm already at 93.57% for Bavaria ( with its almost 14,000 miles, the largest German region. I'll try to clinch 99.x% this winter but there is also some long-term construction and I will likely only be able to reach 100% in 2024.

I have clinched my second larger region now: Bavaria ( (online after next site update). The region has a total of 13,964 miles. Of course, I've also clinched the Bavarian state roads system deubyst. The last section was u/c for years. I couldn't clinch it by walking since a bridge was replaced in the previous project phase. The road is not yet open for through traffic but for drivers with a "good reason" (DE: Anlieger). Well, I had a good reason today :D I've also clinched the three small states of Berlin, Hamburg and Bremen and thus clinched 5 out of 16 German states. I don't plan to clinch another state but just try to increase the coverage. Six states are still under 50%. I might go for 50% here :)

I traveled a lot through Germany* during the pandemic and have clinched 77.25% of the German federal road system deub ( now, and I have over 50% in all states (only RP is below 60%). The total clinch rate was 67.79% at the end of 2021. 58.95% at the end of 2020, 41.85% 2019, 35.4% 2018, 29.3% 2017, and 24.0% at the end of 2016.

I had traveled 78.49% of the German federal roads system deub ( (almost 23k miles) at the end of 2022 and 94.53% at the end of 2023. Some weekend-trips and a nine-day-trip next to last week brought me to 97.90% now. The remaining routes are mainly in the center of Germany but there are also some remote sections which were mainly closed due to construction when I've been there for the last time. One bridge replacement is scheduled to be completed in Mid 2027. So, no hurry to clinch the other routes short term.

Lowest overall number, lowest in EUR, lowest in NA?
Just going for the lowest overall number here; not going to attempt to break it down by continent.

Including only systems in the HB (whether devel systems are included or not), it's 1386.
Adding in systems commented out of systems.csv fills in 56 missing numbers, bringing us up to 1928.

The end of game for Europe is 1185 with routes in DEU-BW ( (I've traveled long ago) and ENG ( Only KY and LA have a 1186 route in HB so far and I don't expect anything new for Europe.

With North Macedonia Regional Roads ( and Upper Austria Landesstraßen 2. Ordnung (, the lowest missing overall number is 1478 now (for Europe: 1323). I have a new goals now 8)

The above mentioned nine-day-trip also brought me to Austria where I could travel some "missing number" routes. I'm down at 21 missing number ( now (0-1322).

I'll be back on the road in three weeks. TM-related goals: Decrease the missing number count by 6. Get first mileage in the missing European regions of France (Corsica) and Italy (Sardinia + Sicily). Clinch itaa system (I'm at 81% of the 4626 miles). Get as much mileage as possible :D
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: cl94 on August 28, 2024, 03:00:05 pm
Last weekend, I made a trip to Yosemite National Park. Despite getting a flat tire at the north end of CA 59, it was a very good trip with a lot of great hiking and scenery. Oh, and roads. Lots of roads:

New full clinches:
CA 59
CA 99 Business in both Madera and Lodi
Wawona Road
Big Oak Flat Road/ Southside Drive/ Northside Drive

New mileage:
CA 33 (CA 180-152)
CA 41 (north of CA 49)
CA 140 (east of CA 99)
CA 145 (CA 180-99)
CA 152 (CA 33-59)
CA 180 (west of CA 145)

Total % in California is up to 56.27%, with 121 clinched routes. Slowly chipping away at the San Joaquin Valley.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on September 04, 2024, 11:01:48 pm
I am a bit late on this, but I finally completed my Michigan City Meet trip summary (

I still have four more trip summaries to complete.

NY Trip 8/3/2024

The purpose of this trip was to attend the Celebration of Life for Mark Sinsabuagh's recently deceased wife.

I started the morning by taking US 22 WB/US 322 WB to US 11 NB/US 15 NB to PA 147 NB to I-180 WB to PA 405 NB to US 220 NB to PA 87 NB in Dushore.  I took PA 87 NB (really heading east though) to PA 187 NB where I then realized that I had a conundrum due to part of PA 187 being closed so that an embankment could be fixed.  I was able to sight clinch both sides of the closure though it required me to take quadrant routes to Laceyville and backtrack to PA 187 via US 6 and Waylusing-New Albany Road before turning around for good at the north end of the closure area.  I clinched PA 187 by taking it north into NY also clinching NY 282 when I turned onto NY 17C WB north of Nichols.

I took NY 17C west to Waverly where I briefly turned south on NY 34 to turn around once I reentered PA on PA 199.  I then continued north on NY 34 clinching it after passing through Ithaca, a brief concurrency with NY 34B, and Auburn once I got to NY 104.  I turned onto NY 104 EB so I did not continue north onto CR 34 into Hannibal even though the signage tempted me to.  I continued east on NY 104 through Oswego (stopping at a Stewart's that I was surprised to see this far west) all the way to NY 69 in Mexico (oddly enough my mom went into the actual country of Mexico last week while visiting my sister in south Texas).   I then took NY 69 east to Rome with a loop in Parish to clinch NY 69A and clinching NY 183 along the way. I clinched NY 69 when I reached the west end of the NY 46/NY 49 concurrency on the west side of Rome.  From there, I took NY 49 to Utica and then took NY 5 EB to NY 51 SB in Ilion to get to the celebration of life.

After leaving the celebration of life, I took some county routes over to NY 171 and clinched it by heading north to Frankfort before heading back to NY 51 SB in Ilion.  I took NY 51 SB all the way to NY 8 clinching the route, and then took NY 8 south to NY 17.  At this point, the rain really picked up and I did not get a true break from it again until I got to Carbondale, PA.  I took NY 17 WB (and I-86 WB) to I-81 SB and then picked up PA 171 once entering PA ultimately clinching it by taking it all the way to US 6 BUS in Carbondale.  I then took US 6 BUS EB to US 6 EB and took PA 296 NB in Waymart to PA 247 (though I did not turn around until I got back to PA 171 in Forest City).  I ended up back on PA 296 SB and clinched it by taking it to PA 191 in Lake Ariel, turning around again, and then turning south onto PA 196 clinching that route when I finally got to the odd PA 611/PA 940 intersection at its southern terminus in Mount Pocono (with even this odd sign ( as well).  I stopped at a Wawa on PA 940 before heading west to I-380 SB and went back to Harrisburg via I-80 WB and I-81 SB.

Clinched:  PA 187, NY 282, NY 34, NY 69, NY 69A, NY 183, NY 51, NY 171, PA 171, PA 296, PA 196

New Mileage: NY 17C, NY 96, NY 13, NY 34B, NY 38, NY 104, NY 3, US 11 (NY), NY 5, US 20 (NY), NY 80, NY 23, NY 8, NY 10, NY 17, PA 247

Quad State Road Meet (8/17/2024)

On August 17th, myself, oscar, Duke87, and others attended the Quad State Road Meet that included mileage on the meet in VA, WV, MD, and PA.  The meet itself included lunch at Buddylou's in Hancock, MD, a renewing of vows by Mr. and Mrs. MDRoads at a nearby bridge over the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal (where Rainey was more into her Charlie Brown phase of throwing rocks than being a flower girl), and stops at the I-68 Sideling Hill Rest Area, the Mason-Dixon line stone at the south end of PA 26 at the MD/PA line, the Hancock toll house, the ongoing construction of the US 522 Berkeley Springs Bypass, and what Google Maps refers to as The Farnham Colossi (,-78.2844788,13z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x89ca0ba70d187f89:0xf0359fc6845967e2!8m2!3d39.4192006!4d-78.2600488!16s%2Fg%2F11cmv1v_w1?entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MDkwMy4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D) along CR 13 (Winchester Grade Road).  Many of the others went to spend time at Berkeley Springs State Park in Downtown Berkeley Springs once the meet ended, but myself and a few others decided to pass on that.  I was a bit tired so I just took I-70 EB to MD 63 NB (with a Sheetz stop at US 40) to PA 163 EB (reclinch) to US 11 NB to I-81 NB back to Harrisburg.

Before the meet, however, I took US 15 SB to I-270 SB to I-495 Outer to VA 7 WB to view the completed six-lane widening along VA 7 west of VA 267 towards VA 193 in Fairfax County.  I continued west on VA 7 all the way to Winchester where I looped around a bit via I-81, US 522, SR 642, SR 847, VA 37 (reclinching in both directions), and US 11 (even finding circle 11 (,-78.1351197,3a,39.4y,220.13h,89.29t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sld3RrHc11m4OePrXmi4m_Q!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MDkwMy4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D) shields just north of I-81 Exit 317 after a reclinch of SR 1620).  I then took VA 7 WB from I-81 Exit 315 into Downtown Winchester to pick up US 522 NB taking it all the way to Hancock for the meet itself as mentioned in the previous paragraph.

PA Trip 8-24-2024

I started the morning by taking I-81 SB to PA 114 EB to US 11 SB so I could stop at a Sheetz before getting on the PA Turnpike.  It was actually my first ever stop at the Sheetz at the US 11/PA 114 intersection.  I took US 11 SB from there to I-76 WB and stayed on I-76 WB all the way to PA 18 (Exit 13) by the Beaver River Bridge construction as there were a couple minor realignments west of Somerset (Exit 110) that I felt necessitated a reclinch.  Thankfully my drive was mostly peaceful despite the cost.  Once on PA 18 SB, I quickly turned onto PA 551 NB before taking I-376 EB to PA 18 NB through Rochester to close the PA 18 gap I had since the Rochester-Monaca Bridge over the Ohio River had reopened.  I then took the Veterans Memorial Bridge to PA 51 NB turning around west of I-376 while trying to get gas.  After a GetGo gas stop, I took PA 51 SB to I-376 WB back to PA 551 NB.  I stayed on PA 551 NB all the way to Mount Jackson well I detoured briefly to OH so that I could clinch PA 317 and OH 630 by taking it to OH 170 back.  Once back at PA 551, I continued north on PA 551 clinching the route once I got to PA 208.  I then took PA 208 EB to PA 18 SB and went south to New Castle and took PA 168 NB to PA 388 (so I have a 388 photo now) and turned around there even though PA 168 continues north of PA 388. I backtracked to PA 18 in New Castle except this time I took US 422 BUS (and briefly US 224) back west to I-376 WB and then exited I-376 at Exit 9 onto Mitchell Rd (which I really think should be an extended PA 158) making a Sheetz stop before taking PA 18 NB to PA 158 NB to Mercer ultimately picking up US 62 NB.

The section of US 62 south of Sandy Lake was still closed so I prioritized clinching PA 965 once I got to Jackson Center and picked back up US 62 NB once PA 965 ended to PA 8.  Clinching PA 965 was actually very significant as I have now clinched all of the PA 9XX routes.  I took PA 8 SB to Old PA 8 SB and then picked up PA 308 SB taking it all the way south to Butler to clinch and then took US 422 EB to Indiana, PA, from there mainly to drive the new alignment that bypasses the Margaret Road intersection to the north on a new very high bridge.  Honestly, I felt like I was on a whole new US 422 even though I was easily able to see the new alignment on past trips through the area before it opened.  Once east of Indiana, I decided to reclinch PA 553 by taking it east to US 219.  Then it was just the usual US 219 SB to US 22 EB to I-99 NB to US 322 EB back to Harrisburg with heavier traffic than normal due to students moving in at Penn State.  Even the two-lane section of US 322 moved mostly fine, but we did stop at one point, and I was confused why because there are still no traffic signals along that section.  :-\

Clinched: PA 551, PA 317, OH 630, PA 158, PA 965, PA 308

New Mileage: PA 18, PA 168, PA 351, PA 108, US 62 (PA)

Reclinched due to realignments: I-70 (PA), I-76 (PA), US 422 (PA-west)

Labor Day Trip 9-2-2024

As photos were posted from the Quad State Meet, I found out about WV 243 (   I was not convinced that I would move forward with this trip due to the Southern 500 the night before, but I moved forward with it.

I started by taking I-81 SB to the area so I could clinch the new WV 243 and loop around to check signage.   As I stated in the WV 243 thread, the route is only signed as such on I-81 and its Exit 8 offramps for now.  All other references are either CR 32 or CR 81/8.  (and I did clinch CR 37 west of CR 30 while looping around)  Once done, I stopped at the Sheetz at US 11 at the east end of the new WV 243, and then took US 11 NB all the way to US 40 EB in Hagerstown, MD.  I stopped in Falling Waters, WV, to chase this waterfall (,-77.8878624,17.75z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x89c9f7fb1d1fae1f:0x49ed52427780abf!8m2!3d39.5593659!4d-77.8885016!16s%2Fg%2F11hz_x4z8s?entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MDkwMy4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D), which I passed in both directions while trying to find it, but I felt that TLC was laughing at me as I felt that the waterfall was not anywhere near as impressive as I expected. 

I took US 40 EB to MD 64 EB, which turns into PA 997 at the PA line.  I took PA 997 NB to PA 16 EB to Jacks Mountain Rd to drive through a covered bridge (,-77.3865805,18.25z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x89c9bb2edddbfb83:0x90cb4df599405be!8m2!3d39.7672793!4d-77.3864618!16s%2Fg%2F11g22xkn9q?entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MDkwMy4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D) to get to PA 116 EB.  I took PA 116 EB to Gettysburg, and then took US 30 EB to York where I stopped at Cheddar's for lunch even though Kyle Busch was one position short of free tenders.  After lunch, I just took US 30 WB to PA 181 to I-83 NB (at the new Exit 22 onramp) back to Harrisburg.

So no posts since my last trip summary, anyway....

NY Trip 9-14-2024 (with some Rothman overlapping between Elmira and Ovid)

The trip started with the standard US 22/US 322 (with left turns banned now between PA 849 and US 11/US 15 (, but yeah someone turned left into the Sheetz on the way home), US 11/US 15, PA 147, and I-180 drive to Williamsport that I have beaten to death at this point (except this time I did clinch a new Sheetz by stopping at the one on Maynard St).  I then took US 15 NB to Trout Run exiting on PA 14 NB stopping at the Steam Valley Travel Plaza to view and photograph the temporary PA 14 alignment ( until the bridge over Trout Run is replaced.  From there I continued on PA 14 into NY and took NY 14 north to Elmira.  The northbound side of the NY 14 bridge over the Chemung River was closed so I had to take a slight detour to Water St via Pennsylvania Ave and Madison Ave.  I took Water St east to I-86/NY 17 and turned left onto West Ramp Roadway before turning left onto NY 352 WB instead of continuing onto I-86/NY 17.  I took NY 352 west to Corning at NY 414 completing my clinch of the route that I had done west of NY 414 in 2018.  I took NY 414 NB from there to Watkins Glen (thankfully race congestion was a nonissue) to pick up NY 14 NB.  I completed my clinch of NY 14 by taking it all the way to Sodus Point though I did stop at the Geneva Waterfront along the way to add some US 20 and NY 5 mileage (just those routes, not any others  :-X).  I also stopped at the Sodus Point Beach for a little while and walked into Lake Ontario. 

Leaving Sodus Point, I took NY 14 SB to NY 104 EB to NY 414 SB and stayed on NY 414 all the way to Watkins Glen stopping at the Love's in Waterloo, seeing signs for the It's A Wonderful Life Museum in Seneca Falls (not Bedford Falls...), clinching NY 336 by taking it to NY 96A and back, and stopping for a selfie at Hector Falls despite what I very much consider to be a questionable parking setup (though the turn for NY 414 SB when I completed my clinch at NY 79 is not much safer). I bypassed the village of Watkins Glen heading south by taking Cass Rd to CR 8 (Schuyler County) and took CR 8 SB to Montour Falls eventually ending up at NY 224.  I took NY 224 north to NY 14 and turned around to clinch NY 224 by taking it south (really southeast) to NY 34 (overlapping my August NY trip briefly).  However, this round I stayed straight in Spencer taking NY 96 south to Owego with a brief loop in Candor giving me mileage on NY 96B ( :-X). 

Once clarifying that I clinched NY 96 in Owego, I took NY 17C WB to Nichols taking NY 282 SB and PA 187 SB to Rome (where I stopped at Dandy for the first time).  I then clinched PA 467 by taking it east to PA 706 before taking PA 706 east and turning around at PA 267.  I then took PA 706 WB to US 6 EB in Wyalusing and then took PA 187 SB (viewing the completed embankment that had closed PA 187 last month) to PA 87 SB to US 220 SB in Dushore and then PA 405 SB in Hughesville to I-180 EB.  The trip home to Harrisburg from there was just I-180 to PA 147 to US 11/US 15 to US 22/US 322 again.  However, I did get dinner at a place called Skeeter's BBQ at the north end of the US 11/US 15/PA 147 concurrency where you get amazing view of the Susquehanna River Bridge for PA 61/PA 147 and the surrounding area.

Clinched:  NY 352, NY 414, NY 14, NY 336, NY 224, PA 467

New Mileage: US 20 (NY), NY 5, NY 96, NY 96A, NY 96B, NY 17C, PA 706

(I did also clinch NY 14 TRUCK (Geneva) and NY 96 TRUCK (Candor).   :-X
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: cl94 on September 18, 2024, 01:00:22 pm
I took a long weekend trip to Utah last weekend to visit Capitol Reef and Cedar Breaks. Some great scenery in those parts, as well as great scenic driving. I did need to abort a clinch due to road conditions for the first time in forever- NV 317 was flooded about halfway down.

New clinches: US 50 in Utah, I-15 BL Cedar City, NV 265, NV 319, NV 375, UT 12, UT 25, UT 56, UT 64, UT 148, UT 256, UT 259, NV 816 (unsigned)

New mileage: US 93 in Nevada, NV 317, UT 24, I-15 in Utah, US 89 in Utah, Capitol Reef Scenic Drive (part is closed)

New Counties: Sanpete, Piute, and Wayne, Utah

Notable sights: Topaz Internment Camp, Capitol Reef, Grand Staircase NM, Bryce Canyon, Brian Head Peak, Cedar Breaks NM, Old Irontown, UT, Nivloc ghost town
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: yakra on September 27, 2024, 09:17:09 am
October 2022
Re-clinched the Tappan Zee (even if I de-clinched it wrong & it never showed in my stats) & Wittpenn bridges.
Patched that annoying gap in I-87 between exit 2 & entrance 2 NB. LOL 1PPI anyone?
Newly traveled: NJ4, NJ15
Met up with Jim at Siena College!
Newly traveled AND clinched: NH NH202A
Ticked up 0.01% on overall mileage, both active & a+p. Yeeeee-haw!
  > 50% of NY interstates
  > 30% of usanh
  usai > 1/6 done

Clinched: ME ME137BusWat
New mileage on 6 other ME routes, including filling in gaps on 126, 137, 137Bus & 139. More travels with fewer .list lines is always nice.

September 2024
Picked up a Dell PowerEdge R620 in Manhattan. This baby oughtta generate graphs like nobody's business.
Confirmed new milepost exit numbers on CT8 & 25.
Filled in gaps on: CT2, NH111
Newly traveled: CT22*, CT34, CT127, CT111, MA57*, NH119, MA119**, NH101A, NH88*
*via a short overlap with another route I spent more time on
**had previously driven a short bit in Pepperell, but not enough to .list one segment.

Clinched: CT17, NY I-287, CT8, NH111
Both: MA63, MA66, MA US20HisHun (1st usaush & 1st preview mileage), NH130
Yee-Ha: Up 0.02% active & 0.01% a+p mileage.
  > 30% of CT
  > 25% of MA
First few entries on yakra.rlist

Either way, I really like this "employer-sponsored clinching" thing.
A clinch of ME124 followed by the southern 31% of ME140.
A clinch of ME183 by necessity, with a quick side trip to clinch ME185 on the way back.
My original section of ME156, W of US2.
A clinch of ME188, with some of 155 to get there.
I had to interview hikers (and boaters on that last one) about their impressions of the visual impact of proposed wind power developments on otherwise fairly natural-looking viewsheds.
All after myself hiking to some grawlixin' beautiful locations. A pretty good gig overall, except that...
Be careful if you hike Mount Blue. Stay hydrated & don't let your electrolytes get out of whack; hyponatremia is no joke. Don't wanna end up vomiting in every municipality between Weld & Portland, beside every route number classification ( Thankfully a coworker was along for that trip, and we'd decided to carpool, him driving.

Took I-190 and re-clinched a piece of NY 324 around exit 20, since I drove it EB and TM only recognizes the WB direction here.
Say whaaat? Hey now, that simply ain't so! :D
It's a fallacy to assume TM only represents exactly what's directly underneath the polyline.
If that were the case, no real segments of any interstate would be represented at all, as there's no roadway directly under the centerline in the median when we split the difference between carriageways.
This isn't wrong (, indicating some fictitious path half a km away from the highway. It's just an approximation of the true path of I-295, somewhere off to the side within tolerance.
The polyline is understood to not be precise, not be gospel; it merely represents a connection between 2 adjacent points, however it is this connection may be made by real roads in the real world. In either direction.
We split the difference between carriageways of freeways. Between both directions of at-grade expressways or boulevards or other dual-carriageway routes.
And similarly, between both directions when couplets of surface streets are involved (with the occasional exception of course).
It's pretty obvious what's going on here ( Or here ( Or here (
Here's a more blatantly wacky example. ( It should still be pretty apparent what's going on though.

Taking this "cut from one end of the couplet to the other" approach, looks can sometimes be deceiving...
Eastbound ME22 ( follows Congress & Saint John. The polyline in the HB looks like it "only" follows the WB alignment, perfectly overlaying Park Ave, but really, it does the same thing as NY12, cutting straight across from one end of the couplet to the other. Only in this example, the couplet is more lopsided. One half is way off to the side like I-295 in Topsham, while the other half coincidentally falls right under the polyline.

Just as either NY12 N or S will get you TM's fictitious diagonal, as either direction works up here (, "NY NY324 I-190(20A) LongRd" is just as valid a clinch as "ME I-295 I-295 StJohnSt". :)
Both directions pass through the points at either end, after all.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: froggie on September 28, 2024, 11:20:14 am
Out in Minnesota for a handful of days.  Yesterday represented the best opportunity to do any sort of clinching, as it dovetailed into my ultimate plan to shoot video of the completed 4-lane corridor on US 14 between New Ulm and Rochester.  I clinched MN 74 and the obscure MN 167 (a former MN 67 routing), reclinched MN 56, and filled in gaps on US 14, MN 4, MN 30, and MN 67.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on October 01, 2024, 06:41:45 am
Recently returned from a 9 day trip to NC then Chicagoland...

New clinches in order: US 25E (TN, KY), US 27 (OH), US 6 Bus Gary, IN 152, US 33 (IN, OH), I-270 (OH)

New mileage: US 74 (NC), US 321 (TN), I-75 (KY, OH), US 27 (IN), US 35 (IN), IN 38, IN 1, US 20 (IN), I-65 (IN), IN 912, US 12 (IN), IN 49, I-94 (IN), IL 394, I-294, IL 50, I-55 (IL), IL 53, US 30 (IL, IN), US 41 (IN, IL), I-290, IL 43, IL 171, IL 19, US 14 (IL), IL 58

National Clinches: US 25E, US 33 (minus the short relocation in WV), would've had US 35 but Indiana loves to completely close highways for construction (they did this to me with US 224 a while back, too).

Picked up 14 new counties - KY (3), OH (3), IN (8 )

I'm skeptical that US 6 Bus in Gary actually exists. 
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on October 01, 2024, 08:59:43 am
I chose US 12 over US 6 for my Michigan City Trip because of an Indiana construction closure.  (hence why my US 6 line stops in Ohio at US 23)
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: the_spui_ninja on October 01, 2024, 09:46:13 am
I'm skeptical that US 6 Bus in Gary actually exists.

Saw signage for it at IN 53 back in May (here (,-87.3362977,3a,43y,338.87h,91.17t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sZMS1RKvNu9EayF67KfUpnw!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205410&entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MDkyNS4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D)).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: froggie on October 01, 2024, 12:16:15 pm
would've had US 35 but Indiana loves to completely close highways for construction (they did this to me with US 224 a while back, too).

Many Midwestern states do this.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on October 01, 2024, 06:35:10 pm
would've had US 35 but Indiana loves to completely close highways for construction (they did this to me with US 224 a while back, too).

Many Midwestern states do this.

My hat is off to Mapcat then for being able to finish multiple highway systems in the Midwest.

US 6 Bus is only posted at IN 53, IN 55, and I-65 (basically posted in just Gary). Not posted at either end and there’s no mile markers or bridge reference markers.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on October 01, 2024, 06:49:11 pm
US 6 Bus is only posted at IN 53, IN 55, and I-65 (basically posted in just Gary). Not posted at either end and there’s no mile markers or bridge reference markers.

US 20 Bus in South Bend has a similar issue in only being posted in South Bend itself (and mainly east of downtown).  I had to use Travel Mapping to make sure I clinched it correctly.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on October 01, 2024, 07:01:18 pm
US 6 Bus is only posted at IN 53, IN 55, and I-65 (basically posted in just Gary). Not posted at either end and there’s no mile markers or bridge reference markers.

Few if any of the business routes in the state are INDOT maintained. Most of them are poorly signed.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on October 01, 2024, 07:51:08 pm
I just came back from a < two-week road trip, mainly to Montana.

Route clinches (all short): IL 176, IL 390, ND 21, SD 168, US 93 Alt (Kalispell MT), MT 40, MT 56, MT 135, SR (MT)s 427, 474, 482, and 548.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: froggie on October 01, 2024, 08:01:08 pm
^ Presuming you rolled back via Minnesota, we'd have been in the state at the same time.  I just flew back from Minneapolis today.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: osu-lsu on October 01, 2024, 11:55:06 pm
^ Presuming you rolled back via Minnesota, we'd have been in the state at the same time.  I just flew back from Minneapolis today.
Heck, Mapmikey was within 20 miles of Mapcat & myself.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on October 13, 2024, 02:42:05 pm
Took a 17 hr ride yesterday…

New clinches in order:
PA 643, PA 31, PA 523

New mileage:
PA 136, PA 18, PA 168, US 30 (OH), US 62 (OH), US 250 (OH), OH 151, OH 212, OH 164, OH 332, PA 51, PA 281
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: vdeane on October 14, 2024, 03:40:39 pm
Yesterday I got back from a three day clinching trip to clean up my New England mileage.  Friday featured a clinch of the north end of US 5 (finishing the route), some new mileage on US 302 and US 3, and cleaning up my US 2 mileage around Bethel.  Saturday had an incidental clinch of NH 115 before filling in the big gap in my US 3 mileage before heading back north so I could finish clinching US 302 to Portland, along with a clinch of ME 77 (I also grabbed pieces of ME 22 and ME 9 in Portland to clean that up, which may have been a mistake given how early everything closes there; it also didn't occur to me until too late that I could have cut that short and hopped on I-295 after getting ME 22 east of there and the signed but "might not actually be part of the route" north end of ME 77 to ME 100).  Sunday unified my main and Maine clinches of US 1 along with the eastern end of US 4 (finishing the route), main Spaulding Turnpike section of NH 16, bypass US 1 (and US 1A in York), the eastern end of NH 101 (finishing the route), and incidental mileage of NH/MA 1A and MA 110, tidying up some stuff from the Newburyport meet.

Along the way this was met with horrible traffic Saturday, especially on I-93 at exit 32 and the lane drop in Franconia Notch, and being stuck for miles behind slowpokes on US 302, which delayed me by a fair amount getting to Portland.  Sunday had trouble spots too (especially getting on the MassPike), but fortunately Google Maps correctly factored them into the drive time.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: yakra on October 14, 2024, 07:01:48 pm
I also grabbed pieces of ME 22 and ME 9 in Portland to clean that up, which may have been a mistake given how early everything closes there
Ja get caught in rush hour traffic? If you were looking for a place to eat and didn't see much, you gotta get a little off the (roadgeekly) beaten path and head in town around Congress St or the Old Port, Fore St area-ish. There's also The Great Lost Bear on Forest Ave (US302), where mapcat & I met up a few years back.

the signed but "might not actually be part of the route" north end of ME 77 to ME 100
Wait... OK I see what you mean. (,-70.2688023,3a,15y,241.63h,91.62t/data=!3m9!1e1!3m7!1sBG_XVKPsB0KBwx8Ix4EuVw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!9m2!1b1!2i50?coh=205409&entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MTAwOS4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D) That's just a missing TO (,-70.2689075,3a,17.8y,139.48h,107.76t/data=!3m10!1e1!3m8!1sj2QVuVr_5YJ1BYCnG6Wb5w!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192!9m2!1b1!2i50?coh=205409&entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MTAwOS4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D). There's an END (,-70.2666538,3a,25.1y,12.1h,91.8t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s-anKNGZrrArWli0og1JQhQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MTAwOS4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D) sign northbound.
WRT ME77, the City of Portland has plans to covert State & High streets to 2-way traffic. I am not happy about this.

Looks like you're still working on vdeane.list, judging by the stuff near the NH/ME line.
Your US2 travels around Bethel looked fine before though?
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: froggie on October 14, 2024, 08:22:51 pm
Coincidentally, I was in Portland myself on Friday with my wife, visiting a former student of hers who works there.  Didn't realize it at the time, but the Google Maps-recommended direct route to Freeport from the Kancamacus gave me additional mileage on ME 11, ME 121, ME 85, and a short bit of US 202.

Bird & Company in Woodfords Corner (the junction of US 302/ME 9) has very excellent tacos.

Heading home, did not run into the Notch traffic issues Val complained about, despite the plethora of Mass plates heading north on 93 (almost all of whom departed at Exit 35).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: vdeane on October 14, 2024, 09:48:11 pm
I also grabbed pieces of ME 22 and ME 9 in Portland to clean that up, which may have been a mistake given how early everything closes there
Ja get caught in rush hour traffic? If you were looking for a place to eat and didn't see much, you gotta get a little off the (roadgeekly) beaten path and head in town around Congress St or the Old Port, Fore St area-ish. There's also The Great Lost Bear on Forest Ave (US302), where mapcat & I met up a few years back.

the signed but "might not actually be part of the route" north end of ME 77 to ME 100
Wait... OK I see what you mean. (,-70.2688023,3a,15y,241.63h,91.62t/data=!3m9!1e1!3m7!1sBG_XVKPsB0KBwx8Ix4EuVw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!9m2!1b1!2i50?coh=205409&entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MTAwOS4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D) That's just a missing TO (,-70.2689075,3a,17.8y,139.48h,107.76t/data=!3m10!1e1!3m8!1sj2QVuVr_5YJ1BYCnG6Wb5w!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192!9m2!1b1!2i50?coh=205409&entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MTAwOS4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D). There's an END (,-70.2666538,3a,25.1y,12.1h,91.8t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s-anKNGZrrArWli0og1JQhQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MTAwOS4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D) sign northbound.
WRT ME77, the City of Portland has plans to covert State & High streets to 2-way traffic. I am not happy about this.

Looks like you're still working on vdeane.list, judging by the stuff near the NH/ME line.
Your US2 travels around Bethel looked fine before though?
Got delayed going through Franconia notch and down US 302, and then made the mistake of still trying to do everything.  I probably should have punted on the ME 22/ME 9 stuff to Sunday or skipped it entirely, but I didn't realize that getting dinner near my hotel would become an issue.

I wonder what the street conversion would mean for the ME 77 designation.  Would it still be split, or would it shift to one over the other, and if so, which?  I only did State, so it sounds like I might need to come back and do the other side.

As for US 2, that route had previously been driven on during a college trip to the Common Ground Fair in 2009.  We had one person who carpooled to go home during break, and we dropped her off in Bethel so her parents could take her the rest of the way.  The thing is, my marked travels were a fudge since I wasn't entirely sure which way we went through and not wanting to have a gap.  I'm 75% sure it was this (,-70.7985492/44.4126178,-70.7956059/@44.4097349,-70.8032449,14.88z/data=!4m9!4m8!1m5!3m4!1m2!1d-70.7878904!2d44.4122701!3s0x4cb3c4d456db70e7:0xddebdec3853aaea5!1m0!3e0?entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MTAxMy4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D), so the logic of "if I looked left when we turned back on I'd essentially have a sight clinch" was the really sketchy logic I used, but truth be told, I couldn't be sure what I had from the interchange to Rumford (which I have photo evidence for and distinctly remember because of all the turns).  Thus, I went back through and fixed it, ensuring that my marked travels are actually representative there.  I don't have any other such spots marked on my re-clinch list (although it will happen again whenever the new NY 12E bridge opens, since I don't want to go to the trouble to un-mark and then re-mark it).

Incidentally, I did the .list update last night, but it looks like a site update hasn't been run since Saturday night.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on October 14, 2024, 09:56:33 pm
Incidentally, I did the .list update last night, but it looks like a site update hasn't been run since Saturday night.

Somehow I completely forgot to run last night's updates.  Tonight's are running now.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: yakra on October 15, 2024, 02:52:36 pm
I wonder what the street conversion would mean for the ME 77 designation.  Would it still be split, or would it shift to one over the other, and if so, which?  I only did State, so it sounds like I might need to come back and do the other side.
State, I would expect, if they wanna keep a more direct thru from where the Casco Bay Bridge touches down.
OTOH, if they want to keep thru traffic from cutting across the peninsula, terminating it at US1A isn't out of the question. (CT34 ending at CT10, anyone?) But that may not be likely if the anachronistic ends of 26, 100 & 22 are any indication.

As for US 2, that route had previously been driven on during a college trip to the Common Ground Fair in 2009.

We had one person who carpooled to go home during break, and we dropped her off in Bethel so her parents could take her the rest of the way.  The thing is, my marked travels were a fudge since I wasn't entirely sure which way we went through and not wanting to have a gap.  I'm 75% sure it was this (,-70.7985492/44.4126178,-70.7956059/@44.4097349,-70.8032449,14.88z/data=!4m9!4m8!1m5!3m4!1m2!1d-70.7878904!2d44.4122701!3s0x4cb3c4d456db70e7:0xddebdec3853aaea5!1m0!3e0?entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MTAxMy4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D), so the logic of "if I looked left when we turned back on I'd essentially have a sight clinch" was the really sketchy logic I used, but truth be told, I couldn't be sure what I had from the interchange to Rumford (which I have photo evidence for and distinctly remember because of all the turns).  Thus, I went back through and fixed it, ensuring that my marked travels are actually representative there.  I don't have any other such spots marked on my re-clinch list (although it will happen again whenever the new NY 12E bridge opens, since I don't want to go to the trouble to un-mark and then re-mark it).
LOL I know what you mean. I'm missing like one block of PA US13 somewhere around 48th-49th St, where I traveled much of the nearby stuff on foot.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Jim on October 21, 2024, 12:46:54 am
A trip to Flagstaff for a conference, which lined up with the fall break in my teaching schedule, gave me a chance to do some extra traveling in the southwest over the last few days.  I flew into Las Vegas, drove via southern Utah and northern Arizona to Flagstaff.  After the conference, I drove to Phoenix.  I had a day (today) to take a long loop over into southeastern California: basically I-10/CA 78/CA 111/I-8/I-10.   I will fly back home out of Phoenix in the morning.  I put over 1200 miles on the rental car.

Many of those miles were new TM mileage for me, getting me about 780 miles here.

By region: a little over 500 miles new in Arizona, over 150 in California, about 80 in Nevada, and 32 in Utah.

By system: just short of 400 miles in usai (mostly I-8 and I-10, some I-11 even though it was never mentioned on a sign anywhere on the part I drove, and giving me all of I-10 except 120 miles east of San Antonio), 5 miles in usaib (first travels on I-8 BL Yuma), 13 in usasf (first travels on Clark County 215), 115 miles in usaus, 83 miles in usausb (first travels on US 89A), 60+ miles in usaaz (first travels on 5 routes, 2 new clinches), almost 100 miles in usaca (first travels on 2 routes), 17 miles in usanv (first travels on 3 routes, 1 new clinch), 32 miles in usaut (first travels on 3 routes, 1 new clinch), and about a block in usaush (1 new route).

With all of that, I picked up just one new county: Yuma, AZ.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on November 07, 2024, 01:17:21 pm
My trip report for the Nashville trip in September can be accessed here (

10/5/2024 Mostly PA Trip

I started the morning taking the expected US 322 WB to I-99 SB/US 220 SB to US 219 NB to US 422 WB to PA 488 west of Butler.  I clinched PA 488 by taking it to PA 65/PA 288 in Ellwood City (hi Arthur!!), and then clinched PA 351 by taking it west into Ohio, and clinched OH 617 by taking it west to OH 165.  I then took OH 165 WB to OH 626 NB (over I-76/Ohio Turnpike with OH 164) to OH 7 where I stopped at the nearby Sheetz.  Due to a closure on Western Reserve Road, I technically had to take OH 7 SB to turn around and head back north, but this was one of those times that I wished that I just turned left illegally onto OH 7 NB instead with it still being dark on a Saturday Morning.  I continued north on OH 7 to Youngstown towards I-680 NB ultimately taking I-680 NB to OH 193 NB to US 422 WB.  I would take US 422 WB to OH 304 EB through Hubbard back into PA via PA 318.

Once I got to I-376 in West Middlesex, I would loop around that area a bit to view the area with the I-376/PA 318 interchange recently being reopened after the bridge strike last year that closed the bridge for many months.  I would then take PA 318 EB to Mercer and then take US 62 SB back to Hermitage with one last trip to the I-80/I-376 interchange to get photos that were not as sun-glared as earlier.  I would then reclinch PA 760 by taking it to Downtown Sharon, do a brief US 62 BUS/Connelly Blvd/Water St loop, and head north to PA 846 via PA 718.  I clinched PA 846 by taking it to PA 18 in Greenville where I would pick up PA 358 EB and take it to Sandy Lake with a PA 173/PA 965 loop to close the gap in US 62 that had recently reopened.  I then took US 62 NB to Franklin where I was detoured onto local side streets due to an event, but I really should have taken US 322 WB to PA 417 NB to Front St to get back to US 62/PA 8 at the Sheetz I would stop at.

After the Sheetz stop, I would take US 62 NB all the way to Warren completing my clinch of US 62 in PA and also completing all US Route mileage for me in PA.  In regard to US 62, I now have it fully clinched north of OH 173 and Atlantic Blvd in Alliance, OH.  I did detour in Warren some via US 6, Crescent Park, Pennsylvania Ave, and Market St noticing that US 6 BUS ( may have been realigned as a result of the recent roundabout project at the Pennsylvania Ave/Market St intersection.  I picked up US 62 NB again and took it to NY 60 south of Jamestown, and took NY 60 NB through Jamestown to I-86/NY 17.  I took I-86 WB past the bridge construction at Chautauqua Lake to turn around at NY 394, and then went east on I-86 to NY 280.  I took NY 280 south into PA and took PA 346 EB to PA 321 SB.  I clinched PA 321 by taking it south to US 219 in Wilcox.  From there, it was mostly the simple US 219 SB to PA 153 SB to US 322 EB drive back to Harrisburg.  However, I dodged some of the congestion on US 322 EB leaving Boalsburg after the Penn State game by taking Warner Blvd to PA 45 EB to PA 144 SB reentering US 322 at Potter's Mill Gap.

Clinched:  PA 488, PA 351, OH 617, OH 626, OH 304, PA 318, US 62 (PA), PA 846, PA 321

New Mileage: PA 168, OH 170, OH 165, OH 164, OH 7, PA 18, PA 358, NY 60, I-86 (NY), NY 17

10/12/2024-10/14/2024 Weekend Trip

I went to my parents' house for the weekend since I had Monday off for the holiday that I guess will change names again in two weeks.  Minus another look for WV 243 signage, I just went the normal I-81 SB to US 17 SB to I-95 SB on Friday.

On Saturday my mom and I did another NC trip to eat at Smithfield's Chicken-N-BBQ along with clinching the new section of NC 540 and the newly signed I-42. 

We started just after 5 AM taking US 460 WB from Petersburg to US 29 SB in Lynchburg.  We continued on US 29 south to Chatham where we took US 29 BUS SB to VA 57 WB to VA 41 SB clinching VA 41 once we got to US 29 BUS in Danville. After a loop to clinch Piedmont Drive and a Sheetz stop on US 58 BUS, we went south on VA 86 (reclinching VA 398 along the way) into NC taking NC 86 SB to Hillsborough completing the clinch when we got to NC 57.  We took NC 86 SB to I-85 NB to NC 147 SB to I-885 SB to NC 885 SB to NC 540 EB completing the new section when we got to I-40 in Garner.  We then took I-40 EB to NC 210 (Exit 319) turned around taking I-40 WB to Person St/Hammond Rd (Exit 299) and turned around again onto I-40 EB in order to see the completed widening project from I-87/I-440 (Exit 301) to NC 42/Cleveland Rd (Exits 312A-B).  We got off at Cleveland Rd taking it north to NC 42 EB crossing I-40 at the new Diverging Diamond Interchange to go to the Smithfield's Chicken-N-BBQ on the east side of the interchange.

From there, we took I-40 WB to NC 540 WB turning around at NC 50 to take US 70 (Future I-42) EB (and US 70 BYP EB in Selma) to Goldsboro, taking the I-42 EB Goldsboro Bypass, and then continuing east on US 70 to NC 148 EB (clinching it) to NC 11 NB north of Kinston.  We stayed on NC 11 NB through Greenville (where we saw at least one Wawa being built) and stayed on it past the long NC 42 concurrency all the way to its northern end along US 258 at US 158 BUS in Murfreesboro (not to be confused with the one in TN covered on the Nashville trip).  From there I took US 258 NB and US 258 BUS NB into Franklin, VA, (not TN or PA), and took College Drive past Armory Drive to clarify my clinch of VA 379.  I went back to US 258 NB and took Pretlow St/Rd (SR 714 in Southampton County) to VA 189 NB driving the new bridge over the Blackwater River  (replacing the former truss (,-76.8948807,3a,64.9y,153.3h,90.82t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1slSCoj-5mIpy9GVAhR7bH-A!2e0!5s20180501T000000!!7i13312!8i6656!5m1!1e1?coh=205410&entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MTEwNS4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D)) back to US 258 NB to US 460 WB in Windsor back towards my parents' house.  (and US 258 should really be rerouted onto VA 189 now, but I digress)

Clinched: VA 41, NC/VA 86, VA 398 (reclinch), NC 540, I-42 (Clayton, NC) (reclinch), NC 148, VA 379 (reclinch)

New Mileage: US 70 (NC), NC 11, NC 903, US 13 (NC), NC 42

On October 14, I basically did a bunch of things with relatively little clinching.  I took I-295 NB to I-95 NB to SR 606 WB in Thornburg to US 1 NB and looped around the Cosner Corners area to view the new four-lane bridge over I-95.  From there I took I-95 NB to Northern Virginia and took I-395 NB to VA 120 NB to drive the new alignment of Columbia Pike (still VA 244 in Travel Mapping and on signage) backtracking to I-395 via VA 27 and the George Washington Memorial Pkwy.  I took I-395 NB into DC and I-695 EB to DC 295 NB (reclinching it and usadc  ;D).  Once in Maryland, I took MD 201 NB to MD 410 WB past MD 500 (the reason for MD 500 being mentioned will be revealed at a later date) to MD 212 NB to Cherry Hill Rd/Randolph Rd to MD 650 NB to Norwood Rd to MD 182 NB to MD 108 WB to MD 97 NB.  I went to Brookeville along MD 97 to clinch what is now MD 97 BUS (Brookeville) though currently the only signs are the old MD 97 shields at the turn at High St/Market St intersection.

From there, I took MD 97 NB to I-70 EB to I-695 Inner through congestion and crashes west of Towson to I-95 NB to see the Express Lanes construction north of MD 43.  I continued on I-95 NB all the way to MD 279 NB (so no Newark toll), stopped at the Wawa at the MD 277/MD 279 intersection, and took MD 279 NB into DE to again clinch DE 279 and took DE 896 NB into Newark seeing this FYA ( before heading into PA.  I left PA 896 NB (after driving by 896 Pie (,+Inc./@39.7455535,-75.8122502,17z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x89c7aca71c2e96a1:0x51e126418e9a61e9!8m2!3d39.7455535!4d-75.8100615!16s%2Fg%2F11c59xk1df!5m1!1e1?entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MTEwNS4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D)) at PA 841 taking it north to PA 41.  I turned onto PA 41 NB taking it to PA 926 and stopped for a bit to tour the newly opened roundabout at the PA 41/PA 926 intersection (  From there I continued north on PA 41 NB to US 30 WB in Gap, and changed things up a bit this time by taking PA 772 WB from there through Intercourse to Lititz.  In Lititz I decided to take PA 501 NB to Lincoln Ave to drive the Doe Run Rd corridor between Lititz and Manheim because it was part of a proposed rerouting of PA 772 (  Once in Manheim I picked up PA 772 WB again and took PA 283 WB to Toll House Rd south to PA 230 WB into Middletown so that I could stop by the new Wawa (first Wawa in the Harrisburg area) by the Harrisburg Int'l Airport.  I then took the Airport Connector Road to PA 283 WB to I-283 NB back to Harrisburg from there.

10-26-2024 PA Trip

I started the day by doing the usual US 22 WB/US 322 WB to US 11 NB/US 15 NB to PA 147 NB to I-180 WB to PA 405 NB to US 220 NB to Dushore where I took PA 87 NB to PA 187 NB to Wyalusing-New Albany Rd to US 6 EB.  I took US 6 EB to Laceyville where I picked up PA 367 NB clinching it when I got to PA 267; however, I looped to clinch PA 367 TRUCK, which I am not planning to add to Travel Mapping as the weight-restricted bridge that created it will be replaced fairly soon.  I then took PA 267 NB to PA 706 EB taking it past the PA 29/PA 167 concurrency all the way east to US 11 to complete the clinch of PA 706 that I worked on west of PA 267 back in September.  I then took US 11 NB to New Milford clinching PA 492 and PA 848 before finally taking PA 547 south to US 11 again in Kingsley.  After turning onto US 11 SB, I almost immediately turn left again on PA 106 EB clinching it when I finally got to Carbondale.  I then took US 6 BUS WB to PA 107 WB after a Sheetz stop at the US 6 BUS/Meredith St intersection.  I then took PA 107 WB to PA 247 SB to PA 438 WB to PA 524 WB (turning around at PA 407) to PA 347 SB.  (I honestly do not understand why PA 347 does not continue to PA 438, but PA 524 does...) I took PA 347 SB to I-81 SB/US 6 EB in Dunmore completing the clinch of that route since I did it west of I-81 in July 2020 on the way to the Utica Meet.  I immediately exited onto I-84 EB/I-380 SB and then exited via the new right-hand exit onto PA 435 SB  ( clinched PA 435 by staying on it all the way to PA 507 by I-380 (Exit 13).

I then took PA 507 NB to PA 447 SB (while on the PA 191/PA 507 concurrency) and clinched PA 447 when I got to PA 191 north of Stroudsburg.  I then took PA 191 SB to Stroudsburg, and took US 209 BUS SB to US 209 SB to PA 33 NB (via turning around at the Snydersville interchange).  I photographed the PA 33/PA 611 intersection and even took a selfie with the error US 33/US 611 shields in the parking lot of a closed bank (someone drove by after using the ATM, but thankfully we saw each other and did not impede each other).  From there, I took PA 33 SB to I-78 WB to I-81 SB back to Harrisburg (stopping for some Wawa at the I-78/PA 61 interchange and seeing a U-Haul in the median of I-81 between I-78 and PA 934).  Note that the I-78 Schuylkill River Bridge project looks like it will be complete soon.

Clinched:  PA 367, PA 706, PA 492, PA 547, PA 848, PA 106, PA 524, PA 347, PA 435, PA 447

New Mileage: PA 167, PA 374, PA 247, PA 690

I also went on a Metrotrails hike at the Spruce Run Reservoir in Clinton, NJ, on November 2nd, but that was just me redriving I-78, US 22, and NJ 31.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: vdeane on November 11, 2024, 01:58:47 pm
Yesterday I got back from a two-day trip to finish up US 3 and take care of a couple other things.  On Saturday, I drove up to my room for the night in Gorham, NH, taking I-90, I-290, and I-495 though MA to I-95.  In NH, I took a short detour to clinch the southern end of Spaulding Turnpike (the ramps to/from the south with I-95) even though it isn't on the site, and continued into Maine.  I took exit 63 and US 202 west out of Maine, extending that mileage to a logical (and known; where it was before was just a guess, since this was part of the same Maine trip that has left odd artifacts across the state in terms of clinching and while I remember exactly where the house was that we stayed one night is, I don't remember the roads we used to get there from Scarborough or to get to US 202) endpoint.  Then I headed up NH 16 to the hotel.

On Sunday, I continued up NH 16 to NH 26, and took that west to US 3 before cutting up NH 145 (not only does Google say that's faster, I was doing everything I could to minimize the deadhead length on US 3).  I took US 3 north to the border, which was an interesting drive in that the areas that were shaded were quite icy.  Turning around at the border, I took US 3 south to US 2, and then took that to VT 18 and headed back on I-93, I-91, VT 103, VT 11, US 7, VT 279, and NY 7.  I ended up picking up a small piece of VT 25 as well because VTrans apparently would rather close I-91 SB in its entirety rather than build a crossover while it deals with a slope failure that has no reopening ETA. :pan:
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: froggie on November 15, 2024, 07:03:19 pm
I ended up picking up a small piece of VT 25 as well because VTrans apparently would rather close I-91 SB in its entirety rather than build a crossover while it deals with a slope failure that has no reopening ETA.

Part of that slope failure project has required rolling roadblocks of northbound I-91 while "scaling operations" were being done on the rock.  This is why no crossover was built, because there were times when the northbound lanes would be stopped as well and it's easier to effect stoppages for one direction instead of both.

Local media suggests that they should have it wrapped up soon.  The reason it's taken so long is that, after they started in the spring, the contractor and VTrans found other areas of the rockface and ridgetop that they felt had a high likelihood of failure.  This is all the result of an actual rockfall that happened last winter.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: oscar on November 20, 2024, 01:20:26 pm
I got back home last week from a three-week cross-country road trip. After a mostly-Interstates leg to South Dakota, I turned south on US 183. With some zigzagging to minimize duplication of already-clinched US 183 mileage, I clinched the rest of US 183 (including parts on toll road frontage roads in the Austin area), ending up in Texas east of San Marcos TX. From there, I veered west mainly on Interstate and US routes (some new mileage for me) toward southern California.

One stop on that leg was the artsy-fartsy town of Marfa, on US 90. I hung out there for a few hours, hoping to score some Christmas gifts for relatives. Alas, I got there in the off-season, so some of the shops I wanted to visit were closed for the season or had reduced hours. The biggest disappointment was the Hey I Like It Here shop. It turned out that the shop was permanently closed just before I got to Marfa. The shopkeeper had moved to New Mexico, so I guess she didn't "Like It Here" that much.

From there, I explored the relocation in progress of US 395 west of Death Valley. A pull request will follow for the part of the project which has been more or less completed so far. I reclinched-in-advance the new US 395 alignment, which was open southbound when I was there and is supposed to open northbound today.  Other parts of the project will de-clinch for me CA 190, maybe next time. I also took advantage of the reasonably cool weather to zip east through Death Valley NP, clinching Daylight Pass Rd. into Nevada.

From there, I zigzagged through southern Utah, northern Arizona, and northern New Mexico. While there, I drove part of US 550 near Durango CO that had been relocated earlier this year.

After a resupply stop in the Albuquerque area, I headed east on I-40, then weaving south toward I-20 to avoid bad weather in Oklahoma. From Ft. Worth, a mostly-straight shot east on I-20 and I-95, dodging storm damage in the western Carolinas, to get home. That should do it for my travels this year, other than relatively short trips to relatives in south central PA.

Route clinches:

US 183 (end-to-end, SD-TX)
KS 156
KS 264
TX 142
TX 223
FM 1112 (not yet in TM) to Marfa's recycling center, so I could properly dispose of all the empty aluminum soda cans rattling around in my car
AZ 80
AZ 86
AZ 195 (in the Yuma area, got there after Jim visited)
Colorado Ave. Extension in Glendale CA, a short state-maintained freeway which has been suggested for addition to TM
US 395 (end-to-end, reclinched for reroute west of Death Valley)
Daylight Pass Rd. (CA-NV, Death Valley NP)
UT 7
UT 59
AZ 389
AZ/NM 264
US 550 (end-to-end, reclinched for reroute in Durango CO)
NM 122
NM 170/CO 140
NM 313
NM 315
NM 371
NM 423
NM 428
NM 448
NM 473
NM 556
NM 612
TX Loop 335
VA 189 (completes my coverage of TM routes in the Hampton Roads metro area)

After I got back home, I found that my end-to-end clinch of US 12 was undone by a reroute in Willmar MN. One of my many cousins lives in Willmar, so I have an excuse to revisit her and her husband next time I'm in the region (not this year).
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on November 25, 2024, 11:47:04 am
On Saturday, my parents and I did another Smithfield's Chicken-N-BBQ (SCNB) trip this time by stopping at the one in Nashville, NC. 

We took VA 156 SB to I-95 SB into NC and took NC 48 SB to US 158 WB to pick up NC 903 so I could finish it west of Halifax.  From Halifax, we took NC 125/NC 903 south to Scotland Neck (where I got confused and accidentally stayed on NC 903 due to lack of signage before turning around) where I ultimately stayed on NC 125 SB completing my clinch of it when reaching the north end of Williamston.  We then took US 64 ALT to Rocky Mount to complete that clinch though we took NC 33 and Main St through Tarboro since I already had US 64 ALT there.  We took US 64 BUS WB through Rocky Mount (getting gas for $2.58 at a Circle K) and split off from it at Sunset Ave following it and Eastern Ave past the still under construction I-95 interchange all the way to Nashville.  During this portion of the drive, I had to stop at the Joseph A. Bank on Winstead Ave to drop off my tuxedo rental that I had to get for my friend's wedding on Friday in Richmond, VA, of which I was a groomsmen in.  (I actually picked it up on Tuesday in Camp Hill, PA.)

After lunch, it was just US 64 BUS WB into Nashville to NC 58 NB to US 401 NB to US 1 NB back to Petersburg, VA, as we needed to stop at my grandparents' in Colonial Heights since my grandpa turned 87 on that day.

Clinched: NC 125, US 64 ALT (Tarboro, NC)

New Mileage: NC 903, NC 33, NC 58

EDIT (11-27-2024):  Today my mom and I went on a drive through south central VA mainly to clinch VA 92 (sight clinching the closed Roanoke River Bridge and in the process learning that the replacement is under construction) and VA 344 (visiting Staunton River State Park in the process).  We also looped around Burkeville clinching SR 723 (Lunenburg and Nottoway Counties) and SR 724 (Nottoway County) and sneaking in a full via sight clinch of former VA 386 (now SR 883 (Mecklenburg County).  (The route in general was US 460 WB to SR 723 SB to VA 49 SB to US 360 WB to VA 92 and VA 344, and then US 360 EB to VA 92 EB to US 58 EB to I-85 NB back to my parents' house.)

EDIT (12-8-2024):

Yesterday I drove to Fishkill, NY, to pick up some of roadwaywiz's bridge calendars.  I left Harrisburg around 4:30 AM taking I-81 NB to I-78 EB to I-95 NB into NYC via the Upper Level of the George Washington Bridge to immediately exit off onto 178 St so I could get US 9 in the Bronx done with.  The good news is that completing US 9 in the Bronx was fairly easy as I just had to stay north on Broadway, and there were signs from time to time.  Crazily enough, that would not be the case once I entered Westchester County and the city of Yonkers where US 9 and its concurrency with NY 9A have basically no signage at all meaning it was time to pull over and look at Mapview on my phone.  :pan:

Anyway I got back on track by taking NY 9A NB to Elmsford where I finally caught up on the 2022 Elmsford Meet by quickly clinching NY 100C.  I ultimately continued north on NY 9A (not being affected obviously by the weeknight Briarcliff-Peekskill Parkway detours) all the way to its northern terminus at US 9 in Peekskill.  I then picked up US 9 NB again crossing Annsville Creek and seeing the construction at Annsville Circle at the temporary signal at the north end of the US 6/US 202 Concurrency.  I then took US 9 NB to NY 403 NB to NY 9D NB (since I did NY 9D south of NY 403 in 2022 I really did not want to take US 6/US 202 to pick up NY 9D by the Bear Mountain Bridge) through Cold Spring and Beacon to its northern terminus at US 9 in Wappinger Falls (where some running event was going on because there were signs to watch for runners, but NY 9D was fully open).  I took US 9 SB to Fishkill to meet roadwaywiz, get the calendars, and then start to head back home.

I took I-84 WB across the Hudson River via the Newburgh-Beacon Bridge, and immediately exited onto US 9W SB/NY 32 SB into Newburgh to pick up NY 17K and ultimately NY 207.  Along the way on NY 207, I also clinched NY 747 and NY 416, which both have an airport (New York Stewart Int'l Airport for NY 747 and Orange County Airport for NY 416 (near the northern terminus via NY 211 so I technically was on NY 211 briefly, but not enough to put in my list file) along their routes.  I continued on NY 207 to its western terminus in Goshen, which did not lead to some super crazy experience beyond a route clinch and lunch at a Quikchek, and then took US 6 WB to pick up NY 284 in Slate Hill ultimately clinching NJ/NY 284 and completing all of the NJ routes.  I will not be at 100% for a long while in NJ as long as road construction keeps closing NPS 615 in the Delaware Water Gap.

I then took CR 639 and CR 565 (which should really just be more mileage for NJ 284) to US 206 SB at NJ 15, and took US 206 SB to NJ 94 SB.  I was going to take the Portland-Columbia Toll Bridge into PA and take PA 611 SB to PA 512 SB, but I was defaulted onto I-80 WB due to a closure at the I-80/US 46/NJ 94 interchange so I just took I-80 WB to US 209 SB to PA 33 SB to US 22 WB to I-78 WB to I-81 SB back to Harrisburg.

Clinched: NY 9A, NY 100C, NY 9D, NY 207, NY 747, NY 416, NJ/NY 284

New Mileage: US 9 (NY), NY 100, US 9W (NY), NY 32, NY 17K, NY 208

EDIT (12-15-2024):

So I missed the completed US 209/PA 115 roundabout in Brodheadsville the last couple times I was on PA 33 so time to go see it.  I took I-81 NB to US 209 NB to Brodheadsville to see the new roundabout.  I did get food at the Wawa there, but I had to get gas elsewhere as that Wawa does not have gas pumps.  I continued taking a detour for PA 115 NB via some of PA 715 and a quadrant route to get back to PA 115.  I took PA 115 NB past Pocono Raceway (it was too cold for me to justify trying to get the cop to move for the track entrance selfie) and I-80 to PA 940 EB to start some clinching when I got to PA 423.  From there I looped around the area a bit to clinch PA 423, PA 690, PA 502, and PA 307 (already done from Downtown Scranton to the north).  I did catch a break for PA 690 because even though there was a bridge closure on PA 590 just east of PA 690, I winged a local detour via a parallel township route from PA 348 that took me right to the PA 590/PA 690 intersection.  Once done with PA 307, I took I-380 SB to I-80 WB to I-81 SB (checking PA 424 between PA 309 and Commerce Dr again) and checked out the new PA 72 Bridge and the new traffic patterns around Fort Indiantown Gap before taking PA 443 WB to someone's else to drop off items and head home even though PA 39 was closed in Linglestown for an event so I got to drive some new local roads here as a result of that.

Clinched: PA 423, PA 690, PA 502, PA 307

There was no new mileage added on any other routes.

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: TBKS1 on December 16, 2024, 01:00:41 pm
I guess I could post this on here just because, but on Thursday 12/12, I took a drive to some parts of East Arkansas as part of a side project I'm working on. Clinched several short highways (and finished the rest of the 100-mile long AR 33), which was enough to get me to #1 in Arkansas. :D

Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: michih on December 31, 2024, 02:53:03 am
2024 was again a very good travelmapping year with an addition of 14,876 miles. I made it up to rank 11 with more than 140,000 miles now :)

My year end stats, total mileage active+preview systems:

Code: [Select]
End of 2013:   9,615 mi
End of 2014:  16,818 mi | + 7,203 mi
End of 2015:  19,169 mi | + 2,351 mi
End of 2016:  36,983 mi | +17,814 mi (~5,500mi deub system added)
End of 2017:  58,190 mi | +21,207 mi (~2,500mi deubyst, deubwl, deuhel, deunwl, deurpl, deusll systems added)
End of 2018:  70,811 mi | +12,621 mi (~  400mi remaining deuxxl systems added)
End of 2019:  84,520 mi | +13,709 mi
End of 2020:  92,967 mi | + 8,447 mi
End of 2021: 101,111 mi | + 8,144 mi
End of 2022: 112,505 mi | +11,394 mi
End of 2023: 126,035 mi | +13,530 mi
End of 2024: 140,911 mi | +14,876 mi

I traveled two missing routes < 999 ( Only two remaining:

Code: [Select]
780 781
Due to adding numerous routes, the "end of game for Europe" changed from 1186 to 1323. Nonetheless, I reduced the number of missing routes from 19 (end of 2023 ( to 12 because of some clinchathons to Austria:
Code: [Select]
780 781 1194 1245 1264 1269 1275 1292 1304 1310 1317 1321
780+781 are in Germany (NW), 1310 only in North Macedonia, the rest in England.

My stats by country (Top 10):

Code: [Select]
1.  DEU 53501.06 mi
2.  FRA 14875.25 mi
3.  ITA  7418.81 mi
4.  SWE  5755.95 mi
5.  ESP  5732.88 mi
6.  GBR  4986.86 mi
7.  AUT  4720.73 mi
8.  POL  3419.17 mi
9.  ROU  3051.45 mi
10. FIN  2732.99 mi

It's funny that Spain and Finland are still so high albeit I've not been there since 2017. I've only been to Finland for 7-days once :D

In 2024, I had travels to Morocco (first time Africa, 1,921 mi added!), Austria, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, Czechia, France, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia and a lot of Germany this year. Most new mileage for Germany (2,698 mi), Italy (2,251 mi) and Austria (2,041 mi).

Number of clinched regions: 5 (2 are over 99%, to be reclinched)
Number of clinched systems: 23 (5 are over 99%, to be reclinched)

btw, I'm over 100,000 TM segments now: 101,323 segments traveled ( :D
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapcat on January 01, 2025, 03:34:50 pm
Happy New Year! 2024 turned out to be another good year for road clinching, as I added another 22,479 miles to my total (about 17,300 in the US and the rest in Canada), increasing it to 370,530.39.

The year was the first in which I was able to fit in an overnight road trip each month. Some were relatively short ones to Tennessee, New York, or Wisconsin, but the longest one lasted almost 2 weeks and gave me the opportunity to add my first mileage in the Northwest Territories. My final clinched route for the year, WI 195, isn't in TM yet, but 919 others were, which increased my total clinches to 10,787 out of 13,436, and lifted my efficiency above 80%. New mileage and clinched routes came from 26 states and 7 provinces, including more than 100 new clinches in both New York and Virginia, plus another 99 in Tennessee.

Most new mileage came in New York (over 3,100 miles), Wisconsin (2,600), and Alberta (2,300), and I added over 1000 miles in California, Tennessee, Virginia, and Ontario, too. In March I completed the primary state systems in Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. For a few weeks in the summer, until a new segment of ON 15 came to light, canon was done too, and last week I came to within about 30 miles/4 routes of completing usava. In terms of multi-region systems, most of my new mileage happened in usaus and usaush (both 600+ new miles) and cantch (almost 800). The TCH system is over 75% complete now, US highways over 99%, and interstates are 100%, finally. For now.

Top 10 roads for the year:
Stats for previous years:

2023: +23,009.80 mi / +1,309 clinched routes
2022: +20,751.24 mi / +775
2021: +31,159.46 mi / +1,458
2020: +14,604.58 mi / +1,681
2019: +15,887.33 mi / +778
2018: +21,284.12 mi / +653
2017: +19,547.92 mi / +582
2016: +17,101.26 mi / +514
2015: +28,363.75 mi / +553 (mostly due to new systems being added when CHM transitioned to TM)
2014: +13,046.83 mi / +380
2013: +14,214.20 mi / +412 (I joined CHM in 2012)

Best wishes to everyone for a safe and rewarding 2025!
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: mapmikey on January 13, 2025, 12:26:13 pm
Took 3 trips since October to Charleston SC.  2 were by myself, so I was able to take some liberties...

New clinches in order:
SC 763, SC 441, SC 268, SC 109, NC 109, NC 24 (reclinch, Troy byp), NC 159 (reclinch, reroutes), NC 119 (reclinch, Mebane byp), NC 56 (reclinch, Creedmoor), NC 540 (reclinch, ext to I-40), US 421 (reclinch, Sanford byp), NC 87 Byp, NC 295 (ext to Camden Rd), NC 41 (reclinch, Lumberton byp), SC 527, SC 34 Trk Darlington, NC 711

New mileage:
SC 145, SC 265, US 64 (Asheboro byp), NC 211, NC 72, SC 34, SC 9, NC 130
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: neroute2 on January 13, 2025, 02:25:05 pm
I'm lucky to have a partner who's OK with taking non-freeways. We drove from Florida to Detroit to see her friend for new year's, following mostly US 25 to Asheville and US 23 into Ohio. It was much more peaceful than weekend winter break traffic on the Interstates.

Going back we spent a couple days in Cleveland, then went thru Pittsburgh and Charlotte. There were more Interstates that way, but I still got US 19 from I-79 to Princeton (north of Beckley was dark and snowy, so we spent the night in Beckley, then south of Beckley was an awesome winter scene with well-plowed roads). We also took US 52 via Winston-Salem and US 321 south of Columbia.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: SSOWorld on January 19, 2025, 11:42:23 am
Well, considering that I didn't put anything in last year (laziness or just had no desire) I'll summarize 2024.

Lots of back roads in IL to black the state out County-wise on the way along US-61 south of Memphis - which blacked-out US-61 in full nationally.
I have now 2 interstates that can be blacked out in full with a day's drive - 10 and 40.
I've finished off the following Interstates
- 2, 22, 69E, 69C, 69 in Hou area, 45, the then-unsigned 344 and 335 and future 240 (OK), Houston's inner loop and tollways sans TX-99 (which marks Beltway 8 according to this site), DFW's toll system sans San Reyburn, the rest of San Antonio's loop 410, 49 in AR/MO (again!)
- Knocked off Missori from the State-but-no-Capital list
- Finally got onto I-59 somewhere
The highlight is that I drove roads in the UK for the first time (so driving on the wrong side - from my point of view ;) ) - which gave me some M3 and M4 - I came close to the Magic Roundabout but but forgot about it! >:( - Got some A and B roads too - including a long-winded one-lane road.  Train-wise, the London Underground, DLR, Eurostar, RER and Paris Metro have been used.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: clong on January 19, 2025, 05:55:20 pm
About 90 new miles of AL state highways Friday.
Clinches: AL24, AL67, AL124
New Routes: AL102
Added Mileage: AL13, AL33
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: clong on January 22, 2025, 03:09:27 pm
About 80 new miles of AL State Highways and NPS Highways Monday.
Clinches: AL44, Natchez Trace Pkwy (AL only clinch)
New Routes: AL19, AL172, AL253
Added Mileage: AL129
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: Markkos1992 on January 26, 2025, 07:46:41 pm
Yesterday's drive to PA did not do much for me Travel Mapping wise beyond clarifying that the first new PA 981 alignment north of Mount Pleasant is open.

I started around 4 AM by taking US 322 WB to PA 970 NB to I-80 WB to Brookville, and took PA 36 SB and PA 28 SB to US 422 WB in Kittanning and then took US 422 WB to Butler getting off at PA 68.  I looped around Butler a bit before heading west on PA 68, and then took PA 528 to US 19 back to PA 68 in Zelienople.  I had to backtrack on quadrant routes to PA 588 as I had intended to take PA 288 WB by the Zelienople Airport to Ellwood City where I looped a bit before taking PA 351 WB to PA 18 SB.  I stayed on PA 18 SB past the I-76 interchange construction, Beaver Falls, New Brighton, and Rochester crossing the Monaca-Rochester Bridge (taking photos from a nearby park) and then took PA 51 NB across the East Rochester-Monaca Bridge to PA 65 SB taking the Crows Run Rd/Freedom Crider Rd/Freedom Rd corridor east to PA 228 and then I-79.

I took I-79 SB to I-70 EB for documentation and then took US 119 SB to PA 31 EB to PA 981 NB (for reclinching the new alignment between PA 819 and the Norvelt area south of PA 130).  I stayed on PA 981 NB all the way to PA 819 NB to PA 66 NB to PA 66 ALT NB back to PA 66 NB to US 422 EB.  I stopped briefly to view Margaret Rd underneath US 422 before taking US 422 EB to US 219 SB to US 22 EB to I-99/US 220 NB to US 322 EB back to Harrisburg.
Title: Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
Post by: cl94 on February 22, 2025, 08:53:36 pm
I spent several days in Seattle over the past week, and despite not having a rental car, I was able to get a bit of coverage. New coverage is as follows:



The WA 305 ferry also got me Kitsap County, my first new county of 2025. Plenty more of those to come, even if most will be outside the US.