Still need to work on concurrency checks. Any suggestions on an easy way to do those? Or just go through them one at a time?
We have some tools and logs for it: might open to option 1 on the left and enter
Geo, select the US state, not the Asian country.
Press enter.
Wait, the graph is automatically loaded after about 15s
(the usaga graph, it's faster with smaller graphs but takes longer with larger graphs, sometimes minutes).
Press "Done" on the left to close the AV table.
Deselect "Show Data Tables" to close the table to the right.
You see a map of Georgia with yellow dots all over Georgia now.
Deselect "Show Markers".
You see a map of Georgia with funny colors now
Select "Show Markers" again, it was just to show you what happenedZoom in where you wanna check concurrencies. Top left or directly to US routes or whatever.
I recommend GA1 / US27 south of Chattanooga because concurrency is actually broken here (and many times more to the south)The funny colors are created by lines. blue line = one route, green = two concurrent routes, magenta = 3 etc.
When there is a green line (2 routes concurrent) but interrupted by a dark blue line at visible or hidden wps, it's a sign that concurrencies are broken (dark blue because two standard blue lines are overlapping).
All "non-standard-colors" like the dark blue are possible broken concurrencies.
Check GA1/GA100/US27 south of Cedartown. It should be magenta but it is a mix of green and blue due to the broken concurrency
Just east of Cedartown is a mix of magenta and blue, just 3 routes are concurrent but it should be 4Click on the lines or markers to get info about the route name and wp labels. It's sometimes difficult to click all routes when they are mostly overlapped.
Extended expert mode (for a second run or regions with less broken concurrencies):Load HDX as described before.
Open in another browser TAB or window.
NMP files filtered by region (individual files)Select the ga.nmp file and download it - not esp-ga.nmp
Open a 2nd instance of HDX
Go to option 3 on the left and select the downloaded ga.nmp file
You can see about 30...40 colored dots on the map now. These are near-miss-points (NMPs). Points very close together.
The points are intentionally off to brake concurrencies (yellow) which are usually marked FP (they will apear green later).
The red points must be checked. These are most likely broken concurrencies or intersecting routes where the wps do not match.
Not matching wps means, that when you are in HB, the other route does not appear as "intersecting route", you cannot directly jump to the other route in HB. This should be fixed to, if the wp is really off by accident. It's possible that the wps are apart by intent though.
Since you only see the points but not the whole network graph, you might need to go to the other HDX instance to get the whole picture. To figure out which routes should intersect, what's going on there etc. For instance, it's possible that the routes are only broken on a very short segment you don't see (or missed) with the "option 1 view style".
Graphs and NMP files are updated with every site update (twice per year the graph generation is suspended when Jim needs it for his students. He notifies the suspension on the forum).
Just ask if you are not sure about details