- SR519_AstW -> SR519_Ast
- SR519_AstE -> SR519/535
- SR517_X - I don't like the choices of X here. _N has the SR517 heading south, _S has the SR517 heading north, there's a W-S concurrency and an E-N one. I think each concurrency should be E-W or N-S (doesn't matter which), and either use different, or use the same pair of cardinal directions but add village names.
- SR503_W -> SR503_Vej
- PR52_W -> PR52_S (MR heads west, but PR52 heads south-south-east. Concurrency paired with _N)
- PR52_S -> PR52_Vin
- PR26/SR186 is off, and would need to be PR26/186
- SR503_N -> SR503_W
- SR180_RanW -> SR180_RanN
- PR8_W -> PR8_Hor
- PR8_S -> PR8_Faa or PR43/44
- PR8_N -> PR8_W (I really don't get how you got _N at all here!)
- LehVej_W -> LehVej_E (concurrency)
- LehVej_E -> JuuVej
- SR305/PR9 -> PR9_E or PR9_Sim
- add point for SteVej (also SR305) as leads to correctly labelled SteVej_N
There's a systematic issue with your cardinal directions where they just make no sense half the time.
For the multiplex splits, add a suffix: an underscore followed by a direction letter. The direction letter should match the signed direction the concurrent route is splitting toward. US80_W in the US25 file means that US 80 heads west from US 25 at that point but is concurrent to the east.
If a non-exit-numbered highway is a cross road twice, add an underscored suffix. The direction letter refers to the relative position of the intersection along the route whose file is being made. US90_S is the southern of the two US 90 junctions along US 25, which runs S-N.
If a non-exit-numbered highway is a cross road a third time, a suffixless label is an option.
If more than two points for the same non-exit-numbered cross road are needed, there are two options which can be used in combination with or ignoring the previous options for pairs of identical labels.
1. Use alphabetical suffixes _A, _B, _C, etc.
2. Choose 3-letter suffixes for nearby towns if they are fairly close. The 3-letter suffix should be the first 3 letters of the town name. or a desired 3-letter abbreviation if the name consists of more than one word. Add a suffix with an underscore and those 3 letters.
And also, there's a systematic issue with PRxx/SRyyy points
Drop the prefix of the second highway if it is more than one character long. A5/A6 becomes A5/A6. I-5/I-6 becomes I-5/6. I-25/US50 becomes I-25/50.